
Accurate rainfall prediction leads to not only better prevention of disasters in the event of flood, but also proper management of water, agricultural and aquatic ecosystems, and drought. While low rainfall results in drought, heavy rainfall increases the probability of landslides, floods, and other natural disasters. It is expected that the recent rise in the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide and the consequent increase in the global temperature will have a substantial impact on the rainfall pattern on local, regional, and global scales (Wang et al. 2013; Adefisan 2018; Zhu et al. 2022a,b). Since rainfall patterns are highly chaotic, the level of uncertainty in its prediction increases. Therefore, early warning systems should enjoy greater accuracy so that risks to life and property can be reduced, if not averted. Rainfall occurrences mainly depend on several meteorological variables including evaporation, maximum relative humidity, minimum relative humidity, maximum temperature, minimum temperature, sunshine hours, and wind speed (Zhao et al. 2021a,b).

Near real-time rainfall prediction is generally done through physical/numerical models, which are developed based on dynamical equations. These models facilitate acquiring extensive information about time and space (Toth et al. 2000; Liu et al. 2022a, b). Nevertheless, requiring a significant amount of data with high resolution for physical/numerical modeling and their time-consuming implementation are the major drawbacks of the mentioned models. To overcome these obstacles, attempts have been made to develop statistical formulae in conjunction with statistical models for a more efficient rainfall prediction based on historical data. The autoregressive time-series prediction methods like autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) and multiple linear regression (MLR), which have been applied to many different fields of study (Delleur and Kavvas 1978; Yevjevich 1987; Zhang et al. 2019a, b, 2022; Osouli et al. 2022). However, these models are not robust or flexible enough to predict complicated and chaotic phenomena like rainfall.

So far, different types of machine learning (ML) models have drawn the attention of many researchers around the world. These models enjoy the following advantages: nonlinear structure, ability to model nonlinear phenomena, requiring small input datasets, user-friendliness, and ability to find a relationship between input and output variables to predict the target variable (Elbaz et al. 2019, 2020; Khosravi et al. 2021, 2022a,b; Liu et al. 2020). Artificial neural networks (ANN) are derived from the pioneering ML models whose applicability to rainfall forecasting is not much prevalent (e.g., Luk et al. 2000; Aksoy and Dahamsheh 2009; Samantaray et al. 2020, among others), although they have been found relevant to fields of geoscience (Ghumman et al. 2011; Oyebode and Stretch, 2019; Kadam et al. 2019). Generally, ANN model has low generalization power and low convergence speed (Aksoy and Dahamsheh 2009; Wang et al. 2021; Quan et al. 2022). To overcome these shortcomings, ANN have been integrated with fuzzy logic to develop neuro-fuzzy interface systems (ANFISs). Although ANFIS benefits from both ANN and fuzzy logic and has higher performance and generalization power, determining the weights of membership functions is still a challenging task in these cases. Other alternatives such as support vector machine (SVM) (Nhu et al. 2019), gene expression programming (GEP) (Sheikh Khozani et al. 2017), and extreme learning machine (ELM) (Atiquzzaman and Kandasamy 2018; Zhao et al. 2021a, b, c; Wang et al. 2022) have also been applied in recent years.

Recently, to enhance the prediction accuracy of the models through data pre- or post-processing approaches, ML ensemble algorithms have been developed by integrating two or more types of models (e.g., Zhang et al. 2019a, b; Xie et al. 2021a, b) to increase the modeling performance, thus benefiting from multiple advantages of two model types at the same time. An ensemble predictive model was developed by Sivapragasam et al. (2001) for one-day-ahead forecasting using SVM and singular spectrum analysis models. They employed singular spectrum analysis in order to disintegrate rainfall data for training SVM through a supervised approach. The authors argued that the ensemble algorithm of the singular spectrum analysis-SVM model could outperform nonlinear prediction methods. Similarly, Chau and Wu (2010) revealed the higher predictive power of the singular spectrum analysis-SVM than the traditional ANN model. Wu et al. (2010) reported that particle swarm optimization (PSO) as a metaheuristic algorithm could enhance the performance of the standalone SVM model. While most of the neuron-based algorithms suffer from inadequate accuracy in determining the weights of membership functions, metaheuristic algorithms are able to determine accurate weights automatically. Kisi and Shiri (2011) examined the efficiency of the ensemble-based wavelet-GEP algorithm in predicting daily rainfall and compared it with a hybrid wavelet-neuro-fuzzy method in terms of predictive power. The performance of the wavelet-GEP was reported better than that of the neuro-fuzzy method. Yaseen et al. (2019) used a hybrid ANFIS model with three metaheuristic algorithms, namely PSO, genetic algorithm (GA), and differential evolution (DE), for monthly rainfall prediction. Finally, the performance of the hybrid ANFIS model was compared with that of the standalone ANFIS model. The results revealed that all the hybrid models outperformed the standalone model.

