1 Introduction

All the groups are considered to be finite and G always stands for a finite group. \(G_{p}\) denotes a Sylow p-subgroup of G where p is a prime number. We use conventional notions and notation as in [1]. Recall that a subgroup A of G is said to be S-permutable in G if \(AG_{p}=G_{p}A\) for every Sylow p-subgroup \(G_{p}\) of G [8]. Zhang and Wang [18] called a subgroup A of G S-semipermutable in G if A permutes with every Sylow p-subgroup \(G_{p}\) of G such that \((p,|A|)=1\). Ballester-Bolinches and Pedraza-Aguilera [2] called a subgroup A of G S-permutably embedded in G if all Sylow p-subgroups of A are also Sylow p-subgroups of some S-permutable subgroup F of G. Obviously, the class of all S-permutably embedded subgroups is wider than the class of all S-permutable subgroups. More recently, Li [9] introduced a new embedding property which covers both of S-permutably embedded and S-semipermutable concepts as follows: A subgroup A of G is said to be \(S_*\)-embedded in G if G has an S-permutable subgroup F such that AF is S-permutable in G and \(A \cap F \le A_*\), where \(A_*\) is a subgroup contained in A which is either S-permutably embedded or S-semipermutable in G.

By using this new concept, Li [9] studied the group structure when certain subgroups are \(S_*\)-embedded and obtained new results generalised many classical and recent results in the literature. More precisely, he proved:

Theorem A

([8, Main Theorem]) Assume for each non-cyclic Sylow p-subgroup \(G_{p}\) of G, either of the following two conditions is held:

  1. 1.

    All maximal subgroups of \(G_{p}\) not having a supersolvable supplement in G are \(S_*\)-embedded in G.

  2. 2.

    All cyclic subgroups of \(G_{p}\) of prime order or of order 4, that are without a supersolvable supplement in G, are \(S_*\)-embedded in G.

Then, G is supersolvable.

Our main object in this paper is to go further in studying the influence of \(S_*\)- embedded subgroups on the group structure. In fact, we prove:

Theorem B

Suppose \(A\mathrel {\unlhd } G\) such that G/A is p-nilpotent for some prime divisor p of |G|. If A has a Sylow p-subgroup \(A_{p}\) such that \(N_G(A_{p})\) is p-nilpotent and all maximal subgroups of \(A_{p}\), that are without a p-nilpotent supplement in G, are \(S_*\)-embedded in G, then G is p-nilpotent.

Theorem C

Suppose \(A \mathrel {\unlhd }G\) such that G/A is supersolvable. If all maximal subgroups of each non-cyclic Sylow subgroup of A, that are without a supersolvable supplement in G, are \(S_*\)-embedded in G, then G is supersolvable.

Theorem D

Suppose \(A\mathrel {\unlhd }G\) such that G/A is supersolvable. If all cyclic subgroups of each non-cyclic Sylow subgroup of A of prime order or of order 4, that are without a supersolvable supplement in G, are \(S_*\)-embedded in G, then G is supersolvable.

2 Preliminaries

Lemma 1

([9, Theorem 3.2]) Assume p is some prime divisor of |G| satisfying \((|G|,p-1)=1\), and \(G_{p}\) is a Sylow p-subgroup of G. If all maximal subgroups of \(G_{p}\), that are without a p-nilpotent supplement in G, are \(S_*\)-embedded in G, then G is p-nilpotent.

Lemma 2

([9, Lemma 2.5]) Let A be an \(S_*\)-embedded p-subgroup of G.

  1. 1.

    If \(A \le B \le G\), then A is \(S_*\)-embedded in B.

  2. 2.

    If \(L \mathrel {\unlhd } G\) and \(L \le A\), then A/L is \(S_*\)-embedded in G/L.

  3. 3.

    If \(L \mathrel {\unlhd } G\) and \((|L|,|A|)=1\), then AL/L is \(S_*\)-embedded in G/L.

  4. 4.

    If \(L \mathrel {\unlhd } G\) and \(A \le L\), then G has an S-permutable subgroup F contained in L such that AF is S-permutable in G and \(A \cap F \le A_*\).

Lemma 3

([12, Theorem A]) Suppose that A is an S-permutable p-subgroup of G. Then \(O^p(G)\) is contained in \(N_G(A)\).

