1 Introduction

The evolution of recommendation system improves user satisfactory with Internet surfing by offering the assistance for searching the desired information. Recommendation system uses tensor to store and compute feature information in order to provide timely response (Sidiropoulos et al. 2017; Nickel et al. 2012). Moreover, tensor also plays an increasingly important role in the fields of computer vision (Shashua and Hazan 2005; Aja-Fernández et al. 2009), image recognition (Lei and Yang 2006; Sonka et al. 2014) and signal processing (Lim and Comon 2010; Cichocki et al. 2015). Using tensor to represent and store the feature information improves the efficiency of application programming and execution. Tensor decomposition is an indispensable method for tensor computation (Tew 2016; Kolda and Bader 2009; Acar et al. 2011; Golub and Van Loan 2012). Tucker decomposition and Canonical Polyadic decomposition (CP decomposition) are two widely used schemes for tensor decomposition. Existing work (Kolda and Bader 2009; Acar et al. 2011; Choi et al. 2018; Kang et al. 2012) perform comprehensive bottleneck analysis and propose solutions from different perspectives to improve the performance of tensor decomposition.

In the meanwhile, MapReduce (Dean and Ghemawat 2008) framework from the big data community exhibits promising merits such as easy to program, automatic parallelism and high scalability. It relieves the burden of programmers from understanding the underlying hardware details when developing large scale parallel application. Using MapReduce, the computation procedure of a big data application is abstracted into two processing stages, map and reduce, which are automatically parallelized across multiple machines. Due to the above advantages of MapReduce, researchers (Jeon et al. 2016; Tsourakakis 2010; Kang et al. 2012) have been attempting to parallelize the computation of tensor decomposition using MapReduce framework. The combination of tensor decomposition and MapReduce framework improves the efficiency of tensor computation by leveraging massive computing resources.

Moreover, the optimizations to tensor decomposition have been adapted to various hardware architectures and programming frameworks. For instance, Smith et al. (2017) achieve a good speedup of CP decomposition on Intel KNL (Knights Landing) many-core processor. Choi et al. (2018) pinpoint the performance bottleneck of MTTKRP (metricized tensor times Khatri-Rao product) and apply data blocking technique to boost the performance on IBM POWER8 processor. Kang et al. (2012) optimize CP decomposition using MapReduce framework and avoid intermediate data explosion when updating factor matrices iteratively. Specifically, BigTensor (Park et al. 2016) and CSTF (Blanco et al. 2018) are the most popular open source implementations of tensor decomposition using MapReduce framework. Despite the above research efforts, adapting to the emerging architecture, meanwhile leveraging the parallel processing of MapReduce framework to implement efficient tensor decomposition, is still a challenging research area.

Sunway Taihuligh is the first high-performance supercomputer that exceeds 100 PFLOPS in double precision. Sunway Taihulight is powered by SW26010 processor, which contains four core groups (CGs). Each CG comprises of one Management Processing Element (MPE) and 64 Computing Processing Elements (CPEs). The MPE can fully support interrupt processing, memory management and out-of-order execution. On the contrary, limited functions are supported on CPE. However, the 64 CPEs provide high aggregated computing power. Each CPE has a 64 KB Local Device Memory (LDM) that is manually controlled by programmers. DMA is supported on CPE to achieve high memory bandwidth with accesses in batch. Moreover, CPEs can communicate with each other through register communication. The peak floating point performance of one SW26010 is 3 TFLOPS. Unfortunately, there is no implementation of tensor decomposition available on Sunway processor that, on the one hand takes advantage of MapReduce parallel processing, and on the other hand adapts to the architectural features of Sunway. The missing support hinders applications relying on efficient tensor decomposition to exploit the computation power of Sunway Taihulight.

This work primarily focuses on how to implement efficient sparse CP decomposition with dense factor matrices on Sunway architecture. Leveraging the available MapReduce framework (swMR) on Sunway (Zhong et al. 2018), we propose swTensor to realize tensor decomposition on Sunway architecture. In swMR, the CPEs within a CG are organized into 32 CPE pairs. Within each CPE pair, map and reduce role is assigned to each CPE, respectively. swTensor tiles the tensor data into 32 groups to adapt to the design of swMR with customized design for key-value pair (Sect. 3.2). Moreover, in swTensor the computation of Alternating Least Squares (ALS) algorithm is divided into four sub-procedures in order to avoid the intermediate data explosion (Sect. 3.3). Furthermore, pipeline processing is also applied to deal with the intermediate data, which better utilizes the limited LDM on each CPE.

Specifically, this paper makes the following contributions:

  • We propose swTensor, an efficient implementation of sparse CP decomposition with dense factor matrices using MapReduce framework on Sunway. The swTensor exploits the benefits from both the MapReduce framework for automatic parallel processing and the many-core architecture of Sunway for high performance.

  • We propose a data tiling method to adapt to the design of MapReduce framework on Sunway. In addition, we divide the computation of ALS algorithm into four sub-procedures in order to avoid the intermediate data explosion during decomposition.

  • We expand swTensor to run on large scale by using MPI to coordinate the computation among CGs. With more Sunway processors utilized during decomposition, swTensor can support CP decomposition on larger tensor data.

  • We identify several performance impacting parameters in swTensor and build a performance model for auto-tuning the parameters for optimal performance. This performance auto-tuning method eliminates the manual effort of tuning by hand and the time cost of exhaustive search.

  • We evaluate the performance of swTensor using datasets at different scales. The experimental results demonstrate that swTensor achieves 1.36 \(\times \) and 1.24 \(\times \) better performance than BigTensor and CSTF on average, respectively. In addition, the scalability of swTensor is better than BigTensor and CSTF when scaling beyond a single Sunway processor.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 illustrates the Sunway architecture and the MapReduce framework available on Sunway. In addition, the background on tensor computation is described. We also illustrate the challenges to implement efficient tensor decomposition on Sunway. Section 3 presents the methodology and implementation of swTensor. Section 4 presents the performance auto-tuning method to determine the parameter settings for swTensor. Section 5 presents the evaluation results of swTensor across different scales of tensor data. We also compare the performance of swTensor to the-state-of-the-art tensor computation frameworks BigTensor and CSTF on CPU. Section 6 presents the related works in this field. Section 7 concludes our work.

2 Background

2.1 Sunway many-core processor

Sunway Taihulight supercomputer is powered by Sunway SW26010 processor, which contains four core groups (CGs) and each core group has one MPE (Management Processing Element) and 64 CPEs (Computing Processing Elements) that are organized as \(8\, \times 8\) mesh, as shown in Fig. 1. The MPE has 32 KB L1 data cache and 256 KB L2 instruction and data cache, whereas each CPE has 16 KB L1 instruction cache and 64 KB LDM (Local Device Memory). The peak memory bandwidth and double-precision performance of each CG is 34 GB/s and 756 GFLOPS, respectively (Wang et al. 2018). There are two approaches supported for CPE to access main memory, one is the gld/gst (global load/store) for discrete access and the other one is the DMA for batch access. The DMA channel provides much higher bandwidth than discrete access. In addition, CPE can communicate with each other when in the same row or column of the mesh through register communication.

