
Surgical patients may be involved in up to 60% of adverse medical events [1, 2]. Studies of behavior in the operating room show that breakdowns in non-technical skills such as teamwork, leadership, communication, situation awareness, and poor decision making are not uncommon [2] and can lead to errors [3], poor outcomes [4], and higher compensation payouts [5]. Conversely, some expert surgeons demonstrate good non-technical skills as an integral part of their operating behavior [6, 7]. Giddings from the Royal College of Surgeons of England recently warned that there are still avoidable deaths in surgery because surgeons do not learn from past failures and in some cases have a “seriously flawed opinion of their own capabilities,” which can turn into arrogance [8]. Similarly, Davidson argues that future surgical training will need to encompass more than just clinical and technical skills [9]. High-hazard industries have also recognized that technical expertise does not guarantee safe operations and they introduced non-technical skills training, often called Crew Resource Management (CRM), designed to enhance performance of these skills [10]. Non-technical skills training in surgery is one method of enhancing surgeons’ performance in the operating room, in order to improve patient safety.

Training of surgeons’ non-technical skills needs to be preceded by task analysis to identify the critical skill set. In addition, a performance measure is required so that demonstration of the skills can be assessed for feedback or for formal competence assurance. Normally these performance evaluations are made from observations of behavior on task or in a simulator, using behavior rating systems, such as NOTECHS for airline pilots [11] and ANTS (Anaesthetists’ Non-technical Skills) for anesthetists [12]. These tools assess “observable, non-technical behaviors that contribute to superior or substandard performance within a work environment” (p. 10) [13]. All behaviour-rating systems must be evaluated according to psychometric criteria regarding validity and reliability before they can be used in the workplace [14].

We developed a taxonomy and a behavior rating system of Non-technical Skills for Surgeons (NOTSS) [15] using several methods of task analysis with consultant surgeons [16]. This skill set consists of five categories (Situation Awareness, Decision Making, Task Management, Communication & Teamwork, and Leadership), divided into 14 elements, each with example good and poor behaviors. The content validity of the NOTSS system was derived from its systematic development process with subject matter experts. Before this system can be used to rate behaviors, it must be evaluated according to a set of a priori criteria. The aim was to test the reliability and initial usability of the NOTSS framework using standardized video scenarios of surgeons’ behavior in the operating room. Ethical clearance was granted by Grampian Research Ethics Committee (GREC).

Materials and methods

The system was tested in relation to the following components:

  • Sensitivity: the level of accuracy between participants’ and “reference” (expert) ratings.

  • Inter-rater reliability: the degree of agreement within six groups of surgeons (n = 44) who rated six standardized video scenarios filmed in the operating room.

  • Internal structure: the relationship between category and element ratings.

Design of video scenarios

Video scenarios (n = 11) illustrating surgeons’ non-technical skills (good to poor) in a range of realistic simulated situations were filmed in operating rooms, using a patient simulator and practicing surgeons, anesthetists, and nurses acting the main roles. This ensured that the reliability of the NOTSS system could be tested across different clinical encounters. The scenarios were designed by two surgeons, an anesthesiologist experienced in non-technical skills training, and two psychologists. To minimize typecasting, five consultant surgeons played the lead roles across scenarios. For the evaluation, six scenarios were selected, ranging from 2.30 to 5.40 min in length (see Appendix 1). A further three scenarios were selected for practice during pre-experiment training.

Reference ratings

A set of “reference ratings” was used to test the sensitivity of participants’ ratings (i.e., to what extent participants could detect the non-technical skills and discriminate between good and poor performance). The reference ratings were provided by the scenario designers who were also practicing surgical team members with up to 10 years expertise in behavior rating and assessment of technical and non-technical skills. In comparison with their peers, they were some of the most experienced clinicians available to provide “expert” opinion. They provided a judgment of the level of each non-technical skill demonstrated in each scenario, expressed as an agreed set of category and element ratings for each scenario.


Advertisements were placed on the University and Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh websites, and letters were sent to surgeons who had taken part in the development of the NOTSS taxonomy. As a result, 44 consultant surgeons from five Scottish hospitals attended one of six experimental sessions: 18 (41%) from general surgery, 11 (25%) from orthopedic surgery, three (7%) from pediatric surgery, plus two urologists, one breast surgeon, and one cardiothoracic surgeon. Eight participants (18%) did not disclose their speciality. Mean experience at consultant level was 8.9 years (s.d. 7.5 yr); 95% (n = 42) were male. Most surgeons (n = 37, 84%) reported some involvement in assessing trainees, but of these, only 17 (39%) had received training in performance assessment. Some surgeons (n = 8) had been involved in earlier stages of the NOTSS project, but the most were unfamiliar with the system.


