
In the past 25 years, new discoveries of Mesozoic mammals and their near relatives (Mammaliaformes) have substantially increased our understanding of early mammal evolution7,8. Among the most noteworthy and well-preserved finds are those of haramyidans from the Middle Jurassic Tiaojishan Formation of China, which have molars with multiple cusps in rows and include three gliders (as reconstructed from impressions of patagia)3,4,9,10,11,12. Along with increased knowledge of the Tiaojishan haramiyidans has come controversy regarding interpretations of their morphology (including of the middle ear) and its effect on their phylogenetic relationships.

Three middle-ear morphologies—which are usually termed mandibular, transitional and definitive mammalian13,14—have been reported for mammaliaforms (Fig. 1). These terms are not descriptive15; for example, definitive mammalian is not present in all members of Mammalia. Here we propose terms grounded in morphology. The first type (Fig. 1a) represents the ancestral condition that is present in nonmammaliaform cynodonts. This type reconstructs the postdentary bones (including the homologues of the malleus and ectotympanic of extant mammals) and Meckel’s cartilage within a postdentary trough and Meckelian sulcus on the medial surface of the mandible. We therefore refer to it as the postdentary-attached middle ear (corresponding to the mandibular middle ear2), in which auditory functions are coupled with mastication. In the second type (Fig. 1b), the postdentary trough is absent in adults and the postdentary bones are attached to the mandible through only Meckel’s cartilage in the Meckelian sulcus. We refer to it as the Meckelian-attached middle ear: this type encompasses the transitional middle ear14, in which the attachment is specifically through an ossified Meckel’s element. In the third type (Fig. 1c), which is present in all extant adult mammals, the postdentary bones lack a bony or cartilaginous attachment to the mandible and have an exclusive auditory function: we refer to this as the detached middle ear15 (corresponding to the definitive mammalian middle ear2).

Fig. 1: Three types of middle ear in mammaliaforms.
figure 1

Mandibles and auditory elements (excluding stapes) in occlusal and medial views. a, In the postdentary-attached middle ear, the postdentary bones and Meckel’s cartilage are attached to the mandible via the postdentary trough and Meckelian sulcus (Late Triassic–Early Jurassic mammaliaform Morganucodon, based on refs. 13,45). b, In the Meckelian-attached middle ear, the postdentary trough is absent and the postdentary bones are attached to the mandible via Meckel’s cartilage (ossified in this example) in the Meckelian sulcus; Meckel’s element is bent medially (arrow), moving the postdentary bones away from the temporomandibular joint (Early Cretaceous eutriconodontan Liaoconodon, based on refs. 6,14,22). c, In the detached middle ear, the postdentary trough and Meckelian sulcus are absent and the auditory elements are detached from the mandible (Middle Jurassic haramiyidan Vilevolodon, as reported in this Article).

Of these three types of middle ear, the postdentary-attached and detached have been reconstructed in different Tiaojishan haramiyidans. Phylogenetic analyses that use the postdentary-attached interpretation, which is based on V. diplomylos4, place the Tiaojishan haramiyidans outside of crown Mammalia4,16 (Extended Data Fig. 1a). By contrast, phylogenetic analyses that use the detached interpretation—based largely on Arboroharamiya allinhopsoni3,17—place the Tiaojishan haramiyidans within crown Mammalia3,5,6 (Extended Data Fig. 1b). The position of this grouping and its relationship to the Late Triassic haramiyidans Haramiyavia18 and Thomasia19 affect our views on the timing of the origin of crown Mammalia, which range between the middle Late Triassic and late Early Jurassic epochs—a difference of 30 million years.

Reinterpretation of haramiyidan ear ossicles

Vilevolodon diplomylos is central to this controversy. This gliding mammal was named from a single relatively complete skull and postcranial skeleton found in the Middle Jurassic Tiaojishan Formation of northeastern China4. In this specimen, much of the auditory ossicular chain is preserved bilaterally but both sides are fragmentary and displaced. Here we report a second nearly complete skull and postcranial skeleton (accessioned as Inner Mongolia Museum of Natural History (IMMNH)-PV01699) from the same locality and geological formation as the holotype: we refer this material to V. diplomylos (Fig. 2, Extended Data Figs. 2, 3, Supplementary Information). In contrast to the holotype, the ossicular chain in IMMNH-PV01699 is well-preserved and in near-life position, which enables us to address issues raised by the more-fragmentary auditory apparatus of the holotype as well as that reconstructed for other Tiaojishan haramiyidans (Extended Data Figs. 46, Supplementary Information).

