A variety of simulations may be used to facilitate medical education, ranging from: (a) low-tech simulators (e.g., models or mannequins used to practice simple physical procedures); (b) simulated, standardized patients (i.e., actors trained to role-play as patients); (c) screen-based computer simulators; (d) complex-task trainers (e.g., computer-driven physical models of body parts); and (e) realistic patient simulators (e.g., computer-driven, full-length mannequins that simulate anatomy, physiology, clinical reasoning and decision making) (Maran and Glavin 2003).

Research supports the efficacy of virtual patient simulations (VPs)—a form of screen-based computer simulators that are particularly well suited for fostering the development of clinical reasoning skills (Botezatu et al. 2010; Cook and Triola 2009). Synthesis research concludes that VPs yield consistently higher learning outcomes than conventional educational methods. For instance, based on a meta-analysis of 14 studies published between 1990 and 2010 (including 6 randomized trials, 3 cohort studies, 1 case-controlled study, and 4 pre-post baseline studies), McGaghie et al. (2011) calculated an overall effect size of 0.71 (95 % confidence interval [CI], 0.65–0.76; P < 0.001) and concluded that simulation-based medical education, including VPs with deliberate practice, is superior to clinical education that was characterized by the traditional “see one, do one, teach one” instructional approach.

Similarly, a meta-analysis of twelve randomized controlled studies by Consorti et al. (2012) showed a clear positive pooled overall effect for VPs compared to other educational methods, such as lectures, handouts, textbooks, and standardized patients. The overall pooled effect expressed as Odds Ratio (OR) was 2.39 in favor of VPs for all 12 studies assessing 25 outcomes (95 % CI 1.48–3.84; p < 0.001), while the effect size (ES) in favor of VPs as an additional resource was 2.55 in 5 studies assessing 15 outcomes (95 % CI 1.36–4.79; p = 0.003) and 2.19 in favor of VPs as an alternative method to more traditional instructional methods for 7 studies assessing 10 outcomes (95 % CI 1.06–4.52; p = 0.034). The ES expressed as OR represents the odds of a positive effect for students exposed to VPs and for students not exposed to VPs. An ES > 1 is said to indicate an effect of VPs on the achievement of the learning outcome higher than the control group. However, a meta-analysis of quantitative VPs studies showed that the positive effects were not always large.

In a systematic review and meta-analysis of four qualitative studies, 18 no-intervention control studies, and 21 non-computer comparative studies, Cook et al. (2010) found that VPs are associated with large positive effects compared with no intervention. The pooled effect size (95 % CI; number of studies) was 0.94 (0.69 to 1.19; N = 11) for knowledge outcomes, 0.80 (0.52 to 1.08; N = 5) for clinical reasoning, and 0.90 (0.61 to 1.19; N = 9) for other skills. But in comparison to non-computer instruction, the effects were relatively small: −0.17 (−0.57 to 0.24; N = 8) for satisfaction, 0.06 (−0.14 to 0.25; N = 5) for knowledge, −0.004 (−0.30 to 0.29; N = 10) for reasoning, and 0.10 (−0.21 to 0.42; N = 11) for other skills.

Yet, in a subsequent cumulative meta-analysis of 51 studies published between 1978 and 2011, Cook (2014) found a positive effect size of 0.37 (95 % CI 0.23–0.51; p < 0.001) for technology-enhanced simulation in comparison with non-simulation training, and concluded that, “some replication is necessary to obtain stable estimates of effect and to explore different contexts, but the number of studies of SBE [simulation-based education] often exceeds the minimum number of replications required” (p. 750), and “At some point, further replication is no longer needed…” and “we should: (i) put into practice what we know, and (ii) perform different studies to investigate different questions (or more nuanced aspects of the phenomenon)” (p. 758).

The purported benefits for using VPs are well documented. VPs can give students extensive opportunities to practice clinical skills and receive feedback in safe environments, and enable educators to give students standardized experiences, particularly with cases that are rare or otherwise difficult to replicate, as well as present variations and promote mastery within and across institutions (Cendan and Lok 2012; Cook and Triola 2009). Nevertheless, it cannot be assumed that VPs will always facilitate student learning. Students demonstrate low usage and report low satisfaction when VPs are not well integrated with, or are offered as an add-on to their curriculum (Haag et al. 2007; Fischer et al. 2007).

In Part I of this two-part article, we described the design and development of NERVE – a web-based, VPs made accessible online to give medical students a standardized experience in interviewing, examining, and diagnosing patients with cranial nerve disorders. We summarized four years of research and development (R&D), and detailed methods used to systematically improve the Alpha, and create the Beta prototype of the system (Hirumi et al. 2016). In Part II, we examine the integration of NERVE into medical school curriculum. Based on existing research and literature, and interactions with the instructor, we formulated a strategy to integrate NERVE and field-tested the Beta version with 119 second-year medical students. We then measured students’ use, reactions, learning, and transfer to examine the efficacy of the system, and the strategy used to integrate the system into the curriculum. Here, we report the results of the field-test, describe lessons learned, and discuss how the results are being used to generate the next iteration of NERVE and improve the integration strategy.

VPs integration strategies

Based on a review of 109 peer reviewed journal articles published between 1969 and 2003, Issenberg et al. (2005) concluded that curriculum integration was one of the top three weighted characteristics of high-fidelity medical simulations that lead to effective learning. VPs that are simply “add-ons” result in poor integration and suboptimal learning outcomes (Haag et al. 2007). Explicit and deliberate strategies for integrating VPs are essential for students’ acceptance and learning (ibid).

Studies examining the integration of VPs highlight the importance of addressing key contextual factors that affect student learning in medical school. Factors such as when and how the VPs are introduced into the curriculum, the perceived relevance of the content and cases, and the nature and scope of both related and competing curriculum resources all affect the use of VPs and the impact they have on student learning. For example, Berman et al. (2009) validated a 15-question survey for measuring the students’ perceptions of the effectiveness of VP integration strategies and found that, “elimination of other teaching methodologies was directly associated with perceived effectiveness of the integration strategies” and “students’ positive perceptions of integration directly affected their satisfaction and their perceptions of improved knowledge and skills” (p. 942). Based on survey results, Berman et al. (2009) posited an effective strategy to ease VP integration to include: (a) providing effective orientation; (b) integrating Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) into existing didactics; (c) fostering faculty development to build from students’ learning from the cases at the bedside; and (d) eliminating redundant reading.

Huwendiek and de Leng (2010) developed two instruments for facilitating the integration of VPs, including (a) a checklist enabling reviewers to characterize the curricular integration of VPs, and (b) a questionnaire assessing students’ experiences with VPs curricular integration in relation to the development of clinical reasoning skills. Based on input received from a sample of 116 medical students completing their pediatric rotation, Huwendiek et al. (2013) found the preferred sequence of VPs and related educational activities was: (a) lecture, (b) interactions with 1–2 VPs, (c) tutor-led small group discussion, and (d) practice with real patients. Edelbring et al. (2012) also found that “more intense follow-up seminars AARs [After Action Reviews] pay off in terms of the benefit perceived by students” (p. 417).

