1 Introduction

Monsky (1970) proved that the square cannot be tiled by an odd number of equal-area triangles. Bezdek and Bisztriczky (2015) proved that every simple polygon can be partitioned into a finite number of equal-diameter triangles such that the intersection of any two triangles is either empty or consists of a vertex or of an edge.

We generalize this result in three dimensions. A simple polyhedron is a polyhedron whose vertices are adjacent to three edges and three faces. We prove the following

Theorem 1

Every simple polyhedron can be partitioned into a finite number of equal-diameter tetrahedra such that the intersection of any two tetrahedra is either empty or consists of a vertex, of an edge or of a face.

One can find several results on triangulations in the survey paper of Zamfirescu (2013) and in the monograph of De Loera et al. (2010).

2 Notation and terminology

We say that a simple polygon is triangulated if it is partitioned into a finite number of triangles, such that the intersection of any two triangles is either empty or consists of a vertex or of an edge. We say that a set of tetrahedra form a tetrahedralization of a simple polyhedron if it is partitioned into a finite number of tetrahedra, such that the intersection of any two tetrahedra is either empty or consists of a vertex or of an edge or of a face. We say that a triangulation is an \(\epsilon \)-diameter triangulation if each triangle has a diameter equal to \(\epsilon \). We say that a tetrahedralization is an \(\epsilon \)-diameter tetrahedralization if each tetrahedra has a diameter equal to \(\epsilon \).

Throughout this paper, ab will also denote the length of the segment ab. Throughout this paper, \(a_1\ldots a_n\) will also denote the convex hull of \(a_1\ldots a_n\).

We use the usual notations \(\hbox {conv}\) and \(\hbox {diam}\) for the convex hull and diameter of a set, respectively. Let \(H_1,H_2\) be convex polyhedra and let \(H_1{\setminus }H_2\) denote the concave polyhedron subtracting \(H_2\) from \(H_1\).

3 The proof

We refer remarks and lemmas that can be find in Sect. 3.6. Let \(\texttt {P}\) be a simple polyhedron and let \(\texttt {P}_1,\ldots ,\texttt {P}_n\) be a partition of \(\texttt {P}\) where \(\texttt {P}_1, \ldots ,\texttt {P}_n\) are convex polyhedrons and the intersection of any two polyhedrons is either empty or consists of a vertex, of an edge or of a face. In the proof of Bezdek and Bisztriczky (2015) the authors use an acute triangulation of the examined polygon to find an equal-diameter triangulation. If we employ this argument for every face of every small polyhedron \(\texttt {P}_1,\ldots ,\texttt {P}_n\) in the same time, then we get an equal-diameter triangulation \(\mathcal {T}\) of the faces of the polyhedrons \(\texttt {P}_1,\ldots ,\texttt {P}_n\). Observe that the diameters of the triangles on every face are the same.

From now on we examine only one convex polyhedron—say—\(\texttt {P}_1\). Let \(T_1,\ldots ,T_k\) be the equal-diameter triangulation of the faces of \(\texttt {P}_1\) generated by \(\mathcal {T}\), where \(T_1,\ldots ,T_k\) are the triangles of the triangulation. Let \(p_1,\ldots ,p_m\) be the vertices of the triangles \({T}_1,\ldots ,{T}_k\). Let q be a point in the interior of \(\texttt {P}_1\) so that \(p_1q\not \in \mathbb {N}, \ldots , p_m q\not \in \mathbb {N} \) and let \(H_1=\hbox {conv}(T_1,q),\ldots , H_k=\hbox {conv}(T_k,q)\). We show that every tetrahedron \(H_i\) can be divide into equal-diameter subtetrahedrons where the intersection of any two subtetrahedrons is either empty or consists of a vertex, of an edge or of a face. Let \(\epsilon \) be the diameter of the triangles in \(\mathcal {T}\). Let us scale the polyhedron \(\texttt {P}\) with the triangles of \(\mathcal {T}\), that \(\epsilon =1\).

3.1 Extending boundary partitions

Let ABC be a triangle and assume that the boundary of ABC is partitioned by a finite set \(S_2\) of vertices including A, B and C. We say that a triangulation of ABC is an extension of the given partition of the boundary if on the boundary of ABC exactly the vertices of \(S_2\) are used.

Let ABCD be a tetrahedron and assume that the boundary of ABCD is triangulated by a finite set \(S_3\) of triangles. We say that a tetrahedralization of ABCD is an extension of the given triangulation of the boundary if on the boundary of ABCD exactly the triangles of \(S_3\) are used.

3.2 Partitioning segments

We partition the segment \(p_uq\), \(u\in \{1,\ldots ,m\}\) starting with \(p_u\) inserting new vertices—say—\(p_{u1},\ldots ,p_{un}\), as many as possible, such that they are unit distance apart from each other.

3.3 Partitioning quadrangles

We need the partition only a special type of quadrangle Q which opposite edges have unit length and the rest of the edges have length smaller than or equal to one. We can find the unit-diameter triangulation of Q in Lemma 1 of Bezdek and Bisztriczky (2015) and in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Partitioning quadrangles

3.4 Partitioning triangles I

Let \(p_jp_iq\) be a face of a tetrahedron \(H_u\) and assume that \(p_iq\le p_jq\). We call \(p_jp_i\) the base of the triangle \(p_jp_iq\). We give a triangulation of \(p_jp_iq\) that is an extension of the boundary partition of \(p_jp_iq\).

Observe \(p_ip_j\le 1\). Assume that \(0\le n< p_iq<n+1\), thus \(n< p_jq<n+2\). Let \(p_{i0}=p_{i}\) and \(p_{i1}\), \(\ldots ,\) \(p_{in}\) be the points on \(p_iq\) such that \(p_ip_{ik} = k\) where \(k = 1, \ldots ,n\). We distinguish two cases.

Case 1 We have \(n< p_jq<n+1\). Let \(p_{j0}=p_{j}\) and \(p_{j1}\), \(\ldots ,\) \(p_{jn}\) be the points on \(p_jq\) such that \(p_jp_{jk} = k\) for \(k = 1, \ldots ,n\) (Fig. 2). Observe \(p_ip_{j}>p_{ik}p_{jk}\). Indeed, assume vertex d completes vertices \(p_j,p_i,p_{ik}\) to a parallelogram, and notice that the perpendicular bisector of \(p_{jk}d\) passes through \(p_j\). Since this perpendicular bisector has both \(p_{ik}\) and \(p_{jk}\) on its same side, we have \(p_{ik}p_{jk} < p_{ik}d = p_ip_j\).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Partitioning triangles I—Case 1

We partition the triangle \(p_jp_iq\) into the n quadrangles \(p_{j(k-1)}p_{i(k-1)}p_{ik}p_{jk}\) where \(k=1,\ldots ,n\) and the triangle \(p_{jn}p_{in}q\). By Sect. 3.3 Partitioning quadrangles, the quadrangles have unit-diameter triangulations and the diameter of the triangle \(p_{jn}p_{in}q\) is smaller than one.