Fig. 2: Vilevolodon diplomylos (IMMNH-PV01699A).
figure 2

a, Main slab; dark patches outside the skeleton between the skull, forelimbs and hind limbs indicate the patagium (gliding membrane). Scale bar, 20 mm. be, Bones as rendered from computed tomography scans. b, Cranium in right oblique dorsal view, right mandible in lateral view and left mandible in medial view. Scale bars, 1 mm (d, e), 2 mm (c), 5 mm (b). c, Left mandible in medial view, showing the disposition of the auditory elements and the absence of postdentary trough and Meckelian sulcus. d, Left incus (blue) in ventral view, left malleus (green) in dorsal view and left ectotympanic (red) in ventral view. e, Left incus, malleus and ectotympanic restored to life position in oblique dorsal and ventral views (right and left, respectively). Colours for the auditory elements are as in Fig. 1. al, anterior limb of ectotympanic; an, angular process; api, anterior prominence of incus; apm, anterior process of malleus; cb, crus breve; co, mandibular condyle; cp, coronoid process; e, ectotympanic; fapm, facet for anterior process of malleus; fe, facet for ectotympanic; fi, facet for incus; fma, facet for malleus; fr, frontal; ju, jugal; lac, lacrimal; li, left incus; lm, left mandible; lma, left malleus; mab, mallear body; mas, mandibular symphysis; mf, mandibular foramen; mm, manubrium of malleus; mx, maxilla; na, nasal; pa, parietal; pal, palatine; pl, posterior limb of ectotympanic; pmx, premaxilla; ptf, pterygoid fossa; ri, right incus; rl, reflected lamina of ectotympanic; rm, right mandible; rma, right malleus; smx, septomaxilla; sp, stapedial process; sq, squamosal, ts, tympanic sulcus.

The complete incus, malleus, ectotympanic and the mandible are preserved on the surface of the main slab of IMMNH-PV01699 (Fig. 2a); we used computed tomography scans to supplement the surface view. Both the left and right incus are in articulation with their respective malleus and the left ectotympanic is in near-life position next to the left malleus, all in dorsal view (Fig. 2b, c). The medial surface of the mandible in IMMNH-PV01699 is clearly without a postdentary trough or Meckelian sulcus (Figs. 1c, 2c, Extended Data Fig. 3e), the condition reported for all other Tiaojishan haramiyidans3,9,10,12,20 except the Vilevolodon holotype4—which is contradicted by the well-preserved IMMNH-PV01699. As it has no postdentary trough or Meckelian sulcus, the middle ear of IMMNH-PV01699 is of the detached type (Fig. 1c). The left ectotympanic (Fig. 2d, e) has three prongs, a long posterior limb and subequal anterior limb and reflected lamina, and a shallow attachment area for the tympanic membrane (Extended Data Fig. 5f). The malleus has a flattened body and an anterior process (prearticular) but lacks an ossified Meckel’s cartilage or surangular (an accessory postdentary bone), both of which were reconstructed on the fragmentary malleus of the holotype4 (Extended Data Fig. 4). The mallear body is sickle-shaped with the pointed manubrium curving anteriorly and, in life, contacting the tympanic membrane; the dorsal surface of the body includes the gently concave incudal articular facet (Fig. 2d). The mallear anterior process tapers distally parallel to, and with a contact surface for, the posterior limb of the ectotympanic. The incus is flat with a gently convex articular surface and triangular with a process at each angle: a slightly elevated stapedial process (crus longum), a blunt short process (crus breve) that probably contacted the petrosal bone on the skull base and an anterior prominence.