All in all, these studies have illustrated the necessity of using hybrid models for precise forecasting of long-term rainfall. However, despite their complicated structures, these models are of higher accuracy than standalone models in most cases. Accordingly, there is an ongoing effort to increase their modeling accuracy and reduce their complexity. Ridwan et al. (2021) compared Bayesian linear regression (BLR), boosted decision tree regression (BDTR), decision forest regression (DFR), and neural network regression (NNR) in terms of rainfall prediction accuracy in Malaysia. They found that monthly dataset facilitated higher prediction accuracy than daily and weekly datasets and revealed that BDTR model had favorable performance in most cases.

In recent years, advanced ML models in combination with sequential minimal optimization (SMO) have successfully been applied for regression and classification purposes in different fields of science. For example, Hashmi et al. (2015) compared model tree with SMO in terms of predicting the minimum surface roughness value and indicated the high predictive power of both algorithms. Gao et al. (2019) successfully employed SMO algorithm for designing energy-efficient residential buildings.

In this paper, standalone SMO algorithms as well as three new hybrid models developed through effective integration of additive regression (AR), Dagging (DA), and random committee (RC) algorithms (i.e., AR-SMO, DA-SMO, and RC-SMO) are presented for rainfall prediction. As stated in the literature review, although there are many applicable models for rainfall prediction, most of them are classified as traditional with high uncertainty in performance. In the present study, authors tried to boost the accuracy of new ML models through hybridization and apply them to rainfall prediction. In addition, they intend to explore what types of input variable among hydrometeorological data are effective in rainfall prediction and what input scenario has the highest flexibility. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that these types of hybrid algorithms have been applied to hydrology, especially for rainfall prediction. Other new aspects of the current study are: (a) investigating the effectiveness of each input variable (about 7 input variables) in the result, and (b) finding an appropriate input scenario.

Case study

Kermanshah synoptic station with an elevation of 1318 m at latitude of 34° 21' N and a longitude of 47° 9' E in Kermanshah province, west of Iran (Fig. 1), was considered as our case study. The mean annual rainfall of 450 mm was recorded by this station located in a mountainous area, and the corresponding long-term hydrometeorological information was achieved. The wind that blows from the west and carries humidity from the Mediterranean and Atlantic Oceans is the main source of rainfalls and snow-falls during spring and winter, respectively, while the wind blowing in the summer is hot.

Fig. 1
figure 1

The location of the Kermanshah synoptic station


The methodological framework of the current study is presented in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2
figure 2

A basic flow chart of the current study

Dataset collection

Thirty-year monthly data from January 1988 to December 2018 including evaporation (Eva), maximum relative humidity (MARH), minimum relative humidity (MIRH), maximum temperature (MAT), minimum temperature (MIT), sunshine hours (SSH), wind speed (WS), and rainfall were recorded from Kermanshah synoptic station by Kermanshah Regional Water Authority. Rainfall was determined as the target variable, while the remaining variables were incorporated into the model for estimating the rainfall. The whole data were divided into three groups: 70% of the data from January 1988 to December 2008 used for model building; 15% from January 2009 to December 2010 for model calibration; and the remaining 15% from January 2011 to December 2018 for model validation. Statistical analysis of the development, calibration, and validation datasets is given in Table 1.

