1 Introduction

Photoluminescent materials are widely applied in lasers, lightings, displays, biological molecular detection and imaging and so on [1,2,3,4,5]. Dual emission luminescent materials with suitable luminescent centers have potential application in WLEDs and sensor technologies. For example, Zhang et al. [6] designed a dual emission double-perovskite La2MgTiO6:Pr3+,Dy3+ phosphor for thermometer with a high relative sensitivity of 2.357%K−1; Li et al. [7] reported that NaLa(MoO4)2:Ce3+,Tb3+ dual emission phosphors can be effectively excited by near ultraviolet to achieve different emission colors from indigo to yellow-greenish, which is suitable for use in white LEDs; The properties of the La2ZnTiO6:Mn4+,Cr3+ dual emission phosphor developed by Ou et al. [8] suggested that it can be applied in wavelength detection and indoor cultivation of LEDs.

Mn4+ as a luminescent center has been widely studied for its bright red emission and broad excitation band [9,10,11,12]. The doped Mn4+ ion acting as luminescent activator usually prefers to occupy the octahedral position in the matrix [13,14,15,16,17]. Mn4+ is very sensitive to the matrix environment in which it is located. As well as influencing emission band position, the local environment contributes to thermal quenching speed and luminescence intensity. Tb3+ is a widely used luminescent center in phosphors due to its 5D4 → 7F5 transition, which produces sharp green emission peaks near 545 nm [18,19,20]. The emission peaks of Tb3+ (green) and Mn4+ (red) are well separated, while their excitation spectra overlap. Thus, with suitable wavelength excitation, the luminescence of Tb3+ and Mn4+ can be simultaneously obtained. Changing the concentration of Tb3+ and Mn4+ can produce color-tunable luminescence, which can be applied to WLEDs. Moreover, the luminescence intensity ratio (green/red) can also be used in temperature measurement and light wavelength detection since the emission intensity of Tb3+ and Mn4+ depends on temperature and excitation wavelength in different ways.

Tungstate as a matrix of luminescent materials has been widely studied for its low cost, stable chemical properties, suitable local environment for luminescence center [21,22,23,24]. Especially, the double perovskite tungstate NaLaMgWO6 with the layered Na+/La3+ cation ordering and rock salt Mg2+/W6+ cation ordering is an ideal matrix for both rare earth ions and transition metal ions [25]. The La3+ site in the matrix can be replaced by Tb3+ and other trivalent rare earth ions, and the [WO6] octahedrons can provide octahedral sites suitable for Mn4+ ions. The Mn4+ doped NaLaMgWO6 red phosphors and the Tb3+ doped NaLaMgWO6 phosphors have been widely reported [26,27,28,29]. As far as we know, however, there are no reports so far about NaLaMgWO6:Tb3+, Mn4+ co-doped dual-emitting phosphor.

In this work, a series of NaLaMgWO6:Tb3+, Mn4+ phosphors have been synthesized. The Tb3+/Mn4+ doping concentration, temperature and excitation wavelength dependent luminescence properties have been studied, which suggests that NaLaMgWO6:Tb3+, Mn4+ phosphor is a promising high-performance multifunctional material.

2 Experimental details

The NaLaMgWO6:xTb3+, yMn4+ (x = 0–25%, y = 0–1.5%) phosphors were obtained from one-step high-temperature Solid-state method. The chemical raw materials were NaCO3 (A.R.), La2O3 (99.99%), WO3 (A.R.), 4MgCO3⋅Mg(OH)2⋅5H2O (A.R.), MnCO3 (A.R.) and Tb4O7 (99.99%). The electronic balance was utilized to weigh all the raw materials in stoichiometric ratios, which were subsequently ground in an agate mortar for a duration of 25 min. After that, the materials were calcined for eight hours at 1400 °C in a muffle furnace. Finally, the sample is ground into a powder and then characterized.

The phase purity of the NaLaMgWO6:10 mol% Tb3+,0.6 mol% Mn4+ phosphor was determined by using X-ray diffraction (XRD) data acquired on a Bruker D8 Focus Diffractometer (Instrument model: PIGAKV Ultima IV) with Cu K radiation. With the help of a monochromator (Zolix Instrument, Omni-λ320i) outfitted with a photomultiplier tube (PMTH-S1-CR928), Data Acquisition System and a xenon lamp (LSP-X150), the photoluminescence excitation (PLE) and emission (PL) spectra were obtained. A steady-state/transient fluorescence spectrometer (Edinburgh Instruments, FLS980) was used to measure the PL spectra changing with temperature of NaLaMgWO6:10%Tb3+, 0.3%Mn4+ phosphor.

