1 Introduction

Model comparison (or alternative models) is one of the main strategies for conducting structural equation modeling (SEM; Jöreskog, 1993; MacCallum & Austin, 2000). When utilizing this strategy, several candidate models are formulated, and then an optimal one is chosen from them based on some decision rule. The candidate models are often specified to represent different psychological theories to explain the covariance matrix among variables (e.g., Keyes, Shmotkin, & Ryff, 2002). The optimality of a model is often defined through the model goodness of fit and the model complexityFootnote 1 (or parsimony; Pitt, Myung, & Zhang, 2002; Preacher, 2006). Some methodologists advocate the application of model comparisons because the relative advantages and disadvantages of several substantive theories can be compared in a single study (e.g., Burnham & Anderson, 2002; MacCallum, 2003; MacCallum & Austin, 2000). A review by MacCallum and Austin (2000) also showed that about 50% of SEM applications utilize model comparison strategies to answer research questions.

The process of selecting an optimal model from a set of candidate models is called model selection in statistical literature. In practice, the model selection task is usually achieved through optimizing the value of a specific model selection criterion. A lot of selection criteria have been proposed historically, including Akaike information criterion (AIC; Akaike, 1974), Mallow’s \({\mathcal {C}}_{p}\) (Mallow, 1973), delete-one cross-validation (Stone, 1974), Bayesian information criterion (BIC; Schwarz, 1978), and generalized cross-validation (Wahba, 1990). Shao (1997) provided an excellent review of model selection criteria in the context of a linear regression analysis. Among these criteria, AIC and BIC are the two most well known. Based on the derivation of AIC and BIC, the former aims to choose a model with minimal Kullback–Leibler divergence (Kullback & Leibler, 1951), and the latter is targeted toward the selection of a model with the maximum posterior probability given the data. In a linear regression analysis, the asymptotic behavior of AIC and BIC is well understood (see Shao, 1997 for a review). The general results can be summarized as follows: When the true model is infinitely dimensional, AIC is asymptotically loss efficient in the sense that it selects a model with nearly minimum risk; on the other hand, when the candidate models contain a true model with a finite dimension, BIC can select the true model consistently.

In the context of SEM, some theoretical results for AIC and BIC have also been derived. Bozdogan (1987) pointed out the inconsistency of AIC in selecting the true model and proposed a consistent version of AIC, called consistent ACI (CAIC). Haughton, Oud, and Jansen (1997) also studied the consistency issue of AIC and BIC with heuristic arguments and conducted simulations to support their theoretical results. However, the arguments in Bozdogan as well as Haughton et al. both rely on the Chi-square approximation of log-likelihood ratio statistics. In real SEM applications, the Chi-square approximation generally fails due to the violation of the normality assumption (Micceri, 1989) and the misspecification of candidate models (Cudeck & Henly, 1991; MacCallum, 2003). Hence, it is particularly of interest to understand the asymptotics of AIC and BIC under non-normality and misspecification of all the candidate models. The first goal of this study is to answer this question rigorously. The results show that even when the data is non-normal, and all the candidate models are wrong, BIC is still consistent for some quasi-true models, but AIC is only consistent for the models with smallest minimum discrepancy function (MDF) values. The so-called quasi-true model here is defined through the population MDF value and the number of freely estimated parameters (see \(\mathcal{A}_d^{*} \) in Equation (9)).

Two types of model selection can be distinguished: nested model selection and non-nested model selection. The relation between two models is said to be nested if one of them can be seen as a special case of the other by adding constraints on the parameters; otherwise, the relation is said to be non-nested. Previous theoretical results were established for the candidate models with nested relations. In SEM practice, however, alternative models based on different theoretical grounds are sometimes non-nested. Because AIC and BIC are often suggested for non-nested model selection (e.g., Jöreskog, 1993; Kaplan, 2009; West, Taylor, & Wu, 2012), the second goal of the present research is to study the limiting behaviors of AIC and BIC for the case of non-nested model selection.

In SEM, the root-mean-square error of approximation (RMSEA; Steiger & Lind, 1980) is a popular goodness-of-fit index that measures the misfit of a specified model per degree of freedom. Unlike other goodness-of-fit indices, the RMSEA can be used in both a descriptive and inferential manner (e.g., Browne & Cudeck, 1993; Li & Bentler, 2006). Recently, the RMSEA is also being treated as a model selection criterion, and simulation results show that it outperforms AIC and BIC with regard to selecting an approximately correct model (Preacher, Zhang, Kim, & Mels, 2013). Therefore, the third goal of the study is to derive the asymptotics of the RMSEA for model selection.

