Correction to: International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology

The publication of this article unfortunately contained typos.

The last column of Table 3: Kerf width was clipped during revisions. The column is corrected and is given below.

Table 3 Design of experiments along with output results

The Eq. 2 carried a mistake which is correct as below.

$$\mathrm{MRR}=100\times\left(0.11851+0.001551\;\mathrm V\mathrm s+0.001869\;\mathrm P\mathrm f-0.005825\;\mathrm{Dn}+0.0009461\;\mathrm d\right)$$

The Fig. 13(a) carried a typo in units of MRR as revised below.

Fig. 13
figure 1

Graphical illustration to show the Pareto and normal plots for (a) MRR

The Table 8 carried a typo in MRR units (previously g/mm3; correct mm3/min) and decimal points. The corrected table is provided below.

Table 8 Detailed data for confirmatory experimentation