
For the past decade, data have been increasing exponentially, especially in larger scale data storage systems. With the ever-increasing amount of data, it becomes more and more important to provide reliability when data storage systems or devices fail. Erasure codes, which provide a more economical way than mere data replication [29], have emerged and been widely distributed in various data storage systems, such as Amazon S3 [1, 23], Google file system [10], Microsoft Azure [11, 15] and Facebook Analytics Hadoop Cluster [30].

An erasure code derives redundant parity data through an encoding computation process, and recovers original data through a decoding computation process when data failures occur. Typically, an erasure code system is composed of a total of n storage units. If the n storage units consist of k data units and m parity units, the erasure code system is called a (km) erasure code system (\(n=k+m\)). Theoretically, a (km) erasure code is called maximum distance separable code (MDS Code), if it can tolerate up to m storage units failures [21]. Erasure codes can be categorized into MDS Codes [21], such as Reed-Solomon (RS) Code [28], Blaum-Roth (BR) Code [5], EVENODD Code [3], STAR Code [12]; and non-MDS Codes [16], such as Local Repairable Code (LRC) [25], Low-Density Parity-Check (LDPC) Code [18, 22, 24], LT Code [17], Raptor Code [31]. In this paper, we focus only on MDS Codes, since they are the most efficient in storage space usage for desired data reliability, and moreover, are used as the component codes for non-MDS codes, in practical systems [16, 19, 21].

There are mainly two categories of MDS codes: Reed-Solomon Code [28] and XOR-based Code [20] (e.g., BR Code [5] EVENODD Code [3], STAR Code [12], generalized Row-Diagonal Parity (RDP) Code [2, 8, 9]). Though Reed-Solomon Code provides more flexibility by supporting recovery of an arbitrary number of erasures, XOR-based code, which employs XOR-operations for both encoding and decoding instead of more complex finite field operations, outperforms Reed-Solomon Code significantly in both encoding and decoding speeds [27]. Most existing libraries of RS Code, such as Jerasure [26] and Intel’s ISA-L [14], are implemented intuitively and directly from the code specification. We call this straightforward coding the conventional algorithm (or traditional algorithm) [19]. On the other hand, due to XOR-operation’s commutativity, the order of XOR-operations is changeable. Based on this property, new XOR-scheduling algorithms have been proposed, which show considerable improvements in encoding performance of XOR-based codes [19, 20].

In an erasure code system, decoding operation is needed when failure occurs. Therefore, decoding speed impacts greatly on general performance of the entire system when fault happens. Besides, poor decoding performance brings great vulnerability to the system, since failures can accumulate with low recovery speed. Normally, in most traditional storage systems, decoding computation is fast enough not to become the bottleneck in the whole system. However, with the emergence of new generation of storage technologies, such as flash-based solid-state drive (SSD), non-volatile memory (NVM), and 3D XPoint technology, the throughput of I/O can easily reach the level of tens of GB/sec [33, 34]. Therefore, higher matching performance of decoding operations becomes urgent to reduce vulnerability window when faults occur and thus, to improve the overall system.

It was shown in [19], that by scheduling XORs in proper order, the encoding of XOR-based erasure codes can be improved significantly, which cannot be achieved by code optimization using compilers. While encoding operations for an XOR-based erasure code have a fixed encoding path [19] and thus can be pre-scheduled, decoding operations of such codes have variable decoding paths depending on data erasure (i.e., disk failure) patterns, corresponding XOR scheduling schemes cannot be applied directly. In this paper, a new decoding algorithm is proposed to use on-the-fly caching of decoding path for a given data erasure pattern to enable efficient XOR scheduling for decoding operations with considerable performance improvement, just as XOR encoding operations [19]. While neither efficient XOR scheduling [19] or caching is new, combining them for decoding performance improvement is new, which is the main contribution of this work.

Just as in [19], STAR code [12], an optimal erasure code that can correct up to three data erasures, is used as an example to show the detailed implementation and performance of the new decoding algorithm. Detailed benchmarks show that such a new decoding algorithm is practically feasible in required cache size, about 2–6KB for a practical storage system configuration, and can provide about 10–50% improvement in decoding throughput. While the details may vary slightly, the principle used in this new decoding algorithm (i.e, given a data erasure, its decoding path only needs to be computed once on-the-fly and then stored in a small-sized cache, thus an efficient XOR scheduling algorithm can be applied for proceeding decoding operations for better throughput) can be readily applied to other XOR-based erasure codes besides STAR code, such as the generalized EVENODD code [3], the RDP code [8] and its generalization [2, 9]. Thus another contribution of this work is to provide data storage practitioners a new practical principle of improving decoding performance of XOR-based erasure codes in their systems.

The paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 gives some background introduction of erasure code basics; the platforms we use for evaluations are described in Sect. 3; Sect. 4 introduces the basics in decoding operation; Sect. 5 proposes a new decoding algorithm; extensive performance evaluation data of the new decoding algorithm is presented in Sect. 6; finally Sect. 7 concludes the paper and discusses the future work.


Typically, a (km) erasure code system is composed of an array of n storage units of equal size, which can be further divided into k data units and m parity units (\(n=k+m\)). As shown in Fig. 1, \(D_{0}\) to \(D_{k-1}\) represent k data units which contain original data, while \(C_{0}\) to \(C_{m-1}\) represent m parity units which contain redundant data generated from encoding. More detailed explanation of all parameters can be found in [27]. When a storage unit fails, the lost data can be recovered by performing the decoding operations with the remaining data units and parity units.

Fig. 1
figure 1

A typical (km) erasure code system

For encoding/decoding operations, each storage unit is partitioned into several strips (or blocks), each one of which has the same stripsize (or blocksize) and consists of rpackets. Packets within data strip \(D_i\) and parity strip \(C_j\) are labeled as \(D_{i,0}, \ldots D_{i,r-1}\) and \(C_{j,0}, \ldots C_{j,r-1}\), respectively. Different erasure codes typically have different constraints on r, e.g., for RDP [8], EVENODD [3] and STAR [12] Codes, \(r+1\) must be a prime number, while, for X-Code [35], r must be a prime number.

