1 Introduction

Genetic programming (GP) is a popular evolutionary algorithm which has been proved quite effective in automatic computer program generation [13, 20]. In GP, computer programs are represented as trees and evolved using genetic operators such as crossover and mutation. In the past decades, GP has been developing rapidly and a number of enhanced GP variants have been proposed such as gene expression programming (GEP) [15, 54, 55], cartesian genetic programming (CGP) [26], linear genetic programming (LGP) [6], and others [1, 33]. Moreover, GP has been applied to a wide range of applications, including but not limited to symbolic regression (SR) [28, 55], classification problem [39], job shop scheduling [30], rule discovery [31] and others [14]. Among these applications, symbolic regression is one of the most common applications of GP. It fulfills a regression task which aims to find the relationship between the input variables and responses in the given dataset. Compared with traditional regression tasks, symbolic regression discovers the relationship by combining various mathematical expressions without assuming a model beforehand, which makes it more flexible for practical applications.

Despite existing great success, the accuracy and efficiency of GP can still be improved especially on complicated symbolic regression problems, enabling GP to be applied to more fields. To this end, a number of efforts have been made over the past decades. For example, Pawlak et al. [33] proposed a new operator called random desired operator which uses intermediate states determined by semantic backpropagation to decompose the original task into smaller subtasks. Arnaldo et al. [1] combined lasso regression [41] and multi-objective optimization [11] together to boost accuracy and reduce the complexity of GP solution. Moraglio et al. [27] proposed geometric semantic genetic programming (GSGP) to search directly in semantic space. Local search operations based on evolutionary algorithm such as differential evolution (DE) [34] have also been utilized to fine-tune solutions [18, 19, 42, 46, 53]. However, existing methods are either time-consuming or unable to offer solutions with satisfying accuracy. Therefore, developing a more accurate and effective GP is still greatly desirable.

For complex optimization problems, memetic algorithms have been proved to be effective to obtain highly accurate solutions [9, 12, 25, 51, 52]. Inspired by that, this paper proposes a novel memetic GP framework to improve the accuracy and search efficiency of GP on complicated symbolic regression problems. The proposed framework consists of two components: feature construction and feature combination. The first component focuses on constructing polynomial features derived from polynomial functions, and evolves the features generated by GP or its variants. Diverse features generated by the first component increase the possibility of finding highly accurate solutions. The second component aims to filter redundant features and find proper weights for independent features to form the final solution. Because there may be some correlation between the features passed from the first component, redundant features are filtered in the second component. In addition, a gradient-based nonlinear least squares algorithm named Levenberg–Marquardt (LM) [22] is embedded in the second component to locally adjust the weights of independent features. With the help of LM, accuracies of solutions can be improved greatly. Furthermore, a GP variant named linear imperative programming with differential evolution (LDEP) [16] is integrated into our framework to create evolved features for the first component. This algorithm is called memetic LDEP (MLDEP). Experimental results show that the MLDEP can achieve higher accuracy and more efficient search ability than several state-of-the-art GP variants.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows: the related work and efforts on highly accurate GP are discussed in Sect. 2. The proposed memetic GP framework is described in Sect. 3. Section 4 demonstrates experimental studies. Section 5 draws the conclusion.

2 Preliminaries

In this section, we provide a brief introduction of background knowledge that is relevant to this study. Since the purpose of this paper is to solve the symbolic regression (SR) using GP [32, 36, 48], a definition of SR is described first to aid readers in better comprehending our method. Next, related work for solving SR using GP is presented.

2.1 Symbolic regression

Regression is a process to identify the relationships between the input variables and the corresponding response. Given a dataset, whose sample is composed of input variables and the corresponding response. The task of SR is to find a function S(.) whose output can fit the response well. The ith sample can be represented as a real-valued vector

$$\begin{aligned} A_i = [a_{i,1}, a_{i,2}, \ldots , a_{i, d}, y_{i}], \end{aligned}$$

where \(A_i\) represents the ith sample, \(a_{i, j}\) is the jth input variable of the ith sample, d is the number of input variables and \(y_i\) is the corresponding response of the ith sample. Generally speaking, function S(.) is composed of elements selected from the predefined function set and terminal set. The function set can contain common mathematic functions or user-defined functions, while the terminal set is composed of variables and constants. In the beginning, mean square error (MSE) can be adopted as the metric to measure the quality of formula S(.):

$$\begin{aligned} MSE = \frac{\sum _{i=1}^{n}(y_{i} - o_{i})^2}{n}, \end{aligned}$$

where \(o_i\) is the output of formula S(.) with respect to the ith sample and n is the number of samples. However, MSE or root mean square error (RMSE) is dependent on the range of the response variable. A better measurement is the normalized RMSE (NRMSE) [8]

$$\begin{aligned} F(S(.)) = \frac{\sqrt{MSE}}{\sigma (y)}, \end{aligned}$$

where F(S(.)) is the objective function to measure the fitness of formula S(.), and \(\sigma (y)\) can be the standard deviation of the response variable. In this study, the task of SR is to find a formula S(.) that can minimize F(S(.)).

2.2 Related work of GP on SR

Over the past decades, a number of methods have been proposed to improve the accuracy of GP on SR. Generally, these methods can be classified into three groups.

