1 Introduction

Let \(A\) be a finite group that acts on the finite group \(G.\) In the case where \((|G|,|A|)=1\), there are several very useful relations between the groups \(G\) and \(A\), some of which are as follows: (i)  \(G=[G,A]\cdot C_G(A)\), (ii) \([G,A,A]=[G,A]\) and (iii) \(C_{G/N} (A) = C_G (A)N/N\) for any \(A\)-invariant normal subgroup \(N\) of \(G\). Almost all of the research papers studying this kind of action concerned with the situations where the fixed point subgroup \(C_G(A)\) has a restricted structure. However, Parker and Quick [1] considered a dual situation by assuming that the index of \(C_G(A)\) is bounded. As this assumption clearly gives no restriction to \(C_{G}(A)\), they focused their attention on the group \([G,A]\) and proved that \(|[G,A]|\leqslant n^{\log _2 (n+1)}\) if \(|G:C_G(A)|\leqslant n.\)

We consider here a special noncoprime action in view of [1]:

Let \(\alpha \) be an automorphism of the finite group \(G\) such that for every \(x\in G, x=[g,\alpha ]\cdot z\) for some \(g\in G\) and \(z\in C_G(\alpha )\).

In the literature a finite group \(G\) admitting such an automorphism \(\alpha \) is called an \(\alpha \) -CCP group where the acronym CCP stands for “centralizer commutator product”. Lemma 2.1 below shows that nice relations indicated above which are valid in the case of a coprime action also survive in the setting of \(\alpha \)-CCP groups. The study of \(\alpha \)-CCP groups was started by Stein [2] who proved that the subgroup \([G, \alpha ]\) is solvable. The goal of the present paper is to give an upper bound for the order of \([G, \alpha ]\) in terms of the index of \(C_G (\alpha )\) in \(G\). Namely, we prove the following:

Theorem A

Let \(G\) be an \(\alpha \)-CCP group such that \(| G : C_G (\alpha )|\leqslant n\). Then \(|[G,\alpha ] | \leqslant n^{\log _2 (n+1)}\).

An internal reformulation of Theorem A can be stated as

Theorem B

Let \(H\) be a finite group containing an element x such that \(H=\big \{[h,x] : h\in H\big \}\cdot C_H(x)\). If \(|H:C_H(x)|\leqslant n\) then \(|[H,x]|\leqslant n^{log_{2}(n+1)}\).

Theorem A is the \(\alpha \)-CCP analogue of [1, TheoremA]. The key lemma in our proof is Lemma 3.1 which we obtain as the \(\alpha \)-CCP analogue of [1, Lemma 2.1]. The rest of the paper contains the proof of Theorem A and some technical results pertaining to the proof of Theorem A; all of which are proven in a similar fashion as in the proofs of [1, Proposition 2.2], [1, Corollary 2.3] and [1, TheoremA] with obvious changes, namely using Lemma 3.1 instead of [1, Lemma 2.1]. For the sake of completeness we present a proof here for each of them.

In Sect. 2 we state and prove some preliminary facts about \(\alpha \)-CCP groups. Section 3 is concerned with our key lemma, namely Lemma 3.1, and its consequences. We prove our main result Theorem A and its equivalent Theorem B in Sect. 4.

All groups are assumed to be finite. The notation and terminology are standard.

2 Preliminaries on \(\alpha \)-CCP groups

Lemma 2.1

The following hold for any \(\alpha \)-CCP group \(G\).

  1. (i)

    \(G=[G,\alpha ]\cdot C_G(\alpha )\) and \([G,\alpha , \alpha ]=[G,\alpha ]\). Furthermore \(G=[G,\alpha ]\times C_G(\alpha )\) whenever \(G\) is abelian.

  2. (ii)

    Every \(\alpha \)-invariant subgroup \(S\) of \(G\) is also an \(\alpha \)-CCP group and we have \(\big \{[x,\alpha ] : x\in S\big \}=\big \{[g,\alpha ] : g\in G\big \}\cap S.\)

  3. (iii)

    \(G/N\) is an \(\alpha \)-CCP group for any \(\alpha \)-invariant normal subgroup \(N\) of \(G\).

  4. (iv)

    If \([g, \alpha ]^f \in C_G (\alpha )\) for some \(f\) and \(g\) in G, then \(g\in C_G (\alpha )\).

  5. (v)

    \(C_{G/N} (\alpha ) = C_G (\alpha ) N / N\) for any \(\alpha \)-invariant normal subgroup \(N\) of \(G\).

