1 Introduction

Many real matching markets are subject to distributional constraints. For example, under the “regional cap” policy in Japanese medical residency matching, each region of the country is subject to a regional cap. That is, each region is assigned an upper-bound constraint on the total number of residents placed in the region. This policy was introduced to regulate the geographical distribution of doctors, which was considered to be concentrated too heavily in urban areas at the expense of rural areas. Measures that are mathematically isomorphic to the regional cap policy can be found in a wide range of contexts, such as graduate school admission in China, college admission in several European countries, residency match in the UK, and teacher assignment in Scotland.Footnote 1

Motivated by these real-life examples, Kamada and Kojima (2015) study the design of matching markets under distributional constraints. As standard stability may conflict with distributional constraints, they propose a relaxed stability concept. They show that existing mechanisms result in instability and inefficiency and offer a mechanism that finds a stable and efficient matching and is (group) strategy-proof for doctors while respecting the distributional constraints.

A major limitation of that paper, though, is that their stability concept is closely tailored to a particular governmental goal to equalize the numbers of doctors across hospitals beyond target capacities. Although such a goal may be appealing in some contexts as a first-order concern, it may not be appropriate in other applications because hospital capacities in a given region may vary wildly. For example, the maximum and the minimum capacities of hospitals in Tokyo are 69 and 2, respectively (see Fig. 1). For public elementary schools in Boston, the maximum and the minimum capacities of schools are 871 and 165, respectively (see Fig. 2).Footnote 2 In such cases, it may be more appropriate to equalize the ratio between the numbers of doctors (beyond the targets) and the capacities across hospitals.

Fig. 1
figure 1

The data are taken from Japan Residency Matching Program (2013)

The hospital capacities in Tokyo.

Fig. 2
figure 2

The data are taken from Boston Public Schools (2013)

The school capacities in public elementary schools in Boston.

There may be other reasonable policy goals as well. For instance, the government may wish to give a priority to some hospitals within a region over others for a variety of reasons.Footnote 3 Thus, it is clear from these examples that focusing on a particular policy goal limits the practical applicability of the model of Kamada and Kojima (2015).Footnote 4

To accommodate a wide range of policy goals, we offer a model in which each region is endowed with “regional preferences” over distributions of doctors within the region. The idea behind this modeling approach is to express policy goals as regional preferences, and accommodate different types of policy goals by changing regional preferences.Footnote 5 Then, we define a stability concept that takes the regional preferences into account. A result by Kamada and Kojima (2018) implies that, under some regularity conditions, their flexible deferred acceptance mechanism finds a stable (and efficient) matching and it is group strategy-proof for doctors.

This paper offers three sets of results. First, we show that the stability notion of Kamada and Kojima (2015) is a special case of our stability concept. More specifically, their concept is a case of our stability notion in which the regional preferences satisfy a condition called the “Rawlsian” property. Moreover, when the regional preferences are Rawlsian, our flexible deferred acceptance mechanism reduces to the mechanism of Kamada and Kojima (2015). Thus, we establish the main results of Kamada and Kojima (2015) as a special case.

Second, we formalize a wide range of policy goals to demonstrate that they can be described by our regional preferences. Consequently, we establish that the corresponding flexible deferred acceptance mechanisms find a stable matching with respect to those regional preferences.

Third, we prove several policy-relevant comparative statics results. Among other things, we compare a mechanism currently used in Japan with the flexible deferred acceptance mechanism and establish that all doctors are weakly better off under the latter mechanism. Still, we also establish that all doctors are weakly worse off under the flexible deferred acceptance mechanism than under the unconstrained deferred acceptance mechanism. We note that we obtain all of our comparative statics results as straightforward corollaries of a single new comparative statics result.Footnote 6

The rest of this paper proceeds as follows. In Sect. 2, we present the model. Section 3 states preliminary result. In Sect. 4, we offer our analysis. Section 5 concludes. Proofs are in the Appendix unless noted otherwise.

2 Model

This section introduces a model of matching under distributional constraints. We describe the model in terms of matching between doctors and hospitals with “regional caps,” that is, upper bounds on the number of doctors that can be matched to hospitals in each region. However, the model is applicable to various other situations in and out of the residency matching context. Concrete applications include Chinese graduate school admission, UK medical matching, Scottish teacher matching, and college admissions in Ukraine and Hungary.Footnote 7

Our notation and terminology closely follow those of Kamada and Kojima (2015, 2018).

2.1 Preliminary definitions

Let there be a finite set of doctors D and a finite set of hospitals H. Each doctor d has a strict preference relation \(\succ _d\) over the set of hospitals and being unmatched (being unmatched is denoted by \(\emptyset\)). For any \(h, h' \in H \cup \{\emptyset \}\), we write \(h \succeq _d h'\) if and only if \(h \succ _d h'\) or \(h = h'\). Each hospital h has a strict preference relation \(\succ _h\) over the set of subsets of doctors. For any \(D', D'' \subseteq D\), we write \(D' \succeq _h D''\) if and only if \(D' \succ _h D''\) or \(D' = D''\). We denote by \(\succ =(\succ _i)_{i\in D\cup H}\) the preference profile of all doctors and hospitals.

Each hospital \(h\in H\) is endowed with a (physical) capacity\(q_{h}\), which is a nonnegative integer. We say that preference relation \(\succ _{h}\) is responsive with capacity\(q_{h}\) (Roth 1985) if

  1. 1.

    For any \(D' \subseteq D\) with \(|D'| \le q_h\), \(d \in D \setminus D'\) and \(d' \in D'\), \((D' \cup d) \setminus d' \succeq _h D'\) if and only if \(d \succeq _h d'\),

  2. 2.

    For any \(D' \subseteq D\) with \(|D'| \le q_h\) and \(d' \in D'\), \(D' \succeq _h D' \setminus d'\) if and only if \(d' \succeq _h \emptyset\), and

  3. 3.

