1 Introduction

Collaborative filtering (CF) targets at formulating personalized recommendations by taking into account user opinions on items expressed as ratings. CF algorithms are distinguished into two main categories, the user-based (or user–user) and item-based (or item–item). User-based CF algorithms initially examine the resemblance of already entered user ratings on items, in order to identify people who share similar likings, tastes, and opinions—these users are termed as “near neighbors” (NNs)—who will act as potentially recommenders to a user U, since U’s recommendations formulation will be based on their ratings [1]. Finally, the recommendation of an item I is the result of the prediction the user-based CF algorithm will produce for this item, which is based on: (1) the similarity between user U and his NNs and (2) the ratings that U’s NNs have entered for item I [2].

However, certain types of users prefer to experience items (we will henceforth use the word “experience” to substitute the cases of “purchasing,” “listening,” “watching,” “playing,” “tasting,” etc.) the moment they become available in the stores, or even preorder (e.g., an iPhone, the Microsoft Flight Simulator, a pair of shoes, or an expensive red wine). Other types of buyers prefer to wait for a period of time before ordering; the period may vary depending on the item category—e.g., a smartphone buyer may wait for a couple of months, while a car buyer may wait for a whole year, or even more—until a satisfactory amount of feedback (reviews and/or evaluations) becomes available for the item of interest [3]. Marketing research has recognized this consumer behavior at least three decades ago: in [4] adopters of new products are classified in five categories depending on their experiencing wait period (EWP): innovators; early adopters; early majority; late majority; and laggards (in increasing order of EWP). Since the introduction of this classification, many researchers have studied different related attributes of customer’s behavior and/or factors specific to particular customer categories or market segments [5,6,7,8]. Taking the above information into account, recommender systems (RSs) should try to align their recommendations with the users’ patterns of practice, arranging so that users with small EWPs receive recommendations for newly released products, while refraining from presenting such recommendations to users with long EWPs.

In this paper, we address the aforementioned problem by (1) introducing the concept of the Experiencing Period Criterion (EPC), as well as (2) presenting a related algorithm, namely CFEPC, which modifies the rating prediction value based on the combination of the users’ usual experiencing time period in a certain item category and the item’s period the rating to be predicted belong to, in order to enhance the rating prediction accuracy of CF-based RSs.

In order to validate the rating prediction accuracy of the CFEPC algorithm proposed in this work, we conduct an extensive evaluation, using seven contemporary and widely used datasets from various product categories (books, music, movies, videogames, etc.), considering the two most widely used similarity metrics in CF research, namely the Pearson Correlation Coefficient (PCC) and the Cosine Similarity (CS) [1, 2]. To measure the algorithm’s prediction accuracy, we employ four rating prediction error metrics, including the two most widely used ones in CF research, the Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and the Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) [1, 2]. We also compare the performance of the CFEPC algorithm against the performance of:

  1. (a)

    The Common Item Rating Past Criterion-based algorithm (denoted as CFCIRPaC), proposed in [9], which exploits the ratings’ timestamps to adjust the significance of rating (di)similarity for an item among two users according to the resemblance between the set of experiences that each of the users had before rating the item.

  2. (b)

    The Early Adopters algorithm (denoted as CFEA), proposed in [10], which also adjusts the significance of rating (di)similarity for an item among two users, however on a different basis. More specifically, the CFEA algorithm introduces an adoption eagerness likeness factor between two ratings for the same item, boosting the importance of (di)similarities between ratings that belong to the same experiencing period of the item (early or late) and attenuating this importance when the ratings belong to different experiencing periods.

Furthermore, the CFCIRPaC and the CFEA algorithms have been published recently, being thus within the state-of-the-art in the field of collaborative filtering, have been shown to surpass the performance of other state-of-the-art CF algorithms.

All three algorithms (the proposed CFEPC, the CFCIRPaC, and the CFEA) are based only on the very basic CF information (no item categories and characteristics, no social relations between users, no demographic data, etc.), which is comprised only of user ratings on items, including the time of the rating, and consequently can be used by every CF-based recommender system.

The proposed methodology achieves considerable improvements considering rating prediction accuracy and recommendation quality and outperforms recently published algorithms. This is achieved because, unlike the CFCIRPaC [9] and the CFEA [10] algorithms that undertake a fine-grained approach to adjust the importance between already entered rating (di)similarities, the CFEPC algorithm proposed in this paper takes a different approach, adjusting the value of the prediction by a factor corresponding to the perceived utility of the item to the user, according to the item “freshness” and the typical EWP of the user, as the latter is derived by the ratings s/he has already entered in the user-item ratings database. This shift of focus has been shown experimentally to lead to improved rating prediction accuracy.

Finally, it is worth noting that the CFEPC algorithm presented in this work, can be combined with other works in the domain of CF, targeting either to: (a) increase rating prediction computation efficiency, (b) enhance rating prediction accuracy, or (c) improve recommendation quality in CF-based RSs. Such works include concept drift detection techniques [11,12,13,14], clustering techniques [15,16,17], algorithms which exploit social network data [5, 6], or hybrid filtering algorithms [18,19,20].

The rest of the paper is structured as follows: Sect. 2 overviews related work, while Sect. 3 introduces the CFEPC algorithm. Section 4 reports on the methodology for tuning the algorithm operation, as well as evaluates the presented algorithm using seven contemporary and widely used CF datasets, and, finally, Sect. 5 concludes the paper and outlines future work.

2 Related work

CF-based systems’ accuracy is a research field targeted by numerous research works [21, 22] over the last years, and many features of the ratings database or external linked data sources, wherever available, have been taken into consideration for improving rating prediction accuracy [18, 23].