2 Notations and Settings

Let Y denote a P-dimensional random vector from a distribution F with a zero mean and covariance \(\Sigma \). Given a centered random sample, \(\mathcal{Y}_N =\left\{ {Y_n } \right\} _{n=1}^N \), a consistent estimator of \(\Sigma \) can be obtained through \(S_N =\frac{1}{N}\mathop \sum \nolimits _{n=1}^N Y_n Y_n^T \). We use \(\sigma =\hbox {vech}\left( \Sigma \right) \) and \(s=\hbox {vech}\left( S \right) \) to denote the vectors that contain the \(P^{*}\) non-duplicated elements of \(\Sigma \) and S,  respectively, where \(P^{*}=P\left( {P+1} \right) /2\).

Definition 1

An SEM model \(\Sigma _\alpha \left( {\theta _\alpha } \right) \) indexed by \(\alpha \in \mathcal{A}\) is a function from \(\Theta _\alpha \) to \(\mathcal{S}_{++}^P \), where \(\mathcal{A}\) is an index set; \(\Theta _\alpha \subset {\mathbb {R}}^{\left| \alpha \right| }\) is the parameter space of \(\theta _\alpha ;\,\, \mathcal{S}_{++}^P \) is the set formed by all symmetric positive definite matrix in \({\mathbb {R}}^{P\times P}\), and \(\left| \alpha \right| \) is the dimension of \(\theta _\alpha \).

Because \(\Sigma _\alpha \left( {\theta _\alpha } \right) \) is symmetrical, we can also use \(\sigma _\alpha \left( {\theta _\alpha } \right) =\hbox {vech}\left( {\Sigma _\alpha \left( {\theta _\alpha } \right) } \right) \) to represent an SEM model. \(\sigma _\alpha \left( {\theta _\alpha } \right) \) is now a function from \(\Theta _\alpha \) to \(\mathcal{M}^{P^{*}}\subset {\mathbb {R}}^{P^{*}}\), where \(\mathcal{M}^{P^{*}}\) is the range of \(\mathcal{S}_{++}^P \) under the transformation \(\text {vech}(\cdot )\).

Definition 2

A discrepancy function \(\mathcal{D}\left( {\cdot ,\cdot }\right) \) is defined as a function from \(\mathcal{M}^{P^{*}}\times \mathcal{M}^{P^{*}}\) to \({\mathbb {R}}^{+}\cup \left\{ 0 \right\} \) such that \(\mathcal{D}\left( {\sigma _\alpha \left( {\theta _\alpha } \right) ,\sigma } \right) =0\) if and only if \(\sigma _\alpha \left( {\theta _\alpha } \right) =\sigma \).

In practice, the most commonly used discrepancy function is the maximum likelihood (ML) fitting function (see Jackson, Gillaspy, & Pure-Stephenson, 2009; Shah & Goldstein, 2006 for reviews)

$$\begin{aligned} \mathcal{D}_{ML} \left( {\sigma _\alpha \left( {\theta _\alpha } \right) ,\sigma } \right) =-\log \left| {\Sigma _\alpha \left( {\theta _\alpha } \right) ^{-1}\Sigma } \right| +\hbox {tr}\left( {\Sigma _\alpha \left( {\theta _\alpha } \right) ^{-1}\Sigma } \right) -P. \end{aligned}$$

Other well-known discrepancy functions include ordinary least squares (OLS), weighted least squares (WLS; Browne, 1974), and generalized least squares (GLS; Browne, 1984). The family of least squares discrepancy function can be represented as

$$\begin{aligned} \mathcal{D}_{LS} \left( {\sigma _\alpha \left( {\theta _\alpha } \right) ,\sigma } \right) =\left( {\sigma _\alpha \left( {\theta _\alpha } \right) -\sigma } \right) ^{T}W\left( {\sigma _\alpha \left( {\theta _\alpha } \right) -\sigma } \right) , \end{aligned}$$

where W is a \(P^{*}\times P^{*}\) positive definite weight matrix. In practice, W is usually replaced by its estimator \({\hat{W}}_{N} \). As a result, the asymptotic property of LS estimation relies on the consistency of \({\hat{W}}_{N}\) for W. In subsequent discussion, the consistency of \({\hat{W}}_{N}\) for W is always assumed.

