
Moyamoya disease is a chronic, occlusive cerebrovascular disease with unknown etiology characterized by bilateral steno-occlusive changes at the terminal portion of the internal carotid artery and an abnormal vascular network at the base of the brain [7, 11]. Surgical revascularization for moyamoya disease prevents cerebral ischemic attack by improving cerebral blood flow (CBF), and both direct bypass and indirect pial synangiosis are known as the standard surgical procedures for moyamoya disease [1, 3, 5, 8, 10]. Despite the favorable outcome of revascularization surgery for moyamoya disease, it is also reported to result in transient neurologic deterioration due to cerebral hyperperfusion or cerebral ischemia during the acute stage after surgery [15, 10]. Since indirect pial synangiosis such as encephalo-myo-synangiosis (EMS) requires the insertion of temporal muscle under the bone flap [8], it has a substantial risk for compression of the brain if it gets swollen [12, 13]. However, the detail of such complication has not been reported except for the limited cases including the chronic stage after surgery [12, 13]. Here, we report a case of moyamoya disease which manifested as cerebral ischemia owing to compression of the brain by swollen temporal muscle used for EMS during the acute stage after direct–indirect revascularization surgery. Time sequential performance of N-isopropyl-p-[123I] iodoamphetamine single-photon emission computed tomography (123I-IMP-SPECT) allowed us to reveal the cerebral hemodynamics during and after this rare complication and provided important information to decide the timing for the revision of EMS.

Case report

A 26-year-old woman, who had been suffering from transient ischemic attack (TIA) during the past 10 years, was admitted to our service. Neurological examination found no abnormality, and initial magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) demonstrated steno-occlusive changes at the terminal portion of the bilateral internal carotid arteries (Fig. 1a). Fluid attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) found “ivy sign” predominantly on the left hemisphere, while there was no cerebral infarction (Fig. 1b). Preoperative 123I-IMP-SPECT found that her CBF and cerebrovascular reactivity were markedly compromised on the left hemisphere (Fig. 1c). Digital subtraction angiography confirmed the diagnosis of moyamoya disease (data not shown). Based on the diagnosis of moyamoya disease with apparent flow compromise and ischemic symptoms, she underwent superficial temporal artery-middle cerebral artery (STA-MCA) anastomosis with EMS on the left hemisphere [1]. The patency of the STA-MCA bypass was confirmed by IRIS-V infrared imaging system during surgery [9], and the postoperative 123I-IMP-SPECT showed increase in CBF on the operated hemisphere (Fig. 2b) compared to the preoperative finding (Fig. 1c). The patient did not suffer neurologic deficit immediately after surgery. Postoperative MRA showed the apparently patent STA-MCA bypass as a thick high signal intensity sign and diffusion weighted image showed no evidence of ischemic change (data not shown). Two days later, however, she suffered from fluctuating aphasia. The computed tomography (CT) scan revealed marked swelling of the temporal muscle used for indirect pial synangiosis which compressed the surface of the left brain (Fig. 2c). The 123I-IMP-SPECT 4 days after surgery showed significant decrease in CBF by the compression of the brain (arrows in Fig. 2d). Based on these findings, we considered that her aphasia was due to cerebral ischemia owing to compression of the brain by swollen temporal muscle used for EMS. Then, we performed revision of indirect bypass 4 days after initial surgery. The base of the temporal muscle was markedly compressed by the edge of the free bone flap, which resulted in swelling of the entire temporal muscle flap used for EMS. We drilled out the edge of the free bone flap and designed relatively wide bone window. We also drilled out the inner layer of the free bone flap for further decompression. Her aphasia was relieved postoperatively and CBF normalized 7 days after initial surgery (Fig. 2f). Her TIA completely disappeared after surgery, and there was no cerebrovascular event during the follow-up period. The MRA 3 months after surgery demonstrated STA-MCA bypass as a thick high signal (Fig. 3a) There was no brain damage on the operated hemisphere, and the ivy sign disappeared by FLAIR (Fig. 3b), suggesting the improvement of cerebral ischemia.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Preoperative MRA (a), FLAIR of MRI (b), and 123I-IMP-SPECT at rest (c); steno-occlusive changes at the terminal portion of the internal carotid artery were evident bilaterally (a). FLAIR demonstrated “ivy sign” predominantly on the left hemisphere, while there was no cerebral infarction (b). CBF was decreased in the MCA and ACA territories on the left hemisphere