Lemma 4

([17, Lemma 2.1(d)]) Suppose that A is a p-subgroup of G and B is a normal p-subgroup of G. If A is either S-permutably embedded or S-semipermutable in G, then \(A \cap B\) is also S-permutable in G.

Lemma 5

Let A be a subgroup of G.

  1. 1.

    [3] If A is S-permutable in G, then \(A/A_G\) is nilpotent.

  2. 2.

    [8] If A is S-permutable in G, then A is subnormal in G.

  3. 3.

    [16] If A is a subnormal p-subgroup of G, then A is contained in \(O_p(G)\).

  4. 4.

    [13] \(A_{SG}\) is an S-permutable subgroup of G, where \(A_{SG}\) is a subgroup of A generated by all S-permutable subgroups of G that contained in A.

  5. 5.

    [12] If A and B are S-permutable subgroups of G, then \(A \cap B\) is also S-permutable in G.

Lemma 6

([10, 18]) Suppose that A is either S-permutably embedded or S-semipermutable in G. If A is a p-subgroup contained in \(O_p(G)\), then A is S-permutable in G.

Lemma 7

([9, Lemma 2.1(3)]) Suppose that p is some prime divisor of |G| satisfying \((|G|,p-1)=1\). If G is p-supersolvable, then G is p-nilpotent.

Lemma 8

([15, Lemma 2.4]) If A is a maximal subgroup of G and B is a normal p-subgroup of G such that \(G=AB\), then \(A\cap B \mathrel {\unlhd } G\).

Lemma 9

([11, Theorem 3.5]) If \(A \mathrel {\unlhd } G\) such that G/A is supersolvable and all maximal subgroups of any Sylow subgroup of A are normal in G, then G is supersolvable.

Lemma 10

([8]) Let A be an S-permutable subgroup of G.

  1. 1.

    If \(A \le B \le G\), then A is S-permutable in B.

  2. 2.

    If \(L \mathrel {\unlhd } G\), then AL/L is S-permutable in G/L.

Lemma 11

([5]) Suppose that A and B are normal supersolvable subgroups of G with \(G=AB\). If the indices |G : A| and |G : B| are relatively prime, then G is supresolvable.

Lemma 12

([16]) If A is a subnormal subgroup of G such that the number |G : A| is not divisible by p, then every Sylow p-subgroup \(G_{p}\) of G is contained in A.

3 Proofs

Theorem 1

Suppose \(G_{p}\) is a Sylow p-subgroup of G for some prime divisor p of |G|. If \(N_{G}(G_{p})\) is p-nilpotent and all maximal subgroups of \(G_{p}\), that are without a p-nilpotent supplement in G, are \(S_*\)-embedded in G, then G is p-nilpotent.


If \(p=2\), then, by Lemma 1, G is p-nilpotent. So, it can be assumed that \(p>2\). Suppose the result is not true providing G as a counterexample of minimal order. Following the method of the first part of the proof of [6, Theorem 2.3], we conclude that all maximal subgroups of \(G_{p}\) are \(S_*\)-embedded in G. Now, we build up the proof by the following steps:

  1. (1)


    Assume that \(O_{p'}(G) \ne 1\). Let \(X/O_{p'}(G)\) be a maximal subgroup of the Sylow p-subgroup \(G_{p}O_{p'}(G)/O_{p'}(G)\) of \(G/O_{p'}(G)\). Then \(G_{p}\) has a maximal subgroup \(X_1\) such that \(X=X_1O_{p'}(G)\). Since \(X_1\) is \(S_*\)-embedded in G, it follows that \(X_1O_{p'}(G)/O_{p'}(G)\) is \(S_*\)-embedded in \(G/O_{p'}(G)\) by Lemma 2(3). Also, we have \(N_{G/O_{p'}(G)} (G_{p}O_{p'}(G)/O_{p'}(G)) = N_{G}(G_{p})O_{p'}(G)/O_{p'}(G)\) is p-nilpotent. Our choice of G implies that \(G/O_{p'}(G)\) is p-nilpotent. Consequently, G is p-nilpotent which is a contradiction.

  2. (2)

    If \(G_{p} \le A < G\), then A is p-nilpotent.

