
In this paper, we consider reduced semigroup \(C^*\)-algebras, namely, the algebras generated by left regular representations of cancellative semigroups. The study of such \(C^*\)-algebras was initiated by Coburn [2, 3], Douglas [4], and Murphy [21, 22]. The further development of the theory of semigroup \(C^*\)-algebras is due to many authors (see, for example, the references cited in [16]).

The present work is a continuation of the studies of reduced semigroup \(C^*\)-algebras started in [1, 813, 1719]. Here we study the following problems: the construction of a grading for reduced semigroup \(C^*\)-algebras, and the existence of a Hilbert \(C^*\)-module structure on a graded semigroup \(C^*\)-algebra.

The grading of an object of a category makes it possible to better understand the structure of this object. In the category of \(C^*\)-algebras, one uses \(C^*\)-bundles, or Fell bundles, to construct a grading. These bundles were introduced by Fell [7], who employed them to extend the notions of harmonic analysis to the noncommutative case. Exel [5] introduced the notion of a topologically graded \(C^*\)-algebra. A refinement of the definition of such an algebra is contained in [24]. It is important that the topological grading of a \(C^*\)-algebra guarantees the existence of special operators which are analogs of the Fourier coefficients. For a detailed account of the theory of graded \(C^*\)-algebras, we refer the reader to the monograph [6]. In [1, 8, 9, 11, 17], the authors studied questions related to the construction of gradings for different semigroup \(C^*\)-algebras. In [11], the notion of the \(\sigma\)-index of a monomial was introduced and used to construct a \(G\)-grading of a semigroup \(C^*\)-algebra for a finite cyclic group \(G\). In the present study, we employ this notion to construct a \(G\)-grading of a semigroup \(C^*\)-algebra for an arbitrary group \(G\), including a nonabelian one.

It is well known that the theory of Hilbert \(C^*\)-modules is a convenient tool for studying \(C^*\)-algebras. A detailed introduction to the theory of Hilbert \(C^*\)-modules, as well as many of its applications, is contained in the book [20]. In [23], the authors used the theory of Hilbert \(C^*\)-modules to define a noncommutative analog of branched coverings. To define the structure of a Hilbert \(C^*\)-module on a semigroup \(C^*\)-algebra, we use the conditional expectation of algebraically finite index (see [25]) and thus define a noncommutative covering of a semigroup \(C^*\)-algebra [23, Definition 1.4].

The paper consists of the introduction and four sections. In Section 1, we give necessary information on semigroup \(C^*\)-algebras and the definitions of graded and topologically graded \(C^*\)-algebras. We present all necessary definitions related to Banach and Hilbert modules over \(C^*\)-algebras.

In Sections 2 and 3, we construct a grading and show that this grading is topological. The main result of these two sections is formulated as follows (Theorem 2). If there exists a semigroup epimorphism \(\sigma \colon\, S\to G\) from an arbitrary cancellative semigroup \(S\) to an arbitrary group \(G\), then the semigroup \(C^*\)-algebra \( C_{\textrm{r}} ^*(S)\) is a topologically \(G\)-graded \(C^*\)-algebra. This theorem generalizes the result obtained in [11], where a similar statement was proved for an abelian semigroup and a finite cyclic group.

In Section 4, we study the existence of a Hilbert \(C^*\)-module structure on the \(G\)-graded \(C^*\)-algebra \( C_{\textrm{r}} ^*(S)\) under consideration. Namely, we prove that if \(G\) is a finite group, then the \(C^*\)-algebra \( C_{\textrm{r}} ^*(S)\) has the structure of a projective Hilbert \(C^*\)-module.

1. Preliminaries

Throughout the paper, we denote by \(S\) an arbitrary cancellative semigroup with identity. Denote the identity in \(S\) by \(e\).

The object of the present study is the reduced semigroup \(C^*\)-algebra \( C_{\textrm{r}} ^*(S)\). In this connection, we recall the definition of this \(C^*\)-algebra.

Consider the Hilbert space \(l^2(S)\) of square summable complex-valued functions defined on \(S\):

$$l^2(S):=\Biggl\{f \colon\, \, S\to {\mathbb C} \biggm| \sum_{a\in S} |f(a)|^2 <+\infty\Biggr\}.$$

Denote the canonical orthonormal basis of \(l^2(S)\) by \(\{e_a \mid a\in S\}\), where

$$e_a(b):= \begin{cases} \displaystyle 1 & \text{ if }\, \displaystyle a=b,\\ \displaystyle 0 & \text{ if }\, \displaystyle a\neq b. \end{cases}$$

In the algebra of all bounded operators on \(l^2(S)\), consider the \(C^*\)-subalgebra generated by the set of isometries \(\{T_a \mid a\in S\}\), where the operator \(T_a\) is defined by the formula

$$T_a(e_b)=e_{ab}, \qquad a,b\in S.$$

It is this \(C^*\)-subalgebra that is called the reduced semigroup \(C^*\)-algebra \( C_{\textrm{r}} ^*(S)\).

Next, for the convenience of the reader, we recall the definition of a \(G\)-graded \(C^*\)-algebra from [6, Definition 16.2].

