1 Introduction

Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs) are aimed at communications between vehicles [1]. They are similar to Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs), where mobile units are vehicles, but with a very dynamic topology and density, high speed, and a mobility bounded by the road infrastructure and neighboring vehicles [2].

According to [3], the aim of VANETs is the development of platforms for communications between moving vehicles and between them and the road infrastructure. In VANET, there are two types of networking units: (1) On-Board Units (OBUs) are placed inside vehicles for communications to make them “smart objects” rather than mere transportation tools and (2) Road Side Units (RSUs) that are fixed and installed near the road. A VANET allows two types of communications: (1) communications between vehicles often referred to as Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communications that take place between OBUs, and (2) communications between vehicles and RSUs, known as Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I). Both modes of communications can be performed using the same wireless communication technology, such as IEEE 802.11p [4]. Also, a VANET-enabled vehicle should be able to receive and relay messages to other VANET-enabled vehicles in its neighborhood (also known as multi-hop relaying) [1].

VANETs used short-range wireless communications (e.g., IEEE 802.11p [4]). A band of frequencies has already been reserved by the Federal Communications Commission (5.850 to 5.925 GHz), and it is generally divided into channels of 10 MHz: 6 Service CHannels (SCHs) and 1 Control CHannel (CCH) [4, 5]. The SCHs are general purpose channels, that is, they can be used for safety applications or not. The CCH is reserved for safety applications. IEEE 802.11p also permits the aggregation of two contiguous channels, to form a wider channel with a bandwidth of 20 MHz. In the specialized literature, this band of frequencies designated by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is also known as Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC).

Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE) has been proposed by the IEEE to specify the architecture for VANETs. It is based on several documents for standardization. The Physical (PHY) and the Medium Access Control (MAC) layers of WAVE are presented in the IEEE 802.11p standard. In the network layer, WAVE promotes the usage of two protocols: (1) Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) and (2) WAVE Short Message Protocol (WSMP). As known, IPv6 is the successor of IPv4, and it can be used for most of the applications. Unlike IPv6, WAVE is a very fast and light protocol, focused on supporting safety applications. To manage the seven channels that are not overlapped, IEEE 1609.4 [6] introduces the multi-channel operations.

VANETs support a large number of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) applications, that will allow in the not too distant future, the increase of the physical safety of drivers and passengers, the optimization of daily traffic, the notification of real-time road congestions, the propagation of alerts of accidents or obstacles on the road, the distribution of useful information for drivers (e.g., nearby restaurants, hotels, gas stations), the access to social networks, file-sharing services, or chats, as well as the connection to external networks such as Internet.

The growing of traffic density on the roads of most towns and cities around the world is becoming a problem. This growing brings traffic congestion on the roads, resulting in negative effects on traveling time, traffic safety, air pollution, noise disturbance, and energy consumption. Therefore, the task of controlling and optimizing the vehicular flows, in agglomerations and their outskirts, is one of the main activities of traffic engineering, seeking to benefit the communities. Before tackling such a complex problem as the optimization of vehicular traffic, the main point is to know how that traffic behaves, i.e., to obtain reliable models of the same. How many vehicles use a road section? Something as simple as that is hard and expensive to know in most of our main cities. If we lack the number of vehicles on a road, we cannot know or estimate the occupation in a certain road section, or propose a dynamic schedule for the traffic lights at an intersection, etc. However, the actual ATCSs (Adaptive Traffic Control Systems) have been using basic “in situ” technologies (e.g., inductive loops, digital cameras, video cameras, thermal cameras, pneumatic road tubes, magnetic sensors, radars, piezoelectric sensors, infrared beams) to reduce road accidents and optimize traffic flows, which could be dramatically improved with the integration of emerging technologies such as VANET.

As stated before, in “Traffic Engineering”, a specific problem to be solved is the development of algorithms to optimize the cycles of traffic lights of a set of intersections and thus achieve a greater vehicular flow with fairer waiting times for all vehicles. Therefore, much research has been done in the field of ATCSs [7] and traffic congestion detection [8,9,10] to improve the flow of vehicles. As we have seen, there is no single solution to solve the above problem. The range of initiatives is wide, and many of them must be applied together to get tangible results. However, to improve existing solutions or to propose new ones, basic algorithms and tools must be developed. An example of such tools is the counting of vehicles with a specific characteristic or within a specified geographical area. According to [11,12,13], there are some alternatives or proposals for counting vehicles based primarily on “in situ” technologies. These “in situ” technologies are complex to install, and they suffer a high economic cost caused by both, installation and recurring maintenance. Due to the huge number of roads worldwide, alternatives to “in situ” technologies must be considered. The VANET technology seems to be a good option for vehicle counting and should become ubiquitous promptly since it is estimated that all vehicles will be equipped with a WAVE device within the next 15 years [14]. In addition, in the case of WAVE, the costs of installing and maintaining the technology are shared between the owners of the vehicles and the organization that maintains the roads (town hall, city hall, county administration, state government, highway administration, etc.) That is, the owner of a vehicle will have to buy an RSU for his/her car, and will have to pay the charges related to its maintenance. Local, national, or international establishments will install and maintain RSUs on the road infrastructure.

