Retraction Note: Applied Physics A (2020) 126:204

The Editors have retracted this article. After publication, concerns were raised regarding data similarities between this article and other publications from the same author group. Specifically:

  • The XRD data in Fig. 2 appear highly similar to those in [1,2,3,4].

  • The SEM images in Fig. 5 appear to contain overlapping areas with Fig. 3 in [1].

  • The data presented in Figs. 6 and 7 also appear highly similar to those in Figs. 4 and 5, respectively, in [1].

The authors have provided the raw data to address these concerns. However, due to the high number of issues, the Editors no longer have confidence in the presented data.

None of the authors have responded to any correspondence from the editor or publisher about this retraction.