Let \( {\mathfrak A} \) be an arbitrary \(C^*\)-algebra and \(G\) be a group. Then \( {\mathfrak A} \) is said to be a \(G\)-graded \(C^*\)-algebra if there exists a family of linearly independent closed subspaces \(\{ {\mathfrak A} _g\subset {\mathfrak A} \}_{g\in G}\) such that the following properties hold for any \(g,h\in G\):

  1. (1)

    \( {\mathfrak A} _g {\mathfrak A} _h\subset {\mathfrak A} _{gh}\),

  2. (2)

    \( {\mathfrak A} _g^*= {\mathfrak A} _{g^{-1}}\), and

  3. (3)

    \( {\mathfrak A} = \overline{\bigoplus_{g\in G} {\mathfrak A} _g}\).

In this case, the family of Banach spaces \(\{ {\mathfrak A} _g\}_{g\in G}\) is called a \(C^*\)-algebraic bundle or a Fell bundle over the group \(G\).

In [6, Definition 19.2], Exel also considered the notion of grading in a stronger sense. Namely, a \(G\)-graded \(C^*\)-algebra \( {\mathfrak A} \) is said to be topologically graded if there exists a contractive linear map

$$F \colon\, \, {\mathfrak A} \to {\mathfrak A} _e$$

that coincides with the identity map on the subspace \( {\mathfrak A} _e\), where \(e\) is the identity element of the group, and vanishes on every subspace \( {\mathfrak A} _g\), where \(g\in G\), \(g\neq e\).

An important property of a topologically graded \(C^*\)-algebra is the existence of Fourier coefficients (see [6, Corollary 19.6]). This means that for every \(g\in G\) there exists a contractive linear map

$$F_g \colon\, \, {\mathfrak A} \to {\mathfrak A} _g$$

such that the equality \(F_g(A)=A_g\) holds for any finite sum \(A=\sum_{h\in G}A_h\) with \(A_h\in {\mathfrak A} _h\). Moreover, the maps \(F_g\), \(g\in G\), have the following property: the equalities

$$F_g(BA)=BF_{h^{-1}g}(A)\qquad\text{and}\qquad F_g(AB)=F_{gh^{-1}}(A)B$$

hold for any \(B\in {\mathfrak A} _h\), \(h\in G\), and \(A\in {\mathfrak A} \).

The notions related to Banach and \(C^*\)-Hilbert modules are contained in the books [14, 20]. Recall the necessary definitions. By a module we mean a left module.

A module \( {\mathfrak M} \) over a \(C^*\)-algebra \( {\mathfrak A} \) is called a Banach \( {\mathfrak A} \)-module if it is a Banach space with norm satisfying the inequality \(\|A\cdot M\|\leq\|A\|\cdot\|M\|\), where \(A\in {\mathfrak A} \) and \(M\in {\mathfrak M} \). A subset \(X\) in a Banach \( {\mathfrak A} \)-module \( {\mathfrak M} \) is called a set of generators if the finite \( {\mathfrak A} \)-linear combinations of elements of \(X\) are dense in \( {\mathfrak M} \). If \(X\) is a finite set, then the module \( {\mathfrak M} \) is said to be finitely generated.

An element \(M\) in an \( {\mathfrak A} \)-module \( {\mathfrak M} \) is said to be cyclic if the following equality holds:

$${\mathfrak M} = {\mathfrak A} \cdot M:=\{A\cdot M \mid A\in {\mathfrak A} \}.$$

A module with a cyclic element is called a cyclic module.

A module \( {\mathfrak M} \) over a \(C^*\)-algebra \( {\mathfrak A} \) is called a pre-Hilbert \( {\mathfrak A} \)-module if it is equipped with a sesquilinear form \(\langle \kern1pt \cdot \kern1pt ,\cdot \kern1pt \rangle \colon\, {\mathfrak M} \times {\mathfrak M} \to {\mathfrak A} \), called an \( {\mathfrak A} \)-valued scalar (or inner) product, that has the following properties for any \(M,N\in {\mathfrak M} \) and \(A\in {\mathfrak A} \):

  1. (1)

    \(\langle M,M\rangle\geq 0\),

  2. (2)

    \(\langle M,M\rangle=0\,\) if and only if \(\,M=0\),

  3. (3)

    \(\langle M,N\rangle=\langle N,M\rangle^*,\,\) and

  4. (4)

    \(\langle A\cdot M,N\rangle=A\langle M,N\rangle\).

If \( {\mathfrak M} \) is a pre-Hilbert \( {\mathfrak A} \)-module, then one can define a norm \(\| \kern1pt {\cdot}\,\|_{ {\mathfrak M} }\) on it as \(\|M\|_{ {\mathfrak M} }=\|\langle M,M\rangle\|^{1/2}\) for any \(M\in {\mathfrak M} \) (see [20, Proposition 1.2.4]).

A pre-Hilbert \( {\mathfrak A} \)-module \( {\mathfrak M} \) that is complete in the norm \(\| \kern1pt {\cdot} \kern1pt \|_{ {\mathfrak M} }\) is called a Hilbert \(C^*\)-module.

