
Technological advances have opened many new doors in medical imaging, medical image processing and robotics research. Computer assistance is no longer restricted to diagnostics and surgical planning but has been expanded to surgical and radiological interventions. From a software engineering point of view, these extensions bring new requirements, e.g. support for complex clinical workflows, integration of different kinds of hardware and data, real-time data processing, and the need for high levels of robustness. In this context, research can greatly benefit from reusing software components and the community has gradually become aware of the importance of publishing source code to ensure reproducibility of results [11]. As a consequence, open-source software for medical imaging applications has gained popularity in the scientific community in recent years. Instead of reinventing the wheel, researchers can now concentrate on their preferred research and other groups can easily reproduce their results [5].

A number of open-source toolkits have been published in recent years, all with their degree of differentiation. Some are highly specialized in a certain field, e.g. PLUS [14] and the medical ultrasound imaging and intervention collaboration (MUSiiC) [26]. Others provide necessary infrastructure, e.g. the insight segmentation and registration toolkit (ITK) [18], OpenIGTLink [29], and yet others combine the functionality and the infrastructure into one application, e.g. 3D Slicer [23] and MITK [21, 30].

Starting off as stand-alone software components, the mentioned toolkits developed towards intra-operable solutions especially with the introduction of OpenIGTLink.Footnote 1 A good example is the combination of PLUS and 3D Slicer [14]. While PLUS is acquiring and processing the data, 3D Slicer is used to visualize it. OpenIGTLink is an open-source network protocol originally developed for IGT environments [29] and is the de facto standard in the medical research field. It has proved its functionality in many different applications, such as MRI-guided robotic prostate interventions for communication between scanner, workstation and robot [29] or neurosurgery for communication between a commercial navigation system and 3D Slicer [29]. A wide range of toolkits such as 3D Slicer [8], IGSTK [22], MUSiiC [12], MeVisLab [7], PLUS [14] and NifTK [4] already support this protocol.

MITK provides dedicated modules for IGT (MITK-IGT, [9, 20]), range imaging (MITK-TOF, [25]) and ultrasound (MITK-US, [16]) and is used as a basic toolkit by other open- and closed-source software such as NifTK [4]. These modules have been used for a wide variety of CAI applications including a needle-based navigation system for CT-guided radiofrequency ablation of the liver [15], mobile augmented reality (AR) systems for nephrolithotomy and forensic medicine [13, 19], a navigation system based on a compact electromagnetic field generator integrated with an US probe [17] and markerless navigation for percutaneous needle insertions [24].

We introduce the module MITK-OpenIGTLink that extends MITK with a network interface to allow cross-application, cross-toolkit and cross-platform communication within CAI systems. This module implements the OpenIGTLink protocol version 2, including full support for the querying mechanism: Data can be requested and replies are sent if the data is available. We highlight different usage scenarios and evaluate the modules performance with respect to frame rate and latency.


MITK-OpenIGTLink is implemented as a module within the MITK toolkit providing standardized independent communication across toolkits and medical devices. The implementation complies with the MITK software process [21] using a continuous integration,Footnote 2 a database for tracking changesFootnote 3 and a dedicated release process with manual tests at the application level.

This section starts with the requirement analysis, followed by the architectural overview, and finishes with the methodology for validating the developed architecture.


The following requirements were identified for MITK-OpenIGTLink as a communication layer for MITK:

Extensibility The new module must easily integrate into the pipeline structure of MITK and its modules to allow for interchangeability of e.g. data processing methods. Using new and customized OpenIGTLink message types must be possible.

Flexibility The data transmission and its processing inside the MITK pipelines have to be connected in a flexible way in order to easily exchange the processing steps.

Performance High frame rates and low latency are necessary for real-time applications. The US image data transfer shall run with 30 Hz since typical real-time US devices run with such a frame rate. Tracking data shall be transmitted with up to 1000 Hz in order to cover robotic applications [29]. The latency for tracking data caused by MITK shall be one order of magnitude smaller than the latency caused by the tracking device itself which is the time from when the tracking device is sampled until tracking data is available in the PC.

Application-wide availability The module should provide an application-wide availability of all filters and devices that are necessary for an OpenIGTLink connection. This makes multiple configurations of the same component unnecessary.

Portability MITK-OpenIGTLink should be implemented in C++ and run on Windows, Linux and Mac.

Robustness Messages must not be discarded as long as the user wants to process all of them. It must be configurable to keep only the latest message or all.

