1 Correction to: Climate Dynamics (2021) 57:2995–3013 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-021-05850-5

In the original version of the article, the curves in Fig. 1d are repeated and overlapped on Fig. 1f.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Modeled and observed changes in Arctic sea ice area, sea ice volume, and upper ocean salinity. Time series of a sea ice area (unit: 1 × 106 km2), b sea ice volume (unit:1 × 104 km3), and c salinity (unit: g/kg) in the upper 300 m ocean averaged north of 60° N in the control (black) and the perturbation experiments: weak-LW (light blue), LW (blue), SW (red), and strong-SW (orange). d Relative loss (in %) of Arctic monthly-mean sea ice area in the observations (black dashed line) and the perturbation experiments (color lines). e As in panel (d) but for sea ice volume. f Monthly-mean surface salinity averaged over the ocean area poleward of 60° N in the control (black solid line) and perturbation experiments. The observed anomalies are defined as the mean difference between the periods of 2005–2014 and 1979–1988, whereas model anomalies are calculated as the mean difference between the last 50 years of each simulation and the last 50 years of the control. The perturbation experiments are described in Sect. 2 of the paper. Shading in the top panels indicates ensemble spread when available

The original article has been corrected.