  6. (vi)

    \(\big \{\,[g, \alpha ] : g\in G \,\big \}\) is a transversal to \(C_G (\alpha )\). Furthermore \(\alpha ^G\) is a transversal to \(C_H (\alpha ^{a})\) for any \(a\in G\) in the semidirect product \(H = G \langle \alpha \rangle \).


This lemma gives almost the same information as in [2, Proposition 2.2] on an \(\alpha \)-CCP group \(G\). We need only to show that \(G=[G,\alpha ]\times C_G(\alpha )\) when \(G\) is abelian: Notice that \([G,\alpha ]=\big \{\,[g,\alpha ] : g\in G \,\big \}\) when \(G\) is abelian and also observe that for any \([g,\alpha ]\in C_G(\alpha ) \), we have \([g,\alpha ]=1\) by Lemma 2.1(iv). \(\square \)

The following lemma is crucial in proving our key lemma Lemma 3.1.

Lemma 2.2

Let \(G\) be an \(\alpha \)-CCP group and set \(H = G \langle \alpha \rangle \). Then

  1. (i)

    the map \(f_{\alpha ^{a}} : \alpha ^G \longrightarrow \alpha ^G\) defined by \(f_{\alpha ^{a}} (\alpha ^g) = (\alpha ^{a})^{\alpha ^g}\) is a bijection for any \(a \in G\),

  2. (ii)

    for any \(X\leqslant H\) with \(X \cap \alpha ^G \ne \phi \) and for any \(\alpha ^{a} \in X\) we have

    $$\begin{aligned} (\alpha ^{a})^X = (\alpha ^{a})^{X \cap \alpha ^G}= X \cap \alpha ^G. \end{aligned}$$


\(\alpha ^G\) is a transversal to \(C_H (\alpha ^{a})\) by Lemma 2.1(vi). If \(g\) and \(h\) are elements of \(G\) such that \((\alpha ^{a})^{\alpha ^g } = (\alpha ^{a})^{\alpha ^h}\), then \(\alpha ^g (\alpha ^h)^{-1} \in C_H (\alpha ^{a})\) and so \(\alpha ^g = \alpha ^h\). This proves \((i)\) since \(\alpha ^G\) is finite.

It is straightforward to verify that \((\alpha ^{a})^{X \cap \alpha ^G} \subseteq (\alpha ^{a})^X \subseteq X \cap \alpha ^G\). If \(\alpha ^y \in X \cap \alpha ^G\), then \(\alpha ^y = (\alpha ^{a})^{\alpha ^h}\) for some \(h \in G\) by part (i). This yields \(\alpha ^y \in (\alpha ^{a})^{\alpha ^G}\). Notice that \(f_{\alpha ^{a}} (X \cap \alpha ^G) \subseteq X \cap \alpha ^G\) as \(\alpha ^{a} \in X\), and so \(f_{\alpha ^{a}} (X \cap \alpha ^G) = X \cap \alpha ^G\) since \(f_{\alpha ^{a}}\) is a bijection. Then \(\alpha ^h \in X\) and hence \(X \cap \alpha ^G \subseteq (\alpha ^{a})^{X \cap \alpha ^G}\) which establishes the claim (ii). \(\square \)

3 Some technical lemmas pertaining to the proof of Theorem A

The following results are modifications of Lemma 2.1, Proposition 2.2 and Corollary 2.3 in [1] for \(\alpha \)-CCP groups.

Lemma 3.1

Let \(G\) be an \(\alpha \)-CCP group and let \({\mathcal O} = {\alpha }^G\). If \(I \subseteq {\mathcal O}\) and \(\Theta \) is an orbit of \(\langle I \rangle \) on \({\mathcal O}\), then \(\langle I \rangle \leqslant \langle \Theta \rangle \). Furthermore if some member of \(\Theta \) is not contained in \(\langle I \rangle \), then \( \langle I \rangle < \langle \Theta \rangle \).


