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Bile acids and the gut microbiota: metabolic interactions and impacts on disease

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From Nature Reviews Microbiology

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Despite decades of bile acid research, diverse biological roles for bile acids have been discovered recently due to developments in understanding the human microbiota. As additional bacterial enzymes are characterized, and the tools used for identifying new bile acids become increasingly more sensitive, the repertoire of bile acids metabolized and/or synthesized by bacteria continues to grow. Additionally, bile acids impact microbiome community structure and function. In this Review, we highlight how the bile acid pool is manipulated by the gut microbiota, how it is dependent on the metabolic capacity of the bacterial community and how external factors, such as antibiotics and diet, shape bile acid composition. It is increasingly important to understand how bile acid signalling networks are affected in distinct organs where the bile acid composition differs, and how these networks impact infectious, metabolic and neoplastic diseases. These advances have enabled the development of therapeutics that target imbalances in microbiota-associated bile acid profiles.

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Fig. 1: Enterohepatic circulation of bile acids in humans.
Fig. 2: General bile acid structure.
Fig. 3: Factors affecting bacterial transformation of bile acids.
Fig. 4: Host and microbiota-dependent bile acid contributions to human disease.

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S.L.C. researched data for the article. All authors contributed to discussion of the content, and reviewed and edited the manuscript before submission. S.L.C., C.D.O., A.D.P. and J.G.S. wrote the article.

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Containing both hydrophilic (polar) and hydrophobic (nonpolar) regions.


A collection or aggregate of amphipathic molecules that self-assemble in aqueous solution so that the hydrophobic portions are shielded from water.


A liver disease characterized by blockage of or reduced bile flow.

Brown fat

Adipose tissue containing high numbers of mitochondria, involved in metabolizing energy sources to produce heat.


Inflammation of the J-pouch in surgery for ulcerative colitis.


A J-shaped surgical reformation of the ileum, connected directly to the anus after the removal of diseased colon in patients with ulcerative colitis.

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Collins, S.L., Stine, J.G., Bisanz, J.E. et al. Bile acids and the gut microbiota: metabolic interactions and impacts on disease. Nat Rev Microbiol 21, 236–247 (2023).

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