
The extraction and amplification of DNA from ancient tissues are a challenging task, due to the tendency of ancient templates to be found in low copy number and a degraded state and the prevalence of contaminant templates at each point a sample is handled (Hofreiter et al. 2001b; Pääbo et al. 2004). A major source of frustration in ancient DNA research is that the more degraded the original DNA contained in an ancient tissue, the more likely that amplifications from DNA extracts will contain mostly copies of contaminant DNA templates. The problem of contamination is thought to be most acute for attempts to extract and analyze DNA from ancient human tissues, because there appears to be no a priori way to decide whether an observed sequence is derived from an original ancient template or from omnipresent contaminant templates, most of which can be traced to contemporary humans (Gilbert et al. 2005; Handt et al. 1996; Hofreiter et al. 2001b; Stiller et al. 2006). Consequently, studies of ancient DNA from human remains are frequently met with skepticism (Abbott 2003), with some going so far as to suggest that the authentication of sequences from ancient human tissues is a near-impossible task (Serre et al. 2004). According to this line of reasoning, the prime authentication criterion in ancient DNA studies is the identification of a sequence that is clearly distinguishable from contemporary human sequences.

Most forms of damage that occur to ancient DNA templates prevent or inhibit the success of PCR amplification and are therefore only indirectly observed by the researcher, for example, strand breaks and DNA cross-links (Hansen et al. 2006; Mitchell et al. 2005; Pääbo et al. 2004; Willerslev and Cooper 2005). However, some forms of damage directly affect the nucleotide composition of DNA fragments produced during PCR amplification. In particular, the deamination of individual nucleotides, caused by hydrolysis, produces miscoding lesions in ancient template DNA that can be directly observed by the researcher as apparent transition mutations among a set of cloned sequences obtained from a PCR reaction (Gilbert et al. 2003; Hansen et al. 2001; Hofreiter et al. 2001a). A number of key studies have demonstrated that C → T and G → A transitions are by far the most common type of damage induced mutations observed in cloned sequences from ancient DNA amplifications (Binladen et al. 2006; Gilbert et al. 2003, 2007; Hansen et al. 2001; Hofreiter et al. 2001a; Stiller et al. 2006). Both types of damage induced transitions are thought to be primarily the result of deamination of cytosine to uracil in the ancient template DNA, giving rise to C → T transitions in cloned sequences when deaminated cytosines occurred on the strand that is complementary to the sequencing primer and G → A transitions observed when deaminated cytosines occurred on the reverse strand (Gilbert et al. 2003, 2007; Hansen et al. 2001; Hofreiter et al. 2001a; Stiller et al. 2006). In some cases G → A transitions may also occur as a result of a direct modification of guanine (Gilbert et al. 2007).

Some recent studies have suggested that an excess of C → T and G → A transitions among a set of cloned sequences from an ancient DNA amplification can be interpreted as indicating the presence of clones carrying copies of ancient template DNA (Rudbeck et al. 2005; Topf et al. 2006). The rationale underlying this supposition is that ancient DNA templates will have been subjected to hydrolytic damage from the time their original owner died, whereas contaminant DNA templates are typically very recent in origin and are therefore less likely to have sustained notable hydrolytic damage. However, to our knowledge, no attempt has been made to formally exploit the potential information provided by cytosine deamination miscoding lesions in a statistical framework to help authenticate sequences obtained from ancient DNA samples. In fact, the view is more common that damage-induced mutations in cloned sequences are a potentially misleading nuisance, which should ideally be removed with extraexperimental procedures, such as the treatment of DNA extractions with uracil N-glycosylase (UNG) to remove damaged templates (Hofreiter et al. 2001a; Pääbo 1989).