A packet is further divided into s contiguous machine words. A machine word is the smallest unit in this structure (e.g., one byte). In most codes, another parameter, w, is included to indicate the wordsize of one machine word, such that a collection of w bits is considered to be one machine word [26]. Usually \(w \in \{8,16,32\}\). Throughout this paper, unless specifically mentioned, we assume \(w=8\), in which case, one machine word is equal to one byte.

When encoding/decoding is performed, one strip from each storage unit is collected, together forming a stripe (or codeword). Every stripe is encoded/decoded independently. The locations of the erasures are called erasure patterns, for example, if data unit \(D_0\) is damaged, erasure pattern of each stripe is \(\{D_0\}\). Obviously, we have:

$$\begin{aligned} {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} { {\rm codewordsize}} &{}= (k+m) \times {{\rm blocksize}}\\ {{\rm blocksize}} &{}= r \times {{\rm packetsize}} \\ {{\rm packetsize}} &{}= s \times {{\rm wordsize}} \\ {{\rm wordsize}} &{}= \frac{w}{8} {{\rm bytes}} \\ \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

Among the various XOR-based erasure codes, STAR code [12] stands out due to its high performance and efficiency in both encoding and decoding [6, 7]. It is a special case of the extended EVENODD with three parities [3, 4]. STAR code can tolerate up to three erasures [12], i.e., \(m = 3\), while k can be any integer as system requires. The best performance is achieved when k is a prime number p [12].

Fig. 2
figure 2

How parity column III is generated in a (5,3) STAR code with \(r=4\)

Figure 2 shows the structure of one stripe of a (5,3) STAR code and an example of how parity strip III is generated. More comprehensive description and analysis of STAR code can be found in [12]. Simply speaking, the first packet in parity strip III is generated by applying XOR-operation between packets from each strip in a diagonal way. Note that the bottom row is an imaginary row, which consists of nothing but zeros. While there is no open source library of STAR code at this point, its encoding and decoding algorithms are in public domain. Through this paper, we use a (k, 3) STAR Code as an instance to illustrate our new decoding algorithm, even though this new decoding algorithm applies to any XOR-based erasure codes. All examples focus on decoding one stripe, but we will discuss how to apply this new decoding algorithm to multiple stripes in a system with strip rotation in Sect. 4.4.

Experiment Setup

Throughout this paper, we use two platforms, namely Lenovo ThinkCentre M900 and Intel NW200 Roke (M900 and NW200 in brief), to conduct experiments. Basic configurations of the two platforms are presented in Table 1. Both of the two platforms are equipped with 64-bit processors and 64-bit operating systems.

Table 1 Test platform configurations

System Configuration

Lenovo ThinkCentre M900 has a CPU of Intel’s i5-6500 (4 cores), which has 256 KB of L-1 cache, 1024 KB of L-2 cache and 6 MB of L-3 cache. It has a total memory of 4 GB. Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS is installed on the machine, with gcc version of 5.4.0.

Intel NW200 Roke is equipped with a CPU of Intel’s Xeon E3-1275 (8 cores), which has 512 KB of L-1 cache, 2048 KB of L-2 cache and 8 MB of L-3 cache. It has a total memory of 32 GB, with OS of Ubuntu 17.10. The gcc version is 7.2.0.

We stick with gcc as our compiler for our implementation of STAR code library. The gcc version is listed in Table 1. We include \(-O3\) option throughout our experiments. To fully use all levels of caches and provide smoother measurements, enough iterations are executed with the results being averaged.

STAR Code is implemented in C language, in a single-thread mode. Hence, the code does not take advantage of the multiple cores on both platforms. All our experiments follow similar methodology in [27] and [19]. The performance is evaluated in terms of \({{\rm speed}} = \frac{{\rm data \, size}}{{\rm time}}\). Programming-wise, we use gettimeofday() function to measure time interval with accuracy of some \(\upmu\)s. Intel’s SSE [13] is integrated in our library to accelerate XOR performance. No disk I/O is involved in any measurements.

Baseline Evaluation

Since speed is a relative term, we benchmark the basic hardware performance of the two platforms first. We use the speed of simple memcpy and XOR to represent this baseline. Within each stripe, simple memcpy or XOR is performed between the strips, instead of performing actual encoding or decoding. All baseline tests are conducted with 1000 stripes and k from 6 to 17. The results are shown in Fig. 3, with blocksize set to 1 KB and 2 KB, respectively, on both platforms. The x-axis represents k, and y-axis represents the speed, in unit of GB/s.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Baseline performance of testing platforms

Roughly speaking, the speed of memcpy on M900 can reach around 25–35 GB/s and 15–20 GB/s on NW200. On the other hand, speed of XOR is a little slower than memcpy on both platforms, which is not surprising.

Basics of Decoding

For simpler illustration and evaluation, we use a toy example shown in Fig. 4 throughout this section, which presents one stripe of a (5,3) STAR Code, as a typical representative of XOR-based codes, as mentioned in Sect. 1. Based on the structure of STAR Code [12], \(k = 5\), \(m = 3\), \(r = 4\) and the prime number \(p = 5\) (\(p=r+1\)) here. The last row is an imaginary row (marked as yellow), within which all packets are nothing but zeros. \(D_{0}, D_{1}, \ldots , D_{4}\) are the data strips, while \(C_{0}\), \(C_{1}\), \(C_{2}\) are the parity strips generated from encoding process. Each packet within the strips is labeled as \(D_{0,0}\), \(D_{0,1}\), etc.

Fig. 4
figure 4

A toy example of a (5,3) STAR Code

Path and Computational Complexity

Normally, for a XOR-based erasure code, each packet is encoded or decoded by applying some XOR-operations among a set of packets. This set of packets are imposed only by the structure of the code itself, and thus, obviously varies from code to code. We call this set of packets a Path.

