1 Introduction

Reducing the number of nonlinear gates when implementing cryptographic primitives, especially using block ciphers, is an important concern in various fields [2, 34] such as post quantum zero-knowledge (PQZK) proofs, multi-party computation (MPC) protocols [23], fully homomorphic encryption (FHE), and side-channel attacks (SCAs) [29]. In PQZK proofs based on “MPC-in-the-head,” the signature size increases proportionally to the number of nonlinear gates used in the underlying block cipher [18]. The computational complexity in the MPC protocol based on Yao’s garbled circuit [32, 35] using the free-XOR technique depends on the number of nonlinear gates [30]. For FHE, an AND gate in the underlying block cipher is more expensive than an XOR gate and may generate noise during calculations [26]. Furthermore, the smaller the number of nonlinear gates required to implement the block cipher, the more efficient the SCA countermeasure technique that can be implemented. This is because the cost of Boolean masking increases sharply when it is applied to nonlinear gates rather than linear ones. Therefore, cryptographic primitives that can be implemented using a small number of nonlinear gates have many advantages in various applications.

The multiplicative complexity (MC) of a vectorial Boolean function is the minimal number of AND gates needed to implement it over the basis {AND, XOR, NOT} (called an XOR-AND circuit [13]). As stated above, obtaining a primitive with low MC is important for performance; however, such a primitive may have potential cryptographic vulnerabilities. For example, block ciphers based on an S-box with low MC may be vulnerable to cryptanalysis [16].

In this paper, we discuss security against differential and linear cryptanalyses (DC and LC, respectively) in an S-box based on its MC [6, 31]. As DC and LC are the most influential techniques among block cipher cryptanalyses [27], the differential uniformity and linearity of an S-box are considered the most important cryptographic properties. For an efficient and secure cryptographic primitive design, it is essential to clarify the trade-off between the MC and differential uniformity/linearity of an S-box.

The lower bounds of differential uniformity and linearity independent of MC have been revealed. While the differential uniformity has an obvious lower bound [5], there are several bounds of linearity: the covering radius bound, Sidelnikov–Chabaud–Vaudenay’s bound [17], and three types of linearity bounds in [16]. Zajac and Jókay investigated the MC of all the affine classes of bijective (4,4)-bit S-boxes [37]. Their investigation used an expansion-compression method to accurately calculate the MC of S-boxes. This leads to the following two facts about bijective (4, 4)-bit S-boxes.

  • A bijective (4,4)-bit S-box with optimal differential uniformity 4 has MC at least 4.

  • A bijective (4,4)-bit S-box with optimal linearity 8 has MC at least 4.

Božilov et al. investigated the MC of all the affine classes of quadratic (5, 5)-bit S-boxes [14]. There are many open issues for the existence of S-boxes, such as (5, 5)-bit S-boxes with MC 6 and differential uniformity 2 (this study shows that there is no such (5, 5)-bit S-box, which will be explained below). In [10], Boyar and Find found that the number of AND gates, linearity, and the length of the shortest linear code are related. The bounds they found were proved in the ΣπΣ circuit, which consists of sequential XOR, AND, and XOR layers.


In this paper, we present a new cryptographic tool called A-box, motivated by the work of Zajac and Jókay [37]. While their expansion function consists of AND and identity parts, we restrict it to only the AND part to define the A-box. Specifically, an S-box can be divided into an A-box (as a nonlinear function) and linear functions. We used several properties of A-boxes to prove the theoretical lower bounds of differential uniformity and linearity of the corresponding S-boxes by MC.

We show that the differential uniformity (resp. linearity) of an (n, m)-bit S-box is at least 2nl, where its MC is \(\lfloor \frac {n-1}{2}\rfloor +l\) (resp. m − 1 + l). Furthermore, we develop an algorithm to search for A-boxes with differential uniformity equal to our bounds with respect to their MC. Those A-boxes lead to S-boxes with the same differential uniformity as theirs. Table 1 presents the lowest differential uniformity we found, within (n, n)-bit S-boxes with MC k where 3 ≤ n ≤ 8 and 1 ≤ k ≤ 7. Our investigation reveals the following properties:

  • A (5, 5)-bit S-box with differential uniformity 2 has MC at least 7.

  • A (6,6)-bit S-box with differential uniformity 4 has MC at least 7.

  • An (8,8)-bit S-box with differential uniformity 32 has MC at least 7.