In this research work, we propose a novel algorithm to count vehicles that are stopped at a traffic light based on VANET technology, as a basic and integral tool for the development of applications for the ITS. With the aim of validating the proposed algorithm, we use a discrete event network simulator called OMNeT++ in conjunction with a road traffic simulator known as SUMO (Simulation of Urban Mobility), and the Veins (Vehicle in Network Simulation) framework that bidirectionally couples the previously mentioned simulators. We test and analyze our proposal in diverse scenarios, where we vary some parameters such as the number of vehicles, the signal propagation range, the number of lanes, the penetration rate, etc. The simulation results show that our novel algorithm performs an efficient vehicle counting very close to the real one, with a short response time and a small number of control messages.

We have structured the rest of this paper in the following way. First, we review the previous work in Section 2. Then, in section 3, we introduce in details our novel algorithm to count vehicles that are stopped at a traffic light using WAVE technologies. Section 4 justifies our selection of the used simulation tools and briefly describes the testbeds for the validation of the proposed algorithm. A discussion of the results obtained by our simulations is done in Section 5. In the last section, we conclude and give directions for future work.

2 Related Work

Vehicle counting represents a tool that has numerous applications, and due to its usefulness, it has been done in various ways or disciplines with several technologies that makes it applicable to diverse situations. Up to now, most of the proposals to count vehicles, with greater or lesser accuracy, are based mainly on methods or techniques supported by conventional “in-situ” technologies (e.g., inductive loops, digital cameras, video cameras, thermal cameras, pneumatic road tubes, magnetic sensors, radars, piezoelectric sensors, infrared beams) [15].

In the specialized literature, there are many methods, techniques, and algorithms based on the “in situ” technologies mentioned above. For example, there is a lot of work done with images or recordings of digital or video cameras. Chintalacheruvu and Muthukumar [16] proposed an efficient video-based vehicle detection system constructed on top of Harris-Stephen corner detector algorithm [17]. The algorithm was used to develop a standalone vehicle detection and tracking system that determines vehicle count and speed at arterial roadways and freeways. The authors of [18, 19] employed images obtained from video cameras to count vehicles in real time. Peiris and Sonnadara [20] used a single digital camera to extract various traffic parameters, including vehicle count, density, and type at a three-way junction.

Sensor networks have also been used to count vehicles. Knaian [21] developed a low-cost package, based on anisotropic magnetoresistive magnetic field sensors that can count passing vehicles. According to the author, the sensors can operate in the roadbed for at least ten years without maintenance, and do not require running wires under the road, facilitating a wide deployment. Litzenberger et al. [22] proposed an embedded system based on an transient optical sensor that is capable of detecting, counting, and measuring the velocity of passing vehicles.

Contreras and Gamess [23] proposed an algorithm to count objects (people, animals, devices, etc.) with wireless technologies (IEEE 802.11) in circular-bounded areas, using several non-overlapping communication channels. In the field of counting vehicles based on VANET technologies, just a few efforts have been made up to today. Gamess and Mahgoub [1] proposed a method to obtain the length of a line of vehicles stopped at a traffic light, by using VANET technology. The algorithm is based on an effective propagation of a request message from the beginning of the line (started by the traffic light) towards the end, and the transmission of the correspondent response message from the last vehicle to the traffic light, using multi-hop, with the expected length. According to the authors, a possible approximation of the number of vehicles can be obtained by dividing the resulting length by a constant value (e.g., 7 m), where 7 m represents the average space to accommodate a vehicle in a line. Unlike the present work, the counting obtained in [1] is an approximation.

Some other works do not count, but estimate the density of vehicles in a specific region. In their work, Luo, Wei, Cheng, and Ren [24] developed an innovative query-response framework which not only enables vehicles to detect the traffic crowdedness of their surrounding region, but also enables vehicles to obtain the remote region traffic crowdedness by sending query messages and fusing reply messages.

Generally speaking, a considerable amount of work has been done with “in-situ” technologies to count vehicles in different scenarios. However, algorithms based on VANET technologies are still very rare, and new proposals are welcome to consolidate this area of knowledge.

3 Algorithm to Count Vehicles that Are Stopped at a Traffic Light, Using VANET Technologies

In this section, we describe our novel algorithm to count vehicles that are waiting for the traffic light to change from red to green.

3.1 Requirements and Assumptions

Note that in this paper, we use the word “unit” interchangeably with the word “vehicle”. They are one and the same. Also, we call “originator” the RSU which initiates the counting process, i.e., the entity that requires the number of vehicles around it, up to a specified range or hop count (called Hop Limit in our algorithm). As can be seen, the field Hop Limit delimits the counting range, so that application developers will have to select this parameter according to their needs. In our simulations, the RSU starts counting with a value of Hop Limit equal to 3, but any value can be used according to the type of applications where the algorithm will be used.

For the implementation of our novel algorithm, we only require the usage of a unique channel, of the seven channels that are available in the DSRC band (5.850–5.925 GHz) [25]. We also assume that each vehicle is capable of determining its actual position on the road using, for example, location services like the Global Positioning System (GPS) [26]. In our work, the location is specified through the latitude and the longitude. However, the same algorithm can be modified to use Cartesian coordinates, by choosing an origin and the direction of the axis. The vehicles that do not have a WAVE device will not be counted, since there is no way to detect them (a penetration rate of 100%). Additionally, the algorithm requires symmetric radio ranges, i.e., there is no one-way communication between two vehicles (if vehicle V1 can communicate with vehicle V2, a transmission from V2 will also reach V1).