For a \(C^*\)-algebra \( {\mathfrak A} \) and a \(C^*\)-subalgebra \( {\mathfrak B} \) in \( {\mathfrak A} \), a linear map \(E \colon\, {\mathfrak A} \to {\mathfrak B} \) such that \(E(B)=B\) for any \(B\in {\mathfrak B} \) and \(\|E(A)\|\leq\|A\|\) for any \(A\in {\mathfrak A} \) is called a conditional expectation (see [20, 25]). A conditional expectation is said to be faithful if for any positive \(A\in {\mathfrak A} \) the equality \(E(A)=0\) implies \(A=0\). It is well known (see [20, Example 1.3.6]) that in this case one can introduce the structure of a left pre-Hilbert \( {\mathfrak B} \)-module on the \(C^*\)-algebra \( {\mathfrak A} \) by defining the inner product

$$\langle A,B\rangle=E(AB^*)\qquad\text{for any}\quad A,B\in {\mathfrak A} .$$

2. Grading of the \(C^*\)-algebra \( C_{\textrm{r}} ^*(S)\)

Let \(G\) be an arbitrary group. Denote the identity element of the group by \(e\).

Suppose that there exists a surjective semigroup homomorphism

$$ \sigma \colon\, \,S\to G.$$

Then the semigroup \(S\) can be represented as a disjoint union of subsets \(S_g\),

$$ S=\bigsqcup_{g\in G}S_g,$$

such that every \(S_g\) is the complete preimage of the element \(g\in G\), i.e., \(\sigma^{-1}(g)=S_g\).

To construct a grading of the semigroup \(C^*\)-algebra \( C_{\textrm{r}} ^*(S)\), we introduce the notion of a monomial as well as the notion of a \(\sigma\)-index for a monomial and for the corresponding operator in this \(C^*\)-algebra, where \(\sigma\) is the surjective homomorphism (2.1). We use the construction that was first introduced by the author in the joint paper [11].

Consider the free semigroup generated by the set \(\{T_a^{-1},T_a^1 \mid a\in S\}\). The elements of this semigroup are words of the form

$$ V=T_{a_k}^{i_k}T_{a_{k-1}}^{i_{k-1}}\dots T_{a_1}^{i_1},$$

where \(a_1,\dots,a_k\in S\) and \(i_1,\dots,i_k\in\{-1,1\}\). We will call these words monomials. The number \(k\) in (2.3) is called the length of the monomial. The semigroup itself is called the monomial semigroup and is denoted by \( \mathrm{Mon} \).

The monomial semigroup is an involutive semigroup. The involution is defined on a monomial of the form (2.3) by the formula

$$V^*=T_{a_1}^{-i_1}T_{a_2}^{-i_2}\dots T_{a_k}^{-i_k}.$$

Now we define a map of semigroups \( \operatorname{ind} \colon\, \mathrm{Mon} \to G\). For a monomial of the form (2.3), we set by definition

$$\operatorname{ind} V=\sigma(a_k)^{i_k}\sigma(a_{k-1})^{i_{k-1}}\dots\sigma(a_1)^{i_1}.$$

It is easy to see that the equalities

$$ \operatorname{ind} (V\cdot W) = \operatorname{ind} V\cdot \operatorname{ind} W \qquad\text{and}\qquad \operatorname{ind} (V^*) =( \operatorname{ind} V)^{-1}$$

hold for any \(V,W\in \mathrm{Mon} \). Hence, the map \( \operatorname{ind} \) is an involutive surjective semigroup homomorphism.

Every monomial \(V\) defines an operator \( \widehat{V}{} \) on the Hilbert space \(l^2(S)\) as follows:

$$\widehat{T}{} _a^1=T_a, \qquad \widehat{T}{} _a^{-1}=T_a^*,$$

and if \(V\) is a monomial of the form (2.3), then

$$ \widehat{V}{} = \widehat{T}{} _{a_k}^{\,i_k} \widehat{T}{} _{a_{k-1}}^{\,i_{k-1}}\dots \widehat{T}{} _{a_1}^{\,i_1}.$$

We will call operators of the form (2.5) operator monomials.

Lemma 1.

Let \(V\in \mathrm{Mon} \) and \( \widehat{V}{} e_a\neq 0\) for some basis vector \(e_a\in l^2(S)\). Then there exists an element \(b\in S\) such that the following equalities hold :

$$\widehat{V}{} e_a=e_b \qquad\textit{and}\qquad \sigma(b)= \operatorname{ind} V\cdot\sigma(a).$$


Let \(V\) be a monomial of the form (2.3). We will prove the lemma by induction on the length \(k\) of the monomial.