The first group focuses on introducing new symbols to represent constants in the GP tree, so that the algorithm can find highly accurate solutions with constants. For instance, Koza [20] proposed to use a special terminal called ephemeral random constant (ERC) to represent constants in GP. At the initialization step, each ERC is initialized to a random constant of specific data type within a special interval. Then, these ERCs will spread between different trees with the help of mutation or crossover operator. A drawback of this kind of method is that it is not accurate enough in some cases due to the blind random search.

The second group utilizes new operators to improve the search efficiency. Creep mutation and uniform mutation are two kinds of mutation methods proposed at early stages [35]. Recently, semantic-based operators such as semantic-based crossover and mutation operators [4, 5, 21, 29, 44, 45] have been proposed and attracted increasing attention from researchers. Semantic backpropagation [33] is a powerful operator where semantics of the target response is utilized to improve the search efficiency. In semantic backpropagation, a library of trees is constructed. The heights of trees are restrained so that the number of nodes would not be too large. The semantic backpropagation performs excellently on 1-dimensional problems but mediocre on high dimensional problems. Geometric sematic genetic programming (GSGP) [27] is another GP variant based on semantics which drives the search in the semantics space rather than the syntax space. Recently, Chen et al. [7] proposed an angle-driven selection operator and two angle-driven geometric search operators which induce a unimodal fitness landscape in the semantic space, and offered a theoretical framework for researchers to design geometric semantic operators more efficiently. In general, this kind of method is usually time-consuming.

The third group makes use of optimizers to fine-tune constants to improve the solution accuracy. For example, Zhang et al. [53] proposed a GP variant which utilizes differential evolution [34] to refine the constants. In this method, a special gene called random number generator (RNG) is employed as a kind of terminal to represent constants. All RNGs of an individual form a vector, which is optimized by the differential evolution. In [46], two populations are created for genetic algorithm (GA) and GP respectively, where GA is used to evolve numeric terminals for GP. Other algorithms such as simulated annealing [18], gradient search algorithm [42], estimation of distribution algorithm [40] and nonlinear least squares minimization [19], can also be used as local search operators to fine-tune the constants for GP.

One special cluster of the third group contains several state-of-the-art algorithms. The main idea is to construct the final solution by linearly combining multiple shorter sub-solutions/subexpressions. For example, Arnaldo et al. [1] proposed the multiple regression genetic programming (MRGP) to assign a weight to each node in the solution. In this way, the output of the solution is the linear combination of all nodes in the tree instead of the value stored in the root node. In order to reduce the complexities of solutions, the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) [41] is adopted. So the weight vector of these nodes is regulated using the \(L _{1}\) norm. However, this method is time-consuming and easily results in over-fitting. Another similar algorithm is evolutionary feature synthesis (EFS) [2] where each feature used in the final solution is simple and independent. Since this method restricts the height of the tree for each feature, each feature maintained in the population is too simple to acquire sufficient expressive ability. GPTIPS [37] adopts the least squares regression to combine GP trees of the current population to form the final solution. Individuals in the population are evolved by multi-gene genetic programming (MGGP) [17]. Fast function extraction (FFX) [23] is a deterministic algorithm based on GP. FFX creates lots of basic functions in advance. Then it employs the regularized linear regression to combine promising functions to form the final model. A shortcoming of FFX is that the basic function set is fixed in advance, which limits its exploration ability.

Our proposed method belongs to the third group. Unlike the above existing works, the proposed framework not only uses complex features evolved by GP but also adopts simple features generated by elementary functions. Hence, our method has superior search ability which increases the chance of finding good solutions. Besides, filtering redundant features and adopting LM optimizer also contribute to improving the accuracy and search efficiency.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Flowchart of the memetic GP framework

3 Proposed framework

3.1 General architecture of the proposed framework

The basic idea of the proposed memetic GP framework is to construct accurate solutions by linearly combining a set of polynomial features and evolved features. As shown in Fig. 1, the proposed framework contains two components: feature construction and feature combination.

The first component focuses on constructing diverse features. Different from previous algorithms, the first component not only uses features generated by polynomial functions but also evolved features generated by GP or its variants. Polynomial functions with low order are applied to each variable to generate polynomial features. Evolved features refer to the subexpressions of the GP trees generated during the process of evolution. Then these features will be passed to the second component.

The second component aims to filter redundant features and linearly combines these independent features. In this component, a filtering mechanism is put forward to discard redundant features. If a feature can be linearly represented by other features, then this feature will be discarded early before doing the LM optimization. This mechanism can be fulfilled by putting the output of all features into a matrix. Rank of this matrix is the number of independent features that will be left behind. Using this way, all the independent features can be selected. Next, they will be passed to the LM optimizer to construct the final solution. The LM optimizer is adopted to adjust the weight for each independent feature due to its fast convergence speed compared with other nonlinear least square methods [22]. The best individual generated by the second component is outputted as the final solution.

In general, with regard to less complicated problems, polynomial features can be used to approximate them. As for problems containing intricate structures and constants, evolved features with more expressive power are essential to finding accurate solutions. In addition, with the help of the LM optimizer, each feature can get a proper weight, and all features are combined linearly to form the final solution. Hence, the polynomial features and evolved features can work together in the framework to improve the performance of GP.