Compared to differential uniformity, a relatively large MC is required to reduce linearity. The new S-boxes constructed by our method are compared with existing ones in Table 2. Either they have better differential uniformity or linearity than those of existing S-boxes with respect to the same nonlinear gates or less, or they achieve our lower bounds of both differential uniformity and linearity with respect to MC which is the same as implemented nonlinear gates. The detailed implementation codes are provided in Appendix A.

Table 1 Differential uniformity of (n, n)-bit S-boxes found by our experiments
Table 2 Comparision of (n, n)-bit S-boxes*


The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we introduce the expansion-compression method of [37], based on which we define the A-box, and we observe several properties of A-boxes. In Section 3, we use them to prove the theoretical lower bounds of the differential uniformity and linearity of S-boxes by MC. In Section 4, we present an S-box search process in terms of MC and low differential uniformity. We conclude this paper in Section 5.


The following notations and definitions are used throughout this paper.

Table 3

For the convenience of notation, an n-dimensional vector is considered to be a column-matrix when performing matrix multiplication. Therefore, it is defined as follows.

figure e

Any linear function can be expressed as the multiplication of a matrix. We indicate the matrix related to the linear function in the subscript of \(\mathcal {T}\). For example, the matrix expression of the linear function is an m × n matrix M and we denote for . The dot product of and is denoted by , and its matrix expression is . In is the n × n identity matrix. The k LSBs and k MSBs of are expressed as and , respectively. 0(n) is the zero vector of , and 0(n×m) is the zero matrix of size n × m.

2 A-box and its equivalence classes

2.1 Definition of A-box

Consider an XOR-AND circuit of an S-box. The AND gates on the circuit are made as per the following rule. The inputs of the ith AND gate are calculated as the linear combinations of three types of bits: the inputs of the S-box, the outputs of the previous i − 1 AND gates, and the constant 1. In addition, the outputs of the circuit are calculated as the linear combinations of three types of bits: the inputs of the circuit, the outputs of the sufficient number of AND gates, and the constant 1. In particular, an S-box with 0↦0 can be constructed with a circuit without using NOT gates. Zajac and Jókay constructed an XOR-AND circuit of such an S-box as the expansion–compression method for expansion function and compression function [37]. As the expansion function is helpful for understanding the concept of the A-box, we explain it first.

For two vectors and an input , the expansion function Ei is defined as follows.

figure s

That is, Ei is a function that concatenates the output of one AND gate to the MSB of the input . The for j ∈{0, 1} means a linear combination of input bits. Zajac and Jókay constructed the following function with by composing k expansion functions from En to En+k− 1.

$$ E_{n+k-1}\circ E_{n+k-2}\circ\cdots\circ E_{n}. $$

This function (1) describes a circuit using k AND gates. By setting and of each En+i, the linear combination of the inputs of each ith AND gate will be determined. We define as a partner vector and the 2k-tuple that consists of all in order as a partner tuple. By applying a linear function (which is called the compression function in [37]) to function (1), we obtain the following function with ,

$$ \mathcal{T}_{C}\circ E_{n+k-1}\circ E_{n+k-2}\circ\cdots\circ E_{n}. $$

By Lemma 6 of [37], function (2) expresses any (n, m)-bit S-box with 0↦0. In this method, a circuit with k = C(S) always exists. By XORing function (2) with a constant , we obtain an (n, m)-bit S-box expression with no necessary conditions.


The output of function (1) consists of a k-bit (called the AND part) and n-bit (called the identity part); the latter n-bit represents the original input. The AND part becomes a type of (n, k)-bit S-box, which we define as an A-box (refer to Fig. 2). Naturally, the MC of an (n, k)-bit A-box is less than or equal to k. To avoid any confusing context, we denote an S-box as S and the corresponding A-box as SA. The mathematical definition of the A-box is given in Definition 1.

Definition 1

Let and be the input and output, respectively, of an (n, k)-bit S-box SA. For 2k vectors that satisfy the following inductive properties, SA is called an (n,k)-bit A-box.

  • .

  • For 1 ≤ i < k, .

For an (n, k)-bit A-box SA, and are called ith partner vectors for all i, and is called the partner tuple of SA.

A-boxes can be taken from existing S-boxes. For example, Fig. 1 shows an A-box construction taken from the GIFT S-box.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Process of obtaining an A-box from the implementation of GIFT S-box

We often write the ANF of an A-box SA as (fk− 1, ⋯ , f0). The ANF function fi satisfies c(fi) ≤ i + 1. We also denote the components of the ith partner vectors as follows.

figure am

Note that an A-box can have multiple partner tuples. For example, the output of the ith AND gate of the A-box is invariant even though and are swapped.