When integrating new technology, such as VPs, into educational contexts, we know that their use and surrounding practices need to be considered (Edelbring, 2010). However, the majority of VPs research examine the relative effectiveness of VPs versus other forms of instruction. In most cases, the integration of VPs in medical education has been performed pragmatically, with limited theoretical or empirical foundations (Edelbring et al. 2011).

Our goals were to improve NERVE and the strategy used to integrate it into the curriculum. To achieve our goals, we field-tested NERVE with 119 s-year medical students and sought to answer four basic questions: How did students use the system? What were learners’ reactions to the system? What did students learn from their interactions with the system? And, to what degree were students able to transfer the skills and knowledge derived from the system?


Study context and participants

One hundred seventeen of 119 students (98.3 %) enrolled in a 2nd year neurology course consented to the use of their data for analysis and reporting. We did not include scores from one consenting student in the data analyses because she contributed extensively to the design, development, and testing of NERVE. Study participants included 58 females and 58 males, median age of 24 years (IQR 23–25; range 22–38), representing one or more diverse ethnic groups—34 Asian (29.1 %), 5 Black or African-American (4.3 %), 7 Hispanic or Latino (6.0 %), and 79 White or Caucasian (67.5 %).

NERVE: fundamental components and pedagogical foundations

NERVE is made up of three fundamental components (i.e., a series of introductory frames, a Learning Center, and an Exam Room). The introductory frames consist of an initial splash screen, a list of objectives, and an overview of the system that includes short video tutorials on the contents and use of the Learning Center and Exam Room.

The NERVE Learning Center consists of an interactive area where students can practice using physical examination tools associated with each of the twelve cranial nerves (CNs); information about CN anatomy and physiology, symptoms and pathology; and case studies of each CN. Twelve, ten-item quizzes in the Learning Center also enable students to test and monitor their knowledge of each CN. Figure 1 depicts the tools available in the interactive area for examining CN #2 – the optic nerve.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Screen shot of interactive tools provided for CN2 within NERVE Learning Center

The Exam Room consists of six virtual patient cases that are accessible using two interfaces: A Selection NERVE and a Chat NERVE interface. Figure 2 compares both interfaces.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Screen shots comparing the Selection and Chat NERVE user interfaces

The Selection NERVE interface is designed for novice medical students, allowing users to select questions for interviewing the patient from a drop down menu. In comparison, the Chat NERVE interface is designed for more experienced students. It enables users to formulate, organize, and input their own questions.

The InterPLAY instructional theory served as the pedagogical foundation for NERVE (Hirumi et al. 2015) and guided the design of NERVE’s three basic components. As an instructional theory, InterPLAY prescribes methods for facilitating experiential learning (Stapleton and Hirumi 2014, 2011). It is based on two central principles posited by Dewey in the 30′s; continuity (the idea that students learn from their experiences), and interaction (the notion that experiences are derived from their interactions with the environment and other individuals) (Dewey 1938). InterPLAY is further grounded in the belief that children and adults learn best when presented with authentic challenges, and when skill development and the learning of facts, concepts, and principles occur in context of how they are used (Barrows, 1985; Schank et al. 1999).

The merits of experiential learning are evidenced by the number of related strategies that have been published over the past 40 years, including those posited by Pfeiffer and Jones (1975), Kolb (1984), Schank et al. (1999) and Clark (2004). With the plethora of interpretations, Lindsey and Berger (2009) distilled three universal principles of experiential learning, including:

  • Principle 1 - Framing the Experience. Communicate the instructional objectives, assessment criteria, expected behaviors, and social structure (with peers, instructors and the environment). Variable methods, such as didactic instruction, may frame the experience by providing foundational knowledge required to interpret the experience.

  • Principle 2 - Activating the Experience. Initiate new and prior experiences. Multiple methods may activate experience ranging from laboratory practice to simulations. Key characteristics include (a) providing an authentic experience to facilitate transfer, (b) making decisions with authentic outcomes, (c) orienting students to see the relevance of prescribed learning activities, and (d) presenting optimal difficulty to challenge students with reasonable expectations for success.

  • Principle 3 - Reflecting on Experience. Experience must be analyzed to learn from it. Reflection should involve students answering the questions, “What happened?” “Why did it happen?” “What did I learn?” and “How would I apply this knowledge to future experiences?” Specific methods for stimulating reflection include teacher facilitation and community building.

The Introduction in NERVE defined the instructional objectives and the prescribed social structure as posited by Principle 1 – Framing the Experience. Other aspects of Principle 1 (i.e., communicating assessment criteria, and expected behaviors) were addressed by the instructor during the initial demonstration of the system. The NERVE Learning Center and Exam Room contained the contents, activities, and simulations that activated the learners’ experience as specified by Principle 2. To address Principle 3, the instructor facilitated a two hour AAR that asked students to reflect on their experience after interacting with the system. InterPLAY seeks to advance experiential learning by integrating story, play and game with the universal experiential learning principles to enhance student engagement and learning (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3
figure 3

Diagram depicting key conceptual elements of the InterPLAY instructional theory

Application of story, play, and game facilitates six instructional events that form the InterPLAY instructional strategy. Figure 4 illustrates how learners may navigate through the strategy, and the relationship between the instructional events and concepts of story, play, and game posited by the theory.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Diagram illustrating how learners may navigate through key instructional events and components of the InterPLAY instructional strategy

One reason we adopted InterPLAY is the separation of game and play clearly distinguished the role of the VPs in the Exam Room (that enable students to practice and refine their diagnostic skills) and CN content information provided in the Learning Center (that learners may want or need to inform the diagnostic process). During the first four years of R&D, prerequisite knowledge of CN anatomy, physiology, and pathology was presented by medical school faculty in conventional lecture style format before students were given access to NERVE. InterPLAY illustrated how the addition of content information to the system could enable NERVE to become an independent learning platform that medical schools and students could use to cover both the acquisition and application of relevant CN skills and knowledge.

With InterPLAY, we added the Learning Center to NERVE that gave students the opportunity to: (a) learn how and when to use relevant physical examination tools, (b) review relevant information about CN anatomy, physiology, symptoms and pathology, (c) explore published case studies about CN disorders, and (d) take multiple-choice quizzes to monitor their own knowledge acquisition. A link allowed students to access the Learning Center before, during and/or after interacting with the VP cases in the Exam Room.

