1 Introduction

Buhrman et al. [3] define the notion of catalytic computation, a space-bounded model of computation in which the usual Turing machine has, in addition to its work tape, access to a large auxiliary memory which is full. The auxiliary memory can be used during the computation, but its starting contents must be restored by the end of the computation. The space usage that is counted is the amount of work space s used; the auxiliary memory is for free. In a reasonable setting, the auxiliary memory is of size at most 2s. One can think of the auxiliary memory as a hard disk full of data. The difficulty in using the auxiliary memory is that it may contain arbitrary content, possibly incompressible, which has to be preserved in some way during the computation. It is not obvious whether such auxiliary memory can be useful at all. Buhrman et al. [3] have shown that, surprisingly, there is a non-trivial way of using the full memory; that it is possible to compute in work space \(O(\log n)\) (catalytic log-space, CL) functions not known to be computable in the usual logarithmic space (log-space, L) without the auxiliary memory. Indeed, all of TC 1, which includes NL and LOGCFL, is contained in CL.

This motivated us to explore further: What other problems can be solved in catalytic log-space? Buhrman et al. show \(\textsf {CL} \subseteq \textsf {ZPP}\), so CL is unlikely to contain the whole of PSPACE (even though this is the case relative to some oracle). The fact that \(\textsf {NL} \subseteq \textsf {CL}\) suggests an obvious question: what about non-deterministic catalytic log-space? Could it be that non-deterministic computation equipped with auxiliary tape has the same power as deterministic catalytic computation? Non-deterministic catalytic computation could possibly allow us to identify further problems that can benefit from having full memory. The previous work also raises a host of further question about the catalytic model such as: Is there a space hierarchy? Does some kind of Savitch’s theorem hold for catalytic log-space? Is non-deterministic catalytic space closed under complement? etc. This paper sheds light on some of these questions.

We will show that non-deterministic catalytic space is closed under complement under a widely accepted derandomization assumption. We also establish hierarchy theorems for catalytic computation in the deterministic and non-deterministic settings. For our non-deterministic catalytic log-space we can also establish the same ZPP upper bound that was known for CL. Hence there seems to be a closeness between determinism and non-determinism for catalytic computation. Despite that we are unable to establish an equivalent of Savitch’s theorem.

We prove the closure under complement using the inductive counting technique of Immerman and Szelepcsényi [4, 10]. However, we had to overcome several difficulties. One challenge is that we might be faced with an exponential-size graph of reachable configurations. We show how to use a pseudorandom generator to avoid such a situation. Another issue is that for inductive counting we need to be able to remember and reason about different configurations. However, the full description of a configuration is exponentially bigger than our work space, so we cannot possibly store it in full. This is one of the hurdles that prevents us from carrying out Savitch’s algorithm for catalytic computation. For the inductive counting we resolve this issue by using fingerprints for various configurations.

Proving an analogue of Savitch’s theorem for catalytic computation remains an open problem, which has resisted proof attempts from various parties, including the authors. Intuitively, we fail to see how non-determinism could be given any useful purpose, given that \(\textsf {NL} \subset \textsf {CL}\) already, and given that a catalytic computation cannot remember more than a logarithmic amount of information about previous non-deterministic guesses. But we had a similar intuition about the original prospect of computing with a full memory — we thought that no use could be made of this extra memory if its contents were incompressible — and this intuition turned out to be completely false. So it could well be that non-deterministic catalytic space is more powerful than its deterministic counterpart, i.e., that no analogue of Savitch’s theorem can be proven. We put this problem forward as an intriguing challenge which we would like to see resolved.

Our hierarchy theorems are proven in the setting of computation with advice. The catalytic model is a semantic restriction. It is an easy exercise to show that it is algorithmically undecidable whether a machine will restore the full memory on every input to its original content. For semantic models of computation, like bounded-error randomized computation, the only hierarchy theorems that we know of are in the setting with advice. The reason is that essentially all known hierarchy theorems are proven by diagonalization, which requires the ability to enumerate exactly all machines of a given type. We do not know any such enumeration for catalytic machines so we have to settle for the weaker result. The advice is used only to tell the diagonalizing machine whether it is safe to diagonalize against a particular machine. The hierarchy theorems follow from the work of Kinne and Van Melkebeek, and Van Melkebeek and Pervyshev [8, 11]. For some settings of parameters we provide more accurate separations that were not explicitly calculated before.

The layout of the paper is as follows. Section 2 contains some preliminaries. In Section 3 we define non-deterministic catalytic computation, and prove that the corresponding log-space class CNL is contained in ZPP. Section 4 is devoted to proving that CNL is closed under complement, and in Section 5 we show hierarchy theorems for catalytic computation.

2 Preliminaries

We assume the reader is familiar with basic computational complexity; a good reference is [2]. The complexity class L denotes the problems solvable in log-space, while PSPACE is the class of those problems that can be solved using a polynomial amount of space. The class NL contains the problems that can be solved non-deterministically in log-space, and LOGCFL is the class of problems that are log-space many-one reducible to context-free languages.

The problems in ZPP (zero-error probabilistic polynomial time) are the ones computable by a probabilistic Turing machine that halts in expected polynomial time, while always outputting the correct answer for any input.

We mention the circuit classTC1, which is the class of boolean functions computable by polynomial-size circuits of depth \(O(\log n)\) composed of AND gates, OR gates and MAJ gates, all with unbounded fan-in — a MAJ gate outputs 1 if and only if most of its input bits are 1. We use SIZE(s) to denote the class of problems that can be solved by circuits of size O(s).

The formal definition of catalytic computation [3] is the following:

Definition 1

Let \(\mathcal {M}\) be a deterministic Turing machine with four tapes: one input and one output tape, one work-tape, and one auxiliary tape (or aux-tape).

\(\mathcal M\) is said to be a catalytic Turing machine using workspace s(n) and auxiliary space s a (n) if for all inputs x ∈{0, 1}n and auxiliary tape contents \(w \in \{0, 1\}^{s_{a}(n)}\), the following three properties hold.

  1. 1.

    Space bound. The machine \(\mathcal {M}(x,w)\) uses space s(n) on its work tape and space s a (n) on its auxiliary tape.