Let \(k=1\). Then two cases are possible: either \(V=T_{a_1}^1\) or \(V=T_{a_1}^{-1}\). Let \( \widehat{V}{} e_a\neq 0\). Then, in the first case, we obtain \(T_{a_1}e_a=e_{a_1a}\). Hence, \(b=a_1a\) and

$$\sigma(b)=\sigma(a_1)\sigma(a)= \operatorname{ind} V\cdot\sigma(a).$$

In the second case, we have \(T_{a_1}^*e_a=e_b\), where \(a=a_1b\). Therefore, \(\sigma(a)=\sigma(a_1)\sigma(b)\), and so

$$\sigma(b)=(\sigma(a_1))^{-1}\sigma(a)= \operatorname{ind} V\cdot\sigma(a).$$

Now, consider a monomial \(V\) of arbitrary length \(k\). Obviously, we can write it as \(V=T_{a_k}^{i_k}V'\), where \(V'\) satisfies the equalities \( \widehat{V}{} 'e_a=e_{b'}\) and \(\sigma(b')= \operatorname{ind} V'\cdot\sigma(a)\) by the induction hypothesis. Then we have \( \widehat{V}{} e_a= \widehat{T}{} _{a_k}^{i_k}e_{b'}=e_b\). In the same way as in the case of \(k=1\), we obtain the equality \(\sigma(b)= \operatorname{ind} T_{a_k}^{i_k}\cdot\sigma(b')\). This implies the required assertion

$$\sigma(b)= \operatorname{ind} T_{a_k}^{i_k}\cdot \operatorname{ind} V'\cdot\sigma(a)= \operatorname{ind} V\cdot\sigma(a).\ \quad\Box$$

It follows from Lemma 1 that if \( \widehat{V}{} _1= \widehat{V}{} _2\), then \( \operatorname{ind} V_1= \operatorname{ind} V_2\).

For an arbitrary monomial \(V\in \mathrm{Mon} \), we refer to the value \( \operatorname{ind} V\) of the map \( \operatorname{ind} \) on \(V\) both as the \(\sigma\)-index of the monomial \(V\) and the \(\sigma\)-index of the operator monomial \( \widehat{V}{} \).

Finite linear combinations of operator monomials form an involutive subalgebra, which is dense in the \(C^*\)-algebra \( C_{\textrm{r}} ^*(S)\). Denote this subalgebra by \(P(S)\).

It is easy to see that the monomials of \(\sigma\)-index \(e\) form an involutive subsemigroup in the monomial semigroup \( \mathrm{Mon} \). Denote by \( {\mathfrak A} _e\) the \(C^*\)-subalgebra in \( C_{\textrm{r}} ^*(S)\) generated by the operator monomials of \(\sigma\)-index \(e\).

For any \(g\in G\), the closure of the linear hull of the set of all operator monomials of \(\sigma\)-index \(g\) is a Banach subspace in the \(C^*\)-algebra \( C_{\textrm{r}} ^*(S)\), which we denote by \( {\mathfrak A} _g\).

Next, using the expansion (2.2), we represent the Hilbert space \(l^2(S)\) as an orthogonal sum of subspaces:

$$ l^2(S)=\bigoplus_{g\in G}H_g,$$

where every subspace \(H_g\), \(g\in G\), has a Hilbert basis given by the family of functions \(\{e_a \mid a\in S_g\}\).

The following lemma shows how the spaces \(H_g\) behave under the action of the elements of the space \( {\mathfrak A} _h\), for \(g,h\in G\).

Lemma 2.

For any \(g,h\in G\) and any operator \(A\in {\mathfrak A} _h,\) the following inclusion holds :

$$A(H_g)\subset H_{hg}.$$

In particular, for any \(g\in G,\) the subspace \(H_g\) is invariant under the action of any element of the \(C^*\)-algebra \( {\mathfrak A} _e\).


Since finite linear combinations of operator monomials of \(\sigma\)-index \(h\) form a dense subspace in the Banach space \( {\mathfrak A} _h\), it suffices to prove the lemma for such operator monomials.

Fix elements \(h,g\in G\). Let \(V\) be an arbitrary monomial of \(\sigma\)-index \(h\). Take any basis vector \(e_a\in H_g\) with \( \widehat{V}{} e_a\neq 0\). If there is no such vector, then \( \widehat{V}{} (H_g)=\{0\}\subset H_{hg}\). By Lemma 1, we obtain \( \widehat{V}{} e_a=e_b\), where \(b\in S\) is an element such that \(\sigma(b)= \operatorname{ind} V\cdot\sigma(a)\). Since \(\sigma(a)=g\), we have \(\sigma(b)=hg\). Thus, \(b\in S_{hg}\) and \(e_b\in H_{hg}\). \(\quad\Box\)

Next, we apply Lemma 2 in order to prove that the family of subspaces \(\{ {\mathfrak A} _g \mid g\in G\}\) is a \(C^*\)-algebraic bundle over the group \(G\). This statement is a generalization of Lemma 3 from [11].

Lemma 3.

The following assertions hold for the system of subspaces \(\{ {\mathfrak A} _g\mid g\in G\}\) :

  1. (1)

    \( {\mathfrak A} _g {\mathfrak A} _h\subset {\mathfrak A} _{gh},\)

  2. (2)

    \( {\mathfrak A} _g^*= {\mathfrak A} _{g^{-1}},\)

  3. (3)

    the family \(\{ {\mathfrak A} _g \mid g\in G\}\) is a linearly independent system of closed subspaces in the \(C^*\)-algebra \( C_{\textrm{r}} ^*(S),\) and

  4. (4)

    \( C_{\textrm{r}} ^*(S)=\overline{\bigoplus_{g\in G} {\mathfrak A} _g}\).


