Correction to: Intensive Care Med

The original version of this article unfortunately contained a mistake in Fig. 4. The corrected figure (Fig. 4) can be found below. The original version was updated. We apologize for the mistake.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Predicted mortality for the six most common solid cancer sites in the database according to need for organ support. Y axis: year of admission (for each subplot, Y axis represents the probability density function); X axis: predicted mortality. Panels represent the level of organ support: a none, b MV only, c MV plus VP, and d MV + VP + RRT. One sub-panel for each cancer site is shown inside each main panel. Note that trends in reduction in mortality are comparable to all cancer sites, but as need for support increases the predicted mortality rate of different cancer sites diminishes. MV mechanical ventilation, VP vasopressors, RRT renal replacement therapy. The number of included patients are: brain (1934); breast (4615); colon/rectum (3591); kidney (1752); lung (3490); and prostate (4502)