The data-collection materials used were NOTSS rating forms, a participant demographics form, and an evaluation questionnaire. The rating form was used to record scores for NOTSS categories and elements on a four-point rating scale–4 good, 3 acceptable, 2 marginal, 1 poor—and N/A-not applicable (skill not required or expected for given clinical situation). It is well recognized that raters must receive specific training to assess non-technical skills [14, 17]. The NOTSS system training course (2.5 h) was developed to give the surgeons who participated in the study a basic background in human factors, and in observing and rating behaviors, which is lacking in their current professional training. The course was based on guidance from aviation on behavior rating [14] and used surgical examples to train raters. It comprised (1) background on human factors and non-technical skills; (2) an introduction to the NOTSS system and how to make behavioral assessments, and (3) practice in observing and rating behaviors with NOTSS in three training scenarios. Raters were not formally calibrated but they did discuss their observations and ratings after each of the three training scenarios.

After the training, the experimental evaluation (to rate the consultant surgeon’s behaviors in the six evaluation video scenarios) took 1 h. Participants were instructed to watch each scenario and to rate the observed skills using the NOTSS rating form. Participants were informed of the simulated nature of the scenarios. All ratings were made individually. At the end of the session, participants completed an evaluation questionnaire.


System sensitivity

Non-technical Skills for Surgeons sensitivity (accuracy) at category level was assessed by calculating the mean absolute difference for category ratings and the corresponding reference rating within each scenario. The mean of these differences across all six experimental scenarios was then calculated. Lower scores indicate increasing sensitivity. The average NOTSS sensitivity at category level was .67 scale points and a breakdown of sensitivity by category is presented in Figure 1. The Task Management category had the highest sensitivity, and ratings for the two other interpersonal skills categories (Leadership and Communication & Teamwork) were roughly equivalent at a mean difference from reference rating of around 0.8 scale points. Of the two cognitive skills categories, Decision Making had more sensitivity than Situation Awareness, which was the least sensitively rated category of all.

Fig. 1
figure 1

NOTSS system sensitivity and internal reliability

The accuracy of ratings when distinguishing between behaviors which might be deemed to be “acceptable” and “unacceptable” was examined by comparing collapsed ratings of 1 and 2 (unacceptable) with ratings of 3 and 4 (acceptable). With this method, accuracy was assessed by examining the percentage of raters agreeing with the reference rating (unacceptable or acceptable) for each category, averaged across the six scenarios (see Fig. 2). The response N/A was not included in this analysis. From Figure 2, a mean of n = 36 (82%) of participants agreed with reference ratings of unacceptable or acceptable behaviors within the Decision Making and Communication & Teamwork categories, which were the most accurately rated. A mean of n = 30 (69%) agreed with the reference rating for Leadership and a mean of n = 28 (63%) agreed with ratings for Situation Awareness and Task Management.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Mean percentage of raters agreeing with category reference ratings (collapsed scale: unacceptable versus acceptable)

Inter-rater reliability (IRR)

Mean within-group agreement (r wg) [18] was calculated for the NOTSS categories and elements ratings for each of the six experimental groups. The average across groups was then taken to represent the overall reliability of the prototype system. The within group agreement statistic lies between 0 (no agreement) and 1 (perfect agreement) and represents the degree to which a number of raters agree on the absolute ratings given to targets (in this study, targets are the behaviors in the scenarios that reflect the NOTSS categories and elements). The calculation is based on ratings of behaviors for each scenario, which are then averaged across the six scenarios to give a mean r wg for each of the NOTSS categories and elements. The generally accepted criterion for an acceptable level of agreement is r wg > 0.7–0.8 [19].

Table 1 shows that the mean r wg across experimental groups only exceeded the criterion of >.7 for two categories: Leadership and Communication & Teamwork. Within-group agreement for Decision Making approached the criterion, but the values of r wg for Situation Awareness and Task Management were .51 and .66, respectively. In analysis of the NOTSS elements, only ratings for “supporting others,” one of the Leadership elements, exceeded the criterion.

