1 Introduction

All groups considered will be finite. We use conventional notions and notation, as in Huppert [10]. Throughout this article, G stands for a finite group and π(G) denotes the set of primes dividing |G|. Notation and basic results in the theory of formations are taken mainly from Doerk and Hawkes [6].

Recall that a subgroup H of a group G is called c-supplemented (c-normal, weakly c-normal, respectively) in G if there exists a subgroup (normal subgroup, subnormal subgroup, respectively) K of G such that G=H K and HKH G , where H G =Core G (H) is the largest normal subgroup of G contained in H (see [3; 15; 17]). Following Li [12], a subgroup R of G is called a NE-subgroup of G if R GN G (R)=R. In the recent years, there has been much interest in investigating the influence of NE-subgroups of prime order and cyclic subgroups of order 4 on the structure of the groups. In [4], Bianchi et al. introduced the concept of a \(\mathcal {H}\)-subgroup and investigated the influence of \(\mathcal {H}\)-subgroups on the structure of a group G: a subgroup H of G is said to be a \(\mathcal {H}\)-subgroup of G if N G (H)∩H gH for all gG. Asaad [1] described the groups, all of whose certain subgroups of prime power orders are \(\mathcal {H}\)-subgroups. Clearly an NE-subgroup is an \(\mathcal {H}\)-subgroup in G. The converse is not true in general (see [13]).

The aim of this paper is threefold. First, we introduce a new concept called N E -subgroup which covers properly the notion of NE-subgroup (see Definition 1.1 and Example 1.2 below). Our second aim is to characterize the structure of a group G with the requirement that certain subgroups of G possess the N E -property. We state our results in the broader context of formation theory and only consider the conditions on minimal subgroups of G (dropping the assumption that every cyclic subgroup of order 4 is an N E -subgroup). Our final aim is to investigate the structure of groups G with the property that all the cyclic subgroups of prime order or order 4 of G satisfy the N E -property. We first introduce the following concept:


A subgroup H of a finite group G is said to be an N E -subgroup of G if there exists a subnormal subgroup T of G such that G=H T and HT is an NE-subgroup of G.

It is clear that NE-subgroups are N E -subgroups but the converse is not true in general.

Example 1.2.

G=S 4, the symmetric group of degree 4, and L=A 4, the alternating group of degree 4. Clearly, G=LH, where H=〈(13)〉. Observe that HA 4=1, this yields that H is an N E -subgroup of G by Definition 1.1. Now H (12)(34)=〈(24)〉≤N G (H) and (12)(34)∉N G (H) show that H is not an NE-subgroup of G.

Buckley [5] proved that a finite group of odd order, all of whose minimal subgroups are normal is supersolvable. We prove the following theorem which is an improvement of a recent result due to Asaad and Ramadan (see Theorem 1.1 of [2]). Hence, Q 8 will denote the quaternion group of order 8 and a group G is called Q 8-free if no quotient group of any subgroup of G is isomorphic to Q 8. Throughout this paper, \(\mathcal {U}\) will denote the class of all supersolvable groups. Clearly, \(\mathcal {U}\) is a formation. The \(\mathcal {U}\)-hypercentre \(Z_{\mathcal {U}}(G)\) of G is the product of all normal subgroups H of G such that each chief factor of G below H has prime order.

Theorem 1.3.

Let G be Q 8 -free and let P be a nontrivial normal p-subgroup of G. If all minimal subgroups of P are NE -subgroups of G, then \(P \leq Z_{\mathcal {U}}(G)\) , where \(\mathcal {U}\) is the formation of all supersolvable groups.

Theorem 1.3 may be false if we drop the first condition. The following example shows the necessity of the ‘ Q 8-free’ hypothesis in Theorem 1.3.

Example 1.4.

Let G be the semidirect product of the quaternion group P of order 8 and the cyclic group 〈c〉 of order 9, where P=〈a,b|a 4=1,b 2=a 2,a b=a −1〉, which is isomorphic to Q 8 and c acts on P or equivalently, c is the automorphism of order 3 of G given by a c=b,b c=a b. Thus G=P⋊〈c〉 is a group of order 23⋅32. We obtain that there are only two minimal subgroups, i.e., 〈a 2〉 and 〈c 3〉 in G, and the centre of G is Z(G)=〈a 2〉×〈c 3〉 (see p. 292 of [14]). Thus all minimal subgroups of G are normal and hence are certainly N E -subgroups of G. Note that the chief series of G containing P is \(1\lhd Z(P)\lhd P\lhd (P\times \langle c^{3}\rangle ) \lhd G\). This yields that \(P \not \leq Z_{\mathcal {U}}(G)\).