Following our reinterpretation of Vilevolodon, all Tiaojishan haramiyidans that preserve the medial surface of the mandible lack a postdentary trough and Meckelian sulcus3,9,10,12,20, and can be reconstructed with a detached middle ear. Although isolated auditory elements are known for several Tiaojishan haramiyidans4,12,20, only A. allinhopsoni has been reported to preserve all of the auditory elements (Extended Data Fig. 5a). However, the reconstruction that was previously proposed for them3,17 is built on a pattern unlike that of Vilevolodon or any other mammaliaform (Extended Data Fig. 5b, c). The widespread pattern in mammaliaforms is to have strong support for the tympanic membrane formed by the posterior crus (limb) of the ectotympanic (angular) buttressed by the anterior process of the malleus (prearticular) and to have the opposite side of the tympanic membrane, with the manubrium and the anterior crus (reflected lamina), more open (Fig. 3, Extended Data Fig. 5d). By contrast, in the A. allinhopsoni reconstruction3,17, both the posterior limb and anterior process of the malleus are reduced and do not contact, and the opposite side of the tympanic membrane is well-supported by a neomorphic medial process of the malleus that contacts the ectotympanic (Extended Data Fig. 5b, c). Additionally, the bone reconstructed as the ectotympanic in A. allinhopsoni is sickle-shaped3,17 in contrast to the three-pronged element in Vilevolodon and other extinct nontherian mammaliaforms (Fig. 1a, b) or the more ring-shaped element in extant monotremes and many extant therians (marsupials and placentals) (Fig. 3b, h, Extended Data Fig. 5d, g). An isolated bone of A. allinhopsoni that has one robust and one needle-like end is purported to be a surangular3,17 (Extended Data Fig. 5a–c), a postdentary bone that is broadly present in nonmammalian cynodonts2 but is present in only a few instances in extinct mammaliaforms5,6,21,22 (Supplementary Information). The bone in question bears little resemblance to any surangular, which is invariably in broad sutural contact with other elements of the auditory apparatus—contact that is lacking in the A. allinhopsoni ‘surangular’. Informed by the morphology of the specimen we refer to Vilevolodon, we reinterpret the auditory apparatus of A. allinhopsoni to fit the pattern that is broadly present across Mesozoic mammaliaforms (Extended Data Fig. 5d–i, Supplementary Information).

Fig. 3: The incudomallear articulation across Mammaliaformes.
figure 3

ah, Auditory apparatuses in medial (a, c, g, h) or dorsal (b, df) views. a, Morganucodon13,45. b, Ornithorhynchus anatinus (Carnegie Museum 50815). c, Liaoconodon hui6,14,22. d, Vilevolodon diplomylos (IMMNH-PV01699). e, Arboroharamyia allinhopsoni (see Supplementary Information for the basis of our reinterpretation of refs. 3,17). f, Sinobaatar pani22. g, Origoletes lii6,22. h, Philander opossum (Carnegie Museum 110578). We identify four types of incudomallear joint, as indicated on the malleus (articular) with articular facet in dark green: trochlear joint (TJ) (in nonmammalian cynodonts), overlapping joint (OJ), partial overlapping joint (POJ) and saddle-shaped joint (SSJ) (in therians). Black bars indicate the presence of these types of joint in the simplified consensus tree of our parsimony analysis (Extended Data Fig. 7). The characters from our phylogenetic analysis (Supplementary Information, characters 415–419) associated with the overlapping joint optimize as primitive for Mammalia. Auditory ossicles are unknown in early members of Allotheria and Australosphenida (which includes monotremes), with their mandibles indicating a postdentary-attached middle ear (PAME); their incus (quadrate) may have been more weight-bearing (as in nonmammalian cynodonts), in which case the overlapping joint may have evolved convergently in these lineages. Colours for the auditory elements are as in Fig. 1. In bg, the arrows labelled ‘mf’ indicate a malleus facet on the concealed surface of the incus. A, Allotheria; DME, detached middle ear; dp, dorsal plate; M, Mammalia; MAME, Meckelian-attached middle ear; Mf, Mammaliaformes; mf, malleus facet; mh, malleus head; rp, retroarticular process; sb, surangular boss; Tr, Trechnotheria; tr, trochlea. Not to scale.