  2. 2.

    Catalytic condition. \(\mathcal {M}(x,w)\) halts with w on its auxiliary tape.

  3. 3.

    Consistency. The outcome of the computation \(\mathcal {M}(x,w)\) is consistent among all initial aux-tape contents w.Footnote 1

From this we obtain an analogue of the usual space-bounded complexity classes:

Definition 2

CSPACE(s(n), s a (n)) is the class of decision problems solvable by a catalytic Turing machine using workspace s(n) and auxiliary space s a (n). The notational shorthand CSPACE(s(n)) is defined as CSPACE(s(n),2s(n)). The class CL is \(\textsf {CSPACE}(O(\log n))\).

In the paper [3], it was shown that, surprisingly, CL can make non-trivial use of the auxiliary tape. Indeed, the paper shows that \(\textsf {TC}^{1} \subseteq \textsf {CL}\), but it is generally believed that \(\textsf {TC}^{1} \not \subseteq \textsf {L}\).

In Section 5 of this paper we will prove a space-hierarchy theorem for catalytic computations. This hierarchy theorem holds for catalytic Turing machines with an advice string.

We define advice added to a catalytic computation in the same way as in the recent line of research that proves hierarchies for certain classes of semantic models, see for example [8, 11]. In our case that means that a computation needs to satisfy the catalytic condition and consistency properties on the correct advice, and is allowed to (for example) fail to restore the contents of the aux-tape for other values of the advice. This notion of advice is a variation on the one defined by Karp and Lipton [7], who required that the algorithm should fulfil the model’s promise under all possible values of the advice string. Proving the same hierarchy theorem using the Karp–Lipton definition would be harder, and would indeed imply a hierarchy theorem that also holds without any advice [8].

Given a non-decreasing function \(a:{\mathbb {N}}\to {\mathbb {N}}\), CSPACE(s(n), s a (n))/a is the class of decision problems solvable by a deterministic Turing machine \(\mathcal {M}\) using workspace s(n) and auxiliary space s a (n), with the help of some advice α(n) ∈{0, 1}a(n) of length a(n); the computation \(\mathcal {M}(x, \alpha (|x|), w)\) must obey the three conditions space bound, catalytic condition and consistency described above, but this is not required to be the case for the computation \(\mathcal {M}(x, a^{\prime }, w)\) whenever \(a^{\prime } \neq \alpha (|x|)\). We will define non-deterministic catalytic-space computations in Section 3, and the analogous advice classes are defined in a similar way.

In Section 4 we will prove an analogue of the Immerman–Szelepcsényi theorem. The definition of the non-deterministic version of CL, denoted CNL, will be left for Section 3. Then CNL = coCNL will hold under the same assumption as the following standard derandomization result, whose proof is now standard.Footnote 2

Lemma 1

If there exists a constant ε > 0such that \(\textsf {DSPACE}(n) \not \subseteq \textsf {SIZE}(2^{\varepsilon n}) \) then for all constants c there exists a constant \(c^{\prime }\) and a function \(G : \{0, 1\}^{c^{\prime } \log n} \to \{0, 1\}^{n}\) computable in \(O(\log n)\) space, such that for any circuit \(\mathcal {C}\) of size n c

$$\left| \Pr_{r \in \{0, 1\}^{n}}[ \mathcal{C}(r) = 1 ] - \Pr_{s \in \{0, 1\}^{c^{\prime} \log n}}[ \mathcal{C}(G(s)) = 1] \right| < \frac{1}{n}. $$

It should be noted 3SAT can be solved in linear space, and hence the hardness assumption used in the above lemma is weaker than the well-known and widely used Exponential-Time Hypothesis (ETH) of Impagliazzo and Paturi [5].

We will also need a hash family with nice properties.

Lemma 2

For every n, there exists a family of hash functions \(\{h_{k}\}_{k=1}^{n^{3}}\) , with each h k a function \(\{0, 1\}^{n} \to \{0, 1\}^{4 \log n}\) , such that the following properties hold. Firstly, h k is computable in space \(O(\log n)\) for every k, and secondly, for every set \(S \subset \{0, 1\}^{n}\) with |S|≤ n there is a hash function in the family that is injective on S.

The proof will use the well-known:

Chinese Remainder Theorem

Let p 1,…,p m be a list of relatively prime integers. Any positive integer x is uniquely specified by the list of remainders a 1 = x mod p 1,a 2 = x mod p 2,…,a m = x mod p m , provided that \(x < {\prod }_{i=1}^{m} p_{i}\).


of Lemma 2 For a natural number k, let p k be the k-th prime number. For every k = 1,…,n 3 define the hash function h k (x) = x mod p k . We will show that for any set \(S \subset \{0, 1\}^{n}\) of size n, there exists a number k ∈{1,…,n 3} such that the function \(h_{k^{*}}\) is injective on S. Here we interpret binary strings as natural numbers in the usual way, and hence we can upper bound any element of S by 2n.

For all x, yS, where xy, define B x, y = {p k x mod p k = y mod p k ,1 ≤ kn 3} to be the set of primes for which x and y hash to the same value. Then \(B = \bigcup _{x,y \in S , x \neq y} B_{x,y}\) is the set of all primes which give a hash collision on the set S.

For any pair x, y it now holds that |B x, y |≤ n. Indeed, assume for a contradiction that the set contains a subset of n + 1 primes for which x and y have the same remainders. Noting that the product of these n + 1 primes is at least 2n, larger than both x and y, and that prime numbers are relatively prime, we find an immediate contradiction with the Chinese Remainder Theorem.

We can bound the number of primes that give a collision by

$$|B| \leq \sum\limits_{x,y \in S, x \neq y} |B_{x,y}| \leq \binom{n}{2} n \,,$$

which is strictly less than n 3 for n > 1. Therefore there exists a prime p k with 1 ≤ kn 3 such that p k B, and therefore x mod p k is unique for all xS.

