1 Introduction

We consider the following scheduling problem with machine eligibility constraints. There are n jobs \(J_1,J_2,\cdots ,J_n\) to be processed on m parallel machines \(M_1,M_2,\cdots ,M_m\). Every job \(J_j\) is associated with a release time \(r_j\), a processing time \(p_j\), and a processing set \({\mathcal {M}}_j\subseteq \{M_1,M_2,\cdots ,M_m\}\), which mean that the job can only be processed at or after time \(r_j\) and on the machines in \({\mathcal {M}}_j\), and its processing takes \(p_j\) time units. The objective is to determine a schedule that minimizes the makespan \(C_{\max }\), i.e., the maximum completion time of the jobs. We discuss the problem in the online setting. That is, the information of any job is available only after it is being released, even about its existence. But when a job appears, we have the option of scheduling it immediately or postponing its scheduling till some later time. In contrast, in the offline setting, we have full information about all jobs in advance. Using the 3-field notation of Graham et al. [1], we denote the online problem as \(P|{\mathcal {M}}_j,r_j,\mathrm{online}|C_{\max }\) and the corresponding offline problem as \(P|{\mathcal {M}}_j,r_j|C_{\max }\). In this paper, we confine ourselves to a special type of processing set, i.e., the Grade of Service (GoS) processing set. In this case, for any two jobs \(J_i\) and \(J_j\), it holds that either \({\mathcal {M}}_i\subseteq {\mathcal {M}}_j\) or \({\mathcal {M}}_i\supseteq {\mathcal {M}}_j\). Thus, the jobs and machines can be graded such that a job can be processed on a machine only when the grade of the job is not below the grade of the machine. We use \({\mathcal {M}}_j(\mathrm{GoS})\) to indicate the special eligibility constraint. Also, we concern ourselves with the two-machine case, i.e., \(P2|{\mathcal {M}}_j(\mathrm{GoS}),r_j,\mathrm{online}|C_{\max }\).

To evaluate the performance of an algorithm, we use the worst-case performance ratio and the competitive ratio for the offline problem and online problem, respectively. Let \(\sigma ^*\) denote the offline optimal schedule and \(\sigma \) denote the schedule generated by the algorithm in context. Let \(C_{\max }(\sigma ^*)\) and \(C_{\max }(\sigma )\) denote the makespan of \(\sigma ^*\) and \(\sigma \), respectively. If \(C_{\max }(\sigma )\leqslant \rho C_{\max }(\sigma ^*)\), this algorithm is said to be a \(\rho \)-approximation algorithm for the offline problem, and a \(\rho \)-competitive algorithm for the online problem.

When there are no eligibility constraints, i.e., each job can be processed on any machine, Chen and Vestjens [2] presented a 3/2-competitive algorithm for \(P|r_j,\mathrm{online}|C_{\max }\), and Noga and Seiden [3] showed a 1.382-competitive optimal algorithm for the two-machine problem \(P2|r_j,\mathrm{online}|C_{\max }\).

When there are some eligibility constraints, Shchepin and Vakhania [4] provided a \((2-\frac{1}{m})\)-approximation algorithm for the offline problem \(P|{\mathcal {M}}_j|C_{\max }\) in which all jobs are available at time zero, and Muratore et al. [5] gave a Polynomial Time Approximation Scheme (PTAS) algorithm for the offline GoS constraints problem \(P|{\mathcal {M}}_j(\mathrm{GoS})|C_{\max }\). Shmoys et al. [6] showed that if there is a \(\rho \)-approximation algorithm for some scheduling problem in which all jobs are available at time zero, then there exists a \(2\rho \)-competitive algorithm for the corresponding problem in which the jobs are released online over time. Therefore, \(P|{\mathcal {M}}_j,r_j,\mathrm{online}|C_{\max }\) has a \((4-\frac{2}{m})\)-competitive algorithm, and \(P|{\mathcal {M}}_j(\mathrm{GoS}),r_j,\mathrm{online}|C_{\max }\) has a \((2+\varepsilon )\)-competitive algorithm. Xu and Liu [7] considered several problems with equal processing times and gave a \(\sqrt{2}\)-competitive optimal algorithm for \(P|{\mathcal {M}}_j(\mathrm{GoS}),p_j=p,r_j,\mathrm{online}|C_{\max }\).

