1 Introduction: background, motivation, and previous work

1.1 Background

Community detection in networks is a popular topic applied in various domains ranging from sociology to biology to computer science. A network is a set of objects, usually referred to as nodes, which are interconnected by pair-wise links. Typical examples are: a network of mutual friendship relations between a set of individuals; a network of enterprises related by mutual supplies; and a network of websites related by mutual visits. When nodes are additionally supplied with a set of features characterizing them, such a network is referred to as a feature-rich (Interdonato et al. 2019), or node-attributed (Bojchevski and Günnemann 2018; Xu et al. 2012), network. In a friendship network, features may characterize individual’s demographics, background, interests, etc.

A community is a group of relatively densely inter-connected nodes that are similar in the feature space too.

Figure 1a illustrates the concept of feature-rich network as a formal structure, and Fig. 1b visualizes communities in a network.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Communities in a feature-rich network: a visualizes the data structure, b presents a network whose nodes are partitioned in communities

There have been published a number of papers proposing various approaches to identifying communities in feature-rich networks. A comprehensive, yet concise, review of methods for community detection in feature-rich networks can be found in Chunaev (2020). In this review, all the community detection methods are classified according to the stage of the process of finding communities at which the two data sources, network and features, are merged together. The merger may occur before the process begins (early fusion), within the process (simultaneous fusion), and after the process (late fusion).

1.2 Motivation

The subject of our interest belongs to the simultaneous fusion stage, at which both data sources, network links and feature values, are available for investigation. We are going to develop a mathematical model for the data, so that the model is able to help us in detecting communities in the network informed by the data. Among mathematical data modeling approaches, we distinguish between theory-driven and data-driven approaches. Theory-driven approaches involve a model of the world leading to a probabilistic distribution, parameters of which can be recovered from the data. In contrast, data-driven approaches involve no world models but rather focus on modeling the data as is.

Our data-driven model conventionally assumes that there is a hidden partition of the node set in nonoverlapping communities, which is supplied with hidden parameters encoding the average link intensities in the network and community central points, in the feature space. These are used at the “decoding” stage so that the residuals of data modeling equations are minimized according to the least squares criterion. Such an approach is referred to as the data recovery approach in Mirkin (2012); in neural network domain, that is referred to as auto-encoder (Ng 2011). Unsupervised data analysis methods such as K-means clustering and principal component analysis naturally fall within this approach, as described in Mirkin (2012).

As usual, the least squares criterion leads to computationally hard problems which are tackled with various heuristics. In particular, we follow a strategy of sequentially extracting clusters one-by-one. This strategy naturally fits into the additive structure of the least squares criterion. Previously, this strategy has been applied separately to only network, or entity-to-entity similarity data, and to only feature data. Applied to similarity data, it was first described in English in Mirkin (1987) and experimentally validated in papers like (Mirkin and Nascimento 2012). Similar constructions, for dissimilarity data, have been developed in Vichi (2008). Applied to feature space data, the strategy was experimentally validated in Chiang and Mirkin (2010), Amorim and Mirkin (2012).

Recently, we applied this approach to network data and feature space data combined (Shalileh and Mirkin 2020). This paper significantly extends that to a more comprehensive analysis of the network structure.

First of all, we introduce and test here two different modes of using network link structure. Specifically, we now distinguish between summable and nonsummable modes. The former corresponds to the case at which all link weights are measured in the same scale, so that they are comparable and summable across the entire data table. In the nonsummable mode, each node’s links are considered as measured in different scales.

This assumption points to a not uncommon data type emerging, for example, in some psychological experiments in which the entities are individuals or cognitive subsystems with different scales of individual judgments. Whenever the node’s links are measured independently of the other nodes, there is a potential for the weights to be nonsummable. To give an example of nonsummable links, let us consider two sets of internet sites: sites in one set provide classical music education, and sites in another set sell goods. These two sets would usually much differ in at least two aspects. First, the numbers of visitors are of different orders at these sets: the numbers are massive at selling goods sites; in contrast, the numbers of visitors at classical music education would be smaller by several orders of magnitude. Second, the time spent, in general, would be much different at these two sets: seconds at purchasing goods and hours at listening music. As we will see, taking into account the nonsummability phenomenon, even in the context of ordinary feature-rich networks, leads to advantages in at least two aspects: the speed of computation and quality of cluster recovery at some data types.

We apply the least squares approach to both cases, leading to two different versions of the method, and conduct a comprehensive set of experiments to validate and to compare the performance of the newly proposed algorithms. Second, we expand here both the list of real-world data sets and the list of algorithms under comparison. Specifically, we add to our collection of small-sized data sets a medium-sized data set with 3490 nodes, which may add substance to our claim that our method works well for both types of data sets. Also, we found a recent heuristic algorithm, EVA (Citraro and Rossetti 2020), which has a publicly available code, so that we were able to add that to the list of our competition. We inserted a section discussing the complexity of our algorithms and provided a comparison of the timing taken by all the algorithms under consideration. It appears the algorithm in the nonsummable mode works almost as fast as the fastest out of our sample.

It is noteworthy to add that our method:

  • Is data driven;

  • Admits either quantitative or categorical features or both;

  • Involves an explicit relative weighting of the two data sources in the fitting criterion;

  • Assumes that hidden communities are crisp and nonoverlapping;

  • Determines the number of communities automatically.

Our method finds communities one-by-one, which leads to a natural way for selecting the number of clusters. All procedures involved are finite and, thus, always convergent. Our experiments show that this approach is able to recover hidden clusters in feature-rich networks reasonably well. Moreover, it is competitive against existing state-of-the-art approaches.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 1.3 reviews the previous work. We describe our models and algorithms in Sect. 2. Section 3 is devoted to setting of our experiments for validation of the algorithms and comparison of them with some state-of-the-arts algorithms. It presents: (a) competition; (b) data sets, both real-world and artificially generated; (c) criteria for assessment of the quality of experiments. In Sects. 4 and 5 we describe results of our experiments. We draw conclusions in Sect. 6.

1.3 Previous work

Within the simultaneous fusion approach (Chunaev 2020) literature, we consider three directions: (a) heuristics, (b) theory-driven modeling, and (c) data-driven modeling approaches.

We are going to briefly discuss these three in the remainder of this section after a mention of some classical clustering methods.

These classical methods include the normalized cut and related spectral clustering (Shi and Malik 2000), as well as the modularity-based method (Newman 2006; Dang and Viennet 2010). The Louvain algorithm (Blondel et al. 2008) detects communities by locally maximizing the modularity score. The most recent reviews of research on community detection in networks with no feature data include a comprehensive monograph (Doreian et al. 2020) as well as thought-provoking reviews (Javed et al. 2018; Hoffman et al. 2018). A review of the theory-driven approach in the analysis of networks (Goldenberg et al. 2010) should be mentioned too.

Among heuristics approaches, one can distinguish those at which criteria of the classical clustering algorithms are modified according to the presence of two data sources. Paper (Ye et al. 2017) modifies the normalized cut criterion by adding the so-called unimodality compactness to reflect the homogeneity of attributes within the community. A modified modularity criterion and corresponding method is developed in Sánchez et al. (2015). A modified Louvain method is proposed and tested in Combe et al. (2015). Another popular direction of development in this area is the so-called network embedding (see (Chang et al. 2015; Cavallari et al. 2017; Sun et al. 2020)). In these approaches, both the network and feature data are approximated with a low-dimension Euclidean vector space.

The theory-driven approach involves both the maximum likelihood and Bayesian criteria for fitting probabilistic models. Many methods in this category involve stochastic block models (SBM) which have been successfully used for detection of communities in conventional networks. In Stanley et al. (2019) network structures are modeled with SBM, while the continuous features are modeled with a Gaussian mixture model. The Blockmodel Entropy Significance Test (BESTest) (Peel et al. 2017) for evaluation of how much a metadata partition is relevant to the network structure. The BESTest works by first dividing network’s nodes according to the feature labels and then by computing the entropy of that SBM which best corresponds to the partition.

Methods in Xu et al. (2012), Newman and Clauset (2016), Bojchevski and Günnemann (2018) are based on Bayesian inferences. In Yang et al. (2013) the authors proposed clustering criterion to statistically model interrelation between the network structure and node attributes.