Li showed that if every minimal subgroup of G is an NE-subgroup of G, then G is solvable (see Theorem 1(b) of [12]). The following theorem shows that this result remains true if, in Theorem 1 of [12], we consider N E -subgroups instead of NE-subgroups.

Theorem 1.5.

If all minimal subgroups of a group G are NE -subgroups of G, then G is solvable.

Recall that a p-group G is called ultra-special if G =Φ(G)=Z(G)=Ω1(G). For any group G, F (G) denotes the generalized fitting subgroup: the set of all elements g of G which induce inner automorphisms on every chief factor of G. The following new characterizations of groups involve the requirement that certain minimal subgroups of F (H) possess the N E -property.

Theorem 1.6.

Let \(\mathcal {F}\) be a saturated formation containing all supersolvable groups and let H be a normal subgroup of G such that \(G/H\in \mathcal {F}\). If all minimal subgroups of F (H) are NE -subgroups of G, then either \(G\in \mathcal {F}\) or G contains a minimal non-nilpotent subgroup K with the following properties:

  1. (1)

    K has a nontrivial normal Sylow 2-subgroup, say K 2;

  2. (2)

    K 2 ≤O 2 (H),|K 2 |=2 3s , and |Φ(K 2)|=2s , where s≥1;

  3. (3)

    K 2 is ultra-special, that is, \(K_{2}^{\prime } ={\Phi } (K_{2}) = Z(K_{2}) = {\Omega }_{1}(K_{2});\)

  4. (4)

    If p is the odd prime dividing |K|, then p divides 2 s+1.

As an easy consequence of Theorem 1.6, we obtain the following result.


Let \(\mathcal {F}\) be a saturated formation containing all supersolvable groups and let H be a normal subgroup of a group G such that \(G/H\in \mathcal {F}\). Let F (H) be of even order and let S be a Sylow 2-subgroup of F (H). Further, assume that every minimal subgroup of F (H) is an N E -subgroup of G. Then \(G\in \mathcal {F}\) if one of the following conditions holds:

  1. (1)


  2. (2)

    For all primes p dividing |G| and all s≥1, we have that p does not divide 2s+1.

Theorems 1.5 and 1.6 are not true if the hypothesis of the N E -condition on minimal subgroups of G (respectively of F (H)) is replaced by just the condition on minimal subgroups of noncyclic Sylow subgroups of G (respectively of F (H)). For example, the group G:=S L(2,5) shows these facts: the only Sylow subgroups of G which are noncyclic are the Sylow 2-subgroups, which are quaternion groups. Then the only minimal subgroup under consideration would be the centre Z(G) of the group, which is normal. It is clear that Z(G) satisfies the N E -condition in G.

Using Theorems 1.5 and 1.6, we can derive the following results.

Theorem 1.8.

Let \(\mathcal {F}\) be a saturated formation containing all supersolvable groups and let H be a normal subgroup of G such that \(G/H\in \mathcal {F}\) . If all minimal subgroups and cyclic subgroups of order 4 of F (H) are NE -subgroups of G, then \(G\in \mathcal {F}\).

Theorem 1.9.

Assume that every minimal subgroup of a group G is an NE -subgroup of G. Then either G is supersolvable or G is solvable, \(G_{2^{\prime }}\) is supersolvable and \(G_{2^{\prime }}/C_{G_{2^{\prime }}}(O_{2}(G))\) is abelian for any Hall 2 -subgroup \(G_{2^{\prime }}\) of G.

Theorem 1.8 is an improvement of Theorem 4.2 of Li in [13]. We do not know whether can be extended by considering minimal subgroups and cyclic subgroups of order 4 of only noncyclic Sylow subgroups of F (H).

It is natural to ask the question: are there differences between both N E -subgroups and weakly c-normal subgroups? For any subgroup H of a finite group G, it follows that every weakly c-normal subgroup is an N E -subgroup. Here we give an explanation. Let H be a weakly c-normal subgroup of G. Then there exists a subnormal subgroup K of G such that G=H K and HKH G . Let K 1=H G K, applying Wielandt’s results (see [16]), we have K 1=〈H G ,K〉 is a subnormal subgroup of G. Since G=H K 1 and HK 1=H G (HK)=H G , so HK 1 is normal in G. Thus H is an N E -subgroup of G. In general, if R is an N E -subgroup of G, R is not necessary to be weakly c-normal in G (see Example 1.10 below). But if H is an N E -subgroup contained in a normal nilpotent subgroup K of G, then it is true that H is weakly c-normal in G (see Lemma 2.2).