In this paper, we present a \((1+\alpha )\)-competitive optimal algorithm for \(P2|{\mathcal {M}}_j(\mathrm{GoS}),r_j,\mathrm{online}|C_{\max }\), where \(\alpha \approx 0.555\) is a solution of \(\alpha ^3-2\alpha ^2-\alpha +1=0\).

2 Algorithm

For \(P2|{\mathcal {M}}_j(\mathrm{GoS}),r_j,\mathrm{online}|C_{\max }\), we need only to consider two types of processing sets: \(\{M_1\}\) and \(\{M_1,M_2\}\). For convenience, we call the jobs that can only be processed on \(M_1\) 1-jobs and the other jobs 2-jobs. Lee et. al. [8] have showed the following lemma.

Lemma 2.1

Any online algorithm for \(P2|{\mathcal {M}}_j(\mathrm{GoS}),r_j,\mathrm{online}|C_{\max }\) has a competitive ratio at least \(1+\alpha \approx 1.555\), where \(\alpha \) is a solution of \(\alpha ^3-2\alpha ^2-\alpha +1=0\).

Here we present a \((1+\alpha )\)-competitive algorithm H for \(P2|{\mathcal {M}}_j(\mathrm{GoS}),r_j,\mathrm{online}|C_{\max }\). By Lemma 2.1, H is optimal. In Algorithm H, \(J_{\max }(t)\) denotes the longest available 2-job at time t, and \(p_{\max }(t)\) denotes its processing time.

figure a

Let \(\sigma \) and \(\sigma ^*\) denote the schedule generated by Algorithm H and the offline optimal schedule, respectively. We use \(C_j\) and \(C^*_j\) to denote the completion times of job \(J_j\) in \(\sigma \) and \(\sigma ^*\), respectively, and use \(S_j\) and \(S^*_j\) to denote its start times in the two schedules. Let C and \(C^*\) denote the makespan of \(\sigma \) and \(\sigma ^*\), respectively. Let \(J_n\) be the last completed job, and L be the completion time of the machine that does not process \(J_n\), in \(\sigma \).

Obviously, if several 1-jobs \(J_{u_1},J_{u_2},\cdots ,J_{u_j}\) are scheduled continuously on \(M_1\) in \(\sigma \), then we can replace the jobs by a larger 1-job \(J_u\) with \(p_u=\sum _{1\leqslant i\leqslant j}J_{u_i}\) and \(r_u=\min _{1\leqslant i\leqslant j}r_{u_i}\). This replacement does not increase the length of \(\sigma ^*\), and keeps the length of \(\sigma \) and the positions of other jobs in \(\sigma \) unchanged. After this replacement, we can make sure there are no two 1-jobs scheduled on \(M_1\) continuously in \(\sigma \).

Lemma 2.2

If \(J_j\) is scheduled on \(M_2\) in \(\sigma \), then \(S_j\geqslant \alpha p_j\).


By Algorithm H, if \(J_j\) is scheduled on \(M_2\), then \(J_j\) is just \(J_{\max }(S_j)\). Therefore, \(S_j\geqslant \alpha p_{\max }(S_j)=\alpha p_j\).

Lemma 2.3

If \(J_n\) is 2-job, and \(C-L>p_n\), then \(C/C^*\leqslant 1+\alpha \).


If \(J_n\) is scheduled on \(M_1\), by \(C-L>p_n\), \(M_2\) is idle at time \(S_n\). Further, by the algorithm, we have \(p_n\leqslant \frac{\alpha }{1-\alpha }p_a=0\) and \(r_n=S_n\); otherwise, \(J_n\) is scheduled on \(M_2\). So, \(C=r_n=C^*\). Next we suppose that \(J_n\) is scheduled on \(M_2\).