Definition 3

Given a true covariance vector \(\sigma ^{0}\), an SEM model \(\sigma _\alpha \left( {\theta _\alpha } \right) \) is said to be correct for \(\sigma ^{0}\) if there exists a parameter value \(\theta _\alpha ^0 \) such that \(\mathcal{D}\left( {\sigma _\alpha \left( {\theta _\alpha ^0 } \right) ,\sigma ^{0}} \right) =0\); otherwise, \(\sigma _\alpha \left( {\theta _\alpha } \right) \) is said to be incorrect for \(\sigma ^{0}\). When \(\sigma _\alpha \left( {\theta _\alpha } \right) \) is incorrect, a quasi-true parameter value \(\theta _\alpha ^{*} \) is defined as a minimizer of \(\mathcal{D}\left( {\sigma _\alpha \left( {\theta _\alpha } \right) ,\sigma ^{0}} \right) \).

By the property of discrepancy function, \(\theta _\alpha ^0 \) can be seen as a special case of \(\theta _\alpha ^{*} \), with \(\mathcal{D}\left( {\sigma _\alpha \left( {\theta _\alpha ^0 } \right) ,\sigma ^{0}} \right) =0\). Hence, we will use \(\theta _\alpha ^{*} \) to represent both the quasi-true and true parameter values in subsequent discussion.

Definition 4

Given a model \(\sigma _\alpha \left( {\theta _\alpha } \right) \) and a sample covariance vector s, a minimum discrepancy function (MDF) estimator \({\hat{\theta }}_\alpha \) (with respect to \(\mathcal{D})\) is defined as a minimizer of \(\mathcal{D}\left( {\sigma _\alpha \left( {\theta _\alpha } \right) ,s} \right) \).

In later discussion, we simply use \(\sigma \left( \alpha \right) \), \({\hat{\sigma }}\left( \alpha \right) \), and \(\sigma ^{*}\left( \alpha \right) \) to denote \(\sigma _\alpha \left( {\theta _\alpha } \right) \), \(\sigma _\alpha \left( {{\hat{\theta }}_\alpha } \right) \), and \(\sigma _\alpha \left( {\theta _\alpha ^{*} } \right) \), respectively. Note that \(\sigma _\alpha \left( {{\hat{\theta }}_\alpha } \right) \) and \(\sigma _\alpha \left( {\theta _\alpha ^{*} } \right) \) are quantities depending on the values of s and \(\sigma ^{0}\), respectively, although we omit that dependency in their notations. Similarly, \({\hat{\mathcal{D}}}\left( \alpha \right) \equiv \mathcal{D}\left( {{\hat{\sigma }}\left( \alpha \right) ,s} \right) \) and \(\mathcal{D}^{*}\left( \alpha \right) \equiv \mathcal{D}\left( {\sigma ^{*}\left( \alpha \right) ,\sigma ^{0}} \right) \) are used to represent the estimated and population MDF value under model \(\alpha \).

Definition 5

Given a set of candidate models \(\mathcal{A}\), a model selection procedure is a decision rule that chooses an “optimal” model \({\hat{\alpha }}_N \) from \(\mathcal{A}\) based on a specific model selection criterion \(\mathcal{C}\left( {\alpha , \mathcal{D}, s} \right) \).

The subscript N of \({\hat{\alpha }}_N \) is used to emphasize the dependence of \({\hat{\alpha }}_N \) on a random sample. In this study, we consider the following three model selection criteria:

$$\begin{aligned} \textit{AIC}_N \left( \alpha \right)\equiv & {} {\hat{\mathcal{D}}} \left( \alpha \right) +\frac{2}{N}\left| \alpha \right| , \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} \textit{BIC}_N \left( \alpha \right)\equiv & {} {\hat{\mathcal{D}}} \left( \alpha \right) +\frac{\log N}{N}\left| \alpha \right| , \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} \textit{RMSEA}_{N} \left( \alpha \right) \equiv \sqrt{{\text {max}}\left\{ {\frac{{\hat{\mathcal{D}}\left( \alpha \right) }}{{df\left( \alpha \right) }} - \frac{1}{N},0} \right\} }, \end{aligned}$$