2.2 Equivalence classes

For an S-box S and three affine functions A, B, and C, (BSA) ⊕ C is called an extended affine transformation (EA transformation). Let \(S^{\prime }=(B\circ S\circ A)\oplus C\); then, S is the extended affine equivalent (EA equivalent) to \(S^{\prime }\). Furthermore, the set of all S-boxes that are EA equivalent to S is called the extended affine equivalence class (EA class) of S [15]. Similarly, linear equivalence is defined by \(S^{\prime }=B\circ S\circ A\) for two linear functions A and B. It is known that MC, differential uniformity, and linearity are invariant under EA transformation [15, 36].

Consider an (n, m)-bit S-box S. By using the form (3), S is given as


for an (n, k)-bit A-box SA. As \(\mathcal {T}_{C}\) is a linear function, we can decompose into two linear functions, i.e., and . Accordingly, function (4) is transformed as follows.

figure au

The matrix \(N^{\prime }\) can be decomposed by matrix multiplication of the m × k matrix M in reduced row echelon form (RREF) and the invertible m × m matrix D. Now, we obtain


This is depicted in Fig. 2. Note that in this figure each rectangle box located to the right of the partner vectors is a linear operator that generates two inputs of the AND gate. Specifically, for the ith AND gate, the corresponding rectangle box computes the two inputs and .

Fig. 2
figure 2

Input and output of an (n, m)-bit S-box and an (n, k)-bit A-box

As and are affine functions, S and \(\mathcal {T}_{M} \circ S_{A}\) are EA equivalent. Therefore, the following theorem holds.

Theorem 1

For any (n, m)-bit S-box S and kc(S), there exist an m × k matrix M in RREF and an (n, k)-bit A-box SA such that \(\mathcal {T}_{M} \circ S_{A}\) is EA equivalent to S. If k = c(S), SA is called suitable for S.

Next, we consider the linear equivalence of an A-box. Let L and \(L^{\prime }\) be linear functions on and , respectively. Then, \(\mathcal {T}_{L^{\prime }}\circ S_{A} \circ \mathcal {T}_{L}\) is linear equivalent to SA. Recall that our ultimate goal is to get the S-box, not the A-box. By substituting SA for \(\mathcal {T}_{L^{\prime }}\circ S_{A} \circ \mathcal {T}_{L}\), the \(\mathcal {T}_{D}\circ \mathcal {T}_{M}\circ S_{A}\) in (5) is changed to

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \mathcal{T}_{D}\circ\mathcal{T}_{M}\circ \mathcal{T}_{L^{\prime}}\circ S_{A}\circ \mathcal{T}_{L}=\mathcal{T}_{D^{\prime}}\circ\mathcal{T}_{M^{\prime}}\circ S_{A}\circ\mathcal{T}_{L}, \end{array} $$

for \(\mathcal {T}_{D^{\prime }}\circ \mathcal {T}_{M^{\prime }}=\mathcal {T}_{D}\circ \mathcal {T}_{M}\circ \mathcal {T}_{L^{\prime }}\) where \(D^{\prime }\) is an invertible m × m matrix, and \(M^{\prime }\) is an m × k matrix in RREF. Thus, we just consider \(\mathcal {T}_{L}\).

For any n × n invertible matrix \(\mathcal {T}_{L}\), the \(S_{A}\circ \mathcal {T}_{L}\) is well defined as A-box by the following theorem. This fact will be effectively used to search for linear classes of A-boxes in our algorithm (cf. Section 4).

Theorem 2

For an (n, k)-bit A-box SA and a linear permutation , let \(S_{A}^{\prime }=S_{A}\circ \mathcal {T}_{L}\), which is an A-box linear equivalent to SA. If is a partner tuple of SA, then the following is a partner tuple of \(S_{A}^{\prime }\) such that

figure bf

where \(L_{i}=\begin {pmatrix}I_{i}&0^{(i\times n)}\\0^{(n\times i)}&L\end {pmatrix}\) for 0 ≤ i < k.


Suppose SA has a partner tuple . Furthermore, let (yk− 1, ⋯ , y0) and . As the definition of A-box is inductive, we treat z0 first. We obtain

figure bj

and become new partner vectors. We now denote and as follows.

figure bo

Then, we obtain

figure bp

where \(L_{1}=\begin {pmatrix}1&0^{(1\times n)}\\0^{(n\times 1)}&L\end {pmatrix}\). We denote and as follows.

figure bs

By repeating this process, the variables zi for i(< k) are shown below.

figure bt

Finally, we obtain an (n, k)-bit A-box \(S_{A}^{\prime }=(z_{k-1},\cdots ,z_{0})\). Thus, the theorem holds. □

3 Theoretical lower bounds on the differential uniformity and linearity of S-boxes by MC

As mentioned before, the differential uniformity and linearity of S-boxes are invariant under EA transformation. Thus, we consider an (n, m)-bit S-box \(S=\mathcal {T}_{M}\circ S_{A}\) with suitable A-box SA where M is a matrix in RREF.