Usability The module must be easy to integrate for developers and the resulting application or plugin should be easy to use for the end-user.

Fig. 1
figure 1

The MITK-OpenIGTLink layered architecture. The network layer wraps the OpenIGTLink classes and manages the communication. The processing layer connects the OpenIGTLink device to the processing pipeline. The OIGTLDeviceSource is used for 1 to 1 connections, while the OIGTLMessageProvider can handle several conversion filters and supports streams. The OIGTLDeviceSource is statically coupled with the conversion filters, while the OIGTLMessageProvider is only loosely coupled with them. Both versions can run in parallel, but normally only one of them is used

Fig. 2
figure 2

Module structure of MITK-OpenIGTLink


An architectural overview of MITK-OpenIGTLink is given in Figs. 1 and 2. MITK-OpenIGTLink is structured in the following three layers:

Network layer::

handles the communication with the OpenIGTLink SDK

Processing layer::

handles the processing of incoming and outgoing messages

Application layer::

handles the management of connections

Figure 1 shows the classes used to connect MITK pipelines to other OpenIGTLink devices. A pipeline is a concatenation of processing filters, where each filter does a particular job and sends the result to the next stage of the pipeline. This approach is based on ITK [10]. In ITK, pipelines are implemented as pull pipelines, meaning that the processing is triggered on demand by any filter inside the pipeline (in general the last one). This stands in contrast to a push pipeline in which the processing is started from the first pipeline component.

Figure 2 shows the module structure. The source code for the network and the processing layer is contained in MITK-OpenIGTLink which depends on OpenIGTLink. MITK-OpenIGTLinkUI provides reusable GUI components. On top of all these components, there is a manager plugin to configure the connection. Additionally, different examples are provided.


The OpenIGTLink SDKFootnote 4 consists of two parts: a low-level C library and a higher-level C++ library. OpenIGTLink is designed to run on top of the transmission control protocol (TCP) stack. As an alternative to TCP, the user datagram protocol (UDP) is supported. There is no session management, which is the reason why an OpenIGTLink message contains all necessary information (data type, etc.) for the receiver to interpret it. This simplifies the protocol but also increases the overhead of each message. Besides the standard messages for exchanging tracking data, images, control and monitor information, custom message types can be defined. The protocol version 2 also specifies a querying mechanism used to request single messages or streams of a given message type.

Network layer

The network layer interfaces with the OpenIGTLink protocol and encapsulates its implementation as provided in the SDK. It contains all classes for establishing and managing OpenIGTLink communications and messages.

Client–server architecture The central class in the network layer is the OIGTLDevice. An OIGTLDevice is responsible for the communication with other toolkits or devices supporting OpenIGTLink. For sending and receiving messages, it uses the OpenIGTLink sockets. The device runs three different threads to continuously check for new connections, receive messages and send messages. This allows the server to accept new client connections while it is already communicating with other clients. These threads are continuously put to sleep for 1 ms to reduce the CPU usage of the threads.

The OpenIGTLink client–server architecture is realized by two specializations of the OIGTLDevice: OIGTLClient and OIGTLServer. You can decide to run a client or a server or both at the same time. This stands in contrast to other implementations as in PLUS in which there is only a server available.

In OpenIGTLink, a server can connect to an arbitrary number of clients but each client only to one server. Server and clients are classified by their role during the connection establishment and not during the connection itself. The client is the device that requests the connection with the server. During the connection, both devices (client and server) can request or send data.

Messages Incoming and outgoing messages are stored in an OIGTLMessageQueue. These queues can be configured in two different modes. Depending on the application, it might be necessary to process all incoming messages or only the latest one. The outgoing message buffer is used when messages are created faster than they can be sent.

An additional command queue stores the incoming commands. In the standard there are four different kinds of commands defined that can be used for the query functionality:


Used to request a single message with the type MSGTYPE. The device answers with a message of type MSGTYPE or RTS_MSGTYPE.


Used to inform the requesting device that MSGTYPE messages are not available.


Used to request a stream of messages with the type MSGTYPE. The device answers with a stream or an RTS message.


Used to stop the stream of type MSGTYPE. The device has to stop the stream and answers with an RTS message.

The query mechanism that results from these command messages can be used for a two-way communication, e.g. to send control commands to an US machine and receive image data. This query mechanism is not used by all existing OpenIGTLink implementations. In these cases, the stream automatically starts as soon as client and server are connected to each other. To be compatible with such implementations, it is possible to configure MITK-OpenIGTLink to also send messages upon connection. The commands are received and sent from the OIGTLDevice; however, the handling of these commands is done in the processing layer.