where \(df\left( \alpha \right) =P^{*}-\left| \alpha \right| \). In the simplest way, model selection procedures based on \(\textit{AIC}_N \left( \alpha \right) \), \(\textit{BIC}_N \left( \alpha \right) \), or \(\textit{RMSEA}_N \left( \alpha \right) \) select a model that attains the minimum value of the corresponding criterion. Strictly speaking, the criteria in Equations (3) and (4) are not really the AIC and the BIC proposed by Akaike (1974) and Schwarz (1978) because the two indices are proposed under the ML framework, which implies that \({\hat{\mathcal{D}}} \left( \alpha \right) \) should be \({\hat{\mathcal{D}}}_{ML} \left( \alpha \right) \). However, in Section 3, we will show that the selection criterion in the form of either Equation (3) or (4) has the same asymptotic behavior, regardless of which discrepancy function is used.

Preacher, Zhang, Kim, and Mels (2013) suggested another two-stage decision rule for RMSEA (RMSEA-2S). In the first stage, models with \(RMSEA_N \left( \alpha \right) \le c\) are collected, where c is a pre-specified nonnegative cutoff. Usually, c is set as .05 based on the recommendation of Browne and Cudeck (1993). In the second stage, the model with smallest number of parameters is chosen from the output of the first stage. Therefore, the two-stage rule is to choose the most parsimonious model among all the models that fit the data reasonably well in terms of RMSEA.

Given a set of candidate models \(\mathcal{A}\), we partition \(\mathcal{A}\) into \(\mathcal{A}_- =\left\{ {\left. \alpha \right| \mathcal{D}^{*}\left( \alpha \right) >0} \right\} \) and \(\mathcal{A}_+ =\left\{ {\left. \alpha \right| \mathcal{D}^{*}\left( \alpha \right) =0} \right\} \). \(\mathcal{A}_- \) and \(\mathcal{A}_+ \) contains all the incorrect and correct models from \(\mathcal{A}\), respectively. Either \(\mathcal{A}_- \) or \(\mathcal{A}_+ \) can be empty. However, because psychological theories cannot perfectly explain human behavior, we may expect that \(\mathcal{A}_+ =\emptyset \) in practice.

One possible method for comparing the appropriateness of the candidate models is to compare their MDF values. Hence, the first optimal set of models can be defined as

$$\begin{aligned} \mathcal{A}_d =\left\{ {\left. \alpha \right| \mathcal{D}^{*}\left( \alpha \right) =\mathop {\min }\limits _{\alpha ^{\prime }\in \mathcal{A}} \mathcal{D}^{*}\left( {\alpha ^{\prime }} \right) } \right\} . \end{aligned}$$

The “d” stands for “discrepancy” because \(\mathcal{A}_d \) contains all the candidate models with the smallest MDF value. Another way is to compare their MDF values divided by the corresponding degrees of freedom, the population RMSEA values. Based on this idea, the second optimal set is defined as

$$\begin{aligned} \mathcal{A}_e =\left\{ {\left. \alpha \right| \mathcal{D}^{*}\left( \alpha \right) /df\left( \alpha \right) =\mathop {\min }\limits _{\alpha ^{\prime }\in \mathcal{A}} \mathcal{D}^{*}\left( {\alpha ^{\prime }} \right) /\mathrm{d}f\left( {\alpha ^{\prime }} \right) } \right\} . \end{aligned}$$

The “e” denotes “effectiveness” because \(\mathcal{A}_e \) emphasizes the effectiveness of each parameter to explain the covariance. Based on the decision rule of Preacher et al. (2013), we also consider the following optimal set for RMSEA

$$\begin{aligned} \mathcal{A}_c =\left\{ {\left. \alpha \right| \mathcal{D}^{*}\left( \alpha \right) /df\left( \alpha \right) \le c} \right\} , \end{aligned}$$

where “c” stands for “cutoff”. \(\mathcal{A}_c \) collects all the models with a population RMSEA smaller than or equal to c. Unlike \(\mathcal{A}_d \) and \(\mathcal{A}_e \), \(\mathcal{A}_c \) can be empty if there is no candidate model satisfying \(\mathcal{D}^{*}\left( \alpha \right) /df\left( \alpha \right) \le c\). When \(\mathcal{A}_d \), \(\mathcal{A}_e \), or \(\mathcal{A}_c \) contains more than one model, we may prefer more parsimonious models in \(\mathcal{A}_d \), \(\mathcal{A}_e \), or \(\mathcal{A}_c \). Therefore, three subsets of \(\mathcal{A}_d \), \(\mathcal{A}_e \), and \(\mathcal{A}_c \) are further defined as