3.1 Bounds for differential uniformity

For a difference , we obtain the following equation.

figure bv

Therefore, for a difference ,

figure bx

As \(\delta (\mathcal {T}_{M}\circ S_{A})\ge \delta _{S}({{\varDelta }} a,\mathcal {T}_{M}({{\varDelta }} b))\ge \delta _{S_{A}}({{\varDelta }} a,{{\varDelta }} b)\) holds for all differences Δa and Δb by the above relation, the property \(\delta (\mathcal {T}_{M}\circ S_{A})\ge \delta (S_{A})\) holds. Therefore, the differential uniformity of an (n, m)-bit S-box with MC k is greater than or equal to the differential uniformity of a suitable (n, k)-bit A-box. The lower bounds of differential uniformity of (n, k)-bit A-boxes become those of S-boxes with MC k.

The differential uniformity of the S-box, which has at least one input difference that induces only one output difference, is 2n. In order to lower the differential uniformity, this input difference must be eliminated. In an A-box, if all AND gates have zero input differences, the differential uniformity becomes 2n. The input differences make a space and we define the space as a complementable space. The word ‘complementable’ is taken from [12].

Lemma 1

Let SA be an (n, k)-bit A-box. Define the set \(\mathcal {C}_{S_{A}}\) of Δa satisfying for all partner vectors to be a complementable space of SA. The complementable space \(\mathcal {C}_{S_{A}}\) has the following properties.

  • For \({{\varDelta }} a\in \mathcal {C}_{S_{A}}\), SA(Δa) = 0(k).

  • For \({{\varDelta }} a\in \mathcal {C}_{S_{A}}\) and , .

  • If there is a nonzero difference in \(\mathcal {C}_{S_{A}}\), then δ(SA) = 2n.


Let Δa be a difference in \(\mathcal {C}_{S_{A}}\) and SA = (fk− 1, ⋯ , f0). From f0(Δa) , we obtain

figure cd

by mathematical induction for all i > 0. Therefore, SA(Δa) = 0(k) holds.

Let and . We use mathematical induction to prove that \(y_{i}^{\prime }=y_{i}\) for all i. In the base step, we obtain \(y_{0}^{\prime }=y_{0}\) through the equation below.

figure cg

In the inductive step, we assume \(y_{i}^{\prime }=y_{i}\) for all i(< t − 1) such that t < k, and we show that \(y_{t}^{\prime }=y_{t}\) through the equation below.

figure ch

This fact indicates that holds, regardless of . Therefore, \(\delta (S_{A})=\delta _{S_{A}}({{\varDelta }} a, 0^{(k)})=2^{n}\). □

We observe how large a k is needed to eliminate all nonzero elements in the complementable space. First, let us define a matrix below.

figure ck

The complementable space \(\mathcal {C}_{S_{A}}\) can be defined as a homogeneous linear system as follows.

figure cl

As k increases by 1, the number of rows in A increases by 2. The size of the solution space of the system A(Δa) = 0(n) is at least 2n− 2k. In order to become \(\mathcal {C}_{S_{A}}=\{0\}\), the number of rows in A must be n or more. Since \(2^{n-2\lfloor \frac {n-1}{2}\rfloor }>1\), an (n, k)-bit A-box with \(k\leq \lfloor \frac {n-1}{2}\rfloor \) holds δ(SA) = 2n by Lemma 1. Therefore, we can derive Theorem 3 as follows.

Theorem 3

Let SA be an (n, k)-bit A-box. If \(k\le \lfloor \frac {n-1}{2}\rfloor \), then δ(SA) = 2n.

Consider an input difference Δa and an output difference Δb that comprise the differential uniformity of an A-box. When an AND gate is added, the best case is that Δa activates the last AND gate and halves the differential uniformity.

Theorem 4

Let SA be an (n, k)-bit A-box. If \(k = \lfloor \frac {n-1}{2}\rfloor +l\), then δ(SA) ≥ 2nl for all l ≥ 0.