Here we present a statistical approach, based on the c statistic, that treats miscoding lesions caused by cytosine deamination as information that can be exploited to formally test for the presence of damaged induced mutations among a set of cloned sequences and help identify the original motif that gave rise to the damaged templates. The application of the c statistic is illustrated using mtDNA clones sequences obtained from Ötzi the Tyrolean Iceman (Rollo et al. 2006). The effectiveness of this statistic for the identification of endogenous template DNA in ancient DNA research is then evaluated both through simulation and through its application to clone sequence sets from three other prominent ancient DNA studies (Haak et al. 2005; Hofreiter et al. 2001a; Krings et al. 1997). Our results indicate that the c-based approach is likely to provide an important additional authentication tool for ancient DNA researchers. In particular, it may be valuable to those working with human remains, where the authenticity of results has been most fiercely contested.


The Model

Consider the fate of a set of DNA molecules contained in a portion of bone belonging to a recently deceased organism. We will assume that a substantial number of different-sized DNA molecules survive the initial onslaught of fragmentation and degradation caused by endogenous nucleases and microorganisms, and that the remains become enveloped by the environment, so that further degradation of the surviving DNA molecules occurs at a relatively slow and steady rate. As time passes, the surviving DNA molecules are subjected to various damage inducing processes, mainly oxidation and hydrolysis, which continue to sever the remaining DNA molecules into even smaller fragments and alter their molecular composition in a variety of ways (Gilbert et al. 2003; Pääbo et al. 2004; Willerslev and Cooper 2005). The rate of damage to template molecules per unit of time is of course a function of the magnitude of exposure of the tissue to destructive environmental agents, such as high temperature (Smith et al. 2001), which can vary both among tissues and at different times in the history of a single fragment of tissue (for example, before and after excavation). In the present context, however, our focus is on the total damage that has accumulated in the template molecules of a particular tissue sample that is subjected to ancient DNA analysis.

From the viewpoint of the ancient DNA researcher, much of the damage that occurs removes DNA template molecules from the realm of the potentially analyzable, either through excessive fragmentation or by modifying the DNA molecules in ways that prevents them from being amplified in PCR reactions. However, two forms of damage are detectable in sets of sequenced clones from a PCR reaction, namely, blocking lesions and miscoding lesions, as they give rise to distinctive artifacts in amplification products during the first few cycles of the PCR reaction. Blocking lesions can result in the fusion of two different template molecules (“jumping PCR”) and are thought to occur when a lesion in a template molecule prevents an attached DNA polymerase from completing replication, causing it to “jump” to another template to finish the job (Pääbo et al. 1990, 2004; Willerslev and Cooper 2005). More rarely, such events can also involve templates with no blocking lesions (Hebsgaard et al. 2005). Jumping PCR events are hard to detect when the two templates involved have identical nucleotide sequences but can often be inferred when mutationally distinct DNA templates were present in the PCR reaction mix (i.e., in cases where contaminant templates were present).

Miscoding lesions are the most perceptible form of damage to DNA templates encountered by the ancient DNA researcher. Most are caused by the hydrolytic deamination of individual nucleotides, which results in erroneous bases being incorporated during the first rounds of PCR amplification. An important feature of these lesions is that the vast majority seem to result from the deamination of cytosine to uracil (Gilbert et al. 2007; Hansen et al. 2001; Stiller et al. 2006), visible as either C → T or G → A mutations among sets of clone sequences obtained from PCR amplification of ancient DNA (depending on whether lesions occurred on the strand that was sequenced or its reverse complement).

The impact of all the aforementioned types of postmortem damage to DNA template molecules increases with time for any given segment of sequence, such that if we start with some finite number of undamaged original template molecules, the passing of time will result in

  1. (1)

    a decrease in the overall number of surviving analyzable template molecules,

  2. (2)

    a relative increase in the frequency of damaged template molecules among the surviving templates (and a corresponding relative decrease in the frequency of undamaged template molecules), and

  3. (3)

    an increase in the average number of miscoding lesions per surviving template molecules.