Definition 1

In a XOR-based code, if the set of packets \(P = \{p_0, p_1,\ldots , p_{n}\}\) is used to construct one packet \(p_x\), then this set P is called a Path of packet \(p_x\), so that \(p_x = p_0 \oplus p_1 \oplus \cdots \oplus p_n\).

Definition 2

If this path is used for encoding, it is called an encoding path. Likewise, if this path is used for decoding, it is called a decoding path.

For example, STAR Code is designed with encoding rules of the following three equations below [12]:

$$\begin{aligned} C_{0,i}= & \bigoplus _{j=0}^{p-1}D_{j,i} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} C_{1,i}= & S_1 \oplus \bigg ( \bigoplus _{j=0}^{p-1}D_{j,<i-j>_p} \bigg ),\nonumber \\ {\rm where }S_1= & {} \bigoplus _{j=0}^{p-1}D_{j,<p-1-j>_p} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} C_{2,i}= & S_2 \oplus \bigg ( \bigoplus _{j=0}^{p-1}D_{j,<i+j>_p} \bigg ), \nonumber \\ {\rm where }S_2= & {} \bigoplus _{j=0}^{p-1}D_{j,<j-1>_p} \end{aligned}$$

\(S_{1}\) and \(S_{2}\) here are known as EVENODD adjuster and STAR adjuster, respectively. \(\oplus\) is the XOR-operation. \(<x>_{p}\) indicates xmodp. More details can be found in [3] and [12]. In our toy example, with \(k=5\) and \(p=5\), the encoding paths of packets \(C_{0,0}\), \(C_{1,0}\), \(C_{2,0}\) are, respectively, given in Table 2:

Table 2 Encoding paths and computational complexity in toy example of a (5,3) STAR Code

XOR-operation is the only operation in XOR-based codes. Since XOR-operation provides commutativity, the order does not matter when applying a series of XOR-operations on a set of packets. Therefore, the computational complexity of applying this series of XOR-operations depends merely on the total number of XOR-operations needed, rather than the order of the XOR-operations. Note that the total number of XOR-operations needed is equal to the total number of elements to be XOR-ed minus one. Based on this, we give definition of computational complexity in XOR-based codes:

Definition 3

In a XOR-based code, the computational complexity of one packet \(p_x\), with encoding/decoding path \(P = \{p_0, p_1, \ldots p_{n}\}\), is the total number of XOR-operations needed to construct \(p_x\), which is equal to n.

Definition 4

In a XOR-based code, the computational complexity of one strip is the total number XOR-operations needed to construct all packets of the strip. Similarly, the computational complexity of one stripe is the total number of XOR-operations needed to construct all strips of the stripe.

Definition 5

In a XOR-based code, the computational complexity of encoding/decoding process is the total number of XOR-operations needed to encode/decode all stripes.

In our toy example, when encoding, \(C_{0,0} = D_{0,0} \oplus D_{1,0} \oplus D_{2,0} \oplus D_{3,0} \oplus D_{4,0}\), hence the computational complexity of \(C_{0,0}\) is 4. Similarly, the computational complexity of \(C_{1,0}\) and \(C_{2,0}\) are, respectively, 7 and 7, as shown in Table 2.

The encoding computational complexity is usually influenced only by the structure of the code. Generally, for STAR Code, the encoding computational complexity is imposed only by the total number of data strips, k. With k imposed, computational complexity of parity strip I is given by \((k-1)^2\), and \(k^2-k-1\) for each parity strip II and III, as is shown in Fig. 5. Note in both of these two cases, \(S_{1}\) and \(S_{2}\) need to be calculated only once. Thus, computational complexity of encoding is equal to \((k-1)^2 + (k^2-k-1) + (k^2-k-1) = 3k^2-4k-1\).

Fig. 5
figure 5

Computational complexity of encoding parity strips in STAR Code

Overhead of Computing Decoding Paths

When decoding, the decoding paths of damaged packets are calculated in much more complicated fashion. The decoding computational complexity is impacted not only by the basic parameters of the code (such as k in STAR Code), but also greatly by the number of erasures, the erasure pattern and decoding algorithms accordingly. Decoding computational complexity grows as the number of erasures increases. Erasure pattern also affects the decoding computational complexity. A best case scenario is when erasure only happens on the parity strips, in which case, the decoding process becomes to re-encode the parity strips, partially or entirely.

Obviously, higher decoding computational complexity indicates more time it takes to compute decoding paths. We define the overhead of computing decoding paths, as the ratio of computing decoding paths time over total decoding time.

Definition 6

In one stripe of a XOR-based code, the overhead of computing decoding paths, labeled as \(o_d\), is the percentage of the time computing decoding paths in total decoding time.

Explicitly, we have:

$$\begin{aligned} o_d = \frac{t_c}{t_d} \, \times 100 \, \% \end{aligned}$$

where \(t_c\), \(t_d\) are the time of computing decoding paths and the time of entire decoding operation, respectively, in one stripe, e.g., in our toy example, if it takes 5 time units to compute decoding paths, while it takes 10 time units to decode an entire stripe, \(o_d = 50\%\).

Since STAR Code can tolerate up to three erasures, we analyze and measure the overhead of computing decoding paths based on the number of erasures.

Case 1: One Erasure

In a (km) code, when there is only one erasure, there are in total \(C_{1}^{k+m} = k+m\) possible erasure patterns (\(C_{k}^{n}\) is the combinatorial number here). For a (k, 3) STAR Code, the best case scenario is when the erasure occurs on parity strip I or one of the data strips. The decoding computational complexity of best case scenario is equal to \((k-1)^2\).