Left is to show this algorithm can be executed in logarithmic space. First note that using the prime number theorem we can (imprecisely) bound p k n 4, for 1 ≤ kn 3. Since every number pn 4 we try as modulus can be stored using \(4 \log n\) bits, checking primality is also readily seen to be in space \(O(\log n)\), just by checking all possible factors. To hash a value x ∈{0, 1}n we can, for example, sum 2i mod p for all i such that x i = 1. The value 2i mod p can easily be computed in space \(O(\log n)\) by repeated multiplication by 2, i.e., a bit shift, followed by subtraction of p whenever the intermediate value becomes too large. □

Remarks on notation

For two binary strings x, y of equal length, we use xy for the bitwise XOR of x and y. The function \(\log \) always stands for the logarithm of base 2. For simplicity, all Turing machines are assumed to use a binary alphabet — all definitions and proofs would easily generalize to larger alphabet sizes, at the cost of introducing notational clutter.

3 Non-deterministic Catalytic Computation

The model for catalytic computation is defined in terms of deterministic Turing machines. This gives rise to the question: What would the power of a non-deterministic version of CL be? In this section we extend the definitions of catalytic-space computation to the non-deterministic case, and prove basic results about this model.

Definition 3

Let \(\mathcal {M}\) be a non-deterministic Turing machine with four tapes: one input and one output tape, one work-tape, and one auxiliary tape.

Let x ∈{0, 1}n be an input, and \(w \in \{0, 1\}^{s_{a}(n)}\) be the initial contents of the auxiliary tape. We say that \(\mathcal {M}(x,w)\) accepts x if there exists a sequence of nondeterministic choices that makes the machine accept. If for all possible sequences of nondeterministic choices \(\mathcal {M}(x,w)\) does not accept, the machine rejects x.

Then \(\mathcal M\) is said to be a catalytic non-deterministic Turing machine using workspace s(n) and auxiliary space s a (n) if for all inputs, the following three properties hold.

  1. 1.

    Space bound. The machine \(\mathcal {M}(x,w)\) uses space s(n) on its work tape and space s a (n) on its auxiliary tape.

  2. 2.

    Catalytic condition. \(\mathcal {M}(x,w)\) halts with w on its auxiliary tape, irrespective of its nondeterministic choices.

  3. 3.

    Consistency. The outcome of the computation \(\mathcal {M}(x,w)\) is consistent among all initial aux-tape contents w.

    This means that for any given input x, M(x, w) should always accept (for some non-deterministic choice), or always reject (for every non-deterministic choice), regardless of w; however: if \(\mathcal {M}\) accepts x, the specific nondeterministic choices that make each \(\mathcal {M}(x, w)\) accept may depend on w.

Definition 4

CNSPACE(s(n), s a (n)) is the class of decision problems solvable by a catalytic Turing machine using workspace s(n) and auxiliary space s a (n), CNSPACE (s(n)) is CNSPACE(s(n),2s(n)), and the class CNL is \(\textsf {CNSPACE}(O(\log n))\).

We now have an analogue of non-deterministic space-bounded complexity. There are multiple possible ways to add non-determinism to a catalytic Turing machine. For instance, we require the machine to restore the contents of the auxiliary tape for any given sequence of non-deterministic bits; but at a first glance, it seems we could make this requirement only for those non-deterministic guesses which result in accepting states. However, defining the model in this way is less natural for several reasons. For one, we can not run two machines sequentially and accept if one of them accepts: if one of the two machines would reject, the whole computation needs to reject, because the auxiliary tape may have been irreversibly changed; so the class would not be closed under union. This would also prevent amplification of success probability in a probabilistic class defined using such machines. Philosophically speaking, it seems to go against the spirit of the model having a catalytic machine which ‘sometimes’ destroys all data it has promised to preserve.

Another possible variation would be to require that the accepting sequence of non-deterministic choices is independent of the initial contents of the auxiliary tape, which would give a weaker model. Indeed, this would not look very strange in a certificate definition, effectively requiring that there exists a read-once certificate, independent of the initial contents of the aux-tape, which can be verified by a deterministic log-space catalytic Turing machine. Even so, when describing the model with non-deterministic Turing machines it seems unnatural to have this restriction. Furthermore, the model is weaker, so if we expect to make some use of non-determinism, it should be easier if we define it in the current way. Hence we have also ruled out this alternative definition.

For the reader’s convenience, let us present an equivalent definition of CNL with all the conditions unfolded.

Definition 5

A decision problem \(L \subseteq \{0, 1\}^{*}\) is in CNL if there exists a constant c and a deterministic Turing machine \(\mathcal {M}\), with a read-only input tape, a uni-directional certificate tape, a work tape of size \(c \log {n}\) and an auxiliary tape of size n c, such that for all n-bit strings x and for all \(w \in \{0, 1\}^{n^{c}}\) it holds that

$$x \in L \iff \exists u \in \{0, 1\}^{2^{n^{c}}} \; \mathcal{M}(x,u,w) \text{ accepts} $$


$$\forall u \in \{0, 1\}^{2^{n^{c}}} \mathcal{M}(x,u,w) \text{ halts with \textit{w} on its aux-tape.} $$

The string x appears on the input tape, u represents the contents of the uni-directional certificate tape, and w is the starting contents of the auxiliary tape.

In [3], we proved that \(\textsf {CL} \subseteq \textsf {ZPP}\); we now generalize this to \(\textsf {CNL} \subseteq \textsf {ZPP}\).

Definition 6

Define the directed acyclic graph \(\mathcal {G}_{\mathcal {M}, x, w}\) to be the configuration graph of a catalytic non-deterministic Turing machine \(\mathcal {M}\) on input x and auxiliary tape starting contents w. That is, \(\mathcal {G}_{\mathcal {M},x,w}\) has a node for every configuration which is reachable by non-deterministic choices when executing \(\mathcal {M}(x, w)\).

We will use \(\lvert \mathcal {G}_{\mathcal {M},x,w} \rvert \) to denote the number of nodes of the configuration graph.