Figure 1 presents an example of how these three factors influence the pattern of variation observed among a sample of template molecules over time as postmortem damage accumulates. A key point for the ancient DNA researcher is the tell-tale signature left by the accumulation of miscoding lesions on template molecules, which, when analyzed using a tree or network generating algorithm, gives rise to a star-like pattern, with the undamaged template motif at the center, surrounded by satellites of multiple, rare, damaged template motifs. What makes this signature particularly informative and identifiable is that most branches emanating from the central undamaged template motif will either carry just C → T transitions or just G → A transitions (because of the preponderance of cytosine deamination miscoding lesions). It is the central premise of this paper that the pattern of variation produced by postmortem miscoding lesions in templates from old tissues can, in many instances, be systematically exploited by the ancient DNA researcher to help identify the sequence motif of old undamaged templates, when faced with a set of sequenced clones with different sequence motifs from a PCR reaction.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

The impact of postmortem damage to DNA templates over time. The fate of DNA templates from an ancient tissue was examined through a simple simulation procedure. We first produced a random DNA sequence of 200 bases and then subjected 50 single-strand copies of the sequence to in silico cytosine deamination at the arbitrary rate of 0.00004 per cytosine per year. The 50 sequences had an equal chance of being sampled as the forward or reverse strand. We show a series of networks that show the emergent pattern of diversity resulting from the accumulation of miscoding lesions on sequence templates at four different times after death: (a) 0 years, (b) 100 years, (c) 500 years, and (d) 2000 years. Each of the four frames shows the inferred evolutionary relationships among the 50 template molecules, as inferred by the median-joining algorithm (Bandelt et al. 1999) when damaged nucleotides are treated as mutations. The median-joining algorithm infers the most likely evolutionary pathways between a set of sequences based on a strategy that minimizes the total number of mutation events at each site. Each circle represents a distinct sequence type, where the circle area is proportional to the number of copies sampled. The length of lines connecting each pair of circles is proportional to the number of mutational differences that separate them. After 0 years (a) all the sampled sequences are undamaged versions of the original template, represented by a single circle. As more time passes (b–d), so the relative frequency of the undamaged original template decreases, while the relative frequency of a growing variety of damaged templates increases. The latter take up a star-like formation around the original undamaged template, indicating the sequence motif of the original undamaged template even when it is too rare to be sampled (as in d). Although based on single realizations of the simulation, the outcomes shown in the four frames are typical for the parameters used. More importantly, the basic trend is largely independent of the parameter values used. Thus, as more time passes, the relative frequency of the original undamaged template decreases, while the relative frequency of templates with miscoding lesions increases. We note that the relative frequency of damaged versus undamaged templates and the average number of miscoding lesions per surviving template may both be viewed as indicators of the time that has passed after death (scaled by the environmental intensity of postmortem damage acting on the templates at each point in time).

Typically, the template at the center of a pattern of damage is likely to be the endogenous template. However, it is important to note that the process of damage described above will affect not only endogenous template molecules present in a tissue, but also any exogenous templates that have contaminated the tissue postmortem. Thus, a tissue contaminated with a large number of exogenous templates from one or more sources could yield multiple signatures of damage due to miscoding lesions, provided the exogenous templates have been present in the tissue for a sufficient time to suffer damage-inducing environmental conditions. Logically, the templates that have accumulated the greatest overall amount of damage will provide the strongest signature. All other things being equal, these will tend to be the endogenous templates. The endogenous templates have been in the tissue for the longest time, accumulating damage at the same rate as exogenous templates during their period of coexistence, in addition to the damage accumulated by endogenous templates prior to contamination of the tissue with exogenous templates.

Nonetheless, it should be borne in mind that the strongest signature of damage present in sequenced clones obtained from an ancient tissue could be attributable to exogenous templates. In particular, this might occur on occasions where the damage signature of the endogenous templates is undetectable because too few analyzable fragments of endogenous template have survived or where unusual environmental conditions have led to greater accumulation of damage on exogenous than endogenous templates (Sampietro et al. 2006).