    Clearly, \(N_A(G_{p}) \le N_G(G_{p})\) is p-nilpotent, and by Lemma 2(1) all maximal subgroups of \(G_{p}\) are \(S_*\)-embedded in A. The minimal choice of G implies that A is p-nilpotent.

  3. (3)

    G is p-solvable.

    By Thompson’s result [14, Corollary], \(G_{p}\) has a non-trivial characteristic subgroup R such that \(N_{G}(R)\) is not p-nilpotent. Let L be any characteristic subgroup of \(G_{p}\) such that \(O_p(G)< L\le G_{p}\). Since L char \(G_{p} \mathrel {\unlhd } N_G(G_{p})\), we have \(L \mathrel {\unlhd }N_G(G_{p})\). Hence \(G_{p} \le N_G(G_{p}) \le N_G(L)<G\) which implies that \(N_G(L)\) is p-nilpotent by step (2). If \(O_p(G)=1\), then \(1<R\le G_{p}\) and hence \(N_G(R)\) is p-nilpotent; a contradiction. Thus, we may assume that \(O_p(G) \ne 1\). Clearly, \(N_{G/O_p(G)}(G_{p}/O_p(G)) = N_G(G_{p})/O_p(G)\) is p-nilpotent. By using Lemma 2(2), it is easy to see that \(G/O_p(G)\) satisfies the hypothesis of the theorem. Our choice of G implies that \(G/O_p(G)\) is p-nilpotent, and thereby G is p-solvable.

  4. (4)

    There exists a unique minimal normal subgroup L of G such that G/L is p-nilpotent and \(G=L \rtimes X\), where X is a maximal subgroup of G. Moreover, \(L= C_G(L)=F(G)=O_p(G)\).

    Let L be a minimal normal subgroup of G. Then L is an elementary abelian p-group by steps (1) and (3). This implies \(L \le O_p(G) \le G_{p}\). If \(L=G_{p}\), then clearly, G/L is p-nilpotent. Thus, we may assume that \(L<G_{p}\). In view of Lemma 2(2), we can see that the hypothesis still holds for G/L. Our choice of G implies that G/L is also p-nilpotent. Since the class of all p-nilpotent groups is a saturated formation, it follows that L is the unique minimal normal subgroup of G and \(L \nleq \Phi (G)\). Hence, there exists a maximal subgroup X of G such that \(G= L \rtimes X\), \(L= C_G(L)=F(G)=O_p(G)\).

  5. (5)

    Finishing the proof.

    Let \(X_p\) be a Sylow p-subgroup of X such that \(G_{p}=LX_p\), and \(P_{1}\) be a maximal subgroup of \(G_{p}\) containing \(X_p\). Then \(G_{p}=LX_p=LP_1\). We may assume that \(L \ne G_{p}\) (Otherwise, \(G=N_{G}(L)=N_{G}(G_{p})\) is p-nilpotent; a contradiction). Since \(P_1\) is \(S_*\)-embedded in G, then there exists an S-permutable subgroup F of G such that \(P_1F\) is S-permutable in G and \((P_1 \cap F)\le (P_1)_*\). If \(F=1\), then \(P_1\) is S-permutable in G which implies that \(P_1 \mathrel {\unlhd } G_{p}O^p(G)=G\) by using Lemma 3 and since \(P_{1} \ne 1\), we have \(L \le P_{1}\) by step (4) which means \(P_1=G_{p}\); a contradiction. Thus, we may assume that \(F \ne 1\). Assume that \(F_G \ne 1\). Then \(L\le F_G\le F\) which implies that \(P_1\cap L \le P_1\cap F\le (P_1)_*\cap L\) and so \(P_1\cap L=(P_1)_*\cap L\). Lemma 4 yields \(P_1\cap L\) is S-permutable in G. If \(P_1\cap L \ne 1\), then \(L \le (P_1 \cap L)^{O^p(G)G_{p}} \le (P_1)^{G_{p}}=P_1\) by Lemma 3; a contradiction. So, assume \(P_1\cap L=1\). This implies that \(|L|=p\). Since \(X \cong G/L=G/C_G(L) \lesssim Aut(L) \), we have \(|X|\ |\ (p-1)\). It follows that L is a Sylow p-subgroup of G. Hence \(L=G_{p}\); a contradiction. Thus, \(F_G=1\). In view of Lemma 5(1), we have F is a nilpotent group. Then from step (1), F is a p-subgroup. By Lemma 5(2) and Lemma 5(3), we have \((P_1)_*\le P_1\le P_1F\le O_p(G)\) which implies that \((P_1)_*\le (P_1)_{sG}\) by using Lemma 6 and Lemma 5(4). Now, we have \(P_1 \cap F\le (P_1)_*\le (P_1)_{sG}\) which implies \(P_1\cap F \le (P_1)_{sG}\cap F\). Hence, \(P_1\cap F= (P_1)_{sG}\cap F\). In view of Lemma 5(5), we have \(P_1 \cap F\) is S-permutable in G. If \(P_1 \cap F=1\), then \(|F|=p\). It follows that \(P_1F\) is a Sylow p-subgroup of G. Hence, \(P_1F=G_{p}=O_p(G)=L\); a contradiction. Thus, it can be assumed that \(P_1\cap F\ne 1\). Then, by using Lemma 3 and step (4), we have \(L\le (P_1\cap F)^G =(P_1\cap F)^{O^p(G)G_{p}} \le (P_1)^{G_{p}}=P_1\). Hence \(G_{p}=LP_1=P_1\); a final contradiction.\(\square \)

