
Vitamin B12 deficiency is a major threat to public health globally.1, 2 The prevalence of vitamin B12 deficiency is highest in resource-limited settings, including South Asia.3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Vitamin B12 is obtained in the diet through consumption of animal products, including meat, poultry, fish, eggs and dairy. Several studies have reported low vitamin B12 status in vegan or vegetarian individuals and in low- and middle-income settings, particularly in populations with low intake of animal source foods.9, 10 In particular, the burden of vitamin B12 deficiency in India is thought to be among the highest in the world.1

Maternal vitamin B12 deficiency has been associated with greater risk of pregnancy complications, such as spontaneous abortion, low birth weight, intrauterine growth restriction and neural tube defects.11 Children born to women with vitamin B12 deficiency have an increased risk of adverse health outcomes, including deficits in growth and development and anemia.12, 13, 14 In the parent-randomized trial in Bangalore, India, daily maternal vitamin B12 supplementation (50 μg/day) with iron and folic acid during pregnancy through 6 weeks postpartum significantly improved maternal vitamin B12 status (P<0.01), breast milk (P<0.01) and infant (P<0.01) vitamin B12 concentrations, compared to iron-folic acid alone.15

Previous studies in Turkey, Germany, Norway and Brazil have reported associations between maternal and infant vitamin B12 status at birth.15, 16, 17, 18 However, few prospective studies have been conducted to examine the burden and determinants of vitamin B12 status in young infants, and there is limited data from India.

In the parent-randomized trial in Bangalore, India, pregnant women were randomized to daily maternal vitamin B12 supplementation with iron and folic acid during pregnancy through 6 weeks postpartum, compared to iron-folic acid alone, to determine the effects on maternal, breast milk and infant vitamin B12 concentrations.15 We conducted this prospective analysis among 77 mother–infant pairs who were participating in this randomized trial to: (1) determine the prevalence and determinants of inadequate vitamin B12 status during pregnancy and early childhood; and (2) examine the associations of maternal vitamin B12 biomarkers at each trimester with infant outcomes at 6 weeks of age, including vitamin B12, vitamin B12 deficiency, methylmalonic acid and homocysteine concentrations.

Materials and methods

Study population

Participants were pregnant women who were enrolled in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of vitamin B12 supplementation in Bangalore, India. This trial was conducted to examine the effects of daily prenatal vitamin B12 supplementation on biomarkers of maternal vitamin B12 status during pregnancy. The detailed design of the study has been previously described.15 Briefly, pregnant women were recruited from Hosahalli Referral Hospital in Bangalore, India, and randomized to receive vitamin B12 supplementation (50 μg/day) or placebo daily during pregnancy through 6 weeks postpartum. All women received 60 mg of iron and 500 μg of folic acid supplementation daily beginning at their first prenatal visit, as per standard of care.

Pregnant women were eligible for the study if they were at least 18 years of age, ⩽14 weeks of gestation at enrollment, healthy and carrying a single fetus. Women were excluded if they had any known medical complications, including HIV infection, hepatitis B or syphilis. Women with serious pre-existing medical conditions, previous cesarean section, or who were taking daily vitamin supplements in addition to iron-folate were also excluded. A flow chart of participants in this study is presented in Figure 1.

Figure 1
figure 1

Summary of enrollment and analysis of samples.


The research protocols and study procedures were approved by the Institutional Ethical Board of St John’s Medical College and the TH Chan Harvard School of Public Health Human Subjects Committee. Written informed consent was obtained from all participants. A Data Safety and Monitoring Board met twice annually during the course of the trial.

Follow-up procedures

Structured interviews were conducted to collect information on socio-demographic characteristics, including maternal age, educational level, socioeconomic status and obstetric history. A clinical examination was conducted including vital signs and blood pressure, and obstetric, reproductive and neurological examinations were conducted. Detailed clinical, socio-demographic and anthropometric data were collected prospectively. Maternal weight was recorded using a digital balance to the nearest 100 g; height was measured using a stadiometer to the nearest 0.1 cm; and mid-upper arm circumference, and triceps, biceps and sub-scapular skinfold thickness measurements were measured in triplicate by trained research assistants.

Laboratory investigations: blood sample collection

Maternal blood samples were collected at study visits during each of the three trimesters, or early (<14 weeks gestation), mid- (24 weeks), and late- (34 weeks) gestation (that is, median (interquartile range (IQR)); T1: 10.6 (9.1, 12.6); T2: 24.1 (23.7, 25.0); T3: 33.1 (32.7, 33.6) weeks, respectively), and infant blood samples were collected at 6 weeks of age by venipuncture. The laboratory procedures and biochemical analyses in this trial have previously been described.15 Briefly, approximately 10 ml of blood was collected from mothers during pregnancy and their infants at 6 weeks of age by venipuncture in both EDTA and plain vacutainer tubes (BD Biosciences, Haryana, India) and stored on ice until centrifugation (<4 h). Whole blood samples were analyzed for hemoglobin and complete blood count, using an automated Coulter counter (ABX Pentra C+; Horiba Medical, New Delhi, India). Plasma and red blood cells were separated and stored at or below −80 °C until analysis for plasma vitamin B12, homocysteine, methylmalonic acid and erythrocyte folate concentrations.