On the other hand, a worst case is when erasure appears on parity strip II or parity strip III, either of which makes decoding become re-encoding, and decoding computational complexity is \(k^2-k-1\). A worst case in our toy example is shown in Fig. 6, in which the erasure pattern is \(\{C_1\}\). Table 3 presents decoding paths of packets in \(C_1\). Note that EVENODD Adjuster \(S_1\) only needs to be calculated once.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Worst case scenario of case 1 in toy example

Table 3 Worst case decoding path and computational complexity of case 1

Figure 7 shows the general decoding computational complexity of case 1. It is not difficult to realize that with only one erasure, decoding is exactly the same as encoding. Obviously from Fig. 7, the computational complexities of the best and worst cases are very close and are both not too high (e.g., less than 100, for \(k \le 10\)), since in one-erasure case, there are very few packets to reconstruct after all.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Decoding computational complexity of case 1

Table 4a and b show that, when blocksize is set to 1 KB and 2 KB, respectively, the overhead of computing decoding paths in one stripe of a (k, 3) STAR Code, with k ranging from 5 to 17, on two platforms. Time of computing decoding path and total decoding time are measured and averaged over all possible erasure patterns, all one-erasures in this case (i.e., case 1), and two-erasures and three-erasures for the following experiments in case 2 and case 3. The results show that on both platforms, the time of calculating decoding paths can account for a significant portion of 13–70% of the total decoding time. Especially for smaller ks (i.e., \(k \le 8\)), it consumes over 30% to even 70% of total decoding time.

Table 4 Overhead of computing decoding paths in case 1 (\(t_c\) and \(t_d\) are in unit of \(\upmu\)s)

Case 2: Two Erasures

When there are two erasures in a (km) Code, there are \(C_{2}^{k+m} = \frac{(k+m)(k+m-1)}{2!}\) possible erasure patterns in total. In our toy example, if the damaged strips are parity strip I and parity strip II or III, which is the best case scenario, it makes decoding become re-encoding the two parity strips. The decoding computational complexity is then \((k-1)^2 + (k^2-k-1) = 2k^2-3k\).

On the other hand, worst case happens when erasures occur on any two of the data strips. A worst case in our toy example is shown in Fig. 8, where the erasure pattern is \(\{D_{0}, D_{2}\}\) (marked as red). Decoding paths of packets in \(D_{0}\), \(D_{2}\) are given in Table 5, according to decoding algorithms in [3, 12]. It can be seen from Table 5, that decoding path of one packet depends on those of other packets. The reconstruction of all packets cannot be performed concurrently.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Worst case scenario of case 2 in toy example

Table 5 Worst case decoding paths of case 2

Figure 9 presents general decoding computational complexity of two-erasure case. Note that unlike the best case, the decoding computational complexity of the worst case relies on the prime number p, which is the smallest prime number that is no less than k (e.g., \(p = 7\) for \(k = 6\)). Cases with different k yet the same p share the same worst case computational complexity (e.g., cases of \(k=6\) and \(k=7\) have the same decoding computational complexity). This is imposed by the basic structure of STAR Code: for decoding, a prime number p is required to construct the stripe array [3, 12]. Also, decoding is more complicated than encoding, for example, when \(k = 10\), the worst case decoding computational complexity is roughly 250, comparing to that of encoding being 170 (this encoding computational complexity is based on generating two parity strips, I and II).

Fig. 9
figure 9

Decoding computational complexity of case 2

Based on Definition 345, the encoding/decoding computational complexity indicates the size of all encoding/decoding paths. Apparently, the reason why decoding computational complexity is greater than encoding is because decoding paths are longer, which means the decoding paths involve more elements, than encoding paths.

Table 6a and b, respectively, present, when blocksize is set to 1 KB and 2 KB, the overhead of computing decoding paths in one stripe of a (k, 3) STAR Code, with k ranging from 5 to 17, on two platforms. The results clearly show that on both platforms, the time of calculating decoding paths can account for a significant portion of 9–94% of the total decoding time. Especially for smaller ks (i.e., \(k \le 8\)), it consumes over 23% to even 94% of total decoding time.

Table 6 Overhead of computing decoding paths of case 2, on two platforms (\(t_c\), \(t_d\) are in unit of \(\upmu\)s)

Case 3: Three Erasures

Decoding process becomes much more complicated when there are three erasures in a (km) Code. In total, there are \(C_{3}^{k+m} = \frac{(k+m)(k+m-1)(k+m-2)}{3!}\) possible erasure patterns. The best case scenario is when all three erasures occur on the three parity strips. In this situation, decoding simply becomes re-encoding all three parity strips I, II and III. The decoding computational complexity of best case is \(3k^2-4k-1\), which is equal to the encoding computational complexity.

In contrast, the worst case scenario happens when all the three erasures are on the data strips. As is shown in Fig. 10, in our toy example, data strips \(D_{0}\), \(D_{2}\), \(D_{3}\) (marked as red) are damaged. This is also called an asymmetric case according to [12]. In an asymmetric case, the decoding paths become random and unpredictable. They depend not only on k and p, but also greatly on the erasure patterns (i.e., \(\{D_0, D_2, D_3\}\) here). Thus, the total XOR-operations needed to recover data packets rises tremendously.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Worst case scenario of case 3 in toy example

Figure 11 presents decoding computational complexity of three-erasure case, measured from exhaustive enumeration of all patterns of three-erasure case. Like case 2, decoding computational complexity of worst case depends on prime number p rather than k. In addition, Fig. 11 clearly indicates that decoding in three-erasures case can be extremely complicated. For example, when \(k = 10\), the worst case computational complexity reach around 800, comparing to encoding complexity of 259 (based on generating all three parity strips, I, II and III). This represents long decoding paths when there are three erasures.

Fig. 11
figure 11

Decoding computational complexity of case 3

Again, Table 7a and b present the overhead of calculating decoding paths in one stripe of a (k, 3) STAR Code, with blocksize set to 1 KB and 2 KB, respectively, on two platforms. k varies from 5 to 17 too. The results again show that, on both platforms, pure time of computing decoding paths in three-erasure case consumes 11–97% of the total decoding time. Particularly, for smaller ks (i.e., \(k \le 8\)), it can hold over 26% to even 97% of total time computing decoding paths.