$$\begin{aligned} \mathcal{A}_d^{*}= & {} \left\{ {\left. \alpha \right| \alpha \in \mathcal{A}_d ,\left| \alpha \right| =\mathop {\min }\limits _{\alpha ^{\prime }\in \mathcal{A}_d } \left| {\alpha ^{\prime }} \right| } \right\} , \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} \mathcal{A}_e^{*}= & {} \left\{ {\left. \alpha \right| \alpha \in \mathcal{A}_e ,\left| \alpha \right| =\mathop {\min }\limits _{\alpha ^{\prime }\in \mathcal{A}_e } \left| {\alpha ^{\prime }} \right| } \right\} , \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} \mathcal{A}_c^{*} =\left\{ {\left. \alpha \right| \alpha \in \mathcal{A}_c ,\left| \alpha \right| =\mathop {\min }\limits _{\alpha ^{\prime }\in \mathcal{A}_c } \left| {\alpha ^{\prime }} \right| } \right\} . \end{aligned}$$

\(\mathcal{A}_d^{*}, \mathcal{A}_e^{*}\), and \(\mathcal{A}_c^{*} \) collect the models with a minimum number of parameters in \(\mathcal{A}_d \), \(\mathcal{A}_e \), and \(\mathcal{A}_c \), respectively. The models in \(\mathcal{A}_d^{*} \) are the so-called quasi-true model mentioned in Section 1. \(\mathcal{A}_e^{*} \) and \(\mathcal{A}_c^{*} \) are new and can be used to describe the asymptotic behavior of the RMSEA. If \(\mathcal{A}_+ \ne \emptyset \), we have \(\mathcal{A}_d^{*} =\mathcal{A}_e^{*} \subset \mathcal{A}_d =\mathcal{A}_e =\mathcal{A}_+ \subset \mathcal{A}_c \) and \(\mathcal{A}_c^{*} \subset \mathcal{A}_c \); otherwise, we only have \(\mathcal{A}_d^{*} \subset \mathcal{A}_d \), \(\mathcal{A}_e^{*} \subset \mathcal{A}_e \), and \(\mathcal{A}_c^{*} \subset \mathcal{A}_c \).

In later discussion, we assume that \(\mathcal{A}_d^{*} \) and \(\mathcal{A}_e^{*} \) are both singletons to simplify our problem, i.e., \(\mathcal{A}_d^{*} =\left\{ {{\upalpha }_d^{*} } \right\} \) and \(\mathcal{A}_e^{*} =\left\{ {{\upalpha }_e^{*} } \right\} \). Note that the assumption is not unreasonable. When \(\mathcal{A}\) is formed by a series of nested models, the assumption must be true. Under non-nested settings, the violation of this assumption means that there exist at least two models, denoted by \({\upalpha }_1^{*}\) an \({\upalpha }_2^{*}\), such that they attain the minimal values of MDF or RMSEA in population with the same model complexity that differ in terms of their functional forms. The existence of such \({\upalpha }_1^{*} \) and \({\upalpha }_2^{*} \) is conceptually possible. However, we think that it would be extremely rare to encounter such cases in actual research settings. Even if we can deliberately construct candidate models in simulations, it is still difficult to obtain this type of \({\upalpha }_1^{*} \) and \({\upalpha }_2^{*}\).

Definition 6

A model selection procedure is said to be consistent for \(\mathcal{A}^{*}\subset \mathcal{A}\) if

$$\begin{aligned} {\mathbb {P}}\left( {{\hat{\alpha }}_N \in \mathcal{A}^{*}} \right) \rightarrow 1, \end{aligned}$$

as \(N\rightarrow \infty \). In particular, if \(\mathcal{A}^{*}=\left\{ {\alpha ^{*}} \right\} \), i.e., \(\mathcal{A}^{*}\) is a singleton, we say the procedure is consistent for \(\alpha ^{*}\).

