
Next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies have revolutionized genomics and transcriptomics, with a wide range of applications in biological and medical sciences. Massive parallel sequencing technologies generate sequence data in short time frames and with low sequencing costs, compared to traditional sequencing methods. Thus, several whole genome and/or transcriptome sequencing projects have considered the benefits of NGS technologies for sequencing novel species (Kemen et al. 2011; Laurie et al. 2012; Quinn et al. 2013; Levesque et al. 2010; Jiang et al. 2013). An example for this is the 1000 Fungal Genomes project (, which has the aim to sequence more than 1000 fungal genomes using NGS technologies. In addition to sequencing new genomes, NGS techniques have also been implemented to study the fungal communities in environmental samples (Meiser et al. 2013; Schmidt et al. 2013).

With the advent of NGS, many computational tools have been developed to analyze the huge amounts of sequencing data generated by NGS methods. Sequence read filtering is an important step before starting any analyses based on the read files. However, to perform and optimize these data filtering steps, several data processing parameters need to be considered, and the decision-making regarding the choice of values for these parameters is often not straightforward and will also depend on data availability and downstream analyses. Many tools have been developed to view the basic statistics of data reading and to perform filtering steps; these include FASTQC (, the Fastx-toolkit (, the NGS QC toolkit (Patel and Jain 2012), Trimmomatic (Bolger et al. 2014), RobiNA (Lohse et al. 2012), PRINSEQ (Schmieder and Edwards 2011), HTQC (Yang et al. 2013), NGSQC (Dai et al. 2010), RSeQC (Wang et al. 2012) and Sickle ( But not all of these packages consider the features of both reads of mate-pair or paired-end data simultaneously while generating the read quality/length statistics. Moreover, they do not provide any data read characteristics information prior to filtering, to evaluate the effect of changes in filtering parameters.

Often, it is very difficult to guess how much coverage depth could be achieved using certain filtering thresholds. Moreover, many tools do not consider the phred quality of individual bases, they rather consider the average quality of the whole read or an average quality within a certain window size. It has become a rule of thumb to first choose standard filtering parameters for data processing and to optimize these iteratively after evaluating the filtered reads and initial analyses, which is very time-consuming. There is always a subtle balance between keeping the coverage high enough for good assemblies and to remove data of suboptimal quality, which is not easily achieved by an iterative method.

Thus, a next-generation sequencing data filtering tool called “FastQFS” is presented here. This tool first provides the user an evaluation of the variation of data with different quality and length cutoff parameters. Afterwards, it generates coverage depth variation statistics for different filtering thresholds. FastQFS also performs data filtering steps, considering the following parameters: Reads containing Ns, reads which contain at least one base having a quality below a certain threshold, reads having an average read quality below a certain threshold and reads of a length below specified threshold values. Since the majority of sequenced fungal genomes is small in size compared to animal and plant genomes, fungal genome sequencing projects thus generate comparatively less data, which makes it easier to optimize read filtering. FastQFS has been successfully applied on plant and oomycete genomic data, but has been developed and extensively tested only for fungal genomic and community barcoding datasets. It is probably comparatively slow in handling huge datasets for mammalian sized genomes.


FastQFS takes raw input files in fastq format for both forward and reverse reads. First, it parses the fastq format and calculates various parameters including lengths of both the forward and the reverse read, the average base quality of both read pairs, the lowest quality score of a single base within sequence of both mates and whether the read sequence contains ambiguous bases (Ns) or not. While running this tool, it asks whether the user wants to perform filtering or plotting the filtering statistics of data. The plotting of data statistics is useful to make a decision on the data filtering parameters. From the plots, the percentage of reads which would be passing the different filtering parameters discussed above can be obtained. Moreover, FastQFS generates a plot representing the variation of the expected coverage depth with different quality filtering parameters. These plots provide users information about which parameters can be applied to their dataset for retaining sufficient coverage, enabling an informed decision before performing time consuming data filtering steps.

If only the filtering option is chosen (e.g., for data that has been plotted previously), data filtering is done without generating data statistics plots.