3 Results and discussion

Figure 1a depicts XRD patterns of the NaLaMgWO6:10 mol% Tb3+,0.6 mol% Mn4+ sample, confirming that all the diffraction peaks correspond to standard card (JCPDS # 37–0243). Since no other impurity phases are observed, Tb3+ and Mn4+ activators are successfully incorporated into the NaLaMgWO6 matrix. As revealed in Fig. 1b, the crystal structure of NaLaMgWO6 consists of anomalous polyhedrons with layered ordering of Na/La(the peaks (001)/(111)) and octahedrons with rock salt ordering of Mg/W(the peaks (101)/(121)) [30]. The crystal of NaLaMgWO6 is the monoclinic double-perovskite with space group C2/m [31]. Mn4+ can occupy the [WO6] octahedron because its radius (R = 0.53 Å, Z = 6) is similar to that of W6+ (R = 0. 62 Å, Z = 6), resulting in the 2Eg → 4A2g transition and emitting red light. Because of the same ionic radius and valence state between Tb3+ (R = 0.923 Å, Z = 8) and La3+(R = 0.1032 Å, Z = 8) ions, Tb3+ ions tend to stay in the [LaO8] anomalous polyhedrons.

Fig. 1
figure 1

a XRD patterns of NaLaMgWO6:10 mol% Tb3+,0.6 mol% Mn4+ phosphors; b The crystal structure of NaLaMgWO6

Figure 2a depict the PL and PLE spectra of the NaLaMgWO6: Mn4+ sample. The NaLaMgWO6: Mn4+ PLE spectra is constituted of two broad bands at 347 nm and 466 nm (monitored at 700 nm).The broad bands can be attributed to the strong electron–phonon interaction [32]. The two excitation bands are well-fitted by three Gaussian peaks at 290 nm, 377 nm and 487 nm, corresponding to the transitions of Mn4+-O2− charge-transfer band(CTB), 4A2 → 4T1 and 4A2 → 4T2(dotted lines in the figure), respectively[27]. Under 487 nm excitation, the PL spectra in Fig. 2a show a broad band with a center at 700 nm, which is ascribed to the spin-forbidden 2Eg → 4A2g transition of Mn4+. Mn4+ ion is located in the [WO6] octahedron and is susceptible to the crystal field environment. Figure 2b depicts the Tanabe-Sugano energy level diagram of Mn4+ with d3 electron configuration. When the value of the crystal field strength Dq/B is large (Dq/B > 2.2), Mn4+ is located in a strong crystal field environment, and the emission originates in the 2Eg → 4A2g transition. On the contrary, Mn4+ is located in a weak crystal field environment, and the electrons returning from the 4T2g state to the 4A2g state will give the Mn4+ emission. The following formula can be used to compute Dq/B [33,34,35].

$$\frac{Dq}{B} = \frac{15(x - 8)}{{(x^2 - 10x)}}$$
$$Dq = \frac{{E({\,}^4T_2 - {\,}^4A_2 )}}{10}$$
$$x = \frac{{E({\,}^4A_2 - {\,}^4T_1 ) - E({\,}^4A_2 - {\,}^4T_2 )}}{Dq}$$
$$\frac{{E({\,}^2E_g - {\,}^4A_{2g} )}}{B} = \frac{3.05C}{B} + 7.9 - \frac{1.8B}{{Dq}}$$

where \(Dq\) is the crystal field strength, \(B\), \(C\) is the Racah parameters. It can be obtained from Fig. 2a that the values of \(E({\,}^4A_2 - {\,}^4T_1 )\), \(E({\,}^4A_2 - {\,}^4T_2 )\) and \(E({\,}^2E_g - {\,}^4A_{2g} )\) are 26,525.2 cm−1, 20,533.9 cm−1 and 14,285.7 cm−1, respectively. According to calculations, \(Dq\), \(B\) and \(C\) are 2053, 557 and 3332 cm−1, respectively. Mn4+ is found to be located in a strong crystal field environment because Dq/B is 3.69. In addition, the illustration in Fig. 2a depict that the optimal concentration of Mn4+ is 0.6%mol.

