Erratum to: Amino Acids DOI 10.1007/s00726-007-0011-8

The present Fig. 6b shows that H2S was added at early time points (i.e.100 time/S). This was an oversight. Hcy induced a transient superoxide anion release in isolated myocardial mitochondria. However, in the early times, we found that H2S could not be added and a curve was not observed. So, we pre-incubated mitochondria with different concentrations of H2S, followed by the addition of Hcy. We found that pre-treatment with H2S at 10−9 mol/L, mostly blocked superoxide anion release induced by Hcy, and treated with H2S from 10−8 to 10−4 mol/L completely abolished superoxide anion production, that is, the tracings were not elevated and remained at baseline.

The correct Fig. 6 is given below:

Fig. 6
figure 1

Hydrogen sulfide cleaved reactive oxygen species produced by Hcy in myocardial mitochondria. a Myocardial mitochondria were isolated from normal rat hearts and incubated with 0.1 mmol/L Hcy for 5 min followed by H2O2 production triggered by succinate acid. At peak H2O2 production, various dosages of H2S were added in the incubation buffer, step by step, from low to high dosage. The H2O2 production curve was monitored by computerized chemilal machine. b Isolated myocardial mitochondria were incubated with 0.1 mmol/L Hcy for 5 min followed by measuring the superoxide anion production by lucigenin-derived chemiluminescence. At the peak of the curve, different concentrations of H2S were added and the alteration in superoxide anion was recorded. An amount of 0.1 mM hypoxanthine plus 10 mU xanthine oxidase induced superoxide anion was used as a positive control