To ease the notation set \(K = \langle I \rangle \) and let \(\Theta = ({\alpha }^x)^K\). It should be noted that \(K \langle \Theta \rangle \) is a subgroup of \(G\) because \(K\) normalizes \(\langle \Theta \rangle \). Set now \(L = K \langle \Theta \rangle \). Since \(L \cap {\alpha }^G \ne \phi \) and \({\alpha }^x \in L\), we have

$$\begin{aligned} ({\alpha }^x)^L = (\alpha ^x)^{L \cap \alpha ^G} = L \cap \alpha ^G \end{aligned}$$

by Lemma 2.2(ii). Then, for any generator \(\alpha ^y\) of \(K\), we have

$$\begin{aligned} \alpha ^y \in L \cap \alpha ^G = (\alpha ^x)^{K \langle \Theta \rangle } \subseteq \langle (\alpha ^x)^K \rangle = \langle \Theta \rangle . \end{aligned}$$

This completes the proof. \(\square \)

Lemma 3.2

When \(G\) is an \(\alpha \)-CCP group the group \(\langle {\alpha }^G\rangle \) can be generated by \(\log _2 \Big ( \frac{2 (n+p-1)}{p}\Big )\) conjugates of \(\alpha \) where \(p\) is the smallest positive divisor of the order of \(\alpha \) and \(|G:C_G(\alpha )|\leqslant n\).


We let \({\mathcal O} = {\alpha }^G\) and consider the action of \(\langle {\alpha }\rangle \) on \({\mathcal O}\) by conjugation. Suppose first that \(\langle \alpha \rangle \) has a fixed point \({\alpha }^x\) which is different from \(\alpha \). Then \([\alpha , x] \in C_G (\alpha )\) and hence \([\alpha , x]= 1\) by Lemma 2.1(iv). This contradiction shows that \(\alpha \) is the only fixed point of \(\langle \alpha \rangle \) in its action on \({\mathcal O}\).

Define \(K_0 = 1\), \(K_1 = \langle \alpha \rangle \) and for \(j > 1\), \(K_j = \langle K_{j-1}, {\alpha }_j \rangle \) where at each stage \({\alpha }_j \in {\mathcal O}\) is chosen to maximize the order of \(K_j\). Since \(G\) is finite, there exists \(k\) such that \(K_k = \langle {\alpha }^G\rangle \) and \(K_{k-1} \ne \langle {\alpha }^G\rangle \). Now \(\langle {\alpha }^G\rangle = \langle \alpha _1, \alpha _2, \ldots , \alpha _k\rangle \) where \(\alpha _1=\alpha \). Fix \(j \in \{1,\ldots ,k\}\) and let \(I=\{\alpha _1, \alpha _2, \ldots , \alpha _j\}\). Now \(K_j=\langle I\rangle .\) Choose an orbit \(\Theta \) of \(K_j \) with representative \(B\) where \(B\nleq K_j\). Then \(K_j< \langle \Theta \rangle \) by Lemma 3.1. If \(\Theta \) were also an orbit of \(K_{j-1}\), then we would have

$$\begin{aligned} K_j< \langle B^{K_j}\rangle =\langle B^{K_{j-1}}\rangle \leqslant \langle B,K_{j-1}\rangle \end{aligned}$$

contradicting the choice of \(\alpha _j.\) Therefore \(\Theta \) is a union of at least two orbits of \(K_{j-1}\) on \(\mathcal {O}.\) Notice also that \(B\nleq K_i\) for each \(i=1, \ldots ,j\). Thus \(\Theta \) is a union of at least \(2^{j-1}\) orbits of \(\langle \alpha \rangle \) on \(\mathcal {O}\), each of which has length at least \(p.\) Since \(\alpha _j\leqslant K_j\) for \(i\leqslant j\) we see that the set \(\Omega = \{\alpha _1\}\cup \{{\alpha _2}^{K_1}\}\cup \ldots \cup \{{\alpha _i}^{K_{i-1}}\}\) is contained in \(K_j.\) Therefore \(\Omega \cap {\alpha _{i+1}}^{K_i}\) is empty as \(\alpha _{i+1}\nleq K_i.\) Then \(\mathcal {O}\supseteq \{\alpha _1\}\cup \{{\alpha _2}^{K_1}\}\cup \ldots \cup \{{\alpha _k}^{K_{k-1}}\}\) and the right hand side is a disjoint union. So

$$\begin{aligned} n\geqslant |\mathcal {O}|\geqslant 1+p(1+2+\cdots +2^{k-2})=1+p(2^{k-1}-1). \end{aligned}$$

Consequently we have \(k-1 \leqslant \log _2 \big ( \frac{n+p-1}{p}\big )\) as claimed. \(\square \)

Lemma 3.3

Let \(G\) be an \(\alpha \)-CCP group. Suppose that \(G\) is a \(p\)-group for some prime \(p\) with \(|G : C_G (\alpha )|\leqslant p^m \). Then \(|[G, \alpha ]| \leqslant p^{\frac{m^2 + m}{2}}\).