We use mathematical induction to prove this theorem from l = 0. By Theorem 3, if \(k= \lfloor \frac {n-1}{2}\rfloor \), then δ(SA) = 2n. Assume that this theorem holds when l = t. Let SA be an (n, k + 1)-bit A-box for \(k=\lfloor \frac {n-1}{2}\rfloor +t\). Then the (n, k)-bit A-box SA|k satisfies δ(SA|k) ≥ 2nt based on the assumption. There are two differences Δa and Δb such that \(\delta _{S_{A}|_{k}}({{\varDelta }} a, {{\varDelta }} b)\ge 2^{n-t}\). We obtain the following equation.

figure cm

Either \(\delta _{S_{A}}({{\varDelta }} a, 0||{{\varDelta }} b)\ge 2^{n-t-1}\) or \(\delta _{S_{A}}({{\varDelta }} a, 1||{{\varDelta }} b)\ge 2^{n-t-1}\) holds by the pigeonhole principle. Thus, we have δ(SA) ≥ 2nt− 1. □

As previously considered, the bound of the A-box becomes the bound of the S-box. Corollary 1 follows from Theorems 1, 3, and 4.

Corollary 1

Let S be an (n, m)-bit S-box. The following properties hold.

  • If \(c_{\wedge }(S)\leq \lfloor \frac {n-1}{2}\rfloor \), then δ(S) = 2n.

  • If \(c_{\wedge }(S)=\lfloor \frac {n-1}{2}\rfloor +l\), then δ(S) ≥ 2nl for l ≥ 0.

3.2 Bounds for linearity

While the theoretical relationship between MC and differential uniformity has not been studied, the theoretical relationship between MC and linearity has been previously studied [10]. Boyar and Find studied the relationship using linear codes and ΣπΣ circuit. To have low linearity, more AND gates must be used than the length of the shortest corresponding linear code. For example, an (n, n)-bit S-box with linearity \(2^{\frac {n-1}{2}}\) should use \(L(n,\frac {n-1}{2})\) or more AND gates in the ΣπΣ circuit, where \(L(n,\frac {n-1}{2})\) is the length of the shortest linear n-dimensional code over with a distance \(\frac {n-1}{2}\). For a sufficiently large n, \(L(n,\frac {n-1}{2})>2.32n\). However, it remains to be determined how large n must be, which makes this result difficult to apply directly to the construction of an S-box in practice. Therefore, we will more clearly present the lower bounds of linearity by MC.

For two maskings and , the linear equation of (n, m)-bit S-box S is followed.


If k < m, the last row of M is a zero row. In this case, it is easily shown that \({\mathscr{L}}_{S}({{\varLambda }} a,{{\varLambda }} b)=2^{n}\) when Λa = 0(n) and Λb = 0(m− 1)||1. The following theorem has been proved.

Theorem 5

Let S be an (n, m)-bit S-box. If c(S) ≤ m − 1, then \({\mathscr{L}}(S)=2^{n}\).

Assume that k = m + l − 1 for l ≥ 1. Then, M is decomposed as follows.

$$ M=\begin{pmatrix} M_{0} & M_{1} \end{pmatrix} $$

where M0 and M1 are m × (m − 1) and m × l partition matrices, respectively. Note that the last row of M0 is a zero row (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3
figure 3

m × k matrix M decomposed by two partition matrices m × (m − 1) M0 and m × l M1

The (6) is expressed by


when Λb = 0(m− 1)||1. We denote the n-variable Boolean function f as . We refer to the following theorem, which is proved in [10].

Theorem 6

Let f be an n-variable Boolean function. Then \({\mathscr{L}}(f)\ge 2^{n-c_{\wedge }(f)}\) [10].

By the definition of A-box, the MC of f is less than or equal to l. This means \({\mathscr{L}}(f)\geq 2^{n-l}\). For such that \({\mathscr{L}}(f)={\mathscr{L}}_{f}({{\varLambda }} a, 1)\), we get

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \mathcal{L}(S)\geq \mathcal{L}_{S}({{\varLambda}} a, 0^{(m-1)}||1)=\mathcal{L}_{f}({{\varLambda}} a, 1)=\mathcal{L}(f)\geq2^{n-l}. \end{array} $$

We have proved Theorem 7.

Theorem 7

Let S be an (n, m)-bit S-box. If c(S) = m + l − 1, then \({\mathscr{L}}(S)\ge 2^{n-l}\) for l ≥ 0.

4 Method for searching for S-boxes with low differential uniformity by MC

In [37], Zajac and Jókay presented an algorithm to construct bijective (4,4)-bit S-boxes with minimal nonlinear gates. Since their method performs an exhaustive search for S-boxes regardless of their cryptographic properties such as differential uniformity and linearity, it would be computationally difficult to apply to search for S-boxes with a size larger than 4 bits. In order to search for S-boxes with a larger size, we focus on the S-boxes with low differential uniformity. We adopt the branch-and-bound technique for our algorithm to investigate S-boxes with larger sizes.