Fig. 1
figure 1

The architecture of Sunway SW26010 processor. Each processor contains four core groups. Each core group has one MPE and 64 CPEs that are organized as \(8 \times 8\) mesh. Each CPE has a 64KB LDM

2.2 MapReduce framework on Sunway

The swMR is the most recently proposed MapReduce framework that adapts to the architectural features of Sunway processor (Zhong et al. 2018). In swMR, the 64 CPEs in a CG are divided into 32 CPE pairs, and the map/reduce role is assigned to the two CPEs within each CPE pair, respectively. As shown in Fig. 2, when the map CPE finishes processing the input data, it generates the intermediate data and sends it to the reduce CPE within the same CPE pair through register communication. After the reduce CPE finishes processing, it stores the partial results back to main memory. In the meanwhile, the MPE continuously checks whether all CPE pairs are completed. It then combines the partial results from all CPE pairs and generates the final results. Note that, each CPE pair can process its own input data independently. swMR utilizes the LDM on each CPE to cache the intermediate data during the processing in order to avoid accessing main memory frequently. Moreover, swMR takes the advantage of double buffering to prefetch the input data from the main memory so that it can overlap the memory access latency with computation. Another unique design of swMR is that it can change the processing role (map to reduce or vice versa) within each CPE pair dynamically, which achieves better load balance during runtime.

Fig. 2
figure 2

The swMR framework. The map and reduce role is assigned to the CPEs within each CPE pair. The MPE collects the partial results from each CPE pair and combine them into final results

2.3 Tensor decomposition

2.3.1 Tensor definition and operation

Tensor is the widely used data structure for representing data in high dimension. In general, scalar, vector and matrix can be considered as zero-order tensor, first-order tensor and second-order tensor, respectively. Each dimension is termed as a mode. A tensor with more than three modes is called high-order tensor (Kolda and Bader 2009). Since it is hard to describe when the tensor has more than three modes, in the following discussion we focus on three-mode tensor without losing the generality. Each element of a three-mode tensor can be located by the indexes i, j and k (Golub and Van Loan 2012). For instance, we can refer to a particular element within a three-mode tensor as x(ijk). Accessing elements of tensors with other modes is similar. Using indexes to locate elements within a tensor is efficient especially when the tensor is sparse. There are a large number of mathematical operations that can be applied to tensor. However, due to the page limit, we briefly introduce the important mathematical operations regarding CP decomposition. Readers can refer to Kolda and Bader (2009) for more detailed discussion. In addition, for matrix related mathematical operations, the reader can refer to Golub and Van Loan (2012).

Given matrices \(A\in {\mathbb {R}}^{M\times N}\) and \(B\in {\mathbb {R}}^{P\times Q}\), the Kronecker product between A and B is defined in Eq. (1).

$$\begin{aligned} A\otimes B=\begin{bmatrix} a_{11}B&a_{12}B&\cdots&a_{1n}B \\ a_{21}B&a_{22}B&\cdots&a_{2n}B \\ \vdots&\vdots&\ddots&\vdots \\ a_{m1}B&a_{m2}B&\cdots&a_{mn}B \end{bmatrix} \end{aligned}$$

The Khatri-Rao product is column-wise Kronecker product between matrices. For instance, there are two matrices, matrix \(A\in {\mathbb {R}}^{I\times K}=(\mathbf {a_{1}}, \mathbf {a_{2}}, \mathbf {a_{3}}, \ldots , \mathbf {a_{k}})\) and matrix \(B\in {\mathbb {R}}^{J\times K}=(\mathbf {b_{1}}, \mathbf {b_{2}}, \mathbf {b_{3}}, \ldots , \mathbf {b_{k}})\). Then the Khatri-Rao product between A and B is defined in Eq. (2).

$$\begin{aligned} A\odot B=(\mathbf {a_{1}}\otimes \mathbf {b_{1}},\mathbf {a_{2}}\otimes \mathbf {b_{2}},\mathbf {a_{3}}\otimes \mathbf {b_{3}},\ldots ,\mathbf {a_{k}}\otimes \mathbf {b_{k}}) \end{aligned}$$

The Hadamard product is conducted between two matrices with the same size, e.g. matrix \(A\in {\mathbb {R}}^{I\times J}\) and \(B\in {\mathbb {R}}^{I\times J}\). Then the Hadamard product between A and B is defined in Eq. (3).

$$\begin{aligned} A*B=\begin{bmatrix} a_{11}b_{11}&a_{12}b_{12}&\cdots&a_{1J}b_{1J}\\ a_{21}b_{21}&a_{22}b_{22}&\cdots&a_{2J}b_{2J}\\ \vdots&\vdots&\ddots&\vdots \\ a_{I1}b_{I1}&a_{I2}b_{I2}&\cdots&a_{IJ}b_{IJ} \end{bmatrix} \end{aligned}$$

In practice, high-mode tensor is more obscure than vector and matrix, therefore it is difficult to represent and compute high-mode tensor. Hence, an approach to express high-mode tensor with two dimensional matrix is proposed, which is called tensor unfolding or tensor matricization. In general, for a three-mode tensor, there are three ways to unfold it, mode 1, mode 2 and mode 3. For instance, given a tensor \(X\in {\mathbb {R}}^{I\times J\times K}\), mode 1 unfolding generates \(X_{(1)}=[X(:,:,1),X(:,:,2)]\in {\mathbb {R}}^{I\times JK}\), mode 2 unfolding generates \(X_{(2)}=[X(:,:,1)^{T},X(:,:,2)^{T}]\in {\mathbb {R}}^{J\times IK}\), and mode 3 unfolding generates \(X_{(3)}=[X(:,1,:)^{T},X(:,2,:)^{T},X(:,3,:)^{T}]\in {\mathbb {R}}^{K\times IJ}\).