    \(\emptyset \succ _h D'\) for any \(D' \subseteq D\) with \(|D'| > q_h\).

In words, preference relation \(\succ _h\) is responsive with a capacity if the ranking of a doctor (or keeping a position vacant) is independent of her colleagues, and any set of doctors exceeding its capacity is less preferred to the outside option. We assume that preferences of each hospital h are responsive with capacity \(q_h\) throughout the paper.

Doctor d is said to be acceptable to hospital h if \(d \succ _h \emptyset\).Footnote 8 Similarly, h is acceptable to d if \(h \succ _d \emptyset\). It will turn out that only rankings of acceptable partners matter for our analysis, so we often write only acceptable partners to denote preferences. For example,

$${\succ _{d}}: h,h'$$

means that hospital h is the most preferred, \(h'\) is the second most preferred, and h and \(h'\) are the only acceptable hospitals under preferences \(\succ _d\) of doctor d.

There is a finite set R which we call the set of regions. The set of hospitals H is partitioned into hospitals in different regions, that is, \(H_r \cap H_{r'}=\emptyset {\text { if }}r \ne r'\) and \(H=\cup _{r \in R} H_r\) , where \(H_r\) denotes the set of hospitals in region \(r \in R\). For each \(h \in H\), let r(h) denote the region r such that \(h \in H_{r}\). For each region \(r \in R\), there is a regional cap\(q_r\), which is a nonnegative integer.

A matching\(\mu\) is a mapping from \(D\cup H\), where we write “\(\mu _i\)” for “\(\mu (i)\)” for each \(i\in D\cup H\). This mapping satisfies (i) \(\mu _d\in H \cup \{\emptyset \}\) for all \(d\in D\), (ii) \(\mu _h\subseteq D\) for all \(h\in H\), and (iii) for any \(d \in D\) and \(h \in H\), \(\mu _d=h\) if and only if \(d \in \mu _h\). That is, a matching simply specifies which doctor is assigned to which hospital (if any). A matching is feasible if \(|\mu _{r}| \le q_r\) for all \(r \in R\), where \(\mu _{r}=\cup _{h \in H_r} \mu _h\). In other words, feasibility requires that the regional cap for every region is satisfied. This requirement distinguishes the current environment from the standard model without regional caps: We allow for (though do not require) \(q_r < \sum _{h \in H_r}q_h\), that is, the regional cap can be smaller than the sum of hospital capacities in the region.

To accommodate the regional caps, we introduce a concept that generalizes the standard stability notion. For that purpose, we first define two basic concepts. A matching \(\mu\) is individually rational if (i) for each \(d \in D\), \(\mu _d \succeq _d \emptyset\), and (ii) for each \(h \in H\), \(d \succeq _h \emptyset\) for all \(d \in \mu _h\), and \(|\mu _h| \le q_h\). That is, no agent is matched with an unacceptable partner and each hospital’s capacity is respected.

Given matching \(\mu\), a pair (dh) of a doctor and a hospital is called a blocking pair if \(h \succ _d \mu _d\) and either (i) \(|\mu _h|<q_h\) and \(d \succ _h \emptyset\), or (ii) \(d \succ _h d'\) for some \(d' \in \mu _h\). In words, a blocking pair is a pair of a doctor and a hospital who want to be matched with each other (possibly rejecting their partners in the prescribed matching) rather than following the proposed matching.

When there are no binding regional caps (in the sense that \(q_r > \sum _{h \in H_r}q_h\) for every \(r\in R\)), a matching is said to be stable if it is individually rational and there is no blocking pair. Gale and Shapley (1962) show that there exists a stable matching in that setting. In the presence of binding regional caps, however, there may be no such matching that is feasible (in the sense that all regional caps are respected). Thus, in some cases every feasible and individually rational matching may admit a blocking pair.

A mechanism\(\varphi\) is a function that maps preference profiles to matchings. The matching under \(\varphi\) at preference profile \(\succ\) is denoted \(\varphi (\succ )\) and agent i’s match is denoted by \(\varphi _i(\succ )\) for each \(i\in D\cup H\).

A mechanism \(\varphi\) is said to be strategy-proof for doctors if there does not exist a preference profile \(\succ\), a doctor \(d \in D\), and preferences \(\succ '_{d}\) of doctor d such that \(\varphi _d(\succ _d',\succ _{-d}) \succ _d \varphi _d(\succ )\). A mechanism \(\varphi\) is said to be group strategy-proof for doctors if there is no preference profile \(\succ\), a subset of doctors \(D'\subseteq D\), and a preference profile \((\succ '_{d'})_{d' \in D'}\) of doctors in \(D'\) such that

$$\begin{aligned} \varphi _d((\succ '_{d'})_{d' \in D'},(\succ _i)_{i\in D\cup H\setminus D'}) \succ _d \varphi _d(\succ ) {\text { for all }}d \in D'. \end{aligned}$$

That is, no subset of doctors can jointly misreport their preferences to receive a strictly preferred outcome for every member of the coalition under the mechanism.

As this paper analyzes the effect of regional caps in matching markets, it is useful to compare it with the standard matching model without regional caps. Gale and Shapley (1962) consider a matching model without any binding regional cap, which corresponds to a special case of our model in which \(q_r > \sum _{h \in H_r}q_h\) for every \(r \in R\). In that model, they propose the following (doctor-proposing) deferred acceptance algorithm:

  • Step 1: Each doctor applies to her first choice hospital. Each hospital rejects the lowest-ranking doctors in excess of its capacity and all unacceptable doctors among those who applied to it, keeping the rest of the doctors temporarily (so doctors not rejected at this step may be rejected in later steps).

In general,

  • Step t: Each doctor who was rejected in Step \((t-1)\) applies to her next highest choice (if any). Each hospital considers these doctors and doctors who are temporarily held from the previous step together and rejects the lowest-ranking doctors in excess of its capacity and all unacceptable doctors, keeping the rest of the doctors temporarily (so doctors not rejected at this step may be rejected in later steps).