Proof of Theorem B

Assume the result is not true providing G as a counterexample of minimal order. Lemma 2(1) with Theorem 1, imply A is p-nilpotent. Let \(A_{p'}\) be the normal p-complement of A. Since \(A_{p'}\) char \(A \mathrel {\unlhd } G\), then \(A_{p'} \mathrel {\unlhd } G\). Assume that \(|A_{p'}|>1\). Clearly, \(A/A_{p'} \mathrel {\unlhd } G/A_{p'}\) and \((G/A_{p'})/(A/A_{p'}) \cong G/A \) is p- nilpotent. Let \(X/A_{p'}\) be a maximal subgroup of the Sylow p-subgroup \(A_{p}A_{p'}/A_{p'}\) of \(A/A_{p'}\). Then \(A_{p}\) has a maximal subgroup \(X_1\) such that \(X=X_1A_{p'}\). If \(X_1\) possesses a p-nilpotent supplement D in G, then \(DA_{p'}/A_{p'}\) is a p-nilpotent supplement of \(X_1A_{p'}/A_{p'}\) in \(G/A_{p'}\). If \(X_1\) is \(S_*\)-embedded in G, it follows that \(X_1A_{p'}/A_{p'}\) is \(S_*\)-embedded in \(G/A_{p'}\) by using Lemma 2(3). Our choice of G implies that \(G/A_{p'}\) is p-nilpotent. Consequently, G is p-nilpotent which is a contradiction. Thus, it can be assumed \(A_{p'}=1\). Then \(A=A_{p}\), which implies \(G=N_G(A)=N_G(A_{p})\) is p-nilpotent; a final contradiction. \(\square \)

Remark 1

The condition \(N_G(G_{p})\) is p-nilpotent in Theorem 1 and Theorem B is necessary. For example, consider \(G=A_5\) and \(p=3\). Then all maximal subgroups of any Sylow 3-subgroup \(G_{3}\) of G are \(S_*\)-embedded in G, but G is not 3-nilpotent.

We work toward the proof of Theorem C:

Theorem 2

Suppose that p is some prime divisor of |G| satisfies \((|G|,p-1)=1\), and \(A \mathrel {\unlhd } G\) such that G/A is p-nilpotent. If A has a Sylow p-subgroup \(A_{p}\) such that all maximal subgroups of \(A_{p}\), that are without a p-nilpotent supplement in G, are \(S_*\)-embedded in G, then G is p-nilpotent.