Custom message types can be created and have to be added to the OIGTLMessageFactory before they can be used. This can be done at compile and at run time. In order to add custom types to the factory, two things are necessary:

  1. 1.

    A correct name according to the protocol: A data message is called by its data, e.g. CUSTOMDATA, whereas a command starts with the command type, e.g. GET_CUSTOMDATA.

  2. 2.

    A method that allocates this message.

Standard types are automatically added to the factory at compile time.

The factory is registered as a Micro Service and therefore is available system-wide. C++ Micro ServicesFootnote 5 are a low-level mechanism for a service-oriented modular system. The goal of this architecture is to hide complex tasks behind a simple service interface and to make it available to other components during run time. After registering a service in one module, it is available to other modules. The selection of services is based on properties and priorities and is managed by the so-called module context. In this way, functionality can be easily extended by registering a new service with a higher priority [21].

Fig. 3
figure 3

Sequence diagram for the query of an image. An OIGTL device is requesting an image, the message provider looks for available image sources inside the module context, connects itself to the fitting conversion filter (ImageToOIGTLMessageFilter) and requests an image, and subsequently, the image is provided, converted and sent to the requesting device

Processing layer

The processing layer holds the components establishing the connection between ITK style pipeline filters and the OpenIGTLink devices in the Network Layer. This conversion is important since existing MITK-IGT components are mainly implemented as such filters. The first step, a so-called conversion filter, converts either MITK data types into OpenIGTLink messages or vice versa. Custom conversion filters can be easily integrated; however, for the most common data types used in MITK, conversion filters are already available. In the second step, the message has to be sent or received. There are two different configurations to achieve this:

  1. 1.

    Using the OIGTLDeviceSource

    The OIGTLDeviceSource manages an OIGTLDevice and can be statically connected to a conversion filter (left side of Fig. 1). This configuration is used in applications where all components are known at compile time.

  2. 2.

    Using the OIGTLMessageProvider

    The OIGTLMessageProvider inherits from the OIGTLDeviceSource and therefore also manages an OIGTLDevice. The difference is that the provider is only loosely connected to the conversion filter. At start-up, it is not connected to any filter. It waits for an incoming command message and subsequently checks if it can provide the requested data. To find these data, the provider looks for conversion filters that are registered as a Micro Service and that are able to provide the appropriate data output. Once it finds an appropriate filter, it connects to it automatically and sends the data. It supports single GET commands as well as streaming commands. This configuration is used in applications in which the set-up is defined at runtime. Figure 3 shows an example for the request of an image, but other types can be handled in the same way.

Alternatively, MITK-OpenIGTLink can also be used without the pipeline by directly sending OpenIGTLink messages to the OIGTLDevice as indicated in Fig. 1 by the connection from the application layer to the OIGTLDevice. This might be useful if the pipelining concept is not used.

Application layer

The application layer consists of ready-to-use MITK plugins and the MITK-OpenIGTLinkUI module. The latter contains several QtFootnote 6 GUI widgets that allow the developer to easily integrate the new module into his application. The plugins include the following views:

  • OpenIGTLinkManager: The OpenIGTLink manager view is not mandatory but can be used to manage the OpenIGTLink devices registered as Micro Services. Additionally, it also finds all registered conversion filters and allows to manually start the streaming of these sources. Figure 4 shows this plugin with a running example in which tracking data is streamed with 500 Hz.

  • OpenIGTLinkExample: This simple example connects itself to an OpenIGTLink device source and visualizes the received tracking data.

  • OpenIGTLinkProviderExample: The provider example constructs an IGT-Pipeline that uses previously recorded navigation data to simulate a tracking device. These data is transformed into OpenIGTLink messages and streamed on request (receiving of a STT_TDATA command).

In addition to these new plugins, existing plugins for IGT and US applications were updated in such a way that, instead of hardware devices, these modules can also connect directly to OpenIGTLink network devices.

Fig. 4
figure 4

The user interface of the manager plugin. In the top list view, the device source can be selected. In this example, the provider was selected. The lower part of the interface is used to set up a connection, send commands and manage streams

Performance analysis

In order to assess the performance of latency and frame rate parameters in realistic and reproducible environments, two recently set-up high-end computersFootnote 7 were used. To neglect any falsification caused by the network, the two PCs were directly connected to each other.