Clearly, the consistency of a model selection procedure for some \(\mathcal{A}^{*}\subset \mathcal{A}\) is a crucial property if we hope to understand its asymptotic behavior. Note that our definition of consistency is different from that of Shao (1997). In Shao’s work, a selection procedure is consistent if it can always choose a model \(\alpha \) that minimizes a sample-dependent loss. In SEM settings, the sample-dependent loss is \(\mathcal{D}\left( {{\hat{\sigma }}\left( \alpha \right) ,\sigma } \right) \). On the other hand, our definition relies on some optimal set \(\mathcal{A}^{*}\) determined by the population MDF value \(\mathcal{D}\left( {\sigma ^{*}\left( \alpha \right) ,\sigma ^{0}} \right) \).

In later discussion, we assume that the following regularity conditions hold.

Condition A

\(\mathcal{A}\) is pre-specified, with \(\left| \mathcal{A} \right| =K<\infty \), and \(\mathcal{A}_d^{*} =\left\{ {{\upalpha }_d^{*} } \right\} \) and \(\mathcal{A}_e^{*} =\left\{ {{\upalpha }_e^{*} } \right\} \) are both singletons.

Condition B

\(\sqrt{N}\left( {s-\sigma ^{0}} \right) \longrightarrow _{L} N\left( {0,{\Gamma }} \right) ,\) and there exists an estimator \({\hat{\Gamma }}\) such that \({\hat{\Gamma }}\longrightarrow _{P} {\Gamma }\), where \(\longrightarrow _{L}\) denotes “converge in law,” and \(\longrightarrow _{P}\) denotes “converge in probability.”

Condition C

For each \(\alpha \in \mathcal{A}\), \(\sigma _\alpha \left( {\theta _\alpha } \right) \) is continuously twice differentiable.

Condition D

For each \(\alpha \in \mathcal{A}\), \(\mathcal{D}\left( {\sigma _\alpha \left( {\theta _\alpha } \right) ,\sigma } \right) \) is continuously twice differentiable in both arguments.

Condition E

For each \(\alpha \in \mathcal{A}\) and for all \(\sigma ^{0}\in \mathcal{M}^{P^{*}}\), there exist a \(\theta _\alpha ^{*} \in \Theta _\alpha \) such that (1) \(\theta _\alpha ^{*} \) is the unique minimizer of \(\mathcal{D}\left( {\sigma _\alpha \left( {\theta _\alpha } \right) ,\sigma ^{0}} \right) \); (2) \(\theta _\alpha ^{*} \) is an interior point of a compact parameter set \(\Theta _\alpha \); (3) \(\theta _\alpha ^{*} \) is a regular point of \(\frac{\partial ^{2}\mathcal{D}\left( {\sigma _\alpha \left( {\theta _\alpha } \right) ,\sigma } \right) }{\partial \theta _\alpha \partial \theta _\alpha ^T }\) with rank \(\left| \alpha \right| \) for all \(\sigma \) in the neighborhood of \(\sigma ^{0}\).

Condition A requires that the candidate set contains only finite pre-specified models. When all the candidate models are formulated in advance, the condition is of course satisfied. Even in a very exploratory setting, if the researcher can consider all possible types of alternatives a priori, the condition will still be satisfied. Condition B is a standard assumption for SEM. If each observed variable has a finite \(4+\delta \) moment for some \(\delta >0\), Condition B will be true. Condition C assumes that each model is smooth enough. If the specified model is in the class of Bentler and Weeks (1980), Condition C is generally true. Condition D implies that the discrepancy function can be approximated by a quadratic function in the neighborhood of some chosen point. Condition E describes the existence, uniqueness, and the geometry of quasi-true parameter \(\theta _\alpha ^{*} \). Conditions  B, C, D, and  E are sufficient for the consistency of an MDF estimator, i.e., \({\hat{\theta }}_\alpha \longrightarrow _P \theta _\alpha ^{*} \) (Shapiro, 1984, Theorem 1), and its asymptotic normality (Shapiro, 1983, Theorem 5.4).

3 Main Results

In this section, four theorems are derived to describe the large sample behavior of AIC, BIC, RMSEA, and RMSEA-2S. All of the proofs are given in Appendix. Since AIC, BIC, and many other information criteria can be written in the form of \({\hat{\mathcal{D}}} \left( \alpha \right) +k_N \left| \alpha \right| \) for some deterministic or stochastic sequence \(k_N \). In later discussion, we use \(IC_{k_N } \left( \alpha \right) \) to represent \({\hat{\mathcal{D}}} \left( \alpha \right) +k_N \left| \alpha \right| \) for simplicity and derive the asymptotic properties of \(IC_{k_N } \left( \alpha \right) \) under different orders of \(k_N \).