As to the data-driven modeling approach, it seems research in this direction is rather scarce. Some authors propose the so-called non-negative matrix factorization (NNMF), which is a technique to approximate the data via data matrix factorization into non-negative matrices of simpler structure. In papers (Wang et al. 2016; Cao et al. 2019) combined criteria for such an approximation and methods for suboptimally solving them are proposed. The criteria are based on the least-squares approach. However, in contrast to our line of thinking, these criteria involve some derived data rather than the original ones. A different approach is described in Akoglu et al. (2012). Here, the data are summarized as given; the quality, however, is scored according to the principle of minimum description length (MDL) so that the number of bits in coding of the summary is minimized.

One may say that our approach combines aspects of the two approaches above: a straightforward modeling of the data as is, like in Akoglu et al. (2012), and a least-squares criterion, like in Wang et al. (2016), Cao et al. (2019).

2 Methodology

2.1 Data recovery model for community detection

Consider a network with features at the nodes, \(A=\{P, Y \}\), over an entity set I. Here I is a set of network nodes of cardinality \(|I|=N\); \(P=(p_{i j})\) is an \(N\times N\) matrix of mutual link weights between nodes \(i,j\in I\); and \(Y=(y_{{i v}})\) is an \(N\times V\) matrix of feature values, so that entry \(y_{i v}\) is the value of feature \(v=1,2,\ldots ,V\) at node \(i\in I\). This definition covers a wide range of networks, including, for example, a flat network in which inter-node links simply exist or not, but have no associated weights. Such a network can be represented by matrix P at which \(p_{i j}=1\) if a link between i and j exists, and \(p_{i j}=0\) if not.

To build a data-driven community model, let us specify the following notation.

A community, or cluster, \(S\subset I\) is represented by a binary \(N\times 1\) membership column vector, \(s=(s_i)\) in which \(s_i=1\) if \(i\in S\), and \(s_i=0\), otherwise (\(i=1,2,\ldots , N\)).

In the feature space, community S can be represented by a V-dimensional point \(c=(c_v)\), which is a standard to which all the community members relate.

At the network link data, there may be at least two possible assumptions:

  1. (a)

    AS: Summable weights

    This assumption means that the weights \(p_{ij}\) are comparable and summable across all the matrix P. In this case, there should be a single intensity weight \(\lambda\) to relate the weights measurement scale to S. Specifically, each within-community weight \(p_{ij}\), \(i,j\in S\), in this case, should be large and approximately equal to the intensity \(\lambda\). The between-community links, ideally, should be all zero.

  2. (b)

    AN: Nonsummable weights

    Under this assumption, weights \(p_{ij}\) in any column j are considered incomparable to weights \(p_{ij'}\) in any different column \(j'\ne j\), \(i,j\in I\). Therefore, at each column \(j\in I\) a specific intensity weight \(\lambda _j\) is assumed, so that, for any \(i\in S\) the link weights \(p_{ij}\) tend to be equal to \(\lambda _j\).

Extending these definitions to a partition, \(S=\{S_1, S_2,\ldots , S_K\}\), of I in K nonoverlapping parts/communities, S can be represented by a binary matrix \(s=(s_{ik})\) so that \(s_{ik}=1\) if \(i\in S_k\), and \(s_{ik}=0\), otherwise.

To relate any partition to the feature data, we assume that a standard point \(c_k=(c_{kv})\) is specified for each community \(S_k\), \(k=1,2,\ldots , K\), so that approximate equations hold:

$$\begin{aligned} y_{i v} = \sum _{k=1}^{K} c_{k v} s_{ik} + f_{iv}, i\in I, v\in V. \end{aligned}$$

Since communities \(S_k\) do not overlap, the sum in the equations plays a rather nominal role: for any \(i\in I\), \(y_{iv}\) is equal to \(c_{kv} +f_{iv}\) just for that k at which \(i\in S_k\). The value \(f_{iv}\) expresses the extent of approximation and should be made as small as possible.

To approximate the network part of the data, we assume either a total intensity weight \(\lambda _k\) for community \(S_k\), under the summability assumption AS, or column-dependent intensity weights \(\lambda _{kj}\), under the nonsummability assumption AN (\(k=1,2,\ldots K; j\in I\)). Then the following equations should hold:

$$\begin{aligned} p_{i j} = \sum _{k=1}^K \lambda _{k} s_{ik} s_{jk} + e_{i j}, i,j\in I, \end{aligned}$$

at the AS, and

$$\begin{aligned} p_{i j} = \sum _{k=1}^K \lambda _{kj} s_{ik} + e_{i j}, i,j\in I. \end{aligned}$$

at the AN.

Similarly, the sums in these equations are purely nominal. At the AS, they just express that \(p_{ij}=\lambda _k\) for all \(i,j\in S_k\) (\(k=1,2,\ldots , K\)) or \(p_{ij}=0\), otherwise, up to the residual \(e_{ij}\), of course. At the AN, \(p_{ij}=\lambda _{kj}\) for \(i\in S_k\) and any \(j\in I\), up to small residual \(e_{ij}\) again. One may consider that at the AN assumption, the columns \(j\in I\) play roles of features.

By using the least-squares approach, we formulate the problem of finding a hidden membership matrix \(s=(s_{ik})\), community centers \(c_k\), and intensity weights \(\lambda _k\) or \(\lambda _{kj}\), as of minimizing the sum of squared residuals:

  • at AS assumption:

    $$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} F_{\mathrm{AS}}(\lambda _k, s_{k}, c_{k})&= \rho \sum _{k=1}^{K} \sum _{i, v} (y_{iv} - c_{k v} s_{i k})^2 \\&\quad + \xi \sum _{k=1}^{K} \sum _{i, j}( p_{i j} -\lambda _{k} s_{ik} s_{jk})^2 , \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$
  • at AN assumption:

    $$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} F_{\mathrm{AN}}(\lambda _k, s_{k}, c_{k})&= \rho \sum _{k=1}^{K} \sum _{i, v} (y_{iv} - c_{k v} s_{i k})^2 \\&\quad + \xi \sum _{k=1}^{K} \sum _{i , j}( p_{i j} -\lambda _{kj} s_{ik})^2 . \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

The factors \(\rho\) and \(\xi\) in Eqs. (4) and (5) are expert-driven constants to balance the relative weights of the two sources of data, network links and feature values.

Since vectors \(s_k=(s_{ik})\) (\(k=1, 2,\ldots , K\)) correspond to a partition, they are mutually orthogonal. That means that for any specific i, \(s_{ik}\) is zero for all k’s except one: that one k for which \(S_k\) contains i. As a result, each of the sums over k in the models relates to a single summand, meaning that the operation of summation over k may be applied outside of the parentheses in Eqs. (4) and (5).

2.2 The iterative extraction approach

The problems of optimization of criteria (4) and (5) are computationally intensive and cannot be solved exactly in a reasonable time. Therefore, there can be various heuristic strategies explored to locally or approximately advance to solving them. We are going to exploit a doubly greedy approach of sequential extraction (Mirkin 2008). This approach can be applied here because the criteria to optimize are additive. According to this approach, parts \(S_k\) of the partition S are sought not simultaneously but one-by-one, sequentially, in a greedy manner. That is, a subset of I to serve as \(S_k\) at \(k=1\) is found to minimize the part of the criterion related to \(S_1\). Specifically, for an individual community denoted by \(T\subseteq I\), its membership by \(t=(t_i)\), so that \(t_i=1\) if \(i\in T\) and \(t_i=0\), otherwise; its center in feature space, by c; and the corresponding intensity weight by \(\lambda\) (the index k has been removed), the extent of fit between the community and the data set, according to criteria (4) and (5), is

$$\begin{aligned} f_{\mathrm{AS}}(\lambda , c_{v}, t_{i})= & {} \rho \sum _{i, v} (y_{i v} - c_{v} t_{i})^2 \nonumber \\&+\xi \sum _{i,j}( p_{i j} -\lambda t_{i} t_{j})^2 \end{aligned}$$

at the assumption AS, or

$$\begin{aligned} f_{\mathrm{AN}}(\lambda _j, c_{v}, t_{i})= & {} \rho \sum _{i, v} (y_{i v} - c_{v} t_{i})^2 \nonumber \\&+\xi \sum _{i,j}( p_{i j} -\lambda _j t_{i})^2 \end{aligned}$$

at the assumption AN.

A T locally or approximately minimizing corresponding criterion (6) or (7) is taken as the first part of partition S, \(S_1\). This \(S_1\) is removed from I, and the next part, \(S_2\), is sought in the same way over the residual entity set \(I\leftarrow I-S_1\). This continues till a pre-specified stopping criterion is reached, such as, say, when the residual I gets empty.