For operator monomials, assertions (1) and (2) follow from equalities (2.4). In the general case, the assertions hold since the finite linear combinations of operator monomials of \(\sigma\)-index \(g\) are dense in the Banach space \( {\mathfrak A} _g\).

Let us prove assertion (3). Let \(A=\sum_{g\in G}A_g=0\), where \(A_g\in {\mathfrak A} _g\). Note that this sum contains a finite number of nonzero terms. We will show that then \(A_g=0\) for any \(g\). Let \(g_0\in G\) be an element such that \(A_{g_0}\neq 0\). Then we have the representation

$$A_{g_0}=-\sum_{g\in G,\; g\neq g_0}A_g.$$

By Lemma 2, the inclusion \(A_{g_0}(H_h)\subset H_{g_0h}\) holds for any \(h\in G\). This implies the relation

$$-\sum_{g\in G,\;g\neq g_0}A_g(H_h) \subset H_{g_0h}.$$

On the other hand, by the same Lemma 2, we have the inclusion

$$-\sum_{g\in G,\;g\neq g_0}A_g(H_h)\subset \bigoplus_{g\in G,\;g\neq g_0}H_{gh}.$$

Since \(g_0h\neq gh\) and the subspaces \(H_g\), \(g\in G\), are orthogonal, we obtain the equality

$$H_{g_0h}\cap\bigoplus_{g\in G,\;g\neq g_0} H_{gh}=\{0\}.$$

This implies the relation

$$A_{g_0}=-\sum_{g\in G,\;g\neq g_0}A_g=0.$$

Let us prove assertion (4). Note that the finite linear combinations of operator monomials are dense in the \(C^*\)-algebra \( C_{\textrm{r}} ^*(S)\). On the other hand, they are dense in \(\bigoplus_{g\in G} {\mathfrak A} _g\), since every such finite linear combination can be represented as \(\sum_{g\in G}A_g\), where \(A_g\) is a finite linear combination of operator monomials of \(\sigma\)-index \(g\). From the inclusion \(\bigoplus_{g\in G} {\mathfrak A} _g\subset C_{\textrm{r}} ^*(S)\) we find that the subspace \(\bigoplus_{g\in G} {\mathfrak A} _g\) is dense in \( C_{\textrm{r}} ^*(S)\). \(\quad\Box\)

Thus, Lemma 3 implies the following result on the \(G\)-grading of the semigroup \(C^*\)-algebra \( C_{\textrm{r}} ^*(S)\).

Theorem 1.

Let \(\sigma \colon\, S\to G\) be a surjective semigroup homomorphism. Let \( {\mathfrak A} _g\) be a closed subspace in \( C_{\textrm{r}} ^*(S)\) generated by the operator monomials of \(\sigma\)-index \(g,\) where \(g\in G\). Then the family of subspaces \(\{ {\mathfrak A} _g \mid g\in G\}\) forms a Fell bundle of the semigroup \(C^*\)-algebra \( C_{\textrm{r}} ^*(S)\) over the group \(G\).

3. Topological grading of the \(C^*\)-algebra \( C_{\textrm{r}} ^*(S)\)

Here we prove that the semigroup \(C^*\)-algebra \( C_{\textrm{r}} ^*(S)\) is topologically graded (for the grading constructed in Section 2).

In the next lemma, we construct a linear bounded operator that allows us to talk about the topological \(G\)-grading of the semigroup \(C^*\)-algebra \( C_{\textrm{r}} ^*(S)\).

Lemma 4.

There exists a contractive linear operator

$$F \colon\, \, C_{\textrm{r}} ^*(S)\to {\mathfrak A} _e$$

that coincides with the identity operator on \( {\mathfrak A} _e\) and vanishes on every subspace \( {\mathfrak A} _g,\) \(g\in G,\) \(g\neq e\).


Recall that the involutive subalgebra \(P(S)\), which consists of all finite linear combinations of operator monomials, is dense in the \(C^*\)-algebra \( C_{\textrm{r}} ^*(S)\). Therefore, to prove the lemma, it suffices to construct a linear bounded operator

$$F \colon\, \, P(S) \to {\mathfrak A} _e$$

that leaves invariant the linear combinations of operator monomials of \(\sigma\)-index \(e\) and vanishes on the linear combinations of operator monomials of \(\sigma\)-index \(g\) for every \(g\neq e\).

Since every element \(A\in P(S)\) can be uniquely represented as a finite sum of nonzero terms of the form

$$ A=\sum_{g\in G}A_g,$$

where \(A_g\in {\mathfrak A} _g\), the formula


obviously defines a linear operator on the normed space \(P(S)\) that satisfies the required conditions.

Let us prove that \(F\) is a contractive operator. To this end, we fix an arbitrary element \(A\in P(S)\) and consider its representation (3.1).