Fig. 2
figure 2

a Excitation and emission spectra of NaLaMgWO6: Mn4+ phosphor (λem = 700 nm and λex = 487 nm) and b Tanabe-Sugano energy level diagram of Mn4+ with d3 electron configuration c Excitation and emission spectra of NaLaMgWO6: Tb3+ phosphor (λem = 545 nm and λex = 487 nm). d the linear fitting relationship between lg(x) and lg(I/x). The insets in (a) and (b) show the relationship between single-doped Mn4+ and Tb3 concentrations and emission intensity, respectively

Figure 2c depicts the PLE spectra of the NaLaMgWO6:Tb3+ phosphor monitoring at 545 nm. The excitation band within 250–380 nm is originated from CTB of W6+ → O2− and 4f8 → 4f75d1 transition. The most intense excitation peak occurs at 487 nm, which corresponds to the 7F6 → 5D4 transition. The PL spectra under 487 nm excitation have three emission peaks at 545 nm, 594 nm and 623 nm, assigning to 5D4 → 7F5, 7F4, 7F3 transitions, respectively [36]. The intensity of Tb3+ emission increases as Tb3+ content increases. When the content of Tb3+ exceeds 10%, the average distance between Tb3+ ions become small, the energy transfer between Tb3+ become convenient and the excitation energy is easy to reach quenching centers. Therefore, the luminescence efficiency of the system is reduced and the luminescence intensity of Tb3+ is weakened. The critical distance (\(R_c\)) can be used to identify the type of energy transfer between Tb3+ ions. When \(R_c\) is smaller than 5 Å, exchange interaction predominates in the energy transfer between Tb3+ ion. On the contrary, the electric multipole interaction rather than the exchange interaction is responsible for the energy transfer. The following formula can be used to compute \(R_c\) [37].

$$R_c = 2\left( {\frac{3V}{{4\pi x_c N}}} \right)^{1/3}$$

where, \(V\) is the crystal cell volume, \(x_c\) is the critical concentration of Tb3+, and N is the amount of sites available for Tb3+ ions in NaLaMgWO6 unit cell. For NaLaMgWO6: Tb3+ phosphor, \(N = 4\), \(V = 477.83\)\({\text{\AA}}^3\) and \(x_c = 0.1\). \(R_c\) is determined to be 13.17 Å, which is more than 5 Å. Electric multipole interaction thus dominates the energy transfer mechanism between Tb3+ ion in the NaLaMgWO6 matrix. According to Dexter theory it is possible to further determine which mechanism might be [38, 39].

$$\frac{I}{x} = \mu \left[ {1 + \varpi (x)^{\frac{\theta }{3}} } \right]^{ - 1}$$

where \(I\) represents the luminous intensity, \(\mu\) and \(\varpi\) are constants, and \(x\) represents the Tb3+ concentration. The values of \(\theta\) = 6, 8 and 10 correspond to dipole–dipole, dipole-quadrupole and quadrupole–quadrupole interactions, respectively [40]. Figure 2d fits the slope (\(- \frac{\theta }{3}\)) to -1.53, so \(\theta\) is 4.59(close to 6). Therefore, the mechanism of energy transfer between Tb3+ ion in NaLaMgWO6 matrix is the dipole–dipole interaction.