The addition of the Learning Center also made NERVE complete from a student’s perspective. After making a mistake, a student may find it frustrating to hunt for a reliable source of information to correct the misunderstanding. This is especially true in medicine where misinformation is easily available and reliable texts on specific topics can be too in-depth or difficult to understand. The Learning Center serves as an easily accessible resource that can be used as a quick reference to access information and reinforce or correct errors in knowledge.

Further details regarding the design and development of NERVE was presented in Part I of this two-part article (Hirumi, et al. 2016). An in depth study of how the InterPLAY instructional theory informed the design of NERVE, and how the design of NERVE advanced theory was also presented by Hirumi et al. (2015). Here, we highlighted key components of the system and summarized the pedagogical foundations that guided the design of NERVE to give a sense of what students experienced both in class and online, and to help frame the NERVE integration strategy, and interpret field-test results.

NERVE integration strategy

Patterned initially after Huwendiek et al. (2013) preferred sequencing of VPs and educational activities, we used existing VPs integration research, input received from the instructor, and the universal principles of experiential learning to hone our strategy for integrating NERVE into the medical school curriculum. The strategy included (a) a lecture on neurology, (b) a demonstration of NERVE with explicit expectations and requirements, (c) VPs interactions within NERVE, (d) an instructor-led AAR with the entire class, and (e) a standardized patient/virtual patient (SP/VP) hybrid encounter, as depicted in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Diagram depicting duration and measurements taken during main components NERVE integration strategy and field-test

Before the term began, the principal investigator (PI) from the collaborating medical school contacted the instructor of the second year neurology class to integrate NERVE and participate in the study. The instructor had heard about the development of NERVE through informal discussion at the school and agreed to discuss the opportunity. During subsequent meetings, the PI and the co-investigator (Co-I) and lead instructional designer demonstrated the latest version of the system and discussed system integration, data collection, and future R&D. The instructor agreed to participate and over two follow-up meetings, worked with the Co-I to refine the strategy and prepare materials to integrate NERVE.

The beta prototype of NERVE was then field-tested with 119 medical students enrolled in a second year neurology course as illustrated in Fig. 5. To activate the experience, the instructor initially demonstrated the use of NERVE during the last 20 min of his regularly scheduled neurology class using pre-prepared MS PowerPoint™ slides, and two video tutorials contained in the system. The short videos demonstrated key components of NERVE, including the contents of the Learning Center and simulated interactions with patients in the Exam Room. The PPT slides communicated requirements and expectations. Students were then briefed about the design study, completed consent forms, and encouraged to use the system over the next week either individually, in pairs, or teams of three-to-four.

During the week, students interacted with NERVE on their own time. Several students commented that it was a particularly busy week with 20–22 h of neuroscience content to digest and NERVE added to the load. On Day 5, the instructor sent a message to all students reminding them of the AAR that was to be completed during the next class session. Students’ access and use of NERVE were recorded by the system throughout the week.

For the AAR, the instructor asked students to reflect on their experience with NERVE, and answer three basic questions (i.e., What did they learn? What did they like and why? What should be improved and how?). Students’ responses were recorded using Qualtrics. As the students answered the first question, the instructor reviewed their comments, and led a discussion on CN anatomy, physiology, and pathology. At the end, the instructor reviewed expectations for the SP/VP hybrid encounter that students were to complete the following day.

Due to limited space, half of the students completed the SP/VP interaction one day after the AAR and the other half completed SP/VP encounter two days after the AAR. For the interaction, groups of twelve students were brought into simulated exam rooms (one student/room) and asked to interview a SP while using a nearby computer to interact with a similar VP to complete relevant physical examinations as illustrated in Fig. 6.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Picture illustrating how medical students interacted with both a standardized patient and virtual patient in clinical setting

Each SP/VP encounter took approximately 20 min. The SP was trained to respond to questions as if they had a particular CN disorder. Students were presented with the same NERVE tools and user interface to interact with the VP that was also programmed to exhibit signs that were consistent with the SP’s specified disorder. At the end of the SP/VP encounter, students were asked to submit a differential diagnosis as well as a recommended plan of action.

The field-test represented the final design study completed during the last year of the five-year R&D grant. After the data were compiled, team members were asked to review the field-test results and reflect on their experience throughout the entire last year to help answer the research questions, and formulate lessons learned and recommended improvements.


Different instruments were used to measure students’ use, reactions, learning and transfer. An AAR was also completed to gain further insights on students’ reaction and learning, and recommendations for improving the design and integration of NERVE.


To track students’ use, a preliminary login was added to NERVE during the last year of R&D that required students to enter a unique user name, along with the user names of classmates if they were accessing the system in groups. For every session, NERVE recorded the time spent on each accessed page by keeping a persistent connection between the NERVE server and the client side application, and saving the information to a database in the server. Additionally, NERVE recorded students’ responses to quizzes, their interactions with the VPs, and their diagnoses of virtual patients in a similar manner.


Keller’s (1987) Attention-Relevance-Confidence-Satisfaction (ARCS) model of motivational design was applied to measure students’ reactions to NERVE using 24-items that were adapted from the Instructional Materials Motivation Survey (IMMS) (Keller 2010). Permission to adapt the IMMS for the field-test was granted by the author. All items were measured on a 5-point Likert-type scale, where 1 = Strongly Disagree and 5 = Strongly Agree. Each of the four ARCS sub-scales contained six items, such that each of the sub-scale scores may range from 6 to 30, and total scale scores may range from 24 to 120. Internal consistency, as measured by Cronbach’s coefficient alpha, has been strong for the total scale (0.96) and for each of the sub-scales (0.81–0.92) (Keller, 2010). The survey was distributed to students through Qualtrics following their use of NERVE for the one-week period.


Three measures were used to assess student learning: (a) scores on multiple-choice quizzes in the NERVE Learning Center, (b) diagnoses of VP cases in the NERVE Exam Room, and (c) students’ explanation of what they learned described later under AAR.

The purpose of the multiple-choice quizzes was to test the student’s recall of key verbal information, concepts and rules covered in the NERVE Learning Center. Separate ten question multiple-choice quizzes were created by members of the R&D team for each one of the twelve CNs covered in the Center. The questions were later vetted by one of the R&D team members.

Students were given unlimited attempts to complete each quiz. Each attempt was recorded and scored separately. After completing a quiz, the students were provided with one-two sentence feedback on which questions they answered correctly and incorrectly. In case of wrong answers, the system did not provide students with the correct answer, simply an explanation for why their answer was incorrect.

The purposes of the VP cases were to simulate experiences that students may encounter in their medical practice, and test their ability to apply the skills and knowledge covered in the Learning Center. The R&D team worked with physicians throughout the project to generate the six cases that were made available for the field-test. NERVE kept track of the interactions each student had with the VPs, including the questions they asked and examinations they performed on each VP. After students completed their interview and examination, the system asked to complete a Patient Encounter Note which included their diagnosis of the patient and localization of the patient’s condition.


