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The role of ceramides in metabolic disorders: when size and localization matters

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Ceramide accumulation is a hallmark in the manifestation of numerous obesity-related diseases, such as type 2 diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis. Until the early 2000s, ceramides were viewed as a homogenous class of sphingolipids. However, it has now become clear that ceramides exert fundamentally different effects depending on the specific fatty acyl chain lengths, which are integrated into ceramides by a group of enzymes known as dihydroceramide synthases. In addition, alterations in ceramide synthesis, trafficking and metabolism in specific cellular compartments exert distinct consequences on metabolic homeostasis. Here, we examine the emerging concept of how the intracellular localization of ceramides with distinct acyl chain lengths can regulate glucose metabolism, thus emphasizing their potential as targets in the development of novel and specific therapies for obesity and obesity-associated diseases.

Key points

  • Increased levels of ceramides during obesity contribute to cellular dysfunction in key metabolic tissues, which results in insulin resistance.

  • The synthesis of ceramides with varying acyl chain lengths is regulated by six ceramide synthases (CerS1–CerS6), and their expression profiles differ throughout the body.

  • Genetic manipulation of individual ceramide synthases has identified a highly regulated specificity of distinct acyl chain ceramides in the pathogenesis of obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus, hepatocellular carcinoma, myelination, hair loss and skin barrier function.

  • The location of ceramides with different acyl chains is important for cellular function and could contribute to metabolic tissue function.

  • Targeting ceramides with different acyl chains within different intracellular locations could help to provide new therapeutics for a range of obesity-related diseases.

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Fig. 1: Sphingolipid metabolism pathway.
Fig. 2: Subcellular compartmentalisation of sphingolipid metabolism.

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S.M.T.-N. was supported by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation fellowship and CECAD Senior Postdoctoral Research Grant. J.C.B. was supported by the Leibniz Preis (BR1492/7-1), the Cologne Excellence Cluster on Cellular Stress Responses in Ageing Associated Diseases (CECAD; funded by the DFG within the Excellence Initiative by German Federal and State Governments), by the Federal Government (BMBF) through collaboration in Deutsche Zentrum für Diabetesforschung e.V. (DZD, FKZ 82DZD00502) and the Cologne Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne (CMMC).

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S.M.T.-N. and J.C.B. researched data for the article, provided substantial contributions to discussions of the content, reviewed and/or edited the manuscript before submission and contributed equally to the writing of the article.

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Turpin-Nolan, S.M., Brüning, J.C. The role of ceramides in metabolic disorders: when size and localization matters. Nat Rev Endocrinol 16, 224–233 (2020).

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