If \(M_2\) is idle just before \(J_n\) in \(\sigma \), then \(S_n=\alpha p_n\) or \(r_n\), which means \(C=(1+\alpha )p_n\) or \(r_n+p_n\). Since \(C^*\geqslant r_n+p_n\), we have \(C/C^*\leqslant 1+\alpha \). Now we suppose \(r_n<S_n\), and there is a job \(J_{n-1}\) finished at time \(S_n\) on \(M_2\). As \(C-L>p_n\), \(M_1\) is idle at time \(S_n\). Then, we have \(p_n>\frac{\alpha }{1-\alpha }p_{n-1}\). Since we always schedule the current longest available 2-job on \(M_2\), it holds that \(r_n>S_{n-1}\). So, \(C-C^*\leqslant p_{n-1}\). If \(p_{n-1}\leqslant \frac{\alpha }{1+\alpha }C\), then \(C-C^*\leqslant \frac{\alpha }{1+\alpha }C\), and the lemma holds. If \(p_{n-1}>\frac{\alpha }{1+\alpha }C\), then \(p_n>\frac{\alpha }{1-\alpha }p_{n-1}>\frac{\alpha ^2}{1-\alpha ^2}C\), and by Lemma 2.2, \(S_{n-1}\geqslant \alpha p_{n-1}>\frac{\alpha ^2}{1+\alpha }C\). So,

$$\begin{aligned} C=S_{n-1}+p_{n-1}+p_{n}>\frac{-\alpha ^3+\alpha ^2+\alpha }{1-\alpha ^2}C. \end{aligned}$$

Since \(\alpha ^3-2\alpha ^2-\alpha +1=0\), we have \(C>\frac{-\alpha ^3+\alpha ^2+\alpha }{1-\alpha ^2}C=C\), a contradiction.

In the following analysis, we suppose that if \(J_n\) is 2-job, then \(C-L\leqslant p_n\).

If \(C-L\leqslant p_n\), then the machine that processes \(J_n\) is always busy from time L to C. If \(C-L> p_n\), then \(J_n\) is 1-job, and \(M_2\) is idle after time L. By the algorithm, no 2-jobs start on \(M_1\) after time L. Thus, if \(M_1\) has idle time in [LC], we can easily get \(C=C^*\). In other words, we can also suppose that the machine which processes \(J_n\) is always busy from time L to C.

In the algorithm, \(M_1\) can be idle for two reasons: There is no available job or there is only one available 2-job \(J_j\) with \(p_j>\frac{\alpha }{1-\alpha }p_a\). Also, \(M_2\) can be idle for two reasons: there is no available 2-job or the current time \(t<\alpha p_{\max }(t)\). Call a time interval as idle time interval if there is at least one machine idle during this time interval. We can distinguish the idle time interval into two types:

  1. (i)

    a-type: no available job for any idle machine during the interval;

  2. (ii)

    b-type: there is an available job for some idle machine during the interval.

If there is no idle time before L, then by Lemma 2.2, \(M_2\) does not process any job after time zero, and \(L=0\). Further, \(M_1\) does not process any 2-job after time zero, i.e., \(\sigma \) is optimal. In the following, we suppose that there is at least one idle time interval before L in \(\sigma \).

Let \([t_s,t_f]\) be the last idle time interval before L in \(\sigma \). Notice that if there exists \(t'\) with \(t_s<t'<t_f\) such that \([t_s,t']\) and \([t',t_f]\) are idle time interval of different types, we treat \([t',t_f]\) as the last idle time interval and let \(t_s=t'\).

Let \(\bar{J}(t_f)\) denote the set of jobs released before time \(t_f\) but completed after time \(t_f\) in \(\sigma \). For \(J_j\in \bar{J}(t_f)\), the processing mount after time \(t_f\) in \(\sigma \) and \(\sigma ^*\) is equal to \(\min \{p_j,C_j-t_f\}\) and \(\min \{p_j,\max \{0,C^*_j-t_f\}\}\), respectively. Let

$$\begin{aligned} \delta _j=\max \{0,\min \{p_j,C_j-t_f\}-\min \{p_j,\max \{0,C^*_j-t_f\}\}\}. \end{aligned}$$

Lemma 2.4

If \(\delta _j>0\), then \(\delta _j\leqslant S_j\) and \(\delta _j\leqslant t_f-S^*_j\) hold.


