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Assembly and diploid architecture of an individual human genome via single-molecule technologies

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We present the first comprehensive analysis of a diploid human genome that combines single-molecule sequencing with single-molecule genome maps. Our hybrid assembly markedly improves upon the contiguity observed from traditional shotgun sequencing approaches, with scaffold N50 values approaching 30 Mb, and we identified complex structural variants (SVs) missed by other high-throughput approaches. Furthermore, by combining Illumina short-read data with long reads, we phased both single-nucleotide variants and SVs, generating haplotypes with over 99% consistency with previous trio-based studies. Our work shows that it is now possible to integrate single-molecule and high-throughput sequence data to generate de novo assembled genomes that approach reference quality.

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Figure 1: De novo assembly and scaffold layout.
Figure 2: Tandem-repeat detection from single molecules predicts a large divergence from reference.
Figure 3: De novo maps identify large structural variants.
Figure 4: CLRs highlight multiple colocated SVs and complex SV structures.

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This work was supported in part by institutional support from the Icahn Institute for Genomics and Multiscale Biology, R01 HG005946, U01 HL107388, R01 DK098242-01, R01 MH106531, US National Institutes of Health (NIH) U41HG007497, the Irma T. Hirschl and Monique Weill-Caulier Charitable Trusts, the STARR Consortium, the WorldQuant Foundation, the Pershing Square Foundation, the Genomics & Epigenomics Core Facilities and SMRT Sequencing Center at Weill Cornell Medical College, and through the computational resources and staff expertise provided by the Department of Scientific Computing at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. DNA samples were provided by the Coriell Institute for Medical Research and the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). We would also like to thank T. Zichner for assistance with the design of validations and M. Chaisson for assistance with running Blasr, the assembly-based SV pipeline, and in performing the CHM1 comparison.

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Authors and Affiliations



E.E.S., A.B., R.S., C.E.M., W.R.M. and R.B.D. conceived the project and provided resources for sequencing and algorithmic analysis. A.B. and E.E.S. provided bioinformatics oversight. J.O.K., M.H.-Y.F., A.M.S. and T.R. performed Illumina SV analysis and PCR validation. R.S., M.P. and E.E.P. prepared long libraries for PacBio sequencing. R.S., Y.G., A.C., S.C.B., R.A. and R.E.D. performed PacBio sequencing and primary analysis of hdf5 data. A.W.C.P., H.D., A.H., T.A., W.S., H.C. and P.-Y.K. generated the BioNano Data, built initial Genome Maps and performed BioNano alignment and SV calling. O.F., A.B. and M.P. performed PacBio SV analysis and validation. A.U., A.B. and C.-S.C. performed error correction and assembly. A.W.C.P. and H.D. built the initial hybrid scaffolding pipeline. A.B. and M.P. refined the hybrid scaffolding pipeline. A.W.C.P., H.D. and A.B. performed scaffold analysis and phasing. A.B., A.W.C.P., M.P. and A.U. generated figures for the main text. A.B., E.E.S., R.S., M.P. and A.W.C.P. primarily wrote the manuscript, though many coauthors provided edits and methods sections.

Corresponding author

Correspondence to Ali Bashir.

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Competing interests

A.W.C.P., H.C., W.S., T.A., A.H. and H.D. are employees of BioNano Genomics. C.-S.C., Y.G. and E.E.P. are employees of Pacific Biosciences, and E.E.S. is on the scientific advisory board of Pacific Biosciences.

Supplementary information

Supplementary Text and Figures

Supplementary Figures 1–15, Supplementary Tables 1–4 and 6–12, Supplementary Results and Supplementary Notes 1–3 (PDF 16327 kb)

Supplementary Software

Custom scripts for performing hybrid scaffolding and SV analysis (ZIP 23658 kb)

Supplementary Table 5

Insertion and deletion SVs with phasing (XLSX 1079 kb)

Supplementary Table 13

Alignment coordinates between sequence contigs and V2 hybrid scaffolds (XLSX 260 kb)

Supplementary Table 14

Alignment coordinates between BioNano genome maps and V2 hybrid scaffolds (XLSX 89 kb)

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Pendleton, M., Sebra, R., Pang, A. et al. Assembly and diploid architecture of an individual human genome via single-molecule technologies. Nat Methods 12, 780–786 (2015).

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