Phylogenetic analysis using parsimony with the information from IMMNH-PV01699 places Vilevolodon in a haramiyidan clade that includes seven other species from the Tiaojishan Formation, along with dental and gnathic taxa from the Late Triassic epoch of Europe19, Middle-to-Late Jurassic epochs of England23,24 and Siberia25, Late Jurassic epoch of China26, and Early Cretaceous epoch of Siberia27 (Extended Data Figs. 7, 8, Supplementary Information). The haramiyidan clade is in a polytomy with Cifelliodon from the Early Cretaceous epoch of North America16 and Multituberculata + Gondwanatheria, as recently supported28. These lineages are included in Allotheria, which also includes Haramiyavia from the Late Triassic epoch of Greenland18. Allotheria is included in Mammalia, which supports a ‘long fuse’ model in which crown mammals originated at least 215 million years ago29. However, in our Bayesian analysis (Extended Data Fig. 9) Allotheria is in a polytomy that includes the monotreme and therian lineages.

Evolution of the mammalian middle ear

Our phylogenies have several implications for understanding the evolution of the auditory apparatus. As noted above, the three types of middle ear can be differentiated on the basis of the morphology of the medial surface of the lower jaw (Fig. 1); however, elucidating the details of the auditory apparatus in these three types requires the auditory bones to be preserved. Of the 106 extinct taxa in our phylogenetic analysis, 76% can be scored for the postdentary trough and Meckelian sulcus. By contrast, only 17% of the extinct taxa can be scored for features of the incus (quadrate). We are therefore more confident in differentiating the three types of middle ear than we are in elucidating the transformations of the auditory elements between these types.

Our phylogenetic trees relate a complex history of the postdentary trough and Meckelian sulcus, which supports several independent detachments of the postdentary bones. Optimized in the strict consensus tree from the maximum parsimony analysis (Extended Data Fig. 8), the postdentary trough is lost twice independently in mammals (within Austalosphenida and in Boreosphenida, with a reacquisition in Haramiyavia), whereas the Meckelian sulcus is lost eight times independently (twice within Australosphenida, in the Middle Jurassic Volaticotherium, within Allotheria, in the Early Cretaceous Vincelestes, twice within Eutheria and in Metatheria, with a reacquisition in Kokopellia). It is generally held that a Meckelian sulcus has a Meckel’s cartilage within it30,31 and—in turn—that Meckel’s cartilage has continuity with the malleus, given the embryonic origin of the latter from the former32. However, the presence of the sulcus does not mandate continuity between Meckel’s cartilage and the malleus, as the sulcus persists (for example) in a neonatal African palm civet well after the isolation of the malleus33. A recent report on the middle ear of the Early Cretaceous zhangheotheriid Origolestes6 described an ossified Meckel’s cartilage in the Meckelian sulcus that is separated from the malleus by a narrow gap (Fig. 3g), which was accepted as real and used to reconstruct a detached middle ear6. This is a possible interpretation, but the authors6 noted ‘In all specimens we have, the ossified Meckel’s cartilage has been displaced at various degrees, which suggests that the ossified Meckel’s cartilage was held by soft tissue to the Meckelian groove in life and easily displaced in preservation’. It seems possible that such displacement could separate the ossified Meckel’s element from the auditory apparatus, which means that the gap may be an artefact of preservation and the middle ear may be of the Meckelian-attached type.

Among extant mammals, the morphology of the incus of Vilevolodon and its articulation with the malleus closely matches that of monotremes (Fig. 3b, d). Both the platypus and echidna have a flat, triangular incus with short stapedial process and crus breve, and an anterior prominence; the incus is tightly bound to the malleus by dense connective tissue and cartilage34,35. In situ, the monotreme incus lies dorsal to the malleus with a relatively flat articulation between them (which we term an overlapping joint) (Fig. 3), and the tympanic membrane is roughly horizontal (Extended Data Fig. 5d). Given the notable similarities to the monotreme ossicles, we suggest Vilevolodon also had an incus dorsal to—and with little movement on—the malleus, and a roughly horizontal tympanic membrane. The arrangement of the incus and malleus in monotremes (and Vilevolodon) is unlike that in extant therians, in which the incus generally lies caudal to the malleus, has a distinct body with complex concavoconvex or saddle-shaped articular surfaces that contact reciprocally complex articular surfaces on the malleus, and an elongate stapedial process and crus breve34,36 (Fig. 3h); the therian tympanic membrane is usually oblique or vertical.