Lemma 3

Let \(\mathcal {M}\) be a non-deterministic catalytic machine using space \(c \log n\) and let \(c^{\prime }=2c+2\) . Then for all x

$$\mathbb{E}_{w\in_{R} \{0, 1\}^{n^{c}}} \left[\, \lvert \mathcal{G}_{\mathcal{M},x,w} \rvert \, \right] \leq O(n^{c^{\prime}}) \,. $$


Notice that, for any given x ∈{0, 1}n, and for different auxiliary tape contents \(w,w^{\prime }\), the set of configurations in \(\mathcal {G}_{\mathcal {M}, x, w}\) and in \(\mathcal {G}_{\mathcal {M}, x, w^{\prime }}\) have to be disjoint. For the sake of contradiction, consider a configuration q that is reachable both by \(\mathcal {M}(x,w)\) and by \(\mathcal {M}(x,w^{\prime })\). Then any halting configuration reachable by q will have the wrong contents on its auxiliary tape for either the computation that started with w or with \(w^{\prime }\).

The number of bits needed to describe a configuration of \(\mathcal {M}\), excluding the contents of the input tape, is bounded by

$$c \log n + n^{c} + \log n^{c} + \log n + \log{(c \log n)} + O(1) \leq (2c + 2) \log n + n^{c} + O(1), $$

where we do include the encoding of the location of the tape heads and the internal state of the Turing Machine. Therefore the total number of reachable configurations, counted over all possible starting auxiliary tape contents, is at most

$$\sum\limits_{w\in \{0, 1\}^{n^{c}}} \lvert \mathcal{G}_{\mathcal{M},x,w} \rvert \leq 2^{c^{\prime} \log n + n^{c} + O(1)} = O(n^{c^{\prime}}) 2^{n^{c}} $$

And thus:

$$\frac{1}{2^{n^{c}}} \sum\limits_{w\in \{0, 1\}^{n^{c}}} \lvert \mathcal{G}_{\mathcal{M},x,w} \rvert = \mathbb{E}_{w\in_{R} \{0, 1\}^{n^{c}}} \left[\, \lvert G_{\mathcal{M}, x, w} \rvert \, \right] \leq O(n^{c^{\prime}}). $$

Now suppose we have CNL machine \(\mathcal {M}\), and let x ∈{0, 1}n be the input string. Consider an algorithm which flips a random string w and searches \(\mathcal {G}_{\mathcal {M}, x, w}\) for a path from the initial configuration to an accepting configuration. This takes time polynomial in \(|G_{\mathcal {M},x,w}|\). By Lemma 3 this graph is polynomial-sized in expectation, and therefore this procedure finishes in expected polynomial time. Thus we obtain:

Corollary 1

\(\textsf {CNL} \subseteq \textsf {ZPP}\).

4 An Analogue of the Immerman–Szelepcsényi Theorem

This section is devoted to proving that CNL is closed under complement. Our proof strategy is based on the inductive-counting argument in the proof of the Immerman–Szelepcsényi theorem. In order for the proof to work for catalytic computation, we will need to carefully combine two new new ideas.

Suppose we are given a CNL machine \(\mathcal {M}\), and wish to construct a CNL-machine \(\mathcal {M}^{\prime }\) to compute the complement \(\mathcal {M}\), via an inductive-counting argument on the configuration graph of \(\mathcal {M}\).

First of all, notice that whenever \(\mathcal {M}^{\prime }\) wishes to simulate a run of \(\mathcal {M}\), it must necessarily use its own aux-tape to simulate the aux-tape of \(\mathcal {M}\), because it is the only read-write tape that is big enough.

Now, for some w (initial contents of the aux-tape), \(\mathcal {M}\) may visit exponentially many configurations. Then the inductive counting would be impossible to do with only logarithmic space. So the first idea is to use the pseudo-random generator G of Lemma 1 to avoid such bad w, by using the binary XOR wG(s) for different seeds s. Lemma 4 below explains why this works.

Notice also that we must be careful that \(\mathcal {M}^{\prime }\), when simulating a run of \(\mathcal {M}\), can always restore the initial contents of its aux-tape. We can make sure this happens correctly by using the catalytic condition applied to \(\mathcal {M}\): whenever we need to restore the initial contents of the aux-tape, it will be enough to run the simulation of \(\mathcal {M}\) to an arbitrary halting configuration.

Finally, recall that the inductive-counting argument involves storing and comparing configurations of \(\mathcal {M}\); but the configurations of \(\mathcal {M}\) include the aux-tape, and are too big for \(\mathcal {M}^{\prime }\) to store on its work tape. So the second idea is to use the family of hash functions of Lemma 2, and do inductive-counting by storing and comparing the hashes of configurations instead of the configurations themselves.

Putting these two ideas together, however, is rather delicate, because our pseudo-random generator will still give us bad seeds — meaning wG(s) might visit too many configurations. Furthermore, even if we pick a good seed, we may still happen to pick a bad hash function — meaning a hash function which is not collision-free on the set of reachable configurations. So the algorithm needs to be able to handle bad seeds and bad hash functions.

It will happen that a bad seed may lead us to falsely certifying that the accepting configuration is unreachable, when in fact it is reachable. This is solved simply by trying all seeds and doing a majority vote.

For good seeds, the number of reachable configurations, call it c, is bounded by n O(1), but it may still happen that the hash collisions of a bad hash function will lead us to falsely believe that there are fewer reachable configurations than the actual number i.e. to falsely believe that c is smaller than it actually is. This mistake may happen because configurations with the same hash are only counted once. But fortunately, good hash functions will give us the correct c, and bad hash functions will always give us a smaller value. So we overcome this problem by remembering, for all hash function we try, the largest claimed number of reachable configurations — this will be the true c.

Let us start by showing how to avoid bad w’s.

Lemma 4

Assume the derandomization condition of Lemma 1, and let G be as given therein. Let \(\mathcal {M}\) be a non-deterministic catalytic Turing machine using workspace \(c \log n\).Then, for every input x and aux-tape contents w, at least half of the seeds \(s \in \{0, 1\}^{O(\log n)}\) will cause the non-deterministic computation \(\mathcal {M}(x,G(s) \oplus w)\) to reach at most n 2c+3 many different configurations.


Let \(\mathcal {M}\) be a CNL machine using workspace \(c \log n\) and auxiliary space n c. Let x ∈{0, 1}n, \(w \in \{0, 1\}^{n^{c}}\) be given.

Let C x, w be a boolean circuit which, on input \(r \in \{0, 1\}^{n^{c}}\), does a breadth-first traversal of \(\mathcal {G}_{\mathcal {M}, x, r \oplus w}\) Footnote 3, starting on the initial configuration, until either:

  1. i.