Assume the result is not true providing G as a counterexample of minimal order. By Lemma 2(1) and Lemma 1, we have that A is p-nilpotent. Let \(A_{p^{'}}\) be the normal p-complement of A. Since \(A_{p^{'}}\) char \(A \mathrel {\unlhd } G\), then \({A_{p^{'}}} \mathrel {\unlhd } G\). Assume that \(|{A_{p^{'}}}|>1\). Clearly, \({A/A_{p^{'}}} \mathrel {\unlhd } {G/A_{p^{'}}}\) and \(({G/A_{p^{'}}})/({A/A_{p^{'}}}) \cong G/A\) is p-nilpotent. Let \({X/A_{p^{'}}}\) be a maximal subgroup of the Sylow p-subgroup \({A_{p}A_{p^{'}}}/{A_{p^{'}}}\) of \({A/A_{p^{'}}}\). Then \(A_{p}\) has a maximal subgroup \(X_1\) such that \(X=X_1{A_{p^{'}}}\). If \(X_1\) possesses a p-nilpotent supplement D in G, then \(D{A_{p^{'}}}/{A_{p^{'}}}\) is a p-nilpotent supplement of \(X_1{A_{p^{'}}}/{A_{p^{'}}}\) in \(G/{A_{p^{'}}}\). If \(X_1\) is \(S_*\)-embedded in G, then \(X_1{A_{p^{'}}}/{A_{p^{'}}}\) is \(S_*\)-embedded in \(G/{A_{p^{'}}}\) by Lemma 2(3). So \(G/{A_{p^{'}}}\) is p-nilpotent due to the minimal choice of G. It follows, G is p-nilpotent; a contradiction. Thus, it can be assumed \({A_{p^{'}}}=1\) which yields \(A=A_{p}\) is a p-group. Let \(L/A_{p}\) be the normal p-complement of \(G/A_{p}\). Schur-Zassenhaus Theorem implies that L has a Hall \(p^{'}\)-subgroup \(L_{p^{'}}\) such that \(L=A_{p} \rtimes {L_{p^{'}}} \). Since L is p-nilpotent by Lemma 2(1) and Lemma 1, it follows that \(L=A_{p} \times {L_{p^{'}}} \). Hence, we have \(L_{p^{'}}\) is the normal p-complement of G, and thereby G is p-nilpotent; a contradiction. \(\square \)

Lemma 7 and Theorem 2 lead to the following corollary:

Corollary 1

Suppose \(A \mathrel {\unlhd } G\) provided G/A is p-nilpotent, where p is the smallest prime divisor of |G|. If A has a Sylow p-subgroup \(A_{p}\) such that all maximal subgroups of \(A_{p}\) that are without a p-supersolvable supplement in G are \(S_*\)-embedded in G, then G is p-nilpotent.


Clearly, \((|G|,p-1)=1\) as p is the smallest prime divisor of |G|. Lemma 7 suggests all maximal subgroups of \(A_{p}\) that are without a p-nilpotent supplement in G are \(S_*\)-embedded in G. Using Theorem 2, gives G is p-nilpotent. \(\square \)

Now we can prove Theorem C:

Proof of Theorem C

Assume the result is not true providing G as a counterexample of minimal order. In view of Theorem A(1), we have A is supersolvable. Let \(G_{p}\) be a Sylow p-subgroup of G, where p is the largest prime divisor of |G|. We distinguish two cases.

  1. Case 1.

    \(G_{p} \le A\).