3.2 Program representation

In order to validate the effectiveness of the proposed framework, a GP solver named LDEP [16] is integrated into our framework to generate evolved features for the first component. This algorithm is called memetic LDEP (MLDEP). The program representation form of MLDEP is based on LDEP and given here to help readers understand MLDEP better.

Fig. 2
figure 2

The schematic diagram of MLDEP

As shown in Fig. 2, each solution of MLDEP is a sequence of imperative instructions. Every four elements (\(op \), \(r _{i}\), \(r _{j}\), \(r _{k}\)) form an instruction. The first element \(op \) indicates which operator to use. \(r _{i}\), \(r _{j}\), \(r _{k}\) are registers or constants. The instruction (\(op \), \(r _{i}\), \(r _{j}\), \(r _{k}\)) represents \(r _{i}\) = \(r _{j}\) \(op \) \(r _{k}\). Several registers are maintained by MLDEP to store the temporary values during the evolution process. For example, an instruction like \(r _{i}\) = \(r _{j}\) \(+\) \(r _{k}\) can be reduced to (\(+\), \(r _{i}\), \(r _{j}\), \(r _{k}\)). \(r _{j}\) and \(r _{k}\) can also be constants. In order to operate these instructions more conveniently, each individual of MLDEP is represented by a vector of floating-point values. Each instruction is represented by 4 floating-point values (\(v_1\), \(v_2\), \(v_3\), \(v_4\)), where \(v_1\) encodes the operator, \(v_2\), \(v_3\) and \(v_4\) encode the registers or constants. Each floating-point value \(v_i\) can be turned into an integer value to index the operator lists or register lists using the following scheme.

First, a floating point value within \(\left[ 0, 1\right) \) is gotten by

$$\begin{aligned} v_i - \lfloor v_i \rfloor , \end{aligned}$$

where \(\lfloor v_i \rfloor \) returns the biggest integer no more than \(v_i\).

Let \(n_{ops}\) be the number of operators and \(n_{regs}\) be the number of registers, then the operator encoded by \(v_i\) can be calculated by

$$\begin{aligned} \#operator = \lfloor (v_i - \lfloor v_i \rfloor ) * n_{ops}\rfloor . \end{aligned}$$

When decoding a register or constant, if the value returned by Eq. 4 is bigger than a predefined constant probability \(c_{rate}\), then a register will be used. The register represented by \(v_i\) will be decoded similarly

$$\begin{aligned} \#register = \lfloor (v_i - \lfloor v_i \rfloor ) * n_{regs}\rfloor . \end{aligned}$$

Otherwise \(v_i\) encodes a constant, the constant indicated by \(v_i\) is computed using an equation different from the previous one. According to the suggestion described in LDEP, keeping only the fraction part of \(v_i\) will cause a strong linkage between the constant probability and the constant register index. Thus, \(v_i\) is used directly here to index the constants.

$$\begin{aligned} \#constant = (\lfloor v_i * C \rfloor )\; mod \; C, \end{aligned}$$

where C is the number of constants, mod is the modulo operator.

In the following parts, we give an example to help readers understand the mapping process. Suppose the MLDEP works with 3 registers (\(r_0\) to \(r_2\)), 50 constants and 4 following operators

$$\begin{aligned} 0: + \;\;\;\; 1: - \;\;\;\; 2: * \;\;\;\; 3: / \end{aligned}$$

Figure 3 demonstrates a vector of 8 floating-point values which can be decoded to the following two instructions.

Fig. 3
figure 3

An example program of MLDEP

Specifically, the first element represents an operator selected from the four operators. To index the operator, the first element is transformed into an integer using Eq. 5, \(\lfloor (1.36 - \lfloor 1.36 \rfloor ) * 4 \rfloor = 1\). Thus, the operator − is selected. The second value denotes a register. According to Eq. 6, \(\lfloor (2.71 - \lfloor 2.71 \rfloor ) * 3 \rfloor = 2\), so \(r_2\) is picked. Assume the predefined constant probability equals to 0.05. The third element denotes a register or constant. First a float value in the range \(\left[ 0, 1\right] \) is obtained according to Eq. 4. \(0.59 - \lfloor 0.59 \rfloor = 0.59\) which is bigger than 0.05, so the third element is decoded as a register. On the basis of Eq. 6, \(\lfloor (0.59 - \lfloor 0.59 \rfloor ) * 3 \rfloor = 1\), meaning that \(r_1\) is selected. The last element can be decoded in the same way. \(4.81 - \lfloor 4.81 \rfloor = 0.81\) which is bigger than 0.05, illustrating a register. Since \(\lfloor (0.81 - \lfloor 0.81\rfloor ) * 3\rfloor = 2\), register \(r_2\) is chosen. After transformation, the first four float-point values make up an instruction

$$\begin{aligned} r_2 = r_1 - r_2. \end{aligned}$$

The next four elements are decoded using the same mapping process except that the seventh element of the vector represents a constant. The seventh element is 1.03, according to Eq. 4 and \(1.03 - \lfloor 1.03 \rfloor = 0.03\) that is less than the constant probability 0.05, so this element is turned into a constant. Then using Eq. 7, the index number is (\(\lfloor \) 1.03 * 50 \(\rfloor \)) mod 50 = 1. Assume the corresponding element of the constant array equals to 7.95, then the last four elements can be mapped as the following instruction

$$\begin{aligned} r_2 = 7.95 + r_0. \end{aligned}$$

Using this representation form, vectors of floating-point values are translated to linear sequences of instructions before evaluation no matter how these vectors are created.