Case 2 We have \(n+1< p_jq<n+2\). Let \(p_{j0}=p_{j}\) and \(p_{j1}\), \(\ldots ,\) \(p_{j(n+1)}\) be the points on \(p_jq\) such that \(p_jp_{jk} = k\) for \(k = 1, \ldots , n + 1\) (Fig. 3). We partition the triangle \(p_jp_iq\) into the n quadrangles \(p_{j(k-1)}p_{i(k-1)}p_{ik}p_{jk}\) where \(k=1,\ldots ,n\) and the triangles \(p_{jn}p_{in}p_{j(n+1)}\) and \(p_{j(n+1)}p_{in}q\). Observe \(p_{jn}p_{in}\le 1\) and \(p_{in}q<1\). By Remark 1, we have \(p_{in}p_{j(n+1)}\le 1\). Thus \(\hbox {diam}(p_{jn}p_{in}p_{j(n+1)})=1\) and \(\hbox {diam}(p_{j(n+1)}p_{in}q)<1\). By Sect. 3.3, the quadrangles have unit-diameter triangulations.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Partitioning triangles I—Case 2

3.5 Partitioning triangles II

Let \(p_{21}s_2s_1\) be a triangle where \(s_1s_2=1\), \(p_{21}s_1<2\), and \(p_{21}s_2<2\). We give a unit-diameter triangulation of \(p_{21}s_2s_1\). If \(p_{21}s_1\le 1\) and \(p_{21}s_2\le 1\), then the triangle \(p_{21}s_2s_1\) is a unit-diameter triangle. We may assume \(p_{21}s_1>1\) or \(p_{21}s_2>1\). We distinguish three cases.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Partitioning triangles II—Case 1

Case 1 We have \(p_{21}s_1>1\) and \(p_{21}s_2\le 1\) (Fig. 4). Let \(p_{211}\) be the point on the edge \(p_{21}s_1\) such that \(p_{21}p_{211}=1\). By Remark 1, \(p_{211}s_2\le 1\). The triangles \(p_{21}s_2p_{211}\) and \(p_{211}s_2s_1\) form a unit-diameter triangulation of the triangle \(p_{21}s_2s_1\).

Case 2 We have \(p_{21}s_1\le 1\) and \(p_{21}s_2>1\). The case is similar to the Case 1 (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5
figure 5

Partitioning triangles II—Case 2

Case 3 We have \(p_{21}s_1>1\) and \(p_{21}s_2>1\). Let \(p_{211}\) (\(p_{212}\), resp.) be the point on the edge \(p_{21}s_1\) (\(p_{21}s_2\), resp.) such that \(p_{211}p_{21}=1\) (\(p_{212}p_{21}=1\), resp.).

Let \(s_{21}\) be a point in the interior of \(p_{211}p_{21}s_2\) such that \(s_{21}s_2=1\). We may assume \(s_{21}p_{21}\le 1\) and \(s_{21}p_{212}\le 1\). We distinguish two subcases.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Partitioning triangles II—Case 3.1

Subcase 3.1 We have \(p_{211}s_2\le 1\) (Fig. 6). By Remark 1, \(s_{21}p_{211}\le 1\). Indeed, let \(s_{22}\) be the intersection point of the line generated by \(s_2, s_{21}\) and the line generated by \(p_{211}p_{21}\). Observe, \(p_{211}s_{22}<1\).

The triangles \(p_{211}s_{2}s_{1}\), \(p_{211}p_{21}s_{21}\), \(p_{21}p_{212}s_{21}\), \(p_{212}s_{2}s_{21}\) and \(p_{211}s_{21}s_{2}\) form a unit-diameter triangulation of \(p_{21}s_2s_1\).

Fig. 7
figure 7

Partitioning triangles II—Case 3.2

Subcase 3.2 We have \(p_{211}s_2>1\). Let \(p_{2112}\) be the point on the edge \(p_{211}s_2\) such that \(p_{2112}p_{211}=1\) (Fig. 7). The smallest angle in the triangle \(p_{21}s_2s_1\) is \(s_2p_{21}s_1\angle \) thus \(s_2p_{21}s_1\angle <{\pi \over 3}\) and \(s_{21}\) lies in the circular sector of center \(p_{21}\) through the points \(p_{212}\) and \(p_{211}\). In this case \(p_{211}s_{21}<1\). By Remark 1, \(p_{2112}s_{21}\le 1\) and \(p_{2112}s_{1}\le 1\). We get the triangles \(p_{2112}s_{2}s_{1}\), \(p_{211}p_{2112}s_{1}\), \(p_{211}p_{21}s_{21}\), \(p_{21}p_{212}s_{21}\), \(p_{212}s_2s_{21}\), \(p_{2112}s_{21}s_{2}\) and \(p_{2112}p_{211}s_{21}\) form a unit-diameter triangulation of \(p_{21}s_2s_1\).

3.6 Remarks and lemmas

Remark 1

If \(a_1a_2a_3\) is a triangle and b is a point on the the side \(a_1a_2\), then

$$\begin{aligned} a_3b\le \max \{a_3a_1,a_3a_2\}. \end{aligned}$$

We omit the proof of the remark.

Remark 2

If \(a_1a_2a_3a_4\) is a tetrahedron b is a point on the boundary of \(a_1a_2a_3a_4\) and c is a point in \(a_1a_2a_3a_4\), then

$$\begin{aligned} cb\le \max \{ca_1,ca_2,ca_3,ca_4\}. \end{aligned}$$
Fig. 8
figure 8

Remark 2


Firs we assume c lies in the interior of \(a_1a_2a_3a_4\). If b is a vertex of \(a_1a_2a_3a_4\), then the proof is trivial. Thus we assume that b is not a vertex of \(a_1a_2a_3a_4\). We may assume that b lies on the face \(a_1a_2a_4\) (Fig. 8). Let \(b_1\) be the intersection point of the edge \(a_1a_2\) and the plane determined by the points \(c, a_4, b\). By Remark 1, \(b_1c\le \max \{ca_1,ca_2\}\) and \(bc\le \max \{cb_1,ca_4\}\), which completes the proof of the remark if c is an interior point of \(a_1a_2a_3a_4\). If c is a boundary point of \(a_1a_2a_3a_4\), then the proof is similar. \(\square \)

Lemma 1

If \(a_1a_2a_3a_4\) is a tetrahedron such that \(a_1a_2\le 1\), \(a_1a_3\le 1\), \(a_2a_3\le 1\), \(1<a_1a_4\le \alpha \), \(a_2a_4\le \alpha \), \(a_3a_4\le \alpha \) \((1<\alpha \le 2)\), c is a point in the interior of \(a_1a_2a_3a_4\) so that \(ca_4=1\) and b is a point on the boundary of \(a_1a_2a_3a_4\), then

$$\begin{aligned} bc\le \left\{ \begin{array}{lll} \sqrt{\alpha ^2+1-2\sqrt{\alpha ^2-1}} &{} \hbox { if } &{} \sqrt{2}<\alpha \le 2\\ 1 &{} \hbox { if } &{} 1<\alpha \le \sqrt{2} \end{array}\right. . \end{aligned}$$


By Remark 2, we need to show that we have

$$\begin{aligned} a_ic<\left\{ \begin{array}{lll} \sqrt{\alpha ^2+1-2\sqrt{\alpha ^2-1}} &{} \hbox { if } &{} \sqrt{2}<\alpha \le 2\\ 1 &{} \hbox { if } &{} 1<\alpha \le \sqrt{2} \end{array}\right. , \quad \hbox {for} \quad \mathrm{i}=1,2,3,4. \end{aligned}$$

Without loss of generality we examine the distance \(a_1c\) only. Let \(L_0\) be the line determined by the points \(a_2\), \(a_4\). Let \(L_1\) be the line through the point c, perpendicular to the edge \(a_1a_4\) and intersecting the line \(L_0\) (observe \(a_1a_4a_2\angle \ne {\pi \over 2}\)). Let \(l_{11}\) and \(l_{12}\) be the intersecting points of the line \(L_1\) and the boundary of \(a_1a_2a_3a_4\) such that \(d\left( l_{11},L_0\right) \le d\left( l_{12},L_0\right) \). We distinguish two cases.