Among extinct mammals, details of the morphology of the incus and its articulation with the malleus are limited to a handful of Mesozoic mammals, most of which have been reported in the past few years. The overlapping incudomallear articulation in Vilevolodon resembles that described for the haramiyidan A. allinhopsoni3,17 (Fig. 3d, e) and the Early Cretaceous multituberculate Jeholbaatar5 and eutriconodontan Yanoconodon37. However, in Jeholbaatar, the element identified as the incus5 is now interpreted to be part of the malleus on the basis of the morphology of another Early Cretaceous multituberculate (Sinobaatar pani)22, and—in Yanoconodon—photographic or computed tomography documentation of an overlapping articulation has not yet been provided37. Consequently, we treat the incudomallear articulation as unknown in Jeholbaatar and Yanoconodon. The morphology of the incus of Vilevolodon is similar to that of the Early Cretaceous eutriconodontan Liaoconodon6,14,22 (Fig. 3c, d), which has a Meckelian-attached middle ear (Fig. 1b); in both, the incus is flat with a triangular outline, short stapedial process and crus breve, and a gently convex mallear articular surface. The major difference between the incus morphology of these taxa is the degree of overlap with the malleus; the incus in Vilevolodon fully overlaps the malleus but the overlap is only partial in Liaoconodon, limited to the anterior prominence (Fig. 3 and supplementary movie 5 of ref. 22). Another difference is the reconstructed angulation of the tympanic membrane as horizontal in Vilevolodon and vertical in Liaoconodon6,22. A partial overlapping joint (also known as braced hinge joint22) also occurs in S. pani (Fig. 3f) and Origolestes22 (Fig. 3g); however, both differ from Liaoconodon in having a long stapedial process and, in addition, Origolestes has a thickened incudal body.

The partial overlapping joint has recently been proposed as primitive for Mammalia, easily derivable from the trochlear joint (quadroarticular) of nonmammalian cynodonts22. The partial overlapping joint is hypothesized to be the precursor of both the overlapping and saddle-shaped joints, by a dorsal shift of the incus in the former and a caudal shift of the incus in the latter22. In contrast to this model, optimization of the five characters of the incudomallear joint (characters 415–419 in Supplementary Information) in the consensus tree of our parsimony analysis supports the overlapping joint as primitive for Mammalia (Fig. 3). The partial overlapping joint is derived from the overlapping joint (and not vice versa) by the caudal shift of the incus with regard to the malleus (Fig. 3). The ontogeny of extant therians reflects this direction for the transformation of the incudomallear joint. A monotreme-like overlapping incudomallear condition appears first in therian ontogeny (Extended Data Fig. 10a, Supplementary Information), with the main mass of the incus dorsal to the malleus and a more planar joint in marsupial pouch-young38,39 and placental embryos40,41. Moreover, on early ontogenetic appearance in monotremes and some marsupials and placentals, the incus has a broader abutment or fusion with the petrosal bone than in the adult42,43, which in the case of hatchling monotremes and marsupial pouch-young is able to function substantially before the temporomandibular jaw joint does43.

Fossil mammals leading to the haramiyidan and monotreme lineages—early members of Allotheria44 and Australosphenida13, respectively—had postdentary-attached middle ears. As the incus and malleus are not known in these early allotherians and australosphenidans, this middle ear reconstruction is indicated by the presence of a postdentary trough and Meckelian sulcus (Fig. 1a). Fossils with a postdentary-attached middle ear in which the incus (quadrate) is preserved (for example, Morganucodon45) have a morphology for that element unlike that in either Meckelian-attached or detached middle ears (Fig. 3a). The quadrate in postdentary-attached middle ears is more of a weight-bearing structure and has a rostrocaudal contact with the malleus (articular) via a convex, cylindrical trochlea and a robust dorsal plate that broadly contacts the petrosal bone (Fig. 3a). It is uncertain whether early allotherians and australosphenidans with a postdentary-attached middle ear had a similar weight-bearing incus and, therefore, whether the overlapping articulation present in monotremes and Tiaojishan haramiyidans evolved convergently, or whether the overlapping joint represents a shared innovation at the level of Mammalia. Perhaps, during detachment of the postdentary bones, the overlapping joint balanced the needs both for increased auditory acuity and for load-bearing through a small crus breve and incudomallear joint with little movement. No matter which evolutionary trajectory occurred, the specimen of Vilevolodon reported here clarifies the morphology of the auditory apparatus in haramiyidans and shows that monotremes are not unique in their auditory apparatus, as has previously been proposed22,34,35,46, and that several long-lived mammalian lineages co-opted similar incudal morphologies.