3.2 Structure of Unicast COUNT_REQUEST and COUNT_REPLY Messages

The COUNT_REQUEST and COUNT_REPLY messages are unicast messages propagated by the RSU and the vehicles in the process of counting vehicles stopped at a traffic light. When starting the counting, the RSU will send a unicast COUNT_REQUEST message toward the last vehicle in the line of waiting vehicles, and later this last vehicle will respond with a unicast COUNT_REPLY message that will be transmitted toward the RSU. Both messages have the same Protocol Data Unit (PDU) and are composed of 10 fields (see Fig. 1).

Fig. 1
figure 1


The field Unit ID represents the identification of the sender vehicle or RSU. The value of Unit ID must be unique. Message Type can be either 0 or 1 and is used to identify the type of message. A value of 0 identifies a COUNT_REQUEST, while 1 is for a COUNT_REPLY. Sequence Number is used to match COUNT_REQUEST messages with COUNT_REPLY messages and to distinguish between different requests. The RSU and the vehicles transmit COUNT_REQUEST messages along with the argument Hop Away which represents the number of hops-away the receiver of the message is from the RSU. The RSU is the unit that initiates the process of counting specifying a value of Hop Away equal to 1. Each vehicle that retransmits the COUNT_REQUEST message shall increment this value by 1. The units will discard the message when the value of Hop Away is greater than Hop Limit. The field Hop Limit is a way to control how far away COUNT_REQUEST messages can be forwarded. It delimits the counting range. Timestamp is set by the RSU when it sends the COUNT_REQUEST message. It is a timestamp taken by the RSU at the moment of sending the COUNT_REQUEST message and is aimed to control out-of-date messages and replay attacks. Message Direction indicates in which direction the message must be transmitted. For this, the four least significant bits of the Message Direction field are used to indicate one of four possible directions (North, South, East, and West). For example, if the message must be transmitted in all directions, then all lowest four bits of the field Message Direction must be set to 1 (1111). RSU Position is the position (latitude and longitude) of the RSU, and is set by the RSU when sending the COUNT_REQUEST message. Farthest Position is the location (latitude and longitude) of the actual known unit that is farthest away from the RSU in the line of vehicles. Number Vehicles is set with the number of vehicles counted up to now during the transmission of the COUNT_REQUEST message. In other words, before the retransmission of a COUNT_REQUEST, a unit must update the value of this field by adding the number of valid neighbors stored on its neighbors list. In the forwarding of COUNT_REPLY messages back to the RSU, its value is not altered.

3.3 Structure of BEACON Messages

The PDU of BEACON messages is composed of 4 fields as depicted in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Structure of a BEACON message

Unit ID refers to the sender identification. Timestamp is the actual time set by the unit when it sends a BEACON message. The synchronization of time between the different units is solved with the time received from the GPS satellites. Sender Position and Sender Speed represent the actual position (latitude and longitude) and speed of the unit when it sends the BEACON message, respectively.

3.4 Discovery Protocol for Neighboring Vehicles

As stated before, we propose a discovery protocol of 1-hop neighbors that helps in the transmission of both the COUNT_REQUEST messages started by the RSU and the COUNT_REPLY messages started by the last vehicle, in the opposite direction.

Our algorithm uses BEACON messages to periodically exchange the necessary information between any two in-range neighbors to maintain a list of 1-hop neighbors. The number of neighboring vehicles around one unit can be easily obtained from its neighbors list. Every unit periodically broadcasts BEACON messages that include its Unit ID, a timestamp, and its actual position and speed (see Fig. 2), so that, 1-hop neighbors are aware of its presence, position, and speed. Position and speed are obtained by units from their GPS receivers. When a vehicle receives a BEACON message, it first checks the Timestamp field (see Fig. 2) to validate that the BEACON message is current and not a copy of a previous message injected by a replay attack. If the Timestamp is valid, then the unit checks whether or not the Unit ID exists in its list of 1-hop neighbors. If the Unit ID does not exist, a new entry is created and the information of this neighbor is stored. Otherwise, the information of the fields Sender Position and Sender Speed for the sending vehicle are just updated as well as the associated timer. With this information, the unit can interpolate the actual position of its 1-hop neighbors at any time. Moreover, entries in the neighbors list that are not updated during a certain period of time will be considered stale and then removed. The flow diagram for creating a 1-hop neighbors list using BEACON messages is given in Fig. 3. The BEACON interval is set to 1 s to ensure that the information in the neighbors list is always up-to-date.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Flow diagram for updating the neighbors list

3.5 Algorithm

Beside of the neighbor discovery protocol described before, the basic approach of the algorithm is:

  1. 1)

    Propagate a unicast COUNT_REQUEST, from the RSU toward the vehicle that is farther away in the line of vehicles, with the total number of vehicles counted up to now (called Number Vehicles in our algorithm)

  2. 2)

    Propagate a unicast COUNT_REPLY in the opposite direction, i.e., from the last vehicle in the line toward the RSU, with the total number of vehicles calculated according to the propagation of the previous COUNT_REQUEST message.

Figure 4 depicts a simplified flow diagram for the procedure followed by the RSU in the counting algorithm. The RSU starts the vehicle counting by sending a unicast COUNT_REQUEST message (see Fig. 1) with its own geographic location in the field RSU Position, toward the last unit in the line of waiting vehicles. For this, the RSU will determine and put in the Farthest Position field the location (latitude and longitude) of the vehicle that is farther away from it in the line and within its propagation range. The RSU will also set in the field Number Vehicles the result of computing the total number of vehicles in its neighbors list, that are waiting in the line. Additionally, the RSU will specify a value of Hop Away equal to 1 and put a time sample in the Timestamp field.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Flow diagram of the procedure followed by the RSU to count vehicles stopped at a traffic light

Now, when the RSU receives a COUNT_REPLY message, it will first validate its Timestamp field. If the timestamp is not within the expected interval of time, the COUNT_REPLY is discarded. Otherwise, the RSU will obtain the total number of vehicles in the field Number Vehicles.