Table 1 Descriptive statistics for training, calibration, and validation

Input scenarios

R-value between the input variables and rainfall (as output) was calculated to construct different input scenarios for variables and investigate their effectiveness in rainfall modeling. The r-value pie-chart between input and output variables is shown in Fig. 3. The r-value shows that all input variables, except WS, contribute to high rainfall prediction power.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Importance of input variables in terms of Pearson correlation coefficient

Seven different input scenarios were built based on the r-value. First, the variable with the highest r-value (i.e., MIRH) was considered as a single input scenario. Then, the potential variable with the next highest correlation value was added to the first input for building the input combination number 2. Each variable was added in a stepwise approach to the previous scenario and this approach continued until the variable with the lowest r-value (i.e., WS) was added.

To achieve the most effective input scenario, all the input scenarios were fed as input into the rainfall model. Then, the results were compared and the scenario with the highest r-value was determined as the optimum input scenario (Table 2).

Table 2 Input variable scenarios

Optimum weights

Obtaining the optimum weight of each parameter in the model is a crucial phase in the modeling process, which can significantly enhance the predictive power of a model. This step was taken in the Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis (WEKA 3.9) software using the trial-and-error method. First, default values were considered, and then, the models were developed. Next, based on the achieved results, higher and lower values were applied until the optimal value was determined for the model. The lowest RMSE value was considered as a criterion in this step to determine the optimum values for the models.

Description of the models

Sequential minimal optimization (SMO) regression algorithm

SMO algorithm is one of the well-known function algorithms that was first invented by Platt (1988) at Microsoft Research Center. This iterative algorithm is developed for solving optimization problems, e.g., in quadratic programming, which is a popular weakness of the SVM algorithm. Generally, the need for quadratic programming arises during the training of the SVM algorithm, and SMO algorithm is an alternative to QP methods, which are sophisticated and need expensive third-party QP solvers. SMO, on the other hand, can divide such problems into smaller parts, called sub-problems. The main advantage of these sub-problems is that they can be analytically solved. Of note, the SMO algorithm implements SVM for regression problems. Hence, the parameters can be learned using various algorithms. The algorithm is selected by setting the reg-optimizer as the most popular algorithm. Consider a binary classification with a dataset (x1y1), …, (xnyn), where xi is an input vector and yi ∈ {− 1, + 1} is a binary label corresponding to it. A soft-margin SVM is trained by solving QP, which is explained in a dual form as follows:

$${\text{Max}}\sum\limits_{i = 1}^{n} {\alpha_{{\text{i}}} } - 0.5\sum\limits_{i = 1}^{n} {\sum\limits_{j = 1}^{n} {y_{{\text{i}}} y_{{\text{i}}} K(x_{{\text{i}}} ,x_{{\text{j}}} )\alpha_{{\text{i}}} \alpha_{{\text{i}}} } } ,$$

subject to:

$$0 \le \alpha_{{\text{i}}} \le C, for\quad i = 1,2,...,n,$$
$$\sum\limits_{i = 1}^{n} {y_{{\text{i}}} \alpha_{{\text{i}}} = 0},$$

where C is an SVM hyperparameter and K(xixj) is the kernel function, both supplied by the user; and the variables \(\alpha_{{\text{i}}}\) are Lagrange multipliers.

Random committee (RC)

An ensemble-based model developed by combining more than two artificial intelligence techniques is called Committee Machines (CMs). CMs enjoy flexibility in modeling and know-how in resolving the deficiencies currently witnessed in the respective standalone model (Ghiasi-Freez et al. 2012; Chen et al. 2022; Yin et al. 2022a, b). The RC model is a kind of CM learning technique applied for addressing classification and regression issues and is considered to be an effective ensemble model (Niranjan et al. 2017). The RC model is able to develop hybridized randomizable base regressors or classifiers, each functioning based on the same data. However, a specific random seed is utilized and the final model response is obtained by averaging the estimations made by each standalone model (Witten and Frank 2005).

