Erratum to: Bull Volcanol (2012) 74:787–793

DOI 10.1007/s00445-011-0572-y

In the paper by Gouhier, M., Harris, A., Calvari, S., Labazuy, P., Guéhenneux, Y., Donnadieu, F., Valade, S, entitled “Lava discharge during Etna’s January 2011 fire fountain tracked using MSG-SEVIRI” (Bull Volcanol (2012) 74:787–793, DOI 10.1007/s00445-011-0572-y), we present data from a Doppler radar (VOLDORAD 2B). This ground-based L-band radar has been monitoring the eruptive activity of the summit craters of Mt. Etna in real-time since July 2009 from a site about 3.5 km SSE of the craters. Examples of applications of this type of radar are reviewed by Donnadieu (2012) and shown on the VOLDORAD website (

Although designed and owned by the Observatoire de Physique du Globe in Clermont-Ferrand (OPGC), France, VOLDORAD 2B is operated jointly with the INGV-Catania (Italy) in the framework of a technical and scientific collaboration agreement between the INGV of Catania, the French CNRS and the OPGC-Université Blaise Pascal in Clermont-Ferrand. The system also utilizes a dedicated micropatch antenna designed at the University of Calabria (Boccia et al. 2010) and owned by INGV. The objective of the joint acquisition of the radar data by INGV-Catania and the OPGC is twofold: (1) to mitigate volcanic risks at Etna by better assessing the hazards arising from ash plumes and (2) to allow detailed study of volcanic activity and its environmental impact.

In the paper by Gouhier et al. (2012), we failed to highlight this important collaboration between the INGV Catania and the OPGC; a cooperation essential for the past, current and future generation of such valuable data sets. Specifically we wish to acknowledge the roles of Mauro Coltelli, Michele Prestifilippo and Simona Scollo for their important input into this project, and pivotal role in setting up, and maintaining, this collaborative deployment.