It is worth to point out that not all the entries that are in the neighbors list of the RSU are valid for the counting. That is, the neighbors list also includes vehicles that are moving in the opposite direction and vehicles that have already passed the traffic light. However, the vehicles in the reverse direction can be easily discarded in accordance with their speed. Also, the actual location can be used to distinguish vehicles that have already passed the traffic light.

Figure 5 depicts a simplified flow diagram for the procedure followed by the vehicles in the counting algorithm. When a vehicle receives a COUNT_REQUEST message, it will first validate the fields Timestamp and Hop Away. If the timestamp is not within the expected interval of time or the number of hops has been exceeded, the COUNT_REQUEST is discarded. Otherwise, the behavior of the vehicle will depend on whether or not it is the last unit of the line, or whether or not the field Hop Away is equal to the field Hop Limit. If so, the vehicle will start to send a unicast COUNT_REPLY message back to the RSU. As can be appreciated, only this “last unit” in the line is responsible for eliminating the COUNT_REQUEST and replacing it by a COUNT_REPLY that moves in the opposite direction. It is a copy of the COUNT_REQUEST message with Message Type equal to 1 (to indicate a COUNT_REPLY) and a Unit ID field updated to the correct ID. Note that the value of Hop Away and Farthest Position are not modified during the propagation of the COUNT_REPLY, allowing the RSU to know how far away (in hops and in meters), the counting was done. Otherwise, if the vehicle is not the “last one” of the line, then it will make the following modifications: (1) increment by 1 the Hop Away field, (2) update the field Number Vehicles based on the information from its neighbors list, (3) determine the farthest vehicle from the RSU in the line within its range, and (4) resend the COUNT_REQUEST message to the unit defined in the Farthest Position field.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Flow Diagram of the procedure executed by vehicles to count units stopped at a traffic light

Now, when a vehicle receives a COUNT_REPLY message, it will first validate its Timestamp field. If the timestamp is not within the expected interval of time, the COUNT_REPLY is discarded. Otherwise, the vehicle will determine from its neighbors list the closest unit to the RSU (the next forwarder) in the line, within its propagation range, and will resend the COUNT_REPLY message to this unit. It is obvious that if the originating RSU is within the propagation range of the vehicle, the COUNT_REPLY message will be sent to it directly.

New units can be added in the line of waiting vehicles at any moment. If an RSU had already made a counting before the arrival of new vehicles, this RSU would not be informed about the change, unless it starts a new counting. That is, the proposed algorithm is based on the request/response model, and the counting obtained only applies for a specific time.

3.6 Example of Propagation

In this section, we present an example of the propagation of a COUNT_REQUEST (Fig. 6) and a COUNT_REPLY (Fig. 7) in a scenario with one lane and 18 vehicles, where V1, V2, V3, …, V18, are the vehicles in the line that are stopped at a traffic light waiting for the green light. Circles around the units represent the propagation range of messages (COUNT_REQUEST, COUNT_REPLY, and BEACON) sent by the units. To facilitate the explanation of the example, we will assume that the radius of the propagation range of a message is equivalent to five vehicles. In a real scenario, it will be bigger than five vehicles since the range of DSRC is targeted to be up to 1 km [1]. The basic operation of the algorithm is as follows: Before the initiation of the counting process, the RSU will listen to BEACON messages to discover vehicles that are within its propagation range. In this case, the RSU will detect the presence of V1, V2, V3, V4, and V5 that are waiting for the green light, where V5 is the farthest away vehicle from the RSU. Therefore, the RSU will transmit a unicast COUNT_REQUEST message to V5 (see Fig. 6) with Hop Away equal to 1, Farthest Position with the location of V5 (the next forwarder), and Number Vehicles set to 5. Using the information from its neighbors list, V5 determines that there are five vehicles (V6, V7, V8, V9, and V10) that are waiting in the line and are farther away from the position specified in the field Farthest Position of the received COUNT_REQUEST. So, vehicle V5 resends the COUNT_REQUEST to V10 with the appropriate changes by incrementing by 1 the value Hop Away (its new value is 2), setting the location of V10 in the Farthest Position field (the farthest unit from the RSU discovered by V5), and adding 5 to Number Vehicles (its new value is 10). The process of counting will continue with the transmission of the COUNT_REQUEST by vehicle V10, followed by vehicle V15 (see Fig. 6). In this case, vehicle V10 will resend the COUNT_REQUEST message with Hop Away equal to 3, Farthest Position set to the location of vehicle V15, and Number Vehicles equal to 15, whereas V15 will resend the COUNT_REQUEST message with Hop Away equal to 4, Farthest Position set to the location of vehicle V18, and Number Vehicles equal to 18. Vehicle V18 will know that it is the last vehicle in the line according to information from its neighbors list. Hence, V18 will start the process of the propagation of the COUNT_REPLY message (with Number Vehicles equal to 18) back to the RSU (see Fig. 7).