2.3.2 Canonical polyadic decomposition

The most widely used tensor decomposition is Canonical Polyadic decomposition (CP decomposition) (Hitchcock 1927) and Tucker Decomposition (Tucker 1963). In this paper, we focus on implememting CP decomposition on Sunway architecture. CP decomposition was initially proposed by Hitchcock in 1927 (Hitchcock 1927). We briefly introduce the mathematical definition of CP decomposition. For a detailed mathematical proof, reader can refer to Kolda and Bader (2009). Given a three-mode tensor \(X\in {\mathbb {R}}^{I\times J\times K}\), the CP decomposition of X is defined Eq. (4), where \(A\in {\mathbb {R}}^{I\times R}\), \(B\in {\mathbb {R}}^{J\times R}\) and \(C\in {\mathbb {R}}^{K\times R}\) are factor matrices. The value of element (ijk) located in tensor X can be approximated as \(x_{ijk}\approx \sum _{r=1}^{R}a_{ir}b_{jr}c_{kr}\). The computation process of CP decomposition is illustrated in Fig. 3.

$$\begin{aligned} X\approx \sum _{r=1}^{R}\lambda _{r} A(:,r)\otimes B(:,r)\otimes C(:,r) \end{aligned}$$
Fig. 3
figure 3

The illustration of CP decomposition. \(X\in {\mathbb {R}}^{I\times J\times K}\), \(A\in {\mathbb {R}}^{J\times R}\), \(C\in {\mathbb {R}}^{K\times R}\), R is the rank of tensor X

As shown in Eq. (4), the difficult part of CP decomposition is to determine the three factor matrices, A, B and C. To address that, Alternating Least Squares (ALS) algorithm is proposed to compute factor matrices. ALS iteratively updates factor matrices until the error is tolerable or maximum iteration is reached. Algorithm 1 shows the code of applying ALS to perform CP decomposition. To compute factor matrix A, we fix matrices B and C, then apply ALS. Equation 5 shows the computation for factor matrix A. A similar approach is applied to compute matrices B and C, respectively. Note that \(\dagger \) is the pseudo-inverse operation.

$$\begin{aligned} {\hat{A}}=X_{(1)}(C\odot B)(C^{T}C*B^{T}B)^{\dagger } \end{aligned}$$
figure g

2.3.3 Challenges of implementing CP decomposition on Sunway

In order to provide an efficient implementation of sparse CP decomposition with dense factor matrices on Sunway, we need to adapt the computation characteristics of CP decomposition not only to the architectural features of Sunway for high performance, but also to the MapReduce framework for automatic parallelization. To achieve that, there are several unique challenges we need to address.

  • How to express the sparse CP decomposition with dense factor matrices in MapReduce algorithm so that we can leverage the existing swMR framework for automatic parallelization within a CG on Sunway processor. In swMR, the CPEs within a CG are divided into 32 CPE pairs, where the map and reduce tasks are performed within each CPE pair. We need to adapt the computation of CP decomposition to the unique design of CPE pairs in swMR.

  • How to utilize the limited LDM on CPEs to improve the computation efficiency of sparse CP decomposition. Accessing the main memory on Sunway is orders of magnitude slower than LDM. However, the computation of Khatri-Rao product generates massive intermediate data with large tensor. Hence, we need to optimize the computation procedure in order to avoid the intermediate data explosion so that it can fit into the limited LDM on each CPE.

  • How to scale the sparse CP decomposition across multiple CGs so that large tensor data can be processed on Sunway. The current swMR framework does not support running beyond a single CG. We need to extend our implementation of sparse CP decomposition swTensor using MPI, so that computation can be distributed and coordinated on multiple CGs for higher performance.

  • How to determine the parameter settings for swTensor so that it can achieve better performance when implemented on Sunway processor. Since there are several parameters that could affect the performance of swTensor, exhaustively searching is both time consuming and unsustainable. Therefore, we need a performance auto-tuning mechanism to search for the optimal parameter settings for swTensor.

3 swTensor: methodology and implementation

In this section, we first introduce the design overview of our CP decomposition on Sunway. Then, we describe the implementation details, including the optimizations we use to adapt the CP decomposition to Sunway and avoid the intermediate data explosion.

3.1 Design overview

In order to support CP decomposition on Sunway, we propose swTensor that adapts the computation of CP decomposition to the MapReduce framework on Sunway. We notice that the major computation of CP decomposition is to update the factor matrices iteratively using ALS algorithm shown in Algorithm 1. Since the computation of ALS is similar to update factor matrices A, B and C, we take matrix A for illustration as shown in Eq. (5). Note that the Khatri-Rao product is performed in column order, therefore we transpose the factor matrices before the computation. However, for the ease of illustration, we use the original form of factor matrice in our discussion. To further fit in the multi-stage processing on MapReduce framework, we divide the computation procedure of Eq. (5) into four sub-procedures as following:

  • Sub-procedure 1: \(M=(C\odot B)\).

  • Sub-procedure 2: \(N=X_{(1)}M\).

  • Sub-procedure 3: \(Q=(C^{T}C*B^{T}B)^{\dagger }\).

  • Sub-procedure 4: \({\hat{A}}=NQ\).

In general, the initial value of the factor matrices A, B and C are randomly generated (Kolda and Bader 2009). The size of tensor X is usually very large (e.g., \(10K \times 10K \times 10K\)), therefore using the traditional method to directly solve Eq. (5) will generate tremendous intermediate data from Khatri-Rao product. To address the intermediate data explosion problem, we apply data tiling technique (Sect. 3.2) along with the MapReduce processing (Sect. 3.3) on Sunway.

Figure 4 illustrates the computation workflow for calculating factor matrix A with the above four sub-procedures using the MapReduce framework on Sunway. In Sub-procedure 1, the map CPEs are responsible for conducting the Khatri-Rao product between factor matrices B and C, which equals to the Kronecker product by columns, to derive M. In Sub-procedure 2, the map CPEs perform matrix multiplication between \(X_{(1)}\) and M, and then reduce CPEs add the JK values to derive N. In Sub-procedure 3, the map CPEs perform matrix multiplication for both \(C^{T}C\) and \(B^{T}B\), and then the reduce CPEs perform add operation for both J and K. After that, the map CPEs perform Hadamard product between J and K to derive Q. In Sub-procedure 4, the map CPEs perform matrix multiplication between N and Q, and then the reduce CPEs add the R values to derive A.

Note that in addition to the above four Sub-procedures, the rest matrix operations in CPD include: (1) tensor flatten of X, (2) matrix normalization of A, B and C, and (3) computation of factor matrices B and C. For (1), it is not the performance hotspot of CPD, and thus out of the scope of this paper. For (2), we have already included matrix normalization in each Sub-procedure. Since the matrix normalization is never the performance bottleneck of CPD, we execute the matrix normalization on MPE. For (3), since the computation of factor matrices B and C is similar to matrix A, we omit the computation details of matrices B and C for brevity.

