Every year researchers are paying increased attention to voltage level shifters due to the growing number of functional requirements for modern electronic systems (given below):

—interfacing of elements of electronic systems with several power sources;

—matching circuits with different voltage levels of internal signals;

—using in schemes of electrostatic discharge protection (ESD) [1];

—reducing power consumption in systems with multiple threshold voltages of MOS transistors [2];

—using in systems in the standby mode [3];

—using the flash-memory cell information for the organization of F-N tunneling in the erasing mode (quantum-mechanical Fauler-Nordheim effect), etc. [4, 5].

The classification of voltage level shifters according to functional and design-technological features is very complex and requires special description. In this article, we study classical bottom-top level shifters manufactured by CMOS technology [2].

We present the description of a new low-voltage to high-voltage shifter (bottom-up) with two power sources and equivalent direct and inverse output buffers. In addition, the application of the original method of low-conductive circuits that is used to improve the operation rate and reduce the dynamic current consumption, is described.


Figure 1 shows the scheme of a typical CMOS voltage level shifter (TVLS) [610].

Fig. 1.
figure 1

TVLS: (a) generator of input direct and inverse low-amplitude signals (GND–VDDL); (b) low-amplitude signal (GND–VDDL) converter into high-amplitude signal (GND–VDDH); (c) buffer of output direct high-amplitude signal (GND–VDDH).

A TVLS can be divided into three functionally independent units:

(1) Generator of the input direct and inverse low-amplitude GND–VDDL signals on VT1–VT4 transistors.

(2) Converter of low-amplitude GND–VDDL signal to high-amplitude GND–VDDH signal on VT5–VT8 transistors.

(3) Buffer of the output direct high-amplitude GNDVDDH signal on VT9VT10 transistors. The generator of the input direct and inverse low-amplitude GND–VDDL signals creates direct and inverse signals and consists of two inverters connected in series. Both inverters are fed from the low level VDDL voltage source. The output of the first inverter on VT1 and VT2 transistors forms an inverted signal for the inverse input of the voltage level shifter and serves as the input signal for the second inverter. At the same time, the output of the second inverter on VT3 and VT4 transistors forms the direct signal for the direct input of the voltage level shifter. Generator of the input direct and inverse low-amplitude signals GNDVDDL can be assembled on one inverter, in which the source of the direct signal is the input of the inverter, while the source of inverse signal is its output.

The converter of the GNDVDDL signal from low to high amplitude is made in the form of a trigger latch. Both the converter and buffer of the direct high-amplitude GNDVDDH signal are powered from a high-amplitude VDDH power source.

For reliable operation of a TVLS, the displacement of transfer characteristics downward is required in each half of the latch trigger of the low-amplitude signal (GND-VDDL) converter when the signal is transformed into a high-amplitude signal (GND-VDDH). This condition is ensured by reducing the WP/WN ratio of the channel widths of the VT5–VT8 latch transistors. In turn, this leads to an increase in the latch switching time and, consequently, to a loss of speed of a TVLS. In addition, due to the increase in the transient time, the dynamic current consumption increases [9, 11].

Therefore, currently, increased attention is being paid to improving voltage level shifters. Below we present a solution aimed at eliminating these disadvantages.


A diagram of a new voltage level shifter (NVLS) for low power applications [12] is shown in Fig. 2. This voltage level converter differs from an ordinary one by the presence of a Pull-Up Network of the trigger of the converter of the low-amplitude GND–VDDL signal into a high-amplitude GND–VDDH signal. The inverter on VT15 and VT16 transistors forms the buffer of the output inverse high-amplitude GND–VDDH signal.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

NVLS for low-power applications. (a) Generator of input low-amplitude direct and inverse signals (GND–VDDL); (b) low-amplitude signal (GND–VDDL) converter to signal of high amplitude (GND–VDDH); (c) buffer of output direct high-amplitude signal (GND–VDDH); (d) buffer of output inverse high-amplitude signal (GND–VDDH).

Buffers of the output direct and inverse high-amplitude GND–VDDH signals are designed to amplify the output signals when operating on high loads and they are used to generate the feedback signals when controlling highly conductive circuits in the Pull-Up Network.

The P-channel VT5, VT7, VT11 and VT14 transistors form two highly conductive circuits, namely, VT11/VT5 and VT14/VT7. Due to this they are fabricated with a large channel width (W) and minimum length (L). The P-channel VТ12 and VТ13 transistors, in contrast to VT5, VT7, VT11 and VT14, are fabricated with the minimal channel width W and large channel length L. Due to this, along with transistors VT5 and VT7, they form circuits with low conductivity. The conductivity of MOS transistors is inversely proportional to the length L of the channel, and therefore, the higher the channel length L of transistors VT12 and VT13 the lower their conductivity. The lower the conductivity of VT12 and VT13 transistors the lower the total conductivity of the VT12/VT5 and VT13/VT7 circuits. In the process of switching the circuit of N‑channel VT6 and VT8 transistors, it is necessary to overcome the opposition of the chains of the Pull-Up Networks of the latch on the VT12/VT5 and VT13/VT7 transistors. Due to this, the lower their conductivity the faster the circuit switching.