It follows from \(\delta _j>0\) that \(\min \{p_j,C_j-t_f\}>\min \{p_j,\max \{0,C^*_j-t_f\}\}\). Then, \(p_j>C^*_j-t_f=S^*_j+p_j-t_f\), i.e., \(t_f-S^*_j>0\).

When \(C^*_j<t_f\), we have \(\delta _j=\min \{p_j,C_j-t_f\}\) and \(S^*_j+p_j=C^*_j<t_f\). Then, \(\delta _j\leqslant p_j<t_f-S^*_j\) and \(\delta _j\leqslant C_j-t_f<C_j-(S^*_j+p_j)=S_j-S^*_j\leqslant S_j\). When \(t_f\leqslant C^*_j<p_j+t_f\), \(\delta _j=\min \{p_j,C_j-t_f\}-(C^*_j-t_f)\). Thus, \(\delta _j\leqslant (C_j-t_f)-(C^*_j-t_f)=S_j-S^*_j\leqslant S_j\) and \(\delta _j\leqslant p_j-(C^*_j-t_f)=p_j-(S^*_j+p_j-t_f)=t_f-S^*_j\).

Let \(\delta =\sum _{J_j\in \bar{J}(t_f)}\delta _j\). If \(\bar{J}(t_f)=\varnothing \), let \(\delta =0\).

Lemma 2.5

If \([t_s,t_f]\) is a-type, then \(\delta \leqslant t_f\).


If \(M_1\) is idle during \([t_s,t_f]\), then all the jobs scheduled at or after time \(t_f\) must be released at or after time \(t_f\). So, \(|\bar{J}(t_f)|\leqslant 1\). If \(\bar{J}(t_f)=\varnothing \), the lemma holds. If \(|\bar{J}(t_f)|=1\), say \(\bar{J}(t_f)=\{J_b\}\), then according to Lemma 2.4, \(\delta =\delta _b\leqslant S_b\leqslant t_f\).

If \(M_2\) is idle during \([t_s,t_f]\), then all the 2-jobs scheduled at or after time \(t_f\) must be released at or after time \(t_f\). If there is no job scheduled before \(t_f\) and completed at or after time \(t_f\) on \(M_1\), then all the jobs scheduled at or after time \(t_f\) must be released at or after time \(t_f\). Thus, \(\bar{J}(t_f)=\varnothing \), and the lemma holds. Now suppose there is a job \(J_b\) scheduled before time \(t_f\) and completed at or after time \(t_f\) on \(M_1\). If all the jobs scheduled after \(J_b\) on \(M_1\) are released at or after time \(t_f\), then \(\bar{J}(t_f)=\{J_b\}\) and \(\delta =\delta _b\leqslant S_b\leqslant t_f\). If there exists another job \(J_c\) in \(\bar{J}(t_f)\), then \(J_c\) must be 1-job and \(r_c>S_b\). Thus, \(J_b\) is 2-job. If \(\delta _c=0\), then \(\delta =\delta _b\leqslant t_f\). If \(\delta _c>0\), since \(S^*_c\geqslant r_c>S_b\), we have \(\delta _c\leqslant t_f-S^*_c\leqslant t_f-S_b\). Thus, \(t_f\geqslant \delta _c+S_b\geqslant \delta _c+\delta _b=\delta \).

Theorem 2.6

If \([t_s,t_f]\) is a-type, then \(C/C^*\leqslant 1+\alpha \).