Case 1 Moving the point c on the line \(L_1\) toward the point \(l_{11}\) the distance \(a_1c\) increases. We distinguish two subcases.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Lemma 1—Subcase 1.1

Fig. 10
figure 10

Lemma 1\(\sqrt{2}<\alpha \le 2\)

Subcase 1.1 The point \(l_{11}\) lies on \(a_2a_4\) (Fig. 9). If we move the point c on the line \(L_1\) toward the edge \(a_2a_4\), then the distances \(a_1c\) and \(a_4c\) increase. Thus we can assume that c lies on the edge \(a_2a_4\). Observe \(a_2a_4>1\). If we fix the lengths of \(a_1a_4\), \(a_2a_4\) and increase the length of \(a_1a_2\), then the length of \(a_1c\) increases. Thus we may assume that \(a_1a_2=1\). If we fix the lengths of \(a_1a_2\), \(a_2a_4\) and increase the length of \(a_1a_4\), then the length of \(a_1c\) increases. Thus we may assume that \(a_1a_4=\alpha \). Let \(C_1\) be the circle of radius \(\alpha \) and center \(a_1\). Let \(C_2\) be the circle through the three points \(a_1,a_2\) and \(a_4\). We fix the points \(a_1\) and \(a_2\), and we move \(a_4\) on the circle \(C_1\). Let \(\mathcal {H}\) be the halfplane bounded by the line through the points \(a_1\), \(a_2\) and containing \(a_4\). Let R be the ray through the point \(a_2\) and perpendicular to the segment \(a_1a_2\) in the halfplane \(\mathcal {H}\). Let \(r_1\) be the intersection point of \(C_1\) and R (Fig. 10). Let \(r_2\) be the point on the circle \(C_1\) in the halfplane \(\mathcal {H}\) such that \(a_2r_2=1\) (Fig. 11). Since the length of the edges \(a_1a_4\) and \(a_4c\) are fix, the length of \(a_1c\) is the greatest if the angle \(a_1a_4c\angle \) is the greatest, that is, if \(a_4=r_1\) if \(\sqrt{2}<\alpha \le 2\) (in this case \(C_1\) and \(C_2\) touch each other) and \(r_2\) if \(1<\alpha \le \sqrt{2}\) (in this case the radius of \(C_2\) is the smallest). Thus \(a_1c\le \sqrt{\alpha ^2+1-2\sqrt{\alpha ^2-1}}\) if \(\sqrt{2}<\alpha \le 2\) and \(a_1c\le 1\) if \(1<\alpha \le \sqrt{2}\), which completes the proof of the subcase.

Fig. 11
figure 11

Lemma 1\(1<\alpha \le \sqrt{2}\)

Subcase 1.2 The point \(l_{11}\) lies on the face \(a_1a_2a_3\). Since the diameter of the triangle \(a_1a_2a_3\) is one, we have \(1>a_1l_{11}>a_1c\).

Case 2 Moving the point c on the line \(L_1\) toward the point \(l_{12}\) the distance \(a_1c\) increases. Observe \(l_{12}\) lies in the relative interior of the face \(a_1a_3a_4\). Let \(R_3\) be the ray starting at \(l_{12}\), perpendicular to the edge \(a_1a_4\) and lying in the halfplane determined by the line trough the points \(a_1\), \(a_4\) and containing the point \(a_3\). Let \(r_3\) be the intersection point of \(R_3\) and the relative boundary of the face \(a_1a_3a_4\). Observe \(a_1c\le a_1l_{12}\le a_1r_3\) and \(a_4c\le a_4l_{12}\le a_4r_3\). We distinguish two subcases.

Subcase 2.1 The point \(r_3\) lies on \(a_3a_4\). The proof is similar to the proof of Subcase 1.1.

Subcase 2.2 The point \(r_3\) lies on \(a_1a_3\). The proof is similar to the proof of Subcase 1.2.

This completes the proof of the lemma. \(\square \)

Lemma 2

If \(p_{11}p_{21}qs_1\) is a tetrahedron such that the diameter of \(p_{11}p_{21}q\) is not greater than one and \(s_1q=1\), then \(p_{11}p_{21}qs_1\) has unit-diameter tetrahedralization.


If \(p_{11}s_1\le 1\) and \(p_{21}s_1\le 1\), then \(\hbox {diam}(p_{11}p_{21}qs_1)=1\). Thus we may assume \(p_{11}s_1>1\). Let \(p_{111}\) be the point on \(p_{11}s_1\) such that \(p_{11}p_{111}=1\). We use the triangulations of the faces \(p_{11}qs_1\), \(p_{21}qs_1\) and \(p_{11}p_{21}s_1\) generated by Sect. 3.4 and we extend this boundary partition to a unit-diameter tetrahedralization. We distinguish two cases.

Case 1 We have \(p_{21}s_1\le 1\) (Fig. 12). By Remark 1, \(p_{111}q\le 1\) and \(p_{111}p_{21}\le 1\). The tetrahedra \(p_{11}p_{21}p_{111}q\) and \(p_{21}p_{111}qs_1\) form a unit-diameter tetrahedralization of \(p_{11}p_{21}qs_1\).

Fig. 12
figure 12

Lemma 2—Case 1

Fig. 13
figure 13

Lemma 2—Case 2

Case 2 We have \(p_{21}s_1>1\). Let \(p_{211}\) be the point on \(p_{21}s_1\) such that \(p_{21}p_{211}=1\) (Fig. 13). Let \(T^1,\ldots ,T^7\) be the triangles of the triangulation of \(p_{11}p_{21}s_1\) generated by Sect. 3.4. By Remark 2, \(pq\le 1\) where p is a vertex of \(T^1\) or \(\ldots \) or \(T^7\). The tetrahedra \(\hbox {conv}(T^1,q)\), \(\ldots \), \(\hbox {conv}(T^7,q)\) form a unit-diameter tetrahedralization of \(p_{11}p_{21}qs_1\). This completes the proof of the lemma. \(\square \)

Lemma 3

If \(p_{1}p_{2}p_3q\) is a tetrahedron such that the diameter of \(p_1p_2p_3\) is one, \(p_1q<2\), \(p_2q<2\) and \(p_3q<2\), then \(p_{1}p_{2}p_3q\) has unit-diameter tetrahedralization.