[24] recognizes three types of similar users (super dissimilar, average similar, and super similar), by combining traditional similarity metrics. It also presents a new similarity metric that is used in the case of average similar user pairs and evaluates the presented recommendation method by experimenting with data derived from Movielens and Epinions datasets. [25] proposes a neural network-based recommendation framework, which targets to issue of the RSs efficiency by investigating sampling strategies in the stochastic gradient descent training for the framework. It also establishes a connection between the user-item interaction bipartite graph and the loss functions, where the latter are defined on links, while the graph nodes include major computation burdens. [26] proposes an RS algorithm which achieves to improve rating prediction quality by taking into account the users’ ratings variability when computing rating predictions. Matrix factorization (MF) techniques [27] constitute an alternative approach to computing rating predictions for users. As noted in [28], MF-based RS algorithms always produce predictions for users ratings on items; however, when these techniques are applied to sparse datasets, the predictions involving items or users which do not have a sufficient number of ratings actually degenerate to a dataset-dependent constant value, and hence are not considered as personalized predictions [29] a phenomenon reflected into the rating prediction accuracy of the algorithm.

A different approach targeting the rating prediction accuracy improvement is the knowledge-based CF systems. [30] presents a context-aware knowledge-based mobile RS, namely RecomMetz, which targets the domain of movie showtimes based on multiple features such as time, location, and crowd information. RecomMetz considers the items to be recommended as composite entities, with the most important aspects of them being the movie, the theater, as well as the showtime. [31] proposes a knowledge-based CF system which produces leisure time suggestions to Social Network (SN) users. The presented algorithm considers the profile and habits of the users, qualitative attributes of the items-places, such as price, service, and atmosphere, places similarity, the geographical distance between the places’ locations, as well as the users’ influencers’ opinions.

Many works identified that SN information can be incorporated in a CF-based system, in order to upgrade rating prediction accuracy. [32] proposes an SN memory-based CF algorithm and examines the impact of incorporating social ties in the rating prediction formulation, targeting rating prediction accuracy. Furthermore, in order to tune the contribution of the SN information, it uses a learning method in the presented similarity measure, as a weight parameter. [17] presents a clustering approach to CF recommendation that, instead of using rating data, exploits relationships between SN users in order to identify their neighborhoods. Furthermore, the algorithm applies a complex network clustering technique on the SN users, in order to formulate similar user groups and then, uses traditional CF algorithms in order to generate the recommendations. [33] proposes an algorithm that targets SN RSs which operate using sparse user-item rating matrixes and sparse SN graphs. For each user, this algorithm computes partial predictions for item ratings items from both the user’s CF neighborhood and SN neighborhood, which are then combined using a weighted average technique. The weight is adjusted to fit the characteristics of the dataset, while for users having no CF (resp. SN) near neighbors, item predictions are based only on the respective user’s social neighborhood (resp. CF neighborhood). Although all the aforementioned approaches successfully improve CF prediction accuracy, the improvement is based on information found in complementary information sources (e.g., an SN), which is not always available.

Recent research has shown that the exploitation of the time parameter in the rating prediction formulation process can significantly improve CF systems rating prediction accuracy, due to the concept drift phenomenon (when the relation between the input data and the target variable changes over time) [34]. A fuzzy user-interest drift detection recommender algorithm, which adapts to user-interest drift in order to improve rating prediction accuracy, is introduced in [35], while [36] builds a Bayesian personalized ranking algorithm which takes into account the user behavior temporal dynamics and price sensitivity. The work in [37] presents a concept drift MF algorithm for tracking concept drift, by developing a modified stochastic gradient descent method. The work in [38] introduces an algorithm which by taking into account users rating abstention intervals improves the rating prediction accuracy, proving that the periods of users rating inactivity may often indicate a shift of user interest.

Pruning techniques, based on the time the ratings have assigned to the items, have also been proposed [28, 39], in order to eliminate aged ratings from the ratings database, in the sense that they fail to reflect users’ current trends, and hence they contribute to the formulation of high error predictions.

Recently, the work in [9] has introduced the Common Item Rating Past Criterion (CIRPaC), which increases the similarity between user U, for whom a prediction is being formulated, and his NN user V, when they have experienced and rated common content before assigning a rating to the item i for which a prediction is being formulated. Furthermore, the work in [10] proposes the “early adopters” algorithm which improves rating prediction quality, by taking into account the eagerness shown by consumers to purchase and rate items. The “early adopters” algorithm regulates the weight that each NN’s V rating for an item i affects the rating prediction for that item formulated for a user U, depending on whether V and U exhibit similar levels of eagerness to adopt item i or not.

However, none of the above-mentioned works takes into account the information of the experiencing period (Early or Late) in which the users’ usual experiencing time and the time of their rating to be predicted belong. The present paper fills this gap by presenting an algorithm that amplifies or diminishes the prediction value produced by a CF system, based on whether the aforementioned rating times belong to the item’s same (common) period or not, respectively, and assesses its performance using (a) two similarity metrics, (b) two error metrics, as well as (c) seven widely used CF datasets.

3 The proposed algorithm

CF algorithms consist of two main steps for the formulation of a prediction for a user U. The first step is to identify U’s NNs (the set of users who will act as recommenders to user U), while the second step is to compute the personalized predictions for U, based on the ratings of these NNs.

The set of U’s NNs, denoted as NNU, consists of users that have rated items similarly to U; typically, the quantified rating similarity is required to exceed some threshold, e.g., the value 0 for the PCC. The similarity metric between two users U and V is typically quantified using the PCC [1, 2], which is expressed as follows:

$${sim}\_p\left( {U, V} \right) = \frac{{\mathop \sum \nolimits_{k} \left( {r_{U,k} - \overline{{r_{U} }} } \right)*\left( {r_{V,k} - \overline{{r_{V} }} } \right)}}{{\sqrt {\mathop \sum \nolimits_{k} \left( {r_{U,k} - \overline{{r_{u} }} } \right)^{2} *\mathop \sum \nolimits_{k} \left( {r_{V,k} - \overline{{r_{V} }} } \right)^{2} } }}$$

where k is the set of items both being rated by users U and V, while \(\overline{{r_{u} }}\) and \(\overline{{r_{V} }}\) are the mean values of ratings entered by users U and V in the rating database, respectively.