First suppose that \(J_n\) is 2-job. If \(S_n<t_f\), then \([t_s,t_f]\) is merely an a-type idle time interval on the machine that does not process \(J_n\) in \(\sigma \). Therefore, all the jobs scheduled at or after time \(t_f\) must be released at or after \(t_f\), and deleting them does not change the positions of the other jobs (including \(J_n\)). But the deletion operation will decrease L and cause \(L\leqslant t_s\), and hence, we turn to deal with the new \(\sigma \). Now suppose \(S_n\geqslant t_f\). Since \(J_n\) is 2-job, we have \(C-L\leqslant p_n\). Further, since \([t_s,t_f]\) is an a-type idle time interval, we have \(r_n\geqslant t_f\), and by Lemma 2.5, we have \(\delta \leqslant t_f\). Thus,

$$\begin{aligned} C^*\geqslant r_n+p_n\geqslant t_f+p_n\geqslant \delta +C-L. \end{aligned}$$

By the definition of \(\delta \), for those jobs released before \(t_f\) and completed at or after \(t_f\) in \(\sigma \), the processing mount after \(t_f\) in \(\sigma ^*\) is \(\delta \) less than in \(\sigma \). Then we have

$$\begin{aligned} C^*\geqslant t_f+\frac{1}{2}(C+L-2t_f-\delta )=C-\frac{1}{2}(C-L+\delta )\geqslant C-\frac{1}{2}C^*. \end{aligned}$$

It leads to \(C\leqslant \frac{3}{2}C^*\).

Next we suppose that \(J_n\) is 1-job. If no job is completed at time \(S_n\) on \(M_1\), then \(r_n=S_n\) and \(\sigma \) is optimal. If there is some job \(J_{n-1}\) completed at time \(S_n\) on \(M_1\), then \(J_{n-1}\) is 2-job. As in the case where \(J_n\) is 2-job, we can suppose \(S_{n-1}\geqslant t_f\). Notice that \(r_n>S_{n-1}\). If \(p_{n-1}\leqslant \frac{\alpha }{1+\alpha }C\), we have \(C-C^*<p_{n-1}\leqslant \frac{\alpha }{1+\alpha }C\), which leads to \(C<(1+\alpha )C^*\). If \(p_{n-1}>\frac{\alpha }{1+\alpha }C\), as \(J_{n-1}\) is a 2-job scheduled on \(M_1\), there must be some job \(J_k\) on \(M_2\) such that \(p_k\geqslant \frac{1-\alpha }{\alpha }p_{n-1}>\frac{1-\alpha }{1+\alpha }C\). Clearly, \(C_k>S_{n-1}\geqslant t_f\). If \(S_k<t_f\), then \(\bar{J}(t_f)=\{J_k\}\) and \(\delta =\delta _k\leqslant S_k\), which implies \(L-\delta \geqslant p_k>\frac{1-\alpha }{1+\alpha }C\). Then,

$$\begin{aligned} C^*\geqslant t_f+\frac{1}{2}(C+L-2t_f-\delta )=\frac{1}{2}C+\frac{1}{2}(L-\delta )>\frac{1}{1+\alpha }C. \end{aligned}$$

If \(S_k\geqslant t_f\), then \(L-t_f\geqslant L-S_k\geqslant p_k\). By Lemma 2.5, \(\delta \leqslant t_f\). Then we have

$$\begin{aligned} C^*\geqslant t_f+\frac{1}{2}(C+L-2t_f-\delta )\geqslant \frac{1}{2}C+\frac{1}{2}(L-t_f)>\frac{1}{1+\alpha }C. \end{aligned}$$

This completes the proof.

In the remaining part of this section, we suppose that the last idle time interval \([t_s,t_f]\) is b-type. The following Lemmas 2.7 and 2.8 are obvious for Algorithm H.

Lemma 2.7

If \(M_1\) is idle during \([t_1,t_2]\), then there is at most one job released before time \(t_2\) and scheduled at or after time \(t_2\).

In fact, when \([t_1,t_2]\) is a b-type idle time interval, there is only one job released before time \(t_2\) and scheduled at or after time \(t_2\); when \([t_1,t_2]\) is an a-type idle time interval, there is no job released before time \(t_2\) and scheduled at or after time \(t_2\).