Two measures were used as indicators of students’ ability to transfer clinical reasoning skills and knowledge from NERVE one to two days after the AAR: (a) diagnosis of a SP/VP hybrid case, and (b) a performance checklist assessing students’ interviewing skills.

Following each SP/VP hybrid encounter, students exited the exam room to complete a post-encounter note through Qualtrics. Students were asked to describe the localization of the problem by selecting from among 12 CNs and three options representing side (i.e., left, right, bilateral), and to indicate the primary diagnosis by selecting from among 20 options. Localization of the problem was scored as correct when both the selected CN and affected side were accurate. Open-ended text boxes requested students to also provide a differential diagnosis, evaluation plan, and management plan, which were subsequently evaluated for accuracy and appropriateness by the medical school faculty member on the NERVE design and development team.

The SP assessed students’ performance using a 15-item checklist that they completed following each SP/VP hybrid encounter. Items assessed history-taking, interpersonal, and communication skills, and were scored as dichotomies (observed/not observed) to reflect percent of 15 total behaviors observed. The checklist items were developed by medical school faculty over 6 years of use and reflect items that are assessed on national board examinations.

After Action Review

The instructor facilitated an AAR during class one week after students were given access to NERVE to gain further insights on students’ reactions and learning. Systematic reviews of research and guidelines for facilitating debriefings support the assumption that AARs optimize learning from simulation-based training (Issenberg et at., 2005; Levett-Jones and Lapkin 2014; McGaghie et al. 2010; Paige et al. 2015). The AAR was based on a “Guide to the After Action Review” published by the Veteran’s Affair Office as a resource for improving work (Salem-Schatz et al. 2010). The AAR consisted of three questions: What did you learn from your interactions with NERVE? What did you like about NERVE and why? What should be changed to improve NERVE and how? Approximately 110–115 of the 119 registered for the second year neurology courses attended the session. A few were noted as missing by the instructor and fellow students but attendance was not taken.

Throughout their first 2 years of medical school, the students were divided into teams of 10–15 members to complete class assignments and accommodate logistical issues at the college with no predetermination of their pre-medical degrees, prior experiences, etc. For the AAR, students were first asked to sit together with their teammates to facilitate discussion and input. The questions were projected onto the main screen at the front of the auditorium. Students were asked to bring their laptops to class to enter responses to each question that were captured in Qualtrics. The instructor and the researchers at the session could see students’ responses to the questions as they were entered but the responses were not projected onto the main screen, prohibiting students to read what others wrote. The entire session lasted a little over 2 hours with approximately 1 hour being spent to obtain, refine and discuss responses to the first question (what did you learn?), and approximately 30 min to gather students’ input on what they liked and would they would recommend changing.

Statistical analysis

Categorical variables are presented as frequency and percentage, ordinal and non-normal continuous variables are reported as median and interquartile (IQR) range and/or minimum–maximum (range), and normal continuous variables are displayed as mean ± standard deviation (SD) with 95 % confidence interval (CI) of the mean. Instrument reliability was assessed as internal consistency using Cronbach’s coefficient alpha. Bi-variate correlations were calculated using Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r). Statistical analyses were conducted using SPSS 22.0 (IBM; Armonk, NY).


Field-test results are organized according to students’ use of NERVE and three out of the four levels of training evaluation posited by Kirkpatrick (1994), including Level I Student Reactions, Level II Student Learning, and Level III Student Behavior (Transfer).

Students’ use of NERVE

Table 1 depicts students’ use of NERVE, including the number of times logged into the system, the amount of time spent interacting with the system, the number of students who interacted with system individually or in teams of two-four, the number of quizzes and VP cases completed, and the number of CNs explored in the Learning Center.

Table 1 Summary of students’ use of NERVE (n = 116)

On average, students logged into NERVE six times and spent 0–8.5 h interacting with the system with a median of 1.9 h. The majority of students interacted with the system individually (53 %) or in pairs (24 %). The majority of students (101/116, 87 %) also completed all five quizzes as prescribed by the instructor, and a few opted to complete additional quizzes (05/116 students, 4 %). Seventy-nine students (68 %) completed three or more VP cases as directed. Fifty-four (47 %) students examined the interactive tools and contents about 1–6 CNs and 33 (28 %) explored tools and content about 7–11 CNs in the Learning Center.

Figure 7 shows the average amount of time students spent interacting with NERVE during the prescribed week of use. It clearly illustrates that students’ use of the system peaked the day before the scheduled AAR and SP/VP hybrid patient encounter.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Average amount of time students spent interacting with NERVE during the week of prescribed use

Level I student reactions

Students’ reactions to NERVE were studied using Keller’s IMMS and two questions asked during the AAR.

Perceived attention, relevance, confidence and satisfaction

One hundred ten of 116 students (94.0 %) completed the IMMS survey (Table 2). Internal consistency was strong for the ARCS total scale (0.89, k = 24), and moderately strong for each of the four 6-item sub-scales—attention (0.68), relevance (0.62), confidence (0.61), and satisfaction (0.80). Mean score and SD for the ARCS total scale was 75.6 ± 11.2 (95 % CI 73.5–77.8) and for each of the sub-scales, as follows: attention, 17.9 ± 3.5 (95 % CI 17.3–18.6); relevance, 20.2 ± 3.1 (95 % CI 19.6–20.8); confidence, 18.9 ± 2.4 (95 % CI 18.5–19.4); and satisfaction, 18.6 ± 4.1 (95 % CI 17.8–19.3). Student responses and summary data by individual item are provided in Table 2.

Table 2 Perceived levels of Attention, Relevance, Confidence and Satisfaction as a measure of Students’ reactions to NERVE

After action review (student reactions)

Two questions asked during the AAR examined students’ reactions to NERVE: What did you like and why? What would you improve and how? Twenty-four responses were received from individual and groups during the 30-minute period given to students to respond to the first question. Most responses include 3–5 different statements. Tables 3 presents a sample of student responses to the question on what they liked.

Table 3 Sample of student reactions when asked what they liked about NERVE and why

Content analysis of the responses revealed that statements centered around five general themes, including the objectives, visualization, accessibility, the NERVE Learning Center and the NERVE Exam Room. Comments about the Learning Center were also further directed toward the Learning Tools; content information provided about CN anatomy, physiology, pathology, and symptoms; and the quizzes. Approximately 110 statements were distilled from the twenty-four responses received regarding what students liked about NERVE. Table 3 consists of a small sample of the student comments to illustrate key points and response patterns.

As illustrated by the sample responses, positive comments were received for each of the seven learning objectives specified by NERVE. Apparently, students felt that some aspect of NERVE facilitated achievement of each of the objectives. The most recurrent positive comments were made about the interactive tools, content information, and quizzes provided in the NERVE Learning Center, supporting the teams’ decision to add the Learning Center to the system during the final year of R&D, and students’ recommendation to include quizzes received during one-to-one and small group formative evaluations. However, no one commented about the additional case studies that were posted about each CN.

