1 Introduction

We say that a graph is integral if all the eigenvalues of its adjacency matrix are integers. The notion of integral graphs was first introduced by Harary and Schwenk [8]. Bussemaker and Cvetković [5] proved that there are exactly 13 connected cubic integral graphs. The same result was indepedently proved by Schwenk [12] who unlike the effort in Bussemaker and Cvetković [5] avoids the use of computer search to examine all the possibilities. In [3] it is shown that the total number of matrices of integral graphs with n vertices is less than or equal to \(2^{\frac {n(n-1)}{2}-\frac {n}{400}}\) for a sufficiently large n.

Stevanović [14] determined all connected 4-regular integral graphs avoiding ±3 in the spectrum. Sander [11] proved that Sudoku graphs are integral. It is known that the size of a connected k-regular graph with diameter d is bounded above by \(\frac {k(k-1)^{d}-2}{k-2}\) (see, for example, [7]). In [6], it is noted that if the graph is integral then d≤2k because there are at most 2k+1 distinct eigenvalues. Consequently, the upper bound of the size of a connected k-regular integral graph is

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} n\leq \frac{k(k-1)^{2k}-2}{k-2}. \end{array} $$

Let G be a non-trivial group, SG−{1} and S = S −1={s −1sS}. The Cayley graph of G denoted by Cay(G,S) is a graph with vertex set G and two vertices a and b are adjacent if a b −1S. If S generates G then Cay(G,S) is connected. A Cayley graph is simple and vertex transitive. Let G be a group. An element gG is said to be an involution, if its order is 2. The main question that we are concerned here is the following: Which Cayley graphs are integral?

It is clear that if S = G−{1}, then Cay(G,S) is the complete graph with |G| vertices and so it is integral. Klotz and Sander [10] showed that all nonzero eigenvalues of \(\text {Cay}(\mathbb {Z}_{n}, U_{n})\) are integers dividing the value φ(n) of the Euler totient function, where \(\mathbb {Z}_{n}\) is the cyclic group of order n and U n is the subset of all elements of \(\mathbb {Z}_{n}\) of order n. So [13] characterized integral graphs among circulant graphs. Abdollahi and Vatandoost [1; 2], determined integral cubic and tetravalent Cayley graphs on abelian groups. By using a result of Babai [4] which presented the spectrum of a Cayley graph in terms of irreducible characters of the underlying group, we give some results on integral pentavalent Cayley graphs on abelian or dihedral groups.

2 Preliminaries

In this section we give some results which will be used in the next section.


Let Aut(G) denote the automorphism group of G. Also let α∈Aut(G). Then Cay(G,S) is isomorphic to Cay(G,S α ).


It is easy to see that the map ψ:gg α is an isomorphism between two Cayley graphs. □

Proposition 2.1 ([4]).

Let G be a finite group of order n whose irreducible characters (over \(\mathbb {C}\) ) are χ 1 ,…,χ h with respective degrees n 1 ,…n h . Then the spectrum of the Cayley graph Cay(G,S) can be arranged as Λ={λ ijk ∣i=1,…,h;j;k=1,…,n i } such that \(\lambda _{ij1}=\cdots =\lambda _{ijn_{i}}\) (this common value will be denoted by λ ij ) , and

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \lambda_{i1}^{t}+\cdots+\lambda_{in_{i}}^{t}=\sum\limits_{s_{1},{\ldots} ,s_{t} \in S}\chi_{i}\left( {\prod}_{l=1}^{t} s_{l}\right) \end{array} $$

for any natural number t.

Proposition 2.2 ([9]).

Let C n be the cyclic group generated by a of order n. Then the irreducible characters of C n are ρ j (a k )=ω jk , where j,k=0,1,…,n−1.

Proposition 2.3 ([9]).

