Correction to: Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology (2019) 83:817–825

In the original publication of the article, the authors found few errors and the corrections are given below:

  1. 1.


Results: “By multivariate analysis, smoking, performance status (PS), and time on treatment of 1st TKI with more than 10 months were confirmed to be independent prognostic factors predicting a worse progression-free survival” has been changed to “By multivariate analysis, smoking, performance status (PS) and time on treatment of 1st TKI with more than 10 months were confirmed to be independent prognostic factors predicting a better progression-free survival (PFS)”.

  1. 2.


Patient demographics

EGFR mutation analysis revealed 35 patients with deletion of exon19, 19 patients with L858R (exon 21), and 2 patients with other mutations” has been changed to “EGFR mutation analysis revealed 35 patients with deletion of exon 19, 19 patients with L858R (exon 21), and 8 patients with other mutations”.

  1. 3.

    In the online publication of the article, the values in the Table 2 mentioned under the column smoking (N = 62) and also value under the Gender, the column under the PFS (HR), has incorrectly published. The corrected Table 2 has been given below:

    Table 2 Univariate survival analysis according to different variables
  2. 4.

    Under the figure 1, the text in the figure legends has been incorrectly published. The corrected text is given below:

“A statistically significant difference in the PFS (p = 0.22) (C) and OS (p = 0.44) (D) was not observed in the patients between more than and less than 6 months”.

  1. 5.

    The captions for the Figure 2 has been changed from

    1. a)

      TTF of prior EGFR-TKI: > 10 months ≤ 10 months to Time on treatment of prior EGFR-TKI: > 10 months ≤10 months

    2. b)

      TTF of prior EGFR-TKI: > 10 months ≤10 months to Time on treatment of prior EGFR-TKI: > 10 months ≤10 months.

The corrected Fig.  2 has been given below:

Fig. 2
figure 2

Series 62 Model 4666 extrapolations

  1. 6.

    In the online published article, the Figure legends under the figure 2 has been changed from

“Forest plot of 5-year PFS (a) and OS (b) rates according to time on treatment using cut-off values of 10 months in each variables” to

“Forest plot of PFS (a) and OS (b) rates according to time on treatment using cut-off values of 10 months in each variables”.