The second most frequent positive comments were made about the VP cases and interactions in the NERVE Exam Room. Students liked different aspects of interviewing, examining and diagnosing patients as well as progress monitoring, and the selection and chat interfaces. Apparently, students also thought the visuals elements included in NERVE were particularly useful, such as labeled diagrams, simulated manifestations of cranial nerve palsies, and interactive animations of eye movements. Not all comments, however, were positive.

Twenty-four responses were received from individuals and groups during the 30-min period given to students to respond to the question, what would improve about NERVE and how? Again, three responded that they did not interact with NERVE, and most responses included 3–5 different statements. Approximately 145 specific statements expressing concern and/or recommendations were distilled from the twenty-four responses regarding improvements to the system that centered around seven basic issues: integration, technical, content, quiz, diagnostic, interviewing and examining, and interface issues. Table 4 presents a sample of student responses to the question, illustrating key points and response patterns.

Table 4 Sample of student recommendations for improving NERVE

Most recommendations for improving the integration of the system revolved around timing; when NERVE should be used within the students’ program of study. The primary issues with timing were the development of pre-requisite skills. NERVE was integrated in the 2nd week of a 6-week neuro module. Prior to the use of NERVE, students noted that they had yet to receive much instruction on diagnosing patients, which also explains the relatively low scores on performance assessments reported later in Table 6. Additional instruction on how to complete a primary and differential diagnosis is needed either prior to using or incorporated into NERVE.

Several students also recommended clarifying time expectations. Expectations for what had to be completed were delineated during the introductory lecture but several students thought further clarity on how much time each student was expected to spend interacting with the system would help optimize their use of the system. Another unexpected finding related to integration was students’ preference for learning resources. Several students commented that they would like NERVE as a supplemental, rather than a mandatory learning tool, citing preferences for other resources that they have grown accustomed to over the past 2 years.

The majority of student recommended improvements to the system centered on fixing technical issues. Evidently, students had problems logging into the system and with the patient encounters found in both the Learning Center and Exam Room. Grammatical and spelling errors were also found in the quizzes. Technical issues were identified during expert reviews, one-to-one and small group evaluations, and repeated tests by all members of the R&D team. We also implemented a code freeze, conducted a load test, and focused on debugging the system a week prior to the field-test, but evidently, such efforts were not sufficient. Thankfully, the majority was still able to complete the assigned tasks but technical issues may be one reason why most students only met minimum requirements.

Level II student learning

Four sources of information were used as indicators of student learning, including (a) students’ scores on the five required quizzes; (b) students’ performance on three required VP cases embedded in NERVE, (c) students’ explanation of what they learned provided during the AAR; and (d) the instructor’s assessment of students’ explanations.

Quiz scores

Table 5 reports students’ scores on the five required quizzes specified by the instructor in the NERVE Learning Center, including the number of students who took each quiz, and the mean, range, and mode for each quiz.

Table 5 Students’ scores on 5 required quizzes in NERVE Learning Center

In comparison to quizzes taken in class, mean scores were somewhat low and ranges were high. Typically, mean scores on in-class quizzes fall between 80 and 90 %, and students rarely score below 60–70 %. Further examination of the NERVE quiz scores indicate that a relatively small number of students scored lower than usual. For example, from the 102 students who took the CN 4 quiz, 11 (10.7 %) scored between 30 and 50, and 14 (13.7 %) students scored a 60. Some students are thought to score lower on NERVE quizzes for two possible reasons: (a) the quizzes did not count toward the students’ course grade; and/or (b) the quizzes were taken prior to reviewing related content to assess prior knowledge. In other words, students may have used the quizzes as a diagnostic tool to determine which aspects of each CN (e.g., anatomy, physiology, symptoms and/or pathology) to concentrate on when they did review the content information to optimize their time interacting with the system. During the AAR, students often noted they liked the quiz features and the ability to test their own learning. Student use data also revealed that a few repeated quizzes to earn a higher score; an option typically not available in class.

Virtual patient (VP) assessments

To diagnose the VPs in the Exam Room, students had to identify the CN and the side of the nerve that was damaged. Table 6 depicts the results of students’ diagnoses, including the name of the VP, the CN that was damaged, the number of students who completed each case, and the number and percentage of correctly diagnosed cases in terms of the CN and side of injury.

Table 6 Students’ scores for diagnosing virtual patients in NERVE Exam Room

Student performance on the VP assessments varied by task. When identifying the damaged nerve, students often correctly identified the injury for VP Cathy (88 %). When presented with the additional challenge of identifying the laterality of the damage, performance was best for VP Molly (87 %) as well as VP Cathy (83 %). In this complex interactive evaluation model, student accuracy for identification of the injured nerve or laterality were more often in the 55–79 % range.

What appears to be a disparity between students’ assessment of David (who presented with Myasthenia Gravis which mimics but is not classified as a CN palsy), and students’ AAR statements about what they learned is worth noting. Of the six VPs in the Exam Room, David was correctly diagnosed the lowest percentage of times (55 %). In contrast, students often cited Myasthenia Gravis as a key learning point during the AAR. While scores on the VP assessment measures were relatively low, it appears that a number of students learned from misdiagnosing the case and receiving feedback from the system. Reflecting on this issue, the medical student on the project commented, “thinking about why you were wrong tends to result in better retention of the information, possibly because the explanations are examined more closely to identify gaps in knowledge to avoid repeating the same mistake.”

Such findings support the results of systematic reviews of VPs research that indicate that providing feedback may be one of the most important features of SBE (Issenberg et al. 2005). Assessment scores by themselves may not accurately reflect student learning, but deliberate practice coupled with informative feedback may increase clinical reasoning skills in controlled settings (McGaghie et al. 2011). Evidently, formative and summative feedback received from erroneous interactions with the VPs may reveal misconceptions about CN pathology and push students to engage in ways that are not necessarily measured by embedded performance tests.

After action review (what did students learn?)

Thirty-one responses were received from individuals and groups during the 60-min period that was taken to obtain and discuss the responses to the question, what did you learn from your interactions with NERVE? Again, three responded that they did not interact with NERVE and did not contribute any further comments.

Initially, students’ responses strayed to what they liked and didn’t like about NERVE. Apparently, students wanted to first note their frustration with as well as express what they felt were useful aspects of the system. After 5–10 min, the researchers stopped the session, noted how students were inputting responses that were more appropriate for other AAR questions, projected a few statements that focused on what they learned, and then asked students to continue providing input. Ensuing responses focused on what they learned. After 30 more minutes, the instructor stopped the session and began discussing the input, first noting particularly insightful student comments, and then elaborating on key topics, verbal information, concepts, and rules that he felt were valuable but were either missed or addressed in an insufficient manner. Table 7 provides a sample of students’ responses.