Fig. 2
figure 2

Temporal profile of CT (a, c, e) and 123I-IMP-SPECT (b, d, f) at 1 day (a, b), 4 days (c, d), and 1 week (e, f) after left STA-MCA anastomosis with indirect pial synangiosis; CBF was increased on the operated hemisphere as early as 1 day after surgery (b), but it markedly reduced 4 days after surgery (arrows in d) when compression of the brain by swollen temporal muscle was apparent by CT (arrows in c). Revision of indirect bypass with bone flap drilling relieved the compression (e), and CBF was significantly increased after decompression (f)

Fig. 3
figure 3

Postoperative MRA (a) and MRI (FLAIR) (b) 3 months after revascularization surgery demonstrating that left STA-MCA bypass and the branches of left MCA were well visualized (arrow in a) and that ivy sign on the left hemisphere was disappeared


The present case indicated that the indirect revascularization procedure for moyamoya disease has a substantial risk for cerebral ischemia owing to compression of the brain by temporal muscle used for EMS during the acute stage after surgery, even when it is performed in combination with direct revascularization procedure. Since recent evidence suggests that surgical revascularization for moyamoya disease could result in temporary neurologic deterioration due to cerebral hyperperfusion during the acute stage after surgery [14, 10], it is clinically important to make accurate diagnosis of cerebral hyperperfusion and cerebral ischemia [1], especially when the compression of the brain was suspected by CT or MRI. Clinical presentation of cerebral hyperperfusion in moyamoya disease mimics that of cerebral ischemia, while the management of hyperperfusion is contradictory to that of ischemia [1, 4]. Based on these observations, we have stressed the importance of routine postoperative CBF measurement during the acute stage after revascularization surgery for moyamoya disease [13]. In the present case, time sequential 123I-IMP-SPECT allowed us to monitor the alteration of cerebral hemodynamics and provided important information to decide the timing for the revision of EMS. In fact, CBF normalized after the revision of EMS, and the patients was discharged without neurologic deficit. Thus, we recommend CBF analysis during the acute stage after revascularization surgery for moyamoya disease, when the patients manifest as neurologic sign after surgery.

A variety of techniques of indirect revascularization procedure such as EMS [1, 13], encephalo-duro-arterio-synangiosis [8], and multiple burr holes surgery [6] has been reported previously. The combination surgery of direct and indirect revascularization procedures has been getting more standard [1, 3, 5, 9] in light of the observation that the indirect techniques may further improve the postoperative cerebral hemodynamics by additional revascularization form meddle meningeal artery and/or deep temporal artery in wider territory on the ischemic hemisphere [5, 8]. Since we employed EMS in combination with STA-MCA anastomosis, which is one of the most common and minimally invasive indirect bypass techniques, we consider that the most of the indirect revascularization procedures have a substantial risk for the similar complication. Alternatively, multiple-burr-holes surgery could be a treatment of choice to avoid such complication [6] when it is employed without direct procedure. The exact mechanism by which the temporal muscle swelling occurred in the present case is undetermined. Venous congestion caused not only by the mechanical compression of the temporal muscle at the site of the insertion but also by the coagulation of the venous system of the temporal muscle during the manipulation may play a critical role in the pathophysiology of the temporal muscle swelling. Thus, it would be particularly important to preserve venous structure on the temporal muscle as well as to construct wider bone window at the site of temporal muscle insertion during this procedure for avoiding this rare complication.

Indirect revascularization procedure including EMS was reported to be effective especially in patients with childhood moyamoya disease [8], but this procedure has not been well discussed from the cosmetic viewpoint. Bone window for the insertion of temporal muscle used as EMS could result in linear indentation and thus cause aesthetic complaint especially in children and young women with moyamoya disease. The present case was a 26-year-old woman who had just married, and we do not rule out the possibility that minimization of the bone window for temporal muscle insertion in the present case might cause, in part, the compression of the temporal muscle base and, thus, result in marked swelling of the entire temporal muscle flap. Based on our findings, we recommend to drill out the inner layer of bone flap as well as to keep thorough bone window to avoid the risk for this rare complication, as long as the bone window is located behind the hair line. This issue remained to be solved in the future modification of surgical procedure for moyamoya disease also from the aesthetic viewpoint.