Let \(G=C_{n_{1}}\times \cdots \times C_{n_{r}}\) and \(C_{n_{i}}=\langle a_{i} \rangle ,\) so that for any i,j∈{1,…,r},(n i ,n j )≠1. If \(\omega _{t}=e^{\frac {2\pi i}{n_{t}}},\) then n 1 …n r irreducible characters of G are

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \rho_{l_{1}{\ldots} l_{r}}(a_{1}^{k_{1}},\ldots, a_{r}^{k_{r}})=\omega_{1}^{l_{1}k_{1}}\omega_{2}^{l_{2}k_{2}}{\ldots} \omega_{r}^{l_{r}k_{r}} \end{array} $$

where l i =0,1,…,n i −1 and i=1,2,…,r.

Proposition 2.4 ([1]).

Let G=〈S〉 be a group ,|G|=n,|S|=2,1∉S=S −1 . Then Cay(G,S) is an integral graph if and only if n∈{3,4,6}.

Proposition 2.5 ([1]).

Let G be the cyclic group 〈a〉,|G|=n>3 and let S be a generating set of G such that |S|=3,S=S −1 and 1∉S. Then Cay(G,S) is an integral graph if and only if n∈{4,6}.

3 Results

Lemma 3.1.

Let G 1 and G 2 be two non-trivial abelian groups and G=G 1 ×G 2 such that X=Cay(G,S) is integral and G=〈S〉, where |S|=5, S=S −1 and 1∉S. Let S 1 ={s 1 ∣(s 1 ,g 2 )∈S,g 2 ∈G 2 }−{1}. Then Cay(G 1 ,S 1 ) is a connected integral graph.


Let χ 0 and ρ 0 be the trivial irreducible characters of G 1 and G 2 , respectively. Let λ i0 and λ i be the eigenvalues of Cay(G,S) and Cay(G 1 ,S 1 ) corresponding to irreducible characters of χ i ×ρ 0 and χ i , respectively. We have |S 1 |∈{1,2,3,4,5}. If |S 1 |=1, then |G 1 |=2 and so Cay(G 1 ,S 1 ) is the complete graph K 2 with two vertices which is an integral graph. By Proposition 2.2,

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \lambda_{io}=\sum\limits_{(g_{1},g_{2})\in S}(\chi_{i}\times \rho_{0})(g_{1}, g_{2}). \end{array} $$

We have the following cases:

Case 1.

If |S 1|=5, then λ i0 = λ i . It follows that Cay(G 1,S 1) is integral.

Case 2.

Let |S 1|=4 and suppose that either S={(a,x),(a −1,x −1),(b,y),(b −1,y −1),(1,z)}, where o(z)=2 or S={(a,x),(b,y),(c,z),(d,w),(1,f)}, where o(a) = o(b) = o(c) = o(d) = o(x) = o(y) = o(z) = o(w) = o(f)=2 or S={(a,x),(b,y),(c,z),(c −1,z −1),(1,f)}, where o(a) = o(b) = o(x) = o(y) = o(f)=2 or S={(a,x),(b,y),(c,z),(c,z −1),(d,w)}, where o(a) = o(b) = o(c) = o(d) = o(x) = o(y) = o(w)=2 or S={(a,x),(a −1,x −1),(b,y),(b,y −1),(c,z)}, where o(b) = o(c) = o(z)=2. Thus either λ i0 = λ i + χ i (1) or λ i0 = λ i + χ i (b), or λ i0 = λ i + χ i (c), respectively. Since 2|χ i (b)−χ i (1) and 2|χ i (c)−χ i (1), χ i (b) and χ i (c) are integers and so Cay(G 1,S 1).

Case 3.