Let \({\mathcal A}=\{p_1q,p_2q,p_3q\}\). If \(p_1q\le 1\), \(p_2q\le 1\) and \(p_3q\le 1\), then \(\hbox {diam}(p_{1}p_{2}p_3q)=1\). Thus we may assume there is a length in \({\mathcal A}\) that is greater than one. First we create a tetrahedralization where the diameters of the tetrahedra are not greater than \(\sqrt{5-2\sqrt{3}}=1.239\ldots \), next we create one where the diameters of the tetrahedra are exactly one. We use the triangulations of the faces \(p_1p_2q\), \(p_1p_3q\) and \(p_2p_3q\) generated by Sect. 3.4 and we extend this boundary partition to a unit-diameter tetrahedralization. We refer the points \(p_{11}\), \(p_{21}\) and \(p_{31}\) (if there exist) generated by Sect. 3.4. Let \(s_{1}\) be a point in the interior of \(p_1p_2p_3q\) such that \(s_{1}q=1\). We distinguish three cases.

Fig. 14
figure 14

Lemma 3—Case 1

Case 1 There is a unique length in the set \({\mathcal {A}}\) which is greater than one. We assume \(p_1q\le 1\), \(p_2q\le 1\) and \(1<p_3q\). (The cases (\(p_1q\le 1\), \(1<p_2q\), \(p_3q\le 1\)) and (\(1<p_1q\), \(p_2q\le 1\), \(p_3q\le 1\)) are similar.) We can choose the position of \(s_1\) such that \(p_3s_1<1\) and \(p_{31}s_1<1\) (Fig. 14). By Remark 1, \(p_1s_1<1\) and \(p_2s_1<1\) (because of \(\hbox {diam}(p_1p_2p_3)=1\)). Thus the tetrahedra \(p_1p_2p_3s_{1}\), \(p_2p_3p_{31}s_{1}\), \(p_2p_{31}qs_{1}\), \(p_1p_3p_{31}s_{1}\), \(p_1p_{31}qs_{1}\) and \(p_1p_{2}qs_{1}\) form a unit-diameter tetrahedralization of \(p_1p_2p_3q\).

Fig. 15
figure 15

Lemma 3—Case 2

Case 2 There are exactly two lengths in the set \({\mathcal {A}}\) which are greater than one. We assume that \(1<p_1q\), \(1<p_2q\) and \(p_3q\le 1\) (Fig. 15). (The cases (\(1<p_1q\), \(p_2q\le 1\) and \(1<p_3q\)) and (\(p_1q\le 1\), \(1<p_2q\) and \(1<p_3q\)) are similar.) Let \(T^1=p_{11}p_{21}q,T^2=p_{21}p_{3}q,T^3=p_{11}p_{3}q,T^4,\ldots ,T^{11}\) be the triangles of the triangulations of the faces \(p_1p_2q\), \(p_1p_3q\) and \(p_2p_3q\) generated by Sect. 3.4 and \(T^{12}=p_1p_2p_3\). Let \(H^i=\hbox {conv}\left( T_1^i,s_{1}\right) \) for \(i=1,2,\ldots ,12\). By Lemma 1 \((\alpha =2)\), each tetrahedron \(H^i\) \((i=4,\ldots ,12)\) has a unit-diameter base and every other edges have length not greater then \(\sqrt{5-2\sqrt{3}}=1.239\ldots \) By Lemma 2, the tetrahedra \(H^1,H^2,H^3\) have unit-diameter tetrahedralization. Thus we created a tetrahedralization where the diameters of the tetrahedra are not smaller than one and not greater than \(\sqrt{5-2\sqrt{3}}=1.239\ldots \)

We examine the tetrahedron \(H^i\). Let \(p'_1p'_2p'_3\) be the vertices of \(T^i\) (the base of \(H^i\)) and \(s_{1}\) be the apex of \(H^i\). Let \({\mathcal A'}=\{p'_1s_1,p'_2s_1,p'_3s_1\}\). If \(p'_1s_1\le 1\), \(p'_2s_1\le 1\) and \(p'_3s_1\le 1\), then \(\hbox {diam}(p'_1p'_2p'_3s_1)=1\). Thus we may assume there is a length in \({\mathcal A'}\) that is greater than one. We use the triangulations of the faces \(p'_1p'_2s_1\), \(p'_1p'_3s_1\) and \(p'_2p'_3s_1\) generated by Sect. 3.4 (with bases \(p'_1p'_2\), \(p'_1p'_3\) and \(p'_2p'_3\)) and we extend this boundary partition to a unit-diameter tetrahedralization. We refer the points \(p'_{11}\), \(p'_{21}\) and \(p'_{31}\) (if there exist) generated by Sect. 3.4. Let \(s'_{1}\) be a point in the interior of \(p'_1p'_2p'_3s_1\) such that \(s'_{1}s_1=1\). We distinguish three subcases.

Subcase 2.1 There is a unique length in the set \({\mathcal {A}'}\) which is greater than one. The proof is similar to the proof of Case 1.

Subcase 2.2 There are exactly two lengths in the set \({\mathcal {A}'}\) which are greater than one. We assume that \(1<p'_1s_1\), \(1<p'_2s_1\) and \(p'_3s_1\le 1\) (Fig. 16). (The subcases (\(1<p'_1s_1\), \(p'_2s_1\le 1\) and \(1<p'_3s_1\)) and (\(p'_1s_1\le 1\), \(1<p'_2s_1\) and \(1<p'_3s_1\)) are similar.) Let \({T'}^1=p'_{11}p'_{21}s_{1},{T'}^2=p'_{21}p'_{3}s_{1},{T'}^3=p'_{11}p'_{3}s_{1},{T'}^4,\ldots ,{T'}^{11}\) be the triangles of the triangulations of the faces \(p'_1p'_2s_1\), \(p'_1p'_3s_1\) and \(p'_2p'_3s_1\) generated by Sect. 3.4, with bases \(p'_1p'_2\), \(p'_1p'_3\), \(p'_2p'_3\) and let \({T'}^{12}={p'}_1{p'}_2{p'}_3\). Observe \({T'}^4,\ldots ,{T'}^{12}\) are unit diameter triangles. Let \({H'}^i=\hbox {conv}({T'}^i,s'_{1})\) for \(i=1,\ldots ,12\). By Lemma 1 \((\alpha =\sqrt{5-2\sqrt{3}}=1.239\ldots )\), we have \(ps'_{1}\le 1\) where p is a vertex of \({T'}^1\) or \(\ldots \) or \({T'}^{12}\), that is, the diameter of \({H'}^i\) is one for \(i=1,\ldots ,12\). The tetrahedra \({H'}^1,\ldots ,{H'}^{12}\) form a unit-diameter tetrahedralization of \({p'}_1{p'}_2{p'}_3s_1\).

Fig. 16
figure 16

Lemma 3—Subcase 2.2

Fig. 17
figure 17

Lemma 3—Subcase 2.3

Subcase 2.3 We have \(1<p'_1s_1\), \(1<p'_2s_1\) and \(1<p'_3s_1\). Let \({T'}^1=p'_{11}p'_{21}s_{1},{T'}^2=p'_{21}p'_{31}s_{1},{T'}^3=p'_{11}p'_{31}s_{21},{T'}^4,\ldots ,{T'}^{21}\) be the triangles of the triangulations of the faces \(p'_1p'_2s_1\), \(p'_1p'_3s_1\) and \(p'_2p'_3s_1\) generated by Sect. 3.4 with bases \(p'_1p'_2\), \(p'_1p'_3\), \(p'_2p'_3\) and let \({T'}^{22}={p'}_1{p'}_2{p'}_3\) (Fig. 17). Let \({H'}^i=\hbox {conv}({T'}^i,s'_{1})\) for \(i=1,\ldots ,22\). By Lemma 1 \((\alpha =\sqrt{5-2\sqrt{3}}=1.239\ldots )\), we have \(ps'_{1}\le 1\) where p is a vertex of \({T'}^1\) or \(\ldots \) or \({T'}^{22}\), that is, the diameter of \({H'}^i\) is unit for \(i=1,\ldots ,22\). The tetrahedra \({H'}^1,\ldots ,{H'}^{22}\) form a unit-diameter tetrahedralization of \({p'}_1{p'}_2{p'}_3s_1\).