Given the data matrices, consider a method, Ext(D), for extracting a subset \(T\subseteq D\) from any \(D\subseteq I\), together with some related quantitative characteristics \(\alpha\), so that \((T, \alpha )=\)Ext(D). Of course, P and Y remain the only data sources used in Ext. A greedy Sequential Extraction procedure SE can be formulated as follows:

SE algorithm

Input: set I and data matrices P and Y.

Output: partition \(S=\{S_1, S_2,\ldots , S_K\}\) of I in nonintersecting parts (communities) \(S_k\), as well as their characteristics \(\alpha _k\), \(k=1,2,\ldots , K\), where \(K>0\) is an integer determined as a result of running the algorithm.

Step 1 Set \(k=1\), \(D=I\).

Step 2 Apply \((T, alpha)=Ext(D)\) and set \(S_k=T\), \(\alpha _k=alpha\).

Step 3 Redefine \(D=D-S_k\). If \(D=\emptyset\) is true, set \(K=k\) and stop. Otherwise, define \(k=k+1\) and go to Step 2.

Within this greedy strategy, at its k-th step (\(k=1,2,\ldots , K\)), we use one more greedy procedure for obtaining a (locally) optimal part \(T=S_k\) and its quantitative characteristic \(\alpha _k\). According to this procedure, the set \(S_k\), with its quantitative characteristic \(c_k, \lambda _k\), at AS, or \(c_k, \lambda _{jk}\) at AN, is found not in one go, but by greedily adding elements of I to \(S_k\) one-by-one. The additive structure of criteria (6) and (7) above allows us to express them using contributions to the data scatter, which, to an extent, guides the process, as explained below. Besides its computational simplicity, the sequential extraction approach has some theoretical and practical advantages.

One of the theoretical advantages is a Pythagorean decomposition of the data scatter—this allows scoring the contribution of various elements of found solutions to the data scatter, which is helpful for interpretation (Mirkin 2012). Among practical advantages is the competitiveness of the approach regarding the quality of cluster recovery against other computational procedures (see, for example, experimental results of realizations of the doubly greedy strategy in different situations in Chiang and Mirkin (2010), Mirkin (2012), Nascimento et al. (2015)).

To apply this strategy here, denote the indicator vector of a community T by \(t=(t_i)\); its center in the feature space, by \(c=(c_v)\); and the corresponding intensity weights by \(\lambda\) and \(\lambda _j\) depending on the assumption, AS or AN, respectively (the index k is removed because it is not needed here).

Consider three individual items constituting squared error criteria (6) and (7):

  1. (a)

    The fit between the feature data and the community and its standard point:

    $$\begin{aligned} F_Y( c, t) = \sum _{i, v} (y_{i v} - c_{v} t_{i})^2 \end{aligned}$$
  2. (b)

    The fit between the AS community model and network data:

    $$\begin{aligned} F_{\mathrm{PS}} (\lambda , t)=\sum _{i,j}( p_{i j} -\lambda t_{i} t_{j})^2 , \end{aligned}$$
  3. (c)

    The fit between the AN community model and network data:

    $$\begin{aligned} F_{\mathrm{PN}} (\lambda , t)=\sum _{i,j}( p_{i j} -\lambda _j t_{i})^2 . \end{aligned}$$

The total goodness of fit measure is either \(f_{\mathrm{AS}}=\rho F_Y+\xi F_{\mathrm{PS}}\) (in criterion (6)) or \(f_{\mathrm{AN}}=\rho F_Y+\xi F_{\mathrm{PN}}\) (in criterion (7)). Recall that \(\rho\) and \(\xi\) are weights to balance two data sources, the features and the links, respectively.

At a specified subset \(T\subseteq I\), to minimize criteria (6) and (7) regarding the quantitative characteristics \(c_v\), \(\lambda\), \(\lambda _j\), one may separately minimize individual parts (8) over \(c_v\), (9) over \(\lambda\), and (10) over \(\lambda _j\) because of the additive structure of criteria (6) and (7).

Since each of these three is quadratic regarding the respective numerical characteristic \(c_v\), \(\lambda\), \(\lambda _j\), the optimal solutions can be found from the first-order optimality conditions. Let us take the derivatives of \(F_Y\) with respect to \(c_v\), \(F_{\mathrm{PS}}\) with respect to \(\lambda\), and \(F_{\mathrm{PN}}\) with respect to \(\lambda _j\):

$$\begin{aligned}&\frac{\partial {F_Y}}{\partial {c_{v}}} = 2\sum _{i}(y_{iv} - c_{v}t_i) (-t_{i}), \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}&\frac{\partial {F_{\mathrm{PS}}}}{\partial {\lambda }} = 2\sum _{i,j}( p_{ij} -\lambda t_{i} t_{j}) (- t_{i} t_{j}). \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}&\frac{\partial {F}_{\mathrm{PN}}}{\partial {\lambda _j}} = 2\sum _{i}( p_{ij} -\lambda _j t_{i}) (- t_{i}). \end{aligned}$$

Equating each of these to zero would yield, in respect, equations:

$$\begin{aligned}&\sum _{i} y_{iv} t_{i} = c_{v} \sum _{i} t_{i}^2 , \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}&\sum _{i,j} p_{ij} t_{i}t_{j} = \lambda \sum _{i} t_{i}^2 \sum _{j} t_{j}^2 , \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} \sum _{i} p_{i j} t_{i} = \lambda _{j} \sum _{i} t_{i}^2. \end{aligned}$$

Since \(t_i\) is 1/0 binary, equality \(t_i^2=t_i\) holds. Thus, \(\sum _{i} t_{i}^2=\sum _{j} t_{j}^2=\sum _{i} t_{i}=|T|\). Therefore, these equations can be equivalently reformulated as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} c_{v}= & {} \frac{\sum _{i} y_{iv} t_{i}}{|T|}=\frac{\sum _{i\in T}y_{iv}}{|T|}, \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} \lambda= & {} \frac{\sum _{i,j} p_{i j} t_{i} t_{j}}{|T|^2}= \frac{\sum _{i,j\in T}p_{i j}}{|T|^2}, \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} \lambda _j = \frac{\sum _{i} p_{i j} t_{i}}{|T|}= \frac{\sum _{i\in T}p_{i j}}{|T|}. \end{aligned}$$

In other words, the optimal \(c_v\) and \(\lambda _j\) at AN must be central in T: they are within-cluster means of features v and network link columns j. Similarly, at AS, the optimal intensity value \(\lambda\) is equal to the mean within-cluster link value.

Let us now reformulate criteria (8), (9), (10) by opening the parentheses and putting there the found optimal values of \(c_v\), \(\lambda\), \(\lambda _j\):

Criterion (8) yields:

$$\begin{aligned} F_Y( c, t)= & {} \sum _{i, v} (y_{i v} - c_{v} t_{i})^2=\sum _{i, v} (y_{i v} ^2 -2y_{iv} c_{v} t_{i}+c_v^2t_i)\\= & {} \sum _{i, v} y_{i v} ^2 -2\sum _v c_{v}\sum _i(y_{iv}t_i)+\sum _v c_v^2|T| \end{aligned}$$

Let us denote the square Y scatter by \(Q(Y)= \sum _{i, v} y_{i v} ^2\) and take into account that \(\sum _i y_{iv}t_i = c_v|T|\) and \(\sum _{i} t_i=|T|\). Then the equation above can be rewritten as

$$\begin{aligned} F_Y( c, t) = Q(Y) - \sum _v c_v^2|T| \end{aligned}$$

Criterion (9) yields:

$$\begin{aligned} F_{\mathrm{PS}} (\lambda , t)= & {} \sum _{i,j}( p_{i j} -\lambda t_{i} t_{j})^2= \sum _{i,j} p_{ij}^2\\&-2\lambda \sum _{i,j} p_{ij}t_{i}t_{j}+ \lambda ^2 \sum _{i,j}t_{i} t_{j}. \end{aligned}$$

Let us denote the square P scatter by \(Q(P)= \sum _{i, j} p_{ij} ^2\) and take into account that \(\sum _{i,j} p_{ij}t_{i} t_{j}=\lambda \sum _{i,j}t_{i} t_{j}\). Then the equation above can be rewritten as

$$\begin{aligned} F_{\mathrm{PS}} (\lambda , t)=Q(P) - \lambda ^2 |T|^2 \end{aligned}$$