While processing a raw dataset, FastQFS considers features of both read pairs. If at least one read fails to meet the specified thresholds, then the whole read pair will be dropped out from the paired end file. This dropped pair is again scanned if any individual read matches the provided cutoffs, in which case the read is listed in a singleton file. The workflow of the tool is shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Flowchart representing the workflow of FastQFS

The (Supplementary file 1) script can be used for plotting and filtering paired-end data. The two main features of FastQFS, plotting and filtering, can be used simultaneously or one after the other. The following commands demonstrate the usage of these modules.

Plotting variation of data/coverage depth with filtering parameters

perl -plotting Yes -fw demoR1.fq -rw demoR2.fq -prefix Prefix -sc 33 -gsize 20 -l 100

The above command will generate two different files, “Prefix_File_for_plotting_coverage.txt” and “Prefix_File_for_plotting_reads_percentages.txt”, containing the information regarding variation of read coverage depth and percentages of reads retained after applying the filtering parameters, respectively. These output files can further be imported to the R scripts “Plotting_Coverage_depth.R” (Supplementary file 2) and “Plotting_read_Percentages.R” (Supplementary file 3) for plotting coverage depth and percentage variations, respectively. All input parameters are briefly explained in the help section of the FastQFS script.

Plotting coverage depth variation

         Rscript Plotting_Coverage_depth.R Prefix_File_for_plotting_coverage.txt

Plotting read percentage variation

         Rscript Plotting_read_Percentages.R Prefix_File_for_plotting_reads_percentages.txt

Performing read filtering

perl -filtering Yes -fw demoR1.fq -rw demoR2.fq -prefix Prefix -sc 33 -mq 10 -q 26 -l 100

Forward and reverse filtered reads will be written in files “Prefix_R1.fq” and “Prefix_R2.fq”, respectively. Singletons will be written in file “Prefix_Singltons.fq”.

Performing read filtering and plotting

perl -filtering Yes -fw demoR1.fq -rw demoR2.fq -prefix Prefix -sc 33 -mq 10 -q 26 -l 100 -plotting Yes -gsize 20

Running the FastQFS script without any input parameter will generate a help message, this help message explains all input parameters required for this script in detail.


For demonstration purpose, FastQFS was used on a fungal genomic dataset. This dataset had three different insert size libraries. Figure 2 shows the percentage of reads from the 3 kbp insert size library meeting different length and quality cutoffs. The dataset was tested with various average read quality cutoffs from phred scores of 18 to 30 (Fig. 2a–d), with an increment of 4, length cutoffs from 50 to 100 bp with an increment of 10 bp and phred quality cutoffs of individual bases from 3 to 18 with an increment of 5. It was revealed that the read filtering output is highly influenced by length cutoffs exerted on both of the reads, i.e., that a filtering parameter which might seem applicable when considering only the aggregate statistics of either read is potentially not useful when both reads are considered. The average phred score quality cutoff does not show much impact on filtering paired reads, but as expected, the impact of individual base quality cutoffs in read filtering was higher. A plot showing the variation of coverage depths of the 3 kbp library according to different filtering parameters is shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Exemplary plots for the percentage of data left after applying different read filtering parameters to reads from a 3 kbp library. Plots have been generated using average read quality cutoffs of 18, 22, 26, and 30, in A, B, C, and D, respectively, and using length cutoffs from 100 to 150 bp for both reads, with an increment of 10 bp. Minimum base quality (MBQ) was set to phred scores of 3 to 18 with an increment of 5

Fig. 3
figure 3

Coverage depth variation with different quality filtering parameters applied to reads from a 3 kbp library. Plots have been generated using average read quality cutoffs of 18, 22, 26, and 30, in A, B, C and D, respectively, using length cutoffs from 100 to 150 bp for both reads, with an increment of 10 bp. Minimum base quality (MBQ) was set to phred scores of 3 to 18 with an increment of 5

Similar plots using the 250 bp insert library (Supplementary Figs. 12) and the 8 kbp library were generated (Supplementary Figs. 34). It became apparent that the long distance libraries are more influenced by changes in data filtering parameters than the shorter insert libraries. Figure 4 illustrates the percentage of data left after applying different length cutoffs to three different libraries.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Percentage of data left comparing three different insert size libraries using different length cutoffs. The short insert library (250 bp insert size) shows less variation depending on the filtering parameter than the long insert libraries (3 and 8 kbp insert size)

The runtime of the script was calculated by performing data filtering of the three libraries differing in insert size. The three libraries, with insert sizes of 250 bp, 3 kbp and 8 kbp, were represented by around 123, 17 and 18 million raw reads, respectively. Filtering the three libraries using different length cutoffs required 7 h and 5 min, 49 min and 53 min, respectively.