We say that an A-box (or S-box) has a theoretically optimal differential uniformity when its differential uniformity equals the lower bound presented in Corollary 1. That is, the theoretically optimal differential uniformity of an (n, k)-bit A-box is 2nl for \(k=\lfloor \frac {n-1}{2}\rfloor +l\).

The phases for searching the S-box with k nonlinear gates, differential uniformity δ and linearity \({\mathscr{L}}\) are as follows.

Phase 1.:

Find an (n, k)-bit A-box SA with the desired differential uniformity δ.

  1. (a)

    Collect \((n,\lfloor \frac {n-1}{2}\rfloor +1)\)-bit A-boxes with theoretically optimal differential uniformity 2n− 1 (cf. Section 4.1).

  2. (b)

    Extend them to \((n,\lfloor \frac {n-1}{2}\rfloor +l)\)-bit A-boxes with theoretically optimal differential uniformity 2nl, where l > 1 (cf. Algorithm 1 in Section 4.2).

  3. (c)

    Choose \((n,\lfloor \frac {n-1}{2}\rfloor +l)\)-bit A-boxes with the lowest differential uniformity when Phase 1-(b) fails with respect to l. (cf. Section 4.2).

Phase 2.:

Find an m × k matrix M in RREF to make \(\mathcal {T}_{M}\circ S_{A}\) with the desired differential uniformity δ and linearity \({\mathscr{L}}\) (cf. Section 4.3).

Phase 3.:

(Optional) Find an n × n matrix N to make an (n, n)-bit S-box \(\mathcal {T}_{M}\circ S_{A}\oplus \mathcal {T}_{N}\) bijective, where n = m (cf. Section 4.3).

The above process is described in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Constructing an S-box from an A-box

4.1 \((n,\lfloor \frac {n-1}{2}\rfloor +1)\)-bit A-boxes with theoretically optimal differential uniformity 2n− 1

In order to have differential uniformity 2n− 1, the complementable space must be {0}. That is, the rows of matrix A in Section 3.1 span the dimension n. This fact induces the following lemma.

Lemma 2

For \(k=\lfloor \frac {n-1}{2}\rfloor +1\), let SA be an (n, k)-bit A-box. If δ(SA) = 2n− 1, then restricted partner vectors span the dimension n.

If n vectors span dimension n, the vectors are linearly independent. These vectors can be transformed on a standard basis by operating an appropriate matrix. Note Theorem 2. If we compose \(\mathcal {T}_{L}\) on the input of the SA, we can get a linear equivalent A-box that has the matrix-operated partner vectors. Specifically, the restricted partner vector is transformed into for all i ≥ 0. In Lemma 2, if n is even, the restricted partner vectors span the dimension n. All of the n vectors can be transformed on a standard basis through an appropriate \(\mathcal {T}_{L}\). However, if n is odd, the n + 1 vectors span the dimension n, so they are linearly dependent. In this case, it can be resolved by removing the vector that causes the linear dependence. Owing to this difference, the partner vectors have a different form depending on whether n is even or odd.

Theorem 8

Let n = 2p for p > 0. For k = p, let SA be an (n, k)-bit A-box such that δ(SA) = 2n− 1. Then, there is an A-box \(S_{A}^{\prime }\), which is linear equivalent to SA and has a partner tuple such that

figure da

where ei is the n-bit value whose bits are all zeros except for the ith-bit (e.g., e0 = (0, ⋯ , 0, 1)).


Let us define an n × n matrix B as follows using the partner vectors of SA.

figure dc

According to Lemma 2, spans the dimension n and B is invertible. holds for all i(< n), because it is the ith column of the identity matrix. By Theorem 2, the A-box \(S_{A}^{\prime }=S_{A}\circ \mathcal {T}_{B^{-T}}\) is an A-box linear equivalent to SA.

By the same theorem, we know that and . Note that the A-box SA is invariant when and are swapped. We Assume, without loss of generality, for 0 < i < p in integer form. \(S_{A}^{\prime }\) satisfies all required conditions. □

Theorem 9

Let n = 2p + 1 for p > 0. For k = p + 1, let SA be an (n, k)-bit A-box such that δ(SA) = 2n− 1. Then, there is an A-box \(S_{A}^{\prime }\), which is linear equivalent to SA and has a partner tuple such that

figure dl

where is a j-bit string and j is the largest subscript that causes linear dependence for a set of n + 1 vectors: .