A Statistic to Quantify the Signal of Damage-Induced Substitutions

A prerequisite for the application of the proposed approach is that we start with a set of sequenced clones obtained from one or more amplifications of a particular fragment, where template DNA was extracted from a single ancient specimen. More than one sequence type must be represented among the clones. The first step involves using the median-joining algorithm (or some similar algorithm) to generate a network describing the most parsimonious genealogical relationships between the sequence types represented among the clones (noted as s ORIG ). An advantage of the median-joining algorithm in this context is that it reconstructs unsampled sequences (median vectors) that are likely to have existed and given rise to the observed sequences (Bandelt et al. 1999). This feature is of particular value for tissues where most surviving amplifiable templates are damaged and the probability of encountering the original undamaged template is low (Fig. 1d). After applying the median-joining algorithm we have s TOT sequence types (the original s ORIG sequence types plus s MV predicted median vector sequence types).

Our aim is to test the hypothesis that one of the sequence types exhibits a pattern of mutational differences to the remaining sequence types that is consistent with it being a copy of an undamaged template and all (or a subset) of the remaining sequence types being copies of the same template that have been damaged by miscoding lesions. In order to achieve this we introduce a test statistic, c, calculated for each sequence type i, that is, in essence, the weighted sum of mutational differences between sequence type i and all other observed sequence types in the network that are likely to be damaged versions of i. The statistic is defined as

$$ c_{i} = {\sum\limits_{j = 1}^{s_{{TOT}} } {l_{{i \to j}} } }{\sum\limits_{k = 1}^{n_{{i \to j}} } {{{d_{k} t_{k} } \over k}} } $$

where l ij is a binary variable that takes the value 1 when all the mutational differences going from i to j are either C → T transitions or when they are all G → A transitions (i.e., when all the mutations are consistent with being attributable to miscoding lesions), but takes the value 0 in all other cases. The variable n ij represents the number of branches traversed along the shortest path between sequence types i and j in the network, and d k is the number of mutations on the kth branch between sequence types i and j. The term t k represents a binary vector, where each value is initially set to 1, but after the first time the kth branch contributes to the c i score, the t k value for that branch is set to 0. This ensures that the mutations on each branch in the network only contribute to c i once during the calculation procedure, which is necessary because some branches are traversed multiple times as the relationship between sequence type i and all other sequences is examined. Finally, the use of k as a denominator gives the greatest weight to mutations on branches that are directly adjacent to sequence type i, and successively less weight to mutations on branches that are accessed via intermediate sequence types. This places greater weight on sequence types that occur at the center of a star-like pattern of variation, as is expected for a set of sequences representing an undamaged template with multiple damaged versions (Fig. 1).

In general, it is expected that the sequence type representing the undamaged version of the oldest template will have the greatest value of c out of the s TOT sequence types obtained from a tissue specimen, if damaged versions of the same template are also present among the sequenced clones. This should also apply when the sequence types represent both damaged versions of an old template and exogenous contaminant templates.

Testing the Statistical Significance of c and cMAX

A simple way to assess the statistical significance of a c score for any particular sequence type, relative to the null hypothesis that mutations are distributed randomly within the network, is to randomize the mutations among the branches of the network. Using this approach, a null distribution of c scores can be generated for each sequence type under the assumption that there is no real excess of pure C → T transitions or G → A transitions emanating from any sequence type within the network. Thus, we can obtain an empirical p-value for each sequence type i, defined as the proportion of c i scores from randomized data sets that are at least as great as the observed scores. However, interpretation of p-values for individual sequence types can be limited by the necessity of correcting for multiple tests, particularly when s TOT is quite large. To avoid this problem, it is possible to assess just the significance of the maximum c score, c MAX, from the set of s TOT sequence types using the randomization procedure. The finding of a statistically significant c MAX score obtained from a set of clone sequences indicates a pattern of variation consistent with the presence of sequence types representing templates with miscoding lesions. Equally important, the sequence type providing the maximum c score in such instances is the most likely representative of the undamaged version of the template that has suffered the greatest number of miscoding lesions, which in turn is likely to be the oldest template represented among the clone sequences.

