Correction to: Microchimica Acta (2018) 185: 87

The authors of “A glassy carbon electrode modified with N-doped carbon dots for improved detection of hydrogen peroxide and paracetamol (Microchimica Acta 185, no. 2 (2018): 87)” wish to replace the incorrect images of Fig. 1C, 1D shown below. Unfortunately in original work, the XPS elemental survey of the NCDs was wrongly given.

The correct images of XPS data for N doped carbon dots showed below.

Correct Fig 1

figure a

In the Results and discussion:

“The percentages of C, N, O are 59.1%, 19.5% and 20.71%” should be revised to “The percentages of C, N, O are 33.2%, 28.5% and 38.3%”.

“The peaks located at 285.2 eV and 287.2 eV are assigned to N-sp2 carbon and N-sp3 carbon” should be revised to “The peaks located at 286.2 eV and 287.9 is assigned to C-N and C-O bonding”.

In the Conclusion:

“A room-temperature” should be revised to “A low-temperature”.