Firstly we handle the case where \(G\) is of class at most two by induction on the order of \(G.\) By Lemma 2.1(i) we have \([G,\alpha ]=[G,\alpha ,\alpha ]\) and \(G/G'=[G/G',\alpha ]\times C_{G/G'}(\alpha )\). Then \(G=[G,\alpha ]\) by induction and hence \(C_{G/G'}(\alpha )=1\), that is \(C_G(\alpha )\leqslant G'\). Thus \(|G:G'|\leqslant p^m.\) In this case the proof is in a similar fashion as in the proof of [1, Proposition 3.1]. For the sake of completeness we present it here. Let the abelian group \(\bar{G}=G/G'\) be the direct product of nontrivial cyclic subgroups \(\langle \bar{x_i}\rangle \) for \(i=1,\ldots ,d\) where \(|\bar{x_i}|=p^{m_i}.\) We have \(G=\langle x_1,\ldots ,x_d\rangle \) since \(G'\leqslant \Phi (G).\) It is straightforward now to verify that \(G'=\langle [x_j,x_i] : 1\leqslant i<j\leqslant d \rangle \) since \(G'\leqslant Z(G).\) Set \(H_i=\langle x_{i+1},\ldots ,x_d, G'\rangle \). Then \(G'=\prod _{i=1}^{d-1}[H_i,x_i]\) for \(i=1,\ldots ,d-1.\) We have \(|[H_i,x_i]|\leqslant |H_i/G'|=p^{m_{i+1}+\cdots +m_d}\) due to the fact that \(h\longmapsto [h,x_i] \) defines a homomorphism from \(H_i/G'\) onto \([H_i,x_i]\). Thus \(|G|\leqslant \prod _{i=1}^{d}p^{m_i}\prod _{i=1}^{d-1}|[H_i,x_i]|\leqslant p^M\) where \(M=\sum _{i=1}^{d}im_i.\) It can be proven by induction on \(d\) that \(M\leqslant (m^2+m)/2\). This completes the proof when \(G\) is of class at most two.

Suppose now that \(G\) has class \(c\) with \(c\geqslant 3.\) Again assume \(|G|\) minimal, therefore \(G=[G,\alpha ].\) The proof in this case is in a very similar fashion as in the proof of [1, Theorem B]. Note that \(\gamma _{c-1}(G)\) is abelian. We also observe that \([\gamma _{c-1}(G),\alpha ]\ne 1\), because otherwise \([\gamma _{c-1}(G),\alpha , G]=1=[G,\gamma _{c-1}(G),\alpha ]\) and hence \(\gamma _{c-1}(G)\leqslant Z(G)\) by the Three Subgroup Lemma. Let now \(N\) be of minimal order among all normal \(\alpha \)-invariant subgroups of \(G\) contained in \(\gamma _{c-1}(G)\) and are not centralized by \(\alpha \). Let \(|G/N:C_{G/N}(\alpha )|=p^r\). As \(C_{G/N}(\alpha )=C_G(\alpha )N/N\) by Lemma 2.1(v) we have \(|G:C_G(\alpha )N|=p^r\). Note that \(G/N\) and \(N\) are both \(\alpha \)-CCP groups by Lemma 2.1(i). It follows by induction that \(|[G/N,\alpha ]|\leqslant p^{\frac{r^2 + r}{2}}.\) As \([G/N,\alpha ]=[G,\alpha ]N/N=G/N\) we have \(|G/N|\leqslant p^{\frac{r^2 + r}{2}} \). Let now \(|N:C_N(\alpha )|=p^s.\) Since \(N\) is abelian we have \(N=[N,\alpha ]\times C_N(\alpha )\) and so \(|[N,\alpha ]|=p^s\). It remains to bound \(|N/[N,\alpha ]|\) suitably. As \(N\) is contained in \(\gamma _{c-1}(G)\) we have \([N,G]\leqslant \gamma _{c}(G)\leqslant Z(G).\) Hence for \(g\in G\) the map \(x\mapsto [x,g]\) for \(x\in N\), is a homomorphism with kernel \(C_N(g)\), in particular \([N,G]\) lies in the kernel and \(|N:C_N(g)|=|[N,g]|\). Set now \(H=[N,\alpha ][N,G]\). Observe that \(1\ne [N,\alpha ]=[N,\alpha ,\alpha ]\leqslant [H,\alpha ]\) by Lemma 2.1(i). It follows by minimality of \(N\) that \(H=N\). Thus

$$\begin{aligned} |[N,g]|=|N:C_N(g)|\leqslant |N:[N,G]|=|[N,\alpha ][N,G]:[N,G]|\leqslant |[N,\alpha ]|. \end{aligned}$$