Similarly, the CS metric [1, 2] is expressed as follows:

$${sim\_{cs}}\left( {U, V} \right) = \frac{{\mathop \sum \nolimits_{k} r_{U,k} *r_{V,k} }}{{\sqrt {\mathop \sum \nolimits_{k} \left( {r_{U,k} } \right)^{2} } *\sqrt {\mathop \sum \nolimits_{k} \left( {r_{V,k} } \right)^{2} } }}$$

Subsequently, in order to compute a rating prediction pU,i for the rating that user U would assign to item i, the following formula [1, 2] is applied:

$$p_{U,i} = \overline{{r_{u} }} + \frac{{\mathop \sum \nolimits_{{V \in NN_{u} }} {sim}\left( {U, V} \right)*\left( {r_{V,i} - \overline{{r_{V} }} } \right)}}{{\mathop \sum \nolimits_{{V \in NN_{u} }} {sim}\left( {U, V} \right)}}$$

where sim(U,V) is either sim_p(U,V) (equation 1) or sim_cs(U,V) (equation 2), depending on the similarity metric utilised. The proposed algorithm modifies the prediction computation formula (3), by accommodating an adjustment that is based on the relation between (a) the experiencing period for item i that the computed prediction to be made belongs to and (b) the user-specific EWP for items. More specifically, the formula (3) is modified as follows:

$$p_{U,i}^{t} = \overline{{r_{u} }} + \frac{{\mathop \sum \nolimits_{{V \in NN_{u} }} {sim}\left( {U, V} \right)*\left( {r_{V,i} - \overline{{r_{V} }} } \right)}}{{\mathop \sum \nolimits_{{V \in NN_{u} }} {sim}\left( {U, V} \right)}} + {EWP\_adj}\left( {U,i,t} \right)$$

where factor \({EWP\_adj}\left( {U,i,t} \right)\) is an adjustment (positive/bonus or negative/malus) assigned to each prediction, based on (a) the time t at which the prediction is computed, (b) the lifespan of item i, and (c) user U’s usual EWP (short or prolonged) for item i’s category. The \({EWP\_adj}\left( {U,i,t} \right)\) factor aims to try to align their recommendations with the users’ patterns of practice, arranging so that users with small EWPs receive recommendations for newly released products, while refraining from presenting such recommendations to users with long EWPs; and conversely for products which have been released before a considerable amount of time.

The rationale behind the inclusion of the \({EWP\_adj}\left( {U,i,t} \right)\) factor in the rating prediction formula is that when a user U usually waits for a period of time before experiencing items (cars, mobile phones or an innovative product, in general), in order to get useful product reviews from other users, an RS which recommends to him a product that it has just been released, will probably lead to an unsuccessful recommendation and vice versa. Note that the notation for the prediction in formula (4) is extended to include the time t at which the prediction is computed: this is in-line with the rationale presented above, since the perceived utility of the item to the user may increase or decrease along the time axis, since—for instance—a user categorized as an “innovator” is not expected to be interested in products that are already present in the market for a long time.

In order to compute the value of the \({EWP\_adj}\left( {U,i,t} \right)\) factor, the following information is required:

  • Each item’s effective lifespan ELi, i.e., the period between the item’s release date reli, and the item’s end-of-life date eoli. If the item’s release date or end-of-life dates are unavailable, they are estimated following the method introduced in [10], where the product’s lifespan is assumed to begin when the first rating assigned for this item enters the ratings database. Respectively, the end of the item’s effective lifespan is set to the timestamp of the last rating present in the database: for products that are actively consumed and rated, this will be close to the present time point, while for retired products this corresponds to the time point beyond which consumers have shown no interest for the product. Value normalization is performed according to the standard minmax formula.

  • The early experiencing period for each item i, denoted as EEPi, is a period that is deemed to be close to the beginning of the item’s effective lifespan. EEPi starts at the item’s release date reli, whereas the end of EEPi is set to a percentage of the duration of the item’s lifespan; this percentage is the early experiencing period threshold (EEPT), and its optimal value is determined experimentally in Sect. 4. Formally,

    $${EEP}_{i} = \left[ {{{rel}}_{i} ,{{rel}}_{i} + \left( {{{eol}}_{i} {-}{{rel}}_{i} } \right)*{{EEPT}}} \right]$$

    where EEPT ∈ [0, 1].

  • The late experiencing period for each item i, denoted as LEPi, is a period that is deemed to be close to the end of the item’s effective lifespan. LEPi ends at the item’s end-of-life date eoli, while its beginning is set to a percentage of the duration of the item’s lifespan; this percentage is the late experiencing period threshold (LEPT), and its optimal value is determined experimentally in Sect. 4. Formally

    $${{LEP}}_{i} = \left( {{{eol}}_{i} - \left( {{{eol}}_{i} {-}{{rel}}_{i} } \right)*{{LEPT}},{{eol}}_{i} } \right]$$

    where LEPT ∈ [0, 1]. Additionally, since EEPi and LEPi must not overlap, it follows that

    $${{EEPT}} + {{LEPT}} \le 1$$

    If (EEPT + LEPT = 1), then the item’s lifespan is partitioned into two experiencing periods, the early and the late one, with no time gap between them. If, however, (EEPT + LEPT < 1), then a time gap exists between EEPi and LEPi, which is deemed to be a “neutral” period, in the sense that it is not classified either as early, or as late.