The algorithm terminates at a step in which no rejection occurs. The algorithm always terminates in a finite number of steps. Gale and Shapley (1962) show that the resulting matching is stable in the standard matching model without any binding regional cap.

Even though there exists no strategy-proof mechanism that produces a stable matching for all possible inputs, the deferred acceptance mechanism is (group) strategy-proof for doctors (Dubins and Freedman 1981; Roth 1982). This result has been extended by many subsequent studies, suggesting that the incentive compatibility of the mechanism is quite robust and general.Footnote 9

Kamada and Kojima (2015) present examples that show that a simple adaptation of the deferred acceptance mechanism results in inefficiency and instability. Motivated by this problem, the current paper presents a theory of stable matching under distributional constraints in the subsequent sections.

2.2 Model with regional preferences

Let regional preferences\(\succeq _r\) be a weak ordering over nonnegative-valued integer vectors \(W_r:=\{w=(w_h)_{h \in H_r}| w_h \in {\mathbb {Z}}_+\}\). That is, \(\succeq _r\) is a binary relation that is complete and transitive (but not necessarily antisymmetric). We write \(w \succ _r w'\) if and only if \(w \succeq _r w'\) holds but \(w' \succeq _r w\) does not. Vectors such as w and \(w'\) are interpreted to be supplies of acceptable doctors to the hospitals in region r, but they only specify how many acceptable doctors apply to each hospital and no information is given as to who these doctors are. Given \(\succeq _r\), a function \(\tilde{\text {Ch}}_r: W_r \rightarrow W_r\) is an associated quasi choice rule if \(\tilde{\text {Ch}}_r(w) \in \mathop {\hbox {arg max}}\nolimits _{\succeq _r} \{w'| w' \le w\}\) for any non-negative integer vector \(w=(w_h)_{h \in H_r}\).Footnote 10 We require that the quasi choice rule \(\tilde{\text {Ch}}_r\) be consistent, that is, \(\tilde{\text {Ch}}_r(w) \le w' \le w \Rightarrow \tilde{\text {Ch}}_r(w')=\tilde{\text {Ch}}_r(w)\).Footnote 11 This condition requires that, if \(\tilde{\text {Ch}}_r(w)\) is chosen at w and the supply decreases to \(w' \le w\) but \(\tilde{\text {Ch}}_r(w)\) is still available under \(w'\), then the same choice \(\tilde{\text {Ch}}_r(w)\) should be made under \(w'\) as well. Note that there may be more than one quasi choice rule associated with a given weak ordering \(\succeq _r\) because the set \(\mathop {\hbox {arg max}}\nolimits _{\succeq _r} \{w'| w' \le w\}\) may not be a singleton for some \(\succeq _r\) and w. Note also that there always exists a consistent quasi choice rule.Footnote 12 We assume that the regional preferences \(\succeq _r\) satisfy the following mild regularity conditions:

  1. 1.

    \(w' \succ _r w\) if \(w_h > q_h \ge w'_h\) for some \(h \in H_r\) and \(w'_{h'}=w_{h'}\) for all \(h' \ne h\).

    This property says that the region desires no hospital to be forced to be assigned more doctors than its real capacity. This condition implies that, for any w, the component \([\tilde{\text {Ch}}_r(w)]_h\) of \(\tilde{\text {Ch}}_r(w)\) for h satisfies \([\tilde{\text {Ch}}_r(w)]_h \le q_h\) for each \(h \in H_r\), that is, the capacity constraint for each hospital is respected by the (quasi) choice of the region.

  2. 2.

    \(w' \succ _r w\) if \(\sum _{h \in H_r} w_h > q_r \ge \sum _{h \in H_r} w'_h\).

    This property simply says that region r prefers the total number of doctors in the region to be at most its regional cap. This condition implies that \(\sum _{h \in H_r}(\tilde{\text {Ch}}_r(w))_h \le q_r\) for any w, that is, the regional cap is respected by the (quasi) choice of the region.

  3. 3.

    If \(w' \lneq w \le q_{H_r}:=(q_h)_{h \in H_r}\) and \(\sum _{h \in H_r} w_h \le q_r\), then \(w \succ _r w'\).

    This condition formalizes the idea that region r prefers to fill as many positions of hospitals in the region as possible so long as doing so does not lead to a violation of the hospitals’ real capacities or the regional cap. This requirement implies that any associated quasi choice rule is acceptant, that is, for each w, if there exists h such that \([\tilde{\text {Ch}}_r(w)]_h < \min \{q_h,w_h\}\), then \(\sum _{h' \in H_r}[\tilde{\text {Ch}}_r(w)]_{h'}=q_r\).Footnote 13 This captures the idea that the social planner should not waste caps allocated to the region: If some doctor is rejected by a hospital even though she is acceptable to the hospital and the hospital’s capacity is not binding, then the regional cap should be binding.

Definition 1

The regional preferences \(\succeq _r\) are substitutable if there exists an associated quasi choice rule \(\tilde{\text {Ch}}_r\) that satisfies \(w \le w' \Rightarrow \tilde{\text {Ch}}_r(w) \ge \tilde{\text {Ch}}_r(w') \wedge w\).Footnote 14

Notice that the condition in this definition is equivalent to

$$\begin{aligned} w \le w' \Rightarrow [\tilde{\text {Ch}}_r(w)]_h \ge \min \{[\tilde{\text {Ch}}_r(w')]_h, w_h\} \text { for every }h \in H_r. \end{aligned}$$

This condition says that, when the supply of doctors is increased, the number of accepted doctors at a hospital can increase only when the hospital has accepted all acceptable doctors under the original supply profile.Footnote 15 Formally, condition (1) is equivalent to

$$\begin{aligned} w \le w'{ \text { and }} [\tilde{\text {Ch}}_r(w)]_h < [\tilde{\text {Ch}}_r(w')]_h \Rightarrow [\tilde{\text {Ch}}_r(w)]_h =w_h. \end{aligned}$$