Ethics oversight

Research design and process followed the ethics guidelines of Carnegie Museum of Natural History and Indiana University of Pennsylvania.

Computed tomography scanning

The main part and counterpart were scanned using a three-dimensional X-ray microscope, Zeiss Xradia 520 Versa at the Micro-CT Laboratory of Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (NIGPAS). The scanning had the following parameters: voltage of 90 kV, current of 88 μA and voxel size of 0.032707. The three-dimensional reconstructions were created with the software Mimics (version 16.1) and Amira-Avizo 2020.2.

Phylogenetic analysis

The data matrix consisting of 130 taxa and 509 characters was analysed using maximum parsimony and Bayesian inference. Parsimony analysis was performed in TNT47 using a new technology search (sectorial search, ratchet, drift and tree fusing) set to 100 iterations, followed by a traditional search. All characters are unweighted and nonadditive. The search procedure resulted in 30 most-parsimonious trees of length 2,770 (consistency index = 0.311; retention index = 0.795). The strict consensus tree (2,871 steps; consistency index = 0.300; retention index = 0.784) of these 30 most-parsimonious trees is presented in Extended Data Fig. 8.

Tip-dating Bayesian analysis was performed in MrBayes 3.2.748 and run using Cyber Infrastructure for Phylogenetic Research49. To root the tree, we applied two topological constraints on the stem. For the likelihood model, we used a gamma-rate distribution and eight discrete rate categories to accommodate among character evolutionary-rate variation50,51,52,53.

The fossilized birth–death process54,55,56,57 was used to form a prior probability distribution on the space of sampled-ancestor trees through the modelling of speciation, extinction, fossilization and sampling. The age of each fossil taxon was assigned a uniform prior with upper and lower bounds that corresponded to a stage-level stratigraphic range. Fossil occurrences were taken from the literature or from the Fossilworks Paleobiology Database and recorded by stratigraphic stage using the International Chronostratigraphy chart58. The root age of the tree was assigned an offset exponential prior with a mean of 251 million years ago determined by the lower age range of the oldest fossil taxon (Thrinaxodon) and a minimum of 228 million years ago, corresponding to the beginning of the geological stage containing the first appearance of the next oldest fossil taxon (Massetognathus). For inference, we assigned defuse priors parameterizing the speciation, extinction and sampling rates. We used an exponential (100) prior for net diversification and beta distributions (1,1) for turnover and fossil sampling proportions. The sampling proportion of extant taxa (26 species) was set to 0.004, on the basis of the number of recognized living mammal species (6,49559). We calculated a clock rate using APE60 and fitdistrplus61 in R62 and applied a data-informed clock rate prior using a previously published method63 in R62, which indicated the best model according to Bayesian information criterion was probably a normal distribution with a mean of 0.00840185218218286 and a s.d. of 0.0130196175801974. This model and its parameter values were used directly for the clock rate prior.

The posterior distribution was estimated using Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms. The analysis was executed with 2 runs, each with 4 chains (1 cold and 3 hot) per run for 10 million iterations and sampled every 1,000 iterations. The first 25% samples were discarded as burn-in for each run, and the remaining samples from the 2 runs were combined after checking convergence between runs (average s.d. of the split frequencies < 0.0564). Runs were viewed in Tracer65 to ensure stationarity was achieved. The dated phylogeny (Extended Data Fig. 9) was estimated from the 50% majority rule consensus of the pooled post burn-in trees. Posterior probabilities were calculated to assess node robustness and posterior medians provide node ages.

Reporting summary

Further information on research design is available in the Nature Research Reporting Summary linked to this paper.