Table 7 Overhead of computing decoding paths of case 3, on two platforms (\(t_c\), \(t_d\) are in unit of \(\upmu\)s)

Cached Decoding Path Method

An erasure code system usually involves hundreds or even thousands of stripes. Therefore, with the observation from Tables 46, and 7 above, it is more than apparent that computing decoding paths results in considerable overhead for overall decoding operation, particularly when k is relatively small (i.e., \(k \le 8\)).

However, erasure occurs per single data/parity unit. This means, when erasures occur, all stripes share the same erasure pattern, which further leads to the same decoding paths for data recovery. In our toy example of a (5,3) STAR Code, if one erasure occurs on data unit I, erasure pattern (\(\{D_0\}\) here) in every stripe is the same. Thus, decoding path of the same packet in different stripes remains the same (e.g., packet \(D_{0,0}\) in every stripe has the same decoding path of \(\{D_{1,0}, D_{2,0}, D_{3,0}, D_{4,0},C_{0,0}\}\)).

With this observation, it is redundant and unnecessary to calculate decoding paths for every stripe. We propose the first improvement in our new decoding algorithm: decoding paths of a stripe is calculated only if the erasure pattern of the stripe occurs for the first time. The set of decoding paths then is stored in CPU cache and is reused for stripes with the same erasure pattern. We call this methodology of implementation cached decoding path method. With cached decoding path method, a stripe with duplicated erasure pattern, automatically obtains its decoding paths from cache, and can directly access packets needed without redundant computation overhead.

Strip Rotation

In practical data storage systems, strip rotation is typically applied on storage units [32]. Strip rotation in data storage system provides balanced distribution among all storage units by shifting data loads. Although strip rotation causes the stripes to have different decoding paths, this rotation is periodical. Applying a (km) code in a storage system with N (\(N\ge k+m\)) total units (e.g., disks), the rotation period is N, in which case, stripe \(S_{i}\) and stripe \(S_{i+N}\) share the same erasure pattern. In other words, there are at most N different sets of decoding paths to be computed and cached. Real data storage systems usually consist of hundreds or even thousands of stripes, while N is relatively small (e.g., \(N\le 24\)). Therefore, with cached decoding path method, numerous computations of decoding paths can still be avoided and thus, resulting in more efficient decoding.

Figure 12 presents a simple strip rotation example of a (km) erasure code in a storage system with N (\(N\ge k+m\)) storage units in total. Each row represents one stripe, while each column represents one storage unit. The units containing the EC strips are marked as red, and the yellow labels all other idle units. Rotation starts from the second stripe \(S_1\), in which all strips are right-shifted by one position, so that the first data strip \(D_0\) is stored on the second storage unit, the second data strip \(D_1\) is stored on the third storage unit, etc. Similarly, in the third stripe, the third storage unit stores data strip \(D_0\), etc.

Fig. 12
figure 12

Rotation example of a (km) Code

Since there are in total N strips in each stripe, there can be at most N shifts before the strips return to the original positions (e.g., stripe \(S_0\) and stripe \(S_N\) are the same), and consequently, share the same erasure pattern. In this situation, up to N sets of decoding paths (i.e., decoding paths of \(S_0, S_1, \ldots S_N\)) need to be computed and cached, which all other stripes can benefit and directly take advantage of.

A New Decoding Algorithm

Once the decoding paths are calculated, the rest of decoding process becomes the same as encoding process. The remaining task is to simply reconstruct all missing packets by applying XOR-operations among the needed packets according to the decoding paths. In this section, we optimize this decoding procedure.

To simplify illustrations, we use one stripe of a (3, 3) STAR Code, with each packet consisting of two machine words (i.e., 2  bytes), as a toy example, throughout this section. Figure 13 presents this toy example.

Fig. 13
figure 13

Toy example of a (3,3) STAR Code

XOR-Scheduling Algorithms

Though the order of XOR-operations does not affect correctness when reconstructing one packet with a particular decoding path, it does affect cache use and thus, decoding time, when applied on a serial of different packets. This is because their decoding paths overlap with each other. Often some packets appear multiple times in related decoding paths, and later are accessed multiple times. The order of accessing these duplicated packets makes a great difference in general encoding performance by utilizing caches differently [19, 20]. An algorithm to optimize this particular accessing order is called XOR-scheduling algorithm. In this subsection, we introduce and evaluate different XOR-scheduling algorithms for decoding operation.

There are typically four different XOR-scheduling algorithms for encoding operation [19], namely, Parity Packet Guided (PPG), Parity Words Guided (PWG), Data Packet Guided (DPG) and Data Words Guided (DWG) XOR-scheduling algorithms [19]. Among the four algorithms, PPG XOR-scheduling algorithm is known as the conventional algorithm, which has been mostly used. However, from the testing results in [19] and [20], the DWG XOR-scheduling algorithm provides better encoding performance, and this improvement cannot be achieved by a general compiler.

Based on results in [19, 20], we propose two XOR-scheduling algorithms for decoding operation: Erasure Packet Guided (EPG) and Surviving Words Guided (SWG) XOR-scheduling algorithm. We first give a set of definitions on Erasure/Surviving Strip:

Definition 7

In one stripe of a (km) Code consisting of a set of strips \(D=\{D_0, \ldots , D_{k+m-1}\}\), with x\((0 \le x\le m)\) erasures occurring on a subset of strips \(X=\{D_{y_0}, D_{y_1}, \ldots , D_{y_{x-1}}\} \subsetneq D\)\((0 \le y_0 \le y_1 \le \cdots \le y_{x-1} \le k+m-1)\), the set of strips with erasures (X) is called erasure strips (or erasure columns), the set of the rest strips (\(D-X\)) is called surviving strips (or surviving columns).

