It is known that the shape of the curve describing the development of solar activity during the 11-year cycle is asymmetric. It is usually assumed that the cycle begins at the moment of minimal activity Tmin; the activity quickly increases to the maximum value of A at time Tmax and then decreases at a slower rate, reaching the next minimum at Tmin2. Of course, sunspots of this 11-year cycle are also observed outside the range Tmin – Tmin2, which coexists with spots of adjacent cycles; however, this fact can usually be disregarded in the description of activity with traditional solar indices. In some approximation, the shape of the cycle is described by three parameters: its amplitude A, the length of the growth phase Ta = Tmax – Tmin, and the phases of decline Td = Tmin2 – Tmax (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Characteristic moments in the development of the 11-year solar cycle for the spot index SN. Gray curves correspond to spots of individual cycles, and black curves correspond to their sum.

These parameters, however, are not completely independent. One of the most famous connections between them is called the Waldmeier’s rule (WR) (Waldmeier, 1935), according to which the length of the growth phase of the cycle Ta anticorrelates with its amplitude A. In this paper, we analyze this and other, less well-known relations between the parameters of the 11-year cycle that determine its shape.


We consider four rows of average monthly spot indices: W is the traditional Wolf number (1749–2015b http://www.sidc.be/silso/DATA/ARCHIVE/V1.0/ monthssn.dat), SN is the alternative recalibrated index of the sunspot number according to WDC-SILSO (1749–2018) (http://www.sidc.be/silso/DATA/SN_ m_tot_V2.0.txt), G is the number of groups in the extended Greenwich catalog (1874–2016) (http://solarscience.msfc.nasa.gov/greenwch.shtml), and GSN is the Group Sunspot Number index (1750–1995) (Hoyt and Schatten, 1998).


As a measure of WR expression, it is convenient to use the correlation coefficient between the length of the growth phase and the amplitude of the cycle rwr = r (Ta, A). This coefficient varies for different indices and types of averaging. Figure 2 shows the dependence of rwr on the scale of averaging L for the series of monthly spot indices W, SN, G and GSN smoothed by the running average for L months. With annual smoothing, the WR expression in the W and SN indices is high (r ≈ –0.8), while it is significantly lower in the indices related to the number of G and GSN groups. Interestingly, with increasing L, the WR expression decreases. It increases again with a smoothing scale of 40–50 months (r < –0.7), while it is most pronounced for the G index.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Expression of the Waldmeier rule rwr = r(Ta, A) for different indices and averaging scales L.


Figure 2 shows that, from the point of view of the WR expression, the W and SN series differ only slightly; for a more detailed study, we choose the monthly SN index for 1749–2018 and the near-year smoothing scale L = 13 months, which approximately correspond to the first minimum rwr on the corresponding curve (Fig. 2). For this scale, rwr = ‒0.77, and the amplitude of the cycle is related to the length of the growth phase by linear regression

$${\text{S}}{{{\text{N}}}_{{{\text{max}}}}} = 347 - 38.1{\kern 1pt} {{{\text{T}}}_{{\text{a}}}}$$

(Fig. 3a).

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Relationship between the lengths of the phases of the 11-year cycle and its amplitude for the smoothed monthly mean SN index. Charts (a) and (e) comply with the first and second Waldmeier rules.

It is known (e.g., Vitinsky et al., 1986) that the length of the decay phase and the full length of the cycle Tcyc = Ta + Td with respect to the amplitude is much weaker than for WR. Indeed, r(TdSNmax) = +0.39 (Fig. 3b) and r (TcycSNmax) = ‒0.30 (Fig. 3c).

Such a difference in the strength of the relationship of the lengths of different phases of a cycle with its amplitude fits well with Waldmeier’s “eruptive hypothesis” (Waldmeier, 1935). According to Waldmeier, the sequence of 11-year cycles is a series of relatively independent activity “eruptions.” The activity index in each of them increases rapidly and then gradually decreases to zero. Thus, it makes sense to talk about the beginning of a given activity eruption (near Tmin) and its maximum Tmax, but its second minimum is obviously at infinity. The moments of the activity-index minima are determined via the superposition of the descending branch of the old and ascending branches of the new cycle and may be, generally speaking, related to the characteristics of both eruptions.

Following Waldmeier (1935), the moment at which the activity level falls to the threshold value of the average monthly Wolf number W = 7.5 (let us denote this moment T7.5) can be used as a characteristic of the decay branch that is not related to the properties of neighboring cycles. Waldmeier drew attention to the fact that the value of T7.5 – Tmax correlates well with the cycle length. Using the smoothed average monthly SN index, choosing the threshold SN0 = 25, and designating the corresponding time T25 for the interval Td25 = T25 – Tmax, we get the correlation r(Td25SNmax) = +0.72 and regression

$${\text{S}}{{{\text{N}}}_{{{\text{max}}}}} = 32.8 + 28.4{{{\text{T}}}_{{{\text{d}}25}}}$$

(Fig. 3e).