Figure 3a depicts the normalized excitation spectra of the NaLaMgWO6:10%Tb3+,0.6%Mn4+ sample, in which the monitored wavelength is 545 nm and 700 nm corresponding to the emission peak of Tb3+ and Mn4+ ions, respectively. Figure 3a shows that light within the range 272–400 nm and 468–508 nm can simultaneously excite Tb3+ and Mn4+ ion, with 487 nm being the optimal excitation wavelength. The emission spectra for the NaLaMgWO6:x%Tb3+,0.6%Mn4+ and NaLaMgWO6:10%Tb3+, y%Mn4+ samples under 487 nm excitation are depicted in Fig. 3b and c, respectively. The PL spectra of NaLaMgWO6:Tb3+, Mn4+ phosphors are mainly composed of the 5D4 → 7F5 transition(545 nm) of Tb3+ ions and Mn4+2Eg → 4A2g transition(700 nm). The inset of Fig. 3b depicts the variation of emission intensities of Tb3+ and Mn4+ with Tb3+ concentration under 487 nm excitation. Along the increasing content of Tb3+, the emission intensity of Mn4+ diminishes, suggesting that Tb3+ can quench the emission of Mn4+. Simultaneously, the Tb3+ ion concentration quenching is responsible for the subsequent decline in the intensity of Tb3+ emission at high Tb3+ concentration. Similarly, as depicted in Fig. 3c, when the concentration of Tb3+ is fixed and the concentration of Mn4+ increases (0.1%-1.5%mol), Tb3+ emission gradually weakens, and Mn4+ emission increases and then decreases because of concentration quenching. This means that Mn4+ can also quench the emission of Tb3+. Therefore, it is further proved that the interaction between Tb3+ and Mn4+ in NaLaMgWO6 matrix may be a mutual quenching process [41]. Importantly, since Tb3+ dominates green emission and Mn4+ dominates red emission, a red-yellow-green tunable emission color can be achieved by altering the content ratio of Mn4+ and Tb3+ in the sample. Under 487 nm excitation, Fig. 3d displays the normalized relative emission intensity of Tb3+ and Mn4+ ions in NaLaMgWO6:x%Tb3+,0.6% Mn4+ phosphors. The red emission of Mn4+ predominates when Tb3+ concentration is very low, as shown more clearly in Fig. 3d. The Mn4+ emission weakens gradually as Tb3+ concentration increases, whereas Tb3+ emission is intensified, resulting in yellow emission from the phosphor. When Tb3+ concentration increases to 25%, the green emission of Tb3+ dominates and Mn4+ emission is hardly observed. Figure 3e displays the CIE chromaticity coordinates diagram of NaLaMgWO6:x%Tb3+,0.6%Mn4+ (x = 1%-25%) samples (\(\lambda_{ex} = 487nm\)). A tunable red-yellow-green emission is displayed in these samples with CIE chromaticity coordinates from A(0.7333,0.2667) to G(0.3606,0.6327), indicating the potential application in WLEDs.

Fig. 3
figure 3

a Normalized excitation spectra of the NaLaMgWO6:10%Tb3+,0.6%Mn4+; Emission spectra of b NaLaMgWO6:x%Tb3+,0.6%Mn4+ and c NaLaMgWO6:10%Tb3+,y%Mn4+ phosphors under 487 nm excitation; d The relative normalized emission intensity of Mn4+ and Tb3+ ions in NaLaMgWO6:x%Tb3+,0.6%Mn4+ phosphors;e CIE chromaticity coordinates for NaLaMgWO6:x%Tb3+,0.6%Mn4+ phosphors under 487 nm excitation

It is well known that rare earth ions (Tb3+) are less sensitive to temperature due to the weak electron-lattice interaction because of the 4f level structure shielded by external 5s25p6 shells. However, transition metal ions (Mn4+) with 3dn electron configurations exhibit a strong electron–phonon coupling and are more sensitive to temperature, so the Mn4+, Tb3+ co-doped phosphor can be used as temperature probes. The PL spectra changing with temperature of NaLaMgWO6: 10%Tb3+,0.3%Mn4+ is investigated to explore its temperature sensing properties. Figure 4a displays the PL spectra changing with temperature of the NaLaMgWO6:10%Tb3+,0.3%Mn4+ normalized at 545 nm under 487 nm excitation, and Fig. 4b displays the integrated intensity histogram for the Tb3+:5D4 → 7F5 and Mn4+:2E → 4A2 transitions. In 330–500 K range, Tb3+ and Mn4+ both exhibit temperature increasing dependent emission intensity weakening, but the emission reduction of Tb3+ is slower than that of Mn4+. Figure 4c demonstrates the configurational coordinate diagram of Mn4+ and Tb3+. In Fig. 4c, A is the bottom of the 2E state, and B is the intersection of the 4A2 state and the 2E state parabola. The thermal quench activation energy (∆E) between A and B represents the energy barrier for electron to overcome to realize the nonradiative decay [42]. As the temperature rises, the electron–phonon coupling provides enough thermal quenching activation energy to allow a large number of electrons to travel from A to B and then relax to the ground state via a non-radiative process [43]. This is the reason for the luminescence thermal quenching of Mn4+ ion. However, Tb3+ has a completely different thermal quenching process than Mn4+ because the excited and ground states of Tb3+ do not intersect. As depicted in Fig. 4c,the large energy gap (~ 14,000 cm−1) between the 5D4 and the next state 7F0 of Tb3+ sufficiently reduces the possibility of depopulation of the 5D4 through the multi-phonon relaxation process [44].