Theorem 1

Let \({\hat{\alpha }}_N \) denote the model selection result by minimizing \(IC_{k_N } \left( \alpha \right) \) for \(k_N =O_{\mathbb {P}} \left( {N^{-1}} \right) \). Then

  1. (1)

    \(\mathop {\lim }\nolimits _{N\rightarrow \infty } {\mathbb {P}}\left( {{\hat{\alpha }}_N \in \mathcal{A}_d } \right) =1;\)

  2. (2)

    If \(\mathcal{A}_d \backslash {\upalpha }_d^{*} \ne \emptyset \), \(\mathop {\lim }\nolimits _{N\rightarrow \infty } {\mathbb {P}}\left( {{\hat{\alpha }}_N \in \mathcal{A}_d \backslash {\upalpha }_d^{*} } \right) >0\).

Theorem 1 describes the limiting behavior of any \(IC_{k_N } \) with \(k_N =O_{\mathbb {P}} \left( {N^{-1}} \right) \), where \(O_{\mathbb {P}} \left( \cdot \right) \) denotes the stochastic big O notation. AIC is obviously a special case of this form, with \(k_N =\frac{2}{N}\). Part (1) of Theorem 1 shows that AIC asymptotically selects a model belonging to \(\mathcal{A}_d \). Hence, \({\hat{\mathcal{D}}} \left( {{\hat{\alpha }}_N } \right) \) asymptotically attains the smallest \(\mathcal{D}^{{*}}\left( \alpha \right) \) on \(\mathcal{A}\). However, if \(\mathcal{A}_d \) contains a model with unnecessary parameters, part (2) of Theorem 1 indicates that AIC may choose a model with unnecessary parameters; i.e., AIC is generally not consistent for \({\upalpha }_d^{*}\). Of course, if \(\mathcal{A}_d =\left\{ {{\upalpha }_d^{*} } \right\} \), AIC is consistent for \({\upalpha }_d^{*} \).

Remark 1

Another well-known criterion belonging to this class is AIC3, which utilizes \(k_N =\frac{3}{N}\) (Sclove, 1987). Although AIC and AIC3 have the same large sample properties, their finite sample behavior can be different. For example, AIC3 has been shown to outperform AIC in selecting the correct numbers of factors (Dziak et al., 2012).

Theorem 2

Let \({\hat{\alpha }}_N \) denote the model selection result by minimizing \(IC_{k_N } \) with \(k_N \) satisfying \(\sqrt{N}k_N =O_{\mathbb {P}} \left( 1 \right) \) and \(Nk_N \longrightarrow _P +\infty \). Then

  1. (1)

    \(\mathop {\lim }\nolimits _{N\rightarrow \infty } {\mathbb {P}}\left( {{\hat{\alpha }}_N \in \mathcal{A}_d } \right) =1;\)

  2. (2)

    If \(\mathcal{A}_d \backslash {\upalpha }_d^{*} \ne \emptyset \), and \(\sigma ^{*}\left( {\alpha _d^{*} } \right) =\sigma ^{*}\left( \alpha \right) \) for each \(\alpha \in \mathcal{A}_d \backslash {\upalpha }_d^{*} \), then we have \(\mathop {\lim }\nolimits _{N\rightarrow \infty } {\mathbb {P}}\left( {{\hat{\alpha }}_N ={\upalpha }_d^{*} } \right) =1\);

  3. (3)

    If \(\mathcal{A}_d \backslash {\upalpha }_d^{*} \ne \emptyset \), and \(\sigma ^{*}\left( {\alpha _d^{*} } \right) \ne \sigma ^{*}\left( \alpha \right) \) for some \(\alpha \in \mathcal{A}_d \backslash {\upalpha }_d^{*} \), then \(\mathop {\lim }\nolimits _{N\rightarrow \infty } {\mathbb {P}}\left( {\hat{\alpha }}_N \in \mathcal{A}_d \backslash {\upalpha }_d^{*} \right) >0\).