Table 1 Within-group agreement (r wg) and intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) across six experimental scenarios

The intraclass correlation coefficient [ICC(2)] was also calculated to provide a complementary reliability measure to the r wg. ICC(2) provides an estimate of the reliability of group means and is estimated using mean squares from a one-way random-effects ANOVA [20]. Intraclass correlation coefficient (2), based on absolute agreement, was selected as the most appropriate model [21], and the coefficients for single-rater and average-ratings were examined, as displayed in Table 1. The convention is that ICC > .07 is required for acceptable reliability. For ICC(2) average measures, this was exceeded in all categories (scores from .95 to .99).

The coefficients for ICC(2) single measure did not reach the criterion for any category, but coefficients for Decision Making, Leadership, and Communication & Teamwork were all >.6. The ICC(2) single measure coefficients were lowest for Situation Awareness (.29) and Task Management (.39).

Between-scenario differences in IRR

Within-group agreement was higher within scenarios 1, 2, and 3 than for scenarios 4, 5, and 6 (see Table 1). To investigate this further, the mean within-group agreement across categories for each scenario was calculated and is shown in Figure 3. There is substantial variation in surgeons’ agreement between scenarios, possibly because behaviors were more extreme and therefore “easier” to identify and rate in some scenarios (i.e., scenarios 1 and 3), than others (i.e., scenarios 5 and 6). As behaviors become more extreme and/or raters are better trained, within-group agreement would be expected to improve.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Within-group agreement by scenario: comparing general and orthopedic surgeons

Between-specialization differences in IRR

The type of surgery being depicted in the scenarios may also have an impact on the degree of agreement. Surgeons from several specialties participated in the evaluation, but all scenarios were based either in general or orthopedic surgery. It is possible that surgeons’ ratings might be more homogeneous when they are rating scenarios based in their own specialty than when rating other specialties. This possibility was tested by comparing the within-group agreement for raters who were either general surgeons or orthopedic surgeons for each of the scenarios. The results presented in Figure 3 show that orthopedic surgeons’ ratings were significantly more in agreement than general surgeons’ ratings for all scenarios, irrespective of the type of surgery being depicted in the scenario (t = 10.17, p < 0.00).

Internal reliability of the system

The NOTSS system allows raters to rate skills at both the category and element level. Because of conceptual overlap, there should be a high degree of consistency between the category rating and the ratings for the two or three underlying elements. This possibility was assessed by calculating the mean absolute difference between raters’ element ratings and their rating for the corresponding category [22], displayed in Figure 1 (internal consistency scores). Lower scores indicate closer agreement. Consistency between category and element was very high for all categories (M < 0.25 of a scale point between element and category on a four-point scale).

Implications for system development

Following a review of the results, the Task Management category was dropped, and relevant behaviors were incorporated into the other categories where appropriate. This was done because (1) the results of IRR for this category were relatively poor, (2) feedback from participants indicated that surgeons did not engage in task management behaviors intraoperatively because they delegated the majority of these tasks during preoperative planning, (3) many of the Task Management behaviors reflected the underlying concepts of gaining and updating Situation Awareness, and (4) because of feedback regarding complexity, reducing the number of categories made the rating system more parsimonious and reduced cognitive workload for users [23]. The revised NOTSS taxonomy (v1.2) is presented in Table 2.

Table 2 Non-Technical Skills for Surgeons (NOTSS) skills taxonomy v1.2


The results indicate that the NOTSS system has a consistent internal structure and acceptable sensitivity when surgeons’ ratings are compared with reference ratings of acceptable/unacceptable behavior. Intraclass correlation coefficients exceeded criteria for the scale to be used by multiple raters (ICC average-ratings), and acceptable within-group reliability existed for the interpersonal skills categories (Leadership and Communication & Teamwork). However, within-group reliability did not meet a priori criteria for the cognitive skills categories of Situation Awareness and Decision Making. It should be emphasized that the surgeons who participated as raters had no previous experience with this type of behavior rating, and they had not been educated in the underlying concepts as part of their medical training. Also, they had received only 2.5 h of training in use of the NOTSS system. This was the maximum amount of training that we could arrange for groups of consultant surgeons who participated on a discretionary basis and were not compensated for their time. Also, the intention of the 2.5 h training was not to improve the accuracy or reliability of raters per se, but to give them basic training in observing and rating behaviors, as well as some initial practice at doing this on video scenarios. For these reasons, it was remarkable that acceptable reliability was achieved for some categories. Moreover, no attempt was made to calibrate the raters by using feedback and discussion to establish common standards, and this may account for a significant amount of the within-group variability. The lack of agreed “gold standards” in surgery means that several opinions on what is good or desirable treatment in a given situation can co-exist. The fact that some categories did not reach acceptable reliability according to strict a priori criteria does not negate the importance of the underlying constructs. Interest in rating the behaviors relating to cognitive skills and assessing their impact on surgical performance should not be abandoned on the basis of this initial reliability study. There may always be more diverse interpretations in surgery compared with industries that are highly proceduralized and regulated, such as civil aviation and nuclear power.