    Then \(G_{p} \mathrel {\unlhd } A\) as A is supersolvable. Since \(G_{p}\) char \(A \mathrel {\unlhd }G\), it follows that \(G_{p} \mathrel {\unlhd } G\). Now, we show that \(G/G_{p}\) is supersolvable. Clearly, \((A/G_{p}) \mathrel {\unlhd } (G/G_{p})\) and \((G/G_{p})/(A/G_{p}) \cong (G/A)\) is supersolvable. Let \(X/G_{p}\) be a maximal subgroup of the Sylow q-subgroup \(A_{q}G_{p}/G_{p}\) of \(A/G_{p}\). Then \(A_{q}\) has a maximal subgroup \(X_1\) such that \(X=X_1G_{p}\). If \(X_1\) has a supersolvable supplement B in G, then \(BG_{p}/G_{p}\) is a supersolvable supplement of \(X_1G_{p}/G_{p}\) in \(G/G_{p}\). If \(X_1\) is \(S_*\)-embedded in G, then \(X_1G_{p}/G_{p}\) is \(S_*\)-embedded in \(G/G_{p}\) by using Lemma 2(3). The minimal choice of G yields \(G/G_{p}\) is supersolvable and \(G_{p}\) is not cyclic. Let N be a minimal normal subgroup of G contained in \(G_{p}\). It is also easy to see that G/N is supersolvable. Further, since the class of all supersolvable groups is a saturated formation, it follows that N is the unique minimal normal subgroup of G contained in \(G_{p}\) and \(N \nleq \Phi (G)\). Hence G possesses a maximal subgroup X such that \(G=NX\) and \(N \cap X=1\). Since \(G_{p} \cap X\) is normalized by G by using Lemma 8, it follows that \(N=G_{p}\) which yields \(G_{p}\) is an elementray abelian p-group. Now, Let \(N_1\) be a maximal subgroup of N. If \(N_1\) has a supersolvable supplement B in G, then \(G=N_1B=NB\) and \(N=N \cap N_1B=N_1(N\cap B)\), which implies that \(N \cap B \ne 1\). Since \(N \cap B \mathrel {\unlhd } G\) and N is a minimal normal subgroup of G, we have \(N \cap B=N\). Consequently, \(N \le B\) which implies that \(G=B\) is supersolvable which is a contradiction. Thus, we can assume that \(N_1\) is \(S_*\)-embedded in G. In view of Lemma 2(4), G possesses an S-permutable subgroup F contained in \(G_{p}\) such that \(N_1F\) is S-permutable in G and \(N_1 \cap F \le (N_1)_*\). If \(F=1\), then \(N_1\) is S-permutable in G and \(N_1 \mathrel {\unlhd } G_{p}O^p(G)=G\) by using Lemma 3 and so \(|G_{p}|=p\); a contradiction. Thus, \(F \ne 1\). Since \(G_{p}\) is an elemntary abelian p-group, then \(F \mathrel {\unlhd } G_{p}\). Applying Lemma 3 again, we get \(F \mathrel {\unlhd } G_{p}O^p(G)=G\). This implies \(F=G_{p}=N\). Hence \(N_1 \cap F=N_1=(N_1)_*\), is S-permutable in G by Lemma 6; again a contradiction as above.

  2. Case 2.

    \(G_{p} \nleq A\).

    In this case we distinguish the following two subcases.

    1. Subcase (i).


      Clearly, \(A \mathrel {\unlhd } G_{p}A\) and \(G_{p}A/A \cong G_{p}/G_{p}\cap A\) is supersolvable. By Lemma 2(1), all maximal subgroups of any non-cyclic Sylow subgroup of A not having a supersolvable supplement in G are \(S_*\)-embedded in \(G_{p}A\). Therefore, \(G_{p}A\) is supersolvable due to the minimal choice of G. Since \(G_{p}A/A\) is a Sylow p-subgroup of G/A, where p is the largest prime divisor of |G| and G/A is supersolvable, it follows that \(G_{p}A/A \mathrel {\unlhd } G/A\) and so \(G_{p}A \mathrel {\unlhd } G\). Since \(G_{p}\) char \(G_{p}A \mathrel {\unlhd } G\), then \(G_{p} \mathrel {\unlhd } G\). Hence \(G_{p} \cap A \mathrel {\unlhd } G\), where \(G_{p} \cap A\) is a Sylow p-subgroup of A. By using the same arguments as in Case 1, we have \(G/G_{p}\cap A\) is supersolvable and \(G_{p} \cap A\) is a minimal normal subgroup of G. Set \(N=G_{p} \cap A\). By our choice of G together with Lemma 9, N has a maximal subgroup \(N_1\) such that \(N_1 \ntrianglelefteq G\). If \(N_1\) possesses a supersolvable supplement B in G, we have G is supersolvable as in Case 1; a contradiction. Thus, we can assume that \(N_1\) is \(S_*\)-embedded in G. In view of Lemma 2(4), there exists an S-permutable subgroup F of G contained in N such that \(N_1F\) is S-permutable in G and \(N_1 \cap F \le (N_1)_*\). By the maximality of \(N_1\) in N, we have either \(N_1F=N_1\) or \(N_1F=N\). If the former holds, then \(N_1\) is S-permutable in G. So, \(N_1 \mathrel {\unlhd } NO^p(A)=A\) and hence \(A \le N_G(N_1)\) by using Lemma 10(1) and Lemma 3. Applying Lemma 3 again, we get \(O^p(G) \le N_G(N_1)<G\). Hence G possesses a maximal subgroup X such that \(O^p(G) \le N_G(N_1) \le X<G\) with \(|G:X|=p\). Since \(X/O^p(G) \mathrel {\unlhd } G/O^p(G)\), then \(X \mathrel {\unlhd } G\). Due to the minimal choice of G, we have X is supersolvable. Therefore, \(G=G_{p}X\) and consequently G is supersolvable by using Lemma 11; a contradiction. Thus, we can assume that \(N_1F=N\). If \(F \mathrel {\unlhd } G\), then \(F=N\) which implies \(N_1 \cap F=N_1=(N_1)_*\) is S-permutable in G by Lemma 6; a contradiction as above. Thus, \(F \ntrianglelefteq G\). Since N is an elementary abelian p-group, then \(F \mathrel {\unlhd } N\). Hence \(F \mathrel {\unlhd } NO^p(A)=A\) by Lemma 10(1) and Lemma 3 and so \(A \le N_G(F)\). Applying Lemma 3 again, there exists a maximal normal subgroup X of G such that \(O^p(G) \le N_G(F) \le X <G\) with \(|G:X|=p\). It follows that X is supersolvable by our choice of G. So, \(G=G_{p}X\) and consequently G is supersolvable again by Lemma 11; a contradiction.