  • The normalized timestamp of rating rU,I is denoted as NT(rU,i); this quantity refers to the amount of time that has elapsed until user U has rated the item i, normalized to the item i’s effective lifespan ELi. Formally, NT(rU,i) is expressed as follows:

    $${NT}\left( {r_{U,i} } \right) = \frac{{{timestamp}(r_{U,i} ) - {rel}_{i} }}{{{eol}_{i} - {rel}_{i} }}$$

    Similarly, we can also compute the normalized time for a prediction pU,i, by considering its timestamp to be equal to the time at which its computation took place.

  • User U’s mean experiencing time (MET(U)): this quantity refers to the mean value of the normalized timestamps of U’s ratings. A value close to 0 indicates that U tends to experience items immediately as they become available (thus U belongs to the innovators category identified in [4]), while a value close to 1 indicates the exact opposite practice (classifying thus U to the laggards category listed in [4]). Formally, MET(U) is expressed as follows:

    $${MET}\left( {U} \right) = \frac{{\mathop \sum \nolimits_{r \in R\left( U \right)} {NT}\left( {r_{{{U},i}} } \right)}}{{\left| {{R_U} } \right|}}$$

    where R(U) denotes the set of ratings that have been entered by user U.

Using the quantities above, the \({EWP\_adj}\left( {U,i,t} \right)\) factor is defined as shown in Eq. (10):

$${EWP\_adj}\left( {U,i,t} \right) = \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}l} {CEPB,} \hfill & { {\text{if}}\;(t \in {\text{EEP}}_{i} \wedge {\text{MET}}\left( U \right) < {\text{EEPT}}) \vee (t \in {\text{LEP}}_{i} \wedge {\text{MET}}\left( U \right) > 1 - {\text{LEPT)}}} \hfill \\ { - {DEPM},} \hfill & {{\text{if}}\;(t \in {\text{EEP}}_{i} \wedge {\text{MET}}\left( U \right) > 1 - {\text{LEPT}}) \vee (t \in {\text{LEP}}_{i} \wedge {\text{MET}}\left( U \right) < {\text{EEPT}})} \hfill \\ {0,} \hfill & {\text{otherwise }} \hfill \\ \end{array} } \right.$$

Effectively, the first branch of Eq. (10) computes a positive value, equal to CEPB (Common Experiencing Period Bonus) for factor \({EWP\_adj}\left( {U,i,t} \right)\) when either (a) the time at which the prediction is computed falls within the item’s early experiencing period and the user has exhibited an eagerness to experience items or (b) the time at which the prediction is computed falls within the item’s late experiencing period and the user has exhibited un-eagerness to experience items. Thus, the predictions for “fresh” items are boosted for “early adopters,” and so are the predictions for “mature” items for “late adopters.”

Conversely, the second branch computes a negative value, equal to DEPM (Dissimilar Experiencing Period Malus) for factor \({EWP\_adj}\left( {U,i,t} \right)\) when either (a) the time at which the prediction is computed falls within the item’s early experiencing period and the user has exhibited un-eagerness to experience item or (b) the time at which the prediction is computed falls within the item’s late experiencing period and the user has exhibited an eagerness to experience item. Thus, the predictions for “fresh” items are lowered for “late adopters,” and so are the predictions for “mature” items for “early adopters.”

Finally, the third branch concerns predictions that are formulated in item’s “neutral” periods (i.e., neither within EEPi and nor within LEPi), as well as predictions formulated for users which are neither early nor late adopters; for such cases, the prediction rating computed by Eq. (3) is left intact.

Table 1 summarizes the algorithm parameters and notations introduced above.

Table 1 Algorithm parameters and notations

Listing 1 presents the CFEPC algorithm introduced in this paper, and more specifically the rating prediction formulation function (realizing formula (4)) as well as the computation of the EWP_adj parameter (formula (10)).

figure a

For the application of this algorithm, the parameters EEPT, LEPT, CEPB, and DEPM, listed above, need to be determined. The setting of these parameters to their optimal values is explored experimentally in the following section, where the evaluation of the CFEPC algorithm is also presented.

4 Algorithm tuning and experimental evaluation

In the following section, we report on our experiments aiming to:

  1. 1.

    Determine the optimal values for parameters EEPT, LEPT, CEPB, and DEPM, in order to tune the CFEPC algorithm and

  2. 2.

    Assess the rating prediction accuracy achieved by the CFEPC algorithm, to quantify the gains obtained due to the consideration of the Experiencing Period Criterion.

  3. 3.

    Compare the performance of the CFEPC algorithm proposed in this paper, against the performance of the CFCIRPaC algorithm presented in [9], and the CFEA algorithm proposed in [10], which are also based only on the very basic CF information, comprising only user ratings on items, including the time of the rating, so that it can be used by every CF-based recommender system. In all comparisons, the performance of the plain CF algorithm is used as a baseline. Both the CFCIRPaC and the CFEPC algorithm are recently (2019) published state-of-the-art CF algorithms which additionally (a) aim at increasing the rating prediction accuracy through the exploitation of experiencing times and (b) necessitate no external information (e.g., consumers’ text reviews or user relationships sourced from SNs).

In order to quantify the rating prediction quality, both the MAE and the RMSE [1, 2] error metrics have been employed, used in the majority of the works targeting at rating prediction computation, e.g., [40,41,42,43,44]. The reason behind the use of two error metrics is that while the MAE is a linear score (i.e., all the individual differences are weighted equally in the average), the RMSE is a quadratic scoring metric, which gives a relatively high weight to large errors.

In order to evaluate the algorithms’ rating prediction MAE and RMSE scores, we exercised the standard “hide one” technique [1, 2, 9]: each time a particular rating in the database was hidden and then its value was tried to be predicted based on the values of other, non-hidden ratings; this process was repeated for each rating in the database. Additionally, a second experiment was performed, where, for each user, only his last rating (based on the ratings’ timestamps) was hidden, and again its value was predicted based on the other, non-hidden, ratings. The above two experiments gave very similar results (the differences observed were less than 2.5% in all cases); hence, we report only on the results of the first experiment, for conciseness purposes. Furthermore, we believe that the first experiment gives a more comprehensive insight into the algorithm’s performance since the latter experiment is biased to computing predictions that lie within the items’ LEP.