Since moment T25 is located near the cycle minimum Tmin2 (although it does not coincide with it: on average, T25 is at least 1.4 ± 1.0 years ahead of the minimum), the value of Td25 can be considered an alternative “end-of-cycle marker.” The relationship between the “alternative length of the branch decay” Td25 = T25 – Tmax and the cycle amplitude will be referred to below as the “second Waldmeier rule” (PW2).

Table 1 shows the correlations between the lengths of the various phases of the cycle and its amplitude. In addition to the already introduced notation, the amplitude of the next cycle SNmax2, the cycle length Tcyc = Tmin2 – Tmin = Ta + Td, and the “alternate cycle length” Tcyc25 = T25 – Tmin = Ta + Td25 are used (Fig. 1). Strong bonds are highlighted (r > 0.65) in bold type in Table 1. In addition to WR and WR2, these include the anticorrelation between the length of a given cycle and the amplitude of the following: r(TcycSNmax2) = ‒0.69 (Fig. 3d). The corresponding regression is

$${\text{S}}{{{\text{N}}}_{{{\text{max}}}}} = 530 - 31.7{{{\text{T}}}_{{{\text{cyc}}}}}.$$

Apparently, this curious correlation was clearly noted for the first time only in the 1990s (Hathaway et al, 1994). As expected, the connections between the interval lengths Td and Td25, as well as Tcyc and Tcyc25, are also strong. Note also that, due to the different sign of the correlations Ta and Td25 with the amplitude of the cycle, the sum of these lengths Tcyc25 = T25 – Tmin correlates with the latter very weakly: r(Tcyc25SNmax) = +0.17 (Fig. 3f).

Table 1.   Correlations between the various parameters of the 11-year cycle (see notation in Fig. 1)


It was shown (Cameron and Schüssler, 2016; Ivanov, 2018) that the descending branches of the 11-year cycle are well approximated by a curve with a shape that does not depend on the cycle height, and the entire dependence on the latter consists of the individual shift of this curve along the time axis. This fact is illustrated in Fig. 4, in which the cyclic curves (thin lines) are shifted so that the parts of the curves corresponding to their decay phase overlap each other and the universal curve (bold line) is given by the equation (Ivanov, 2018)

$$A({{t}_{0}} - t) = {{\alpha }^{2}}\log {\text{SN}} + 2\alpha {\text{SN}} + {{{\text{S}}{{{\text{N}}}^{{\text{2}}}}} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{{\text{S}}{{{\text{N}}}^{{\text{2}}}}} 2}} \right. \kern-0em} 2},$$

where A = 4.17 × 104 year–1, α = 248, and t0 = 14.8 years.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Universality of the form of the downstream branch of the 11-year cycle for the SN index (1749–2018). Thin lines correspond to individual cycles, each of which is shifted along the time axis so that its descending branch is close to the universal curve (bold line) given by equation (4).

Note that any point can be selected as a measure of branch decline on that part of the descending branch, which is universal for all cycles (it starts about two to three years from the maximum). If we chose as a threshold not SN0 = 25 but another value related to the area common for all cycles, it would shift all points TSN0 approximately the same distance and would have almost no effect on the magnitude of the correlations shown in Table 1.

It is easy to understand that WR2 follows directly from the universality of the shape of the declining branch. In fact, the higher the cycle is, the higher is the activity at which the universal part of the decay branch begins (Fig. 4) and the longer is the period between the maximum and the moment at which the activity falls to a predetermined value. Note that, if the shape of the decay branch strongly depended on the cycle amplitude, then the relationship described by WR2 would, in general, be destroyed.


As shown above, three characteristic points can be identified in the development of the 11-year cycle: the minimum Tmin, the maximum Tmax, and the “end-of-cycle marker” T25—the moment of a reduction of activity to the level of SN0 = 25. The intervals between these moments are strongly associated with the cycle amplitude: the length of the growth branch Ta = Tmax – Tmin anticorrelates with the maximum cycle value (the first WR, r(TaSNmax) = –0.77 for monthly values, smoothed with an annual scale), and the length of the “alternative branch of decline” Td25 = Tmax – T25 correlates with this value (the second WR, r (Td25SNmax) = +0.72). Moment T25 is close to the moment of the second minimum Tmin2, but, unlike the latter, it is determined only by the properties of this cycle and not by the details of its imposition on the subsequent one. Such properties of moment T25 is associated with the universality of the form of the descending branch of the 11-year cycle.

Thus, for a rough description of the form of a single 11-year cycle, it is sufficient to know its amplitude SNmax, while the length of the cycle branches Ta and Td25 is approximately reconstructed by the two Waldmeier rules with regressions (1) and (2).

The position of Tmin2 between the given cycle and the next one and the cycle length defined by this moment Tcyc is more closely related to the characteristics of the next cycle than the current one. This picture fits well with Waldmeier’s “eruptive hypothesis,” according to which solar cyclicity is considered to be a sequence of relatively independent eruptions.