As the n + 1 vectors are linearly dependent, there exist some such that


Let cj be the nonzero coefficient with the highest subscript j. We obtain the following:

figure ds

If j is 0, then and y0 = 0. As this induces c(SA) ≤ p − 1, we obtain δ(SA) ≥ 2n+ 1 by Corollary 1. However, this contradicts the assumption. If j = 1, then . When c0 = 0, we have the same case as when j = 0. c0 = 1 makes y0 a linear function, as shown below.

figure dv

This induces c(SA) ≤ p + l − 1 and causes a contradiction, too. Therefore, we have found that j ≥ 2.

are linearly independent because they span the dimension n by Lemma 2. Let us make the following invertible matrix C

figure dx

where ρj(i) = { i for i < j i + 1 for ij. We know that for i(< n). By Theorem 2, \(S_{A}^{\prime }=S_{A}\circ \mathcal {T}_{C^{-T}}\) is an A-box that is linear equivalent to SA. \(S_{A}^{\prime }\) also satisfies the first required condition.

Next, let us see what form becomes. Let for . Then, the property below follows.

figure ec

As the above property must hold for every , we obtain

figure ee

Since j must be the highest subscript in the equation, we get

$$ d_{n-1}=d_{n-2}=\cdots=d_{j}=0. $$


figure ef

As in the previous proof, assuming for ij, j + 1 and 0 < ip, \(S_{A}^{\prime }\) satisfies all required conditions. □

These theorems enable us to significantly reduce the search space for possible \((n,\lfloor \frac {n-1}{2}\rfloor +1)\)-bit A-boxes with differential uniformity 2n− 1 (Fig. 5). Table 3 presents the A-box search space, which excludes duplication, and the number of A-boxes with theoretically optimal differential uniformity.

Fig. 5
figure 5

A-boxes defined by Theorems 8 and 9

Table 3 \((n,\lfloor \frac {n-1}{2}\rfloor +1)\)-bit A-box search

4.2 Extending A-boxes with theoretically optimal differential uniformity by MC

We extend A-boxes by increasing AND gates step by step. Adding one AND gate to an (n, k)-bit A-box is the same as determining two additional partner vectors and . In order to obtain an extended A-box with theoretically optimal differential uniformity, the A-box in a previous step must have theoretically optimal differential uniformity. This condition follows from the below theorem.

Theorem 10

For \(k=\lfloor \frac {n-1}{2}\rfloor +l\), let SA be an (n, k)-bit A-box for l ≥ 0. If δ(SA) = 2nl, then δ(SA|kp) = 2nl+p for all pl.


Note that the A-box SA|kp is constructed by removing the last p-bits (p MSBs) generated from the SA. As SA|kp is an (n, kp)-bit A-box, δ(SA|kp) ≥ 2nl+p holds by Theorem 4. Assume that \(\delta (S_{A}|_{k-p})\gneq 2^{n-l+p}\). There are two differences Δa and Δb such that \(\delta (S_{A}|_{k-p})=\delta _{S_{A}|_{k-p}}({{\varDelta }} a,{{\varDelta }} b)\). According to the definition of an A-box, the following equation holds.

figure ej

Next, we obtain

figure ek

As \(\delta _{S_{A}|_{k-p}}({{\varDelta }} a,{{\varDelta }} b)>2^{n-l+p}\), there is a vector that satisfies

figure em

by the pigeonhole principle. As a result, we have , but this contradicts the assumption. □

Therefore, we can accelerate the investigation by checking whether the differential uniformity of the A-boxes constructed in each step is theoretically optimal.

In Section 4.1, we obtained a set of \((n,\lfloor \frac {n-1}{2}\rfloor +1)\)-bit A-boxes with theoretically optimal differential uniformity 2n− 1. We call this set \(\mathcal {A}\) and refer to A-boxes of \(\mathcal {A}\) as parent nodes. A child node is an A-box with one AND gate added to a parent node. The number of child nodes per parent node is as many as two additional partner vectors and are possible for adding kth AND gate (cf. Fig. 6). To count the number of A-boxes per depth, our algorithm performs a breadth-first search. The detailed process is described in Algorithm 1.

figure eq
Fig. 6
figure 6

A-box extension ((n, k + 1)-bit \(S_{A}^{\prime }\) extended from (n, k)-bit SA)

In the algorithm, the partner vectors and are handled in integer form. There are two reasons why starts at :

  • Since , generality is not lost even if .

  • Since , the case does not need to be investigated.