Fig. 6
figure 6

Propagation of the COUNT_REQUEST message

Fig. 7
figure 7

Propagation of the COUNT_REPLY message back to the RSU

We can observe in Fig. 7 that vehicle V18 initiates the process of the propagation of the unicast COUNT_REPLY message back to the RSU, by sending it to V13, the closest unit to the RSU discovered by V18. This message is a copy of the COUNT_REQUEST received with small changes (Unit ID and Message Type are the only modified fields). That is, the following important fields will be kept unchanged: Hop Away equal to 4, Farthest Position set to the location of vehicle V18, and Number Vehicles equal to 18. When vehicle V13 receives the COUNT_REPLY, it will resent it to V8 according to the result of the selection of the closest unit to the RSU from its neighbors list. The above process will continue in sequence with the retransmission of the COUNT_REPLY message by vehicles V8 and V3, up to the RSU. Finally, when the RSU receives the COUNT_REPLY from V3, it simply processes the results obtained in the PDU.

4 Environments and Scenarios for Simulation

To evaluate the accuracy and performance of our novel algorithm, we carried out extensive simulation experiments with different sets of parameters. This section aims to present the selected simulation tools and common parameters for this evaluation.

4.1 Simulation Tools

Nowadays, there are numerous simulation tools ranging from open source to commercial products. In any research work, it is always important to choose the most appropriate. A comprehensive study about current simulators, their characteristics, capabilities, and approaches is provided in [27].

Up to now, there are no simulation tools that cover vehicle mobility and networking, at the same time. That is, on the one hand, vehicle mobility simulation tools have been proposed for researchers in the field of traffic engineering. The objective of these tools is to import road networks from well-known maps (e.g., Google Maps or OpenStreetMap) and to generate realistic vehicular traffic flows over the roads, by specifying some constraints. On the other hand, networking simulators with very basic mobility models are used by researchers in the area of networking. For traffic engineering, some open-source projects have been actively used by the community, such as VanetMobiSim and Simulation of Urban MObility (SUMO) [28]. Unfortunately, VanetMobiSim seems to be a dead project now. Its last version (version 1.1) was released in February 2007. SUMO is an open source, highly portable, microscopic and continuous road traffic simulation package designed to handle large road networks. For network simulation, two open-source simulators outstand (ns-3 and OMNeT++). OMNeT++ [29] is an open-source, multiplatform (Windows, MacOS, and Linux), C++ based discrete event simulator for networking. Through its GUI, users can create topology files and inspect the state of each component during simulations [30].

To bridge the gap between the two worlds, some projects propose a way to couple a road traffic simulator with a network simulator, which seems to be the only viable solution in the present time to do VANET simulations. For our work, we used an open source bidirectional simulation framework called Vehicles in Network Simulation (Veins) [31]. Veins couples SUMO with OMNeT++ using the Traffic Control Interface (TraCI) [32]. Veins already implements the WAVE protocol stacks. It is most noticeable for IEEE 802.11p, IEEE 1609.4 multi-channel operation, and comprehensive models for the MAC and PHY layers. We implemented the algorithm on top of WAVE Short Message Protocol (WSMP) and IEEE 802.11p. Unlike the standard IP protocol, WSMP allows applications to directly control the lower-layer parameters such as transmission power, data rate, channel number, and receiver MAC addresses.

We chose the Veins framework because it includes a complete suite of models to make vehicular network simulations as realistic as possible, without sacrificing the speed of execution. Additionally, Veins offers interesting features such as online reconfiguration and re-routing of vehicles in reaction to the network simulator.

We simulated different scenarios where vehicles are stopped at a traffic light. Table 1 summarizes the technical parameters shared by all the scenarios and simulated cases of our algorithm. For all our simulations, we selected WAVE (IEEE 802.11p) for the wireless communication standard, with a bitrate of 18 Mbps. The propagation model used in the simulations was the two-ray ground model. We opted for this model because it is suitable for predicting signal strength over distances of several kilometers, so for a vehicular network where distances can be long, it gives better results in terms of accuracy compared with other models. It is worth to note that the bitrate, modulation and coding were chosen based on [33].

Table 1 Simulation parameters

Another important point to consider is the definition of a stopped vehicle at a traffic light. There is no doubt that it is a complex topic, and it will vary from person-to-person. In our simulations, we considered two cases. The first case is related to vehicles that are close-by the RSU (at a distance inferior to 15 m). These vehicles are considered stopped at the traffic light if the light has been red for at least 0.5 s, and the vehicles are immobile. For the vehicles that are at a distance of 15 m or more from the RSU, we considered that they were stopped if they were at a distance of 5 m or less of another stopped vehicle, and with a speed inferior or equal to 5 km/h.

5 Analysis of the Performance Results of our Simulations

This section discusses the results obtained for our experiments in different scenarios.

In order to evaluate the accuracy and performance of the proposed algorithm, we present and analyze some of the results of our simulations that were executed mainly in three types of scenarios: (1) scenarios with a one-way road of a single lane, (2) scenarios with a one-way road of two lanes, and (3) scenarios with a one-way road of three lanes. The one-way road was 8000 m long, and each lane was 3.6 m in width (note that ‘m’ as a unit notation corresponds to meters). We used SUMO [28] to generate the vehicular movement patterns, where the vehicles move with random speeds within the given speed limit of the roads, and according to the vehicles ahead. We run our simulations with different numbers of vehicles.

We consider scenarios where vehicles are equally injected in time into the scenarios (entering the road every 0.5 s) in an extremity and move toward the traffic light. The vehicles move forward when the traffic light is green and slow down and wait at red traffic light until the light turns green. Thus, vehicles tend to form a line of vehicles where some of them are stopped by the red traffic light, and others are moving toward it.