Lemma 2.8

If \(M_2\) is idle during \([t_s,t_f]\) which is b-type, then job \(J_{\max }(t_f)\) is scheduled at time \(t_f\) on \(M_2\), where \(t_f=\alpha p_{\max }(t_f)\).

Theorem 2.9

If \([t_s,t_f]\) is b-type, then \(C/C^*\leqslant 1+\alpha \).


We first consider the case where \(M_2\) is idle during \([t_s,t_f]\). If \(J_{\max }(t_f)\) is completed later than L, then \(J_{\max }(t_f)\) is the last completed job and the theorem holds obviously. So, we suppose that \(J_{\max }(t_f)\) is completed no later than L in \(\sigma \). Let \([t'_s,t'_f]\) be the last idle time interval on \(M_1\) (if there is not such time interval, we let \(t'_s=t'_f=0\)). Clearly, \(t'_f\leqslant t_f\). By Lemma 2.7, there is at most one job, say \(J_k\), released before \(t'_f\) and scheduled at or after time \(t'_f\) in \(\sigma \). Let \(\delta '_k\) denote the processing mount of \(J_k\) before time \(t'_f\) in \(\sigma ^*\). Clearly, \(\delta '_k\leqslant t'_f\). Then we have

$$\begin{aligned} C^*\geqslant \frac{1}{2}(C+L-t_f-t'_f-\delta '_k)+t'_f\geqslant \frac{1}{2}(C+L-t_f). \end{aligned}$$

If \(L-t_f\geqslant \frac{1-\alpha }{1+\alpha }C\), then \(C^*\geqslant \frac{1}{1+\alpha }C\), and the theorem holds. So, we suppose \(L-t_f<\frac{1-\alpha }{1+\alpha }C\). By Lemma 2.8, \(t_f=\alpha p_{\max }(t_f)\leqslant \alpha (L-t_f)\). Then \(L=t_f+L-t_f<(1-\alpha )C\).

If \(J_n\) is 2-job, then

$$\begin{aligned} p_n\geqslant C-L>\alpha C>\frac{1-\alpha }{1+\alpha }C>L-t_f\geqslant p_{\max }(t_f). \end{aligned}$$

Thus, \(r_n>t_f\), and \(C^*\geqslant r_n+p_n>t_f+C-L\), and \(C-C^*<L-t_f<\frac{1-\alpha }{1+\alpha }C\), which leads to \(C<\frac{1+\alpha }{2\alpha }C^*<(1+\alpha )C^*\).

If \(J_n\) is 1-job, as in the proof of Theorem 2.6, we can find the last 2-job \(J_{n-1}\) on \(M_1\). By the algorithm, there is a job \(J_k\), with \(p_k\geqslant \frac{1-\alpha }{\alpha }p_{n-1}\), scheduled on \(M_2\). If \(S_k\geqslant t_f\), then \(L-t_f\geqslant p_k\geqslant \frac{1-\alpha }{\alpha }p_{n-1}\). If \(S_k<t_f\), we have \(p_k\leqslant \frac{S_k}{\alpha }<\frac{t_f}{\alpha }=p_{\max }(t_f)\). Again, \(L-t_f\geqslant p_{\max }(t_f)>p_k\geqslant \frac{1-\alpha }{\alpha }p_{n-1}\). So, \(p_{n-1}\leqslant \frac{\alpha }{1-\alpha }(L-t_f)<\frac{\alpha }{1+\alpha }C\). Noticing that \(r_n>S_{n-1}\), we have \(C-C^*<p_{n-1}<\frac{\alpha }{1+\alpha }C\). Consequently, \(C/C^*\leqslant 1+\alpha \) holds.