We also observe that \([N,G']=1\) by the three subgroup Lemma as \([N,G,G]=1=[G,N,G]\). This gives that \(NC_G(\alpha )\leqslant G'\leqslant C_G(N)\). As \(N\leqslant \gamma _{c-1}(G)\leqslant G'\) we get \(NC_G(\alpha )\leqslant G'\leqslant C_G(N).\) Therefore \(|G:C_G(N)|\leqslant p^r.\) Let \(Y\) be a minimal generating set for \(G\) modulo \(C_G(N).\) Then \(|Y|\leqslant r.\) Since \([N,G]\leqslant Z(G) \) we also see that \([N,G]=\prod _{y\in Y}[N,y]\). Thus \(|[N,G]|\leqslant |[N,\alpha ]|^{|Y|}\leqslant p^{sr} \). So \(|N|=|[N,G][N,\alpha ]|\leqslant p^{s(r+1)} \) whence \(|G|=|G/N|\cdot |N|\leqslant p^{(r^2+r)+s(r+1)}\). This establishes the claim as

$$\begin{aligned} 1/2\big ((r^2+r)+s(r+1)\big )\leqslant 1/2(r^2+r)+1/2(s^2+s)+sr \nonumber \\ \quad \leqslant 1/2\left( (r+s)^2+r+s\right) \leqslant 1/2(m^2+m). \end{aligned}$$

\(\square \)

4 Proof of the main results

In this section we present a proof of Theorem A and deduce Theorem B.

Proof of Theorem A

Let \(G\) be a minimal counterexample to the theorem. Then \(G = [G,\alpha ]\) by induction as \([G,\alpha ] = [G,\alpha ,\alpha ]\) by Lemma 2.1(i). As a consequence \(C_G (\alpha ) \leqslant G'\), and \(G\) is nonabelian. The main result of [2] gives that the group \(G\) is solvable and hence \(F (G)\ne 1\). If \(\left[ F(G),\alpha \right] = 1\), then \(G \leqslant C_G \left( F (G)\right) = Z\left( F (G)\right) \)  by the Three Subgroup Lemma, which is a contradiction as \(G\) is nonabelian. Thus \(\left[ F (G),\alpha \right] \ne 1\) and hence there is a prime \(p\) dividing \(|F(G)|\) such that \(\left[ O_p(G),\alpha \right] \ne 1.\) Notice that if \(\left[ Z_2(O_p(G)),\alpha \right] =1\), then \(Z_2\left( O_p(G)\right) \leqslant Z(G)\) by the Three Subgroup Lemma as \([G,\alpha ]=G\). This forces \(O_p(G)=Z_2(O_p(G))=Z(O_p(G))\) which contradicts the fact that \(\left[ O_p(G),\alpha \right] \ne 1.\) Let \(Q\) be minimal element of the set \(\{S : S \) is a normal \(\alpha \)-invariant subgroup of \(G\) which is contained in \(Z_2\left( O_p(G)\right) \) such that \([S,\alpha ]\ne 1\}\). Clearly \([Q',\alpha ]=1\) by the minimality of \(Q\) and so \(Q'\leqslant Z(G)\) by the Three Subgroup Lemma. Set now \(Q_0= \langle [Q,\alpha ]^G \rangle \). Note that both \(Q\) and \(|G/Q|\) are \(\alpha \)-CCP groups. So we have \( [Q,\alpha ]=[Q,\alpha ,\alpha ]\) by Lemma 2.1 \((i)\). Thus \(1\ne \big [[Q,\alpha ]\big ]\leqslant [Q_0,\alpha ]\) and hence \(Q=Q_0\) by the minimality of \(Q\). Now \(|QC_G(\alpha ):C_G(\alpha )|=|Q:C_Q(\alpha )|=p^m\) for some \(m.\) Let \(|G:QC_G(\alpha )|=r\). Then \(r\leqslant {\frac{n}{p^m}}.\) We observe by Lemma 3.3 that \(|[Q, \alpha ]|\leqslant p^{\frac{m^2 + m}{2}}.\) Set \(R=C_{[Q,\alpha ]}(\alpha )\). Then \(R\leqslant [Q,\alpha ]'\leqslant Q'\) and hence \(R\leqslant Z(G)\). Now

$$\begin{aligned} |[Q,\alpha ]/R|=|[Q,\alpha ]C_Q(\alpha ):C_Q(\alpha )|=|Q:C_Q(\alpha )|=p^m. \end{aligned}$$