Fig. 4
figure 4

The computation workflow of swTensor for calculating factor matrix A

3.2 Data tiling

For Sub-procedure 1, \(M=(C\odot B)=(\mathbf {c_{1}}\otimes \mathbf {b_{1}},\mathbf {c_{2}}\otimes \mathbf {b_{2}},\ldots ,\mathbf {c_{k}}\otimes \mathbf {b_{k}})\), the Khatri-Rao product eventually transforms into Kronecker product. For Kronecker product, \(\mathbf {c_{i}}\otimes \mathbf {b_{i}}\) represents that each element of vector \(\mathbf {c_{i}}\) multiplies all elements of vector \(\mathbf {b_{i}}\). Since the computation on matrices B and C is column-wise, we only need to tile matrix C by column. During each iteration, when the map CPE receives its tile and interprets the column index of matrix C, it can automatically locate the corresponding column index of matrix B.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Data tiling used in Sub-procedure 1. Each CPE pair retrieves an element \(c_{ij}\) from matrix C and multiplies the corresponding block of elements \(B_{jb}\) from matrix B in order to generate the element \(M_{jb}\) in matrix M

As shown in Fig. 5, we tile the data by columns according to the number of CPE pairs in swMR. According to Kronecker product, each CPE pair retrieves its input data by the assigned column index, that is one element \(c_{ij}\) from matrix C at a time. The map CPE then retrieves the elements \(b_{n_{1}j\sim n_{2}j}\) from the corresponding column of B (denoted as \(B_{jb}\), which are the elements in the bth block and the jth column of B) based on the row and column indexes contained in the key-value pairs. We use LDM to store the elements from B as many as possible. Then, \(c_{ij}\) is multiplied by \(B_{jb}\) to derive elements \(m_{n_{1}j\sim n_{2}j}\) in matrix M (denoted as \(M_{jb}\), which are the elements in the bth block and the jth column of M). For each CPE pair, it stores \(M_{jb}\) in LDM each time for the computation in subsequent procedures, which consumes \(B_{jb} \times 8\) bytes (generated by the multiplication of \(B_{jb}\) and \(c_{ij}\)). In our experiments, the \(M_{jb}\) consumes 8.4KB on average, which takes up 6.55% of the LDM for each CPE pair.

Then, it proceeds to the Sub-procedure 2, as shown in Fig. 6. We tile \(X_{(1)}\in I\times JK\) that is generated from mode 1 unfolding. Multiplying \(M_{jb}\) obtained from Sub-procedure 1 and the corresponding vector from \(X_{(1)}\) generates the elements for each row of \(X_{(1)}\). For instance, \(X_{(1)_{ix_{1}\sim ix_{2}}}\) denoted as \(X_{(1)ib}\) represents elements from row one and block b in \(X_{(1)}\). Note that \(x_{2}-x_{1}=n_{2}-n_{1}\) means that the number of elements within these two blocks equals. After that, we compute \({\mathbb {N}}_{ijb}\) using Eq. (6). Then, the corresponding elements in each row of \(X_{(1)}\) are multiplied by \(m_{n_{1}j\sim n_{2}j}\). When the multiplication is done, the memory space allocated for \(m_{n_{1}j\sim n_{2}j}\) in LDM is released in order to save space for the incoming computation. Then the CPE pair continues to obtain the next element, e.g., \(c_{(i+1)j}\), from matrix C to compute the next element of \({\mathbb {N}}\). Finally, we sum up all the elements in \({\mathbb {N}}\) that have the same i and j indexes, and derive the element at row i and column j of N, e.g., \(N_{0j}=\sum {\mathbb {N}}_{0jb}\) shown in Fig. 6. By tiling matrices into small data blocks and applying the computation iteratively, we can eliminate the problem of intermediate data explosion and efficiently utilize the limited LDM on each CPE for better performance. We do not apply data tiling to Sub-procedure 3 and 4, since they generate small amount of intermediate data.

$$\begin{aligned} {\mathbb {N}}_{ijb}=\sum _{n=n_{1}, x=x_{1}}^{n_{2}, x_{2}}m_{nj}X_{(1)ix} \end{aligned}$$
Fig. 6
figure 6

Data tiling used in Sub-procedure 2. \(M_{jb}\) obtained from Sub-procedure 1, is multiplied by the corresponding vector from \(X_{1}\), which generates \({\mathbb {N}}_{ijb}\). Then all elements in \({\mathbb {N}}\) that have the same i and j indexes are sum up to derive the according element for matrix N

3.3 Coordinating computation within MapReduce

In this section, we present the customized design of key-value pair in swTensor, which adapts to the MapReduce framework on Sunway to perform the computation of CP decomposition.

For Sub-procedure 1 (\(M=C\odot B\)), the input key of map function is (CRowCColBlockID), where CRow and CCol represent the location of element in factor matrix C, e.g. \(c_{(CRow, CCol)}\). The BlockID represents the block index of the CCol column in matrix B. Considering that the span of column width is too large to fin in the limited capacity of LDM, swMR tiles the data based on the available space of LDM and then generates a BlockID for each block. The input value is (BValCount), where BVal is an array storing the data from the corresponding column of matrix B and Count is the number of elements in BVal, as shown in Fig. 5. Therefore, we can obtain a particular element \(c_{(CRow, CCol)}\) from matrix C using the key. Then, \(c_{(CRow, CCol)}\) is multiplied with BVal to derive MVal. After the computation of Sub-procedure 1, the output key is designed as (CRowBlockID), which has the same meaning as input key. The output value is (MValCount), where Count represents the number of elements in MVal.

figure h

For Sub-procedure 2 (\(N=X_{(1)}M\)), its input key-value pair is the output key-value pair from Sub-procedure 1, e.g., key = (CRowBlockID) and value = (MValCount). According to Khatri-Rao product and tensor unfolding, the number of columns in matrix \(X_{(1)}\) equals the number of rows in matrix M, which is JK. Then, we tile each row of matrix \(X_{(1)}\) in the following way. First, we divide each row into K big blocks, where K is the row count of factor matrix C. Second, each big block is further divided into Count small blocks, where Count is obtained from input key-value pair. To implement the data tiling of matrix \(X_{(1)}\), the map CPE obtains the corresponding data from \(X_{(1)}\), as shown in Algorithm 2. We use double buffering technique to overlap the delay caused by accessing main memory with the computation. For instance, in Algorithm 2, when the map CPE finishes processing the current data block (line 9), it can continue to process next data block since it is already prefetched in the double buffer (line 14).