To see that condition (1) implies condition (2), suppose that \(w \le w'\) and \([\tilde{\text {Ch}}_r(w)]_h < [\tilde{\text {Ch}}_r(w')]_h\). These assumptions and condition (1) imply \([\tilde{\text {Ch}}_r(w)]_{h} \ge w_{h}.\) Since \([\tilde{\text {Ch}}_r(w)]_h \le w_h\) holds by the definition of \(\tilde{\text {Ch}}_r\), this implies \([\tilde{\text {Ch}}_r(w)]_h =w_h\). To see that condition (2) implies condition (1), suppose that \(w \le w'\). If \([\tilde{\text {Ch}}_r(w)]_h \ge [\tilde{\text {Ch}}_r(w')]_h\), the conclusion of (1) is trivially satisfied. If \([\tilde{\text {Ch}}_r(w)]_h < [\tilde{\text {Ch}}_r(w')]_h\), then condition (2) implies \([\tilde{\text {Ch}}_r(w)]_h =w_h\), thus the conclusion of (1) is satisfied.

Given a profile of regional preferences \((\succeq _r)_{r \in R}\), stability is defined as follows.

Definition 2

A matching \(\mu\) is stable if it is feasible, individually rational, and if (dh) is a blocking pair then (i) \(|\mu _{r(h)}|=q_{r(h)}\), (ii) \(d' \succ _h d\) for all doctors \(d' \in \mu _h\), and

(iii) either \(\mu _d \notin H_{r(h)}\) or \(w \succeq _{r(h)} w'\),

where \(w_{h'}=|\mu _{h'}|\) for all \(h' \in H_{r(h)}\) and \(w'_h=w_h+1\), \(w'_{\mu _d}=w_{\mu _d}-1\) and \(w'_{h'}=w_{h'}\) for all other \(h' \in H_{r(h)}.\)

As stated in the definition, only certain blocking pairs are tolerated under stability. Any blocking pair that may remain is in danger of violating the regional cap since condition (i) implies that the cap for the blocking hospital’s region is currently full, and condition (ii) implies that the only blocking involves filling a vacant position.

There are two possible cases under (iii). The first case implies that the blocking doctor is not currently assigned in the hospital’s region, so the blocking pair violates the regional cap. The second part of condition (iii) considers blocking pairs within a region (note that \(\mu _d\in H_{r(h)}\) holds in the remaining case). It states that if the blocking pair does not improve the doctor distribution in the region with respect to its regional preferences, then it is not regarded as a legitimate block.Footnote 16

The way that regional preferences are determined could depend on the policy goal of the region or the social planner. One possibility for regional preferences, studied in detail by Kamada and Kojima (2015), is to prefer distributions of doctors that have “fewer gaps” from the target capacities; see Sect. 4.1 for detail. Other regional preferences are analyzed in Sect. 4.2.

Clearly, our stability concept reduces to the standard stability concept of Gale and Shapley (1962) if there are no binding regional caps. Kamada and Kojima (2017) show that a stable matching is constrained efficient, i.e., there is no feasible matching \(\mu '\) such that \(\mu _i' \succeq _i \mu _i\) for all \(i \in D \cup H\) and \(\mu _i'\succ _i\mu _i\) for some \(i\in D\cup H\).

3 Preliminaries

This section has two goals. The first goal is to demonstrate that a stable matching exists under our general definition of stability under distributional constraints. The second goal is to show that a stable matching can be found by a mechanism that is strategy-proof for doctors. To achieve these goals, we begin by introducing the following (generalized) flexible deferred acceptance algorithm:

The (Generalized) Flexible Deferred Acceptance Algorithm For each region r, fix an associated quasi choice rule \(\tilde{\text {Ch}}_r\) which satisfies condition (1). Note that the assumption that \(\succeq _r\) is substitutable assures the existence of such a quasi choice rule.

  1. 1.

    Begin with an empty matching, that is, a matching \(\mu\) such that \(\mu _d=\emptyset\) for all \(d \in D\).

  2. 2.

    Choose a doctor d arbitrarily who is currently not tentatively matched to any hospital and who has not applied to all acceptable hospitals yet. If such a doctor does not exist, then terminate the algorithm.

  3. 3.

    Let d apply to the most preferred hospital \({\bar{h}}\) at \(\succ _d\) among the hospitals that have not rejected d so far. If d is unacceptable to \({\bar{h}}\), then reject this doctor and go back to Step 2. Otherwise, let r be the region such that \({\bar{h}} \in H_r\) and define vector \(w=(w_h)_{h \in H_r}\) by (a) \(w_{{\bar{h}}}\) is the number of doctors currently held at \({\bar{h}}\) plus one, and (b) \(w_h\) is the number of doctors currently held at h if \(h \ne {\bar{h}}\).

  4. 4.

    Each hospital \(h \in H_r\) considers the new applicant d (if \(h = {\bar{h}}\)) and doctors who are temporarily held from the previous step together. It holds its \((\tilde{\text {Ch}}_r(w))_h\) most preferred applicants among them temporarily and rejects the rest (so doctors held at this step may be rejected in later steps). Go back to Step 2.

We define the (generalized) flexible deferred acceptance mechanism to be a mechanism that produces, for each input, the matching given at the termination of the above algorithm.

This algorithm is a generalization of the deferred acceptance algorithm of Gale and Shapley (1962) to the model with regional caps. The main differences are found in Steps 3 and 4. Unlike the deferred acceptance algorithm, this algorithm limits the number of doctors (tentatively) matched in each region r at \(q_r\). This results in rationing of doctors across hospitals in the region, and the rationing rule is governed by regional preferences \(\succeq _r\). Clearly, this mechanism coincides with the standard deferred acceptance algorithm if all the regional caps are large enough and hence non-binding.

We take the following result as the starting point of our analysis.