Let us observe a two erasure case in our toy example presented in Fig. 14, where erasure occurs on \(D_0\) and \(D_1\). In this case, \(D_0\), \(D_1\) become the erasure strips \(E_0\) and \(E_1\) (marked as red), all other strips from \(D_2\) to \(C_2\) are known as the Surviving Strips, labeled as \(S_0\) to \(S_3\).

Fig. 14
figure 14

Two-erasure case in toy example

In addition, we define Erasure/Surviving Packet:

Definition 8

An individual packet \(E_{i,j}\) within an erasure strip \(E_{i}\) is called an Erasure Packet. Obviously, for an erasure strip consisting of r erasure packets, we have \(E_{i} = \{E_{i,0}, E_{i,1}, \ldots , E_{i,r-1}\}\). Similarly, a packet \(S_{i,j}\) within a surviving strip \(S_{i}\) is called a Surviving Packet. For a surviving strip consisting of r surviving packets, we have \(S_{i} = \{S_{i,0}, S_{i,1}, \ldots , S_{i,r-1}\}\).

In our toy example, \(E_{0,0}, E_{0,1}, E_{1,0}, E_{1,1}\) are erasure packets, while \(S_{0,0}, S_{0,1}, \ldots , S_{3,1}\) are called surviving packets. Based on structure of STAR Code [12], we can easily have decoding paths of erasure packets, as shown in Table 8. Apparently, decoding paths of those packets overlap, since packets, such as \(S_{0,1}\) and \(S_{1,0}\), appear multiple times.

Table 8 Decoding paths of erasure packets in toy example

Furthermore, we give definitions of Erasure/Surviving Word:

Definition 9

An individual machine word \(e_{[i,j],t}\) within an erasure packet \(E_{i,j}\) is called erasure word, so that \(E_{i,j} = \{e_{[i,j],0}, e_{[i,j],1}, \ldots , e_{[i,j],num-1}\}\) (num indicates number of machine words in a single packet, \({ {\rm num}}=\frac{ {\rm packetsize}}{ {\rm wordsize}}\)). Similarly, a machine word \(s_{[i,j],t}\) within a surviving packet \(S_{i,j}\) is called surviving word, so that \(S_{i,j} = \{s_{[i,j],0}, s_{[i,j],1}, \ldots , s_{[i,j],{{\rm num}}-1}\}\) (\({{\rm num}}=\frac{{\rm packetsize}}{{\rm wordsize}}\)).

Since each packet consists of two machine words (2  bytes) in our toy example, erasure packet \(E_{0,0} = \{e_{[0,0],0}, e_{[0,0],1}\}\), in which \(e_{[0,0],0}\) and \(e_{[0,0],1}\) are called erasure words. On the other hand, surviving packet \(S_{0,0} = \{s_{[0,0],0}, s_{[0,0],1}\}\), in which \(s_{[0,0],0}\) and \(s_{[0,0],1}\) are called surviving words.

Finally, we introduce Erasure Packet Guided (EPG) and Surviving Words Guided (SWG) XOR-scheduling algorithms described in Algorithm 1 and 2, respectively:

figure a
figure b

The EPG XOR-scheduling is intuitive to implement and is commonly used, which we call the conventional or traditional XOR-scheduling. The basic principle is to focus on each erasure packet and try to finish reconstructing one erasure packet before moving to the next one. A detailed procedure of EPG in our toy example is presented in Fig. 15a, from which it is obvious that each erasure packet from \(E_{0,0}\) to \(E_{1,1}\) are decoded sequentially. First, all packets needed, according to \(E_{0,0}\)’s decoding path, are collected and used to produce \(E_{0,0}\), and then \(E_{0,1}\), \(E_{1,0}\), etc., until all packets are decoded.

On the other hand, the SWG XOR-scheduling is called the new XOR-scheduling. It takes advantage of results from [19], in which it is shown to be more efficient. In contrast to EPG, SWG focuses on each surviving word, and tries to make the most of a single surviving word by XOR-ing it to erasure words of the erasure packets whose decoding path contains the relevant surviving packet. Figure 15b shows a concrete decoding process for our toy example code, in which surviving word \(s_{[0,0],0}\) is first XOR-ed with erasure words \(e_{[0,0],0}\), \(e_{[1,0],0}\), \(e_{[1,1],0}\), since \(E_{0,0}\), \(E_{1,0}\), \(E_{1,1}\) all have \(S_{0,0}\) in their decoding paths. Surviving word \(s_{[0,0],1}\) is used next, following with \(s_{[0,1],1}, \ldots , s_{[2,1],1}\) sequentially, until all packets are decoded.

Fig. 15
figure 15

EPG and SWG XOR-scheduling algorithms in our toy example

EPG XOR-scheduling accesses each machine word (byte) in each packet in a logically sequential way. It thus provides a good spatial locality by having small memory distance between the data in a series of accesses [19]. On the other hand, SWG XOR-scheduling performs the XOR iteration at machine word level (e.g., per each byte of a packet), and improves temporal locality of \(s_{[j,i],t}\). This provides short time period between two consecutive accesses to the same data [19], but decreases some spatial locality of both \(e_{[u,v],t}\) and \(s_{[j,i],t}\). In practical systems, the number of erasure strips is usually small (\(\le 3\)), comparing to the number of surviving strips (e.g., \(\ge 10\) with \(k=10\)), so the loss of spatial locality of \(s_{[j,i],t}\) is observed to be minor than the gain from temporal locality of \(s_{[j,i],t}\). Thus, in general, the overall locality is better using the SWG XOR-scheduling algorithm [19].