    2. Subcase (ii).


      Lemma 12 and Corollary 1 yield A contains all Sylow q-subgroups of G with \(q \ne p\) and G is a \(q_r\)-nilpotent, where \(q_r\) is the smallest prime divisor of |G|. This implies that G has a Sylow tower group of supersolvable type. Therefore, \(G_{p}\mathrel {\unlhd } G\) as p is the largest prime divisor of |G|. Applying Lemma 11, G is supersolvable; a final contradiction.\(\square \)

In order to show Theorem D, we need the following useful theorem:

Theorem 3

Suppose A is a normal p-subgroup of G such that G/A is supersolvable. If all cyclic subgroups of A of order p or of order 4 not having a supersolvable supplement in G are \(S_*\)-embedded in G, then G is supersolvable.


Assume the result is not true providing G as a counterexample of minimal order. It is easy to see that all proper subgroups of G are supersolvable by using Lemma 2(1). Hence G is a minimal non-supersolvable group. By Doerk’s result [4] G has a Sylow p-subgroup \(G_{p}\) such that \(G_{p} \mathrel {\unlhd } G\) for a prime divisor p of |G|, \(G_{p}/\Phi (G_{p})\) is a minimal normal subgroup of \(G/\Phi (G_{p})\), and the exponent of \(G_{p}\) is either p or 4. Clearly, \(A\le G_{p}\) (Otherwise, \(G\cong G/G_{p}\cap A \lesssim G/G_{p} \times G/A\) is supersolvable; a contradiction). We build up the proof by the following two steps.

  1. (1)


    Since \(A\Phi (G_{p})/\Phi (G_{p}) \mathrel {\unlhd } G/\Phi (G_{p})\), we have either \(A\Phi (G_{p})=G_{p}\) or \(A\le \Phi (G_{p})\). If the latter holds, then \(G/\Phi (G_{p})\) is supersolvable. It follows that, from \(\Phi (G_{p}) \le \Phi (G)\), \(G/\Phi (G)\) is supersolvable and so G is also supersolvable by a well-known result of Huppert [7, p.713]; a contradiction. Thus, \(A\Phi (G_{p})=G_{p}\) and thereby \(A=G_{p}\) as required.

  2. (2)

    Finishing the proof.