A slightly different null hypothesis can be tested when there is a suspicion that most (or all) of the sequenced clones represent recent exogenous contaminant templates and researchers have access to a reference database of potential contaminant sequence types. Contaminant templates in PCR amplifications are obviously a major problem in ancient DNA research. The problem is particularly acute when ancient human tissues are studied, as most contaminants are likely to be human in origin. A key observation in this context, however, is that cloned sequences derived from contaminant DNA templates are not expected to exhibit many miscoding lesions. This is because they have typically been recently introduced to the ancient tissue (or to laboratory reagents and equipment) and are therefore unlikely to have been exposed to lesion-inducing environmental factors to the same degree as the ancient tissue’s endogenous template DNA. In accordance with this expectation, one can produce a null distribution of c MAX values based on the null hypothesis that all the clones obtained from an ancient tissue are derived from contaminant templates. In the case of ancient DNA research using human tissues, the null distribution of c MAX could be produced using a reference database of sequences from the modern inhabitants of the regions, countries, or continents where the remains were found, handled, and subjected to ancient DNA analysis. Thus, multiple random samples of s ORIG sequence types, covering the same positions as the clones, are drawn from the reference database and a median-joining network is generated for each one. The c MAX score from each network is retrieved from the c scores of the s TOT sequence types in the network (as described above), thus giving rise to a null distribution of expected c MAX values that can be used to calculate an empirical p-value for the observed c MAX value.

A reference database of potential contaminant sequences can be further used to identify matches between sequence types found among the clones and those from the database. An informal examination of the distribution of such sequence matches in the network can add further weight to conclusions drawn on the basis of the statistical procedures described above. Thus, for example, it is reasonable to suppose that sequence types representing damaged templates are less likely to be found in reference databases than those representing authentic or contaminant undamaged templates. Consequently, a sequence type that yields a high c score and is found with putative damaged versions that are not found in a reference database, is more likely to be authentic than an instance where many of the putative damaged versions are found in a reference database.


Application of the c Statistic to a Real Set of Clone Sequences

Figure 2 shows an example of how c can be calculated for one sequence type using a median-joining network produced from a set of published mtDNA clones sequences obtained from three different tissues of Ötzi the Tyrolean Iceman (Rollo et al. 2006). Table 1 shows results from the application of the randomization procedure to assess the statistical significance of c scores for each of the sequence types obtained from cloning the products of several PCR amplifications of a DNA sample from the Tyrolean Iceman. We examined a total of 10,000 randomized data sets, yielding nominally significant p-values for two sequence types, only one of which remains significant when Bonferroni adjustment for the 24 tests is performed. When only c MAX (the maximum c score of 14.5) is tested, the expected value from randomization is 4.46 (SD = 1.51), with an empirical p-value of 0.0001. The sequence type that provides the c MAX value in our analysis is the one identified as endogenous to the specimen by the original researchers. Testing the null hypothesis that the Iceman clones are derived from contaminant templates by a comparison of the c MAX values (Fig. 2 and Table 1), using a set of 6740 publicly available human mtDNA sequences, spanning sites 16,210–16,331, we obtain an expected c MAX of 7.3 (SD = 1.55), with only two of the 10,000 c MAX values from the null-distribution exceeding the observed value of 14.5 (p = 0.0002).