Strengths and limitations

One benefit of testing the reliability of the NOTSS system using simulated surgical scenarios was the ability to video-record specified behaviors in a stable context. Six different scenarios were used to test the system because it was deemed important to establish reliability across a number of different clinical encounters, and the within-group agreement statistic was calculated for each category and element by considering the agreement of ratings for those categories across the six scenarios. By testing the system in this manner—across six scenarios depicting different clinical encounters with different surgeons acting the lead roles—the results were less likely to be skewed, and the applicability of the system to several different scenarios was established. Despite the fact that all scenarios were clinically appropriate and looked realistic, they were relatively brief and did not represent a situation where a rater could spend several hours observing a surgeon’s behavior during a case. Although information was provided about the patient in each scenario, some raters said they would want additional contextual information (e.g., the level of the trainee’s competence) before they could judge the consultant’s behavior. The main limitation, as mentioned above, was the inadequate amount of training raters received. It is recommended that a minimum of 2 days’ training be provided for using this type of rating system. However, the 2.5 h training session that was delivered to the 44 surgeons who participated has been viewed as a good investment in an emerging area of surgical training and assessment, one that could affect the future behavior of those surgeons in the operating room. We believe that with increasing familiarity and training, agreement within surgeons about how to rate non-technical skills will increase. There is no requirement for the suggested 2 days of training to be completed back-to-back in a single course; in fact, it may be more sustainable if training is delivered over a period of time. Ongoing research on the usability of NOTSS in the operating room will continue to provide the surgeons who participate with training that will build on the foundations provided in this study. In spite of limitations, participants were able to use the NOTSS system with a level of sensitivity and agreement that approached an acceptable standard. Although this was not as high as recommended for trained non-technical skills assessors, evaluation of behavioral rating systems in other industries has shown that high levels of sensitivity and inter-rater reliability are not achieved unless individuals have proper training and calibration.

Implementing NOTSS into surgical practice

The NOTSS system was designed primarily as an educational tool, to provide surgeons with a structure and with the language to observe, rate, and provide feedback on behaviors during routine cases. To focus on the educational aspect, we are now running a trial to establish the impact of regular debriefings on surgical performance. The NOTSS system was not designed specifically for quality control, but there have been several emergent uses in this area since its release. For example, surgeon-trainers have used NOTSS to deal with underperforming surgeons; to analyze surgical adverse events [24] and to structure non-technical skills training. The ultimate goal is for NOTSS to be adopted into the curriculum of all surgical specialties. To achieve this without over-burdening surgeons with additional training requirements, NOTSS may need to be adapted so that it is in the same format as existing tools for evaluating technical skills. The results of this study show that, with minimal training, surgeons can use NOTSS to provide formative assessment of non-technical skills at the acceptable/unacceptable level, based on observation of behaviors during the performance of surgical procedures. This may be one practical way of implementing the system to increase exposure and familiarity, before surgeons are asked to assess using the whole scale.

A recent systematic review found that clinicians have only limited ability to self-assess their competence [25]. Current proposals to increase medical regulation in the UK [26] may mean that objective assessment of non-technical competencies could become routinely used in healthcare, as it is in other industries [27]. To develop appropriate training and feedback procedures, behavior rating tools such as NOTSS need to be carefully designed and subjected to iterative testing with domain experts. Therefore, with the proviso that adequate training be given to the raters, the NOTSS system should now be subjected to a formal usability evaluation in the operating room, which will also allow trainers and trainees to gain familiarity and confidence in a method of introducing non-technical skills into the dialogs of training.