    Assume that \(|A/\Phi (A)|=p\). Then there exists x in A such that \(A/ \Phi (A) = <x\Phi (A)>\) which implies that A is cyclic and consequently G is supersolvable which is a contradiction. So, \(|A/\Phi (A)|=p^n\), \(n>1\) and \(A/\Phi (A)=<x_1\Phi (A),x_2\Phi (A),...,x_n\Phi (A)>\) as \(A/ \Phi (A)\) is an elementary abelian p-group. Hence, we have \(A=<x_1,x_2,...,x_n>\). Set \(A_i=<x_i>\) for all \(i=1,2,...,n\). So, we have \(|A_i|=p \) or 4. Now, the hypothesis of the theorem assures that \(A_i\) either has a supersolvable supplement in G say B or \(A_i\) is \(S_*\)-embedded in G. If \(A_i\) is not \(S_*\)-embedded in G, then \(G=A_iB\) and so \(A=A\cap G=A\cap A_iB=A_i(A\cap B)\). Obviously, \({(A\cap B)\Phi (A)}/\Phi (A) \mathrel {\unlhd } G/\Phi (A)\) as \(A/\Phi (A)\) is abelian. In view of step (1), \(A/\Phi (A)\) is a minimal normal subgroup of \( G/\Phi (A)\) which implies that either \((A\cap B)\Phi (A)=A\) or \((A\cap B)\le \Phi (A)\). If the latter holds, then \(A=A_i\) is cyclic and so G is supersolvable; a contradiction. Hence \((A\cap B)\Phi (A)=A\) and so \(A\cap B=A\) which implies that \(G=B\) is supersolvable; contradicts our choice of G. Thus, we can assume that \(A_i\) is \(S_*\)-embedded in G. In view of Lemma 2(4), then G possesses an S-permutable subgroup F contained in A such that \(A_iF\) is also S-permutable in G and \(A_i\cap F\le (A_i)_*\). By Lemma 10(2) and the fact that \(A/\Phi (A)\) is abelian, it is easy to see that \({F\Phi (A)}/\Phi (A)\) is S-permutable in \(G/\Phi (A)\) and \({F\Phi (A)}/\Phi (A) \mathrel {\unlhd } A/\Phi (A) \). Applying Lemma 3, we have \({F\Phi (A)}/\Phi (A) \mathrel {\unlhd } (A/\Phi (A))(O^p(G/\Phi (A)) = G/\Phi (A)\). Again, the minimal normality of \(A/\Phi (A)\) in \(G/\Phi (A)\) implies that either \(F\Phi (A)=A\) or \(F\Phi (A)\le \Phi (A)\). If the latter holds, \({A_i\Phi (A)}/\Phi (A)= {A_iF\Phi (A)}/\Phi (A)\) is S-permutable in \(G/\Phi (A)\) by using Lemma 10(2). If \(F\Phi (A)=A\), then we have \(F=A\). Therefore, \(A_i\cap F=A_i=(A_i)_*\) is S-permutable in G by Lemma 6, and so \({A_i\Phi (A)}/\Phi (A)\) is S-permutable in \(G/\Phi (A)\) by Lemma 10(2). By [13, Lemma 2.11], there exists a maximal subgroup \({X\Phi (A)}/\Phi (A)\) of \(A/\Phi (A)\) such that \({X\Phi (A)}/\Phi (A) \mathrel {\unlhd } G/\Phi (A)\); a final contradiction.\(\square \)

Proof of Theorem D

Assume the result is not true providing G as a counterexample of minimal order. If the order of A is of prime power, then G is supersolvable by Theorem 3; a contradiction. Thus, we can assume that the order of A is divisible by at least two distinct primes. By Lemma 2(1) and Theorem A(2), we have A is supersolvable. Hence A possesses a normal Sylow p-subgroup \(A_{p}\), where p is the largest prime divisor of |A|. Since \(A_{p}\) char \(A \mathrel {\unlhd } G\), we have \(A_{p} \mathrel {\unlhd } G\). Let \(U/A_{p}\) be a cyclic subgroup of the Sylow q-subgroup \(A_{q}A_{p}/A_{p}\) of \(A/A_{p}\) such that \(|U/A_{p}|=q\) or 4. Then \(A_{q}\) has a cyclic subgroup R such that \(U=RA_{p}\) and \(|R|=q\) or 4. If R has a supersolvable supplement B in G, then \(BA_{p}/A_{p}\) is a supersolvable supplement of \(RA_{p}/ A_{p}\) in \(G/A_{p}\). If R is \(S_*\)-embedded in G, then \(RA_{p}/A_{p}\) is \(S_*\)-embedded in \(G/A_{p}\) by using Lemma 2(3). Our choice of G yields \(G/A_{p}\) is supersolvable. Applying Theorem 3, we get G is supersolvable; a contradiction. \(\square \)