Biomarkers of vitamin B12 status

Plasma vitamin B12 was measured via electrochemiluminescence (Elecsys 2010, Roche Diagnostics, Mannheim, Germany). The intraday and interday assay CVs for plasma vitamin B12 were 0.54 and 2.44%, respectively. Plasma methylmalonic acid and tHcy were assessed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (Varian 3800, Palo Alto, CA, USA).16 The intraday assay CVs for plasma methylmalonic acid (MMA) and tHcy were 6.92 and 5.60%, and the interday assay CVs were 5.57% and 5.04%, respectively. Erythrocyte folate concentrations were determined by a competitive immunoassay with direct chemiluminescence detection on an automatized immunoanalyzer (ADVIA Centaurs, Bayer Health Care Diagnostics, Tarrytown, NY, USA),17 with intra-assay and interassay variabilities of 1.9 and 5.2%, respectively. The folate concentrations in the hemolysate were converted to whole blood values by adjusting for hematocrit. The laboratory procedures and biochemical analyses are described in further detail in the primary randomized trial.15

Statistical analyses

Vitamin B12 deficiency was defined as plasma vitamin B12 concentrations less than 150 pmol/l.19 Impaired vitamin B12 status was defined as plasma vitamin B12 <150 pmol/l plus MMA >0.26 μmol/l. cB12, a combined indicator of vitamin B12 status, modified for three biomarkers (that is, vitamin B12, MMA, tHcy or 3cB12), was calculated using the method and classification developed by Fedosov et al.20 (that is, cB12=log10[(holoTC*B12)/(MMA*Hcy)]—(age factor)). In Fedosov’s method, the following cutoffs are used to categorize five levels of the combined indicator cB12: probable deficiency (cB12 <−2.5), possible deficiency (−2.5 to <−1.5), low vitamin B12 (−1.5 to <−0.5), vitamin B12 adequacy (−0.5 to <1.5) and elevated vitamin B12 (cB12 ⩾1.5).20

Variables were defined using conventional cutoffs, where available; otherwise, medians of variables were defined based on their distributions in this population. Non-normally distributed variables (that is, plasma vitamin B12, MMA, tHcy, folate concentrations), were natural logarithmically transformed to ensure normality before analysis. Non-transformed values are presented in Tables 1 and 2, for interpretation purposes.

Table 1 Characteristics of the study population
Table 2 Maternal and infant vitamin B12 status

Linear and binomial regression models were used to examine the associations of maternal vitamin B12 biomarkers at each trimester with infant outcomes at 6 weeks of age, including vitamin B12 concentrations (continuous), vitamin B12 deficiency (categorical), methylmalonic acid (continuous) and homocysteine (continuous) concentrations.21, 22, 23 Associations between maternal biomarkers of vitamin B12 status from each trimester and infant outcomes were examined independently in separate models. Maternal vitamin B12 supplementation significantly increased maternal and infant plasma vitamin B12 concentrations in the aforementioned randomized trial;15 therefore, vitamin B12 supplementation regimen was included as a covariate in all models. All models also included an adjustment for the gestational age at sample collection to account for variation in timing of samples. We used the Rothman and Greenland approach to evaluate an extensive list of potential confounders and identify covariates for inclusion in multivariate models, in which all known or suspected risk factors which led to >10% change in effect estimates were included in the model.24 Additional baseline maternal risk factors for infant outcomes were included in multivariate models to evaluate the robustness of the observed associations, including the following: maternal education (⩾10th grade vs <10), standard of living index (⩾28 vs <28), total maternal lymphocyte counts, and maternal body mass index at baseline. The missing indicator method was used to retain observations with missing covariate data.25 We also explored the potential interaction between the randomized intervention and biomarker outcomes, and potential effect modification of observed associations by the randomized intervention. Statistical analyses were conducted using SAS version 9.4 (SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, NC, USA).


The characteristics of participants included in this study are presented in Table 1. Baseline characteristics of pregnant women enrolled in the parent trial and current analysis were similar on age, socioeconomic status and nutritional indicators.

