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Upslope migration is slower in insects that depend on metabolically demanding flight

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From Nature Climate Change

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Climate change is forcing species to migrate to cooler temperatures at higher elevations, yet many taxa are dispersing slower than necessary. One yet-to-be-tested explanation for inadequate migration rates is that high-elevation environments pose physiological barriers to dispersal, particularly in species with high metabolic demands. By synthesizing across >800 species, we find evidence for metabolic constraints: upslope migration is slower in insects that rely on nature’s most expensive locomotor strategy—flight.

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Fig. 1: Relative rates of upslope migration of flight-dependent insect species compared with species that use less physiologically costly modes of locomotion.

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Data underlying this study can be accessed through the Dryad Digital Repository at (ref. 32).

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Code underlying this can be accessed through the Dryad Digital Repository at (ref. 32).


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Support was generously provided by the University of Colorado Denver (to M.P.M. and J.S.) and Washington University in St. Louis and the Georgia Institute of Technology (to J.T.S.). Conversations with J. de Mayo, J. Grady and A. Lenard and input from three reviewers improved this study.

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M.P.M. designed the study. J.S. and M.P.M. collected the data. M.P.M. and J.T.S. analysed the data. M.P.M. and J.T.S. wrote the paper.

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Correspondence to Michael P. Moore.

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The authors declare no competing interests.

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Nature Climate Change thanks Dean Jacobsen, Lourenço Martins and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work.

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Extended data

Extended Data Table 1 Number of estimates of upslope migration (meters per year) for flying and non-flying species
Extended Data Table 2 Numbers of estimates of upslope migration (meters per year) by insect family
Extended Data Table 3 Comparison of elevational range shifts between flying specialists and locomotor generalists when using full set of possible random effects
Extended Data Table 4 Comparison of elevational range shifts between flying specialists and locomotor generalists using random effects where each level had at least 6 replicates
Extended Data Table 5 Comparison of elevational range shifts between flying specialists and locomotor generalists using random effects that account for sampling methodology
Extended Data Table 6 Comparison of elevational range shifts between flying specialists and locomotor generalists using random effects for the quality of sampling

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Moore, M.P., Shaich, J. & Stroud, J.T. Upslope migration is slower in insects that depend on metabolically demanding flight. Nat. Clim. Chang. 13, 1063–1066 (2023).

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