Now assume that |S 1|=3. Then either S={(a,x),(a,x −1),(b,y),(b,y −1),(c,z)}, where o(a) = o(b) = o(c) = o(z)=2 or S={(a,x),(a −1,x −1),(b,y),(b,y −1),(1,z)}, where o(b) = o(z)=2 or S={(a,x),(b,y),(c,z),(c,z −1),(1,w)}, where o(a) = o(b) = o(c) = o(x) = o(y) = o(w)=2 or S={(a,x),(b,y),(c,z),(1,e),(1,f)}, where o(a) = o(b) = o(c) = o(x) = o(y) = o(z) = o(e) = o(f)=2 or S={(a,x),(a −1,x −1),(b,y),(1,e),(1,f)}, where o(b) = o(y) = o(e) = o(f)=2. Therefore either λ i0 = λ i + χ i (b) + χ i (a) or λ i0 = λ i + χ i (b) + χ i (1) or λ i0 = λ i + χ i (c) + χ i (1) or λ i0 = λ i + χ i (1) + χ i (1). So Cay(G 1,S 1) is integral again. We must note that S = S −1 and if the elements e and f are not involutions then again we have the same results.

Case 4.

Finally assume that |S 1|=2. Then either S={(a,x),(a −1,x −1),(1,y),(1,z),(1,w)}, where o(y) = o(z) = o(w)=2 or S={(a,x),(b,y),(1,z),(1,w),(1,r)}, where o(a) = o(b) = o(x) = o(y) = o(z) = o(w) = o(r)=2 or S={(a,x),(b,y),(b,y −1),(1,w),(1,z)}, where o(a) = o(b) = o(x) = o(z) = o(w)=2 or S={(a,x),(a,x −1),(b,y),(b,y −1),(1,z)}, where o(a) = o(b) = o(z)=2. Therefore either λ i0 = λ i + χ i (1) + χ i (1) + χ i (1) or λ i0 = λ i + χ i (b) + χ i (1) + χ i (1) or λ i0 = λ i + χ i (a) + χ i (b) + χ i (1). So Cay(G 1,S 1) is integral again. We must note that S = S −1 and if the elements of the form (1,t), where t∈{y,z,w,r} are not involutions then again we have the same results.

Lemma 3.2.

Let G be the cyclic group 〈a〉,|G|=n>4 and let S be a generating set of G such that |S|=5,S=S −1 and 1∉S. Then a n/2 ∈S. Also let a r ∈S and a t ∈S, where o(a r )=m>2 and o(a t )=n>2. Then we have one of the following cases:

  1. (i)

    (r,n)=1 or (r,n/2)=1;

  2. (ii)

    (t,n)=1 or (t,n/2)=1;

  3. (iii)



Since S = S −1, then S has at least one involution. Thus n is even and a n/2S. Therefore we may assume that S={a r,a r,a t,a t,a n/2}. Suppose on the contrary that none of the above cases happen. So we may suppose that (n/2,r) = d and (n/2,t) = d . Thus \(\langle a^{r}, a^{t}, a^{n/2} \rangle \subseteq \langle a^{d}, a^{d^{\prime }} \rangle \) . Since (t,n/2,r)≠1, it follows that (d,d ) = d ≠1. Thus \(\langle a^{d}, a^{d^{\prime }} \rangle \subseteq \langle a^{d^{\prime \prime }} \rangle \neq G\), a contradiction. □

Theorem 3.1.

Let G be a finite abelian group such that it is not cyclic and let G=〈S〉, where |S|=5, S=S −1 and 1∉S. Also let Cay(G,S) is integral. Then |G|∈{8,16,18,24,32,36,40,48,50,64,72,80,96,100,120,128,144,160,192,200,240, 288}.