3.3 Algorithm implementation

The procedure of MLDEP is composed of six steps, namely initialization, mutation, crossover, features filtering, weights optimization, and selection. In the following parts, we will introduce the procedure of MLDEP in a step-by-step manner. The pseudo-code of MLDEP is also given in Algorithm 1.

Step 1-initialization During the initialization stage, an array of 50 constants in the range \(\left[ -5.0, +5.0\right] \) is created first. Next, the corresponding polynomial features for each variable are created. For each variable, polynomial functions with order higher than one but no more than \(MAX\_ORDER\) are applied to produce polynomial features. Thus, there are \(MAX\_ORDER - 1\) polynomial features for each variable.

Then, evolved features are generated. Different from traditional LDEP, MLDEP maintains two kinds of registers to store the results of evolved features for different purposes. One kind of registers are unmodifiable which means that these registers can only appear on the right side of the operator. Another kind of registers are modifiable indicating that content of these registers can be changed. Thus, the second kind of registers can appear on both sides of any operators. In order to protect original variables from being overlapped during the evolution process, each input variable is assigned to an unmodifiable separate register to store its value. Each register \(r_s\) is initialized with an input variable \(x_t\) whose indices satisfy

$$\begin{aligned} t = s \; mod \; n_{vars}, \end{aligned}$$

where \(n_{vars}\) is the total number of input variables in the dataset.

To create evolved features, NP programs are created randomly to form the initial population. Each program can be represented by a vector of floating-point values. The ith program \(H_{i}\) can be represented as a vector

$$\begin{aligned}&H_{i} = [h_{i,1},h_{i,2},\ldots ,h_{i,j},\ldots ,h_{i,D}], \end{aligned}$$

where \(i = 1, 2, 3, \ldots , NP\); \(j = 1, 2, 3, \cdots , D\); \(h_{i,j}\) represents the jth element of \(H_{i}\). Each \(h_{i,j}\) is initialized as a random value chosen from the interval \(\left[ 0, 1\right] \), D is the length of the program, which is a multiple of 4. As mentioned before, every consecutive 4 floating-point values in the program represent an instruction. Thus, for a program of length D, it contains D/4 instructions to manipulate the registers.

Step 2-mutation In this step, a mutation operator is performed on each target vector to produce a corresponding mutant vector \(Y_{i}\). In this study, the mutation operator in DE [34] is adopted to generate the linear sequences of imperative instructions, since DE is quite effective and suitable for optimizing non-linear continuous space functions. Thus, the mutant vector is generated by the commonly used “DE/best/2/bin” strategy

$$\begin{aligned} Y_{i} = H_{best} + F\cdot (H_{q_1} + H_{q_2} - H_{q_3} - H_{q_4}), \end{aligned}$$

where \(H_{best}\) is the best individual at the current population, F is the scaling factor which manages the amplification of DE and prevents DE from falling into the local optimum. i, \(q_1\), \(q_2\), \(q_3\), \(q_4\) are five mutually distinct indices that are selected randomly.

Step 3-crossover In the third step, a trial vector \( U_{i}\) is created using \(H_{i}\) and \(Y_{i}\)

$$\begin{aligned} u_{i,j}= \begin{array}{ll} y_{i,j}, &{}\text { if } rand(0,1) < CR \ or \ j = k \\ h_{i,j}, &{}\text {otherwise,} \end{array} \end{aligned}$$

where CR is the crossover rate, k is a random integer between 1 and D, \(u_{i,j}, y_{i,j}\) and \(h_{i,j}\) are the jth variables of \(U_{i}, Y_{i}\) and \(H_{i}\) respectively. Similar to the mutation rate, the crossover rate CR is randomly set as \(CR = rand(0,1)\).

figure a
Table 1 Symbolic regression problems for comparison

Step 4-features filtering After the crossover step, trial vectors representing different programs are generated. Using the same mapping scheme, each trial vector \(U_i\) can be decoded to a linear sequence of imperative instructions. After carrying out these instructions one by one, each register of MLDEP can be regarded as an evolved feature. However, one issue arising from previous steps is that features may be linearly dependent. In order to reduce the complexity of final solutions, redundant features will be filtered in this step. If a feature can be linearly represented by other features, then this feature will be discarded. This job can be achieved by putting the semantics of all features (i.e., polynomial features and evolved features) into a matrix \(G = [g_1,g_2, \ldots ,g_m]\) as follows

$$\begin{aligned} \left[ \begin{matrix} g_{1,1} &{}\quad \ldots &{}\quad g_{1, m} \\ . &{}\quad \ldots &{}\quad . \\ . &{}\quad \ldots &{}\quad . \\ . &{}\quad \quad \ldots &{}\quad . \\ g_{n,1} &{}\quad \ldots &{}\quad g_{n,m} \end{matrix} \right] \end{aligned}$$

where n is the number of samples, m is the total number of features and \(g_{i, j}\) is the ith element of the column vector \(g_j\). Each column represents the semantics of each feature on n samples. Then the rank of this matrix is the number of features that are mutually independent. By using elementary row transformation, the maximally independent column vector group \([f_1,f_2, \ldots ,f_z]\) can be found. Thus, the number of features used in the final programs can be cut down to enhance the interpretability of MLDEP solution.