To validate the significance of the MAE and RMSE reduction results, we conducted statistical significance tests, across all datasets, between the CFEPC algorithm, presented in this paper and each one of the CFCIRPaC and CFEA algorithms, used in the comparison.

Furthermore, in this paper, two additional error metrics have been employed for further quantifying the rating prediction quality: (a) the percentage of the cases an algorithm formulates the prediction closest to the real rating, namely “closest prediction,” and (b) the above-recommender-threshold F1-measure values of the formulated predictions, following the approach utilized in [45, 46].

All our experiments were executed on seven datasets. Five of these datasets have been obtained from Amazon [47, 48], while the remaining two have been sourced from MovieLens [49, 50]. Some of the datasets are relatively sparse (such as the Amazon “Books,” whose density is equal to 0.004%), while some of them are relatively dense (such as the Amazon “Office Supplies,” with its density is equal to 0.448%). The reason behind testing both sparse and dense datasets is to establish the applicability of the CFEPC algorithm in every dataset. It has to be mentioned that we have used the exact same datasets against which the CFCIRPaC [9] and CFEA [10] algorithms were tested; however, in this paper, we have used their respective 5-core datasets (in which each of the remaining users and items has at least 5 ratings). The reason for this change is that in many cases (5–15% in each of the Amazon datasets) predictions could not be formulated due to the fact that the rating to be predicted was the only one recorded for that particular item within the database, hence neither the EEP nor the LEP could be set. Furthermore, if we include the cases that only two ratings of a particular item exist, which constitute an extreme situation, where only the DEPM will be given in the prediction formulation (since the rating with the earliest timestamp belongs to the item’s EEP, while the other rating belongs to its relative LEP), the overall problematic cases are calculated at 10–25% in each of the Amazon datasets, making these datasets untrustworthy for evaluation. Hence, in order to eliminate these cases, the 5-core datasets were used (where for each rating to be predicted, there are at least 4 more ratings on this item, enough for the EEP and LEP to be successfully set). It is worth noting that in the experiments reported for the CFCIRPaC algorithm [9], the datasets were preprocessed to remove users having less than 10 ratings each, while this practice was also used for the experiments performed for the evaluation of the CFEA algorithm [51].

The seven datasets used in our experiments are summarized in Table 2, while they also exhibit the following properties:

Table 2 Datasets summary
  1. 1.

    They contain each rating’s timestamp, the existence of which is essential for the operation of the CFEPC algorithm,

  2. 2.

    They are contemporary (published between 1996 and 2019),

  3. 3.

    They are widely used as benchmarking datasets in CF research and

  4. 4.

    They differ in regard to the category of product domain of the dataset (books, music, food, videogames, etc.) and size (ranging from 1.4 MB to 216 in plain text format).

For our experiments, we used a laptop equipped with an Intel N5000 @ 1.1 GHz CPUs with 8 GB of RAM and a 256 GB SSD with a transfer rate of 560MBps, which hosted the seven datasets, used in our work, and ran the rating prediction algorithms.

4.1 Determining the algorithm’s parameters

The goal of the first experiment is to determine the optimal values for parameters EEPT, LEPT, CEPB, and DEPM, used in the CFEPC algorithm. In order to find the optimal setting for the aforementioned parameters, we explored different combinations of values for them. In total, more than 50 candidate setting combinations were examined; however, for conciseness purposes, we report only on the most indicative ones. More specifically, for each setting combination, we present the prediction accuracy improvement achieved, in terms of the MAE and the RMSE scores.

It has to be mentioned that the results were found to be relatively consistent across the seven datasets tested (in the majority of the combinations tested, the ranking of parameter value combinations was the same across all datasets); hence, in this subsection, we only present the average values of the respective error metrics for all datasets.

Figure 1 illustrates the rating prediction error reduction (using both the MAE and the RMSE error metrics) under different parameter value combinations when similarity is measured using the PCC similarity metric.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Prediction error reduction under different parameter value combinations, when using the PCC as the similarity metric

In Fig. 1, we can observe that the setting where EEPT = 50%, LEPT = 50% (meaning that no “neutral” period will be set), CEPB = 0.6, and DEPM = 0.6 is the one achieving the largest prediction error reductions, for both error quantification metrics (MAE and RMSE). In more detail, the MAE drops by 5.81%, on average, and the RMSE is reduced by 5.04%. It has to be mentioned that this setting has proven to be the optimal one, in all datasets tested, among the eight settings illustrated in Fig. 1 (this is also true among settings that were tested but not shown). In the three last settings depicted in Fig. 1, EEPT and LEPT are both set to 1.0 and 0, respectively, and therefore all ratings and predictions are artificially considered as “early,” and therefore the CEPB bonus is added to all predictions; however, the value of the bonus depends on the distance between the user’s mean normalized experience time and the prediction’s normalized time: when this distance is zero (i.e., the rating prediction is computed at exactly the time point that the user experiences items, on average), the bonus takes its maximum value (0.5, 0.7 and 1.0, for each of the three cases, respectively). Conversely, when the distance increases, the value of the bonus is reduced and may even assume negative values (except for the third case, where the value of CEPB is non-negative).

Similarly, when the CS similarity metric is used, the exact same setting is the one that delivers the highest reductions in prediction errors, again, for both MAE and RMSE quantification metrics; using this setting, the respective reductions are 5.64% and 4.98%, as shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Prediction error reduction under different parameter value combinations, when using the CS similarity metric

When using the CS similarity metric, the setting where the EEPT = 50%, the LEPT = 50%, the CEPB = 0.6, and the DEPM = 0.6 is ranked again first in all seven datasets tested, among the eight settings illustrated in Fig. 2 (this is also true among settings that were tested but not shown).