Let us show that the following estimate for the norms holds:

$$ \|F(A)\|=\|A_e\|\leq\|A\|.$$

Recall that the Hilbert space \(l^2(S)\) decomposes into the orthogonal sum (2.6). By Lemma 2, the subspaces \(H_g\) are invariant with respect to \( {\mathfrak A} _e\). Therefore, for every element \(A_e\in {\mathfrak A} _e\), we have the decomposition

$$A_e=\bigoplus_{g\in G} A_e^g,$$

where \(A_e^g\) denotes the restriction of the operator \(A_e\) to the subspace \(H_g\). This implies the following equality for the operator norms:

$$\|A_e\|=\sup_{g\in G} \|A_e^g\|.$$

Fix an arbitrary number \(\varepsilon>0\). Let \(g_0\in G\) be an element such that the inequality

$$ \|A_e^{g_0}\|\geq\|A_e\|-\varepsilon$$

is satisfied. Note that the following inequality holds:

$$\|A\|=\sup_{\|x\|=1,\; x\in l^2(S)}(Ax,Ax)^{1/2}\geq\sup_{\|x\|=1,\; x\in H_{g_0}}(Ax,Ax)^{1/2}.$$

For \(x\in H_{g_0}\), consider the inner product

$$(Ax,Ax)=\Biggl(\;\sum_{g\in G}A_gx,\sum_{h\in G}A_hx\Biggr)=\sum_{g,h\in G}(A_gx,A_hx).$$

Let us show that \((A_gx,A_hx)=0\) for \(g\neq h\). Indeed, since \(x\in H_{g_0}\), by Lemma 2 we have \(A_gx\in H_{gg_0}\) and \(A_hx\in H_{hg_0}\). If \(g\neq h\), then \(gg_0\neq hg_0\), and since the subspaces \(H_{gg_0}\) and \(H_{hg_0}\) are orthogonal, we obtain \((A_gx,A_hx)=0\). Thus, we have the estimate

$$(Ax,Ax)=\sum_{g\in G}(A_gx,A_gx)\geq(A_ex,A_ex),$$

which implies the inequality

$$ \|A\|\geq\sup_{\|x\|=1,\; x\in H_{g_0}}(Ax,Ax)^{1/2}\geq\sup_{\|x\|=1,\; x\in H_{g_0}}(A_ex,A_ex)^{1/2}=\|A_e^{g_0}\|.$$

Since \(\varepsilon\) is arbitrary, from inequalities (3.3) and (3.4) we obtain the required inequality (3.2). \(\quad\Box\)

Note that the constructed linear operator

$$F \colon\, \, C_{\textrm{r}} ^*(S)\to {\mathfrak A} _e$$

is a conditional expectation. We will call it the conditional expectation associated with the grading \(\{ {\mathfrak A} _g \mid g\in G\}\).

Lemmas 3 and 4 allow us to claim that the \(C^*\)-algebra \( C_{\textrm{r}} ^*(S)\) is topologically graded.

Theorem 2.

Let \(\sigma \colon\, S\to G\) be a surjective semigroup homomorphism. Let \( {\mathfrak A} _g\) be a closed subspace in \( C_{\textrm{r}} ^*(S)\) generated by the operator monomials of \(\sigma\)-index \(g,\) where \(g\in G\). Then the system of subspaces \(\{ {\mathfrak A} _g \mid g\in G\}\) forms a topological \(G\)-grading of the semigroup \(C^*\)-algebra \( C_{\textrm{r}} ^*(S)\).

4. Finitely generated projective Hilbert \( {\mathfrak A} _e\)-module

In this section, we show that the \(C^*\)-algebra \( C_{\textrm{r}} ^*(S)\) is a left Banach \( {\mathfrak A} _e\)-module. Moreover, if \(G\) is a finite group, then \( C_{\textrm{r}} ^*(S)\) is a finitely generated projective Hilbert \( {\mathfrak A} _e\)-module.

Recall that the semigroup \(S\) can be represented as the disjoint union (2.2). Let us fix an arbitrary element \(x_g\) in each set \(S_g\). Denote the set of all such \(x_g\) by \(X\). Thus, \(X\subset S\) and \(X\cap S_g=\{x_g\}\) for any \(g\in G\).

By a set of representatives of the classes \(\{S_g \mid g\in G\}=\{\sigma^{-1}(g) \mid g\in G\}\) we will mean an arbitrary subset \(X\subset S\) with the following property: for any \(g\in G\), there exists a unique \(x\in X\) such that \(X\cap S_g=\{x\}\).

Lemma 5.

For every \(g\in G,\) the equality

$${\mathfrak A} _g= {\mathfrak A} _e\cdot T_{x_g}$$

holds ; i.e., the space \( {\mathfrak A} _g\) is a cyclic Banach \( {\mathfrak A} _e\)-module, and the element \(T_{x_g}\) is a cyclic element of the module \( {\mathfrak A} _g\).