    More than n 2c+3 nodes have been found, in which case it outputs 0; or

  2. ii.

    The graph has been fully traversed, in which case it outputs 1.

The size of C x, w can be bounded by a polynomial, say n d. The circuit C x, w outputs 1 on input r if and only if \(\lvert \mathcal {G}_{\mathcal {M}, x, r \oplus w} \rvert \leq n^{2c+3}\). Therefore, for large enough n, for all x ∈{0, 1}n and all \(w \in \{0, 1\}^{n^{c}}\),

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \Pr_{r \in_{R} \{0, 1\}^{n^{c}}} [\mathcal{C}_{x,w}(r) = 0] &=& \Pr_{r \in_{R} \{0, 1\}^{n^{c}}} \left[\, \lvert \mathcal{G}_{\mathcal{M}, x, r \oplus w} \rvert \geq n^{2c+3} \, \right] \\ &=&\Pr_{r \in_{R} \{0, 1\}^{n^{c}}}\left[\, \lvert \mathcal{G}_{\mathcal{M}, x, r} \rvert \geq n^{2c+3} \, \right] \\ &\leq& \frac{1}{n^{2c+3}} \mathbb{E}_{r \in_{R} \{0, 1\}^{n^{c}}} \left[\, \lvert \mathcal{G}_{\mathcal{M}, x, r} \rvert \, \right]\\ & \leq& O\left( \frac{1}{n}\right). \end{array} $$

Here we have used the fact that, for a fixed w, r and rw are equidistributed. The last inequality follows from Markov’s inequality and Lemma 3.

Now Lemma 1 provides us with a log-space computable function \(G:\{0, 1\}^{O(\log n)} \to \{0, 1\}^{n^{c}}\) such that, for all x ∈{0, 1}n and \(w \in \{0, 1\}^{n^{c}}\),

$$\left|\Pr_{r\in \{0, 1\}^{n^{c}}}[\mathcal{C}_{x,w}(r) = 0]- \Pr_{s\in \{0, 1\}^{O(\log n)}}[\mathcal{C}_{x,w}(G(s))=0] \right| \leq \frac{1}{n} \,. $$

In particular, for all sufficiently large n we get the rough bound:

$$\Pr_{s\in \{0, 1\}^{O(\log n)}}[\mathcal{C}_{w}(x,G(s))=0] \leq \frac{1}{n} + O\left( \frac{1}{n}\right) < \frac{1}{2}. $$

Therefore, for any x and w, at least half of the seeds s will ensure that the configuration graph \(\mathcal {G}_{\mathcal {M},x, G(s) \oplus w}\) has at most n 2c+3 nodes. □

Our goal is now to use an inductive counting argument on \(\mathcal {G}_{\mathcal {M},x, G(s) \oplus w}\). Like we mentioned earlier, inductive counting requires us to write down configurations in the work tape, but the tape is not big enough. To circumvent this, we will instead write down the hash values of the configurations, via the hash family of Lemma 2. The proof below puts it all together.

Theorem 1 (Immerman–Szelepcsényi for catalytic computation)

If there exists a constant ε > 0such that \(\textsf {DSPACE}(n) \not \subseteq \textsf {SIZE}(2^{\varepsilon n})\) then CNL = coCNL.


Let \(\mathcal {M}\) be a nondeterministic Turing machine that uses \(d \log n\) work space, and has an auxiliary tape of size n d. We wish to construct a nondeterministic catalytic Turing machine \(\mathcal {M}^{\prime }\), using workspace \(O(\log n)\), such that for any n and any input x ∈{0, 1}n our computation accepts x if \(\mathcal {M}\) rejects x, and vice-versa.

Without loss of generality, assume that for any given \(w \in \{0, 1\}^{n^{d}}\), \(\mathcal {M}(x,w)\) has a unique accepting configuration a c c w . Let s t a r t w be the initial configuration of \(\mathcal {M}(x,w)\) and let e = 2d + 3.

By the consistency property, either there exists a path from s t a r t w to a c c w for all w, or it is impossible to reach a c c w from s t a r t w , for any w. We prove Theorem 1 by describing a way of certifying that there exists no path between s t a r t w and a c c w in \(\mathcal {G}_{\mathcal {M}, x, w}\).

Fix some input x, and let \(w^{\prime }\) denote the initial contents of the aux-tape of \(\mathcal {M}^{\prime }\). By Lemma 4, we know that for at least half of the possible seeds \(s \in \{0, 1\}^{O(\log n)}\), we have

$$ \lvert \mathcal{G}_{\mathcal{M},x,G(s)\oplus w^{\prime}}\rvert \le n^{e} \,. $$

If (1) holds, we say s is a good seed.

Lemma 2 gives us a family of hash functions \(\{h_{k}\}_{k=1}^{n^{3e}}\), with the property that, for every good seed s, there is at least one hash function in the family which is one-to-one on the nodes of \(\mathcal {G}_{\mathcal {M}, x, w}\).

In page 12, we give the pseudo-code for \(\mathcal {M}^{\prime }\)’s algorithm. Let us now do a guided reading of this code. We begin by breaking the code into three sections, for the lines 2–6, 7–26, and 27–32.

In lines 2–6, we initialize a variable N to 0 (line 2), cycle through every seed s (line 3), XOR the contents of the aux-tape with G(s) (line 4), and initialize two variables g and to 0 (lines 5 and 6).

Then, in lines 7–26, we have an inner loop that cycles through every hash function (line 7). Below we will prove:

Property I. :

If the seed s is good, then (I.a) some sequence of non-deterministic bits will cause the inner loop to exit normally at line 27, with the promise that \(g = |\mathcal {G}_{\mathcal {M}, x, w}|\), and that h is one-to-one on \(\mathcal {G}_{\mathcal {M}, x, w}\); and (I.b) any sequence of non-deterministic bits that fails this promise will exit the inner loop by jumping directly to line 30.