4.2 Comparison with previous work

After having determined the optimal parameter values for the operation of the CFEPC algorithm, we proceed in evaluating the algorithm’s performance in terms of rating prediction accuracy, using the seven datasets listed in Table 2, using the performance of the plain CF algorithm as a baseline. Besides obtaining absolute metrics regarding improvements in the prediction accuracy achieved by the CFEPC algorithm, presented in this paper, we compare its performance against the performance of the CFCIRPaC and the CFEA algorithms, introduced in [9, 10], respectively. As noted above, both CFCIRPaC and CFEA (a) are state-of-the-art algorithms targeting the improvement of rating prediction accuracy in the context of CF, (b) do not need extra information, regarding the users or the items (e.g., item categories or user social relationships), and hence can be applied in every CF-based RS, and (c) do not deteriorate the prediction coverage (i.e., the cases for which a personalized prediction can be formulated).

In the following paragraphs, we report on our findings regarding the aforementioned, using (1) a CF implementation, which employs the PCC user similarity metric, and (2) a CF implementation, which employs the CS user similarity metric.

4.2.1 Comparison using the PCC similarity metric

Figure 3 illustrates the improvement in the MAE achieved by the CFEPC algorithm, when compared to the CFCIRPaC [9] and CFEA [10] algorithms, taking the performance of the plain CF algorithm as a baseline and using the PCC as the similarity metric.

Fig. 3
figure 3

MAE reduction achieved by the proposed algorithm, in comparison to the CFCIRPaC [9] and CFEA [10] algorithms, when using the PCC similarity metric

We can clearly notice that the CFEPC algorithm, presented in this paper, achieves an average prediction MAE reduction equal to 5.81%, exceeding by approximately 110% the mean improvement attained by the CFCIRPaC algorithm [9], while the corresponding improvement against the CFEA algorithm is approximately 75%. At the individual dataset level, the performance edge of the proposed algorithm against the CFCIRPaC algorithm ranges from 66% (for the MovieLens 100 K dataset) to 190% (for both the Amazon “Movies and TV” and the MovieLens 20 M datasets), while CFEPC outperforms the CFEA algorithm by a margin ranging from 30% (for the MovieLens 100 K dataset) to 210% (for the Amazon “Videogames” dataset).

Figure 4 illustrates the respective improvement in the RMSE achieved by the proposed algorithm, when compared to the CFCIRPaC [9] and CFEA [10] algorithms, again taking the performance of the plain CF algorithm as a baseline and using the PCC as the similarity metric.

Fig. 4
figure 4

RMSE reduction achieved by the proposed algorithm, in comparison to the CFCIRPaC [9] and CFEA [10] algorithms, when using the PCC similarity metric

We can again notice that the CFEPC algorithm, presented in this paper, achieves an average prediction RMSE reduction equal to 5.04%, exceeding by 90% the performance of the CFCIRPaC algorithm [9], on average; the respective improvement against the CFEA algorithm is 70%. At the individual dataset level, the performance edge of the proposed algorithm against the CFCIRPaC algorithm ranges from 47% (for the MovieLens 100 K dataset) to 190% (for the MovieLens 20 M dataset), while additionally CFEPC outperforms CFEA by a margin varying from 16% (for the MovieLens 100 K) to 110% (for the Amazon Videogames dataset).

To validate the significance of the MAE and RMSE reduction results, when using the PCC similarity metric, we conducted a statistical significance test on the results obtained for the three algorithms. First, an Anova analysis was performed to establish statistical significance regarding the performance of the three algorithms, while subsequently post hoc Tukey HSD tests were applied to establish statistical significance between the results of CFEPC and the results of each of the other two algorithms. The outcome of the statistical tests regarding the MAE and RMSE metrics are depicted in Tables 3 and 4, respectively. All p-values are less than 0.01, establishing statistical significance regarding the observed differences of the algorithms’ performance.

Table 3 Statistical tests regarding the MAE under the PCC similarity metric
Table 4 Statistical tests regarding the RMSE under the PCC similarity metric

Figure 5 illustrates the percentage of cases where each of the three algorithms considered in the evaluation achieved the prediction closest to the real rating in each dataset tested, using the PCC as the similarity metric. Note that, in the case of a tie, i.e., when two (or all three) algorithms formulate the closest prediction, both (or all, respectively) algorithms are considered as achieving the closest prediction, and hence the sum of the scores of the three algorithms may exceed 100%.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Closest predictions to the real rating percentage achieved by the proposed algorithm, in comparison to the CFCIRPaC [9] and CFEA [10] algorithms, when using the PCC similarity metric

The “Amazon Books” dataset exhibits a considerably high number of ties, approximately equal to 35% of the overall number of the rating predictions computed. This is owing to the fact that the distribution of ratings in this dataset is highly skewed, with 61.7% of the ratings being equal to 5.0 (the maximum rating). Consequently, in many cases two or more algorithms compute a rating prediction equal to 5.0, resulting in a tie. Similar skewing is also observed in all other Amazon-sourced datasets, however to a lesser extent.

We can observe that the CFEPC algorithm, presented in this paper, manages to formulate the closest prediction to the real rating in 99.7% of the cases (ties included) across all the datasets tested. The lowest score for the CFEPC algorithm is 98.92%, observed in the MovieLens 100 K dataset, while the highest score is 99.88%, observed for the MovieLens 20 M dataset. The CFCIRPaC and the CFEA algorithms achieve significantly lower scores, equal to 7.3% and 7.2%, respectively.