Fig. 2.
figure 2

An illustrated example of c calculation using mtDNA clones from Ötzi the Tyrolean Iceman. A median-joining network describing a set of the shortest mutational paths between mtDNA clone sequences, between site 16,210 and site 16,330 according to the human reference sequence, obtained from three different tissues of the Tyrolean Iceman (Rollo et al. 2006). Each of the 19 different sequence types observed among the clones is represented by a circle, whose area is proportional to the copy number. Intermediate sequence types produced by the median-joining algorithm, so-called median vectors, are represented by black squares. Each sequence type is identified by a number, followed by its c score given in parentheses. Lines between the circles and the squares represent branches that constitute the shortest mutational paths among the sequence types. The length of each branch is proportional to the number of mutational differences that distinguish the sequence types connected by the branch. Each mutational difference on a branch is indicated by a number (which can be added to 16,000 to obtain the site position in the human mtDNA reference sequence) and the two allelic states carried by the sequence types on either side of the branch. The order of the allelic states given for each mutational difference is given by reference to sequence type 1 (ST1), such that when the shortest path leading from ST1 to any other sequence type is traced in the network, the former allele indicates the state of the sequence type closer to ST1 and the latter allele indicates the state of the sequence type further from ST1. ST1 has the highest c score in the network and happens to be the sequence type suggested by the authors of the original study to have belonged to the Iceman (i.e., 16224C 16311C). The branches that contribute to ST1’s c score of 14.5 are indicated with thick lines, being those that connect ST1 to other sequence types in the network through either pure C → T or pure G → A mutational differences. ST1’s c score can be calculated simply once these branches have been identified. We first sum the number of mutations on highlighted branches that are immediately adjacent to ST1 (11 mutations) and then add half the number of mutations that are on highlighted branches that are connected to ST1 through one intermediate node (7/2 mutations). As there are no highlighted branches connected to ST1 through more than one intermediate node, the total c for ST1 is therefore 14.5.

Table 1. Statistical significance of c i values based on randomization

Evaluation of the c Statistic Using Simulation

A simple way to assess the effectiveness of the c statistic for identifying patterns of variation produced by the accumulation of miscoding lesions on template DNA is through simulation. We simulated multiple sets of clone sequences using the procedure described in Fig. 1, where all differences among clones are due to cytosine deamination events that accumulate at a rate of 0.00004 per base per year (on either the forward or reverse strand of double-stranded template molecules). We assessed the success rate of our approach based on two criteria. First, how often does the median-joining algorithm successfully reconstruct the original template sequence as a median vector, in cases where the magnitude of postmortem damage is such that no undamaged copies of the template are among the sampled sequences? Second, how often does the original undamaged template sequence yield the c MAX value?

Table 2 presents results based on 1000 simulated sets of 30, 10, and 5 sequences, over periods of 100, 500, 1000, 2000, and 4000 years. The median-joining algorithm did an almost-perfect job in reconstructing the undamaged template as a median vector when the magnitude of postmortem damage was such that only damaged templates were present among the sampled sequences. Moreover, for all but two of the scenarios examined, the c MAX value was correctly assigned to either a sampled copy or a successfully reconstructed copy of the original undamaged template in >98% of the networks. As would be expected, the success rate is negatively related to the number of sequences sampled and the magnitude of damage present in the templates. Thus, under the simplistic model used in this experiment, a limit in the effectiveness of the median-joining algorithm was reached when only five sequences were sampled after 4000 years of damage (where either 42.3% of the networks did not contain a copy of the original undamaged template or the c MAX value was wrongly assigned to another template). Thus, these results highlight the importance of sampling multiple clones in ancient DNA work to obtain maximum potential information about the original undamaged template. Furthermore, these results indicate that when a reasonable number of clones are sequenced in ancient DNA research, the combined use of the median-joining algorithm and the c statistic can provide an effective means to identify the original undamaged template.

Table 2. Evaluating the c-based approach using simulation

Evaluation of the c Statistic Using Multiple Published Sets of Clone Sequences

Table 3 shows results obtained from applying the c MAX test statistic to 29 sets of clone sequence from three prominent ancient DNA studies (Haak et al. 2005; Hofreiter et al. 2001a; Krings et al. 1997), with p-values based on null distributions generated by randomizing mutations within the observed networks and, where possible, on sampling sequence types from a reference database. For 24 of the 29 clone sequence sets, our results provide statistical support for the presence of miscoding lesions (a significant randomization and/or reference sample p-value for the c MAX score). Of the five clone sets where we cannot reject the null hypothesis of a random distribution of mutations, two contain very little variation (and therefore little power to detect deviation from the null hypothesis) and one was obtained from a PCR treated with UNG, which prevents amplification of templates with miscoding lesions and thereby eliminates the signal detected by the c statistic.