Example 1.10.

Let G=A 5 and H=A 4, the alternating subgroups with degree 5 and 4, respectively. Then G=H G and H GN G (H)=H. Thus H is a N E -subgroup of G but not weakly c-normal in G.

Example 1.11.

Let G=A 5, the alternating group of degree 5, and H a Sylow 5-subgroup. Noting that G is a nonabelian simple group, we get that H GN G (H)=N G (H) of order 10. Hence H is neither an N E -subgroup nor a weakly c-normal subgroup of G.

2 Preliminaries

In this section, we state some lemmas which are useful.

Lemma 2.1.

Let K and H be subgroups of a group G.

  1. (1)

    If H≤K and H is an NE-subgroup of G, then H is an NE-subgroup of K.

  2. (2)

    If H is a subnormal subgroup of K and H is an NE-subgroup of G, then H is normal in K.


See Lemmas 1 and 4 of [12]. □

Lemma 2.2.

Let K and H be subgroups of a group G.

  1. (1)

    If H≤K and H is a NE -subgroup of G, then H is a NE -subgroup of K.

  2. (2)

    If H is a NE -subgroup that is contained in a normal nilpotent subgroup K, then H is weakly c-normal in G.


  1. (1)

    Since H is an N E -subgroup of G, there exists a subnormal subgroup L of G such that G=H L and HL is an NE-subgroup of G. It follows that K=KH L=H(KL) and KL is subnormal in K (see [16]). This implies that HL is an NE-subgroup of K by Lemma 2.1(1). So claim (1) holds.

  2. (2)

    Clearly H is subnormal in G. Since H is an N E -subgroup of G, there exists a subnormal subgroup L of G such that G=H L and HL is a NE-subgroup of G. It follows that the intersection HL is a subnormal subgroup of G. Therefore it follows immediately from Lemma 2.1(2) that HL is normal in G. Thus HLH G holds.

Lemma 2.3.

Let S be a nontrivial 2-group and let H be a nontrivial group of automorphisms of S fixing the involutions of S. If H is cyclic of odd order and H acts irreducibly on S/Φ(S), then |S|=23s,|Φ(S)|=2s, where s≥1,S is ultra-special and |H| divides 2 s+1.


See Theorems 1.3 and 2.2 of [9]. □

Lemma 2.4.

Let S be a nontrivial 2-group and let H be a nontrivial group of automorphisms of S fixing the involutions of S. If 2 does not divide |H|, then H is abelian.


See Theorem 4.4 of [9]. □

3 Proofs

Proof of Theorem 1.3.

We prove the theorem by induction on |G|+|P|. Suppose, first, that p>2. Then by Lemma 2.2(2), the condition that every minimal subgroup of P is N E -subgroup of G implies that every minimal subgroup of P is weakly c-normal in G. In particular, every minimal subgroup of P is c-supplemented in G. Hence we conclude that \(P \leq Z_{\mathcal {U}}(G)\) by Theorem 1.1 of [2]. Thus we may assume that p=2. If every minimal subgroup H of P is normal in G, then H Q=H×Q for any Sylow q-subgroup Q of G, where q is an odd prime. This implies that Ω1(P)≤C G (Q). Since G is Q 8-free, by Lemma 2.15 of [7], we obtain that QC G (P), yielding that G/C G (P) is a p-group. This means that \(P \leq Z_{\mathcal {U}}(G)\), as claimed. Then we may assume that P has a minimal subgroup H such that H is not normal in G, which implies that H is a N E -subgroup of G. It follows that there exists a subnormal subgroup K of G such that G=H K and HK is a NE-subgroup of G. Assume HK≠1, G=K and so H is a NE-subgroup and, of course, a \(\mathcal {H}\)-subgroup. Since H is a subnormal subgroup of G, it follows that \(H \lhd G\) by Lemma 2.1, a contradiction. Hence we conclude that HK must be 1. Let L=PK. Since K is a maximal subgroup of G, we conclude that the subnormal subgroup K of G is normal in G. Thus \(L=P \cap K\lhd G\). Because HP, Dedekind’s law implies P=H L. By our hypothesis, every minimal subgroup of L is a N E -subgroup of G. Therefore, \(L \leq Z_{\mathcal {U}}(G)\) by induction. Observe that if P/L is normal in G/L with order p then \(P/L \leq Z_{\mathcal {U}}(G/L)\). So \(L\leq Z_{\mathcal {U}}(G)\), yielding \(Z_{\mathcal {U}}(G/L) = Z_{\mathcal {U}}(G)/L\), which implies that \(P\leq Z_{\mathcal {U}}(G)\) and the proof is complete. □

Proof of Theorem 1.5.