Disjoint aggregating (Dagging)

Developed by Ting and Witten (1997), the disjoint aggregating (Dagging) approach works on a proportionate stratified sampling scheme, dividing a dataset into a series of stratified folds in such a way that one individual learner manages a specific fold (Chen et al. 2020). Dagging is considered a robust tool for improving the accuracy of the weak single models in which a series of weak regressors are coupled using the voting rule for calculating the output of the model (Pham et al. 2020). The Dagging model can be established as follows: (i) The training dataset is split into a suite of "L" subsets; (ii) everyone should have "K" samples, and each sample belongs to only one subset; (iii) a regression model is developed for each subset, and in total, "L" regression models are obtained; and (iv) based on the comparison of the results from each regression model, the model with enough votes is selected for the Dagging algorithm (Chen and Li 2020).

Additive regression (AR)

AR model was introduced by Stone (1985). From a mathematical point of view, "Y" and explanatory "xi" variables should be linked through a suite of nonparametric regression functions "fi", which are in turn defined to be a regression function of the independent variables "xi". Consequently, each independent variable "xi" contributes to the final model in the form of (fi (xi)) compared to the linear form (λi xi) used in the MLR model (Xu et al. 2017). The AR is a general (potentially nonlinear) regression model that includes linear regression as a special case. Suppose that variable \(Y_{{\text{i}}} \left( {i = 1, 2, \ldots ,n} \right)\) is a function of unrestricted functions \(f_{{\text{j}}} \left( {j = 1, 2, \ldots ,p} \right),\) which are determined by the input variables \(X_{{{\text{i}}1}} , X_{{{\text{i}}2}} \ldots ,X_{ip}\), respectively. The AR model is evaluated based on the following equation (Xu and Lin 2017; Tian et al. 2021a, b):

$$Y_{i} = \mathop \sum \limits_{j = 1}^{p} f_{j} \left( {X_{ij} } \right) + \mu_{i} , \;\mu_{i} \sim iid\left( {0,\sigma^{2} } \right),$$

where\(f_{{\text{j}}} \left( {X_{{{\text{ij}}}} } \right)\) is a nonparametric function fit to the data. The random error term \(\left( {\mu_{{\text{i}}} } \right)\) has zero mean and variance of \(\sigma^{2}\). More AR details can be found in the study of Cui et al. (2010).

Evaluation and comparison of the models

RMSE, percentage of bias (PBIAS), Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE), and mean absolute error (MAE) are computed as follows (Legates et al. 1999; Moriasi et al. 2007a, b):

$${\text{RMSE}} = \sqrt {\frac{1}{N}\mathop \sum \limits_{i = 1}^{i = N} (Q^{{{\text{Pre}}}} } - Q^{{{\text{Obs}}}} )^{2},$$
$${\text{MAE}} = \frac{1}{N}\sum\limits_{i = 1}^{N} {\left| {Q^{{{\text{Pre}}}} - Q^{{{\text{Obs}}}} } \right|} ,$$
$${\text{NSE}} = 1 - \frac{{\sum\nolimits_{{i = 1}}^{N} {(Q^{{{\text{Pre}}}} - Q^{{{\text{Obs}}}} )^{2} } }}{{\sum\nolimits_{{i = 1}}^{N} {(Q^{{{\text{Obs}}}} - \overline{{Mean\;Q^{{{\text{Obs}}}} }} )^{2} } }},$$
$${\text{PBIAS}} = \left[ {\frac{{\mathop \sum \nolimits_{I = 1}^{N} \left( {Q^{{{\text{Pre}}}} - Q^{{{\text{Obs}}}} } \right)}}{{\mathop \sum \nolimits_{i = 1}^{N} Q^{{{\text{Pre}}}} }}} \right]*100,$$

where \(Q^{{{\text{Obs}}}}\) is the observed rainfall, \(Q^{{{\text{Pre}}}}\)is the predicted rainfall, \(\overline{{Mean Q^{{{\text{Obs}}}} }}\) is the mean of measured rainfall values, and N is the number of data samples (the number of test datasets). The lower the RMSE and MAE values, the higher the model performance. NSE ranges between \(- \infty\) and 1, and the model with NSE = 1 is ideal. NSE is classified as unsatisfactory, acceptable, satisfactory, good, and very good performance for NSE ≤ 0.4, 0.40 < NSE ≤ 0.50, 0.50 < NSE ≤ 0.65, 0.65 < NSE ≤ 0.75, and 0.75 < NSE ≤ 1.00, respectively (Moriasi et al. 2007a, b). PBIAS can be used for model performance classification similar to NSE, and it shows the overall model underestimation or overestimation. Negative PBAISA indicates the model overestimation, while positive PBIAS represents underestimation (Legates and Mccabe 1999).