Observe the intersection of any two subtetrahedrons is either empty or consists of a vertex, of an edge or of a face, which completes the proof of the Case 2.

Case 3 We have \(1<p_1q\), \(1<p_2q\) and \(1<p_3q\). Let \(T^1=p_{11}p_{21}q, T^2=p_{21}p_{31}q,T^3=p_{11}p_{31}q,T^4,\ldots ,T^{21}\) be the triangles of the triangulations of the faces \(p_1p_2s_1\), \(p_1p_3s_1\) and \(p_2p_3s_1\) generated by Sect. 3.4 and let \(T^{22}=p_1p_2p_3\) (Fig. 18). Let \(H^i=\hbox {conv}\left( T^i,s_1\right) \) for \(i=1,\ldots ,22\). By Lemma 1, each tetrahedron \(H^i\) \((i=4,\ldots ,22)\) has unit-diameter base and every other edges have length not greater then \(\sqrt{5-2\sqrt{3}}=1.239\ldots \) By Lemma 2, the tetrahedra \(H^1,H^2,H^3\) have unit-diameter tetrahedralization. Thus we get a tetrahedralization where the diameters of the tetrahedra are not smaller than one and not greater than \(\sqrt{5-2\sqrt{3}}=1.239\ldots \) We examine the tetrahedron \(H^i\). Let \(p'_1p'_2p'_3\) be the vertices of \(T^i\) (the base of \(H^i\)) and \(s_{1}\) be the apex of \(H^i\). The proof is similar to the proof of Subcases 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3.

Observe the intersection of any two subtetrahedra is either empty or consists of a vertex, of an edge or of a face, which completes the proof of the lemma. \(\square \)

Corollary 1

If \(p_{1}p_{2}p_3q\) is a tetrahedron such that \(\hbox {diam}(p_1p_2p_3)=1\), \(p_1q<2\), \(p_2q<2\), \(p_3q<2\), \(\hbox {diam}(p_1p_2p_3q)>1\) and let \(s_{1}\) be a point in the interior of \(p_1p_2p_3q\) such that \(s_{1}q=1\), then the concave polyhedron \(p_{1}p_{2}p_3q{\setminus } p_{1}p_{2}p_3s_1\) has unit-diameter tetrahedralization.


The proof comes from the proof of Lemma 3. \(\square \)

Fig. 18
figure 18

Lemma 3—Case 3

Lemma 4

If \(p_{21}p_{31}s_1s_2\) is a tetrahedron such that \(s_1s_2=1\), \(p_{21}s_1<2\), \(p_{31}s_1<2\), \(p_{21}s_2<2\), \(p_{31}s_2<2\) and \(p_{21}p_{31}\le 1\), then \(p_{21}p_{31}s_1s_2\) has unit-diameter tetrahedralization.


Let \({\mathcal B}=\{p_{21}s_1,p_{31}s_1,p_{21}s_2,p_{31}s_2\}\). If \(p_{21}s_1\le 1\), \(p_{31}s_1\le 1\), \(p_{21}s_2\le 1\) and \(p_{31}s_2\le 1\), then \(p_{21}p_{31}s_1s_2\) is a unit-diameter tetrahedron. Thus we may assume there is a length in the set \({\mathcal B}\) which is greater than one. Without loss of generality we can assume \(p_{21}s_1>1\). If \(p_{i1}s_k>1\), then let \(p_{i1k}\) be the point on the edge \(p_{i1}s_k\) such that \(p_{i1}p_{i1k}=1\) for \(i=2,3\), \(k=1,2\). We use the triangulation of the faces \(p_{21}s_1s_2\) and \(p_{31}s_1s_2\) generated by Sect. 3.5; and the triangulations of the faces \(p_{21}p_{31}s_1\) and \(p_{21}p_{31}s_2\) generated by Sect. 3.4. We extend these boundary triangulation to a unit-diameter tetrahedralization of \(p_{21}p_{31}s_1s_2\). Observe \(\hbox {diam}(p_{21}p_{31}s_1s_2)<2\) thus the distance of any two points in \(p_{21}p_{31}s_1s_2\) is smaller than two. We distinguish four cases.

Fig. 19
figure 19

Lemma 4—Case 1

Case 1 There is a unique length in the set \({\mathcal {B}}\) which is greater than one (Fig. 19). The tetrahedra \(p_{21}p_{31}p_{211}s_2\) and \(p_{211}p_{31}s_1s_2\) form a unit-diameter tetrahedralization of \(p_{21}p_{31}s_1s_2\).

Case 2 There are exactly two lengths in the set \({\mathcal {B}}\) which is greater than one. We distinguish three subcases.

Fig. 20
figure 20

Lemma 4—Case 2.1

Subcase 2.1 We have \(p_{31}s_2>1\) (Fig. 20). Let \(T^1=p_{21}p_{31}p_{211}\), \(T^2=p_{211}p_{31}s_1\) be the triangles of the triangulation of \(p_{21}p_{31}s_1\) generated by Sect. 3.4. Let \(T^3=p_{21}p_{31}p_{312}\), \(T^4=p_{21}p_{312}s_2\) be the triangles of the triangulation of \(p_{21}p_{31}s_2\) generated by Sect. 3.4. Let \(T^5=p_{211}p_{21}s_{2}\), \(T^6=p_{211}s_{2}s_1\) be the triangles of the triangulation of \(p_{21}s_{2}s_{1}\) generated by Sect. 3.5. Let \(T^7=p_{31}p_{312}s_{1}\), \(T^8=p_{312}s_{2}s_1\) be the triangles of the triangulation of \(p_{31}s_{2}s_{1}\) generated by Sect. 3.5. By Remark 1, \(p_{211}p_{312}\le 1\). Let \(s_{21}\) be a point in the interior of \(p_{21}p_{31}p_{211}s_2\) such that \(s_{21}s_2=1\). By Lemma 3, the tetrahedra \(\hbox {conv}(T^1,s_{21})\), \(\hbox {conv}(T^3,s_{21})\), \(\hbox {conv}(T^5,s_{21})\), \(p_{31}p_{312}p_{211}s_{21}\) have unit-diameter tetrahedralization, by Lemma 2, \(\hbox {conv}(T^4,s_{21})\), \(p_{211}p_{312}s_{2}s_{21}\) have unit-diameter tetrahedralization. These subtetrahedra, \(p_{211}p_{31}s_1p_{312}\) and \(p_{211}p_{312}s_1s_2\) form a unit-diameter tetrahedralization of the examined tetrahedron \(p_{21}p_{31}s_1s_2\).