Assume that the theorem is false and let G be a counterexample of minimal order. Then:

  1. (1)

    Every proper subgroup of G is solvable. Let T be a proper subgroup of G. By Lemma 2.2(1), every minimal subgroup of T is a N E -subgroup of T, and so T satisfies the hypothesis of G. The minimal choice of G yields that T is solvable.

  2. (2)

    G/Φ(G) is a minimal simple group. By (1), G has a nontrivial maximal normal solvable subgroup, say M. Clearly, Φ(G) is a subgroup of M. We shall show that Φ(G)=M. Because otherwise we have M≦̸Φ(G), and we can conclude that there exists a maximal subgroup N of G such that G=M N and consequently G is solvable by (1), a contradiction. Thus the subgroup Φ(G) is the unique maximal subgroup of G, and so G/Φ(G) is a minimal simple group.

  3. (3)

    Φ(G) is a 2-group. By (2), applying Thompson’s classification of minimal simple groups, we obtain that G/Φ(G) is isomorphic to one of the following groups:

    1. (i)

      P S L(3,3);

    2. (ii)

      the Suzuki group S z (2q), where q is an odd prime;

    3. (iii)

      P S L(2,p), where p is an odd prime with p 2≡1(mod 5);

    4. (iv)

      P S L(2,2q), where q is a prime;

    5. (v)

      P S L(2,3q), where q is an odd prime.

    Using this result, we shall show that Φ(G) is a 2-group. Let K be the 2-complement of Φ(G), then \(K\lhd G\) and K is nilpotent. We wish to show, first, that KZ(G). Let p be a prime dividing |K| and let P∈ Syl p (K). It is clear that P is normal in G. By hypothesis, every subgroup L of order p in P is a N E -subgroup of G. It follows that there exists a subnormal subgroup T of G such that G=L T and LT is a NE-subgroup of G. If LT=1, then G has a subgroup T of index p. Since T is a maximal subgroup of G and T is a subnormal subgroup of G, we have \(T\lhd G\). Thus G is solvable by (1), a contradiction. So LT=L and so T=G. This implies that L is a NE-subgroup of G, and is normal in G by Lemma 2.1(2). Assume that L≦̸Z(G). Then C G (L) is a proper subgroup and so C G (L)≤Φ(G) by simplicity of G/Φ(G). This implies that G/C G (L) is cyclic and so G is solvable, a contradiction. Consequently, each subgroup of P of order p lies in the centre Z(G). Consider the group D=S P, where S is a Sylow 2-subgroup of G. It follows from It\(\hat {\mathrm {o}}^{\prime }\)s lemma (see Chapter IV, Satz 5.5 of [10]) that D is p-nilpotent, and hence, D is nilpotent. Thus \(S\leq C_{G}(P)\lhd G\). Applying the simplicity of G/Φ(G) again, we can conclude that PZ(G). Next, we denote by S 0 a Sylow 2-subgroup of Φ(G), and consider the group \(\overline {G} = G/S_{0}\). Since KZ(G), we have that G/Z(G)≅G/Φ(G) and \(\overline {G}\) is a quasisimple group with the centre of odd order. By checking the table on Schur multipliers of the known simple groups (see p. 302 of [8]), we can conclude that the Schur multiplier of each of the minimal simple groups is a 2-group. It follows that \( Z(\overline {G})\) must be 1, and therefore Φ(G) is a 2-group.

  4. (4)

    Let R be a Sylow r-subgroup of G, where r>2. Then there exists a subgroup L of order r such that L is not normal in G. Obviously, C G 1(R))<G, because otherwise we would have Ω1(R)≤Z(G) and so G would be r-nilpotent by Chapter IV, Satz 5.5 of [10]. It follows that G is solvable by (1), a contradiction. Then Ω1(R) is solvable by (1). Assume that every minimal subgroup of R is normal in G. Then we can conclude that Ω1(R) is an elementary abelian normal subgroup of G and every chief factor of G which lies below Ω1(R) is cyclic of order r, which implies that \({\Omega }_{1}(R)\leq Z_{\mathcal {U}}(G)\). It follows that G/C G 1(R)) is supersolvable by Chapter IV, Theorem 6.10 of [6] and so G is solvable, a contradiction. Thus there exists a subgroup L of order r such that L is not normal in G.