Proposition 0

(A Corollary of Theorem 1 of Kamada and Kojima (2018)) Suppose that\(\succeq _r\)is substitutable for every\(r \in R\). Then, the flexible deferred acceptance algorithm stops in finite steps. The mechanism produces a stable matching for any input and is group strategy-proof for doctors.

This proposition offers a sense in which it is possible to design a desirable mechanism even under distributional constraints and various policy goals. As will be seen in subsequent sections, the class of substitutable regional preferences subsumes the “Rawlsian” regional preferences motivated by a residency matching application (see Sect. 4.1) as well as others (see Sect. 4.2). For each of these cases, the flexible deferred acceptance mechanism finds a stable matching that addresses a given policy goal, while inducing truthful reporting by doctors. Moreover, because stability implies efficiency (Kamada and Kojima 2017), the algorithm produces an efficient matching.

A formal proof for a more general case can be found in Kamada and Kojima (2018), while a proof that is adapted to our present setting is in Appendix 1.Footnote 17 We illustrate a sketch of the proof here.

Our proof strategy is to connect our matching model with constraints to the “matching with contracts” model (Hatfield and Milgrom 2005).Footnote 18 More specifically, given the original matching model under constraints, we define an “associated model,” a hypothetical matching model between doctors and regions instead of doctors and hospitals; In the associated model, we regard each region as a hypothetical consortium of hospitals that acts as one agent. By imagining that a region (hospital consortium) makes a coordinated employment decision, we can account for the fact that acceptance of a doctor by a hospital may depend on doctor applications to other hospitals in the same region, an inevitable feature in markets under distributional constraints. This association necessitates, however, that we distinguish a doctor’s placements in different hospitals in the given region. We account for this complication by defining a region’s choice function over contracts rather than doctors, where a contract specifies a doctor–hospital pair to be matched. We construct such a choice function using two pieces of information: the preferences of all the hospitals in the given region, and regional preferences. The idea is that each hospital’s preferences are used for choosing doctors given the number of allocated slots, while regional preferences are used to regulate slots allocated to different hospitals in the region. In other words, regional preferences trade off multiple hospitals’ desires to accept more doctors, when accepting more is in conflict with the regional cap. With the help of this association, we demonstrate that any stable allocation in the associate model with contracts induces a stable matching in the original model with distributional constraints (Proposition 9).

Once this association is established, with some work we show that the key conditions in the associated model—the substitutes condition and the law of aggregate demand—are satisfied (Proposition 8). This enables us to invoke existing results for matching with contracts, namely that an existing algorithm called the “cumulative offer process” finds a stable allocation, and it is (group) strategy-proof for doctors in the associated model (Hatfield and Milgrom 2005; Hatfield and Kojima 2009; Hatfield and Kominers 2012). Then, we observe that the outcome of the cumulative offer process corresponds to the matching produced by the flexible deferred acceptance algorithm in the original model with constraints (Remark 1). This correspondence establishes that the flexible deferred acceptance mechanism finds a stable matching in the original problem and this algorithm is group strategy-proof for doctors, proving Proposition 0.

The full proof, presented in Appendix 1, formalizes this idea. The proof is somewhat involved because one needs to exercise some care when establishing correspondences between the two models and confirming that a property in one model induces the corresponding property in the other.

4 Results

4.1 Stability in Kamada and Kojima (2015)

In this section, we establish the main result of Kamada and Kojima (2015) by showing that their stability concept can be rewritten using a substitutable regional preferences.

In Kamada and Kojima (2015), there is an exogenously given (government-imposed) nonnegative integer \({\bar{q}}_h \le q_h\) called target capacity, for each hospital h such that \(\sum _{h \in H_r} {\bar{q}}_h \le q_r\) for each region \(r \in R\). Given a profile of target capacities, they define a stability concept. We refer to this concept as T-stability (where “T” signifies target capacities) to avoid confusion with stability defined earlier.

Definition 3

A matching \(\mu\) is T-stable if it is feasible, individually rational, and if (dh) is a blocking pair then (i) \(|\mu _{r(h)}|=q_{r(h)}\), (ii) \(d' \succ _h d\) for all doctors \(d' \in \mu _h\), and

(iii) either \(\mu _d \notin H_{r(h)}\) or \(|\mu _h'| - {\bar{q}}_h > |\mu _{\mu _d}'| - {\bar{q}}_{\mu _d}\),

where \(\mu '\) is the matching such that \(\mu _d'=h\) and \(\mu _{d'}'=\mu _{d'}\) for all \(d' \ne d\).

Kamada and Kojima (2015) define the flexible deferred acceptance algorithm in their setting as follows. For each \(r \in R\), specify an order of hospitals in region r: Denote \(H_r=\{h_1,h_2,\dots , h_{|H_r|}\}\) and order \(h_i\) earlier than \(h_j\) if \(i<j\). Given this order, consider the following algorithm.

  1. 1.

    Begin with an empty matching, that is, a matching \(\mu\) such that \(\mu _d=\emptyset\) for all \(d \in D\).

  2. 2.

    Choose a doctor d who is currently not tentatively matched to any hospital and who has not applied to all acceptable hospitals yet. If such a doctor does not exist, then terminate the algorithm.

  3. 3.

    Let d apply to the most preferred hospital \({\bar{h}}\) at \(\succ _d\) among the hospitals that have not rejected d so far. Let r be the region such that \({\bar{h}} \in H_r\).

  4. 4.