Fig. 7
figure 7

An example to illustrate the computation of \(C^{T}C\). Each element (e.g., \({\mathbb {C}}_{00}\)) in \({\mathbb {C}}\) is derived by each row of \(C^{T}\) multiplied by itself. Therefore, only \(C^{T}\) needs to be stored in memory

For Sub-procedure 3 and 4 (\(Q=(C^{T}C*B^{T}B)^{\dagger }\) and \({\hat{A}}=NQ\)), Because \(C^{T}C\) and \(B^{T}B\) are computed in a same way, we take \(C^{T}C\) for illustration. As mentioned in Sect. 3.1, we use transposed factor matrices for better memory efficiency. Therefore we only store \(C^{T}\) and \(B^{T}\). Fortunately, this does not affect computation of \(C^{T}C\). As shown in Fig. 7, the computation of \(C^{T}C\) is equivalent to each row of \(C^{T}\) multiplied by itself. The design of key is (RowIDBlockID), where RowID represents the row index and BlockID represents the block index of the CTVal. And the value is (CTValCount), where CTVal is an array with the corresponding data from \(C^{T}\) and Count represents the size of CTVal. The output key is (RowIDColIDBlockID), and the value is (val) where val is the result of \(C^{T}C\). Because Hadamard product is an element-wise operation, we design the key/value as (StartIndexEndIndex) and (AValBVal), respectively. Then BVal multiplies AVal in an element-wise way. Finally, Sub-procedure 4 (\({\hat{A}}=NQ\)) only requires matrix multiplication to be performed. The design of key-value pair is similar to the computation of \(X_{(1)}M\).

3.4 Scaling beyond core group

One limitation of the current MapReduce framework on Sunway is that it can only utilize one CG, and thus cannot scale across multiple Sunway processors. Since our CP decomposition swTensor is based on the above MapReduce framework, it hinders swTensor from handling much larger tensor data. Therefore, in order to overcome the scalability limitation, we extend swTensor using MPI so that it can run CP decomposition at large scale across multiple Sunway processors.

The fundamental idea for scaling the computation of CP decomposition is to use the MPE as master, which then divides factor matrices by columns and distributes the column partitions to other CGs for parallel processing with original design of swTensor unchanged. When the computation on each CG is completed, the master MPE gathers the partial results from all CGs and generates the final results. Note that we store the transposed factor matrices as described in Sect. 3.1, hence the factor matrices are actually divided by rows. For the ease of illustration, we describe our MPI extension based on the original matrix format.

For Sub-procedure 1, considering Kronecker products are column-wise operations, if we divide the factor matrices by rows, the elements of M are distributed across different CGs. In that case, the row size of \(X_{(1)}\) does not match the row size of M in Sub-procedure 2. In order to fulfill the computation in Sub-procedure 2, it requires large amount of data transfers among CGs to gather the distributed elements of M and thus deteriorates the computation performance. Therefore, we partition the factor matrices by columns to ensure the matching of subsequent computation. Whereas for Sub-procedure 3, the \(C^{T}C\) is computed by rows, therefore similar idea is also applied to partition the matrix across multiple CGs for vector multiplication. As for Hadamard products, since they are element-wise operations, the same data partition method also applies. For Sub-procedure 4, which is the matrix multiplication, we apply the same idea to partition the matrices by columns.

4 Performance auto-tuning

4.1 Identifying the parameters

There are several parameters (e.g., \(px_{1}\) to \(px_{6}\)) that could affect the performance of swTensor, which control the data tiling, LDM usage, DMA transfer and CPE parallelism in order to adapt to the Sunway architecture. For Sub-procedure 1, it tiles the factor matrices B and C based on the number of CPE pairs by column, shown as Fig. 5. After data tiling, the CPE fetches the corresponding data blocks from B and C, and processes the data by column. For instance, When a CPE pair processes the data of column j, we need to obtain the data of \(c_{ij}\) and a data vector \(b_{n1j\sim n2j}\) of matrix B from main memory. Since the size of LDM is quite limited and we cannot load all data to LDM at once, parameter \(px_{1}\) is used to control the amount of data fetched to LDM each time. For Sub-procedure 2, to compute \(N_{0jb}\), the corresponding data block of \(X_{(1)0b}\) needs to be loaded in LDM from main memory, as shown in Fig. 6. Since the LDM is also used to store the partial results of \(M_{jb}\) computed by Sub-procedure 2, there is not enough space to store the entire data block \(X_{(1)0b}\). Therefore, we tile \(X_{(1)0b}\) and use parameter \(px_{2}\) to control the amount of data fetched from main memory for each tile.

In Sub-procedure 3 and 4, as shown in Fig. 7, the CPE loads the corresponding data of \(C^{T}\) and \(B^{T}\) from main memory to LDM. These two Sub-procedures suffer a similar problem of limited LDM and we apply a similar solution to tile the data fetched from main memory to LDM. Hence, we use parameter \(px_{3}\) and \(px_{4}\) to control the amount of data fetched from matrices N and Q in main memory, respectively. In addition, the swMR framework also has two important parameters \(px_{5}\) and \(px_{6}\) that could impact the performance of swTensor. The parameter \(px_{5}\) is an unbalanced threshold which judges whether load imbalance occurs between two CPEs within a CPE pair. When the performance difference between the two CPEs is more than \(px_{5}\), swMR realizes load imbalance occurs and adjusts the load for the next round of computation within a CPE pair for better performance. Whereas parameter \(px_{6}\) is the dynamic balancing ratio that controls the amount of computing load to be re-assigned from the heavy-loaded CPE to the light-loaded CPE within a CPE pair.

4.2 Building analytic performance model

To derive the optimal settings for the parameters in swTensor through exhaustive search would take either a prohibitively long time, or too much human efforts, which is impractical in real-world. Therefore, we propose an auto-tuning scheme to identify the optimal parameter settings of swTensor. In order to use the auto-tuning scheme, we need to build an analytic performance model \(T(px_{1}, px_{2}, px_{3}, px_{4}, px_{5}, px_{6})\), which can precisely measure the performance of swTensor.

The valid range and constraint of the parameters in the performance model is as follows:

  • \(0<px_{1}<LDM_{size},\)\(0<px_{2}<LDM_{size}\) and \(0<px_{1}+px_{2}<LDM_{size}\), besides \(px_{1},px_{2}\in N\).

  • \(0<px_{3}<LDM_{size}\), \(0<px_{4}<LDM_{size}\) and \(px_{3},px_{4}\in N\).

  • \(0\leqslant px_{5}\leqslant 5000\) and \(px_{5}\in N\).

  • \(0\leqslant px_{6}\leqslant 1\) and \(px_{6}\in R\).