Fig. 4
figure 4

a Temperature-dependent PL spectra normalized at 545 nm of NaLaMgWO6:10%Tb3+,0.3% Mn4+ex = 487 nm); b Temperature-dependent luminescence intensity of Tb3+ and Mn4+; cConfigurational coordinate diagrams of Mn4+, Tb3+ ions in NaLaMgWO6 matrix

The Struck and Fonger theory [45] is used to analyze the temperature dependence of Tb3+ and Mn4+ luminescence intensity to further evaluate the temperature sensing capability of sample. In terms of Tb3+ and Mn4+, temperature relates to emission intensity as follows [46]:

$$\frac{I(T)}{{I_0 }} = \frac{1}{{1 + A\exp \left( { - E/k_B T} \right)}}$$

where \(I\) is the luminous intensity at the initial temperature and \(I_0\) is the luminous intensity at different temperatures; \(A\) represents a pre-exponential constant, \(E\) represents the thermal quenching activate energy, \(k_B\) is the Boltzmann constant.

Then according to Eq. (7), the luminescence intensity ratio(\(LIR\)) between Tb3+ and Mn4+ can be deduced and expressed by the following formula[47]:

$$LIR = \frac{{I_{Tb} }}{{I_{Mn} }} = \frac{{I_{0,Tb} }}{{I_{0,Mn} }}\frac{{1 + A_{Mn} \exp ( - \frac{{E_{Mn} }}{k_B T})}}{{1 + A_{Tb} \exp ( - \frac{{E_{Tb} }}{k_B T})}} \approx u + v\exp \left( {\frac{{ - {\Delta }E}}{k_B T}} \right)$$

where \(u\), \(v\), and \({\Delta }E\) are parameters. \(I_{Tb}\) is the integrated emission intensity of Tb3+ ions ranging from 532 to 555 nm, while \(I_{Mn}\) is the integrated emission intensity of Mn4+ ions ranging from 650 to 800 nm. Figure 5a illustrates the relationship between temperature and measured \(LIR\) of NaLaMgWO6: 10%Tb3+,0.3%Mn4+ sample. The experimental data can be adequately fitted by Eq. (8). \(LIR\) decreases monotonically with increasing temperature because Mn4+ emission thermally quenches more quickly than Tb3+ emission.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Temperature-dependent of a LIR of ITb/IMn and b the SA and SR for the NaLaMgWO6:10%Tb3+,0.3% Mn4+(λex = 487 nm) sample; c FIR values in heating and cooling

The absolute temperature sensitivity(\(S_A\)) and the relative temperature sensitivity(\(S_R\)) can be further deduced by the following equations[48]:

$$S_A = \left| {\frac{\partial LIR}{{\partial T}}} \right| = \left| {C\exp \left( { - \Delta E/k_B T} \right) \times \frac{{{\Delta }E}}{k_B T^2 }} \right|$$
$$S_R = 100\% \times \left| {\frac{1}{LIR}\frac{\partial LIR}{{\partial T}}} \right| = 100\% \times \frac{{C\exp \left( { - \Delta E/k_B T} \right)}}{{B + C\exp \left( { - \Delta E/k_B T} \right)}} \times \frac{{{\Delta }E}}{k_B T^2 }$$

Figure 5b show the relationship between \(S_A\), \(S_R\) and temperature for sample of NaLaMgWO6: 10%Tb3+,0.3%Mn4+. It is observed that the values of the \(S_A\) and \(S_R\) in the temperature range 330-500 K are both increasing. The maximum \(S_A\) and \(S_R\) values for the NaLaMgWO6:10%Tb3+, 0.3%Mn4+ phosphor are obtained at 500 K, which are 0.011 K−1 and 2.35% K−1 respectively. Finally, temperature repeatability is assessed by subjecting 5 heating–cooling cycles on the phosphor and calculating the intensity ratio at 330 and 498 K (Fig. 5c). Temperature repeatability(\(R\)) can be calculated as follows[32]:

$$R = 100 \times \left[ {1 - \frac{{\max \left| {LIR_j (T) - \left\langle {LIR(T)} \right\rangle } \right|}}{{\left\langle {LIR(T)} \right\rangle }}} \right]$$

where \(\left\langle {LIR(T)} \right\rangle\) is the average of the luminous intensity ratio in all cycles, and \(LIR_j (T)\) is the luminescence intensity ratio in the j cycle. It can be calculated from Eq. (11) that the temperature repeatability rate of NaLaMgWO6:10%Tb3+, 0.3%Mn4+ phosphor is up to 98%.