    (a) For each \(h \in H_r\), let \(D'_h\) be the entire set of doctors who have applied to but have not been rejected by h so far and are acceptable to h. For each hospital \(h \in H_r\), choose the \({\bar{q}}_h\) best doctors according to \(\succ _h\) from \(D_h'\) if they exist, and otherwise choose all doctors in \(D_h'\). Formally, for each \(h \in H_r\) choose \(D_h''\) such that \(D''_h \subset D'_h\), \(|D''_h| =\min \{{\bar{q}}_h, |D'_h|\}\), and \(d \succ _h d'\) for any \(d \in D_h''\) and \(d' \in D'_h \setminus D_h''\). (b) Start with a tentative match \(D_h''\) for each hospital \(h \in H_r\). Hospitals take turns to choose (one doctor at a time) the best remaining doctor in their current applicant pool. Repeat the procedure (starting with \(h_1\), proceeding to \(h_2, h_3,\dots\) and going back to \(h_1\) after the last hospital) until the regional quota \(q_r\) is filled or the capacity of the hospital is filled or no doctor remains to be matched. All other applicants are rejected.Footnote 19

Kamada and Kojima (2015) define the flexible deferred acceptance mechanism to be a mechanism that produces, for each input, the matching at the termination of the above algorithm.Footnote 20 The following proposition is stated as the main result of Kamada and Kojima (2015).

Proposition 1

(Theorem 2 of Kamada and Kojima (2015)) In the setting of Kamada and Kojima (2015), the flexible deferred acceptance algorithm stops in finite steps. The mechanism produces a T-stable matching for any input and is group strategy-proof for doctors.

In the remainder of this section, we establish this result as a corollary of the main result of the present paper, Proposition 0.

To start the analysis, fix a region r. Given the target capacity profile \(({\bar{q}}_{h})_{h \in H_r}\) and the vector \(w \in W_r\), define the ordered excess weight vector\(\eta (w)=(\eta _1(w),\ldots ,\eta _{|H_r|}(w))\) by setting \(\eta _i(w)\) to be the i’th lowest value (allowing repetition) of \(\{w_h - {\bar{q}}_h| h \in H_r\}\) (we suppress dependence of \(\eta\) on target capacities). For example, if \(w=(w_{h_1}, w_{h_2},w_{h_3},w_{h_4})=(2,4,7,2)\) and \(({\bar{q}}_{h_1}, {\bar{q}}_{h_2},{\bar{q}}_{h_3},{\bar{q}}_{h_4})=(3,2,3,0)\), then \(\eta _1(w)=-1,\eta _2(w)=\eta _3(w)=2, \eta _4(w)=4\).

Consider the regional preferences \(\succeq _r\) that compare the excess weights lexicographically. More specifically, let \(\succeq _r\) be such that \(w \succ _r w'\) if and only if there exists an index \(i \in \{1,2,\dots ,|H_r|\}\) such that \(\eta _j(w)=\eta _j(w')\) for all \(j<i\) and \(\eta _i(w)>\eta _i(w')\). The associated weak regional preferences \(\succeq _r\) are defined by \(w \succeq _r w'\) if and only if \(w \succ _r w'\) or \(\eta (w)=\eta (w')\). We call such regional preferences Rawlsian.

Proposition 2

T-stability is a special case of stability such that the regional preferences of each region are Rawlsian.


See Appendix 2.1. \(\square\)

Consider the (generalized) flexible deferred acceptance algorithm in a previous subsection. With the following quasi choice rule, this algorithm is equivalent to the flexible deferred acceptance algorithm in Kamada and Kojima (2015): For each \(w' \in W_r\),

$$\begin{aligned} \tilde{\text {Ch}_r}(w')=\underset{\sum _{h\in H_r}w_h \le q_r}{\max _{w=w^k\text { for some }k}}w, \end{aligned}$$

where \(w^0=(\min \{ w_h',\bar{q}_h\})_{h\in H_r}\) and \(w^k \in W_r\)\((k=1,2,\dots )\) is defined by

$$\begin{aligned} w_{h_j}^{k}=\min \{w'_{h_j}, q_{h_j}, w_{h_j}^{k-1}+{\mathbb {I}}_{j \equiv k\;\text {(mod}\; |H_r|)}\} \quad \text { for each } j=1,2,\dots ,|H_r|, \end{aligned}$$

with “\({\mathbb {I}}\)” being an indicator function. Note that there is a unique maximum in (3) because \(w^{k'}\le w^{k'+1}\) for every \(k'=1,2,\dots\) by the definition of \(w^k\).Footnote 21

Proposition 3

Rawlsian preferences are substitutable with the associated quasi choice rule (3).


See Appendix 2.1. \(\square\)

Propositions 02, and 3 imply Theorem 2 of Kamada and Kojima (2015).

In Appendix 4, we discuss how to allocate target capacities among hospitals in a region, within the Rawlsian framework. There we observe that the allocation problem is similar to the celebrated “bankruptcy problem,” and consider several rules studied in that literature.

4.2 Alternative criteria

Although Kamada and Kojima (2015) focus on a particular stability concept (T-stability) and corresponding regional preferences, called Rawlsian preferences, it is quite plausible that some societies may prefer to impose different criteria from the Rawlsian preferences. This section proposes other criteria that seem to be appealing. They are examples of regional preferences that satisfy substitutability defined in Definition 1. Therefore, the corresponding flexible deferred acceptance mechanisms find a stable matching with respect to those regional preferences.

In the following, we assume that \(0 \succ _r w\) for any weight vector w such that \(\sum _{h \in H_r}w_h>q_r\) or \(w_h > q_h\) for some \(h \in H_r\). Thus in (1)–(4) below, we assume that any weight vector w satisfies \(\sum _{h \in H_r}w_h \le q_r\) and \(w_h \le q_h\) for all \(h \in H_r\).

  1. 1.

    Equal gains Let the region prefer a distribution that equalizes the weights across hospitals in the region as much as possible. Formally, such a preference, which we call the equal gains preferences, can be expressed as the Rawlsian preferences for the special case in which the target capacity for every hospital is set at zero. Since Proposition 3 shows that the Rawlsian preferences are substitutable for any target capacity profile, the equal gains preferences satisfy substitutability.

  2. 2.