The whole procedure of swTensor is divided into 4 Sub-procedures. Hence, the performance model T can be built as Eq. (7). Within each Sub-procedure, there are two types of operations: 1) computation including Khatri-Rao product, Hadamard product and matrix operations; 2) accessing main memory through DMA. Since the computation result of Sub-procedure 1 is the input for Sub-procedure 2, we use \(T_{sub1,2}\) to represent the combined performance of Sub-procedure 1 and 2, as shown in Eq. (8). Equation 8 can be further expanded as Eq. (9). Note that in each Sub-procedure, the DMA data transfer is overlapped with the computation, therefore we consider the maximum execution time of the overlapped operations in Eq. (9).

$$\begin{aligned} T= & {} T_{sub1}+T_{sub2}+T_{sub3}+T_{sub4} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} T= & {} T_{sub1,2}+T_{sub3}+T_{sub4} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} T &= 3 \left(T_{DMAinit} + \sum _{ }^{n-2} max(T_{DMA},T_{sub1,2})+T_{sub1,2last}\right)\nonumber \\&\quad +6\left(T_{DMAinit}+\sum _{ }^{n-2} max(T_{DMA},T_{sub3})+T_{sub3last}\right)\nonumber \\&\quad +3\left(T_{DMAinit}+\sum _{ }^{n-2} max(T_{DMA},T_{sub4})+T_{sub4last}\right) \end{aligned}$$

The constant value 3 in Eq. (9) means that there are three factor matrices to compute, whereas the constant value 6 means that when we compute these three factor matrices, there are two types of computation to perform including matrix product and Hadamard product. \(T_{DMA}\) means the time for DMA transfer, where Eq. (10) show the details on how to calculate the DMA transfer time. Since the calculation of \(T_{DMA}\) is similar for each Sub-procedure, we omit the \(T_{DMA}\) equations for other Sub-procedures.

$$\begin{aligned} T_{DMA}=\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \frac{(1-px_{6}\frac{T_{0}-T_{1}}{T_{0(1)}})(px_{1}+px_{2})}{V_{DMA}}, &{}\quad \left| T_{0}-T_{1} \right| \geqslant px_{5} \\ \frac{px_{1}+px_{2}}{V_{DMA}},&{}\quad \left| T_{0}-T_{1} \right| < px_{5},init\_round \\ \end{array}\right. \end{aligned}$$

The calculation of \(T_{sub1,2}\), \(T_{sub3}\) and \(T_{sub4}\) is shown in Eqs. (1113), respectively. \(T_{0}\) and \(T_{1}\) represent the computation time of CPE 0 and CPE 1 within a CPE pair, respectively. \(V_{DMA}\) represents the DMA bandwidth, and \(V_{flop}\) represents the peak floating point performance of CPE. Note that the initial value of \(T_{0}\) and \(T_{1}\) is 1, where \(T_{0}-T_{1}=0\) means that the load on CPE 0 and CPE 1 is balanced. After the first round of computation, our implementation evaluates whether load imbalance occurs between two CPEs within a CPE pair. If load imbalance is detected, \(T_{0}\) and \(T_{1}\) will be updated to \((1-px_{6})T_{subpre}\) and \(px_{6}T_{subpre}\), respectively, where \(T_{subpre}\) represents the execution time of previous Sub-procedure.

$$\begin{aligned} T_{sub1,2}&=\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \frac{\left(1-px_{6}\frac{T_{0}-T_{1}}{T_{0(1)}}\right)(px_{1}+px_{2})+px_{1}}{V_{flop}},&{}\quad \left| T_{0}-T_{1} \right| \geqslant px_{5} \\ \frac{2px_{1}+px_{2}}{V_{flop}},&{}\quad \left| T_{0}-T_{1} \right| < px_{5},last\_round \\ \end{array}\right. \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} T_{sub3}&=\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \frac{\left(1-px_{6}\frac{T_{0}-T_{1}}{T_{0(1)}}\right)px_{3}}{V_{flop}},&{}\quad \left| T_{0}-T_{1} \right| \geqslant px_{5} \\ \frac{px_{3}}{V_{flop}},&{}\quad \left| T_{0}-T_{1} \right| < px_{5},last\_round \\ \end{array}\right. \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} T_{sub3}&=\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \frac{\left(1-px_{6}\frac{T_{0}-T_{1}}{T_{0(1)}}\right)px_{4}}{V_{flop}},&{}\quad \left| T_{0}-T_{1} \right| \geqslant px_{5} \\ \frac{px_{4}}{V_{flop}},&{}\quad \left| T_{0}-T_{1} \right| < px_{5},last\_round \\ \end{array}\right. \end{aligned}$$

4.3 Auto-tuning using simulated annealing algorithm

Based on the above analytic performance model, we use simulated annealing algorithm (Bertsimas and Tsitsiklis 1993; Aarts et al. 2007) to determine the optimal parameter settings. The simulated annealing algorithm tries to find the global optimal solution by accepting, with probability, a worse solution to step out local optimal solution.The auto-tuning procedure for swTensor is shown in Fig. 8. We first initialize the parameters randomly, within their value range. T means the temperature that we use in an auto-tuning algorithm, \(\alpha \) means the ratio when decreasing the temperature, solution represents a set of parameter settings, and f represents the analytic performance model. For each iteration of the algorithm, a new solution named as neighbor solution, is generated and then the algorithm computes the increment dE of the analytic performance model f. If dE is less than zero then algorithm accepts the neighbor solution as a current solution, otherwise the neighbor solution is accepted with probability \(p=exp(-dE/T)\). If the iteration meets the termination condition of the algorithm, the current solution will be the final optimal solution, otherwise the algorithm decreases the temperature to \(T=\alpha \times T\), and generates a new neighbor solution to start over the iteration. In our case, the simulated annealing algorithm takes 24 minutes to derive the global optimal parameter settings, which is more efficient than exhaustive search.

Fig. 8
figure 8

The performance auto-tuning mechanism using simulated annealing

5 Evaluation

In this section, we first compare the performance of swTensor with existing work running on a CPU cluster with equivalent computation capability to a Sunway CG. Then, we build the roofline model to show how effectively our swTensor adapted to the Sunway architecture. Moreover, we present the performance results when scaling swTensor beyond a single CG. Finally, we use several real-world datasets to further demonstrate the performance advantage of swTensor. We provide performance comparison with existing works that are also based on MapReduce framework such as BigTensor and CSTF.

5.1 Experimental setup

We conduct the experiments on a Sunway SW26010 processor, which contains four CGs. Each CG consists of one MPE and 64 CPEs. Each Sunway processor has 32GB DDR3 memory. The detailed specifications of SW26010 are listed in Table 1. We compare the performance of swTensor with BigTensor (Park et al. 2016) and CSTF (Blanco et al. 2018), which are state-of-the-art tenor decomposition frameworks running on CPU. To provide a fair comparison, we run BigTensor on a CPU cluster of 10 nodes, which delivers equivalent peak floating point performance to a Sunway CG. The detailed specifications of each CPU node are also listed in Table 1. Moreover, we also port BigTensor to Sunway (denoted as swBT) without the optimizations proposed in swTensor to better understand the effectiveness of our approach. In order to evaluate the performance of swTensor under different sizes of tensor, we synthetically generate random tensor data (Kolda and Bader 2009) of size \(I \times J \times K\), ranging from \(2 \times 10^3\) to \(9 \times 10^3\) and the number of nonzeros ranging from \(2 \times 10^5\) to \(6 \times 10^5\). The datasets evaluated are shown in Table 2.