Step 5-weights optimization In this step, all independent features found in the previous step are linked linearly to form the final solution. As shown below, each feature is assigned with a weight.

$$\begin{aligned} S(.) = w_0 * 1 + w_1 * f_1 + \cdots + w_z * f_z, \end{aligned}$$

where \(w_0\) is an intercept, \(w_j\) (\(j=1, 2, 3, \ldots , z\)) is the weight of jth feature, z is the number of independent features after performing the features filtering step, and S(.) is the formula represented by the trial vector \(U_i\). In order to find a proper weight for each feature, the gradient-based LM algorithm [22] is used in this paper.

Step 6-selection In this step, the fitter solution between each target parent (\(H_i\)) and the corresponding mutant vector (\(U_i\)) will be selected to survive to the next generation based on their fitness values. On the basis of the above description, each program can be decoded to get a formula S(.). Fitness of a program is defined as the fitness of the corresponding formula, which is computed according to Eq. 3. Thus, we can use Eq. 17 to select the fitter solution.

$$\begin{aligned} H_{i} = \begin{array}{ll} U_{i}, &{}\quad \text { if }\; F(U_i) \ <\ F(H_i) \\ H_{i}, &{} \quad \text {otherwise,} \end{array} \end{aligned}$$

where F(H) is the objective function which returns the fitness of the program H.

The last five steps are repeated until the maximal time is reached or a solution with satisfying fitness is found.

To summarize, polynomial features, and evolved features generated by LDEP construct the diversity of features, which increases the chance of finding better solutions. Besides, the filtering mechanism can reduce the search space and improve the search efficiency. At last, the LM optimizer locally fine-tunes weights for features to produce highly accurate solutions.

4 Experiments and comparisons

4.1 Test problems

In this section, MLDEP is tested on nine benchmark regression problems and three real-world regression problems to validate its effectiveness. Table 1 summarizes the regression problems used in this study. In Table 1, the first column is the problem name, the second column lists the dimension of each problem, and the third column shows the objective formulas. The fourth and fifth columns describe the training set and testing set respectively. E[abc] means a grid of points evenly spaced (for this variable) with an interval of c, from a to b inclusive. While U[abc] represents that the c instances selected from interval [ab] follow a uniform distribution. The function set of all problems is \(\{+,-,\times , /, sin,cos\}\).

The nine benchmark regression problems are chosen from [20] and [24], which are commonly used in the literature. The dimension of the nine problems varies from one to five. For problems like Nguyen-5, where no testing set is given in the literature, the testing set is generated according to uniform distribution within the same interval as the training set.

As for last three real-world problems, the dataset ENC and ENH are selected from [43]. The dataset WIR is selected from [10] where the input variables are physical factors, but the response is a subjective grade evaluated by human from one to ten. For each problem, we reorder the sample data and pick out a certain number of samples as the training set, while the rest samples are considered as the testing set.

4.2 Comparison algorithms and parameter settings

To assess the performance of MLDEP, four state-of-the-art GP variants are used for comparison. These four compared algorithms are described as follows.

Semantic backpropagation for designing search operators In [33], semantic backpropagation is combined with random desired operator (RDO) [50] to improve the accuracy and search efficiency of GP. One feature of this method is that it needs to construct a library of subtrees. According to the original paper, the static library construction scheme (RDO\(_4\)) is more stable, so RDO\(_4\) is used in this paper to compete with the proposed MLDEP.

Linear imperative programming with differential evolution (LDEP) Since the proposed MLDEP is designed based on LDEP [16], we compare MLDEP with LDEP to evaluate the effectiveness of the new mechanisms proposed in this study.

Multiple regression genetic programming (MRGP) MRGP is a well known GP variant proposed by Arnaldo et al. [1]. In MRGP, all nodes in the decoded tree of an individual are linearly combined to form the final solution. Besides, the LASSO regression and non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II (NSGA-II) [11] are used to get a balance between accuracy and complexity.

Evolutionary feature synthesis (EFS) EFS [2] is a recently published GP, which also combines features linearly to generate the final solution. Different from MRGP, EFS has no concept of genotype, cutting down the time of mapping genotype to phenotype. However, due to the height limit imposed on each feature, EFS is difficult to find solutions with complex structures.

Table 2 lists the parameter settings of MLDEP, while the parameters of the other four algorithms are configured according to what have been suggested by the original papers.

Table 2 Parameter settings of MLDEP

4.3 Comparison metrics

Three metrics are used for performance evaluation. The first metric is the testing accuracy calculated according to Eq. 3. Generally, this metrics is regarded as the most important one for assessing the performance of an algorithm. The second metric is the success rate (abbreviated as Suc) of reaching perfect hits [3]. Suc is calculated according to the following formula

$$\begin{aligned} Suc =\frac{R_s}{R} \cdot 100 \%, \end{aligned}$$

where \(R_s\) is the number of runs realizing perfect hit and R is the total number of independent runs. The last metric is adopted to measure the complexity of the compound models evolved by these algorithms. Counting the node numbers and calculating the structural complexity of a tree [38, 49] are two alternatives to quantify the complexity of a solution. In this paper, the total node numbers of an expression are computed to measure the complexity of a solution, as done in [33]. It should be noted that for algorithms which assign a weight for each feature, the weights are also included when calculating the total number of nodes.