So \(|R|={\frac{|[Q,\alpha ]|}{p^m}}\leqslant p^{\frac{m^2 - m}{2}}\). It remains to bound \(|G/R|\) suitably.

Set \(\bar{G}=G/R.\) The group \(\bar{Q}\) is the product of at most \(log_2(r+1)\) of the conjugates of \([\bar{Q},\alpha ]\) in \(\bar{G}\): To see this let \(H=G\rtimes \langle \alpha \rangle .\) Note that \(Q\rtimes H\) and \(C_G(\alpha )\langle \alpha \rangle Q\leqslant N_H(Q\langle \alpha \rangle )\). Set \(\tilde{H}=H/Q\). Now \(|\tilde{H}:N_{\tilde{H}}(\langle \tilde{\alpha } \rangle )|\leqslant |H:Q\langle \alpha \rangle C_G(\alpha )|=r.\) By Lemma 3.2 \(\langle {\langle \tilde{\alpha } \rangle }^{\tilde{H}}\rangle \) can be generated by at most \(k=log_2 (r+1)\) conjugates of \(\langle \tilde{\alpha } \rangle \). That is \(\langle {(\langle \tilde{\alpha } \rangle )}^{\tilde{H}}\rangle =\langle \tilde{\alpha _1},\ldots ,\tilde{\alpha _k}\rangle \) where each \(\alpha _i\) is a conjugate of \(\alpha \) and \(\alpha _1=\alpha .\) Note that \(H=[G,\alpha ]\langle \alpha \rangle ={\langle {\alpha }^H \rangle }C_G(\alpha )=MQC_G(\alpha )\) where \(M=\langle \alpha _1,\ldots ,\alpha _k\rangle C_G(\alpha )\). Therefore

$$\begin{aligned} \langle [Q,\alpha ]^G\rangle = \langle [Q,\alpha ]^M\rangle =[Q,\alpha ][Q,\alpha ,M]\leqslant [Q,M]=\prod _{i=1}^k [Q,\alpha _i]. \end{aligned}$$

We are now ready to complete the proof of Theorem A. By the above paragraph we have \(|\bar{Q}|=|\langle [\bar{Q},\alpha ]^{\bar{G}}\rangle |\leqslant |[\bar{Q},\alpha ]|^k=p^{mk}\) and so \(|Q|\leqslant p^{mk+(\frac{m^2 - m}{2})}\). Notice that \(|G/Q|\leqslant r^k\) by induction. Thus

$$\begin{aligned} |G|=|G/Q||Q|\leqslant r^{k}p^{mk+\frac{m^2 - m}{2}}=r^{k}(p^{m})^{k+\frac{m-1}{2}}\leqslant r^k(p^m)^{log_2(n+1)}\leqslant n^{log_2(n+1)}. \end{aligned}$$

This contradiction completes the proof of Theorem A. \(\square \)

Remark 4.1

As indicated in the introduction one can reformulate Theorem A as Theorem B. Their equivalence can be easily seen as follows:

Suppose that Theorem A is true. Set \(H=G\rtimes \langle \alpha \rangle \) and \(x=\alpha \) in \(H.\) Then \([G,\alpha ]=[H,x]\) and \(\big \{[g,\alpha ] : g\in G\big \}=\big \{[h,x] : h\in H\big \}\) and \(|G:C_G(\alpha )|=|H:C_H(x)|=n.\) Therefore \(|[G,\alpha ]|=|[H,x]\leqslant n^{log_2 (n+1)}\) by Theorem A. Conversely suppose that Theorem B is true and let \(H\) be a finite group containing an element x such that \(H=\big \{[h,x] : h\in H\big \}C_H(x)\) holds. Set \(G=H\) and let \(\alpha \) denote the inner automorphism of \(G\) induced by \(x\). Then by applying Theorem B we have \(|[H,x]|\leqslant n^{log_2 (n+1)}\) as desired.