Figure 6 depicts the above-recommender-threshold F1-measure values for the three algorithms considered in this experiment, adapting the work in [45, 46]. In this experiment, items for which the rating prediction was above the threshold of 3.5/5 for the Amazon datasets, or 7/10 for the MovieLens datasets were considered to be a recommendation for the user; the information retrieval metrics precision, recall, and F1-measure were computed according to Eqs. (11)–(13) [45]:

Fig. 6
figure 6

F1-measure values for the predictions formulated, achieved by the proposed algorithm, in comparison to the CFCIRPaC [9] and CFEA [10] algorithms, when using the PCC similarity metric

$${{precision}} = \frac{{\left| {\left\{ {{relevantItems}} \right\} \cap \left\{ {{recommendedItems}} \right\}} \right|}}{{\left| {\left\{ {{recommendedItems}} \right\}} \right|}}$$
$${{recall}} = \frac{{\left| {\left\{ {{relevantItems}} \right\} \cap \left\{ {{recommendedItems}} \right\}} \right|}}{{\left| {\left\{ {{relevantItems}} \right\}} \right|}}$$
$$F1{{-measure}} = 2* \frac{{{{precision}}*{{recall}}}}{{{{precision}} + {{recall}}}}$$

In all cases, relevant items are considered to be those that are known to be rated by the user above the threshold (3.5/5 for the Amazon datasets or 7/10 for the MovieLens datasets).

We can observe that the proposed algorithm achieves a relative improvement of the F1-measure over both baseline algorithms of approximately 24% in relative terms (or by 9.9% in absolute figures). At the individual dataset level, the improvement ranges from 2% (absolute figures) for the Amazon Books dataset to 20% (absolute figures) for the MovieLens 100 K and the MovieLens 20 M datasets.

4.2.2 Comparison using the CS similarity metric

Figure 7 illustrates the improvement in the MAE achieved by the proposed algorithm, when compared to the CFCIRPaC and CFEA algorithms, again taking the performance of the plain CF algorithm as a baseline, however this time using the CS as the similarity metric.

Fig. 7
figure 7

MAE reduction achieved by the proposed algorithm, in comparison to the CFCIRPaC [9] and CFEA [10] algorithms, when using the CS similarity metric

We can clearly notice that the CFEPC algorithm, presented in this paper, achieves an average prediction MAE reduction equal to 5.64%, exceeding by 124% the performance of the CFCIRPaC algorithm, on average. In relation to the CFEA algorithm, the CFEPC algorithm achieves an MAE reduction higher by approximately 100%. At individual dataset level, the performance edge of the proposed algorithm against the CFCIRPaC algorithm ranges from 70% (for the MovieLens 100 K dataset) to 275% (for the MovieLens 20 M dataset); the corresponding performance edge for the CFEA algorithm ranges from 55% (for the MovieLens 100 K dataset) to 155% (for the Amazon “CDs and Vinyl” dataset).

Figure 8 illustrates the respective improvement in the RMSE achieved by the proposed algorithm, when compared to the CFCIRPaC and the CFEA algorithms, again taking the performance of the plain CF algorithm as a baseline and using the CS as the similarity metric.

Fig. 8
figure 8

RMSE reduction achieved by the proposed algorithm, in comparison to the CFCIRPaC [9] and CFEA [10] algorithms, when using the CS similarity metric

The CFEPC algorithm, presented in this paper, achieves an average prediction RMSE reduction equal to 4.98%, exceeding the performance of the CFCIRPaC and the CFEA algorithms by 120% and 90%, respectively. At the individual dataset level, the performance edge of the proposed algorithm against the CFCIRPaC algorithm ranges from 47% (for the MovieLens 100 K dataset) to 290% (for the MovieLens 20 M dataset); the respective performance edge of the CFEPC algorithm against the CFEA algorithm ranges from 40 (for the Amazon “Digital Music” dataset) to 165% (for the Amazon “CDs and Vinyl” dataset).

To validate the significance of the MAE and RMSE improvement results, when using the CS similarity metric, we conducted a statistical significance test on the results obtained for the three algorithms. Similarly to the case of the PCC (c.f. Sect. 4.2.1), first, an Anova analysis was performed to establish statistical significance regarding the performance of the three algorithms, while subsequently post hoc Tukey HSD tests were applied to establish statistical significance between the results of CFEPC and the results of each of the other two algorithms. The outcome of the statistical tests regarding the MAE and RMSE metrics is depicted in Tables 5 and 6, respectively. All p-values are less than 0.01, establishing statistical significance regarding the observed differences of the algorithms’ performance.

Table 5 Statistical tests regarding the MAE under the PCC similarity metric
Table 6 Statistical tests regarding the RMSE under the PCC similarity metric

Figure 9 illustrates the percentage of cases where each of the three algorithms considered in the evaluation achieved the prediction closest to the real rating in each dataset tested, using the CS as the similarity metric. Note that, in the case of a tie, i.e., when two (or all three) algorithms formulate the closest prediction, both (or all, respectively) algorithms are considered as achieving the closest prediction and hence the sum of the scores of the three algorithms may exceed 100%.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Closest predictions percentage achieved by the proposed algorithm, in comparison to the CFCIRPaC [9] and CFEA [10] algorithms, when using the CS similarity metric

We can clearly notice that the CFEPC algorithm, presented in this paper, manages to formulate the closest prediction in 99.8% of the cases (ties included) across all the datasets tested, in contrast with both of the CFCIRPaC and the CFEA algorithm, whose closest prediction cases are 12.5% and 12.8%, respectively. The lowest score for the CFEPC algorithm is 98.93%, observed in the MovieLens 100 K dataset, while the highest score is 99.99%, observed for the Amazon “CDs and Vinyl” and the Amazon “Movies and TV” datasets. The CFCIRPaC and the CFEA algorithms achieve significantly lower scores, equal to 12.45% and 12.82%, respectively. Again, we can observe that in all Amazon datasets a high number of ties occurs, owing to the data skew present in the datasets, as detailed in Sect. 4.2.1.