Subcase 2.2 We have \(p_{21}s_2>1\). Let \(s_{21}\) be a point in the interior of \(p_{21}p_{31}p_{211}s_2\) such that \(s_{21}s_2=1\). Let \(T^1=p_{21}p_{31}p_{211}\), \(T^2=p_{211}p_{31}s_1\) be the triangles of the triangulation of \(p_{21}p_{31}s_1\) generated by Sect. 3.4. Let \(T^3=p_{21}p_{31}p_{212}\), \(T^4=p_{212}p_{31}s_2\) be the triangles of the triangulation of \(p_{21}p_{31}s_2\) generated by Sect. 3.4 and let \(T^{5}=p_{31}s_{2}s_{1}\). We distinguish two subcases.

Fig. 21
figure 21

Lemma 4—Case 2.2.1

Subcase 2.2.1 We have \(p_{211}s_2\le 1\) (Fig. 21). Let \(T^6=p_{211}s_{2}s_1\), \(T^7\), \(\ldots \), \(T^{10}\) be the triangles of the unit-diameter triangulation of \(p_{21}s_{2}s_{1}\) generated by Sect. 3.5 and \(T^{11}=p_{211}p_{31}s_2\). By Lemma 3, the tetrahedra \(\hbox {conv}(T^i,s_{21})\) for \(i=1,\ldots ,11\), \(i\ne 2,i\ne 4,i\ne 5,i\ne 6\) have unit-diameter tetrahedralization. By Lemma 2, the tetrahedra \(\hbox {conv}(T^4,s_{21})\) and \(\hbox {conv}(T^{11},s_{21})\) have unit-diameter tetrahedralization. These subtetrahedra and \(p_{211}p_{31}s_1s_2\) form a unit-diameter tetrahedralization of \(p_{21}p_{31}s_1s_2\).

Fig. 22
figure 22

Lemma 4—Case 2.2.2

Subcase 2.2.2 We have \(p_{211}s_2>1\). Let \(p_{2112}\) be the point generated by Sect. 3.5 (Fig. 22). Let \(T^6=p_{211}p_{2112}s_1\), \(T^7=p_{2112}s_2s_1\), \(T^8\), \(\ldots \), \(T^{12}\) be the triangles of the unit-diameter triangulation of \(p_{21}s_{2}s_{1}\) generated by Sect. 3.5. Let \(T^{13}=p_{211}p_{31}p_{2112}\), \(T^{14}=p_{2112}p_{31}s_2\) be the triangles of the triangulation of \(p_{211}p_{31}s_2\) generated by Sect. 3.4. By Lemma 3, the tetrahedra \(\hbox {conv}(T^i,s_{21})\) for \(i=1,\ldots ,13\), \(i\ne 2,i\ne 4,i\ne 5,i\ne 6,i\ne 7\) have unit-diameter tetrahedralization. By Lemma 2, the tetrahedra \(\hbox {conv}(T^4,s_{21})\) and \(\hbox {conv}(T^{14},s_{21})\) have unit-diameter tetrahedralization. These subtetrahedra \(\hbox {conv}(T^{13},s_{1})\) and \(\hbox {conv}(T^{14},s_{1})\) form a unit-diameter tetrahedralization of \(p_{21}p_{31}s_1s_2\).

Fig. 23
figure 23

Lemma 4—Case 2.3

Subcase 2.3 We have \(p_{31}s_1>1\) (Fig. 23). Let \(T^1,\ldots ,T^7\) be the triangles of the triangulation of \(p_{21}p_{31}s_1\) generated by Sect. 3.4. Observe \(ps_2\le 1\) where p is a vertex of \(T^1\) or \(\ldots \) or \(T^7\). The tetrahedra \(\hbox {conv}(T^1,s_2),\ldots ,\hbox {conv}(T^7,s_2)\) form a unit-diameter tetrahedralization of \(p_{21}p_{31}s_1s_2\).

Case 3 There are exactly three lengths in the set \({\mathcal {B}}\) which are greater than one. Let \(s_{21}\) be a point in the interior of \(p_{21}p_{31}p_{211}s_2\) such that \(s_{21}s_2=1\). We distinguish three subcases.

Subcase 3.1 We have \(p_{31}s_1>1\) and \(p_{21}s_2 >1\). Let \(T^{1} = p_{211}p_{311}s_1, T^{2},\ldots \), \(T^{7}\) be the triangles of the triangulation of \(p_{21}p_{31}s_1\) generated by Sect. 3.4. Let \(T^{8}, T^{9}=p_{212}p_{31}s_2\) be the triangles of the triangulation of \(p_{21}p_{31}s_2\) generated by Sect. 3.4. Let \(T^{10}=p_{311}s_2s_1,T^{11}\) be the triangles of the unit-diameter triangulation of \(p_{31}s_{2}s_1\) generated by 3.5 Partitioning triangles II. Observe, that \(T^i\) for \(i=2,\ldots ,8,10,11\) are unit-diameter triangles and the diameters of \(T^{1}\) and \(T^9\) are not greater than one. We distinguish two subcases.

Fig. 24
figure 24

Lemma 4—Case 3.1.1

Subcase 3.1.1 We have \(p_{211}s_2\le 1\) (Fig. 24). Let \(T^{12}=p_{211}s_2s_1,T^{13},\ldots ,\) \(T^{16}\) be the triangles of the unit-diameter triangulation of \(p_{21}s_2s_1\) generated by Sect. 3.5 Partitioning triangles II. Let \(T^{17}=p_{211}p_{311}s_2\). By Lemma 3, the tetrahedra \(\hbox {conv}(T^i,s_{21})\) for \(i=2,\ldots ,16\), \(i\ne 9,i\ne 10,i\ne 12\) have unit-diameter tetrahedralization. By Lemma 2, the tetrahedra \(\hbox {conv}(T^i,s_{21})\) for \(i=9,17\) have unit-diameter tetrahedralization. These subtetrahedra and \(\hbox {conv}(T^{17},s_{1})\) form a unit-diameter tetrahedralization of \(p_{21}p_{31}s_1s_2\).

Fig. 25
figure 25

Lemma 4—Case 3.1.2

Subcase 3.1.2 We have \(p_{211}s_2>1\). Let \(p_{2112}\) be the point generated by Sect. 3.5 (Fig. 25). Let \(T^{12}=p_{211}p_{2112}s_1\), \(T^{13}=p_{2112}s_2s_1\), \(T^{14},\ldots ,T^{18}\) be the triangles of the unit-diameter triangulation of \(p_{21}s_2s_1\) generated by Sect. 3.5. Let \(T^{19}=p_{211}p_{311}p_{2112}\) and \(T^{20}=p_{311}p_{2112}s_2\). By Remark 1, \(p_{311}p_{2112}\le 1\). By Lemma 3, the tetrahedra \(\hbox {conv}(T^i,s_{21})\) for \(i=2,\ldots ,19\), \(i \!\ne \!9,i\!\ne \!10,i\ne 12,i\ne 13\) have unit-diameter tetrahedralization. By Lemma 2, the tetrahedra \(\hbox {conv}(T^i,s_{21})\) for \(i=9,20\) have unit-diameter tetrahedralization. These subtetrahedra, \(\hbox {conv}(T^{19},s_{1})\) and \(\hbox {conv}(T^{20},s_{1})\) form a unit-diameter tetrahedralization of \(p_{21}p_{31}s_1s_2\).

