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Metabolic Messengers: ceramides

  • Metabolic Messengers
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Ceramides are products of metabolism that accumulate in individuals with obesity or dyslipidaemia and alter cellular processes in response to fuel surplus. Their actions, when prolonged, elicit the tissue dysfunction that underlies diabetes and heart disease. Here, we review the history of research on these enigmatic molecules, exploring their discovery and mechanisms of action, the evolutionary pressures that have given them their unique attributes and the potential of ceramide-reduction therapies as treatments for cardiometabolic disease.

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Fig. 1: Discovery of ceramides as metabolic messengers.
Fig. 2: Ceramides as signals of lipid excess.
Fig. 3: Target tissues and metabolic activities of ceramides.

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The authors receive research support from the National Institutes of Health (DK112826 and DK108833 to W.L.H. and DK115824 and DK116450 to S.A.S.), the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF 3-SRA-2019-768-A-B to W.L.H.), the American Diabetes Association (to S.A.S.), the American Heart Association (to S.A.S.), the Margolis Foundation (to S.A.S.) and the USDA (2019-67018-29250 to B.C.). B.C. received a pilot grant from the Diabetes Research Center at Washington University in St. Louis from the NIH under award number P30DK020579.

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Correspondence to Scott A. Summers.

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S.A.S. is a co-founder and consultant for Centaurus Therapeutics.

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Summers, S.A., Chaurasia, B. & Holland, W.L. Metabolic Messengers: ceramides. Nat Metab 1, 1051–1058 (2019).

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