At line 27, we use the value of g and we have obtained to try and certify that a c c w is not reachable. If we succeed to do so, we increment N (line 28). Below we will also prove:

Property II. :

If the seed s is good, \(g = |\mathcal {G}_{\mathcal {M}, x, w}|\), and h is one-to-one on \(\mathcal {G}_{\mathcal {M}, x, w}\), then some sequence of non-deterministic bits will cause us to successfully certify that a c c w is not reachable if and only if M(x, w) rejects.Footnote 4

Before we move on to the next seed, we first restore the initial contents of the aux-tape, by once again XORing them with G(s) (line 30).

Finally, the procedure accepts if and only if N > S/2 in line 32. Let us prove that, assuming Properties I and II, the procedure accepts if and only if M(x, w) rejects. Lemma 4 ensures that more than half the seeds are good, and hence:

  1. 1.

    If M(x, w) rejects: Property I ensures that, for each good seed s, some non-deterministic guess will cause us to reach line 27 with \(g = |\mathcal {G}_{\mathcal {M}, x, w}|\) and h one-to-one on \(\mathcal {G}_{\mathcal {M}, x, w}\); then Property II ensures that some further guess will result in N being incremented; hence some overall non-deterministic guess will give N > S/2, and the procedure will accept in line 32.

  2. 2.

    If M(x, w) accepts: Property I ensures that, for each good seed s, if we reach line 27, then \(g = |\mathcal {G}_{\mathcal {M}, x, w}|\) and h one-to-one on \(\mathcal {G}_{\mathcal {M}, x, w}\), and thus, by Property II, N will not be incremented in line 28. If some non-deterministic guess fails to get us to line 27, then Property I tells us that the execution jumped directly to line 30, so N was again not incremented. Because no good seed will ever cause N to be incremented, N < S/2 and the procedure rejects in line 32.

So all we need to do is prove properties I and II. We first need to specify the canReach and cannotReach subroutines. Their correctness is easy to see from the description and pseudo-code.

The canReach(v, i, h k ) subroutine (see page 12) checks whether there is a node w in \(\mathcal {G}_{\mathcal {M}, x w}\), reachable within i steps, with h k (w) = v.

Behavior of the canReach subroutine

If such a w exists, then some non-deterministic guess will cause the procedure to return TRUE, and, otherwise, every non-deterministic guess will return FALSE.

canReach non-deterministically works as follows: we guess a length Li, and simulate \(\mathcal {M}\) for L steps. After this, we hash the configuration \(\mathcal {M}\) is currently in, and compare it to v. We will then return TRUE if and only if the two hashes are the same, but before we return, we finish the simulation of \(\mathcal {M}\) until we reach a halting state, in order to restore the contents of the aux-tape.

figure a
figure b

The cannotReach(v, i, c, h k ) subroutine (see page 13) checks that there is no node in \(\mathcal {G}_{\mathcal {M},x,w}\) hashing to v and reachable within i steps, as long as c and h k fulfill the promise that there are exactly c nodes in \(\mathcal {G}_{\mathcal {M}, x, w}\) that are reachable within i − 1 steps, and that h k is one-to-one on \(\mathcal {G}_{\mathcal {M},x,w}\).

Behavior of the cannotReach subroutine

If the hash v is unreachable within i steps and the given c, h k obey the promise, then some non-deterministic guess will cause the procedure to return TRUE. If v is reachable and c, h k obey the promise, every guess will return FALSE. Furthermore, if the hash v is unreachable within i steps, and c is smaller than the number of nodes in \(\mathcal {G}_{\mathcal {M},x,w}\) that are reachable within i − 1 steps, then there is a non-deterministic guess that causes the procedure to return TRUE, even if h k is not one-to-one.

The cannotReach subroutine visits c different nodes of \(\mathcal {G}_{\mathcal {M},x,w}\) in order of ascending hash value, and for each of them checks that none of their neighbors hash to v. Since a single step of a computation only makes a local change, it is possible to remember this step and revert it afterwards, to continue with the next neighbor. If one of the neighbors hashes to v or if a wrong non-deterministic guess has been made somewhere, we restore the aux-tape and return FALSE. Otherwise finish the simulation of \(\mathcal {M}\) until a halting configuration is reached, to restore the orginal value of w. If we have visited c distinct nodes without finding v as a neighbor, then we return TRUE.

Property II follows easily from the correctness of the cannotReach subroutine: indeed, if M(x, w) rejects, then a c c w is not reachable, and hence with the promise made on g and h , some guess will cause cannotReach(h (a c c w ),M + 1,g, h ) to return TRUE.

We now complete the proof of the theorem by proving Property I. Let us focus on the k-loop (lines 7–26) which goes through every hash function h k . For each h k a value c is computed (see lines 8, 10, 13 and 20).

It might happen that the k-loop is aborted (in line 17), but if this never happens, then c will be compared to g (line 22), so that by the time the k-loop terminates, g will hold the maximum c produced for any value of k (line 23), and will hold the first value of k which produced this maximum (line 24).

figure c

Now we make the following two claims:

  1. (i)

    If s is good, and h k is one-to-one on \(\mathcal {G}_{\mathcal {M}, x, w}\), the i-loop (lines 9–21) will either abort, or set \(c = |\mathcal {G}_{\mathcal {M},x,w}|\). Furthermore, some non-deterministic choice within the i-loop will not abort.

  2. (ii)

    If s is good, but h k is not one-to-one on \(\mathcal {G}_{\mathcal {M},x,w}\), the i-loop will either abort, or set c to a value strictly smaller than \(|\mathcal {G}_{\mathcal {M},x,w}|\). As above, some non-deterministic choice within the i-loop will not abort.

From these, it follows that if s is good, then for every k there is a non-deterministic guess which does not abort, and using any such non-aborting guess, g will be set to \(|\mathcal {G}_{\mathcal {M},x,w}|\), and will be the smallest k for which h k is one-to-one. This gives us Property I.