  5. (5)

    Let \(\overline {G}=G/{\Phi } (G)\). Then 3 does not divide \( |\overline {G}|\). Assume that 3 divides \( |\overline {G}|\). Then G has a subgroup L of order 3 such that L is not normal in G by (4). By hypothesis, L is a N E -subgroup of G. It follows that there exists a subnormal subgroup T of G such that G=L T and LT is a NE-subgroup of G. If LT=1, consequently G has a subgroup T of index 3. Since T is a maximal subgroup of G, we conclude that the subnormal subgroup T of G is normal in G. Thus G is solvable by (1), a contradiction. So assume for the rest of this paragraph that LT. Clearly L is a NE-subgroup of G, which implies that L GN G (L)=L and so L is a Sylow subgroup of L G. By the Frattini argument, we can conclude that G=N G (L)L G. Moreover L G is a Frobenius group with complement L. Let N be the kernel of L G. Then N is nilpotent and so normal in G. Hence G=N G (L)N, which means that G is solvable, a contradiction. Thus 3 does not divide \( |\overline {G}|\).

  6. (6)

    Completing the proof. By (1), (2), and (5), \(\overline {G}\) is a minimal simple group, \((3, |\overline {G}|)=1\). It follows by [ citeyearCR10, II, Bemerkung 7.5], that \(\overline {G}\) is isomorphic to the Suzuki group S z (2q), where q is odd. However |S z (2q)|≡0 (mod 5) by Chapter XI, Remarks 3.7(b) of [11] and so 5 divides \( |\overline {G}|\). Therefore \(\overline {G}\) has a subgroup of index 5 by a discussion similar to (5) above. This implies that \(\overline {G}\) is isomorphic to a subgroup of S 5, the symmetric group on five letters. Since 3 does not divide \( |\overline {G}|\) by (5), it implies that |π(G)|=2 because Φ(G) is a 2-group by (3) and so G is solvable, a final contradiction.

Proof of Theorem 1.6.

Suppose that the result is false and let G be a counterexample of a minimal order. Then:

  1. (1)

    F (H)=F(H). By Lemma 2.2, every minimal subgroup of F (H) is a N E -subgroup of F (H). Then F (H) is solvable by Theorem 1.5. It follows that F (H)=F(H) by Chapter X, Theorem 13.13 of [11].

  2. (2)

    F(H) is of even order. Otherwise, F(H) is of odd order. Theorem 1.3 implies that \(F(H)\leq Z_{\mathcal {U}}(G)\). Since \(\mathcal {U}\subseteq \mathcal {F}\) and \(\mathcal {U}\) and \(\mathcal {F}\) are saturated formations, it follows that \( Z_{\mathcal {U}}(G)\leq Z_{\mathcal {F}}(G)\) by Proposition 3.11 of [6]. Then we can conclude that \(F(H)\leq Z_{\mathcal {F}}(G)\) and hence \(G/C_{G}(F(H))\in {\mathcal {U}}\) by [6, IV, Theorem 6.10]. Moreover, since \(G/H\in {\mathcal {U}}\) by our hypothesis, it follows that \(G/C_{H}(F(H))\in {\mathcal {U}}\). By Chapter X, Theorem 13.12 of [11], we get that C H (F (H))≤F(H) and C H (F(H))≤F(H) since F (H)=F(H) by (1). Then \(G/F(H)\in {\mathcal {F}}\) and since \(F(H)\leq Z_{\mathcal {F}}(G)\), it follows that \(G \in {\mathcal {F}}\), a contradiction. This proves (2).

  3. (3)

    There exists a Sylow subgroup P of G such that O 2(H)P is not 2-nilpotent, where |O 2(H)| and |P| are co-prime. If not, O 2(H)≤Z (G), where Z (G) is the hypercentre of G. Since \(Z_{\infty }(G)\leq Z_{\mathcal {U}}(G)\), it follows that \(O_{2}(H)\leq Z_{\mathcal {U}}(G)\). Applying Theorem 1.3, we get that every Sylow subgroup of F(H) of odd order lies in \( Z_{\mathcal {U}}(G)\) and hence \(F(H)\leq Z_{\mathcal {U}}(G)\). By a discussion similar to Step (2), noting that \(Z_{\mathcal {U}}(G)\leq Z_{\mathcal {F}}(G)\), it follows that \(G \in {\mathcal {F}}\), a contradiction. Therfore there exists a Sylow subgroup P of G such that O 2(H)P is not 2-nilpotent, where (|O 2(H)|,|P|)=1.