Let Cay(G,S) be integral. If all elements of S are involutions, then \(G\cong \mathbb {Z}_{2}^{3}\) or \(\mathbb {Z}_{2}^{4}\) or \(\mathbb {Z}_{2}^{5}\). So |G|=8, 16 or 32. Otherwise \(G=\mathbb {Z}_{m} \times \mathbb {Z}_{n} \times \mathbb {Z}_{2}\) or \(G=\mathbb {Z}_{m} \times \mathbb {Z}_{2} \times \mathbb {Z}_{2} \times \mathbb {Z}_{2}\). First suppose that \(G=\mathbb {Z}_{m} \times \mathbb {Z}_{n} \times \mathbb {Z}_{2}\). By Lemma 3.1, \(\text {Cay}(\mathbb {Z}_{m}, S_{1})\) and \(\text {Cay}(\mathbb {Z}_{n} \times \mathbb {Z}_{2}, S_{2})\) are integral graphs where \(S_{1}=\{s_{1} \in \mathbb {Z}_{m} \mid \exists ~x \in \mathbb {Z}_{n} \times \mathbb {Z}_{2}, (s_{1},x)\in S \}-\{1\}\) and \(S_{2}=\{s_{2} \in \mathbb {Z}_{n} \times \mathbb {Z}_{2} \mid \exists ~ x \in \mathbb {Z}_{m} , (x,s_{2})\in S \}-\{1\}\) . Also since \(\text {Cay}(\mathbb {Z}_{n} \times \mathbb {Z}_{2}, S_{2})\) is integral it follows that \(\text {Cay}(\mathbb {Z}_{n} , S_{2}^{\prime })\) is integer where \(S_{2}^{\prime }=\{s_{2}^{\prime } \in \mathbb {Z}_{n} \mid \exists ~x \in \mathbb {Z}_{2}, (s_{2}^{\prime },x)\in S_{2} \}-\{1\}\).

By Lemmas 2.7 and 2.9 of [1] and Lemma 2.14, Corollary 2.16 of [2], m,n∈{3,4,5,6,8,10,12}. Since (m,n)≠1, we have |G|∈{2×9,2×16,2×18,2×24,2×25,2×32,2×36,2×40,2×48,2×50,2×60,2×64,2×72,2×80,2×96,2×100,2×120,2×144}. Now suppose that \(G=\mathbb {Z}_{m} \times \mathbb {Z}_{2} \times \mathbb {Z}_{2} \times \mathbb {Z}_{2}\). By Lemma 3.1, \(\text {Cay}(\mathbb {Z}_{m}, S_{1})\) is integral where m∈{3,4,5,6,8,10,12}. So |G|∈{2×2×2×3,2×2×2×4,2×2×2×5,2×2×2×6,2×2×2×8,2×2×2×10,2×2×2×12}. Now the proof is complete. □

The following results are the generalization of results obtained recently by Abdollahi and Vatandoost [1; 2].

Lemma 3.3.

Let D 2n =〈a,b∣a n =b 2 = 1,(ab) 2 =1〉,n=2m+1 and Cay(D 2n ,S) be connected integral graph , where S=S −1 and |S|=k. Then −k is the simple eigenvalue of Cay(D 2n ,S) if and only if all of elements of S are of order two.


Let −k be the simple eigenvalue of Cay(D 2n ,S). By Proposition 2.2 and using character table of D 2n , −k is the eigenvalue of Cay(D 2n ,S) corresponding to the irreducible character χ m+1. So all elements of S are in conjugacy class of b. Conversely, if all the elements of S are of order two, then \(S\subseteq \overline {b}\) (the bar indicates conjugacy class). By Proposition 2.2 and using the character table of D 2n , the eigenvalue of Cay(D 2n ,S) corresponding to irreducible character χ m+1 is −k. □

Lemma 3.4.

Let D 2n =〈a,b∣a n =b 2 = 1,(ab) 2 =1〉, n=2m+1 and Cay(D 2n ,S) be integral , where G=〈S〉,|S|=4,S=S −1 and 1∉S. If 3∤n, then Cay(D2n,S) is bipartite.