The experiments were performed on Linux. Time synchronization between both computers was achieved by using the precision time protocol (PTP) [6] and its implementation, the PTP daemon (PTPd).Footnote 8 PTPd is open source and only available on Linux.

Previous experiments [4, 29] with the OpenIGTLink protocol mainly focused on the network performance. Clarkson et al. and Tokuda et al. tested the latency from the generation of the OpenIGTLink message to the receiving in a second PC. Our analysis covers the whole pipeline, from the data generation in MITK to the rendering of the data in the other MITK instance.

In order to evaluate the latency of all steps of the pipeline presented before, we defined six measurement points (MPs) as illustrated in Fig. 5. In each MP, the current timestamp and the index of the current message were recorded. The rendering process was considered in the tests by performing the tests one time with rendering and one time without. However, in both cases the messages are received, converted and processed in the pipeline. There is no MP inside the rendering since it normally runs slower than the processing. For certain processes, it might be necessary to run with high frame rates (e.g. 500 Hz), whereas the rendering is limited by the refresh rate of the monitor (typically 60 Hz). For this analysis, the rendering was set to 30 Hz.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Measurement points used for the performance analysis

Experiment 1: transmission of tracking data

We transmitted 10,000 messages containing tracking data in 16 channels with four frame rates of 128, 256, 512 and 1000 Hz. The tracking data were previously generated and read from file. During this experiment, the rendering was turned off since it is application specific. In the easiest case, every channel could be rendered as a single point. However, on a modern computer this would not have an influence on the test results.

Experiment 2: transmission of image data

We simulated an US stream by transmitting 1000 greyscale image messages with an US typical resolution of \(640\times 480\) with varying frame rates of 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 and 512 Hz. The images were taken from a standard USB webcam. All measurements were taken two times, with rendering enabled and with rendering disabled.

Experiment 3: transmission of HD image data

We transmitted 1000 greyscale image messages with a full HD resolution of \(1920\times 1080\) with frame rates of 16, 32, 64 and 128 Hz. All measurements were taken two times, with rendering enabled and with rendering disabled.


The first part of this section depicts usage scenarios that become available with the MITK-OpenIGTLink module. The second part shows the results of the tests described above.

Usage scenarios

The integration of the OpenIGTLink protocol into MITK allows several interoperability usage scenarios. They range from intra-toolkit communication on the same computer to intra-toolkit communication on different platforms and communication with medical devices and robotic systems.

Interfacing with other toolkits

Through MITK-OpenIGTLink, MITK can now be easily connected with other toolkits to exchange data and other information. We illustrate this by interfacing MITK to two common open-source toolkits in the medical domain, PLUS and 3D Slicer. Both scenarios were tested on Linux and Windows and worked well with our implementation.

A usage scenario of interfacing between PLUS and MITK is depicted in Fig. 6. This can e.g. be used to acquire data from an US scanner and make use of the algorithmic functionality of PLUS such as volume reconstruction, or spatial and temporal calibration. The acquired and processed data can be recorded and streamed over the network via OpenIGTLink to be used within MITK [14].

Fig. 6
figure 6

An example for a cross-toolkit application. Both toolkits run on the same platform. PLUS communicates with the US scanner, performs its algorithms and sends the result to MITK where it is visualized subsequently

Furthermore, the new OpenIGTLink module allows collaboration with other end-user GUI applications, such as 3D Slicer. Hence, research groups can easily exchange and share data and results directly from their favourite frameworks. 3D Slicer, for example, could benefit from the range imaging module of MITK (MITK-TOF, [25]) or from research in progress that is not yet available as open source but provided as binaries.

Figure 7 shows this usage scenario. 3D Slicer contains a plugin called OpenIGTLink Remote that allows querying data and sending commands to a remote OpenIGTLink device. In this case, MITK reacts to the request and answers if the data is available. Moreover, MITK could be configured to run without a GUI just responding to the requests of another end-user GUI application.

Fig. 7
figure 7

An example of a collaboration between two toolkits in which MITK is used by another end-user GUI application

Cross-platform communication

The use case depicted in Fig. 8 allows communication between systems/applications that are bound to run on different platforms (e.g. Windows and Linux) and/or on a different instruction set architecture of the CPU (\(\times \)86 or \(\times \)64). With MITK-OpenIGTLink, it is now possible to e.g. interface with proprietary applications that are only available for one specific platform and instruction set without having to port the application code to this (often outdated) system architecture. An example could be a tracking device only accessible on a certain system configuration. In this case, a simple console application that streams the tracking data through OpenIGTLink would be enough. We tested this by streaming tracking data received from a tracking device that only runs on a Windows PC to an application running on Linux.