Similarly, criterion (10) yields:

$$\begin{aligned} F_{\mathrm{PN}} (\lambda , t)= & {} \sum _{i,j}( p_{i j} -\lambda _j t_{i})^2= \sum _{i,j} p_{ij}^2 \\&-2 \sum _{i,j} p_{ij}t_{i} \lambda _{j}+ \sum _{j} \lambda _j^2 \sum _{i}t_{i}. \end{aligned}$$

Let us take into account that \(\sum _{i} p_{ij}t_{i}=\lambda _j\sum _{i}t_{i}\). Then the equation above can be rewritten as

$$\begin{aligned} F_{\mathrm{PN}} (\lambda , t)=Q(P) -\sum _j \lambda _j^2 |T|. \end{aligned}$$

Therefore, with the optimal values for \(c_v\), \(\lambda\), and \(\lambda _j\) determined by T in Eqs. (17), (18), and (19), respectively, criteria (6) and (7) can be equivalently reformulated as

$$\begin{aligned} f(\lambda , c_{v}, t_{i}) =\rho Q(Y) +\xi Q(P) - G \end{aligned}$$

where \(\lambda\) is either a scalar or vector, and

$$\begin{aligned} G(T)=G_s = \rho |T|\sum _{v} c_{v}^2 + \xi \lambda \sum _{i j} p_{i j} t_{i}t_{j} \end{aligned}$$

at the assumption AS, and

$$\begin{aligned} G(T) =G_n= |T|\left( \rho \sum _{v} c_{v}^2 + \xi \sum _{j} \lambda _j^2\right) \end{aligned}$$

at the assumption AN, where \(c_v\), \(\lambda\), and \(\lambda _j\) are determined by T according to Eqs. (17), (18), and (19), respectively.

Maximizing criteria G(T) in Eqs. (24) and (25) is equivalent to minimizing the one-cluster least-squares criteria in Eqs. (6) and (7). Therefore, it makes sense to take a look whether G(T) has any meaning of its own.

First of all, we can rewrite Eq. (23) as a Pythagorean decomposition of the combined data scatter \(\rho Q(Y) +\xi Q(P)\):

$$\begin{aligned} \rho Q(Y) +\xi Q(P) = G+f \end{aligned}$$

in two parts, the minimized square residuals f and the remaining part G. This decomposition gives meaning to the value of G as the contribution of cluster T to the combined data scatter.

By looking at the formulas for G, we can see that its part related to the feature set, which is the same in both expressions for G(T), (24) and (25), requires maximization of both the cardinality |T| and the squared distance between c and 0, \(\sum _{v} c_{v}^2\). This means an optimal T should have as many elements as possible and, simultaneously, be as far away from 0 as possible in the feature space. Assuming that the feature data are pre-processed so that the origin is transferred to the center of gravity, the grand mean, the point whose components are the averages of the corresponding features, we may conclude that the cluster T should be both numerous and anomalous. The second item in each of the criteria, \(G_s\) (24) and \(G_n\) (25), has a similar meaning regarding the network data.

Hence, we refer to our local search algorithm for maximizing (24) or (25) as to the Feature-rich Network Addition Clustering algorithm, FNAC. We use endings, FNACs and FNACn, if necessary, to point out which of criteria (24) and (25), respectively, is maximized. The algorithm finds a cluster T, its center c, and its intensity weight(s) \(\lambda\) (\(\lambda _j\)) by locally maximizing G(T) in the system of neighborhoods defined by the following condition. Given a current T, its neighborhood consists of subsets differing from T by just adding a single entity.

The algorithm starts from a random \(i\in I\). This i serves as the seed forming a singleton cluster \(T=\{i\}\). This triggers the execution of the base FNAC module. At any current T, this module computes increment \(\Delta (j)=G(T+j)-G(T)\) for every element \(j\in I-T\) and selects that \(j*\) at which \(\Delta (j)\) is maximum. If this maximum is positive, then \(j*\) is added to T, and the module runs again from thus updated T. If, in contrast, \(\Delta (j*)<0\), the algorithm halts and outputs T, its center c, its link intensity \(\lambda\) (or intensities \(\lambda _j\)), and its contribution to the combined data scatter G. Then the last check is performed: Seed relevance check If the seed’s removal increases the cluster contribution, this seed is extracted from the cluster.

In its versions FNACs and FNACn, the algorithm FNAC above serves as the core subroutine Ext in our community detection algorithm SE above. The algorithm SE involves an internal procedure, \((T, \alpha )=Ext(D)\) where \(D\subseteq I\). By using FNAC as the algorithm Ext to output the community T along with its parameters \(c_v\) and \(\lambda /\lambda _j\) constituting the \(\alpha\), we obtain a combined algorithm, SEFNAC.

A source code of SEFNACs and SEFNACn and all other supplementary materials, including the real-world data sets, synthetic data generator, etc. are publicly available in https://github.com/Sorooshi/SEFNACs_SEFNACn.

3 Setting of experiments for validation and comparison of the proposed methods

To set a computational experiment, one should specify its constituents:

  1. (1)

    A set of algorithms under comparison.

  2. (2)

    A set of data sets at which the algorithms are evaluated and/or compared.

  3. (3)

    A set of pre-processing methods which are applied to standardize or normalize the data sets.

  4. (4)

    A set of criteria for assessment of the experimental results.

We describe our settings in separate sections.

3.1 Algorithms under comparison

In addition to our algorithms, SEFNACs and SEFNACn, we take two popular algorithms of the model-based approach, CESNA (Yang et al. 2013) and SIAN (Newman and Clauset 2016), which have been extensively tested in computational experiments. We use the author-made codes of the algorithms which are publicly available. We also tested the algorithm PAICAN from Bojchevski and Günnemann (2018). The results of this algorithm, unfortunately, were always less than satisfactory; therefore, we have excluded the algorithm PAICAN from this paper.

Here are brief descriptions of CESNA and SIAN approaches.

CESNA (Yang et al. 2013) overview Given an undirected graph G(VE) with binary node attribute matrix X, where V is the set of vertices and E is the set of edges, the aim of CESNA is to detect C communities regarding the graph structure and node attributes. The authors define two generative models, one for the graph and the other for attributes, and combine them together. For graph structure they use Eq. (27) to model the probability of an edge between two nodes u and v as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} P_{u v}= & {} 1-{\mathrm{exp}}\left(- \sum _{c=1}^{C} F_{u c}F_{v c}\right) \nonumber \\ A_{u v}\sim & {} {\mathrm{Bernoulli}}(P_{u v}) \end{aligned}$$

where \(A \in \{0, 1\}^{N \times N}\) denotes the graph adjacency matrix. Unknown function \(F_{u c}\) represents the membership of node u to community c, so that the probability is a logistic function of the inner product of \(F_{uc}\) and \(F_{vc}\) . The presence or absence of an edge uv is governed by a Bernoulli distribution, so that it holds with probability \(P_{uv}\) or does not, with probability \(1-P_{uv}\).

Similar model (28) is defined for any binary attribute at nodes:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} Q_{u k}&= \frac{1}{1+{\mathrm{exp}}(-\sum _{c} W_{kc} . F_{u c})} \\ \ X_{u k}&\sim {\mathrm{Bernoulli}} (Q_{u k}) \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

here \(W_{kc}\) is a real-valued parameter of the logistic model for community c to the k-th node attribute.

With the two models above, the problem is to infer values of latent variables F and W by maximizing the likelihood \(l(F,W) = {\mathrm{log}} P(G, X | F, W)\) of the observed data G, X. Here \(F=(F_{u c})\) is the node-to-community membership matrix and \(W=(W_{k c})\) is the real-valued logistic model parameter for attributes.

Assuming that these two sources of data are conditionally independent, the loglikelihood can be defined as \(\log P(G, X | F, W) = L_{G} + L_{X}\) where \(L_{G} = \log P(G|F)\) and \(L_{X} = \log P(X | F, W)\). To find F and W maximizing \(L_{G}\) and \(L_{X}\), which can be computed using Eqs. (27) and (28), the authors adopt projected gradient ascent approach with backtracking line search (Boyd and Vandenberghe 2004).

An author-supplied code for CESNA algorithm can be found at Leskovec and Sosič (2016).