For the sake of fair comparison, each algorithm is performed for 30 independent runs on each problem and the average results of the 30 runs are used for analysis. Since the computational complexity of these algorithms is different, some algorithms are quite time-consuming, while others run very fast. In order to fairly compare the search efficiency of different algorithms in a reasonable time range, for every independent run, each algorithm is allowed to run on the same computer for 10 min, because 10 min is enough for most algorithms to converge. If an algorithm finds a solution \(U_i\) whose fitness \(F(U_i) <10^{-6}\), a perfect hit is assumed, then this algorithm will terminate immediately. For each problem, the Wilcoxon signed-rank test is also done to check whether there are significant differences between MLDEP and its rivals. These experiments are done on a PC with an Intel(R) Core(TM)i7-8700 CPU @3.20GHz and 16.0GB RAM in single thread mode.

4.4 Results for algorithm comparison

4.4.1 Comparison of accuracy

The success rates and NRMSE of the five algorithms are shown in Table 3. The last three rows of Table 3 summarize the results of the Wilcoxon signed-rank test on the problems. The NRMSE is the average testing fitness of the best solution among 30 independent runs. It can be observed that the MLDEP outperforms its rivals on most problems in terms of success rate and NRMSE. Next we will analyze experimental results in detail.

The first comparison is among benchmark problems containing one variable. MLDEP achieves perfect hits on problems containing one variable and gets almost zero NRMSE on the testing set. Especially, the success rates of the first two problems are 100%. Among other algorithms, only RDO\(_4\) can achieve successful hits on problem Nguyen-5, but its success rate and testing NRMSE are both worse than MLDEP. MRGP, EFS and LDEP find no perfect hit on all problems. MRGP and LDEP perform better than EFS and RDO\(_4\) obviously, but they are still not as good as MLDEP. Therefore, the winner of this part is MLDEP.

For benchmark problems having more than one input variable, EFS, LDEP and MRGP can’t find satisfying solutions, and only MLDEP can achieve successful hits on problem Keijzer-15. Before RDO\(_4\) starting the evolution process, it needs to construct a library of subtrees constrained by a certain height. However, this preparing step is quite slow, so the NRMSE and success rate of RDO\(_4\) are labelled as TLE, which means the preparing step of RDO\(_4\) exceeds the time limit. For problems on which no algorithms can achieve a perfect hit, the proposed MLDEP can always obtain the smallest NRMSE except Korns-11. On problem Korns-11, MLDEP performs competitively to EFS and LDEP. In addition to the problem Korns-11, in terms of NRMSE, EFS ranks second on three problems (i.e., Keijzer-14, Keijzer-15, and Vladislavleva-8), while MRGP achieves the second place on two problems (i.e., Keijzer-5 and Vladislavleva-5). LDEP ranks third on Keijzer-5 and Vladislavleva-8, fourth on Keijzer-14 and Vladislavleva-5, and last on Keijzer-15. RDO\(_4\) ranks third only on Keijzer-15, and last on other problems. As for the three real-world regression problems, MLDEP achieves better NRMSE on problems WIR, while EFS performs better than MLDEP on ENC. For problem ENH, MLDEP and EFS get similar results. The results show that MLDEP performs better than or at least competitive to the other algorithms on the three real-world problems.

Table 3 Testing accuracies of RDO\(_4\), MRGP, EFS, LDEP and MLDEP on all problems

Generally, the above experimental results demonstrate that the proposed MLDEP outperforms other methods on most problems in terms of NRMSE and Suc.

Table 4 Real-world benchmark datasets

In addition to comparing with the above four algorithms. We also compares MLDEP with a recently published GP variant which has achieved good results on many datasets. This variant is based on RDO and uses semantic backpropagation synergy with linear scaling to improve the performance of GP [47]. To keep up with the original paper, this GP variant is abbreviated as sLS. Table 4 lists the datasets used to compare MLDEP and sLS. It should be noted that there are ten real-world benchmark datasets in [47], but two of them have been unavailable on the internet. So we use the rest eight datasets, covering different numbers of samples and dimensions. They are commonly used GP datasets and selected from the UCI machine learning repositoryFootnote 1. For the sake of fairness, we ran MLDEP on the same datasets as sLS and used the same population size and generation number. Since several datasets have lots of samples and dimensions, we make a small modification here. That is if MLDEP can’t reach the maximal generation number in an hour for one independent run, it will be terminated early. Except for this, parameter settings and evaluation metrics are the same. 30 independent runs are carried out and Table 5 compares the published results of sLS with MLDEP. It can be observed that MLDEP outperforms sLS on 6 out of 8 problems not only on the training set but also on the testing set. sLS is better than MLDEP mainly on benchmarks (Wr) and (Ww). In summary, MLDEP can find more accurate solutions than sLS on most datasets, which proves its excellent performance.