Table 7 Sample student responses to when asked what learned about CNs from their interactions with NERVE

Analysis of students’ responses indicate that students spent most time examining content information related to the five required quizzes; all but two sets of comments focused on the anatomy, physiology, symptoms and pathology associated with CN 3, 4, 5, 7 and 10. One additional set noted what students learned about examination and interviewing skills in general. The other set stated what students learned about CN 6, indicating that some students went beyond minimum expectations. The instructor also noted during the AAR, a number of students associated elevated pressure with CN6 palsy. He thought it was great that students made this association because such pathology is not often/necessarily learned in class. In other words, interactions with NERVE resulted in acquisition of key verbal information and concepts that may otherwise not be acquired.

Instructor’s assessment of students’ explanations

To further evaluate student learning, the instructor was asked to assess the depth, breadth, and accuracy of students’ explanations of what they learned from NERVE reported during the AAR. Overall, the instructor felt that the vast majority of students’ comments were accurate, and the depth of learning was good but the breadth of what they learned could be improved per unit time invested in interacting with the system.

Based on what students reported, the instructor felt that NERVE helped students better understand how and why a given cranial nerve injury produces specific clinical symptoms and signs. He noted that the VPs seemed particularly useful for helping students visualize the action of the superior oblique muscle, and better understanding the reason a patient tilts his or her head in a certain way as a response to impaired nerve function. The simulation appeared to develop visual recognition skills for CN lesions which is particularly important since it is generally not reasonable for a standardized patient to simulate a CN deficit. The instructor was also surprised that the VPs appeared to help students better define new as well as commonly used healthcare phrases such as “a pupil-sparing third nerve palsy,” and “monocular versus binocular diplopia.”

In terms of breadth, the instructor noted that students’ explanation of what they learned from NERVE focused on the peripheral nervous system (PNS). Evidently, medical schools typically cover the PNS (matters outside the brain and brainstem) in general anatomy courses during the first year, and the central nervous system (CNS) (matters inside the brain and brainstem) in neuroanatomy courses during the second year. He felt that NERVE could increase the breadth of what students learn as well as increase the utility of the system by adding information content information to the Learning Center, and cases to the Exam Room that focused more on the CNS. He also predicted that higher efficiency would lead to greater usage and recommended optimizing text by further distinguishing information about CN anatomy, physiology, and pathology inside versus outside the brainstem, and eliminating verbiage.

Level III student behavior/transfer

Two indicators of student behavior/transfer were recorded after students interacted with NERVE, including students’ ability to diagnose a virtual patient-standardized (VP-SP) hybrid case and students’ ability to interview the standardized patient.

Diagnosis of SP/VP case

The majority of students correctly identified the injured CN (CN6; 108/117, 92.3 %) and side (left; 115/117, 98.3 %) for the SP/VP case—108 students (92.3 %) correctly identified both the affected CN and side. Students were also tasked with identifying the possible underlying pathology and providing a differential diagnosis for the case. Table 8 reports that frequency, percent, and cumulative percentage of students who identified pathologies that were or were not congruent with the SP/VP hybrid examination.

Table 8 Frequency and percentage of students providing congruent v. non-congruent diagnoses for the clinical SP case and VP examination hybrid encounter

Data from the combined SP/VP encounter reveal that students correctly identified a possible underlying pathology in 87 % of patients. The injury could have been any of the 4 more often given answers (i.e., compressive, raised pressure, ischemic stroke, or neuropathy). The four least commonly given answers, and “others” were, indeed, unlikely in the given clinical presentation. CN injury was likely NOT an intracranial hemorrhage, hemorrhagic stroke or neuritis. Apparently, distinguishing a CN 6 palsy from other CN palsies on physical exam was not that difficult, but determining why the nerve was damaged and being able to tell whether the eye movement issue was due to the nerve damage or to something else, such as an infection in the muscle, was more challenging, hence the variation in primary diagnosis.

Standardized patient checklists

Standardized patient (SP) checklist scores were available for all 116 consenting students (Table 9). Percent correct scores on the 15-item checklist ranged from 66.7 % (10 items) to 100.0 % (median = 93.3 % or 14 items; IQR 93.3–100.0). Student performance by individual item is presented in Table 9.

Table 9 Student performance on SP checklist (N = 116)a

The checklist scores indicate a high percentage of students properly interviewed and examined the SP. However, as a measure of transfer, the results must be interpreted with caution. The SP checklist items were related to overall interpersonal and communication skills, and general interviewing and history-taking techniques. There were no CN-specific checklist items, and many factors contribute to the development of students’ interviewing skills throughout the curriculum. As stated explicitly in its objectives, NERVE is designed to give students practice in “performing appropriate physical exams,” and “selecting or formulating organized interview questions.” Statements made by students during the AAR, such as “[we learned] how to perform appropriate exams relevant to various cranial nerves,” “we learned the pertinent questions to ask a patient,” and “we learned how to respond to patient’s questions” suggest that NERVE enhanced students’ ability to interview and examine patients, but we cannot directly attribute students’ scores on the SP checklist to the use of NERVE.

Correlations between levels

Bi-variate correlations were calculated using Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r) to determine if there were any relationships between students’ use, reactions, learning, and transfer. The analyses revealed that the total number of hours spent using the NERVE system during the 1-week period was significantly correlated with the ARCS confidence sub-scale score (r = 0.20; p = 0.04), ARCS satisfaction sub-scale score (r = 0.26; p = 0.01), and ARCS total score (r = 0.22; p = 0.02). Students who spent more time interacting with NERVE reported greater confidence, satisfaction, and overall motivation with the use of NERVE than students who spent less time interacting with NERVE. Significant correlations were also found between the total number of hours spent using NERVE during the 1-week period and students’ quiz scores achieved on the first attempt for CN 4 (r = 0.23; p = 0.02) and CN 5 (r = 0.32; p = 0.002). Correlations found between students’ use, reactions, and learning reinforce the concept that time-on-task matters, and accentuate the potential value of exploiting design and integration strategies that promote students’ use and engagement. However, it is also important to keep in mind that these correlations, though significant, do not imply causation; they neither indicate the direction of the relationship, nor rule out other factors that may be affecting the outcomes. They suggest a relationship may exist that, in turn, may be worth further study. No other significant correlations were identified between field-test levels of use, reactions, learning and transfer.

Lessons learned & recommended improvements

The instructor and the R&D team members were asked to review the field-test results, and reflect on the data and their overall experience to identify lessons learned, and forward recommendations for improving NERVE and the strategy used to integrate NERVE into the medical school curriculum. Responses were compared to prior research to guide future R&D.

Lessons learned

We learned six fundamental lessons about the design and integration of NERVE from the field-test and the last year of R&D.