    Equal Losses Let the region prefer to equalize the “losses,” that is, the differences between the (physical) capacities and the weights across hospitals in the region. More generally, one could consider the preferences for equal losses above target capacities, that is, the regional preferences first prefer to fill as many positions as possible to meet target capacities and then (lexicographically less importantly) prefer to equalize the losses. To formally define such preferences \(\succ _r\), recall that \(\eta (w)\) denotes the ordered excess weight vector as defined in Sect. 4.1, and define \({\hat{\eta }}(w)\) as a \(|H_r|\)-dimensional vector whose i’th component \({\hat{\eta }}_i(w)\) is the i’th highest value (allowing repetition) of \(\{q_h-w_h|h \in H_r\}\). We let \(w \succ _r w'\) if and only if (a) there exists an index \(i \in \{1,2,\dots ,|H_r|\}\) such that \(\min \{\eta _j(w),0\}=\min \{\eta _j(w'),0\}\) for all \(j<i\) and \(\min \{\eta _i(w),0\}>\min \{\eta _i(w'),0\}\), or (b) \(\min \{\eta _i(w),0\}=\min \{\eta _i(w'),0\}\) for every index \(i \in \{1,2,\dots ,|H_r|\}\), and there exists an index \(i \in \{1,2,\dots ,|H_r|\}\) such that \({\hat{\eta }}_j(w),={\hat{\eta }}_j(w')\) for all \(j<i\) and \({\hat{\eta }}_i(w)<{\hat{\eta }}_i(w')\).

  3. 3.

    Proportional The proportional regional preferences prefer to allocate positions to hospitals in a proportional manner subject to integer constraints. More precisely, define \({\tilde{\eta }}(w)\) as a \(|H_r|\)-dimensional vector whose i’th component \({\tilde{\eta }}_i(w)\) is the i’th lowest value (allowing repetition) of \(\{w_h/q_h|h \in H_r\}\). We let \(w \succ _r w'\) if there exists an index \(i \in \{1,2,\dots ,|H_r|\}\) such that \({\tilde{\eta }}_j(w),={\tilde{\eta }}_j(w')\) for all \(j<i\) and \({\tilde{\eta }}_i(w)>{\tilde{\eta }}_i(w')\). As above, one could consider preferences for proportional losses as well. Also, these preferences can be generalized so that these concerns enter only above target capacities (this generalization is somewhat tedious but straightforward, and can be done as in Item 2). Finally, when constructing \(\tilde{\eta }_i\), we can use a denominator different from \(q_h\).Footnote 22

  4. 4.

    Hospital-lexicographic Let there be a pre-specified order over hospitals, and the region lexicographically prefers filling a slot in a higher-ranked hospital to filling that of a lower-ranked hospital. For instance, the region may desire to fill positions of hospitals that are underserved within the region (say, a prefecture may desire to fill positions of a hospital in a remote island within the prefecture before other hospitals). Formally, hospital-lexicographic regional preferences \(\succ _r\) are defined as follows. Fix an order over hospitals in r, denoted by \(h_1,h_2,\dots ,\) and \(h_{|H_r|}\). Let \(w \succ _r w'\) if and only if there exists an index \(i \in \{1,2,\dots ,|H_r|\}\) such that \(w_{h_j}=w_{h_j}'\) for all \(j<i\) and \(w_{h_i}>w_{h_i}'\). We note that one can also consider hospital-lexicographic preferences above targets using the criterion for hospital-lexicographic preferences for weights above targets.

All the above regional preferences have associated quasi choice rules that satisfy the property that we call “order-respecting.” To define this property, let there be a finite sequence of hospitals in region r such that each hospital h appears, potentially repeatedly, \(q_h\) times in the sequence, and the total size of the sequence is \(\sum _{h\in H_r}q_h\). Consider a quasi choice rule that increases the weights of hospitals one by one following the specified order.Footnote 23 Formally, fix a vector \((h_1,h_2,\dots ,h_{\sum _{h\in H_r}q_h}) \in (H_r)^{\sum _{h\in H_r}q_h}\) such that \(\#\{i \in \{1,2,\dots , \sum _{h\in H_r}q_h\}| h_i=h\} = q_h\) for each \(h \in H_r\), and define \(\tilde{\text {Ch}}_r(w)\) through the following algorithm:

  1. 1.

    Let \(w^0\) be the \(|H_r|\)-dimensional zero vector, indexed by hospitals in \(H_r\).

  2. 2.

    For any \(t \ge 0\), if \(\sum _{h \in H_r} w^t_h =q_r\) or \(w^t_h=\min \{q_h,w_h\}\) for all \(h \in H_r\), then stop the algorithm and define \(\tilde{\text {Ch}}_r(w)=w^t\) . If not, define \(w^{t+1}\) by: (a) If \(w^t_{h_{t+1}}<\min \{q_{h_{t+1}},w_{h_{t+1}}\}\), then let \(w^{t+1}_{h_{t+1}}=w^t_{h_{t+1}}+1\); otherwise, let \(w^{t+1}_{h_{t+1}}=w^t_{h_{t+1}}\). (b) For every \(h \ne h_{t+1}\), let \(w^{t+1}_{h}=w^t_{h}\).

It is easy to see that any order-respecting quasi choice rule satisfies the condition in the definition of substitutability. Also it is easy to see that, for each of the above regional preferences (1)–(4), there exists an associated quasi choice rule that is order-respecting. By these observations, all the above regional preferences are substitutable.

4.3 Comparative statics

As illustrated in Sect. 3, our analytical approach is to construct an associated matching model with contracts and to utilize results from that model to obtain corresponding results in the original market. This connection enables us to exploit structural properties of stable allocations in the matching model with contracts. In particular, we obtain many comparative statics results as corollaries of a new general result in the matching with contract model (Lemma 1 in Appendix 2.2).

We begin by stating various comparative statics results presented in Kamada and Kojima (2015). They formalize the current practice in Japan, the Japan Residency Matching Program (JRMP) mechanism. The JRMP mechanism is a rule that produces the matching resulting from the deferred acceptance algorithm except that, for each hospital h, it uses \({\bar{q}}_h \le q_h\) instead of \(q_h\) as the hospital’s capacity. In words, the JRMP mechanism pretends that the target capacities are actual physical capacities.