Most effective input scenario

Based on the results provided in Fig. 4, the input scenario (6) composed of the variables MIRH, MARH, MAT, MIT, SSH, and Eva had the highest r-values at both training and validation phases and showcased the most effective variables in rainfall prediction. Hence, the developed models were tested using the input scenario (6), the performance of which is discussed in the following section.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Determination of the most effective input scenario: (a) development phase, and (b) validation phase

Model evaluation

After calibrating and validating the developed models, the performance of the models was evaluated using the test data. The observed versus estimated rainfall values by different models are visualized as time-varying and scatter plots in Fig. 5. It was observed that the standalone models predicted rainfall with an R2 of 0.568 and were less accurate than other models. In contrast, the estimated rainfall values obtained by all the developed ensemble models (DA-, RC-, and AR-based models) were much closer to the measured values with R2 of 0.739, 0.735, and 0.738. It was demonstrated that the DA algorithm was much more robust and had higher predictive power than RC and AR models.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Line-graphs and scatter plots for predicted vs. measured rainfall values during the validation phase

It is observed that the DA-SMO and AR-SMO are able to predict the median rainfall (Q50) much closer to the measured rainfall values (Fig. 6). The first quartile (Q25) of all the developed models, except for the standalone SMO model, is close to the measured Q25 of the rainfall values, while the estimated values of the third quartile (Q75) for all the developed models are higher than the measured Q75 of rainfall values. The SMO is inaccurate in estimating the minimum and maximum rates of rainfall. However, the ensemble DA-SMO is the most accurate model in estimating minimum and maximum rainfall rates, indicating the predictive power of the ensemble models.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Box plot of the measured and predicted rainfall values

In terms of the error metrics (Table 3) (i.e., RMSE and MAE), the SMO model had the lowest predictive power (RMSE = 22.61 mm, MAE = 13.98 mm). All the ensemble models decreased the error occurring in the standalone models. It was observed that DA-, AR-, and RC-based SMO models decreased RMSE (MAE) of the standalone SMO by 21.1% (12.6%), 20.7% (11.8%), and 21.7% (13.0%), respectively. In terms of the NSE metric and based on the findings of Moriasi et al. (2007a, b), SMO with the NSE of 0.57 has a satisfactory performance (0.5 < NSE ≤ 0.65), while three ensemble-based models have a good performance (0.65 < NSE ≤ 0.75). The PBIAS indicator shows that all the models are classified as having good performance (10% < PBIAS ≤ 15%) based on the findings of Moriasi et al. (2007a, b). Moreover, the PBIAS values for all the developed models are negative, indicating the overestimation of rainfall values.

Table 3 Performance evaluation of the models based on quantitative metrics


Choosing the best input variables is a difficult task in estimating rainfall. A number of studies rely on nonlinear methods such as gamma test in order to determine appropriate predictors in rainfall estimation (Ahmadi et al. 2015). However, the results of the present study indicate that employing a linear methodology by incorporating the correlation coefficient can also be a promising means to choose the input variables. It should be noted that while only a single combination for input is selected automatically in a nonlinear method, we constructed and examined different combinations for input variables in this article. This matter helped identify the input combination with the highest effectiveness and, at the same time, determine the impact of each input variable on the final results. The findings of the present paper are supported by Khosravi et al. (2020a), who found the linear Pearson correlation coefficient effective in finding the best input variables for prediction models.