We also considered a fourth scenario, where we simulate a simple signalized intersection with two roads that cross each other at right angles (see Fig. 14). We propose this fourth scenario to study the impact of two-way traffic over the algorithm, and see if it presents scalability issues. Finally, in the fifth scenario, we study the impact of the penetration rate of WAVE over the algorithm.

5.1 Scenarios with a One-Way Road of One Lane

In this section, we study the accuracy and performance of the algorithm in terms of the number of vehicles counted, the associated response time to count the vehicles, and the number of control messages (COUNT_REQUEST and COUNT_REPLY) sent by the units during the counting, when we vary the number of units and their propagation range in a road with one lane. For all these scenarios, the RSU initiates the counting process with a value of Hop Limit = 3.

Table 2 shows the number of units counted by our algorithm when we varied the number of units (25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, and 175) and their propagation range (200 m, 250 m, 300 m, 350 m, and 400 m). The results are represented as values a/b, where a indicates the number of vehicles that are within the scope of the RSU using multihop routing (i.e., vehicles that should be counted) and b the number of vehicles actually counted by our algorithm. For these experiments, we can see that the algorithm has a high accuracy in the vehicle counting, specifically for values of the propagation range equal to 300 m, 350 m, and 400 m, even in conditions of high vehicular flow, with an effectiveness between 97% and 100%, in the counting. For example, for a number of units equal to 175 and a propagation range of 300 m, the RSU should count 175 units. As shown in Table 2, our algorithm also counted 175 units, being 100% effective in this case. There are some factors that can contribute to the small error observed. The major is due to missing information in the neighbors list of some vehicles, and can be the result of BEACON messages that suffer collisions or BEACON messages not sent on time.

Table 2 Units counted when varying the number of units and propagation range (road with one lane)

Figure 8 shows the performance of the algorithm for the response time when we varied the number of units (25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, and 175) and their propagation range (200 m, 250 m, 300 m, 350 m, and 400 m). For each number of units, the results are shown in groups of five bars according to the propagation range value, i.e., the first blue bar corresponds to 200 m, the second cyan bar to 250 m, the third purple bar to 300 m, the fourth green bar to 350 m, and the fifth yellow bar to 400 m. Each of these bars represents the response time in milliseconds (ms) for the proposed algorithm. We can note that for any number of units, the response time is much lower for higher values of the propagation range, specifically for values equal to 350 m and 400 m. For example, for a number of units equal to 100, the response time is equal to 24.98 ms and 12.65 ms for a propagation range of 250 m and 400 m, respectively.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Response time in different scenarios during the vehicle counting (road with one lane)

Figure 9 illustrates the behavior of the algorithm in terms of the total number of COUNT_REQUEST and COUNT_REPLY control messages transmitted by units during the counting of vehicles, when we varied the number of units (25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, and 175) and their propagation range (200 m, 250 m, 300 m, 350 m, and 400 m). We can see that for a given number of vehicles, as we increase the propagation range, the total number of control messages is reduced significantly. For example, for a number of units equal to 175, the number of control messages transmitted is equal to 16 and 10 for a propagation range of 200 m and 400 m, respectively.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Total number of Control Messages sent in different scenarios during the vehicle counting (road with one lane)

5.2 Scenarios with a One-Way Road of Two Lanes

In this section, we study the accuracy and performance of the proposed algorithm in terms of the number of vehicles counted, the response time, and the total number of control messages sent by the units during the counting, in scenarios where the vehicles are stopped at a traffic light on a one-way road with two lanes. At the beginning of the simulations, the vehicles are distributed in both lanes with a total number of units varying from 50 to 350. The RSU starts the counting process with Hop Limit = 3.

Table 3 contains the results that we obtained in the simulations concerning the number of units counted. The results are presented as values a/b, where a is the number of vehicles that are within the scope of the RSU using multihop routing (i.e., vehicles that should be counted), and b is the number of vehicles actually counted by our novel algorithm. As it can be inferred from Table 3, our algorithm does well in this scenario, and has a high accuracy in the vehicles counting. For example, for a total number of 300 units and a propagation range of 350 m, the RSU should count 300 units. In our simulations, our proposed algorithm counted 293 units, resulting in a small error of 2.3%.

Table 3 Units counted when varying the number of units and propagation range (road with two lanes)

In Figs. 10 and 11, we varied the total number of units (50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, and 350) and their propagation range (200 m, 250 m, 300 m, 350 m, and 400 m) with the aim of evaluating the behavior of the algorithm with respect to the response time and the total number of control messages sent by the vehicles during the counting, respectively. The RSU started the counting process with Hop Limit = 3. According to our simulations, the best results are obtained with values of the propagation range of 350 m and 400 m. For example, for 300 units, we can see that the response time is 36.78 ms (see Fig. 10) and the total number of control messages sent is 12 (see Fig. 11) for a propagation range equal to 250 m; while it is 25.86 ms (see Fig. 10) and 8 messages (see Fig. 11) for a propagation range of 350 m. This behavior can be explained by the fact that for a bigger propagation range and a queue length that can be totally covered by the specified Hop Limit, the number of actual hops to complete the counting is smaller. As a result, the response time and the number of control messages sent are smaller.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Response time in different scenarios during the vehicle counting (road with two lanes)

Fig. 11
figure 11

Total number of control messages sent in different scenarios during the vehicle counting (road with two lanes)

5.3 Scenarios with a One-Way Road of Three Lanes

In this section, we look at the behavior of the proposed algorithm, in terms of the number of units counted, the response time, and the total number of control messages sent by the units during the counting in scenarios where the vehicles are stopped at a traffic light on a one-way road with three lanes. At the beginning of the simulations, the vehicles are distributed in the three lanes with a total number of units varying from 100 to 400. The RSU starts the counting process with Hop Limit = 3.