Since the gates of VT12 and VT13 transistors are connected to a low-voltage GND power source, their gate/substrate capacitance does not affect the speed of the circuit. However, the longer the channel length L of VT12 and VT13 transistors the lower their conductivity and the shorter the transient switching process when the trigger latch of the signal converter switches from low-amplitude to high-amplitude. Due to this, since in the proposed scheme the low conductivity circuit is not used to generate a high-level signal, its speed is higher than that of the usual scheme. At the same time, in the proposed scheme the dynamic current consumption is less, since the magnitude of the dynamic current consumption in CMOS circuits is proportional to the duration of the transient switching process. The channel length of VТ12 and VТ13 transistors can be arbitrarily large and is chosen solely for reasons of topological expediency.


Comparison of two different schemes that perform one function is always a difficult problem. The most common method of comparing digital circuits is to compare the results of simulating schemes with the minimum allowable element size within a single technological process. Such a method is ill-suited for comparing voltage level converters, since reliable operation of a TVLS requires oblique transfer performances of the latch trigger.

Therefore, to compare voltage level converters, it is necessary to use another method—comparing the results of simulating schemes being previously optimized for operation under equal conditions: with the same output load and the same input action. The disadvantage of this method is the difficulty of achieving the necessary but equal level of optimization. This can lead to a comparison of schemes with different levels of optimization, i.e., a comparison of schemes that are in unequal conditions.

In addition, the procedure for such an optimization takes a large amount of time.

Therefore, in order to achieve more reliable results, it is necessary to formulate the conditions based on which optimization and comparison are carried out. In this work, the following agreements are adopted.

—The channel lengths (L) of all transistors are equal to the minimum allowable value of the channel length of the selected technological process except when required by the features of the circuit.

—The channel width ratio WP/WN of inverters for a generator of the input direct and inverse low-amplitude GND–VDDL signals and a buffer of the direct high-amplitude GND–VDDH signal are chosen so that their resistances in an open state are matched. The purpose of such a choice of transistor size is to obtain inverters with the transfer performance that ensures the equal switching times of the inverters when the input voltage signal changes from low to high and from high to low [13].

—The schematic diagrams of transistors of the generator of the input direct and inverse low-amplitude GND–VDDL signals, buffer of the output direct high-amplitude GND–VDDH signal, and N-channel converter of the low-amplitude GND–VDDL signal to a high-amplitude GND–VDDH signal coincide (for the schemes to be compared), while the size of the transistors is the same.

—The circuit is optimized by selecting the dimensions—length (L) and width (W)—of P-channel transistors of low-amplitude signal (GND–VDDL) converter and high-amplitude signal (GND–VDDH) converter, ensuring the maximum speed [13].

—The schemes are compared according to the simulation results under the identical conditions described above.

In addition, we choose the following conditions for calculating transient processes when comparing the dynamic parameters of an NVLS for low-power applications and the TVLS.

(1) Input signal UINPUT with a voltage amplitude of 0 to 3 V is converted into output signal UOUTPUT with an amplitude of 0 to 10 V.

(2) VDDL = 3 V, VDDН = 10 V.

(3) The duration of the full edges of the input signal UINPUT (positive tR and negative tF) is 6 ns.

(4) The output load capacitance is CL = 20 pF.

To evaluate the conversion characteristics, we use the generally accepted parameters:

tPLH and tPHL are the delay times of the positive and negative edges from a 0.5 voltage amplitude of the input signal UINPUT to a 0.5 voltage amplitude of the output signal;

tR and tF are the duration times of the positive and negative edges of the output signal, measured from the 0.1 to 0.9 amplitude level of the output signal.

The aforementioned parameters are listed in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Representation of monitored parameters.

The simulation results were obtained using the PSpice module of the OrCAD 9.2 f. Cadence program. In this case, a mathematical model of the 3rd level and the data of the 3 μm CMOS technological process were used. The graphs in Fig. 4 were plotted using the Probe module. The calculations were carried out in the Transient mode of temporary analysis by dc (DC-analysis). The simulation results demonstrate superiority in the speed of an new voltage level converter for low-power applications over a conventional one.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Simulation results (in graphic form) of operation of NVLS for low-power applications, and TVLS obtained using Probe module from OrCad 9.2 program.

The numerical values of the time parameters obtained in the simulation of the two compared voltage level shifters and the results of their comparison are shown in Table 1.

Table 1.   Parameters of NVLS and TVLS, and results of their comparison in terms of speed


In this article we describe an NVLS for low-power applications and present its electrical circuit diagram. Its operation is described. It is based on the original method of forming a low conductivity circuit, which is used to reduce the delay time of switching and the dynamic current consumption by minimizing the effect of the counter-effects of the transient process when overcharging the output trigger’s capacitance.

In the proposed NVLS, the output inverter of an inverted signal is additionally introduced. The output inverters for direct and inverse signals are needed to preset the highly conductive Pull-up-Network. They can simultaneously perform the amplifying function of the buffers of the output direct and inverse signals.

The simulation results demonstrate that the dynamic performances of the NVLS for low-power applications are superior to those of a TVLS. The time delay of switching is reduced by more than 30%. Compared to traditional schemes, the scheme of a proposed new voltage level converter can operate over a wider range of operating voltages. In addition, in the new converter, dynamic current consumption is reduced by reducing the switching delay time.