Table 3. The c MAX test statistic applied to multiple clone sequence sets from three published ancient DNA studies

For 26 of the 29 clone sets, the sequence type identified as endogenous by the authors of the original studies is the one that provides the c MAX score in our analyses. One of the three exceptions is of particular interest, DEB 3 16210–16347 (no. 12 in Table 3), since both null hypotheses are rejected for this set of clones (p=0.0022 and p=0.0206, respectively), indicating that the sequences contain a pattern of diversity consistent with the presence of miscoding lesions. This clone set contains eight different sequence types, of which 16311C provides the c MAX score of 6.67, while 16223T 16248T 16320T (which provides the next largest c score of 4.5) is identified as the endogenous sequence type in the original study (Haak et al. 2005). In this case, there is strong evidence in support of the conclusion of the original study (based on, for example, phylogenetic consistency with other fragments from the same sample) and reason to believe that the 16311C sequence type represents a contaminant template. Two peculiar characteristics of this clone set account for the higher c score of 16311C. First, it differs from 16223T 16248T 16320T by four mutational differences, all of which happen to be C → T changes, thereby substantially boosting its c score. Second, because the damaged versions of 16223T 16248T 16320T present among the clones only happen to carry C → T lesion-induced substitutions, the c score of 16311C further captures much of the true signal that is attributable to the 16223T 16248T 16320T template. Although instances where the c score of a contaminant sequence type captures and surpasses that of the endogenous sequence type in this way are likely to be rare, the case of the DEB 3 16210–16347 clone set nonetheless highlights the importance of applying this approach alongside other established authentication criteria (Gilbert et al. 2005). Furthermore, we also emphasize that the likelihood of such occurrences can be reduced by sequencing a relatively large number of clones from each PCR reaction. This will tend to increase the number of damaged versions of the endogenous template represented among the clones, which in turn will reduce the relative weight of mutations on branches that connect particular contaminant sequence types to the endogenous sequence type and reduces the likelihood that all the damaged versions of the endogenous template sampled will carry only C → T or G → A lesion-induced substitutions.


We have proposed a statistical approach that can be used to help identify old templates among a set of clone sequences obtained from ancient DNA amplifications. It is important to note that use of the c score does not provide direct evidence of authenticity of sequence types obtained from ancient DNA research. Rather it provides the basis to test whether there is a pattern of variation among the sequence types that is consistent with the presence of miscoding lesions that have accumulated on the background of one particular template. While in many cases the most damaged original template DNA is expected to be the one that is endogenous to the ancient tissue, this need not be the case (Sampietro et al. 2006). Thus, it is possible for contaminant templates from a single source to penetrate ancient tissues in sufficient magnitude, and long enough before a DNA extraction is performed to suffer miscoding lesions, such that multiple damaged versions of the contaminant template are found among clones. However, if it is assumed that rates of damage for endogenous and exogenous templates are roughly equal in a tissue after it is contaminated, then it follows that the endogenous templates will generally tend to carry more damage overall, because they will also carry damage accumulated prior to contamination. Thus, all other things being equal, damaged versions of the endogenous template should have, on average, more miscoding lesions than damaged versions of contaminant templates. Moreover, our analyses of published sets of clone sequences from the literature indicate that endogenous templates tend to carry more damage than contaminant templates. Several of the clone sets contained putative contaminant sequence types, assuming that the sequences types identified by the original authors of those studies are correct. The putative contaminant sequence types in this context are defined those that can be found in reference databases of modern human mtDNA sequences and are inconsistent with being damaged versions of the endogenous sequence. A nice example is that of the Tyrolean Iceman data (Rollo et al. 2006), where all the clone sequences but two carry the core haplogroup K motif mutations 16224C and 16331C, with a large array of additional mutations, most of which are consistent with being due to cytosine deamination events (i.e., C → T or G → A substitutions). The two remaining sequences were identical haplogroup T sequences with the motif 16294T 16296T and 16304C, with no evidence of damage. A similar situation of no damage (or almost no damage) on putative contaminant sequences, accompanied by strong evidence for damage of the endogenous sequence, was observed for the (Haak et al. 2005) clone sets: DEB3 (16210–16347), ECS1 (16118–16232, 16210–16347, and 16288–16409) and FLO1 (16288–16409). In general, we therefore expect that contaminant templates will typically not be as damaged as endogenous templates and, furthermore, that the c MAX test is likely to be useful in many cases to help identify the nucleotide sequence of the endogenous templates.