Caching Decoding Path

Using the cached decoding path method introduced in Sect. 4.3, total amount of XOR-operations is minimized by avoiding redundant calculation of numerous decoding paths. Now we discuss how to cache decoding paths efficiently. Our STAR library is currently written in C, within which, a Decoding Table is used and stores the decoding paths of erasure patterns. Decoding Table is implemented by a 3-D Linklist data structure. Programming-wise, three structs are declared to fulfill the data structure, as presented below:

figure c

Note that, though an erasure code is structured as a 2-D array, it is implemented by a 1-D array in programming since most application data is stored in a 1-D buffer. Thus, in terms of code, the index of a packet is represented by one single integer, e.g., in our toy example shown in Fig. 14, indexes of \(D_{0,0}\),\(D_{0,1}\) are 0, 1, respectively.

A Pattern node indicates an erasure pattern for a set of decoding paths. int * erasure_pattern is an integer array, of which each element (i.e., an integer) marks the index of a strip that is in the erasure pattern. A Key node stores the a surviving packet \(p_x\), whose index is represented by int \(k\_idx\). A de_packet node stores an erasure packet that has \(p_x\) in its decoding path, whose index is marked by int \(p\_idx\). Note that this structure is designed to optimize SWG XOR-scheduling algorithm for decoding. Obviously, the size of strcut pattern, struct key and struct de_packet are 8 B, 12 B and 8 B, respectively, in C.

In practical decoding situations, parameters such as k, m and the erasure pattern are known, when building the Decoding Table, values of each strip in * erasure_pattern can be easily calculated: if it is a data strip, the index is simply its strip index; if it is a parity strip, the index is its strip index plus k, e.g., in our toy example shown in Fig. 14, indexes of strip \(D_0,D_1,D_2,C_0,C_1,C_2\) are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, respectively. Since there is only one erasure pattern in this case, the Decoding Table consists of only one Pattern node. As the erasure pattern is \(\{D_0,D_1\}\), Pattern.erasure_pattern=\(\{0,1\}\). Pattern.first_key points to surviving packet \(S_{0,0}\), which is linked with erasure packets \(E_{0,1},E_{1,0},E_{1,1}\). The second Key \(S_{0,1}\) is linked with \(E_{0,0},E_{0,1},E_{1,0}\), etc.

Fig. 16
figure 16

Decoding table data structure

When decoding is performed, one stripe \(ST_i\) with erasure pattern \(EP_i\) accesses the first Pattern node (Pattern1) in Decoding Table. If two erasure patterns match, i.e., \({\text{EP}}_{i} = {\text{Pattern}}1.{\text{erasure}}\_{\text{pattern}}\), the first Key node (Key1) is accessed, from which a list of de_packets are traversed. After XOR-operations are applied among those packets, the second Key (Key2) is accessed, etc. In this way, \(ST_i\) is reconstructed. This process is shown in Fig. 16. As discussed in Sect. 4.4, in practical systems, strip rotation is often applied. For a storage system with N units (disks), the rotation period is at most N, in which case, N sets of decoding paths need to be cached, resulting in N Pattern nodes in the Decoding Table. Since N is relatively small (e.g., \(\le 24\)), a simple linear search of all Pattern nodes for a matching erasure pattern is efficient enough. Other multiple erasure patterns can be handled similarly.

An erasure pattern depends on both k and number of erasures. As discussed in Sect. 4.2, for a (km) Code, the maximum number of all possible erasure patterns is given as \(C^{k+m}_{1}\), \(C^{k+m}_{2}\), \(C^{k+m}_{3}\), for one-erasure, two-erasure and three-erasure case, respectively. Typically, erasure patterns are different, each of which produces a different set of decoding paths.

In our toy example presented in Fig. 13, there are \(C^{6}_{2}=15\) possible erasure patterns with two erasures. Erasure pattern of \(\{D_0, D_1\}\) makes it the worst case scenario. With the decoding paths given in Table 8, the size of the Decoding Table generated is 224 (\(8 B + 12 B \times 6 + 8 B \times 18\)) bytes, which is stored in CPU cache. To store decoding paths of all possible erasure patterns (i.e., 15 Pattern nodes), it needs at most \(224 \hbox {B} \times 15 = 3360 \hbox {B}\). Therefore, considering strip rotation situations, if we cache decoding paths of all possible erasure patterns, the total size of Decoding Table is at most 3360B timesN; on the other hand, if we cache decoding paths of only one erasure pattern, total size of the Decoding Table is at most 224B \(\times\)N. In practice, \(N \le 24\), thus, with the former method, the Decoding Table needs at most 79 KB of cache size, while with the latter method, roughly 5 KB of cache is required.

Obviously, the latter method is better than the former, because it avoids a waste of cache and redundant computation as well as search time for matching erasure pattern, by storing decoding paths of only one erasure pattern. Nowadays, most CPUs provide over 512 KB of L-1 cache, which is enough for storing Decoding Table with a single erasure pattern.

With all the techniques discussed above, Algorithm 3 describes the caching decoding path algorithm we use to fulfill the cached decoding path method. Basically, if the erasure pattern of a stripe is found in a Pattern node in the cached Decoding Table, the algorithm goes through the list and gets the decoding paths by accessing indexes in each Key and every de_packet linked with it.

figure d

A New Decoding Algorithm

We finally introduce our New Decoding Algorithm, with which, both cached decoding path method and SWG XOR-scheduling algorithm are used, as described in Algorithm 4:

figure e

In comparison, if the decoding implementation includes no cached decoding path method, and uses EPG XOR-scheduling algorithm, we call it a Traditional Decoding Algorithm (or conventional decoding algorithm), as described in Algorithm 5:

figure f

Performance Evaluation

In this section, we present experimental measurements to show the performance improvement in decoding brought by the new decoding algorithm for XOR-based codes. As mentioned in Sects. 1 and 2, we use STAR Code as a representative of XOR-based code for performance evaluation. Two versions of STAR Code libraries are implemented: with one using the new decoding algorithm, yet the other one using traditional decoding algorithm introduced in Sect. 5. The platform configurations are described in Sect. 3.