Overall, the NERVE integration strategy was effective in motivating students to meet minimum expectations

Patterned after Huwendiek et al.’s (2013) preferred sequencing of VPs and educational activities, the NERVE integration strategy included (a) a lecture on neurology, (b) VPs interactions within NERVE, (c) an instructor-led AAR with the entire class (rather than a tutor-led, small group discussion as recommended by Huwendiek et al.), and (d) a SP/VP hybrid patient encounter. Student use data indicate that the majority of students completed the prescribed tasks (i.e., 5 quizzes, 3 virtual patient cases), providing support for Huwendiek et al.’s (2013) basic strategy, along with Edelbring et al.’s (2012) finding that “more intense follow-up seminars (AARs) pay off in terms of the benefit perceived by students” (p. 417). Significant correlations were also found between student use (time on task) and perceived levels of confidence, satisfaction, and overall motivation.

Integrating a VP simulation into medical school curriculum is a non-trivial task that is influenced by more than the design of the simulation and nature of activities presented before, during and after the simulation

Student use data indicate that a majority of students completed prescribed tasks. However, students spent varying amounts of time interacting with the system (0–8 h), the majority accessed the system the day before the AAR and SP/VP encounter, and few went beyond specified minimum requirements. Reflections by team members and the instructor as well as student responses during the AAR indicate that competing curriculum requirements, positioning within students’ overall program of study, the nature of educational activities completed prior to integration, and the familiarity and preferred use of alternative learning resources also had a significant influence on student use and learning. The timing of when students are exposed to differential diagnoses needs to be optimized; it appears that students were asked to consider diagnoses prior to learning about them “in class.” Despite our efforts to set up a section of the platform as a learning center, it appears that some students still see this as a backup to classroom teaching. The instructor also suggested that better distinguishing the content information and quiz items contained in the Learning Center, and the cases in the Exam Room according to 1st and 2nd year medical school curriculum requirements may facilitate integration, and enhance both students’ and instructors’ use of the system.

A code freeze and focused effort by team members to test the system, and identify and fix technical problems were not sufficient for ensuring bug free experiences

Technical issues can have a significant adverse effect on students’ use and perceptions of the system. Throughout the five-year project, students reported technical issues with the system. During one experiment, the entire system crashed and we could not gather valid data. We learned that it is very difficult to eliminate bugs from such a complex system that was constantly evolving through experimentation and formative feedback. Based on such lessons, we ran load tests, implemented a code freeze, and tasked all team members to test the system and report errors to the programmers 1 week prior to the field-test.

Evidently, our strategy for tracking changes, and for testing and debugging the system were not sufficient. Although technical issues did not prevent students from completing prescribed tasks, students did report a number of technical problems logging into the system and interacting with the VPs. These technical problems were mainly caused by the high number of students accessing the system just prior to the AAR and SP/VP encounter. While the system was ready for loads of up to 50 % of the students accessing it at once, as much as 70 % logged in and performed VP interviews during that last 2 days which lead to decreases in performance.

Authenticity of simulated interactions should be based on desired learning outcomes

Reviews of VP research and VP design studies accentuate the importance of authenticity (of the user interface and student tasks as well as in the presentation of content, language, clinical data, clinical context). Researchers and practitioners often conclude that authenticity is essential to effective learning and VP simulation design (e.g., Botezatu et al. 2010; Huwendiek et al. 2009; Issenberg et al. 2005). Our experience suggests that such deductions must be further qualified. Not all VP interactions need to be highly authentic; rather, the authenticity of VP interactions should depend on the desired learning outcome.

One-to-one and small group evaluations during the final year of development indicated that attempts to make the physical exams (e.g., using an ophthalmoscope, a tongue depressor, tuning fork, or hands) as realistic as possible often required students to take an insubordinate amount of time learning how to manipulate the instrument which frustrated them. For example, maneuvering the virtual ophthalmoscope in 3 dimensions with a mouse and keyboard requires a 3D control scheme. It was difficult to judge distance on a 2D monitor. Learning to properly manipulate medical instruments to complete physical exams, however, was not a specified outcome. We rationalized that the manipulation of such tools was best taught in clinical rather than simulated environments. Simplifying the simulated interactions necessary to complete the physical exams to a few mouse clicks decreased the authenticity of the interaction, but reduced frustration and increased satisfaction with the user interface.

Adding content information on anatomy, physiology, symptoms and pathology, along with related quizzes to the VP simulations enhances integration

Berman et al. (2009) found that the elimination of redundant readings and other teaching methodologies was directly associated with perceived effectiveness of VP integration strategies. By adding content on CN anatomy, physiology, symptoms and pathology to the system during the final year of development, we allowed the instructor to eliminate redundant reading assignments. Adding content also reduced the need to lecture and review basic concepts about CN anatomy, physiology, symptoms and pathology, allowing the instructor to spend valuable in-class time addressing other curriculum requirements. Positive perceptions of the Learning Center reported during the AAR reinforce the decision to add content and quizzes to the system.

It was useful to give students examples of desired responses to AAR questions

Students’ preliminary responses to the first AAR question varied, initially straying to feelings about the system. Even though students were asked, “What specifically did you learn about CN anatomy, physiology, symptoms, pathology, examination tools and interview questions?” and were prompted to be specific, several started by commenting on what went wrong and how to improve the system, rather than focusing on what they learned about CNs.

The AAR guidelines we followed did provide sample ground rules for facilitating the AAR, along with prompts to encourage specific input from participants (Salem-Schatz et al. 2010), but they neither suggested providing sample responses, nor did they point out that respondents may want to start by discussing issues with the system and recommending improvements. The AAR guidelines do point out the importance of starting with what transpired before determining what was good or bad about the system. The guidelines also recommend building on best practice by asking what went well and why before addressing problems.

After providing several examples of desired responses, and noting that they would get an opportunity to vent their frustrations and recommend improvements to NERVE later in the AAR, students focused their responses to reflect what they learned from the system. This lesson learned supports findings and recommended best practices for facilitating debriefings that note the importance of managing and otherwise directing students’ reactions and emotions in a positive manner during AARs (Ahmed et al. 2012; Paige et al. 2015).

Improving NERVE

Based on insights gained from the field-test and final year of R&D, recommendations for improvement by R&D team members include tactics for facilitating the integration of NERVE and refining the system to enhance student engagement, reactions, learning, and transfer.

Address additional curricular factors

Lessons learned from the integration and field-testing of NERVE identify factors beyond those addressed by the planned integration strategy that affect student use and learning. In addition to the tactics delineated in Fig. 3, we should consider (a) if related CN diagnostic tools and techniques are taught prior to the use of NERVE, (b) additional curriculum requirements imposed on students during the planned use of the system, (c) refining expectations and requirements based on how the VP stimulation relates to students’ program of study (e.g., first year vs. second year curriculum), and (d) adding instructor testimonials and use during initial demonstration of the system that show students what they perceive as the value of the system. We should also ensure that the instructor sends reminders throughout the week, and requirements are also posted on the student information system.

