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Physical reservoir computing with emerging electronics

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Physical reservoir computing is a form of neuromorphic computing that harvests the dynamic properties of materials for high-efficiency computing. A wide range of physical systems can be used to implement this approach, including electronic, optical and mechanical devices. Electronics can, in particular, provide mixed-signal and fully analogue systems, and could be used to deliver large-scale implementations. Here we examine the development of physical reservoir computing with emerging electronics. We discuss the different architectures, physical nodes, and input and output layers of electrical reservoir computing. We also explore performance benchmarks and the competitiveness of different implementations. Finally, we consider the future development of the technology and highlight challenges that need to be addressed for it to deliver practical applications.

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Fig. 1: Biological, digital and physical RC.
Fig. 2: eRC architecture taxonomy.
Fig. 3: Physical nodes.
Fig. 4: Input layer and output layer.
Fig. 5: Evolution of RC implementations.

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This work was in part supported by STI 2030-Major Projects 2022ZD0210200, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (92264201, 62025111 and 62104126) and the XPLORER Prize. X.L. is supported by the Shuimu Tsinghua Scholar Program of Tsinghua University.

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X.L. and J.T. conceived the idea and wrote the paper. All authors discussed and commented on the paper.

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Correspondence to Jianshi Tang.

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Liang, X., Tang, J., Zhong, Y. et al. Physical reservoir computing with emerging electronics. Nat Electron 7, 193–206 (2024).

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