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Genetic and epigenomic mechanisms of mammalian circadian transcription

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The mammalian molecular clock comprises a complex network of transcriptional programs that integrates environmental signals with physiological pathways in a tissue-specific manner. Emerging technologies are extending knowledge of basic clock features by uncovering their underlying molecular mechanisms, thus setting the stage for a 'systems' view of the molecular clock. Here we discuss how recent data from genome-wide genetic and epigenetic studies have informed the understanding of clock function. In addition to its importance in human physiology and disease, the clock mechanism provides an ideal model to assess general principles of dynamic transcription regulation in vivo.

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Figure 1: The Nr1d1 gene locus.
Figure 2: Mechanisms regulating genomic binding of circadian TFs.
Figure 3: Rev-erbα and RORα coordinate rhythmic gene expression at RORE and DR2 elements.
Figure 4: Temporal view of chromatin and clock factors surrounding rhythmic E boxes.

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We thank members of the laboratory of M.A.L. for helpful discussions. Work on circadian rhythms in the lab of M.A.L. is supported by NIH R01 DK45586 and the JBP foundation, and R.P. is supported by NIH F32 DK108555.

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Papazyan, R., Zhang, Y. & Lazar, M. Genetic and epigenomic mechanisms of mammalian circadian transcription. Nat Struct Mol Biol 23, 1045–1052 (2016).

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