Table 1 The hardware and software specifications of the Sunway processor and CPU cluster
Table 2 The tensor datasets evaluated in the experiments

5.2 Performance

We compare the performance of swTensor running on a CG of Sunway processor to BigTensor and CSTF running on a CPU cluster of 10 nodes due to the equivalent peak performance as shown in Table 1. This experimental setup intends to provide a fair comparison on processors with similar computation capacity. The performance results are shown in Fig. 9. It is clear that swTensor achieves better performance than BigTensor and CSTF across all tensor sizes with the average speedup of 1.36 \(\times \) and 1.24 \(\times \), respectively. Especially, when the tensor size is small, swTensor achieves more speedup over BigTensor and CSTF on the same dataset. The largest speedup achieved by swTensor is 1.62\(\times \) and 1.56\(\times \) running on dataset1 compared to BigTensor and CSTF, respectively. However, as the tensor size increases, the execution time of swTensor, BigTensor and CSTF increases accordingly. The performance advantage of swTensor becomes less significant compared to BigTensor and CSTF when the tensor size is large. When running on dataset5, the performance of swTensor is only 1.12 \(\times \) and 1.03 \(\times \) better than BigTensor and CSTF, respectively. The reason for the diminishing speedup of swTensor when the tensor size scales is due to the limited capacity of LDM on each CG. As the tensor size becomes too large to be cached in LDM of all CPEs, more data accesses are inevitable to read and write from main memory, which degrades the performance of swTensor. This observation justifies our contribution to scale swTensor to multiple CGs in order to handle larger tensor size. We also notice that swBT achieves the worst performance among all the CPD implementations. The results are as expected because swBT does not apply all the optimizations proposed in swTensor such as data tiling and coordinated computation, which leads to inefficient adaptation to the Sunway architecture. Since the performance of swBT is far below the rest of CPD implementations, we do not include swBT in the following evaluation of scalability and case study.

Fig. 9
figure 9

The performance comparison of swTensor, BigTensor, swBT and CSTF on synthetic datasets

5.3 Roofline model analysis

To better understand how effective our swTensor is adapted to the Sunway architecture, we build a roofline model of a Sunway CG using similar approach in Xu et al. (2017). Note that the roofline model of Sunway has already been validated in Xu et al. (2017) with thorough experiments. Since the performance counters are quite limited on Sunway CPEs, it is difficult to measure the operational intensity of swTensor during runtime. Therefore, we calculate the operational intensity through algorithm analysis, which is also adopted in Williams et al. (2009). Note that the attainable performance of swTensor is still measured for the experiment run.

The advantage of roofline model is that it builds up relationships among peak floating point performance, operational intensity and memory bandwidth, which is quite illustrative to reveal the intrinsic characteristics of the application and provide guidance for performance optimization. To derive the operational intensity of CP decomposition, we analyze the computation procedure and realize the major floating point computation happens during step 2 as described in Sect. 3.1. The amount of floating point operations is \(JK \times 2 \times I \times R\), where R is the rank of the tensor. In each iteration, the computation procedure is the same. Therefore, we only need to calculate the operational intensity for one iteration. In each iteration, there are three factor matrices accessed including A, B and C. Take the industry YELP dataset (Yelp dataset challenge 2019) for example, the calculation of operational intensity for CP decomposition is shown in Eq. (14).

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} Operational Intensity&= Flops / Bytes \\&= 2268GFlop*3 / 728.5*10^9Bytes \\&= 9.34 \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

The roofline model of a Sunway CG is shown in Fig. 10. The ridge point of the roofline model is 33.19, which means the application with operational intensity larger than the ridge point is no longer memory bounded. It is obvious that our swTensor reaches the operational intensity of 9.34, which is still under the slope of the roofline model and thus mostly bounded by the memory bandwidth. In the case of dataset (Yelp dataset challenge 2019), our swTensor achieves the performance of 523.39GFLOPS on a Sunway CG, which reaches 69.78% efficiency of the theoretical peak performance of a Sunway CG. Indicated by the roofline model, there is still 30.22% performance space for further optimization. Therefore, to further exploit the computation power of a Sunway CG, we need to improve the operational intensity through vectorization and instruction re-ordering (Xu et al. 2017). However, we leave it for future work.

Fig. 10
figure 10

The roofline model of a Sunway CG when running swTensor with the YELP dataset

5.4 Scalability

To evaluate the scalability, we run swTensor across multiple Sunway nodes (each Sunway node contains one Sunway processor that consists of four CGs) ranging from 1 to 10. We also run BigTensor and CSTF on CPU cluster for comparison. The performance of a single node is used as the baseline. As shown in Fig. 11, swTensor exhibits much better scalability than BigTensor and CSTF on different datasets as the number of nodes scales. For small (Dataset1), medium (Dataset3) and large (Dataset5) size of tensor data, swTensor achieves \(3.11\,\,\times \), \(2.91\,\,\times \) and \(2.76\,\,\times \) speedup, respectively when scaling to 10 nodes. Whereas for BigTensor, the speedup is only \(2.32\,\,\times \), \(2.12\,\,\times \) and \(1.92\,\,\times \), respectively. For CSTF the speedup is only \(1.21\,\,\times \), \(1.30\,\,\times \) and \(1.36\,\,\times \), respectively. The scalability of CSTF is worse than both BigTensor and swTensor due to the overhead of massive intermediate data generated during the computation. We also notice that the scalability of swTensor is far from linear, one reason for the sub-optimal scalability of swTensor could be attributed to our inefficient MPI implementation, which requires further optimization. Another reason could be, as the number of CGs increases while the size of tensor data stays constant, the computation assigned to each CG becomes insufficient to amortize the overhead of MPI communication. However, the concrete reasons still require further investigation in our future work.