First, let us show that the inclusion \( {\mathfrak A} _e\cdot T_{x_g}\subset {\mathfrak A} _g\) holds. If \(A^{(e)}=\sum_i\alpha_i \widehat{V}{} ^{(e)}_i\) is a finite linear combination of operator monomials of \(\sigma\)-index \(e\), where \(\alpha_i\in{\mathbb C}\), then \(A^{(e)}T_{x_g}=\sum_i\alpha_i \widehat{V}{} ^{(e)}_iT_{x_g}\) is obviously a finite linear combination of operator monomials of \(\sigma\)-index \(g\). Let \(\{A^{(e)}_n\}\) be a sequence of such linear combinations, and let \(\lim_{n\to\infty}A^{(e)}_n=B_e\in {\mathfrak A} _e\). Then, in view of the inequality


we obtain \(B_eT_{x_g}=\lim_{n\to\infty}A^{(e)}_nT_{x_g}\in {\mathfrak A} _g\).

Let us establish the reverse inclusion \( {\mathfrak A} _g\subset {\mathfrak A} _e\cdot T_{x_g}\). Let \(B_g\in {\mathfrak A} _g\). Set \(B_e:=B_g T_{x_g}^*\). Then we obviously have \(B_g=B_eT_{x_g}\). Just as above, taking into account that the \(\sigma\)-index of \(T_{x_g}^*\) is equal to \(g^{-1}\), we can show that \(B_e\in {\mathfrak A} _e\). This completes the proof of the lemma. \(\quad\Box\)

Assertion (4) of Lemma 3 and Lemma 5 imply the following theorem.

Theorem 3.

Let \(G\) be an arbitrary group with identity \(e,\) \(\sigma \colon\, S\to G\) be a surjective semigroup homomorphism, and \(X\) be a set of representatives of the classes \(\{\sigma^{-1}(g) \mid g\in G\}\). Let \( {\mathfrak A} _e\) be the \(C^*\)-subalgebra in \( C_{\textrm{r}} ^*(S)\) generated by the operator monomials of \(\sigma\)-index \(e\). Then the \(C^*\)-algebra \( C_{\textrm{r}} ^*(S)\) is a Banach \( {\mathfrak A} _e\)-module with generating set \(\{T_x \mid x\in X\}\).

As pointed out in Section 1, since the system of subspaces \(\{ {\mathfrak A} _g \mid g\in G\}\) forms a topological \(G\)-grading of the \(C^*\)-algebra \( C_{\textrm{r}} ^*(S)\), for every \(g\) there exists a contractive linear map

$$F_g \colon\, \, C_{\textrm{r}} ^*(S)\to {\mathfrak A} _g$$

such that for any finite sum \(A=\sum_{g\in G}A_g\) with \(A_g\in {\mathfrak A} _g\) we have the equality \(F_g(A)=A_g\). Moreover, the maps \(F_g\) satisfy the equalities

$$ F_g(AB)=F_{gh^{-1}}(A)B \qquad\text{and}\qquad F_g(BA)=BF_{h^{-1}g}(A)$$

for any \(A\in C_{\textrm{r}} ^*(S)\) and \(B\in {\mathfrak A} _h\).

Note that the construction of the operator \(F\) in Lemma 4 and the principle of extension by continuity (see, for example, [15, Ch. 2, §1, Theorem 2]) immediately imply the equality \(F_e=F\).

Next, let \(G\) be a finite group.

First, we examine the geometry of the underlying Banach space of the reduced semigroup \(C^*\)-algebra \( C_{\textrm{r}} ^*(S)\).

Theorem 4.

Let \(G\) be a finite group with identity \(e,\) \(\sigma \colon\, S\to G\) be a surjective semigroup homomorphism, and \(X\) be a set of representatives of the classes \(\{\sigma^{-1}(g) \mid g\in G\}\). Let \( {\mathfrak A} _e\) be the \(C^*\)-subalgebra in \( C_{\textrm{r}} ^*(S)\) generated by the operator monomials of \(\sigma\)-index \(e\). Then the \(C^*\)-algebra \( C_{\textrm{r}} ^*(S)\) is a finitely generated Banach \( {\mathfrak A} _e\)-module with a set of generators \(\{T_x \mid x\in X\}\). Moreover, it can be represented as a direct sum of a finite number of cyclic \( {\mathfrak A} _e\)-modules :

$$C_{\textrm{r}} ^*(S)=\bigoplus_{x\in X} {\mathfrak A} _e\cdot T_x.$$


First, we prove the equality of spaces

$$ C_{\textrm{r}} ^*(S)=\bigoplus_{g\in G} {\mathfrak A} _g.$$

To this end, we show that the equality

$$ A=\sum_{g\in G}F_g(A)$$

holds for any \(A\in C_{\textrm{r}} ^*(S)\). Let \(\{A_n\}_{n\in\mathbb{N}}\) be a sequence in \(P(S)\) that converges to \(A\). Note that equality (4.3) holds for any finite sum of the form \(A=\sum_{g\in G}A_g\); i.e., for any \(A_n\in P(S)\), we have

$$A_n=\sum_{g\in G}(A_n)_g=\sum_{g\in G}F_g(A_n).$$

Then we obtain the chain of inequalities

$$\begin{aligned} \, \Biggl\|A-\sum_{g\in G}F_g(A)\Biggr\| &\leq \|A-A_n\|+\Biggl\|\sum_{g\in G}F_g(A_n)-\sum_{g\in G}F_g(A)\Biggr\| \\[4pt] &\leq\|A-A_n\|+\sum_{g\in G}\|F_g\|\cdot\|A_n-A\|=(k+1)\cdot\|A-A_n\|, \end{aligned}$$

where \(k\) is the order of the group \(G\). This estimate implies equality (4.3).