Vitamin B12 status during each trimester of pregnancy and in infants at 6 weeks of age (n=77) are presented in Table 2. At their first prenatal visit, ~51% of pregnant women had vitamin B12 deficiency (vitamin B12<150 pmol/l), 43% had impaired vitamin B12 status (vitamin B12<150 pmol/l plus MMA>0.26 μmol/l) and 38% had low folate status (erythrocyte folate<340 nmol/l). A total of 44% of infants were vitamin B12 deficient and 16% had impaired vitamin B12 status at 6 weeks of age.

The associations between maternal vitamin B12 status in each trimester and infant vitamin B12 concentrations at 6 weeks of age are presented in Table 3. Higher maternal plasma vitamin B12 levels in each trimester (T) were associated with higher vitamin B12 concentrations in infants' multivariate analyses, after adjusting for vitamin B12 supplementation status, gestational age of sample collection, maternal education, standard of living index, lymphocytes and body mass index. Similarly, vitamin B12 deficiency in each trimester was associated with lower vitamin B12 levels in infants in multivariate analyses, after adjusting for vitamin B12 supplementation and other socio-demographic factors. In contrast, higher maternal MMA concentrations predicted lower vitamin B12 concentrations in infants in multivariate analyses. After adjusting for vitamin B12 regimen, impaired maternal vitamin B12 status was associated with lower infant vitamin B12 levels. Higher maternal red blood cell folate levels were also associated with greater vitamin B12 concentrations in infants. In analyses that considered maternal vitamin B12 indicators alone or in combination, impaired maternal vitamin B12 status (that is, vitamin B12 deficiency and elevated MMA) was the strongest and most consistent predictor of infant vitamin B12 status. Findings were similar in both univariate and multivariate analyses, after adjusting for other variables.

Table 3 Associations between maternal vitamin B12 status and infant vitamin B12 concentrations

The associations between maternal vitamin B12 status in each trimester of pregnancy and risk of vitamin B12 deficiency in infants at 6 weeks of age are presented in Table 4. Higher maternal vitamin B12 levels predicted lower risk of vitamin B12 deficiency in infants' multivariate analyses. Infants born to mothers who were vitamin B12-deficient or who had impaired vitamin B12 status had a two to three times greater risk of vitamin B12 deficiency, after adjusting for the vitamin B12 regimen. In contrast, higher maternal MMA concentrations were associated with greater risk of infant vitamin B12 deficiency in multivariate analyses. Higher maternal folate levels were associated with lower risk of vitamin B12 deficiency in infants. Findings were similar in both univariate and multivariate analyses, after adjusting for potential confounders.

Table 4 Associations between maternal vitamin B12 status and infant vitamin B12 deficiency

The associations between maternal vitamin B12 status in each trimester and infant MMA concentrations are presented in Table 5. Vitamin B12 deficiency and elevated MMA concentrations during pregnancy were associated with higher infant MMA concentrations. Impaired maternal vitamin B12 status during pregnancy also predicted higher MMA concentrations in infants. Higher folate levels during pregnancy were also associated with lower infant MMA concentrations.

Table 5 Associations between maternal vitamin B12 status and infant methylmalonic acid

The associations between vitamin B12 status in pregnancy and infant homocysteine levels are presented in Table 6. Higher vitamin B12 and folate levels during pregnancy predicted significantly lower infant tHcy concentrations. Maternal vitamin B12 deficiency and MMA levels were associated with significantly higher infant tHcy concentrations. Maternal impaired vitamin B12 status during pregnancy was also associated with higher tHcy concentrations in infants after adjusting for vitamin B12 regimen, although this was statistically significant in the second and third trimesters. There were no significant associations noted for maternal homocysteine and infant tHcy concentrations.

Table 6 Associations between maternal vitamin B12 status and infant homocysteine


In this prospective analysis among pregnant women participating in a vitamin B12 supplementation trial, maternal vitamin B12 status during each trimester significantly predicted vitamin B12 status in infants at 6 weeks of age, even after adjusting for vitamin B12 supplementation. Infants born to mothers who were vitamin B12 deficient (<150 pmol/l) or who had impaired vitamin B12 status (vitamin B12 <150 pmol/l plus MMA >0.26 μmol/l) had higher risk of being vitamin B12 deficient by 6 weeks of age, after adjusting for vitamin B12 regimen. Higher maternal vitamin B12 and folate status, but not maternal homocysteine, were associated with significantly lower infant tHcy concentrations. Impaired maternal vitamin B12 status, which combined both circulating and functional biomarkers, was the single best predictor of infant vitamin B12 status. Higher maternal folate concentrations in pregnancy were also associated with lower risk of vitamin B12 deficiency in infants.