  4. (4)

    Completing the proof. By (3), it is clear that O 2(H)P contains a minimal non-2-nilpotent subgroup, say K. By Chapter IV, Satz 5.4 of [10], we have that K is a minimal non-nilpotent subgroup of G. Applying Chapter III, Satz 5.2 of [10] we can conclude that K has a normal Sylow 2-subgroup K 2 and a cyclic Sylow p-subgroup K p , for a prime p≠2. Clearly K p fixes the involutions of K 2, because otherwise we get that K p is normal in K, a contradiction. Moreover K p acts irreducibly on K 2/Φ(K 2). It follows by Lemma 2.3 that |K 2|=23s and Φ(|K 2|)=2s, where s≥1,K 2 is ultra-special and \(K_{p}/C_{K_{p}}(K_{2})\) divides 2s+1. This is a final contradiction and the proof is complete.

Proof of Theorem 1.8.

Suppose that the result is false. By Theorem 1.6, there exists a minimal non-nilpotent subgroup K of G satisfying the properties (1), (2) and (3). For every cyclic subgroup L of K 2 of order 4, since K 2 is ultra-special, it follows that L≦̸Z(K 2)=Ω1(K 2) and consequently K 2≦̸C K (L). If C K (L) is normal in K, it follows that K p is normal in K, where K p is a Sylow p-subgroup of K and p>2, a contradiction. Thus C K (L) is not normal in K and so L is not normal in K. We may conclude, by our assumptions, that L is a N E -subgroup of G and so L is a N E -subgroup of K. Then there exists a subnormal subgroup K 1 of K such that K=L K 1 and LK 1 is a NE-subgroup of G. Since L is not normal and K is a minimal non-nilpotent group, it follows that if K 1 is a proper subgroup of K, then the fact that K p char K 1 and \(K_{1}\lhd K\) would imply that K p is subnormal in K. Since K p is a subnormal Hall-subgroup of K, K p is normal in K, a contradiction. This means that K 1=K and hence L is a NE-subgroup of G. Thus, by Theorem 4.2 of [13], we get that G belongs to \(\mathcal {F}\). This is a final contradiction and the proof is complete. □

Proof of Theorem 1.9.

Theorem 1.5 immediately yields the solvability of G. Let \(G_{2^{\prime }}\) be a Hall 2-subgroup of G. It follows by Lemma 2.2 and Theorem 1.6 that \(G_{2^{\prime }}\) is supersolvable. Hence, if G has odd order, then G is supersolvable and we are done. Assume that 2 divides the order of G and that O 2(G) is nontrivial. Then if \(G_{2^{\prime }}\) centralizes the involutions of O 2(G), then Lemma 2.4 implies that \(G_{2^{\prime }}/C_{G_{2^{\prime }}}(O_{2}(G))\) is abelian. Hence we may assume that there exists an involution xO 2(G) which is not centralized by G, which implies that 〈x〉 is not normal in G. Noting that 〈x〉 is a N E -subgroup of G, we deduce that G=〈xK for some subnormal subgroup K of G such that 〈x〉∩K is a NE-subgroup of G. If 〈x〉∩K=〈x〉 and so K=G. This implies that 〈x〉 is a NE-subgroup of G, and so normal in G by Lemma 2.1(2), a contradiction. Thus 〈x〉∩K must be 1, and so \(K\lhd G\) since |G:K|=2. It follows that \(G_{2^{\prime }}\) is a Hall 2-subgroup of K because \(G_{2^{\prime }}\leq K\). It follows that \( [O_{2}(G),G_{2^{\prime }}]\leq O_{2}(G)\cap K=O_{2}(K)\). If we argue by the induction on the order of G, we can deduce by inductive hypothesis that \( [O_{2}(G),(G_{2^{\prime }})^{\prime }, (G_{2^{\prime }})^{\prime }]\leq [O_{2}(K),(G_{2^{\prime }})^{\prime }]=1\). This means that \([O_{2}(G),(G_{2^{\prime }})^{\prime }]=1\) by co-prime action. So \(G_{2^{\prime }}/C_{G_{2^{\prime }}}(O_{2}(G))\) is abelian and the proof is complete. □