4.4.2 Comparison of convergence speed

This part compares the convergence speed of the five algorithms. Fig. 4 displays the convergence speed of the best solutions obtained by these algorithms among 30 runs. The horizontal axis represents time and the vertical axis shows the NRMSE of the best individual. It should be noted that the NRMSE is attained on the training set, since evaluating the best individual on testing set every generation is time-consuming for some algorithms especially when we restrict the total running time of each algorithm. Combining Fig. 4 and Table 3, the search efficiency of different algorithms can be analyzed.

Table 5 Training and test median normalized MSE for MLDEP and sLS

The nine benchmark regression problems are studied first. It can be observed that MLDEP converges fastest on seven out of nine problems especially for Septic, Keijzer-1, Keijzer-15, Vladislavleva-8 and Keijzer-5 where MLDEP converges in the early stages of evolution. For problem Korns-11, the convergence speed of MRGP is the fastest but its generalization ability is not good enough and overfits on the testing set. The convergence speed of MLDEP, EFS and LDEP on Korns-11 are close. Actually, the performance of these algorithms has no much difference on Korns-11 in combination with Table 3. MLDEP and MRGP demonstrates similar convergence speed on Vladislavleva-5 and better than other algorithms. Besides the rapid convergence speed on the training set, the testing fitness of MLDEP is also better than its rivals according to the NRMSE shown in Table 3. As mentioned before, RDO\(_4\) oversteps the time limit at its preparation step, so it is omitted in the following comparison.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Convergence trends of the five algorithms on training set with respect to all problems

As for the real-world regression problems (i.e., ENC, ENH and WIR), LDEP is far behind other algorithms. MRGP converges a little faster than MLDEP and EFS on the training set, but it performs worst than MLDEP and EFS on the testing set. Hence, the generalization ability of MRGP is not as good as MLDEP and EFS. MLDEP and EFS perform similarly on the real-world problems in terms of accuracy and convergence speed. Though their convergence speed is slightly worse than MRGP, their testing accuracies are obviously better than MRGP. Thus, MLDEP and EFS perform best and competitively on real-world regression problems.

In summary, MLDEP converges fastest on seven out of nine benchmark regression problems. With regard to real-world regression problems, MLDEP and EFS are tied for the first place. Therefore, MLDEP wins this comparison of convergence speed. This is a result of using diverse features (i.e., polynomial features and evolved features) and the LM optimizer. With the help of diverse features, MLDEP has more possibilities to find the optimal solution. Given a set of features, the LM optimizer can find the most appropriate coefficient for each feature. These two modules work together in our framework to improve the search efficiency of GP.

4.4.3 Comparison of solution complexity

This section compares the solution complexity of all algorithms. MRGP is a variant of GP which reduces the complexity of solutions by considering accuracy and complexity at the same time. EFS cuts down the complexity of solutions by restricting the height of each subexpression and using the LASSO regression. The shortage of this method is that each subtree is too simple, the linear combination of simple features is not effective enough to solve problems whose objective functions contain complicated expressions. For example, to find function \(f(x) = x^3e^{-x}cos(2x)sin(x)log(x)cos(x)\) which isn’t the sum of more than one subexpression, each subtree must have sufficient expressive ability. Different from these two algorithms, the total length of each MLDEP program is restricted rather than the height of each subexpression. One advantage is that each subtree of MLDEP can represent more subtle features. In addition to that, the number of registers of MLDEP is also fixed and redundant features in MLDEP programs are filtered.

Table 6 demonstrates the average node numbers of 30 independent runs for all algorithms. It can be observed that the node numbers of different algorithms vary greatly on the same problem. The first algorithm used for comparison is RDO\(_4\). Though RDO\(_4\) uses more nodes than MLDEP on 1-dimensional benchmark problems, its accuracies and convergence speed are still worse than MLDEP. For 2-dimensional benchmark problems, MLDEP employs more nodes than RDO\(_4\), in exchange for a significant increase in accuracies.

The second rival of MLDEP is MRGP, which optimizes accuracy and node numbers at the same time. In Table 6, the average node numbers of the most accurate individual found by MRGP among 30 runs are used for comparison. Compared with MLDEP, MRGP can find more concise but less accurate solutions on 1-dimensional problems. As problem dimensions increase, the node numbers of MRGP increase rapidly and overtake MLDEP obviously. But the testing accuracies of MRGP are still worse than MLDEP on most problems.

Table 6 Node numbers of RDO\(_4\), MRGP, EFS, LDEP and MLDEP

The third opponent is EFS. The node numbers of EFS are extraordinarily low due to the height restriction imposed on each feature and the usage of LASSO regression. In reality, the total number of features of EFS is proportional to the number of independent variables. Though the node numbers of EFS are smaller, the accuracies of EFS are the worst one on four out of nine benchmark problems. For the real-world problems, the node numbers of EFS are slightly less than MLDEP. Meanwhile, the accuracies of EFS and MLDEP are also close to each other.