Consider adding story and game mechanics

The InterPLAY instructional theory posits the integration of story, play, and game elements with experiential learning principles to enhance learner engagement (Hirumi et al. 2015). Findings from experiments conducted during the initial years of R&D suggest that game mechanics (such as leaderboards and customizable avatars) may also increase students’ engagement with the system (Halan et al. 2010). Limited time and resources during the final year of R&D prohibited much development of story and gameplay in the beta version of NERVE that was field-tested in this study. Recommendations for improving NERVE and increasing students’ use and engagement include: (a) adding spoken narrative by virtual patients during initial student interactions in the Exam Room to develop further interest and empathy with each case, (b) adding a story to increase engagement and expectations across cases in Exam Room, (c) adding game mechanics, such as leaderboards, scoring counters, customizable student avatars, and badges (for properly diagnosing patients).

Well-crafted narrative provides the opportunity to form an empathetic connection with the student. By establishing rapport and avoiding medical jargon or superficial conversation with the VPs, the characters become more interesting and engaging, and the students’ understanding can go beyond information presentation and make the experience seem more natural.

Introducing leaderboards and scoring may be particularly beneficial for competitive personalities. By adding such additional levels of feedback, students may have a better understanding of how they are performing compared to peers, extending beyond the feedback on personal performance. However, in simulated environments, game mechanics have the potential to introduce the risk of students focusing on “gaming” the system and should be carefully designed to ensure key learning objectives are not circumvented in an attempt to “win.” An example would be a speed-based score. Introducing a ranking system for speed could have an adverse effect by students prioritizing speed of completion rather than conducting a thorough interview. The addition of game mechanics as well as story should be considered through formative testing and a series of design studies.

Consider adding cumulative feedback across cases

In addition to adding story and game mechanics, we should consider providing cumulative feedback to students on how their diagnostic skills are developing across cases to encourage repeated use and practice with the system. Currently, the system provides feedback on students’ examination and interviewing skills by: (a) indicating the number of discoveries made, along with the total number of discoveries available, and the number of discoveries that an expert deemed as sufficient; and (b) providing a progress report immediately after students completed each case that contained the students’ primary diagnosis, a list of discoveries, and a transcript of the students’ interaction with the VPs (Hirumi, et al. 2016). Compiling data from the progress reports to provide cumulative feedback on students’ progress and learning across cases, along with indicators of overall performance may encourage students repeated use of NERVE over time. Like other recommended enhancements, such additions should be created and considered through formative testing and a series of design studies.

Better distinguish and add control over content, quizzes, and cases

As indicated as one of the key lessons learned after field-test, the instructor thought we could increase students’ and instructors’ use of NERVE by better distinguishing content information and quiz items presented in the Learning Center, and the virtual patient cases presented in the Exam Room based on first and second year curriculum requirements. By better distinguishing PNS and CNS content information and quiz items in the Learning Center, and virtual patient cases in the Exam Room, and adding control features that enable students and the instructor to select their interactions, we may optimize students’ time-on-task and offer what the instructor referred to as “high-yield” educational experiences that are valued by both medical students and instructors.

Offer different levels of challenge in SP/VP encounter and VP cases

In video games, “difficulty levels” are a common feature. Certain elements are varied to make gameplay more or less challenging from one level to the next. For example, the ferocity of an enemy attack may range from easy, medium to hard. Games present different levels to enable those more or less skilled to enjoy gameplay and to encourage “replayability” as players become more proficient. Our SP/VP hybrid case had a static difficulty level, which may have been too easy given students’ high scores. We neither designed the VP cases with varying levels of difficulty, nor did we indicate the difficulty of each case on the case selection page.

There are several ways to vary the difficulty level of the SP/VP encounter and the VP cases in the Exam Room. First, our simulation may allow for adjustments to the patient’s physical presentation, such that it would be more difficult to detect an abnormality (e.g. ocular range of motion could be reduced by only 25 % instead of a full 100 %). Second, we may introduce comorbidities (multiple disorders presenting simultaneously) that require several diagnoses and may overlap in presentation. There are also physical findings, such as variation in pupil size (anisocoria) that may not represent an abnormality, but require further physical examination to be sure. Finally, we may reduce the information provided by patients during interviews. This would require greater depth of questioning and require students to remember a larger set of responses from patients. These features could enable instructors to tailor the experience to the perceived skill level of the learners. They could also be made adjustable by students directly, or be “unlocked” through case completion.

Implement alternative tactics for tracking changes and debugging system

Improved code reliability could be realized through applying two concepts throughout software development. First, writing unit tests around the code should decrease errors in the code. Unit tests would help determine if individual units of source code are fit for use, and if the computer program modules work properly together with associated control data. Second, load testing to ensure our systems would support large groups of simultaneous users should be done throughout the development process, not just after the code freeze. These load tests should anticipate 100 % of the students accessing the system at one single point in time; as opposed to assuming that 50 % may access the same features at the same time. We should also consider implementing a project management system, such as Trello, to track team members’ progress and changes made to the system, and to give greater visibility of activities across the team.


The field-test represented the practical delivery of what drove us to develop NERVE 5 years ago. The ability to present an unusual and important physical abnormality to a student couched in the context of a standardized patient delivering the history. Before NERVE, there was really no way to bring those two components together – the realistic patient-physician interactions that are possible with standardized patients, and the correct interactive anatomic representations of CN palsies that could not exist without the use of simulations.

Field-test results indicate that the strategy used to integrate NERVE and the current design of the system facilitated achievement of specified learning objectives and completion of minimum requirements for using the system. Nonetheless, the results also highlight the influence medical school curriculum and other contextual factors may have on student achievement and performance. Application of sound instructional design (ID) principles and processes that address the analysis, design, and development of instruction is important but not sufficient. To impact learning and ensure the success of VPs, educators and instructional designers must look beyond the application of instructional theories, and narrowly defined ID practices that center on design, rather than the integration of instructional inventions in real-world school settings. Consistent with prior VPs studies, we found that the alignment of content and VP cases with 1st and 2nd year medical school curriculum, and what educators do to (a) orient students to the VPs, (b) eliminate redundant activities and resources, (c) set and communicate expectations, and (d) integrate VPs use with existing instructional practices may also have a substantive effect on students’ use, reactions, learning and transfer.

Our goal is to inspire both instructor and student use beyond the specified minimum expectations. Reflecting on field-test results revealed six primary lessons learned along with six main recommendations for improvement. Insights derived from the field-test and experience gained over the last year of R&D also demonstrate the value of conducting an iterative series of design studies to improve the system, along with the theory, tools and tactics used to create the system. Design-based investigations are again recommended for continued research and development of NERVE and virtual patient simulations.