Let us prove claim (4). Suppose that h k is one-to-one, and that the i-loop does not abort. Then we may prove inductively that in every iteration of the i-loop, c is the number of nodes in \(\mathcal {G}_{\mathcal {M},x,w}\) reachable by M(x, w) within i − 1 steps. Now, c and h k satisfy the promise required by cannotReach, and hence, for any non-aborting guess, the v-loop will set \(c^{\prime }\) to the number of nodes in \(\mathcal {G}_{\mathcal {M},x,w}\) reachable within i steps; this value is then copied to c (line 20) for the next iteration of the i-loop. When the i-loop ends, c has been set to the number of nodes reachable within M steps, which is exactly \(|\mathcal {G}_{\mathcal {M},x,w}|\). The fact that there always exists such a non-aborting guess follows from the behavior of the canReach procedure, and from the behavior of the cannotReach procedure in the case when c, h k fulfill the promise.

To prove claim (4), notice that the value of \(c^{\prime }\) is incremented in line 13, and is thus bounded by the the size of image \(h_{k}(\mathcal {G}_{\mathcal {M},x,w})\). So if h k is not one-to-one, \(c^{\prime }\) will always be strictly less than \(|\mathcal {G}_{\mathcal {M},x,w}|\). On the other hand, it is always possible to find a non-deterministic guess which does not abort, even when h k is not one-to-one. Whenever hash v is reachable in i steps, we can take the guess which makes canReach in line 12 return TRUE; when hash v is not reachable in i steps, we know from the behavior of cannotReach, that we can find a guess that makes cannotReach return true, provided that the argument c given to cannotReach in iteration i is not more than the number of nodes reachable within i − 1 steps. This follows from the fact that, in iteration i − 1, \(c^{\prime }\) is bounded by the number of such nodes (because it is incremented only conditional on canReach of line 12). □

5 Hierarchies for Catalytic Computation

In this section we prove space-hierarchy theorems for deterministic and non-deterministic catalytic computation. Hierarchy theorems are usually proven using diagonalization. Since catalytic computation is a semantic model we do not know how to use diagonalization directly. Similarly to other semantic models (such as bounded-error randomized computation) we have to settle for hierarchy theorems with advice. This advice is used to tell the diagonalizing machine which machines can be safely simulated and diagonalized against, and which should not be simulated (so that the diagonalizing machine remains in the model).

The advice classes for catalytic space are defined as mentioned in the preliminaries, where the promise conditions are only required to hold when the machine is given the correct advice. For the sake of completeness, we write out the full definition here.

Definition 7

Let \(a:{\mathbb {N}}\to {\mathbb {N}}\) be a non-decreasing function. A decision problem \(L \subseteq \{0, 1\}^{*}\) is in CSPACE(s(n), s a (n))/a if there exists a deterministic Turing machine \(\mathcal {M}\) — with a read-only input tape, a read-only advice tape, a work tape of size s(n) and an auxiliary tape of size s a (n) — and an advice function \(\alpha : \mathbb {N} \to \{0, 1\}^{*}\) — with |α(n)|≤ a(n) for every \(n \in \mathbb {N}\) — such that for all n-bit strings x and for all \(w \in \{0, 1\}^{s_{a}(n)}\) it holds that

$$x \in L \iff \mathcal{M}(x, \alpha(n), w) \text{ accepts} $$


$$\mathcal{M}(x, \alpha(n), w) \ \text{halts with}\ w \ \text{on its aux-tape.} $$

The string x appears on the input tape, α(n) appears on the advice tape, and w is the starting contents of the auxiliary tape.

A decision problem \(L \subseteq \{0, 1\}^{*}\) is in CNSPACE(s(n), s a (n))/a if there exists a deterministic Turing machine \(\mathcal {M}\) — with a read-only input tape, a read-only advice tape, a uni-directional certificate tape, a work tape of size s(n) and an auxiliary tape of size s a (n) — and an advice function \(\alpha : \mathbb {N} \to \{0, 1\}^{*}\) — with |α(n)|≤ a(n) for every \(n \in \mathbb {N}\) — such that for all n-bit strings x and for all \(w \in \{0, 1\}^{s_{a}(n)}\) it holds that

$$x \in L \iff \exists u \in \{0, 1\}^{*} \; \mathcal{M}(x, \alpha(n), u, w) \text{ accepts} $$


$$\forall u \in \{0, 1\}^{*} \mathcal{M}(x, \alpha(n), u, w) \text{halts with}\ w \ \text{on its aux-tape.} $$

The string x appears on the input tape, α(n) appears on the advice tape, u represents the contents of the uni-directional certificate tape, and w is the starting contents of the auxiliary tape.Footnote 5

The hierarchy theorem can be proven using the technique of Van Melkebeek and Pervyshev [11], which is a sophisticated variation of Zak’s original hierarchy theorem for non-deterministic time [12]. Separations for certain space bounds follow directly from previous results on generic hierarchy theorems for semantic models of computation [8, 11]. For some ranges of parameters we provide a direct proof, mainly the calculations justifying the correctness of the bounds. The theorem is:

Theorem 2

Let a ≥ 1be an integer and \(s^{\prime }(n)\) and s(n)be space-constructible functions. There is a function in CNSPACE(s(n))/1that is not in \(\textsf {CNSPACE}(s^{\prime }(n))/a\) , and there is a function in CSPACE(s(n))/1that is not in \(\textsf {CSPACE}(s^{\prime }(n))/a\) if any of the following is satisfied:

  1. 1.

    \(s^{\prime }(n) = O(\log n)\) and \(s(n) = \omega (\log n)\).

  2. 2.

    \(s^{\prime }(n) = O(\log ^{k^{\prime }} n)\) and \(s(n) = {\Omega }(2^{(\log \log n)^{k^{\prime }}})\) , for some constant \(k^{\prime }>1\).

  3. 3.

    \(s^{\prime }(n) = O(n^{k^{\prime }})\) and s(n) = Ω(n k), where \(0 < k^{\prime } < k/2\) and \(k^{\prime }<1/(1+a)\).

  4. 4.

    \(s^{\prime }(n) = O(n^{k^{\prime }})\) and s(n) = Ω(n k), where \(k,k^{\prime }>0\) are such that k ≥ 2a and \(k \ge \lceil 4^{a{k^{\prime }}^{2}}\rceil \).

The following corollary follows by using a padding argument (see [11], §4.4).