Due to the diversity in structure and complexity of the algorithms, DM models in various forms produce different results when employed for rainfall estimation. According to the findings of the present paper, the developed hybrid models, which are of nonlinear pattern in nature, had higher accuracy in modeling rainfall events than ML models in the standalone mode. In addition, the hybrid algorithms were more flexible than the latter. These findings support some research studies conducted previously, in which hybrid models were employed in order to simulate nonlinear hydrological processes, proving the superiority of hybrid models as they decreased both bias and variance (Hong et al. 2018; Jiang et al. 2021; Zuo et al. 2020; Ebrahimi et al. 2022). Another notable merit of hybrid models is that they can tackle the problem of over-fitting in regression modeling (Chen et al. 2020). For instance, among such studies, Bui et al. (2020) concluded that hybrid models functioning based on bagging (BA) (e.g., BA-random forest (RF), BA-M5P, BA-random tree (RT), and BA-reduced error pruning tree (REPT)) would enhance the capability of individual models for predicting the indices of water quality. In addition, the study conducted by Khosravi et al. (2020b) found the BA-based models superior to the individual M5P, RF, and REPT when adopted for bedload transport rate modeling. In the field of landslide susceptibility mapping, Nguyen et al. (2019) observed that hybrid models performing on the basis of BA and DA would achieve better results than the alternating decision trees. Furthermore, the findings of Chen et al. (2020) indicated that hybrid J48 Decision Trees established based on BA and DA outperformed the standalone J48 model for the mapping of groundwater spring potential. All in all, BA- and DA-based hybrid models have proven viably satisfactory and reliable for prediction purposes. The results of the present paper further prove the robustness of some other hybrid models that are introduced as promising algorithms for modeling with prediction purposes.

As mentioned earlier, the main reasons behind the lower prediction performance of ML models with regard to natural phenomena like flood, drought, etc., lie in high non-linearity, stochastic process, and complexity of the occurrence of precipitation (e.g., Sánchez-Monedero et al. 2014; Hashim et al. 2016). As a result, natural phenomena prediction, particularly rainfall forecasting, continues to be subject to uncertainty. Furthermore, relevant studies have considered the strong correlation between rainfall and cloud information. For this purpose, total perceptible water, equivalent potential temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, convective available potential energy, and convective inhibition have been introduced as a reliable combination for input. It can be concluded that some missing data of the mentioned parameters are the major reason for uncertainty with regard to the results of the present research.

It is suggested that future studies apply the proposed hybrid models to other hydrological fields such as water quality. Moreover, AR, DA, and RC algorithms can be utilized as ensemble learners in order to develop hybrid models using other ML techniques, e.g., decision trees and rule-based, lazy-based, and neuron-based algorithms, in different fields of geoscience.


Rainfall is one of the main components of hydrologic cycle that has a significant impact on the infiltration process, flood occurrences, soil erosion rate, water resources management, and irrigation system. Therefore, rainfall prediction is one of the hot topics today in the fields of hydrology and water resources management. Given that rainfall is highly stochastic and chaotic in behavior, it is not an easy task to predict it. The current study proposed standalone SMO models and three new ensemble-based algorithms of DA-SMO, AR-SMO, and RC-SMO for rainfall prediction in Kermanshah synoptic station, Iran. Moreover, different input scenarios were investigated to explore the effectiveness of different input combinations in the result. The main achievements drawn from the findings of this study can be summarized as follows:

  1. 1.

    Minimum relative humidity had the highest effect on rainfall prediction, followed by maximum temperature, relative humidity, minimum temperature, sunshine hours, evaporation, and wind speed.

  2. 2.

    Wind speed attenuated the predictive power of a model; in the present study, an input scenario featuring all input variables, except wind speed, was identified as the most effective scenario in rainfall estimation.

  3. 3.

    DA, AR, and RC algorithms enhanced the performance of the standalone SMO algorithm by about 12.8, 20.7%, and 21.7%, respectively, based on the RMSE metric.

  4. 4.

    While the standalone SMO algorithm had a satisfactory performance, ensemble models were of good performance in terms of NSE metric.

  5. 5.

    DA-SMO ensemble model outperformed other models, followed by RC-SMO, AR-SMO and standalone SMO models.

  6. 6.

    All of the developed models in the current study tended to overestimate the rainfall amount.

  7. 7.

    Hybrid algorithms were more accurate than the standalone model in capturing extreme values. The different machine learning algorithms explored in the current study are applicable to mountainous areas in Iran and may potentially yield accurate rainfall predictions for other mountainous regions in the world.