Next we consider the case where \(M_1\) is idle during \([t_s,t_f]\). If \(M_2\) is idle at time \(t_f\), then the same argumentation as above works. Thus, we suppose there is a job \(J_a\) processed on \(M_2\) at time \(t_f\). By Lemma 2.7, there is only one job released before time \(t_f\) and scheduled at or after time \(t_f\). Clearly, the only job must be longer than \(\frac{\alpha }{1-\alpha }p_a\), so it is released after \(S_a\). That is, all the jobs scheduled at or after time \(t_f\) are released after time \(S_a\). Let \(\delta '_a\) denote the processing mount of \(J_a\) before time \(S_a\) in \(\sigma ^*\). Clearly, \(\delta '_a\leqslant S_a\). Then we have

$$\begin{aligned} C^*\geqslant \frac{1}{2}(C+L-t_f-S_a-\delta '_a)+S_a\geqslant \frac{1}{2}(C+L-t_f). \end{aligned}$$

If \(J_n\) is 1-job, then just as before, we can find the last 2-job \(J_{n-1}\) on \(M_1\). Notice that \(r_n>S_{n-1}\). If \(p_{n-1}\leqslant \frac{\alpha }{1+\alpha }C\), we have \(C-C^*<p_{n-1}\leqslant \frac{\alpha }{1+\alpha }C\) and \(C<(1+\alpha )C^*\). If \(p_{n-1}>\frac{\alpha }{1+\alpha }C\), then there is a job \(J_k\) scheduled at or after time \(S_a\) on \(M_2\) such that \(p_k\geqslant \frac{1-\alpha }{\alpha }p_{n-1}>\frac{1-\alpha }{1+\alpha }C\). If \(J_a\) and \(J_k\) are different jobs, then \(J_k\) is scheduled after \(J_a\), and we have \(L-t_f\geqslant p_k>\frac{1-\alpha }{1+\alpha }C\). Notice that there is a 2-job longer than \(\frac{\alpha }{1-\alpha }p_a\) released before \(t_f\) and scheduled at or after time \(t_f\). This 2-job is scheduled after \(J_a\) in \(\sigma \). Thus, if \(J_a\) and \(J_k\) are the same job, we have \(L-t_f\geqslant \frac{\alpha }{1-\alpha }p_a>p_k>\frac{1-\alpha }{1+\alpha }C\). It follows from (2.1) that \(C/C^*\leqslant 1+\alpha \).

If \(J_n\) is 2-job, then \(p_n\geqslant C-L\). By (2.1), we need only to consider the case of \(L-t_f<\frac{1-\alpha }{1+\alpha }C\). If \(r_n\geqslant t_f\), then

$$\begin{aligned} C^*\geqslant r_n+p_n\geqslant t_f+(C-L)>\frac{2\alpha }{1+\alpha }C>\frac{1}{1+\alpha }C. \end{aligned}$$

Thus, we suppose that \(J_n\) is just the job released before \(t_f\) and scheduled at or after \(t_f\). Clearly, \(p_n>\frac{\alpha }{1-\alpha }p_a\) and \(S_n\geqslant C_a\). If \(S_n>C_a\), then there exists a job \(J_j\) scheduled on \(M_2\) such that \(p_j\geqslant p_n\) and \(r_j\geqslant t_f\). Thus, \(C^*\geqslant r_j+p_j\geqslant t_f+p_n>\frac{2\alpha }{1+\alpha }C\), and the theorem holds. If \(S_n=C_a\), then

$$\begin{aligned} C=S_a+p_a+p_n>\alpha p_a+p_a+\frac{\alpha }{1-\alpha }p_a=\frac{1+\alpha -\alpha ^2}{1-\alpha }p_a=\frac{1+\alpha }{\alpha }p_a, \end{aligned}$$

where the last equality follows from \(\alpha ^3-2\alpha ^2-\alpha +1=0\). As \(p_n>p_a\), we have \(r_n>S_a\). Then, \(C-C^*\leqslant p_a<\frac{\alpha }{1+\alpha }C\), and the theorem holds.

Combining the above analysis with Lemma 2.1, we obtain the following result.

Theorem 2.10

Algorithm H is a \((1+\alpha )\)-competitive optimal algorithm for \(P2|{\mathcal {M}}_j(\mathrm{GoS}),r_j,\mathrm{online}|C_{\max }\).