There are some instances where c scores will be of no or little use in the evaluation of clone sequences from ancient DNA research. Most obviously, PCR amplifications that yield identical sequences in all clones cannot be analyzed using this approach. Such outcomes may be encountered in cases where amplifications start only from one template molecule or multiple templates that have identical nucleotide sequences. In practical terms, identical sequences in clones could be obtained from (i) extremely well-preserved tissues that yield only undamaged copies of the endogenous sequence type, (ii) tissues that contain no surviving endogenous templates but only contaminant templates from a single source, or (iii) highly degraded tissues where amplifications start from only one endogenous or exogenous template. It is evident that the power of the c MAX test to detect a signal of variation attributable to miscoding lesions among a set of clone sequences from an ancient DNA amplification is a function of the overall number of mutational differences among the sequences. Thus, the power will tend to be low for clone sets that contain only a few different sequence types or very short sequences. As a rule of thumb, we recommend the sequencing of at least ten clones per PCR for the application of our statistical procedure (Bower et al. 2005), but depending on the number of different sequence types this yields, more clones may need to be sequenced.

Another factor that may affect the power of the c MAX test is the misincorporation rate of the DNA polymerase used in the PCR reaction. Since the c score is based on differences between sequence types that are either purely of the kind C → T or G → A, frequent polymerase misincorporation events would tend to mask any real damage signal that could be present among a set of clone sequences. However, standard polymerases tend to have low misincorporation rates. Moreover, as ancient DNA researchers tend to use high-fidelity polymerases and rarely attempt to amplify very long fragments of DNA. Thus, the overall impact of polymerase misincorporation events on the power of the c statistic is probably small in most clone sets.

Finally, c scores are not likely to be useful in the analysis of clone sets obtained from PCR reactions treated with chemicals such as UNG, which prevent the amplification of templates with miscoding lesions.

While we have demonstrated our approach only on sets of sequenced clones obtained from amplifications of ancient mtDNA fragments, it is important to emphasize that the c statistic can be applied to sequence data from any part of the genome, so long as there are multiple sequences for a given fragment of DNA, that reflect distinct template molecules with different patterns of miscoding lesions. Indeed, our approach may be particularly useful in emerging ancient DNA genome-wide sequencing projects using the new large-scale parallel 454 technology (Green et al. 2006). Each sequence obtained using the 454 technology is derived from a single template molecule and will therefore provide information about the miscoding lesions carried by individual templates (Stiller et al. 2006). Consequently, for a given fragment of the genome, if a sufficient number of overlapping sequences are obtained using this technology, then it follows that the c statistic can be used to determine whether the sequences carry a signature of damage and to identify the sequence type most likely to represent the original undamaged template.

We have demonstrated that inferences based on the c score are highly accurate when evaluating simulated data sets of templates with miscoding lesions. More importantly, when applied to real clone sequence data from the literature, our approach also seems to provide reliable results, at least insofar as the template proposed as endogenous by the original authors yielded a statistically significant c MAX value in most cases. Consequently, we believe that our approach is likely to be of considerable value to researchers working with DNA from ancient tissues, especially when they derive from human remains. However, we reiterate that the c statistic should not be considered an alternative to established authentication criteria (Gilbert et al. 2005) but, rather, as an addition.