Table 4 shows the results of the experiments for scenarios where we varied the total number of units (100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, and 400) and their propagation range (200 m, 250 m, 300 m, 350 m, and 400 m). Similarly to the experiments of Tables 2 and 3, our algorithm also has a high precision in the counting of vehicles for these scenarios.

Table 4 Units counted when varying the number of units and propagation range (road with three lanes)

Figures 12 and 13 show the results of the simulations for scenarios where we varied the total number of units (100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, and 400) and their propagation range (200 m, 250 m, 300 m, 350 m, and 400 m) with the aim of evaluating the behavior of the algorithm with respect to the response time and the total number of control messages sent by the vehicles during the counting, respectively. In all the simulations, the RSU started the counting process with Hop Limit = 3. Again, the results of the simulations show good response times with a small number of control messages sent by the units during the counting of vehicles. Also, it is important to mention that the best results are obtained for propagation range values equal to 350 m and 400 m. For example, for 400 units, we can see that the response time is 34.57 ms (see Fig. 12) and the number of control messages sent is 12 (see Fig. 13) for a propagation range equal to 200 m; while it is 20.26 ms (see Fig. 12) and 6 messages (see Fig. 13) for a propagation range of 400 m.

Fig. 12
figure 12

Response time in different scenarios during the vehicle counting (road with three lanes)

Fig. 13
figure 13

Total number of control messages sent in different scenarios during the vehicle counting (road with three lanes)

We can see that the results obtained by the algorithm in terms of counting were much more accurate in the scenarios with a one-way road of a single lane (with a accuracy that varies from 97.3% to 100%) compared to those obtained with two (with an accuracy of 92.3% to 100%) and three lanes (with a precision that fluctuates from 92.9% to 100%). However, the response times and the total number of control messages sent by the units during the counting were lower in the scenarios with a one-way road of three lanes.

5.4 Application of the Proposed Algorithm in a Scenario with a Four-Way Intersection

This section deals with the importance of estimating the number of vehicles stopped at a traffic light in road intersections, to improve vehicular traffic. For that, we study the accuracy and performance of our algorithm using a four-way intersection with multiple lanes on both sides (as shown in Fig. 14).

Fig. 14
figure 14

Outline of a four-way intersection

In Fig. 14, labels A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H indicate the segments of the roads. In the corners of the intersection, there are traffic lights. These traffic lights are denoted as S1, S2, S3, and S4. The arrows indicate the directions that should take the vehicles when arriving at the intersection. Each traffic light cycle is composed of four phases as described next:

  1. (1)

    In the first phase (see Fig. 15), the traffic light S1 changes to green and the traffic lights S2, S3, and S4 to red, so that the vehicles of segment A can cross the intersection in direction to G, or turn right toward H, or turn left in direction to F.

Fig. 15
figure 15

First phase of the traffic light cycle at the intersection

  1. (2)

    In the second phase (see Fig. 16), the traffic light S2 changes to green and the traffic lights S1, S3, and S4 to red, so that the vehicles of segment B can cross the intersection in direction to H, or turn right toward E, or turn left in direction to G.

Fig. 16
figure 16

Second phase of the traffic light cycle at the intersection

  1. (3)

    In the third phase (see Fig. 17), the traffic light S3 changes to green and the traffic lights S1, S2, and S4 to red, so that the vehicles on segment D can cross the intersection in direction to F, or turn right toward G, or turn left in direction to E.

Fig. 17
figure 17

Third phase of the traffic light cycle at the intersection

  1. (4)

    Finally, in the fourth phase (see Fig. 18), the traffic light S4 changes to green and the traffic lights S1, S2, and S3 to red, so that the vehicles of segment C can cross the intersection in direction to E, or turn right toward F, or turn left in direction to H.

Fig. 18
figure 18

Fourth phase of the traffic light cycle at the intersection

Additionally, we placed the RSU in the center of the intersection (see Fig. 14). It is worth mentioning that in any of the phases described above (see Figs. 15, 16, 17, and 18), in those segments where the traffic lights change to red (segments B, C, and D in the first phase; segments A, C, and D in the second phase; segments A, B, and C in the third phase; segments A, B, and D in the fourth phase), the vehicles will stop and, consequently, vehicle queues will be formed and gradually increased in size with the arrival of more vehicles. Now, our algorithm can count vehicles in several directions in parallel. For that, the field Message Direction (see Fig. 1) must be set in the COUNT_REQUEST messages. In these experiments, we counted the number of vehicles in segments B, C, and D, respectively, at the same time, during the first phase of the traffic light cycle. For that, the RSU sends three successive COUNT_REQUEST messages. The first one is sent toward the end of segment B (with a Message Direction field set to EAST), the second one is sent toward the end of segment C (with a Message Direction field set to SOUTH), and the third one is sent toward the end of segment D (with a Message Direction field set to WEST). At the beginning of the simulations, the vehicles are distributed in the different lanes of the roads that form the intersection with a total number of units varying from 50 to 500. The RSU starts the counting process with Hop Limit = 3.

