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Tractor uses local ancestry to enable the inclusion of admixed individuals in GWAS and to boost power

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Admixed populations are routinely excluded from genomic studies due to concerns over population structure. Here, we present a statistical framework and software package, Tractor, to facilitate the inclusion of admixed individuals in association studies by leveraging local ancestry. We test Tractor with simulated and empirical two-way admixed African–European cohorts. Tractor generates accurate ancestry-specific effect-size estimates and P values, can boost genome-wide association study (GWAS) power and improves the resolution of association signals. Using a local ancestry-aware regression model, we replicate known hits for blood lipids, discover novel hits missed by standard GWAS and localize signals closer to putative causal variants.

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Fig. 1: Painted karyograms of a simulated African American individual showing local EUR and AFR ancestral tracts across data treatments.
Fig. 2: GWAS power gains across sample sizes, ancestral MAF differences, admixture proportions and effect-size differences.
Fig. 3: Tractor accurately estimates ancestry-specific effect sizes.
Fig. 4: Tractor GWAS replicates established hits for total cholesterol in individuals of admixed African–European ancestry and identifies new ancestry-specific loci.
Fig. 5: Tractor better localizes a top hit for total cholesterol.

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Data availability

All summary statistics described here for total and LDL cholesterol in ~4,300 admixed UK Biobank individuals can be found at and have been uploaded to the GWAS catalog under accession numbers GCST90012868GCST90012873 ( The UK Biobank raw data can be obtained through a data access application available at PGC-PTSD data can be obtained through a data access application at BioBank Japan summary statistics are available at The 1000 Genomes reference panel is available at The Human Genome Diversity Project dataset is available at

Code availability

All code is freely available. The automated quality control pipeline to prepare datasets for Tractor and run LAI is located at We freely provide Tractor code in Python and Hail, as well as examples of implementation in Jupyter notebook at alongside a detailed wiki. Specific scripts used to produce the simulated data and results are additionally freely provided at


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We thank the PGC-PTSD working group, P. Natarajan, S. Gagliano Taliun and many other scientists within and beyond Boston for their intellectual contributions to this work. This project was supported by the National Institute of Mental Health (K01 MH121659 and T32 MH017119 to E.G.A., K99MH117229 to A.R.M., R37 MH107649 to B.M.N., and 2R01MH106595 to C.M.N. and K.C.K.). M.K. was supported by a Nakajima Foundation Fellowship and the Masason Foundation. M.L.S. was supported by the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (#2018/09328-2). The BioBank Japan Project was supported by the Tailor-Made Medical Treatment Program of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) and the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED). This research has been conducted using the UK Biobank Resource under application number 31063.

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E.G.A. designed and implemented the pipeline, ran the analyses and drafted the manuscript. A.X.M. designed and ran the analyses. M.K. designed and ran the analyses with the aid of J.C.U., Y.K., Y.O. and H.K.F. A.R.M. contributed code and aided in writing the manuscript. K.J.K. and M.L.S. aided in code implementation. K.C.K., C.M.N., B.M.N. and M.J.D. supervised and advised on the project. All authors reviewed and approved the final draft.

Corresponding author

Correspondence to Elizabeth G. Atkinson.

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Competing interests

M.J.D. is a founder of Maze Therapeutics. A.R.M. serves as a consultant for 23andMe and is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board. B.M.N. is a member of the Deep Genomics Scientific Advisory Board and serves as a consultant for the CAMP4 Therapeutics Corporation, Takeda Pharmaceutical and Biogen. The remaining authors declare no competing interests.

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Extended data

Extended Data Fig. 1 Painted karyograms of a simulated AA individual showing EUR (red) and AFR (blue) ancestral tracts across demographic models.

The first column shows the results for the demographic model of one pulse of admixture 3 generations ago, the middle column shows the realistic model of one pulse 9 generations ago, and the right column shows a pulse 20 generations ago. In all cases the model involved 84% AFR ancestry and 16% EUR. The rows show the results from treatments of the data across steps of the Tractor pipeline. The top row shows the truth results from our simulations. Painted karyograms after statistical phasing of this truth cohort is shown in the second row. The third row illustrates the recovery of tracts broken by switch errors in phasing obtained by unkinking. The bottom row shows the smoothing and further improvement of tracts acquired through an additional round of LAI.

Extended Data Fig. 2 Tractor recovers disrupted tracts, improving tract distributions.

The top row (A-C) shows the improvements to the distributions of the number of discrete EUR tracts observed in simulated AA individuals under demographic models of 1 pulse of admixture at 3, 9 (realistic for AA population history) and 20 generations ago. The bottom row (D,E) shows the results from different initial admixture fractions, of 70% and 50% AFR, respectively, at 9 generations since admixture. These can be compared to the inferred realistic demographic model shown in B. In all panels, the simulated truth dataset is shown in black, after statistical phasing in purple, immediately after tract recovery procedures is in orange, and after one additional round of LAI after tract recovery in yellow.

Extended Data Fig. 3 The contribution of absolute MAF and effect size to Tractor power.

All cases assume an 80/20 AFR/EUR admixture ratio, 10% disease prevalence, 12k cases/30k controls with an effect only in the AFR genetic background. In all panels, the solid line uses a traditional GWAS model while the dashed line is our LAI-incorporating Tractor model. (A,B): Equal effect in EUR and AFR with shifted absolute MAF. (C,D): effect only in AFR background. (A,C): MAF is set to 10% in both AFR and EUR. (B,D): MAF is set to 40% in both AFR and EUR. Panels E and F illustrate the heterogeneity in effect sizes required to observe gains in Tractor power over traditional GWAS assuming 20% MAF in both ancestries and an effect that is stronger in AFR with varying difference to the EUR effect.

Extended Data Fig. 4 The interaction of between-ancestry MAF differences and effect sizes on Tractor power.

In all cases, the grey solid line uses a traditional GWAS model while the black dashed line is our LAI-incorporating model, admixture proportions are 80/20 AFR/EUR, disease prevalence is 10%, and the AFR MAF is fixed at 20%. A and E model the same effect size between EUR and AFR while varying the EUR MAF. B,D,F model the case when there is no effect in the EUR background while varying EUR MAF. C models an effect size difference of 30% with the effect being stronger in the EUR background. For comparison, Fig. 2f shows the same effect at matched 20% MAF.

Extended Data Fig. 5 The impact of LAI accuracy on Tractor’s performance as compared to standard GWAS and asaMap.

We modeled perfect accuracy, realistic accuracy as derived from simulations of our AA demographic model (98%), and a lower bound of 90% LAI accuracy. Black lines all indicate Tractor runs: the solid black line is Tractor’s performance with perfect LAI accuracy, the dashed line is at 98% accuracy, and the dotted line is at 90% accuracy. The red line represents the power obtained from standard GWAS, and the blue line for the asaMap model for the ancestry in which the effect was modeled (AFR for A,B, and C, and EUR for D). In all cases we included 10 PCs as covariates and 1000 replicates were run.

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Atkinson, E.G., Maihofer, A.X., Kanai, M. et al. Tractor uses local ancestry to enable the inclusion of admixed individuals in GWAS and to boost power. Nat Genet 53, 195–204 (2021).

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