Let a r ∈S, where 1≤r≤m. Then either S={a r ,a −r ,a s ,a −s }, where 1≤r,s<n or S={a r ,a −r ,a i b,a j b}, where 1≤i,j≤n, 1≤r<n and i≠j. Since X is connected the former case cannot happen. So we may suppose that S={a r ,a −r ,a i b,a j b}. If (r,n)=1, then since n≠3 it implies that \(2~{\cos }\frac {2\pi r}{n}\) is not integer. Let λ 11 and λ 12 be eigenvalues of Cay(D 2n ,S) corresponding to irreducible character χ 1 . By Proposition 2.2 and using character table of D 2n , \(\lambda _{11}+\lambda _{12}=4 ~\cos \frac {2\pi r}{n}\) . This contradicts the fact that Cay(D 2n ,S) is integral. Now let (r,n)≠1. Also let λ 11 and λ 12 be eigenvalues of Cay(D 2n ,S) corresponding to the irreducible character χ 1 . By Proposition 2.2, \(\lambda _{11}+\lambda _{12}=4 ~\cos \frac {2\pi r}{n}\) and \(\lambda _{11}^{2}+\lambda _{12}^{2}=8+4 ~\cos \frac {4\pi r}{n}+4 \cos \frac {2\pi (i-j)}{n}\) . Note that λ 11 and λ 12 are integers. If \(4 \cos \frac {2\pi r}{n}\) is not an integer we have a contradiction. So suppose that \(4 \cos \frac {2\pi r}{n}\) is an integer. Thus we must have i=j, a contradiction. So \(S\subseteq \overline {b}\) and hence −4 is an eigenvalue of Cay(D2n ,S). Therefore Cay(D 2n ,S) is bipartite.

Lemma 3.5.

Let D 2n =〈a,b∣a n =b 2 =1,(ab) 2 =1〉,n=2m+1 and Cay(D 2n ,S) be integral , where G=〈S〉,|S|=5,S=S −1 and 1∉S. If 3∤n, then Cay(D 2n ,S) is bipartite.


Let a rS, where 1≤rn. Then either S={a r,a r,a s,a s,a i b}, where 1≤r,s<n and 1≤in or S={a r,a r,a i b,a j b,a k b}, where 1≤r<n and 1≤i,j,kn. First suppose that S={a r,a r,a s,a s,a i b}. Since Aut (G) acts transitively on involution, by Proposition 2.1, we may suppose that S={a r,a r,a s,a s,b}. Since X is connected, without loss of generality, we may suppose that (r,n)=1. Thus \(\cos \frac {2\pi }{n}r\) is not integral. Let λ 11 and λ 12 be eigenvalues of Cay(D 2n ,S) corresponding to irreducible character χ 1. By Proposition 2.2 and using character table of D 2n , \(\lambda _{11}+\lambda _{12}=4 \cos \frac {2\pi r}{n}+4 \cos \frac {2\pi s}{n}\) . First suppose that \(-\cos \frac {2\pi r}{n}=\cos \frac {2\pi s}{n}\). Therefore \(\cos (\pi +\frac {2\pi r}{n})=\cos \frac {2\pi s}{n}\) and so 2π s=2k π n±(n π+2π r), a contradiction. Now suppose that \(-\cos \frac {2\pi r}{n}\neq \cos \frac {2\pi s}{n}\). Since \(\cos \frac {2\pi }{n}r\) is not integral and λ 11 + λ 12 is integral, we have a contradiction. □

ᅟ Character table of D 2n , n=2m+1 odd.

Now suppose that S={a r,a r,a i b,a j b,a k b}. If (r,n)=1, then since n ≠ 3 it implies that \(2 \cos \frac {2\pi }{n}r\) is not an integer. Let λ 11 and λ 12 be eigenvalues of Cay(D 2n ,S) corresponding to irreducible character χ 1. By Proposition 2.2 and using character table of D 2n , \(\lambda _{11}+\lambda _{12}=4 \cos \frac {2\pi r}{n}\). This contradicts the fact that Cay(D 2n ,S) is integral. Now let (r,n)≠1. Also let λ 11 and λ 12 be eigenvalues of Cay(D 2n ,S) corresponding to irreducible character χ 1. Since 3∤n, with similar arguments we have a contradiction. So \(S\subseteq \overline {b}\) and hence −5 is an eigenvalue of Cay(D 2n ,S). Therefore Cay(D 2n ,S) is bipartite.