Now, employing Lemma 5, we obtain the assertion of the theorem. \(\quad\Box\)

In fact, as we will see below, if the group \(G\) is finite, then the \(C^*\)-algebra \( C_{\textrm{r}} ^*(S)\) is a finitely generated projective \(C^*\)-Hilbert \( {\mathfrak A} _e\)-module.

Recall the definition of a finitely generated projective Hilbert module [20]. Let \( {\mathfrak M} \) be a Hilbert \( {\mathfrak A} \)-module such that there exists a Hilbert \( {\mathfrak A} \)-module \( {\mathfrak N} \) for which the direct sum \( {\mathfrak M} \oplus {\mathfrak N} \) is isomorphic as a module to the direct sum of a finite number of copies of the Hilbert \( {\mathfrak A} \)-module \( {\mathfrak A} \). Then \( {\mathfrak M} \) is called a finitely generated projective \( {\mathfrak A} \)-module.

In [25, Corollary 3.1.4], conditions on the conditional expectation \(E \colon\, {\mathfrak A} \to {\mathfrak B} \subset {\mathfrak A} \) are presented under which \( {\mathfrak A} \) is a \(C^*\)-Hilbert module over the \(C^*\)-algebra \( {\mathfrak B} \).

The conditional expectation \(E \colon\, {\mathfrak A} \to {\mathfrak B} \subset {\mathfrak A} \) is called a conditional expectation of algebraically finite index (see [25, Definition 1.2.2] and [20, Sect. 4.5]) if there exists a finite set of elements \(X_1,\dots,X_n\in {\mathfrak A} \) such that every element \(A\in {\mathfrak A} \) can be represented as


If the conditional expectation is a conditional expectation of algebraically finite index, then it is faithful [25]. In [25, Corollary 3.1.4], it is demonstrated that the algebraic finiteness of the index is equivalent to the fact that \( {\mathfrak A} \) is a finitely generated projective Hilbert \(C^*\)-module over the \(C^*\)-algebra \( {\mathfrak B} \) (see also [23, Theorem 5.7]).

In the following lemma and theorem, we prove that in the case of a finite group \(G\) the conditional expectation \(F \colon\, C_{\textrm{r}} ^*(S)\to {\mathfrak A} _e\) constructed in Lemma 4 is a conditional expectation of algebraically finite index and that the \(C^*\)-algebra \( C_{\textrm{r}} ^*(S)\) is a finitely generated projective Hilbert \( {\mathfrak A} _e\)-module.

Lemma 6.

The conditional expectation \(F \colon\, C_{\textrm{r}} ^*(S) \to {\mathfrak A} _e\) associated with the grading \(\{ {\mathfrak A} _g \mid g \in G\}\) is a conditional expectation of algebraically finite index.


By Theorem 4, any element \(A\in C_{\textrm{r}} ^*(S)\) can be represented as the finite sum (4.3). Then, using the properties (4.1) and taking into account that \(F_e=F\), we obtain for any \(A\in C_{\textrm{r}} ^*(G)\) the equalities

$$A=\sum_{g\in G}F_g(A)=\sum_{g\in G}F_g(AT^*_{x_g}T_{x_g})= \sum_{g\in G}F(AT_{x_g}^*)T_{x_g}.$$

This means that the conditional expectation \(F\) constructed in Lemma 4 is a conditional expectation of algebraically finite index. \(\quad\Box\)

Theorem 5.

Let \(G\) be a finite group with identity \(e\) and \(\sigma \colon\, S\to G\) be a surjective semigroup homomorphism. Let \( {\mathfrak A} _e\) be the \(C^*\)-subalgebra in \( C_{\textrm{r}} ^*(S)\) generated by the operator monomials of \(\sigma\)-index \(e\). Then the \(C^*\)-algebra \( C_{\textrm{r}} ^*(S)\) is a finitely generated projective Hilbert \( {\mathfrak A} _e\)-module.


It follows from Lemma 6 that the conditional expectation \(F \colon\, C_{\textrm{r}} ^*(S)\to {\mathfrak A} _e\) associated with the grading \(\{ {\mathfrak A} _g \mid g\in G\}\) is faithful. Then we can define the following \( {\mathfrak A} _e\)-valued inner product on the \(C^*\)-algebra \( C_{\textrm{r}} ^*(S)\):

$$\langle A,B\rangle=F(AB^*),$$

where \(A,B\in C_{\textrm{r}} ^*(S)\). On the other hand, as already mentioned above, the algebraic finiteness of the index of the conditional expectation \(F\) associated with the grading \(\{ {\mathfrak A} _g \mid g\in G\}\) implies that the \(C^*\)-algebra \( C_{\textrm{r}} ^*(S)\) is a finitely generated projective Hilbert \(C^*\)-module over the \(C^*\)-algebra \( {\mathfrak A} _e\). \(\quad\Box\)