The first result establishes comparisons across the flexible deferred acceptance, JRMP, and the (unconstrained) deferred acceptance algorithms:

Proposition 4

(Theorem 3 of Kamada and Kojima (2015)) Consider the model of Kamada and Kojima (2015). For any preference profile,

  1. 1.

    Each doctor\(d\in D\)weakly prefers a matching produced by the deferred acceptance mechanism to the one produced by the flexible deferred acceptance mechanism to the one produced by the JRMP mechanism.

  2. 2.

    If a doctor is unmatched in the deferred acceptance mechanism, she is unmatched in the flexible deferred acceptance mechanism. If a doctor is unmatched in the flexible deferred acceptance mechanism, she is unmatched in the JRMP mechanism.

The next result pertains to the effect of changes in regional caps.

Proposition 5

(Proposition 3 of Kamada and Kojima (2015)) Consider the model of Kamada and Kojima (2015). Fix a picking order in the flexible deferred acceptance mechanism. Let\((q_r)_{r \in R}\)and\((q'_r)_{r \in R}\)be regional caps such that\(q'_r \le q_r\)for each\(r \in R\). Then, the following statements hold.

  1. 1.

    Each doctor\(d\in D\)weakly prefers a matching produced by the flexible deferred acceptance mechanism under regional caps\((q_r)_{r \in R}\)to the one under\((q'_r)_{r \in R}\).

  2. 2.

    For each regionrsuch that\(q_r=q'_r\), the number of doctors matched in r at a matching produced by the flexible deferred acceptance mechanism under regional caps\((q'_r)_{r \in R}\)is weakly larger than at the matching under\((q_r)_{r \in R}\).

Another comparative statics result is about the changes in the imposed constraints under the JRMP mechanism.

Proposition 6

(Proposition 4 of Kamada and Kojima (2015)) Consider the model of Kamada and Kojima (2015). Let\(({\bar{q}}_h)_{h \in H}\)and\(({\bar{q}}'_h)_{h \in H}\)be target capacities such that\({\bar{q}}'_h \le {\bar{q}}_h\)for each\(h \in H\). Then, the following statements hold.Footnote 24

  1. 1.

    Each doctor\(d\in D\)weakly prefers a matching produced by the JRMP mechanism under target capacities\(({\bar{q}}_h)_{h \in H}\)to the one under\(({\bar{q}}'_h)_{h \in H}\).

  2. 2.

    Each hospital\(h\in H\)such that\({\bar{q}}_h = {\bar{q}}_h'\)weakly prefers a matching produced by the JRMP mechanism under target capacities\(({\bar{q}}'_h)_{h \in H}\)to the one under\(({\bar{q}}_h)_{h \in H}\). Moreover, the number of doctors matched to any suchhin the former matching is weakly larger than that in the latter.

The following result, also from Kamada and Kojima (2015), shows that, whenever a hospital or a region is underserved under the flexible deferred acceptance mechanism, the (unconstrained) deferred acceptance mechanism cannot improve the match at such a hospital or a region.

Proposition 7

(Proposition 2 of Kamada and Kojima (2015)) Consider the model of Kamada and Kojima (2015).

  1. 1.

    If the number of doctors matched with\(h\in H\)in the flexible deferred acceptance mechanism is strictly less than its target capacity, then the set of doctors matched withhunder the (unconstrained) deferred acceptance mechanism is a subset of the one under the flexible deferred acceptance mechanism.

  2. 2.

    If the number of doctors matched in\(r \in R\)in the flexible deferred acceptance mechanism is strictly less than its regional cap, then each hospitalhinrweakly prefers a matching produced by the flexible deferred acceptance mechanism to the one under the (unconstrained) deferred acceptance mechanism. Moreover, the number of doctors matched to any suchhin the former matching is weakly larger than that in the latter.

We obtain all these results as corollaries of a single general comparative statics result in the matching with contracts model. More specifically, we establish that if the choice function of a region becomes larger in the set inclusion sense, then all doctors are made weakly better off and all other regions are made weakly worse off in the doctor-optimal stable allocation (Lemma 1 in Appendix 2.2). Also, Hatfield and Milgrom (2005) show that the outcome of a cumulative offer process is a doctor-optimal allocation. Given these results, we can prove all the above results by demonstrating that all the comparisons above can be interpreted as comparisons of outcomes of cumulative offer processes under different choice functions of regions. The formal statement of the Lemma and proofs of all the results in this section can be found in Appendix 2.2.

5 Conclusion

This paper presented a model of matching under distributional constraints. Building upon an approach of Kamada and Kojima (2015), we defined a stability concept that takes distributional constraints into account. We presented a general model to allow for a variety of policymaker preferences over doctor distributions. We showed that the generalization subsumes the model of Kamada and Kojima (2015) as a special case, while admitting a number of other practically relevant cases. Using our general model, we proved policy-relevant comparative statics results.

We note that our analysis builds upon a new connection between matching with constraints and matching with contracts. After the first draft of this paper was written, a similar approach was adopted by other studies such as Goto et al. (2014), Goto et al. (2016), and Kojima et al. (2018).Footnote 25

In addition to its intrinsic theoretical interest, our major motivation for a general theory was the desire to accommodate various constraints and policy preferences in practice, thus enabling applications to diverse types of real problems. As already mentioned, geographic and other distributional constraints are prevalent in practice; Concrete examples include British and Japanese medical matches, Chinese graduate admission, European college admissions, and Scottish teacher allocation, just to name a few. Although all these markets are subject to distributional constraints, because of differences in details, the same mechanism may be suitable in one market while unfit in another. This is a major reason that a general theory is needed. Moreover, we are quite confident that there are many other markets with specific constraints which have yet to be recognized or addressed in the literature. We hope that this paper provides a useful building block for market design in those undiscovered markets and stimulates further research in matching under constraints and, more generally, practical market design.