In Tables 5, 6, and 7, we reported results relevant for experiments of the proposed algorithm associated with the number of units counted, the response time, and the total number of control messages sent by the units during the counting, respectively, in scenarios where we varied the number of vehicles (50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, and 500) randomly distributed in the three segments (B, C, and D). Additionally, we varied their propagation range: 200 m, 300 m, and 400 m. As already stated, the simulations were done for the first phase of the traffic light cycle (Fig. 15), that is, when the traffic lights S2 (segment B), S3, (segment D), and S4 (segment C) are red, and the traffic light S1 (segment A) is green. Since the vehicles of segments B, C, and D will stop and wait for the green light, queues will be created in these segments, and increase in size as the time passes with the arrival of new vehicles, while vehicles in segment A will continue their way to segments F, G, or H (see Fig. 19). The results shown in columns B, C, and D of Table 5 are the number of vehicles that should be counted/the number of vehicles actually counted by our algorithm. Table 6 represents the response time in milliseconds (ms), while Table 7 reports the total number of control messages sent by the units during the counting. We can observe from the results of our experiments that our algorithm effectively performs the counting of vehicles in segments B, C, and D, with an adequate response time (see Table 6), and with a low number of control messages sent by the units (see Table 7). These counting results can be used to select the next light phase of the traffic lights at the intersection.

Table 5 Units counted at an intersection when varying the number of units and propagation range
Table 6 Response time during the counting at an intersection when varying the number of units and propagation range
Table 7 Total number of control messages sent by the units during the counting at an intersection when varying the number of units and propagation range
Fig. 19
figure 19

Example of a scenario in a four-way intersection

For example, for a total number of vehicles equal to 450 (which were distributed in segments B, C, and D with 144, 142, and 164 vehicles, respectively), and a propagation range equal to 300 m, we can see that our algorithm made a counting with a high degree of accuracy in each of the segments (B, C, and D). That is, in segment B, C, and D, the RSU should count 144, 142, and 164 vehicles, respectively, and our algorithm reported 144 (an exact counting), 142 (an exact counting), and 163 (with a margin of error of 0.6%), respectively. According to Table 6, the response times were 9.07 ms (segment B), 9.02 ms (segment C), and 11.96 ms (segment D), and a total number of control messages sent by the vehicles equal to 4, in each of these segments (see Table 7).

It is important to mention that in real vehicular contexts, in fact, vehicle counting can be very helpful during critical periods of flow at an intersection, to make a wiser decision about the light change [34]. Currently, vehicles have to wait a fixed amount of time to get a green signal, even if the other roads at the intersection have no traffic or a light traffic load. This situation can be avoided by programming the lights according to the vehicular density. In other words, the green light should be extended to a longer period for the road where the vehicular density is higher.

5.5 Scenarios with Different Penetration Rates

In this section, we study the influence of the penetration rate over the algorithm. To this end, we use the same scenario as the one of Section 5.1 (one-way road of a single lane).

Table 8 shows the counting error as a percentage when we varied the number of vehicles (25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, and 175) and the penetration rate (100%, 95%, 90%, 85%, and 80%), with a propagation range of 300 m. The simulations seem to indicate that the counting error is proportionally affected by the decrease of the penetration rate, i.e., for a penetration rate of 80%, the counting error fluctuates around 20% (which is 100%–80%). These results are encouraging, since the algorithm still makes an effective counting of the units that do have an RSU, even in the presence of not VANET-based vehicles. It is worth to mention that there is no way to count a vehicle that does not have an RSU when we limit the system to the WAVE and GPS technologies. Aggregating some other information from other sensors of the vehicles or from a few “in-situ” sensors on the roadside might reduce the error counting, but this possible research is outside the scope of this paper.

Table 8 Counting error in percent when varying the number of units and penetration rate (road with one lane)

6 Conclusions and Future Work

The major contribution that we have achieved in this paper is the design and implementation of an efficient novel algorithm to count vehicles that are stopped at a traffic light, by using VANET technology. This algorithm can be used as a basic tool in the development of Adaptive Traffic Control Systems (ATCSs), and should dramatically help to optimize vehicular flow.

The proposed algorithm was simulated in different scenarios using SUMO and OMNeT++ as simulators, and Veins as a framework to bi-directionally couple the simulators. To evaluate its performance, we conducted two different sets of experiments. In the first set of experiments, we evaluated the performance of our algorithm in scenarios where we varied the total number of units and their respective propagation range in one-way roads of one, two, and three lanes. In the second set of experiments, we evaluated the behavior of the algorithm in a four-way intersection, with several lanes.

The simulations that we performed show that our algorithm efficiently calculates a total number of vehicles, with very low response times and small numbers of control messages (COUNT_REQUEST and COUNT_REPLY) sent by the units during the counting.

As possible future work, we plan to enhance our algorithm by dividing roads into “segments” or “regions of counting” of fixed or variable size, where a segment leader will be designated and be in charge of counting the vehicles in its respective segment, with the purpose of minimizing the response time. We also intend to implement our algorithm under a radio propagation model with random behavior and variations in the link qualities from one transmission to the next, in order to study and analyze its influence on the results. In the same direction, we project to study the impact of a 10- to 15-m error over the positions reported by GPSs, in the algorithms. Finally, we are also interested in the development of a complete procedure for more intelligent signal timing strategies to improve traffic capacity at intersections [35], based on the counting algorithm presented in this paper.