Fig. 11
figure 11

The scalability of swTensor, BigTensor and CSTF running on different datasets across multiple nodes

5.5 Case study

In addition to the synthetic datasets, we evaluate swTensor with several real-world datasets as listed in Table 3. The YELP dataset (Yelp dataset challenge 2019) contains hundreds of thousands of reviews across 10,100 businesses, whereas the ML-20M dataset (Harper and Konstan 2016) contains 10,000,054 ratings and 95,580 tags applied to 10,681 movies from MovieLens. The nell1 and dellicious3d datasets are from FROSTT (Smith et al. 2017), where nell1 represents tensor with noun-verb-noun triplets, and dellicious3d is a user-item-tag tensor crawled from tagging systems. As shown in Fig. 12a, swTensor achieves better performance than BigTensor and CSTF on YELP and ML-20M datasets. For the YELP dataset, swTensor achieves 1.31 \(\times \) and 1.18 \(\times \) speedup compared to BigTensor and CSTF, respectively, whereas for the ML-20M dataset swTensor achieves 1.33 \(\times \) and 1.22 \(\times \) speedup, respectively. In Fig. 12b, on nell1 and dellicious3d datasets, swTensor and CSTF achieve similar performance, both of which are better than BigTensor. Note that the reason why the performance of CSTF compared to BigTensor is different from the results reported in Blanco et al. (2018) can be understood from two aspects: (1) The hardware settings of the experiment platforms are not exactly the same. Except CPU, the performance specifications of memory and disk subsystems may also be different. (2) The CSTF is implemented on top of Spark, which is more sensitive to CPU performance compared to BigTensor that is implemented on top of Hadoop. In our experiment platform, the CPU is less powerful compared to Blanco et al. (2018) in terms of both core number as well as CPU frequency, which constrains the performance advantage of CSTF compared to BigTensor. Nevertheless, the results with the real-world datasets also demonstrate the effectiveness of our swTensor for supporting tensor decomposition on Sunway architecture.

Table 3 The real-world tensor datasets
Fig. 12
figure 12

The performance comparison of swTensor, BigTensor and CSTF on real-world datasets

6 Related work

There are many research works that have been devoting significant efforts to optimize the algorithm of tensor decomposition. The computation of MTTKRP is identified to be the major performance bottleneck by carefully analyzing and instrumenting the computation of MTTKRP (Choi et al. 2018). Moreover, the authors in Choi et al. (2018) combine two data blocking methods and apply it to the MTTKRP, which achieves considerable speedup. eALS (element-wise Alternating Least Squares) (He et al. 2016), based on the traditional ASL algorithm, offers a new way to optimize tensor decomposition for online recommendation system. The dynamically changing features in real-world data are taken into consideration by eALS. A highly scalable tensor decomposition scheme, which is effective for speedup relation extraction, has been proposed by Chang et al. (2014). DFacTo (Choi and Vishwanathan 2014) presents a distributed algorithm that exploits the properties of the Khatri-Rao product to accelerate Alternating Least Squares (ALS) and Gradient Descent (GD) algorithms used in tensor factorization.

Besides, tensor decomposition has been adapted to various hardware architectures for better performance. On the Intel many-core processor KNL (Knights Landing), the computation of CP decomposition is balanced among the processing units, which leads to \(1.8\,\,\times \) performance speedup (Smith et al. 2017). Li et al. (2016); Ma et al. (2019) propose an optimized design of sparse tensor-times-dense matrix multiply on GPU that exploits fine thread granularity, coalesced memory access, rank blocking and fast shared memory. F-COO (Liu et al. 2017) proposes a unified tensor format along with GPU-specific optimizations that leverages the similar computation patterns between tensor operations. The implementation using F-COO achieves better performance than the implementation using vendor libraries on GPU. Most recently, balanced-CSF (Nisa e al. 2019) (balanced compressed sparse fiber) format has been proposed on GPU that extends the CSF format to better utilize the massive parallelism on GPU for accelerating the irregular computation of sparse MTTKRP with load balance. GTA (Oh et al. 2019) provides a general framework for Tucker factorization on both CPU and GPU that implements alternating least squares with a row-wise update in parallel, which effectively accelerates the factor matrice update process with less memory consumption. Phipps and Kolda (2019) propose a portable approach to determine the level of parallelism for MTTKRP on different architectures, which includes fine-grained parallelism, portable thread-local arrays and atomic-write contention avoidance.

Moreover, there are research works adapting CP decomposition to MapReduce framework to accelerate tensor decomposition with better parallelism and automatic scalability. FlexiFaCT (Beutel et al. 2014), HaTen2 (Jeon et al. 2015), Gigatensor (Kang et al. 2012) and BigTensor (Park et al. 2016) all take advantage of MapReduce framework to accelerate tensor decomposition on cluster. FlexiFaCT supports decomposition on both matrix and tensor by using stochastic gradient descent on different objective functions. HaTen2 reduces the amount of intermediate data and the number of computing jobs when the data size is tremendous. GigaTensor uses a novel computing algorithm to avoid intermediate data explosion as well as reduce the number of floating point operations, which demonstrates its effectiveness by evaluating with real-world datasets. CSTF (Blanco et al. 2018) proposes a novel queuing strategy to exploit the data reuse between the computation procedures in CP decomposition that reduces the communication cost significantly.

In the meanwhile, there are surging research works (Zhong et al. 2018; Liu et al. 2018; Hu et al. 2019; Liu et al. 2019; Han et al. 2019; Chen et al. 2018; Li et al. 2018a, b; Duan et al. 2018) based on Sunway architecture in the past few years, which provide valuable experience to our work. The achievable performance by leveraging the architecture features of Sunway such as memory architecture, CPEs and register communication, is quantitatively measured by Xu et al. (2017) with both memory-bound and computing-bound benchmarks. The observations described in Xu et al. (2017) provide useful insights for performance optimization on Sunway architecture. swMR (Zhong et al. 2018), a MapReduce programming framework based on Sunway architecture, leverages the computing resources of Sunway processor to automatically parallelize the map/reduce processing and optimize the performance using the unique architectural features such as CPEs and register communication. A sparse matrix vector multiplication algorithm optimized for Sunway architecture, is proposed by Liu et al. (2018). The proposed technique optimizes the sparse matrix vector multiplication by tiling resource and data into three levels, and then leverage register communication and local device memory to implement effective data transfer and better usage of CPEs. Li et al. (2018b) re-designs the computation of sparse triangular solver (SpTRSV) by assigning different roles to CPEs within a CG on Sunway processor. This multi-role design provides an efficient implementation of SpTRSV on Sunway by carefully manipulating the local device memory and register communication for synchronization.

7 Conclusion and future work

In this paper, we present an efficient implementation of tensor decomposition swTensor by adapting the architecture features of Sunway many-core architecture. Specifically, we leverage the Sunway MapReduce framework swMR for auto-parallelization of tensor decomposition, and tile the tensor data based on the 32 CPE pairs in swMR for load balance. In addition, we design customized key-value pairs to utilize the parallel processing of swMR and divide the original CP decomposition into four sub-procedures in order to avoid intermediate data explosion with the limited LDM on Sunway. Moreover, we propose a performance auto-tuning mechanism to search for the optimal parameter settings for swTensor. The experiment results show that swTensor performs better than the state-of-the-art BigTensor and CSTF in both performance and scalability. For the future work, we would like to extend swTensor to support more types of tensor decomposition such as Tucker decomposition (Tucker 1963), which are widely used in various application fields. Moreover, we would like to further optimize the MPI implementation of swTensor so that it can process tensor data with massive size by utilizing the Sunway processors at large scale.