Typically, decoding performance of STAR Code is influenced by many factors, such as blocksize, k and total number of stripes [6, 7]. In this section, we first discuss the size of cache used by implementing the new decoding algorithm, then present two sets of experiment measurement results based on different blocksize and k, respectively.

Practical Cache Size

Fig. 17
figure 17

Average cache size

In this subsection, we discuss the practical feasibility of the new decoding algorithm by analysing the usage of cache. The data structure and implementation are introduced with more details in Sect. 5.2. Figure 17a and b showcase the average size of cache used to store the decoding path in the two sets of tests, which are derived from practical implementation experiments. Note that in the first set of tests over blocksize, we consistently set \(k=10\), and in the second set over k, blocksize is set to 1 KB.

As shown in Fig. 17, the usage of cache is not influenced by blocksize and grows as k increases. Even with relatively large number of storage units (e.g., \(k=17\)), the used cache size is at most 4 KB for two-erasure case, and 11 KB for three-erasure case. In a more general case (e.g., \(k=10\)), around 3 KB and 6 KB is consumed in cache for two-erasure case and three-erasure case, respectively. Since most modern CPUs provide L-1 cache of more than 512 KB, this can be easily supported.


In the first set of experiments, we choose blocksize from 16 B to 4 KB, while keeping k equal to 10. As introduced in Sect. 2, the prime number p required for STAR Code is set to 17 consistently throughout this subsection. All experiments are conducted with 1000 and 2000 stripes, respectively. Scenarios of decoding two-erasure case and three-erasure case are tested separately. Decoding one-erasure case is omitted, since it is purely re-encoding as discussed in Sect. 4.2.1. The results are displayed in Fig. 18. The x-axis represents blocksize, and y-axis marks the decoding speed (in unit of GB/s). The two lines on each graph, respectively, represent decoding speed of STAR library with new decoding algorithm and STAR library with traditional decoding algorithm.

Fig. 18
figure 18

Improvement from new decoding algorithm in STAR Code for different blocksize

Results on both platforms consistently indicate that decoding speed is increased by around 10–50% with the new decoding algorithm, compared with traditional decoding algorithm. This boost is more obvious with the three-erasure case than the two-erasure case, since in three-erasure case, the decoding paths size is larger with higher decoding computational complexity. Thus, having cached decoding path method avoids a high load of redundant decoding path computations. On the other hand, with more stripes (2000 over 1000), more obvious improvement is achieved, since more stripes lead to more redundant operations being avoided apparently.


Next, we test impact of new decoding algorithm for various k. In this set of experiments, we keep blocksize s 1 KB and 2 KB, respectively, and change k from 6 to 17 (\(p=17\) constantly). All experiments are executed with 1000 stripes. The results are shown below in Fig. 19. The x-axis represents k, and y-axis marks the decoding speed (in unit of GB/s). The two lines on each graph, respectively, represent decoding speed of STAR library with new decoding algorithm and STAR library with traditional decoding algorithm.

Fig. 19
figure 19

Improvement from new decoding algorithm in STAR Code for different k

It can be observed consistently from results on both platforms that integrating new decoding algorithm improves the general decoding performance by roughly 10–50%. Similar to the observation in Sect. 6.2, three-erasure case, which needs more computation in deciding decoding paths, brings greater improvement to the decoding performance, comparing to two-erasure case. Moreover, greater improvement is achieved with more stripes (2000 over 1000) as well. This is because with more stripes, more redundant computation of decoding paths is avoided.

Conclusions and Future Work

This paper proposes a new decoding algorithm, to improve decoding performance of XOR-based erasure codes. Decoding speed of a XOR-based erasure code is typically impacted by two factors: decoding computational complexity and cache behavior. Based on these two factors, this paper:

  1. 1.

    studies the cached decoding path method with which decoding performance can be improved by avoiding redundant computation of decoding paths in various stripes. This cached decoding path method has been utilized by STAR code and can be further adapted by other XOR-based codes;

  2. 2.

    Observes different erasure patterns as well as how the size of decoding paths stored impacts CPU cache with general strip rotation, and then designs a data structure to store decoding paths in CPU. This observation enhances practical utilization of the cached decoding path method so that it reduces both the occupied cache size and unnecessary computation;

  3. 3.

    Extends research in [19] and [20], in which encoding performance is optimized using a more cache-efficient XOR-scheduling algorithm. This paper proposes a similar XOR-scheduling technique to improve decoding performance using cache efficiently as well;

  4. 4.

    Combines both the cached decoding path method and the SWG XOR-scheduling algorithm to derive a new decoding algorithm for XOR-based erasure codes. The new decoding algorithm is implemented into STAR code, and different sets of experiments on two platforms are conducted in Sect. 6. Results on both platforms consistently indicate that, with the new decoding algorithm, decoding speed of STAR Code is improved considerably by 10–50%.

The purpose of this paper is to combine the efficient XOR scheduling and caching technique and propose a new decoding algorithm for XOR-based erasure codes, which can be readily implemented by data storage practitioners to improve the decoding performance for their systems or applications. Due to the limitation of time and equipment in our lab, the evaluation of the proposal is currently based on STAR code. However, the new decoding algorithm can be readily applied to other XOR-based codes since the principle is clear and adaptable, though some minor modifications are needed. Thus, from the consistent results shown in this paper, we can reasonably expect similar results for other XOR-based codes. Data storage practitioners and researchers are also welcomed to share their evaluation results with us.

In the future, we intend to implement into other XOR-based codes, such as RDP Code and SD Code, to benchmark the performance improvement, and we plan to separately evaluate the impact from the caching technique and the SWG scheduling on those codes. We also plan to explore the feasibility of the new decoding algorithm on Reed-Solomon Code, by integrating the proposal into practical libraries such as Jerasure and Intel’s ISA-L. Since both of those libraries use an inverted Vandermonde matrix to decode, the new decoding algorithm can be applied with some modifications. In the meantime, we look forward to results from other researchers and storage system practitioners by adopting this new decoding algorithm in their systems and applications.