For evaluating the variation of genome assembly quality parameters according to different filtering thresholds, i.e. the N50 scaffold size, the size of the largest scaffold, and the number of scaffolds, were compared after generating genome assemblies derived from different filtering thresholds. The three libraries of the test dataset were assembled using the velvet (Zerbino and Birney 2008) short read genome assembler. In these comparisons, a k-mer of size 45 was used to generate 6 different assemblies derived from the 6 filtered reads datasets, by using length thresholds from 50 to 100 bp. As expected, all parameters varied according to changes in length cutoffs (data not shown).


Using NGS technologies, sequencing even a mammalian genome is a matter of a few weeks at sequencing costs that are affordable to many laboratories (Schatz et al. 2010). Due to these advantages, NGS technologies have quickly been implemented in various fields of life sciences (Metzker 2010), including de novo sequencing of whole genomes (Schatz et al. 2010; Sharma et al. 2015), genome re-sequencing (Stratton 2008), cDNA sequencing (Martin and Wang 2011; Ozsolak and Milos 2011; Wang et al. 2009), genotyping (Davey et al. 2011; Sharma et al. 2014; Yoshida et al. 2013), and community genomics analyses (Qin et al. 2010). Also, several filamentous organisms, including fungi and oomycetes have been sequenced over the last decade (Raffaele and Kamoun 2012). Due to the small genome sizes of most filamentous organisms, several studies in fungi and oomycetes have taken advantage of NGS technologies for whole genome sequencing (Quinn et al. 2013; Levesque et al. 2010; Laurie et al. 2012; Kemen et al. 2011; Jiang et al. 2013; Sharma et al. 2014).

Before starting any analysis on NGS data, it is important to perform data filtering, so the analyses do not suffer from low quality reads (Dai et al. 2010). Over the past few years, many filtering tools have been developed, which can process NGS data considering quality and length thresholds (Bolger et al. 2014; Schmieder and Edwards 2011). Applying different filtering parameters has a significant impact on downstream analyses, depending on the filtering method used (Del Fabbro et al. 2013). Filtering also has a pronounced impact on the amount of reads available for downstream analyses, as a too low coverage can have similar detrimental effects on downstream analyses as including data with low quality scores. Often, especially if funds are limited, a balance has to be sought between a quality filtering that will filter out reads of suboptimal quality and length on the one hand and the coverage retained on the other hand. To our knowledge, there is currently no tool which provides information about the coverage depth variation with different quality cutoffs prior to read filtering, providing straightforward way of choosing quality and length thresholds for filtering. Features of current NGS data processing tools, including FastQFS, are given in Supplementary Table 1.

An alternative or addition to filtering bad quality reads, which can be useful depending on the kind of analyses to be done, are error-correcting tools that help in correcting bad quality bases originating from wrong base-calls (Lim et al. 2014; Kelley et al. 2010). Such tools can help in correcting some bases that are generally trimmed out by the filtering tools. However, care should be taken while using error-correcting tools in studies where a major part of the study depends on the accuracy of a single base, for example studies including SNP detection or community barcoding. Otherwise, it can also be useful to employ error correcting tools prior to read filtering.

FastQFS generates estimated coverage depth plots after the filtering of reads with different quality and length cutoffs, using a user-provided estimated genome size. In case of RNA-Seq data this size could be the total length of protein coding genes. This information can be used to select the most stringent filtering parameters which generate a filtered dataset of the desired minimum coverage depth. Considering the quality of individual bases as available in FastQFS might be important, as in average-based filters, some reads will be retained that are having many bases with very high scores and some bases with very low quality scores. However, these low quality bases might be problematic in some downstream analyses, like variant detection, single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) mining or genome assemblies.

FastQFS has been written in the Perl programming language (, which is platform-independent and can be run on any Perl-supporting operating system. FastQFS does not depend on other Perl libraries or modules, which makes it user friendly also for biologists with limited bioinformatics knowledge.

Thus, we hope that FastQFS will prove useful for data filtering, especially with the aim to achieve an optimised balance between quality filtering and coverage.