SIAN (Newman and Clauset 2016) overview Consider a set of features \({\mathbf{x }}=\{ x_{u}\}\) at nodes \(u=1, 2, \ldots , n\) and a set of node degrees \({\mathbf{d }} = \{ d_{u}\}\). Assume, first, that each node u belongs to community s with the probability depending on \(x_{u}\). and denote all possible combinations of features and communities by \(\Gamma = (\gamma _{s x})\). Then the full prior probability of community assignment is \(P({\mathbf{s }}| \Gamma , {\mathbf{x }})\). At the next stage, edges between nodes are formed independently at random, with the probability of an edge between nodes u and v being \(p_{u v}= d_{u} d_{v} \theta _{s_{u} s_{v}}\) where \(\theta _{s t}\) is a hyper-parameter.

The task is to fit the model to the observed data by using the maximum likelihood principle. To this end, a binary adjacency matrix \({\mathbf{A }}=(a_{u v})\), is generated according to the following model:

$$\begin{aligned} P({\mathbf{A }}| \Theta , \Gamma , {\mathbf{x }})= & {} \sum _{s} P({\mathbf{A }}| \Theta , {\mathbf{s }}). P({\mathbf{s }}|\Gamma , {\mathbf{x }}) \nonumber \\= & {} \sum _{s} \prod _{u < v} p_{u v}^{a_{u v}} (1-p_{u v})^{1-a_{u v}} \prod _{u} \gamma _{s_{u}, x_{u}} \end{aligned}$$

Here \(\Theta\) is a \(k \times k\) matrix of elements \(\theta _{s t}\), and the sum is over all admissible node-to-community assignments. To maximize the function in (29) the authors use the expectation–maximization (EM) algorithm.

An author-supplied code for SIAN algorithm can be found at https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms11863.

EVA (Citraro and Rossetti 2020) overview

Defining a node-attributed graph as \({G} = (V, E, A)\): where V is the set of nodes, E the set of links, and A is a set of nominal or ordinal attributes such that A(v), for \(v \in V\), identifies the set of labels (features) associated with node v. The aim is to discover clusters \(C = \{c_1, \ldots , c_n\}\) such that the network links clustering criterion and the feature’s homogeneity criterion within each community is maximized.

To this end, authors of EVA (Citraro and Rossetti 2020) model the network links with the popular modularity criterion as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} Q = \frac{1}{2m} \sum _{v,w} \left[ A_{v,w} - \frac{k_v k_w}{2m}\right] \delta (c_v, c_w) \end{aligned}$$

where m is the number of links, \(A_{v,w}\) is the entry of the adjacency matrix for \(v, w \in V\), \(k_v, k_w\) are the degrees of node v and node w, respectively. And \(\delta (c_v, c_w)\) is an indicator function taking value 1 when vw both belong to the same community and 0 otherwise.

The authors model features with a metric called purity. Concretely, for a given community \(c \in C\), its purity is the product of the frequencies of the most frequent attribute.

$$\begin{aligned} P_c = \prod _{a \in A} \frac{\max _{a \in A} \sum _{v \in c} a(v)}{|c|}. \end{aligned}$$

where A is the set of features, for \(a \in A\) is a feature, a(v) represents an indicator function which is unity iff \(a \in A(v)\). Purity ranges in [0,1], and it is maximized when all the nodes within a community share the same attribute. The authors define the purity of a partition as the average of all the community purities:

$$\begin{aligned} P = \frac{1}{C} \sum _{c \in C} Pc \end{aligned}$$

Finally, the authors linearly combine these two criteria as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} Z = \alpha P + (1-\alpha )Q \end{aligned}$$

where \(\alpha\) is a user-defined hyper-parameter to adjust the importance of each source of the two sources of data.

To optimize Eq. (33) two modifications of the Louvain algorithm (Blondel et al. 2008) are adopted.

An author-supplied code for EVA algorithm can be found at https://github.com/GiulioRossetti/EVA.

3.2 Data sets

We use both real-world data sets and synthetic data sets. We describe them in the following subsections.

3.2.1 Real-world data sets

The two out of three algorithms under comparison restrict the features to be categorical, unlike the proposed methods SEFNAC and EVA. Therefore, whenever a data set contains a quantitative feature we convert that feature to a categorical version. A brief overview of the six real-world data sets under consideration can be found in Table 1.

Table 1 Real-world data sets under consideration

Let us describe them in turn.

Malaria data set

This data set is introduced in Larremore et al. (2013). The nodes are amino acid sequences containing six highly variable regions (HVR) each. The edges are drawn between sequences with similar HVRs 6. In this data set, there are two nominal attributes of nodes:

  1. (1)

    Cys Labels derived from of a highly variable region HVR6 sequence

  2. (2)

    Cys-PoLV labels derived from the sequences adjacent to regions HVR 5 and 6

The Cys Labels are considered as the ground truth.

Lawyers data set

The Lawyers data set comes from a network study of corporate law partnership that was carried out in a Northeastern US corporate law firm, referred to as SG & R, 1988–1991, in New England. It is introduced in Lazega (2001) and is available for downloading at https://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~snijders/siena/Lazega_lawyers_data.htm. There is a friendship network between lawyers in the study. The features in this data set are:

  1. (1)

    Status (partner, associate),

  2. (2)

    Gender (man, woman),

  3. (3)

    Office location (Boston, Hartford, Providence),

  4. (4)

    Years with the firm,

  5. (5)


  6. (6)

    Practice (litigation, corporate),

  7. (7)

    Law school (Harvard or Yale, UCon., Other)

Most features are nominal. Two features, “Years with the firm” and “Age,” are quantitative. Authors of the previous studies converted them to the nominal format, which it is accepted in this work as well. The categories of “Years with the firm” are \(x<=10\), \(10< x <20\), and \(x>=20\); the categories of “Age” are \(x<=40\), \(40<x<50\), and \(x>=50\).

The combination of Office location and Status is considered as the ground truth (see Table 2).

Table 2 Features in Lawyers data set

World-trade data set The World-Trade data set contains data on trade between 80 countries in 1994 (see (De Nooy et al. 2004)). The link weights represent total imports by row countries from column countries, in $ 1000, for the class of commodities designated as “miscellaneous manufactures of metal” to represent high technology products or heavy manufacture. The weights for imports with values less than 1% of the country’s total imports are zeroed.

The node attributes are:

  1. (1)

    Continent (Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, South America)

  2. (2)

    Structural World System Position (Core, Semi-Periphery, Periphery),

  3. (3)

    Gross Domestic Product per capita in $ (GDP p/c)

  4. (4)

    Structural World System Position [SWSP] in 1980 according to Smith and White (Core, Semi-Periphery, Periphery, N.A.I) N.A.I: stands for not available information for countries in which their ecumenical information was not available due to various reasons such as war or dictatorship.

The Structural World System Position in 1980 according to De Nooy et al. (2004) is considered as the ground truth.

The GDP p/c feature is converted into a three-category nominal feature manually, according to the minima of its histogram. The categories are defined as follows: “Poor” category is for the GDP p/c less than \(\$ 4406.9\); “Mid-Range” category is for the GDP p/c greater than \(\$ 4406.9\) but not greater than \(\$ 21574.5\); and “Wealthy” category corresponds to the GDP p/c greater than \(\$ 21574.5\).

These features are reviewed in Table 3. Before applying SEFNAC, all attribute categories are converted into 0/1 dummy variables which are considered quantitative.

Table 3 Features in World Trade data set

Parliament data set

In the Parliament data set, introduced in Bojchevski and Günnemann (2018), nodes correspond to members of the French Parliament. An edge is drawn if the corresponding MPs sign a bill together. The features are the constituency of MPs and their political party, as it is described by the authors. The latter is considered the ground truth (see Table 4).

Table 4 The Parliament data set

Consulting Organisational Social Network (COSN) data set

The Consulting Organisational Social Network (COSN) data set is introduced in Cross and Parker (2004). Nodes in this network correspond to employees in a consulting company. The (asymmetric) edges are formed in accordance with their replies to this question: “Please indicate how often you have turned to this person for information or advice on work-related topics in the past three months.” The answers are coded by 0 (I Do Not Know This Person), 1 (Never), 2 (Seldom), 3 (Sometimes), 4 (Often), and 5 (Very Often). Either of these 6 numerals is the weight of all the corresponding edges.

Nodes in this network have the following attributes:

  1. (1)

    Organizational level (Research Assistant, Junior Consultant, Senior Consultant, Managing Consultant, Partner),

  2. (2)

    Gender (Male, Female),

  3. (3)

    Region (Europe, USA),

  4. (4)

    Location (Boston, London, Paris, Rome, Madrid, Oslo, Copenhagen).

The Region feature is considered as the ground truth. A description of the data is shown in Table 5.