Corollary 2

Let a ≥ 1be an integer and \(k > k^{\prime }\) be positive reals. Then there is a function in CNSPACE(n k)/a that is not in \(\textsf {CNSPACE}(n^{k^{\prime }})/a\).


of Theorem 2 The first part is immediate from Kinne and Van Melkebeek [8] as catalytic computation satisfies the requirements on a reasonable semantic model and allows complementation with linear-exponential overhead.

Now we prove the third part using the technique of Van Melkebeek and Pervyshev [11]. Fix a small enough 𝜖 > 0 and let’s consider the case when \(s^{\prime }(n)=n^{k^{\prime }+\epsilon }\) and s(n) = n k. Let M i be an enumeration of possibly catalytic machines working in space \(s^{\prime }(n)\) with catalytic tape of size \(2^{s^{\prime }(n)}\). Assume without loss of generality that each machine appears infinitely often in this enumeration. We will construct a machine M and an advice sequence {b n } n>0 so that M/b n behaves catalytically on inputs of length n and uses space at most s(n) and catalytic space 2s(n). No machine M i will accept the same language as M/{b n } regardless of its a-bit advice.

The proof diagonalizes against all machines M i with all possible advice sequences. We define a sequence of integers n i and \(n_{i}^{*}\) as follows:

$$n_{0}^{*} = a,\; n_{i} = n^{*}_{i-1} + 1,\; \text{ and} n^{*}_{i} = n_{i}^{1+an_{i}}.$$

We will diagonalize against M i with all possible advices on input of length between n i and \(n^{*}_{i}\). Let \(m_{i} = \log n_{i}\) and for \(j=0,\dots ,m_{i}\) define

$$n_{i,j}=n_{i} \cdot ({n_{i}^{a}})^{2^{j}}.$$

For \(w\in \{0, 1\}^{a(m_{i}-j-1)}\) and z ∈{0, 1}a define \(n_{i,j,wz}=n_{i,j} + \overline {wz}\), where \(\overline {wz}\) is the integer represented by wz in binary. For \(y\in \{0, 1\}^{n_{i,j,wz}}\) define the function


Since all n i, j, w z are distinct, this is a well defined partial function. We are ready to define the machine M which takes {b n } n>0 as its advice sequence.

  1. 1.

    On input x of length n do:

  2. 2.

    If b n = 0 then REJECT.

  3. 3.

    If n = n i, j, w z for some i, j, w z, where jm i , |w| = a(m i j − 1) and |z| = a then (nondeterministically) simulate M i with advice z on input f(x) and ACCEPT iff M i accepts, and REJECT iff M i rejects.

  4. 4.

    If \(n=n^{*}_{i}\) then find y such that f(f(⋯f(y)⋯ )) = x, where f is applied m i -times. If no such y is found (such a y is a prefix of x) then REJECT. Let z be the first a bits of y. Using Savitch’s algorithm decide whether M i with advice z accepts y. If it accepts, REJECT, otherwise ACCEPT.

This defines the behavior of machine M. The advice {b n } n>0 is defined to be 1 of inputs of length n i, j, w z if and only if on all inputs of length n i, j+1,w machine M i with advice z behaves in a correct catalytic manner (hence it is safe to simulate).

Assuming that machine M can perform the simulations in the designated space, it is easy to verify that it behaves catalytically and it diagonalizes against all machines M i and all their possible advice sequences infinitely often.

So we only need to argue about the used space. Let M i with advice sequence {z n } n>0 be a catalytic machine using work space \(s^{\prime }(n)\) and catalytic space \(2^{s^{\prime }(n)}\). On inputs of length \(n_{i,j,wz_{n_{i,j+1,w}}}\), M will simulate M i on inputs of length n i, j+1,w with advice \(z_{n_{i,j+1,w}}\). By the choice of small enough 𝜖, for all large enough n i

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} s^{\prime}(n_{i,j+1,w}) &\le 2 n_{i}^{(1+2^{j+1} a)(k^{\prime}+\epsilon)} \\ &\le n_{i}^{(1+2^{j} a)k} / n_{i}^{k/2} &\le \frac{s(n_{i,j,wz})}{n_{i}^{k/2}} \,. \end{array} $$

Hence, M can successfully simulate M i on these input lengths using its work space and the catalytic space. It remains to verify that the space necessary for Savitch’s algorithm on inputs of length \(n^{*}_{i}\) will fit into our work space. Savitch’s algorithm for machine M i on input y will require space at most \(O((\log |y| + \log s^{\prime }(|y|) + 2 s^{\prime }(|y|) + 2^{s^{\prime }(|y|)})^{2})\), which is less than \(2^{3 s^{\prime }(|y|)}\) for y (resp. n i ) large enough. The length of y is at most \(2 n_{i}^{1+a}\). Thus

$$s^{\prime}(|y|) \le 2 n_{i}^{(1+a)(k^{\prime}+\epsilon)} < 2n_{i}$$


$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} 2^{3 s^{\prime}(|y|)} \le 2^{6 n_{i}} \le s(n^{*}_{i}), \end{array} $$

for n i large enough.

To prove the second part one uses the same argument as above but verifies that the space needed by M for the simulations fits into its space bounds:

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} s^{\prime}(n_{i,j+1,w}) &\le& \left( \log 2 n_{i}^{(1+2^{j+1} a)}\right)^{k^{\prime}}\\ &=& \left( 1 + (1+2^{j+1} a) \cdot \log n_{i}\right)^{k^{\prime}} \\ &\le& o\left( 2^{\log^{k^{\prime}} \left( (1+2^{j} a) \cdot \log n_{i}\right)}\right)\\ &=& o\left( 2^{\log^{k^{\prime}} \log n_{i}^{(1+2^{j} a)}}\right)\\ &=& o(s(n_{i,j,wz})). \end{array} $$


$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} 2^{3 s^{\prime}(2n_{i}^{1+a})} \le o(s(n^{*}_{i})) \,. \end{array} $$

For the fourth part we set the parameters exactly like Van Melkebeek and Pervyshev [8, 11]: a constant \(d= \max (2a,\lceil 4^{a{k^{\prime }}^{2}}\rceil )\), \(n^{*}_{i} = n_{i}^{{n_{i}^{d}}}\) and \(n_{i,j}=n_{i}^{d^{j}}\). With these parameters there is sufficient space for M to simulate M i ’s. □