Fig. 8
figure 8

An example of a cross-platform device integration. The visualization runs on a windows workstation with 64-bit architecture, while the tracking device is connected to a MS Windows PC with \(\times \)86 architecture due to missing drivers for 64 bits

Interfacing with clinical devices and robotic systems

Recently, the first clinical devices that support OpenIGTLink natively, e.g. the Brainlab navigation system, were introduced. By using this interface, these clinical devices can be integrated in a faster way. Moreover, OpenIGTLink is often used in robotic applications [13, 29] which makes the integration of robotics much easier. Another common use case is the data retrieval from an MRI or CT scanner as described in [27]. Figure 9 shows such a set-up.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Interfacing with clinical devices or robotic systems

Fig. 10
figure 10

Experiment 1: latency in transmission of tracking data. 10,000 messages with tracking data of 16 channels were sent at 1000 Hz. The average total latency was 2.81 ms

Performance analysis

In the following sections, the results of the performance tests are shown for the tracking data transfer (Sect. 3.2.1), the image transfer (Sect. 3.2.2) and the HD image transfer (Sect. 3.2.3). For each of those individual evaluations, the results are presented in two ways. First, a boxplot diagram is given showing the latency produced by the components of the pipeline. Since these values do not change essentially from one test run to another, only one diagram per experiment is shown. Each test run uses a different frame rate and calculates the mean values for transmitting 10,000 tracking or 1000 image messages. The central marks of a boxplot indicate the median, the edges of the box are the 25th and 75th percentiles, the whiskers extend to the most extreme data points not considered outliers, and outliers are plotted individually as crosses. Second, a table showing the average, median, minimal and maximal values of the test runs is given.

Tracking data transfer

Figure 10 shows a boxplot diagram of Experiment 1. The first boxplot shows the time required for data generation. The second and fourth boxplots show the time a message lies in a buffer. As explained above, this is not processing time but idle time and has a major influence on the total result. The third boxplot is the time the message is sent from one socket to the next one. The fifth one is the time necessary to convert the incoming OpenIGTLink message into an MITK data type, and the sixth boxplot shows the total latency from generation till conversion.

As shown in Fig. 10, the two buffers produce the highest latencies in the pipeline. The higher the frame rate, the lower the buffer idle time and, thus, the lower the total latency. This behaviour is given in Table 1. The average latencies, depending on the frame rate, lie between 2.81 and 7 ms.

Table 1 Measurement result for tracking data with different frame rates and 10,000 recorded messages

Image transfer

Figure 11 shows the result for Experiment 2 in which image data with a fixed resolution of \(640\times 480\) pixel were sent over the network. Compared to Experiment 1, the major part of the latency is not produced by the buffers but by the network itself. The average latency, depending on the frame rate and if rendering is enabled, lies between 10.5 and 21 ms (see Tables 2 and 3). Until 128 Hz the rendering only causes minor latencies. However, for higher frame rates it causes a significant increase in latency of almost 100 %.

Fig. 11
figure 11

Experiment 2: latency in transmission of image data (\(640\times 480\) pixel). 1000 messages were sent at 128 Hz with disabled rendering. The data transmission is the most time-consuming step

Table 2 Measurement result for image data with different frame rates and 1000 recorded messages (rendering disabled)
Table 3 Measurement result for image data with different frame rates and 1000 recorded messages (rendering enabled)
Fig. 12
figure 12

Experiment 3: latency in transmission of HD image data. 1000 messages were sent at 128 Hz with disabled rendering. The data transmission is by far the most time-consuming step

HD image transfer

Figure 12 shows the latencies for Experiment 3 in which HD greyscale image data with a fixed resolution of \(1920\times 1080\) pixel were sent over the network. Due to the increased message size, the major part of the latency is produced in the network itself. The average latency, depending on the frame rate, lies between 65 and 69.5 ms (see Table 4). Unlike the results in Experiment 2, these results are only slightly influenced by the rendering.

Table 4 Measurement result for HD image data with different frame rates and 1000 recorded messages


The experiments were carried out under Linux utilizing the PTPd implementation. Due to a missing open-source alternative on MS Windows and missing hardware for OS X, tests were not performed on these platforms.