The last competitor is LDEP. It can be observed that there is no obvious relationship between the number of nodes in LDEP and the dimension of the problems. Because LDEP only selects one register as the output register. As the problem dimension gets larger, the total number of registers in LDEP also increases. Though the problems become more complex as the dimension increases, the probability of each register being selected is reduced in the process of evolution. Thus, the node numbers of LDEP may not increase with the dimension of regression problems. For benchmark problems, MLDEP achieves higher accuracies and lower node numbers on 5 out of 9 problems comparing with LDEP. While for real-world regression problems, the node numbers of LDEP are smaller than MLDEP, but its accuracies are worse than MLDEP on all real-world problems.

Generally speaking, MLDEP ranks medium in terms of solution complexity among these algorithms. Considering its high precision and excellent search efficiency, we could fairly claim that MLDEP can find solutions of high accuracies and acceptable solution complexity in comparison with other state-of-the-art algorithms.

4.5 Component analysis

Our framework involves three important components: polynomial features, evolved features and the LM optimizer. In order to investigate the impacts of each module, we design three additional experiments for further explanation. For each experiment, the same Wilcoxon signed-rank test and notations as Table 3 are adopted to check whether the performance of variants of MLDEP is significantly different from that of MLDEP.

4.5.1 Impact of polynomial features

The proposed framework utilizes two kinds of features: polynomial features and evolved features. In this subsection, we investigate whether the polynomial features are necessary and useful to improve the search accuracy and efficiency of our framework. A simplified MLDEP is generated and named MLDEP/PolyF. The only difference between MLDEP/PolyF and MLDEP is that MLDEP/PolyF doesn’t contain polynomial features. Table 7 shows the average testing accuracies and node numbers of the best individual among 30 runs of these two algorithms. According to Table 7, the performance of MLDEP and MLDEP/PolyF is similar on the nine benchmark problems since the evolved features are still used in MLDEP/PolyF, and the evolved features have excellent expressive abilities. But there are still differences between MLDEP and MLDEP/PolyF. In terms of NRMSE, readers can find that MLDEP outperforms the MLDEP/PolyF on three problems, two of which are complicated real-world regression problems. This shows that with the help of polynomial features, MLDEP can obtain better accuracies on complicated regression problems. As for the node numbers, MLDEP uses more nodes than MLDEP/PolyF on three real-world regression problems. It seems that MLDEP tends to link more features (i.e., polynomial and evolved features) to find more accurate solutions when solving complicated regression problems.

Table 7 Accuracies and node numbers of MLDEP and MLDEP/PolyF

4.5.2 Impact of evolved features

Table 8 Accuracies and node numbers of MLDEP and MLDEP/EvolvedF

This section explores the effectiveness of the evolved features in our framework. In order to validate it, another simplified algorithm called MLDEP/EvolvedF is generated to compete with the original MLDEP. The only difference between MLDEP/EvolvedF and MLDEP is that MLDEP/EvolvedF doesn’t utilize the features evolved by LDEP. It means MLDEP/EvolvedF only combines the polynomial features. In this case, MLDEP/EvolvedF becomes a deterministic algorithm since it doesn’t need the evolutionary process. Then running once is enough for MLDEP/EvolvedF. The testing accuracies and node numbers of MLDEP are still the average value of 30 independent runs of the best solution. Table 8 lists the results. It can be observed that the testing accuracies of MLDEP are much better than MLDEP/EvolvedF, which indicates that evolved features play an important role in finding more complex structures. Correspondingly, the node numbers of MLDEP/EvolvedF are smaller than those of MLDEP, which is expected in that MLDEP/EvolvedF only contains the polynomial features. It is worthwhile to improve the accuracies obviously at the cost of a moderate increase of node numbers. Thus, evolved features are meaningful to improve the performance of GP.

Table 9 Accuracies and node numbers of MLDEP and MLDEP/LM

4.5.3 Impact of LM optimizer

This section assesses the effectiveness of the LM optimizer in our framework. Similar to the previous two sections, a new variant of MLDEP is created. The variant is called MLDEP/LM. The only difference is that the weight of each independent feature in MLDEP/LM is set to 1. Redundant features in MLDEP/LM are also filtered. Table 9 shows the average testing accuracies and node numbers of the best individual among 30 independent runs of these two algorithms. From Table 9, it can be observed that MLDEP demonstrates much better performance than MLDEP/LM. MLDEP outperforms its rival on all problems in terms of accuracies in that the weight of each feature reflects the importance of each feature, which is essential to forming good solutions. With regard to node numbers, MLDEP and MLDEP/LM each wins on half of the problems. The above experimental results demonstrate that the LM optimizer is effective to improve the accuracy of GP.

5 Conclusions and future work

In this paper, a novel memetic genetic programming framework is proposed to improve the accuracy and search efficiency of GP on complicated symbolic regression problems. In this framework, a GP solution is regarded as the linear combination of polynomial features and evolved features. In order to improve the simplicity of final solutions, redundant features are filtered before the weight optimization step. A gradient-based solver called LM is adopted to link these features by assigning each feature a weight. A GP variant named LDEP is integrated into this framework to form a new algorithm named MLDEP. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed MLDEP offers enhanced performance over other four state-of-the-art algorithms in terms of accuracy and search efficiency. There are still several interesting research directions. Some advanced techniques can be used to reduce the node numbers further. Another direction is to explore an adaptive manner to do LM optimization rather than perform it for every individual, so as to save computing resources.