Table 5 The Consulting Organisational Social Network (COSN) data set

SinaNet data set (Jia et al. 2017) This data set is a microblog user relationship network extracted from the Sina-microblog website, http://www.weibo.com. The authors at first selected 100 VIP Sina-microblog users distributed in 10 significant forums including finance and economics, literature and arts, Etc. Starting from 100 VIP Sina-microblog users, they extract followers/followings of these users and their published microblogs. Using the depth-first search strategy, they extract three layers of user relationships and obtained 8452 users, 147,653 user relationships, and 5.5 million microblogs in total. They merged all microblogs that a user published to characterize the user’s interests. After removing silent users that published less than 5000 words, we left 3490 users and 30282 relationships. By using words’ frequency of the merged blogs of a user to describe the user’s interest, the feature space’s dimension would be too high to be processed. Therefore, they use users’ topic distribution in the ten forums obtained by the LDA topic model, which describes users’ interests. Thus, besides the follower/following relationships between pairs of users, we have ten-dimensional numerical attributes to describe each user’s interests (See Table 6).

Table 6 The SinaNet data set

3.2.2 Generating synthetic data sets

In this section, we describe how we generate synthetic feature-rich data sets with an innate cluster structure by separately generating:

  • Network;

  • Categorical features;

  • Quantitative features.

Each of these is put in a separate subsection.

Generating networks

First, the number of nodes, N, and the number of communities K are specified. Then cardinalities of communities are defined randomly and uniformly, up to a constraint that no community has less than a pre-specified number of nodes (in our experiments, this is set to 30), so that probabilistic approaches are applicable, and the total number of nodes in all the communities is equal to N. Using the random option for cardinalities of the communities to be generated is motivated by these reasons:

  • Real-world cluster structures in general do not show any specific regularity in cluster structures: some tend to see one or two big clusters among a multitude of very small ones; some tend to claim a natural power law for cluster cardinalities; still, some prefer relatively balanced cluster sizes, especially in human-made systems.

  • In our experiences, cardinalities of hidden clusters play no role in the quality of cluster recovery by conventional clustering algorithms.

  • This also reduces to zero the number of parameters to control.

We consider two settings for N: (a) \(N=200\), for a small size network, and (b) \(N=1000\), for a medium-size network. We postpone analysis of larger networks for another paper.

Given the community sizes, we populate them with nodes, that are specified just by indices in their natural order. Say, if there are two clusters with 60 and 40 elements, respectively, to be defined, then indices from 1 through 60 go into cluster 1, and those numbered from 61 to 100 go into cluster 2. Then we specify two probability values, p and q.

For every pair of nodes from the same community, an edge is drawn between them with the probability p, independently of other edges. Similarly, for every pair of nodes from different communities, an edge is drawn between them with the probability q, independently of other edges.

Figure 2 illustrates similarity matrices for generated networks at \(p=0.7, 0.9\) and \(q=0.4, 0.6\). The upper pane in the figure visualizes a network with 200 nodes and five communities, whereas the lower pane presents 15 communities at 1000 nodes.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Samples of synthetically generated network matrices (white pixels represent unities, and dark ones, zeros. The number of nodes is N and the number of communities is K. Values pq are the probabilities of drawing edges within-community and between communities, respectively. Specifically, \(p=0.7, q=0.4, N=200, K=5\) at a \(p=0.9, q=0.6, N=200, K=5\) at b \(p=0.7, q=0.4, N=1000, K=15\) at c and \(p=0.9, q=0.6, N=1000, K=15\) at d

Generating quantitative features

To model quantitative features, we use conventional Gaussian distributions as within-cluster density functions. We apply design proposed in Kovaleva and Mirkin (2015). Each cluster is generated from a Gaussian distribution whose covariance matrix is diagonal with diagonal values that are random and uniform in the range [0.05, 0.1]—they specify the cluster’s spread. Each component of the cluster center is generated randomly and uniformly from the range \(\alpha [-1, +1]\). Here \(\alpha >0\) controls the cluster intermix: the smaller the \(\alpha\), the greater the chance that points from a cluster fall within the spreads of other clusters. Figure 3 illustrates examples of the generated data sets for \(\alpha =0.7\) and \(\alpha =0.9\). The upper pane in the figure visualizes a feature-rich network with 200 nodes and five communities, whereas the lower pane presents 15 communities at 1000 nodes.

In addition to cluster intermix, the possibility of presence of noise in data is also taken into account. A uniformly random noise feature from an interval defined by the maximum and minimum values is generated and added to the feature data. In this way, \(50\%\) of the number of original features are inserted as noise features.

Generating categorical features

To model categorical features, the number of subcategories for each category is randomly chosen from the set \(\{2, 3, \ldots , L\}\) where \(L=10\) for small-size networks and \(L=15\) for the medium-size networks. Then, given the number of communities, K, and the numbers of entities, \(N_k\) for \((k=1,\ldots , K)\); the cluster centers are generated randomly so that no two centers may coincide at more than 50% of features.

Once a center of k-th cluster, \(c_{k}=(c_{k v})\), is specified, \(N_k\) entities of this cluster are generated as follows. Given a pre-specified threshold of intermix, \(\epsilon\) between 0 and 1, for every pair (iv), \(i=1: N_k\); \(v=1:V\), a uniformly random real number r between 0 and 1 is generated. If \(r> \epsilon\), the entry \(x_{iv}\) is set to be equal to \(c_{kv}\); otherwise, \(x_{iv}\) is taken randomly from the set of subcategories specified for feature v.

Consequently, all entities in cluster k-th coincide with its center, up to rare errors if \(\epsilon\) is large enough. The smaller the epsilon, the more diverse, and thus intermixed, would be the generated entities.

To generate a feature-rich network combining categorical and quantitative features, we divide the number of features in two approximately equal parts, one to consist of quantitative features, the other, of categorical features. Each part is filled in independently, according to the schemes described above.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Samples of synthetically generated clusters at quantitative features; N is the number of nodes, K is the number of communities, and \(\alpha\) is the parameter of cluster intermix. The parameter values are: \(\alpha =0.9, N=200, K=5\) at (a); \(\alpha =0.7, N=200, K=5\) at (b); \(\alpha =0.9, N=1000, K=15\) at (c); and \(\alpha =0.7, N=1000, K=15\) at (d)

3.3 Data pre-processing

Results of our SEFNAC method depend on the way the data are standardized. Unfortunately, no theoretical foundations have been developed so far for the issues of data standardization. We describe here two popular methods of standardization for feature data and two standardization methods for network data.

For features, we consider the following standardization methods:

  1. (1)

    Z-scoring: each of the features is centered by subtraction of its mean from its values and then normalized by dividing over its standard deviation;

  2. (2)

    Range standardization: each of the features is centered by subtraction of its mean from all its values and then normalized by dividing over its range, that is the difference between its maximum and minimum.

For network data, the two following link normalization options are considered:

  1. (1)

    Modularity (Newman 2006): Given an \(N\times N\) similarity matrix \(P=(p_{ij})\), compute summary values \(p_{i+}=\sum _{j=1}^N p_{ij}\), \(p_{+j}=\sum _{i=1}^N p_{ij}\), \(p_{++}=\sum _{i, j=1}^N p_{ij}\) and define random interaction values \(r_{i j}=p_{i+}p_{+j}/p_{++}\). Change all \(p_{i j}\) for \(p_{i j} - r_{i j}\) by removing the random interactions.

  2. (2)

    Uniform shift (Mirkin 2012): Compute the mean \(\pi =\sum _{i,j=1}^N p_{i j}/N^2\); change all \(p_{i j}\) for \(p_{i j} - \pi\).

Each of the two normalizations leads to a similarity matrix in which the mean is zero.

3.4 Evaluation criteria

To compare results found by clustering algorithms, we use a popular metric of similarity between partitions: the Adjusted Rand Index (ARI) (Hubert and Arabie 1985). Also, we used the Normalized Mutual Information (NMI) index (Cover and Thomas 2012; Strehl and Ghosh 2002). The latter has shown results that are very similar to those observed with the ARI; therefore, we decided to omit NMI from the resulting tables.

To define ARI, the so-called contingency table is used.

Given two partitions of the entity set, \(S=\{S_1, S_2,\ldots , S_K\}\) and \(T=\{T1, T_2,\ldots , T_L\}\), the contingency table is a two-way table, whose rows correspond to parts \(S_k\) (\(k=1,2,\ldots , K\)) of S, and columns, to parts \(l=1,2,\ldots , L\) of T, so that its ((kl))-th entry is \(n_{kl} = |S_{k} \cap T_{l}|\), with the so-called marginal row and marginal column defined as \(a_{k} = \sum _{l=1}^{L} n_{kl}=|S_k|\) and \(b_{l} = \sum _{k=1}^{K} n_{kl}=|T_{l}|\).