Subcase 3.2 We have \(p_{31}s_1>1\) and \(p_{31}s_2>1\). The proof is similar to the proof of Subcase 3.1 (Fig. 26).

Fig. 26
figure 26

Lemma 4—Subcase 3.2

Subcase 3.3 We have \(p_{21}s_2>1\) and \(p_{31}s_2>1\). Let \(T^1=p_{211}p_{31}s_1,T^2\) be the triangles of the triangulation of \(p_{21}p_{31}s_1\) generated by Sect. 3.4. Let \(T^3=p_{212}p_{312}s_2,T^4,\ldots ,T^{9}\) be the triangles of the triangulation of \(p_{21}p_{31}s_2\) generated by Sect. 3.4. Let \(T^{10}\), \(T^{11}\) be the triangles of the triangulation of \(p_{31}s_{2}s_1\) generated by Sect. 3.5. We distinguish two subcases.

Fig. 27
figure 27

Lemma 4—Subcase 3.3.1

Subcase 3.3.1 We have \(p_{211}s_2\le 1\) (Fig. 27). Let \(T^{12}\!=\!p_{211}s_{2}s_1\), \(T^{13}\), \(\ldots \), \(T^{16}\) be the triangles of the triangulation of \(p_{21}s_{2}s_1\) generated by Sect. 3.5. Let \(T^{17}=p_{211}p_{312}s_2\), \(T^{18}=p_{211}p_{31}p_{312}\). By Lemma 3, the tetrahedra \(\hbox {conv}(T^i,s_{21})\) for \(i = 2,\ldots ,18\), \(i \ne 3,i\ne 10,i\ne 11,i\ne 12,i\ne 17\) have unit-diameter tetrahedralization. By Lemma 2, the tetrahedra \(\hbox {conv}(T^i,s_{21})\) for \(i=3,17\) have unit-diameter tetrahedralization. These subtetrahedra, \(\hbox {conv}(T^{17},s_{1})\) and \(\hbox {conv}(T^{18},s_{1})\) form a unit-diameter tetrahedralization of \(p_{21}p_{31}s_1s_2\).

Fig. 28
figure 28

Lemma 4—Subcase 3.3.2

Subcase 3.3.2 We have \(p_{211}s_2>1\). Let \(p_{2112}\) be the point generated by Sect. 3.5 (Fig. 28). Let \(T^{12}=p_{211}p_{2112}s_1\), \(T^{13}=p_{2112}s_2s_1\), \(T^{14}\), \(\ldots \), \(T^{18}\) be the triangles of the triangulation of \(p_{21}s_{2}s_1\) generated by Sect. 3.5. Let \(T^{19}=p_{2112}p_{312}s_2,T^{20},\ldots ,T^{25}\) be the triangles of the triangulation of \(p_{211}p_{31}s_2\) generated by Sect. 3.4. By Lemma 3, the tetrahedra \(\hbox {conv}(T^i,s_{21})\) for \(i = 2,\ldots ,25\), \(i\ne 3,i \ne 10\), \(i \ne 11,i\ne 12,i\ne 13,i\ne 19\) have unit-diameter tetrahedralization. By Lemma 2, the tetrahedra \(\hbox {conv}(T^i,s_{21})\) for \(i=3,19\) have unit-diameter tetrahedralization. These subtetrahedra and \(\hbox {conv}(T^i,s_{1})\) for \(i= 19,\ldots ,25\) form a unit-diameter tetrahedralization of \(p_{21}p_{31}s_1s_2\).

Case 4 All the elements in the set \({\mathcal {B}}\) are greater than one. Let \(T^{1}=p_{211}p_{311}s_1,T^{2},\ldots ,T^{7}\) be the triangles of the triangulation of \(p_{21}p_{31}s_1\) generated by Sect. 3.4. Let \(T^{8}=p_{212}p_{312}s_2,T^{9},\ldots ,T^{14}\) be the triangles of the triangulation of \(p_{21}p_{31}s_2\) generated by Sect. 3.4. Observe, that \(T^i\) for \(i=2,\ldots ,14\), \(i\ne 8\) are unit-diameter triangles and the diameters of \(T^{1}\) and \(T^{8}\) are smaller than one. We distinguish four subcases.

Fig. 29
figure 29

Lemma 4—Subcase 4.1

Subcase 4.1 We have \(p_{211}s_2\le 1\) and \(p_{311}s_2\le 1\) (Fig. 29). Let \(T^{15}=p_{211}s_2s_1,T^{16},\ldots ,T^{19}\) be the triangles of the unit-diameter triangulation of \(p_{21}s_2s_1\) generated by Sect. 3.5. Let \(T^{20}=p_{311}s_2s_1,T^{21},\ldots ,\) \(T^{24}\) be the triangles of the unit-diameter triangulation of \(p_{31}s_2s_1\) generated by Sect. 3.5 Partitioning triangles II. Let \(T^{25}=p_{211}p_{311}s_2\). By Lemma 3, the tetrahedra \(\hbox {conv}(T^i,s_{21})\) for \(i=2,\ldots ,24\), \(i\ne 8,i\ne 15, i\ne 20\) have unit-diameter tetrahedralization. By Lemma 2, the tetrahedra \(\hbox {conv}(T^8,s_{21})\) and \(\hbox {conv}(T^{25},s_{21})\) have unit-diameter tetrahedralization. These subtetrahedra and \(\hbox {conv}(T^{25},s_{1})\) form a unit-diameter tetrahedralization of \(p_{21}p_{31}s_1s_2\).

Fig. 30
figure 30

Lemma 4—Subcase 4.2

Subcase 4.2 We have \(p_{211}s_2>1\) and \(p_{311}s_2\le 1\). Let \(p_{2112}\) be the point generated by Sect. 3.5 (Fig. 30). By Remark 1, \(p_{311}p_{2112}\le 1\). Let \(T^{15}=p_{211}p_{2112}s_1,T^{16}=p_{2112}s_2s_1,T^{16},\ldots ,T^{21}\) be the triangles of the unit-diameter triangulation of \(p_{21}s_2s_1\) generated by Sect. 3.5. Let \(T^{22}=p_{311}s_2s_1,T^{23},\ldots ,T^{26}\) be the triangles of the unit-diameter triangulation of \(p_{31}s_2s_1\) generated by Sect. 3.5. Let \(T^{27}=p_{211}p_{311}p_{2112}\) and \(T^{28}=p_{2112}p_{311}s_2\). By Lemma 3, the tetrahedra \(\hbox {conv}(T^i,s_{21})\) for \(i=2,\ldots ,27\), \(i\ne 8,i\ne 15,i\ne 16,i\ne 22\) have unit-diameter tetrahedralization. By Lemma 2, the tetrahedra \(\hbox {conv}(T^8,s_{21})\) and \(\hbox {conv}(T^{28},s_{21})\) have unit-diameter tetrahedralization. These subtetrahedra, \(\hbox {conv}(T^{27},s_{1})\) and \(\hbox {conv}(T^{28},s_{1})\) form a unit-diameter tetrahedralization of \(p_{21}p_{31}s_1s_2\).

Subcase 4.3 We have \(p_{211}s_2\le 1\) and \(p_{311}s_2>1\). The proof is similar to the proof of Subcase 4.2.