The prevalence of vitamin B12 deficiency was high in this study as follows: 51% of mothers were vitamin B12 deficient and 42% had impaired vitamin B12 status at their first prenatal visit, and 44% of children had vitamin B12 deficiency at 6 weeks of age.15

Previous studies have noted correlations between maternal and neonatal vitamin B12 status at delivery.18, 26, 27, 28 For example, maternal and cord blood holoTC levels were significantly correlated at delivery in a cross-sectional study in Germany (r=0.68, P<0.001).18 However, most research to date examining the associations between maternal and infant vitamin B12 status have been case–control or cross-sectional in design, and have relied on assessment of a single vitamin B12 biomarker at one time point (for example, maternal vitamin B12 concentrations at delivery), which constrains interpretation of findings.

Maternal vitamin B12 levels during pregnancy are thought to be associated with fetal18, 29 and infant30 vitamin B12 concentrations. Some studies have noted significant associations between maternal and neonatal serum vitamin B12 concentrations, whereas prospective cohort studies in India29 and Pakistan31 have reported that neonatal vitamin B12 concentrations were 27% to twofold higher than maternal vitamin B12 concentrations. In the current study, infant vitamin B12 concentrations were not significantly different than maternal vitamin B12 concentrations in pregnancy. However, few studies to date have measured maternal vitamin B12 status prospectively throughout the course of pregnancy and examined its association with vitamin B12 status in their infants early in life.

This analysis included a comprehensive assessment of maternal vitamin B12 status prospectively throughout pregnancy, including both circulating (vitamin B12) and functional (MMA, tHcy) vitamin B12 biomarkers. We also included impaired vitamin B12 status and calculated cB12 as a combined indicator of three vitamin B12 biomarkers (that is, vitamin B12, MMA and tHcy), using methods developed by Fedosov et al.20 In analyses that considered maternal vitamin B12 indicators alone or in combination impaired maternal vitamin B12 status (B12<150 pmol/l plus MMA>0.26 μmol/l) was the strongest and most consistent predictor of infant vitamin B12 status. Vitamin B12 biomarkers were also assessed beginning early in gestation (⩽14 weeks), and maternal erythrocyte folate concentrations were assessed prospectively during pregnancy. In addition, the measurement of infant venous blood and comprehensive assessment of infant vitamin B12 status (that is, vitamin B12, MMA and tHcy) were strengths of this analysis.

Our study had several limitations. The assessment of infant vitamin B12 status at a single time point (that is, at 6 weeks of age) and number of infant blood samples available for laboratory analyses (n=77) limit interpretations of the associations between maternal vitamin B12 and infant status early in life. Our findings suggest that participants in the current study were similar to the parent-randomized trial on socio-demographic and nutritional variables; however, they may differ on other unmeasured covariates. Assessment of maternal vitamin B12 status beginning ⩽14 weeks gestation may not reflect periconceptional vitamin B12 status or the relevant etiologic period(s) for vitamin B12 status and perinatal outcomes. The cB12 measure developed by Fedosov et al.20 and modifications for two, three or four biomarkers were constructed based on statistical models in non-pregnant (and primarily elderly) men and women in Chile, Denmark, United Kingdom, Ireland, and the United States. However, cB12 has not been investigated or validated in pregnant women or young infants, which represents a limitation and constrains the interpretation and generalizability of findings. In addition to total vitamin B12, MMA and tHcy, assessment of maternal and infant holotranscobalamin may also represent a better circulating biomarker of vitamin B12 status and transportation from the maternal to the fetal circuit, as vitamin B12 enters and exits the placental villous tissue bound to transcobalamin.32 Vitamin B12 metabolism is also influenced by other nutrients; assessment of infant folate status would further strengthen this analysis. Although findings in this study provide evidence of associations of maternal and infant vitamin B12 status within a randomized trial, the interpretation of these associations is not causal. Future research is needed to elucidate mechanisms of maternal–infant vitamin B12 transport, and the potential role of vitamin B12 in functional outcomes and child health.

In summary, in a large cohort of pregnant women participating in a randomized vitamin B12 supplementation trial in South India, vitamin B12 status throughout pregnancy significantly predicted vitamin B12 status in infants at 6 weeks of age, even after adjusting for vitamin B12 supplementation and several socio-demographic characteristics. Overall, impaired maternal vitamin B12 status, which combined both circulating and functional biomarkers, was the best predictor of infant vitamin B12 status. Infants who were born to women with vitamin B12 deficiency or those with impaired vitamin B12 status had two to four times greater risk of being vitamin B12 deficient, after adjusting for vitamin B12 supplementation status. Findings suggest that although prenatal vitamin B12 supplementation significantly improves vitamin B12 status, maternal vitamin B12 status early in pregnancy has an important role in determining vitamin B12 status early in life. Future research is needed to improve vitamin B12 status in women of reproductive age, and ensure optimal vitamin B12 status and health outcomes in pregnant women and their children.