Properties of some temperature sensing materials combined with Tb3+ or Mn4+ are shown in Table 1. The comparison of SR and temperature measurement range shows that the performance of NaLaMgWO6:Mn4+, Tb3+ is better than that of most optical temperature measuring materials reported previously. In addition, the monitoring peaks of Tb3+ (≈545 nm) and Mn4+ (≈700 nm) are well separated, indicating that NaLaMgWO6:Mn4+, Tb3+ temperature measuring materials have good signal recognition ability. Therefore, the high relative sensitivity, wide temperature measurement range and excellent signal resolution of NaLaMgWO6:Mn4+, Tb3+ dual emission make this material possible to be an excellent temperature measurement material without any additional luminescence intensity calibration.

Table 1 Temperature sensing range and maximum Sr values of Tb3+ or Mn4+ ions doped luminescent materials

In addition, the excitation intensity of Tb3+ exhibits a consistent decrease as the wavelength increases, whereas the excitation intensity of Mn4+ displays a consistent increase within the wavelength range of 293-348 nm, as depicted in Fig. 3(a). Therefore, as the excitation wavelength progressively increases from 294 to 348 nm, the Tb3+ emission diminishes, while Mn4+ emission intensifies. As depicted in Fig. 6a, the PL spectra of the NaLaMgWO6:10%Tb3+,0.6%Mn4+ phosphor excited at different wavelengths (293-348 nm) are measured. The luminescence intensity ratio of Mn4+ to Tb3+ in NaLaMgWO6:10%Tb3+,0.6%Mn4+ phosphor may exhibit monotonic wavelength-dependent change in 293-348 nm region. The calculation of the integrated \(LIR\) of Mn4+ to Tb3+ at various excitation wavelengths is depicted in Fig. 6b. \(LIR\) increases monotonically as the excitation wavelength increasing from 293 to 348 nm. The wavelength measurement sensitivity S can be defined as follows:

$$S = \left| {\frac{1}{LIR} \times \frac{{d\left( {LIR} \right)}}{{d\lambda_{ex} }}} \right|$$
Fig. 6
figure 6

a Emission spectra of NaLaMgWO6:10%Tb3+,0.6%Mn4+ phosphor excited at different wavelength (295 nm–340 nm); b LIR (square) and S(triangle) as a function of excitation wavelength

Here \(\lambda_{ex}\) is the excitation wavelength[8, 10]. Figure 6b illustrates the relationship between \(S\) and \(\lambda_{ex}\). A maximum \(S\) of 6.67%nm−1 is obtained at 340 nm. The results indicate that NaLaMgWO6:Tb3+, Mn4+ phosphor can be used in wavelength detection when temperature is maintained, which provides a possible method for designing new compact photodetectors or spectrometers based on this phosphor in the future.

4 Conclusion

In summary, NaLaMgWO6:Mn4+, Tb3+ phosphors have been synthesized by one-step high temperature solid method. Red emission of Mn4+ and green emission of Tb3+ can be observed by 487 nm excitation. At room temperature, the red-yellow-green emission color transition can be attained by altering the doping concentration ratio of Tb3+ and Mn4+. Owing to their distinct thermal quenching behaviors, the LIR of Mn4+ and Tb3+ in NaLaMgWO6:Mn4+, Tb3+ phosphors are monotonically related to temperature in 330–500 K, and the SR is up to 2.35% K−1 at 500 K, showing excellent temperature sensing performance. At a constant temperature, the LIR of Mn4+ to Tb3+ also increases monotonically as the excitation wavelength increases from 293 to 348 nm, indicating that it can serve as a wavelength detector within 293-348 nm. The results demonstrate the possible wide range of applications for NaLaMgWO6:Mn4+, Tb3+ phosphor, including illumination, wavelength detection and optical temperature measurement.