Fig. 31
figure 31

Lemma 4—Subcase 4.4

Subcase 4.4 We have \(p_{211}s_2>1\) and \(p_{311}s_2>1\). Let \(p_{2112}\) and \(p_{3112}\) be the points generated by Sect. 3.5 (Fig. 31). Let \(T^{15}=p_{211}p_{2112}s_1, T^{16}=p_{2112}s_2s_1,T^{17}\ldots ,T^{21}\) be the triangles of the unit-diameter triangulation of \(p_{21}s_2s_1\) generated by Sect. 3.5. Let \(T^{22}=p_{311}p_{3112}s_1,T^{23}=p_{3112}s_2s_1,T^{24},\ldots ,T^{28}\) be the triangles of the unit-diameter triangulation of \(p_{31}s_2s_1\) generated by Sect. 3.5. Let \(T^{29}=p_{2112}p_{3112}s_2,T^{30},\ldots ,T^{35}\) be the triangles of the triangulation of \(p_{211}p_{311}s_2\) generated by Sect. 3.4. By Lemma 3, \(\hbox {conv}(T^i,s_{21})\) for \(i=2,\ldots ,35\), \(i\ne 8,i\ne 15,i\ne 16,i\ne 22,i\ne 23,i\ne 29\) have unit-diameter tetrahedralization. By Lemma 2, the tetrahedron \(\hbox {conv}(T^8,s_{21})\) and \(\hbox {conv}(T^{29},s_{21})\) have unit-diameter tetrahedralization. These subtetrahedra and \(\hbox {conv}(T^i,s_{1})\) for \(i=29,\ldots ,35\) form a unit-diameter tetrahedralization of \(p_{21}p_{31}s_1s_2\) which completes the proof of the lemma. \(\square \)

3.7 The unit-diameter tetrahedralization of the tetrahedra \(H_i\)

Without loss of generality we examine the tetrahedron \(H_1=\hbox {conv}(T_1,q)\). Let us assume that the vertices of \(T_1\) are \(p_1\), \(p_2\) and \(p_3\). Observe \(p_1p_2 \le 1,p_2p_3\le 1\),\(p_1p_3 \le 1\) and at least one equality holds true. Let \({\mathcal A}=\{p_1q,p_2q,p_3q\}\) and we may assume that \(p_1q\le p_2q\le p_3q\). We distinguish two cases.

Case 1 We have \(p_3q<2\). Observe \(p_1q<2,p_2q<2,p_3q<2\). The proof comes from Lemma 3.

Fig. 32
figure 32

The unit-diameter tetrahedralization—Case 2

Case 2 We have \(2<p_3q\). We assume, that \(2\le n<p_3q< n+1\). Thus \(n-1<p_1q<n+1\) and \(n-1<p_2q<n+1\). Let \(p_{11},\ldots , p_{1n}, p_{21},\ldots ,p_{2n}, p_{31},\ldots \), \(p_{3n}\) be the vertices on the edges \(p_1q\), \(p_2q\), \(p_3q\) generated by Sect. 3.2 (maybe the points \(p_{1n}\), \(p_{2n}\) do not exist). Let \(p_{10}=p_1,p_{20}=p_2,p_{30}=p_3\) (Fig. 32). We extended these vertices to a triangulation of the boundary of \(H_1\), then we extended these triangulation to a unit-diameter tetrahedralization of \(H_1\). Let \(s_0\) be a point on the face \(p_1p_2p_3\). If \(s_0p_3\) sufficiently small, then \(s_0q>n\). Let \(s_i\) be the point on \(s_0q\) such that \(qs_i=n+1-i\) for \(i=1,\ldots , n\). We can choose the position of \(s_0\) so that \(p_{ij}s_k\ne 2\) for \(i=1,2,3\), \(j=0,\ldots ,n\) and \(k=1,\ldots ,n\) thus we assume that \(p_{ij}s_k\ne 2\) for \(i=1,2,3\), \(j=0,\ldots ,n\) and \(k=1,\ldots ,n\). If \(s_0p_3\) sufficiently small, then \(s_i\) lies in \(\hbox {conv}\left( p_{(i-1)1},p_{(i-1)2},p_{(i-1)3},p_{i1},p_{i2},p_{i3}\right) \) for \(i=1,\ldots ,n\). We partition \(p_1p_2p_3q\) into four sets of polyhedra \(S_1,S_2,S_3,S_4\). The sets are the following:

\(S_1=\{p_1p_2p_3s_1\}\) (Fig. 33),

\(S_2=\{p_{i1}p_{i2}p_{(i+1)2}p_{(i+1)1}s_{i+1}, p_{i1}p_{i3}p_{(i+1)3}p_{(i+1)1}s_{i+1} ,p_{i2}p_{i3}p_{(i+1)3}p_{(i+1)2}s_{i+1} \hbox {for }i=0,\ldots ,n-2\}\) (Fig. 34),

\(S_3=\{p_{1i}p_{2i}s_{i}s_{i+1},p_{1i}p_{3i}s_{i}s_{i+1},p_{2i}p_{3i}s_{i}s_{i+1}\hbox { for }i=1,\ldots ,n-1\}\) (Fig. 35),

\(S_4=\{p_{1(n-1)}p_{2(n-1)}p_{3(n-1)}q{\setminus } p_{1(n-1)}p_{2(n-1)}p_{3(n-1)}s_n\}\).

Fig. 33
figure 33

The unique element of \(S_1\): the tetrahedron \(p_{1}p_{2}p_{3}s_{1}\)

Fig. 34
figure 34

An element of \(S_2\): the pyramid with base \(p_{1}p_{2}p_{21}p_{11}\) and apex \(s_1\)

Fig. 35
figure 35

An element of \(S_3\): the tetrahedron \(p_{21}p_{31}s_{1}s_{2}\)

The unique element of the set \(S_1\) is a unit-diameter tetrahedron.

Now we examine the elements of the set \(S_2\). Without loss of generality we examine the element \(p_1p_2p_{21}p_{11}s_1\) only.

We have \(p_{ij}s_1<2\) for \(i=1,2\) and \(j=0,1\). Indeed, the lengths of the edges and the diagonals of \(p_1p_2p_3p_{11}p_{21}p_{31}\) are smaller than two, that is, \(\hbox {diam}(p_1p_2p_{21}p_{11}s_1)\!<\!2\).

Let \(T^1,\ldots ,T^6\) be the triangles of the unit-diameter triangulation of the quadrangle \(p_1p_2p_{21}p_{11}\) generated by Sect. 3.3. By Lemma 3, \(\hbox {conv}(T^1,s_1),\ldots ,\hbox {conv}(T^6,s_1)\) have unit-diameter tetrahedralization. Observe these subtetrahedra form a unit-diameter tetrahedralization of \(p_1p_2p_{21}p_{11}s_1\).

Now we examine the elements of the set \(S_3\). Without loss of generality we examine the element \(p_{21}p_{31}s_{1}s_2\) only. We have \(p_{i1}s_j<2\) for \(i=2,3\) and \(j=1,2\). The proof comes from Lemma 4.

Now we examine the unique element of the set \(S_4\). The proof comes from Corollary 1.

Observe these subtetrahedra form a unit-diameter tetrahedralization of \(p_1p_2p_{3}q\). This completes the proof of the theorem.