Finally, Fig. 10 depicts the above-recommender-threshold F1-measure values for the three algorithms considered in this experiment, following the same methodology described in Sect. 4.2.1. We can observe that the proposed algorithm achieves a relative improvement of the F1-measure over both baseline algorithms of approximately 18.5% (7.7% in absolute figures). At the individual dataset level, the improvement ranges from 2% (absolute figures) for the Amazon Books and the Amazon “Digital Music” datasets to 20% (absolute figures) for the MovieLens 100 K and the MovieLens 20 M datasets.

Fig. 10
figure 10

F1-measure values for the predictions formulated, achieved by the proposed algorithm, in comparison to the CFCIRPaC [9] and CFEA [10] algorithms, when using the CS similarity metric

Overall, the previous experiments clearly indicate that the presented CFEPC algorithm surpasses the performance of both the CFCIRPaC [9] and CFEA algorithms [10], in all datasets and under both similarity metrics. It is worth also noting that the CFCIRPaC algorithm presented in [9] and the CFEA algorithm [10] have both been shown to surpass the performance of other state-of-the-art algorithms, such as the ones in [26, 28].

5 Conclusions and future work

In this paper, we have presented a novel CF algorithm, namely CFEPC, which considers the information of the users’ Experiencing Period in the CF prediction process, in order to improve rating prediction accuracy.

The proposed algorithm exhibits promising results and outperforms recently published algorithms. This is achieved through the amplification of the prediction value when both the user’s usual experiencing time and the time of the rating to be predicted belong to the same experiencing period (Early or Late) of the item and, conversely, reduces it when they belong to different experiencing periods. The rationale behind the usage of the aforementioned information is that when a user U usually prefers to wait for a period of time before experiencing items (until a satisfactory amount of feedback becomes available for the item of interest), it is essential for an RS to align to this practice and not recommend to him brand new products, which have just been released, but rather recommend products that have been in the market for a suitable amount of time. And, similarly, when a recommendation is offered to an “early adopter” user, the RS should include in this recommendation “fresh” products, rather than products that the user will consider as outdated.

The presented algorithm has been experimentally validated through a set of experiments, using two user similarity metrics and seven datasets of multiple domains (books, music, food, etc.) and the evaluation results have shown that the inclusion of the experiencing period criterion introduces significant prediction accuracy gains.

More specifically, the experimental results have shown that the CFEPC algorithm achieves a considerable MAE reduction of 5.8%, on average (ranging from 1.4% to 10.2%), when selecting the PCC similarity metric, and an MAE reduction of 5.64% on average (ranging from 1.45% to 10.46%) when selecting the CS similarity metric. The respective average RMSE reductions found to be 5.04% (ranging from 1.28% to 8.15%), when selecting the PCC similarity metric, and 4.98% (ranging from 1.36% to 8.77%), when selecting the CS similarity metric (in all the aforementioned percentages, the plain CF algorithm was used as a baseline).

We have also compared the performance of the CFEPC algorithm against two recently published (2019) state-of-the-art algorithms, which also target at prediction error reduction by considering item experiencing times, namely the CFCIRPaC [9] and the CFEA [10] algorithms. The proposed algorithm has exhibited superior performance against both algorithms included in the comparison, in all cases, managing to formulate the closest prediction in 99.7% of the cases (ties included) across all the datasets tested.

More specifically in the comparison against the CFCIRPaC algorithm [9], the CFEPC algorithm, proposed in this work, has proved to consistently outperform the CFCIRPaC algorithm across all datasets tested, achieving an average MAE reduction across all datasets 110% higher than the reduction attained by the CFCIRPaC algorithm, under the PCC similarity metric; the corresponding performance edge against the CFEA algorithm is 75%. The CFEPC algorithm has been found to perform better that the CFCIRPaC and the CFEA algorithms in each individual test made, i.e., for every combination of test dataset, prediction error measure, or similarity metric.

Furthermore, statistical significance testing, across all datasets, between the CFEPC algorithm, presented in this paper and each one of the two aforementioned algorithms, indicated that the proposed algorithm is shown to be statistically significant with a confidence interval of 95% with both the CFCIRPaC and CFEA algorithms, under both similarity metrics.

Lastly, we evaluated the proposed algorithm using the F1-measure, typically employed to assess recommendation quality, and the CFEPC algorithm was found to achieve an overall F1-measure score of 0.486, when using the PCC similarity metric, and an overall F1-measure score of 0.489, when using the CS similarity metric, surpassing the performance of both baseline algorithms.

It is worth noting that the CFEPC algorithm can be combined with an already implemented CF-based recommender system, since (1) it is easy to be implemented, through the modification of existed CF-based RSs, (2) it needs no extra information about neither the users nor the items, (3) it needs minimal additional dataset pre-processing time, computing only each items’ first and last rating times, as well as each user’s usual-average rating time, and minimal extra storage space, storing the aforementioned information, and (4) it can be easily combined with other algorithms that have been proposed for improving rating prediction accuracy, coverage, computational efficiency or recommendation quality (e.g., [52, 11, 12, 5, 6, 18,19,20]).

Our future work will focus on further studying the users’ usual experiencing phases in rating prediction computation, as well as exploring alternative algorithms for reducing prediction error in CF datasets. Furthermore, we are planning to evaluate the algorithms’ performance under more user similarity metrics, such as the Spearman coefficient and the Euclidean distance [53,54,55], where those are proposed by the literature as more suitable for either the item category or the additional information. Adaptation of the proposed algorithm for use with MF approaches [56,57,58] is also considered.

Finally, the combination of the proposed method with other algorithms, such as algorithms who exploit social network information [59,60,61] and IoT information [62,63,64], where available, for further improving the quality of recommendations formulated.