The missing implementation of an asynchronous connect and receive method in OpenIGTLink v2.0 makes it necessary to have individual threads for polling the socket. On the one hand, putting the threads to sleep for 1 ms is necessary to reduce the CPU usage. On the other hand, it also reduces the upper frame rate limit to 1000 Hz. If there were to be an asynchronous receive available in future versions of OpenIGTLink, these threads would not be necessary anymore.

Tokuda et al. [29] state that the frame rate of tracking devices is in the range of 40–375 Hz and the one for robotic applications in the order of kHz. The experiments show that tracking data can be sent with more than 1000 Hz. The highest measurable frame rate in our test set-up, 1000 Hz, resulted in a latency of 2.81 ms on average. In contrast, the lowest measured frame rate was 128 Hz and resulted in a latency of 7 ms. According to Teather et al., an NDI Polaris tracking system has a latency of approximately 75 ms [28]. Wu and Taylor state that electromagnetic tracking systems have an even higher latency [31]. Considering these tracking latencies, an additional latency of 7 ms is acceptable.

The fact that the latency is decreasing with increasing frame rates is due to the implemented buffers that cause a big part of the total latency. This means that the faster the buffers are polled, the lower the latency will be. Therefore, the latency can be decreased by running the “consuming” pipeline with a higher frame rate than the transmission, e.g. the transmission runs with 128 Hz and the pipeline with 512 Hz. Another way to improve this behaviour could be to couple the message reception with the pipeline by triggering the pipeline update once a message is received.

According to [29], around 32 Hz are sufficient for real-time US imaging. Our implementation measures up to 512 Hz with enabled rendering and a median latency of 14 ms. HD greyscale images were processed with 128 Hz and a latency of 66 ms. Theoretically, HD RGB images could be sent with up to 43 Hz (\(128 / 3 \approx 43\)) which is still more than the recommended 32 Hz. Therefore, the presented implementation is able to cover most applications utilizing image messages.

Enabling the rendering of transmitted images only showed differences in Experiment 2 but not in Experiment 3. In Experiment 2, US image data were transmitted with up to 512 Hz and a difference occurred for frame rates higher than 128 Hz. In Experiment 3, HD image data were transmitted with up to 128 Hz. We assume that the PCs are able to transmit and process images up to 128 Hz, independent of the image size, but that they are partly overloaded for higher frame rates. This is based on the fact that the increase in processing time does not correlate with the increase in image size when comparing US with HD images. In MITK, the handling of US and HD images is exactly the same and mainly management, the part that has to differentiate between the image sizes for rendering purposes is running on the GPU and does not influence the measurement.

A direct comparison between the presented results and the previously published experiments in [4, 29] cannot be made since they concentrated on the network performance and their OpenIGTLink implementation. The presented analysis, on the contrary, covers the whole pipeline, from the data conversion in MITK to the rendering of the data in the other MITK instance. [4] and [29] state for a tracking data transfer with 128 Hz a latency of around 0.3 ms, respectively, 0.36 ms, whereas the presented results show a latency of 7 ms. [4] and [29] measure the time from creating an OpenIGTLink message at the sender host until the end of the deserialization at the receiver host. These measurements are very interesting concerning the OpenIGTLink interface but do not give information about the performance of an application. They do not include visualization nor management of messages. In the presented tests, we measure the application-specific latency: we generate real data (as MITK data types), convert it into messages, send them and vice versa on the receiving side. Moreover, we implemented buffers to easily integrate OpenIGTLink into the pipelined structure of MITK. The most time-consuming component in the tests by [4] and [29] is the networking. In our 128 Hz tracking data test, we had an average network latency of 0.19 ms. Creation, serialization and deserialization can be considered as less time-consuming as the networking which means that our implementation performs similarly to [4] and [29].

For image data transfers with frame rates higher than 512 Hz, the network load was so high that the PTP synchronization packages arrived delayed. In this scenario, two separate network connections might be necessary, one for the data and one for the synchronization.

The usage scenarios show that MITK can communicate with other toolkits such as 3D Slicer or PLUS. These toolkits can also run on different platforms, e.g. Linux \(\times \)64 and Window \(\times \)32.


In this paper, we presented a new software module which enables OpenIGTLink support in MITK. We carried out performance tests and described new usage scenarios. MITK-OpenIGTLink was released as open source together with the MITK toolkit release 2016-03. The new module enables real-time communication of different types of CAI data, such as tracking data, US data and HD greyscale image data which was demonstrated by the performance analysis. MITK can now be combined with other toolkits in a plug-and-play manner which was shown for 3D Slicer and PLUS. Tutorials and manuals on how to use MITK-OpenIGTLink were published together with the release.