The number of A-boxes with theoretically optimal differential uniformity at each step is listed in Table 4. For 5-, 6-, and 8-bit sizes, our algorithm shows the following facts. The symbol ‘∗’ means that any number is possible.

  • A (5,∗)-bit S-box with differential uniformity 2 has MC at least 7.

  • A (6,∗)-bit S-box with differential uniformity 4 has MC at least 7.

  • An (8,∗)-bit S-box with differential uniformity 32 has MC at least 7.

Table 4 Number of partner tuples that construct A-boxes with theoretically optimal differential uniformity

This result also shows that Phase 1-(b) can fail. In this case, we chose the A-boxes with the lowest differential uniformity to construct the corresponding S-boxes.

4.3 Construction of S-boxes by A-boxes

Generating the m × k matrix M in RREF is simple. If km, M consists only of pivot columns. The differential uniformity of \(\mathcal {T}_{M}\circ S_{A}\) equals the differential uniformity of SA. The linearity is at most 2n − 1 as per Theorem 7. Let k > m. The columns of M are divided into m pivot columns and km other columns. We randomly select the pivot columns and then randomly generate other columns. After arranging the pivot columns in order of subscript, the other columns are inserted randomly to generate a matrix. When M is generated, we calculate whether the differential uniformity and linearity of \(\mathcal {T}_{M}\circ S_{A}\) are the desired values.

A bijective S-box is more useful than a non-bijective one when it has the same cryptographic properties. In particular, for the efficiency of side-channel masking, it is recommended to use an S-box with low MC as the primitive. For example, the block cipher Pyjamask [24], proposed in the recent NIST lightweight encryption competition, uses small S-boxes of (3,3)-bit and (4,4)-bit sizes to improve the side-channel masking efficiency. Fantomas and Robin [25] proposed LS-designs, which use bijective (8,8)-bit S-boxes generated from an extension structure to reduce the number of nonlinear gates.

Let S be an (n, n)-bit S-box. Note that where N is an n × n matrix. We denote the entry of row i and column j of N by Ni, j. As \(\mathcal {T}_{D}\) is bijective, the expression of S can be transformed as follows.

figure fa

In the equation above, the bijectivity of S is expressed by \(\mathcal {T}_{M}\circ S_{A}\oplus \mathcal {T}_{D}^{-1}\circ \mathcal {T}_{N}\). Finding \(\mathcal {T}_{D}^{-1}\circ \mathcal {T}_{N}\) is the same as finding the n × n matrix, so we can regard it as \(\mathcal {T}_{N}\). Therefore, our goal is to find the \(\mathcal {T}_{N}\) that makes \(\mathcal {T}_{M}\circ S_{A}\oplus \mathcal {T}_{N}\) bijective.

A bijective S-box has the characteristic that any combination of output bits is balanced. The new (n, d)-bit S-box (fσ(d− 1), ⋯ , fσ(0)), generated by choosing d random fi for the bijective (n, n)-bit S-box S = (fn− 1, ⋯ , f0), is balanced (σ is a permutation of ). Let and . Then, for i(< n), zi is as follows:

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} z_{i}=y_{i}\oplus \bigoplus_{j=0}^{n-1} N_{j,i}x_{j} \end{array} $$

We first investigate (Nn− 1, n− 1, ⋯ , Nn− 1,1, Nn− 1, 0) where is balanced. Second, we investigate (Nn− 1, n− 1, ⋯ , Nn− 1,1, Nn− 1, 0) and (Nn− 2, n− 1, ⋯ , Nn− 2,1, Nn− 2, 0) where is balanced. By repeating this process, we can find the N where becomes bijective.

5 Conclusions

In this paper, we proved the theoretical lower bounds of differential uniformity and linearity of S-boxes by MC. We also presented an algorithm to search A-boxes with theoretically optimal differential uniformity by MC. The constructed A-boxes lead to S-boxes through our process. Some of the bijective S-boxes we found have better differential uniformity than those of existing bijective S-boxes with respect to the same nonlinear gates and linearity. Using our process, cryptography designers can make a trade-off between the implementation efficiency and security of the S-box, and they can reduce the complexity of S-box investigation because the minimum MC of the S-box having the desired security is known in advance based on this paper.

In future work, it would be interesting to investigate the following research topics:

  • From a hardware point of view, is there a way to construct A-box to have high security but low AND depth?

  • Is there a better way than a random process to construct S-boxes from a fixed A-box?

  • How does bijectivity theoretically relate to A-boxes?

  • How do the nonlinear gates of an A-box relate to other cryptographic properties such as algebraic degree, fixed points, or other properties?