The Adjusted Rand Index is defined as:

$$\begin{aligned} {\mathrm{ARI}}(S,T)= & {} \frac{\sum _{k,l} \left( {\begin{array}{c}n_{kl}\\ 2\end{array}}\right) - \left[ \sum _{k} \left( {\begin{array}{c}a_{k}\\ 2\end{array}}\right) \sum _{l} \left( {\begin{array}{c}b_{l}\\ 2\end{array}}\right) \right] / \left( {\begin{array}{c}N\\ 2\end{array}}\right) }{ \frac{1}{2}\left[ \sum _{k} \left( {\begin{array}{c}a_{k}\\ 2\end{array}}\right) + \sum _{l} \left( {\begin{array}{c}b_{l}\\ 2\end{array}}\right) \right] - \left[ \sum _{k} \left( {\begin{array}{c}a_{k}\\ 2\end{array}}\right) \sum _{l} \left( {\begin{array}{c}b_{l}\\ 2\end{array}}\right) \right] / \left( {\begin{array}{c}N\\ 2\end{array}}\right) ]} \end{aligned}$$

The closer the value of ARI to unity, the better is the match between the two partitions; ARI=1.0 shows that \(S=T\) . If one of the partitions consists of just one part, the set I itself, then ARI=0. Cases at which ARI is negative may occur too, but these authors have observed them only at specially defined, “dual,” pairs of partitions (see in Kovaleva and Mirkin 2015).

4 Experimental comparison of the methods under consideration

4.1 Comparison of the methods over real-world data sets

In this section we compare the performance of our proposed SEFNAC methods with state-of-the-art algorithms, EVA, SIAN, and CESNA, at the six real-world data sets described above in subsection (3.2). All the algorithms are run starting from random configurations ten times at each of the data sets; we report the average ARI values and corresponding standard deviations.

Results of both SEFNACs and SEFNACn depend on data standardization. We chose those pre-processing methods that lead, on average, to the larger ARI values. Table 7 explains the applied pre-processing methods.

Table 7 Standardization options chosen for SEFNAC methods on the real-world data sets
Table 8 Comparison of CESNA, SIAN, DMoN, SEFNACs, SEFNACn on real-world data sets; average values and standard deviations of ARI are presented over 10 random initializations

The comparison of all the algorithms under consideration over Real-World data sets is recorded in Table 8. Unlike synthetic data sets, SIAN shows better performance on real-world data sets. It is the winner for the Parliament and the COSN data sets. The SEFNACs wins the competition on HVR and Lawyers data sets. Finally, SEFNACn wins the competition on World-trade and SinaNet data sets.

4.2 Comparison of the methods over synthetic data sets with categorical features

Table 9 Comparison of CESNA, SIAN, SEFNACs, and SEFNACn over small-size synthetic data sets with categorical attributes

The comparison of the algorithms over the small-size network with categorical features is reported in Table 9. One can clearly see that the upper six rows’ results drastically differ from those at the two last rows. These latter rows correspond to most difficult combination of probabilities, \(p=0.7\) and \(q=0.6\). Indeed, in this case, the probability of between-community edges, \(q=0.6\), is almost as high as the probability of within-community edges, \(p=0.7\).

EVA performs indeed poorly. This poor performance could have two reasons as follows. First, the Modularity criterion, which is adopted to model the networks, usually assigns more weights to less connected nodes. Recall that our generated network data are indeed dense, and nodes have significant between community links. Thus Modularity loses its efficiency. The second reason is related to the purity of features. To be more precise, the authors assume that features of a community’s nodes are identical, and, in our opinion, this is a very optimistic assumption, which is not the case in our generated data set because of the parameter \(\epsilon\) we used to control the homogeneity of features.

Unfortunately, SIAN also performs poorly, especially in the two most challenging cases, in which ARI is almost zero. Such a performance might happen because of the networks’ sparsity assumption in Newman and Clauset (2016). Another reason for this poor performance might be the convergence, i.e., stocking, in a local optimum.

The results by CESNA and SEFNACs are relatively similar in the upper six cases. In the two most complex cases, the results by CESNA dramatically fall, whereas those by SEFNACs remain relatively high, being the best out of the five algorithms under comparison.

It ought to mention that, on average, SEFNACn’s performance is also acceptable. Furthermore, recalling its faster execution time than SEFNACs, we can consider it a preferable algorithm for larger data sets.

Table 10 Comparison of CESNA, SIAN, SEFNACs, and SEFNACn over medium-size synthetic data sets with categorical attributes

The results in Table 10 show that the performance of SEFNACs significantly improves when the size of networks increases. CESNA also works well. It obtains decent results in 5 out of 8 settings. However, in most cases, SEFNACs achieve high ARI values. Noteworthy to mention that the SEFNAC methods automatically determine the number of clusters. SEFNACn also achieves good results on almost all the settings except for the last one.

The poor performance of SIAN on the medium-size networks could be explained by either (a) the convergence issues or (b) issues at computing the prior probabilities, which might be inconsistent with the assumption of the sparsity of the networks in Newman and Clauset (2016).

Similar to the small-size networks, we observe abysmal performance from EVA. As mentioned earlier, this could be either due to the dense generated networks or the nonhomogeneous features, which contradict the authors’ assumption of the network links and node features, respectively.

5 Experimental validation of SEFNAC methods

5.1 Choosing the data standardization options

In Sect. (3.3), we considered two options for feature data standardization: Z-scoring, further denoted as Z-score, and Range standardization, further denoted as Range. Similarly, we considered two options for network data standardization: Modularity transformation, referred to as Modular and Uniform shift, further referred to as Uniform. This section aims to assign SEFNACs and SEFNACn a unique set of data standardization options for all the experiments with synthetic data sets.

To choose the most suitable combinations, we applied all possible combinations of the pre-processing techniques on the synthetic data sets with (a) only quantitative features, (b) only categorical features, (c) mixed-scaled features. However, for the sake of brevity, we only provided results of the latter case.

Table 11 presents cluster-recovery results for SEFNACs at synthetic small-size networks with the combination of quantitative and categorical features under different data standardization techniques. Similarly, Table 12 gives a similar account for SEFNACn.

Table 11 The performance of SEFNACs on small-size networks with combined quantitative and categorical features at the nodes for different data standardization options

Table 11 shows that the Z-score-Uniform standardization gives an edge over the other standardizations for SEFNACs.

Table 12 The performance of SEFNACn on small-size networks with combined quantitative and categorical features at the nodes for different data standardization options

Regarding Table 12, one should conclude that the pair Z-score-Uniform standardization on average yields superior results for the SEFNACn, too. This is especially clear at the worst combination of parameters, (\(p, q, \alpha /\epsilon\)) = (0.7, 0.6, 0.7). Comparing the two tables, one may reasonably conclude that SEFNACs work better than SEFNACn in this setting.

Summarizing all the computation on the early mentioned synthetic data sets (only quantitative feature scales, only categorical feature scales, combined feature scales), we can conclude that: as a rule, we combine Z-scoring with the Uniform transformation. There are only two exceptions from this rule: (a) at quantitative features only, we combine Z-scoring and Modularity standardization for SEFNACs, (b) at categorical features only, we combine Range standardization with the Uniform transformation for SEFNACn.

5.2 Experimental results for SEFNAC algorithms at various feature scales

5.2.1 SEFNAC at synthetic networks with categorical features at the nodes

Following Tables 13 and 14 present results of SEFNACs and SEFNACn methods at small-size and medium-size synthetic networks, respectively, with categorical features only. The chosen data standardization options are described at the end of the previous section.

Table 13 The performance of SEFNACs and SEFNACn on small-size networks with categorical features at the nodes
Table 14 The performance of the SEFNACs and SEFNACn on medium-size networks with categorical features at the nodes

One can see that SEFNACs overwhelmingly wins at the medium-sized feature-rich networks showing outstanding results even in the worst scenario of parameter setting \((p,q,\epsilon )=(0.7,0.6,0.7)\). The level of reproducing the numbers of communities by this algorithm looks impressive indeed according to Table 14. On the contrary, SEFNACn leads to better results at the small-sized data at almost all parameter settings except for the last two.

5.2.2 SEFNAC at synthetic networks with quantitative features at the nodes

Following Tables 15 and 16 present results of SEFNACs and SEFNACn methods at small-size and medium-size synthetic networks, respectively, with quantitative features only. The chosen data standardization options are described at the end of Sect. (5.1).

Table 15 The performance of the SEFNACs and SEFNACn on small-size networks with quantitative features at the nodes

As one can see in Table 15, the SEFNACs is the winner. However, the obtained results of the SEFNACn are good too.

Table 16 The performance of SEFNACs and SEFNACn on medium-size networks with quantitative features at the nodes

Considering the results presented in Table 16, SEFNACs is the sole winner.

Let us check if the performances of the algorithms change when noise features are inserted. The results are presented in Tables 17 and 18.

Table 17 The performance of the SEFNACs and SEFNACn on small-size networks with quantitative features at the nodes after 50% noise features are inserted
Table 18 The performance of the SEFNACs and SEFNACn on medium-size networks with quantitative features at the nodes with 50% noise features inserted

Similarly, the SEFNACs are the winner, although the SEFNACn usually shows good results too. The setting with noise features gives one more effect. We can see that changing q to 0.6 at \(p=0.9\) reduces the clusters’ reproducibility greater than the decrease of p to 0.7 at a smaller q-rate of 0.3.

5.2.3 SEFNAC at synthetic data sets combining quantitative and categorical features

Following Tables 19 and 20 present results of SEFNACs and SEFNACn methods at small-size and medium-size synthetic networks, respectively, with combined quantitative and categorical features. The chosen data standardization options are described at the end of Sect. (5.1).

Table 19 The performance of the SEFNACs and SEFNACn on small-size networks with combined quantitative and categorical features at the nodes

Regarding the obtained results in Table 19 we see that each of the SEFNACs and SEFNACn wins at four different settings. This behavior shows that each of these two models can be more effective, than the other one, in specific circumstances.

Table 20 The performance of the SEFNACs and SEFNACn on medium-size networks with the combination of quantitative and categorical features at the nodes

Table 20 shows the results of our methods over the combination of quantitative and categorical features for medium-size networks. The SEFNACs are the winner. The results by the SEFNACn are moderately acceptable.

The following two tables present the results by our methods on small-size and medium-size networks with the combination of quantitative and categorical features at its nodes when \(50\%\) noise features are added.

Table 21 The performance of the SEFNACs and SEFNACn on small-size networks with combined quantitative and categorical features at the nodes with 50% noise features replicated

Both SEFNACs and SEFNACn show rather robust results against the noise according to Tables 21 and 22. In particular, the level of cluster recovery by SEFNACn, ARI=0.950, at \((p, q, \alpha )\) = (0.7, 0.3, 0.7), is indeed impressive (Table 21).

Table 22 The performance of SEFNACs and SEFNACn on medium-size networks with combined quantitative and categorical features at the nodes when 50% noise features are involved

On medium-size networks with added noise, the SEFNACs dominate rather clearly, although both methods lead to poor results in the last two rows. Also, one can see that the SEFNACn is quite sensitive to raising the q, the probability of between-community links, from 0.3 to 0 .6: its performance lowers then rather significantly.

All over, noteworthy, to point out that SEFNACs are superior over SEFNACn on most of the settings, both on small-size and medium-size networks. This, probably, can be associated with the mechanism for link data generation in our experiments: the probabilities p and q are constant across the entire data.

5.3 Computational complexity of SEFNAC algorithms

SEFNAC method is compute-intensive: it computes and compares values of criteria in Eqs. (24) and (25) while finding a node to be added to a current community. In the current implementation, criterion (25) is computed in a vectorized form, whereas criterion (24) requires a nested “for” loop, which takes a longer time. Let us denote the average time for computing the value of criterion (25) by tn, and the value of criterion (24), by ts. Then the total time for execution of SEFNACn (or, SEFNACs) is proportional to \(tn*N^2\) (or, \(ts*N^2\)). Indeed, to find a community, SEFNAC adds a number of nodes proportional to N, and selecting a node to be added at a step, requires a number of tries proportional to N too. We do not take into account the number of communities found, because it is always finite in our computations.

To check whether these timings go in line with timings by the other algorithms, we took the common ground, synthetic networks with categorical features only, and ran all the algorithms at both small-sized data sets and medium-sized data sets. The computing time should not much depend on the parameter setting, so we selected two out of our standard 8 settings, (\(p, q, \epsilon\)) = (0.9, 0.3, 0.9), at which the community structure is maximally sharp, and (\(p, q, \epsilon\)) = (0.7, 0.6, 0.7), at which the community structure is maximally blurred.

Although the computation speed depends on the computing system, so that only relative comparisons can be meaningful, the times reported in the following Table 23 have been achieved at a desktop computer Intel(R) (Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU /@ 3.60GHz, RAM: 64 GB, HD: 1TB SSD) under Ubuntu 18.0 Operation System.

Table 23 The execution time of various methods on synthetic networks with categorical features at the nodes; for SEFNAC, the selected data pre-processing options apply

As one can see, the algorithms can be divided in two leagues, fast and slow. The fast league comprises CESNA, EVA, and SEFNACn, and slow league comprises SIAN and SEFNACs, although some may claim that, in fact, SEFNACs is much faster than SIAN. Anyway, an important fact is that computing time by SEFNAC algorithms goes in line with the flock.

6 Conclusion and future work

This paper proposes two similar methods, SEFNACs and SEFNACn, for community detection at feature-rich networks using the conventional data recovery approach. The methods differ in the assumptions of the network data entries’ summability across the link table, yes or no, respectively. In this way, we distinguish between cases where the similarity data scales are the same for all the network nodes and cases at which each node collects its linkage data independently. The methods are similar in that both find clusters one-by-one and apply the same strategy for finding an individual cluster, this time by adding entities to the cluster one at a time. The summability and nonsummability assumptions lead to differing results. The nonsummable version, SEFNACn, is much faster than the summable SEFNACs. In contrast to our intuition, the nonsummable version leads to the best results on two of the six real-world data sets and second-best results on three out of four remaining ones. It brings forth the best results on six out of eight small-sized synthetic data sets (and second-best results on the two remaining settings) at the only case at which all the five algorithms under comparison can meet—networks with categorical features at the nodes. SEFNACs dominate at the medium-sized feature-rich networks.

There are several properties distinguishing our methods from many others.

Desirable properties: (a) methods can work with mixed scale features, both categorical or quantitative; (b) methods apply to any link data formats that can be expressed as entity-to-entity similarity matrices; (c) the number of clusters/communities found is determined automatically; (d) contributions of individual clusters to the combined data scatter are computed.

Less desirable properties: (e) results depend on the data standardization, both network link data, and feature data; (f) computations are slow (of the order of \(N^2\), in the worst-case scenario); (g) there is no advice regarding the constants balancing the relative contributions of network and features.

Nevertheless, our experiments show that our algorithms are competitive against state-of-the-art algorithms on small-size and medium-size data. The algorithms are relatively robust against noise and blurred structures. For instance, the probability of inter-community links can be as high as 0.6, meaning that the proportion of inter-community edges may be comparable with or even greater than the probability of within-community edges.

Our empirically found best data standardization options involve z-scoring of the feature data and uniform shift transformation of the network data in almost all settings. The uniform shift subtracts a constant threshold from the link values. In contrast, the popular modularity transformation subtracts random noise, which may differ depending on the number of links at different nodes. This supports the view (Mirkin 2012) that at flat network data, the subtracted value should be flat/constant, too. The reason why Z-scoring improves our results seems more obscure. Perhaps, an explanation might sound like this. Recall that the Z-scoring leads to different feature ranges, in contrast to the Range standardization. This may work at our method, since it starts from the most anomalous clusters.

The properties of the methods mentioned above determine the main directions of future work. First of all, we should raise the computational power of the method to be applied to larger data sets. We think that a version resembling the K-Means method can be developed to define the cluster center and distances from that to cluster elements according to our clustering criterion (5) and, in this way, take into account both data sources. Such a development could lead us to an algorithm capable of handling dozens of thousand nodes rather than thousands, the current version’s capability. Then we could think of a further acceleration of the computations.

We are going to look for a practically interesting real-world application. Having such an application may help us improve the speed of computations.

Another direction for research would be in investigating the balancing weights between the network links and feature values to adjust the trade-off coefficients automatically.

Finally, reformulating our proposed methods in a theory-driven form seems another promising direction of future work.