Theorem 2 can be used to describe the large sample behavior of BIC since \(k_N =\frac{\log N}{N}\) satisfies \(\sqrt{N}k_N =O_{\mathbb {P}} \left( 1 \right) \) and \(Nk_N \longrightarrow _P +\infty \). Again, Part (1) of Theorem 2 shows that BIC asymptotically selects a model belonging to \(\mathcal{A}_d \). Part (2) of Theorem 2 further shows that BIC is consistent for \({\upalpha }_d^{*} \) when the population model-implied covariance of each model in \(\mathcal{A}_d \backslash {\upalpha }_d^{*} \) is equal to that of \(\alpha _d^{*} \). If \(\mathcal{A}\) is formed by a series of nested models, we can expect that \(\sigma ^{*}\left( {\alpha _d^{*} } \right) =\sigma ^{*}\left( \alpha \right) \) for any \(\alpha \in \mathcal{A}_d \backslash {\upalpha }_d^{*} \) and hence that BIC is consistent for \(\alpha _d^{*} \). However, for a case where some pair of \({\upalpha }_d^{*}\) and \(\alpha \in \mathcal{A}_d \backslash {\upalpha }_d^{*} \) is non-nested, the consistency of BIC for \(\mathcal{A}_d^{*} \) may fail, as indicated by Part (3). A simple way to handle the inconsistency of BIC under general non-nested selection is to consider a heavier penalty \(k_N \left| \alpha \right| \) satisfying \(k_N =o_{\mathbb {P}} \left( 1 \right) \) and \(\sqrt{N}k_N \longrightarrow _P +\infty \), such as \(\frac{\log N}{\sqrt{N}}\left| \alpha \right| \). However, we do not recommend using this penalty in practice because \(\frac{\log N}{\sqrt{N}}\) is too heavy, which may result in poor finite sample performance.

Remark 2

Besides BIC, many selection criteria can be also written as \(IC_{k_N } \), with \(k_N \) satisfying \(\sqrt{N}k_N =O_{\mathbb {P}} \left( 1 \right) \) and \(Nk_N \longrightarrow _P +\infty \). These criteria include consistent AIC (Bozdogan, 1987), the Hannan–Quinn information criterion (Hannan & Quinn, 1979), Haughton’s BIC (Haughton, 1988), and the sample adjusted BIC (Sclove, 1987). Theorem 2 can be applied to all of these criteria.

Theorems 1 and 2 show that both AIC and BIC asymptotically select a model with the smallest MDF value on the candidate set, which is consistent with previous simulation results (e.g., Bollen, Ray, Zavisca, & Harden, 2014; Haughton, Oud, & Jansen, 1997; Homburg, 1991). Interestingly, the limiting model selected by either AIC or BIC is not really a compromise in terms of models goodness of fit and complexity. Goodness of fit has a priority role in defining the limiting model chosen by either AIC or BIC (see the definition of \(\mathcal{A}_d \) and \(\mathcal{A}_d^{*} )\). In a nested model selection setting, if each added parameter actually improves the model fit, both AIC and BIC ultimately select the most complex model. The classical example of Cudeck and Henly (1991) showed this phenomenon. This fact can also explain the simulation results of Preacher, Zhang, Kim, and Mels (2013), who found that AIC and BIC cannot consistently select the researcher-defined approximately true model and tend to choose a model with a lower MDF value.

Theorem 3

Let \({\hat{\alpha }}_N \) denote the model selection result by minimizing \(RMSEA_N \left( \alpha \right) \). Then

  1. (1)

    \(\mathop {\lim }\nolimits _{N\rightarrow \infty } {\mathbb {P}}\left( {{\hat{\alpha }}_N \in \mathcal{A}_e } \right) =1;\)

  2. (2)

    If \(\mathcal{A}_e \backslash {\upalpha }_e^{*} \ne \emptyset \), then \(\mathop {\lim }\nolimits _{N\rightarrow \infty } {\mathbb {P}}\left( {{\hat{\alpha }}_N \in \mathcal{A}_e \backslash {\upalpha }_e^{*} } \right) >0\).

Part (1) of Theorem 3 shows that by minimizing the RMSEA, \({\hat{\alpha }}_N \) is consistent for \(\mathcal{A}_e \). Because \(\mathcal{A}_e \) and \(\mathcal{A}_d \) are generally not equal under \(\mathcal{A}_+ =\emptyset \), a model selected by the RMSEA can be quite different from one selected by either AIC or BIC. If \(\mathcal{A}_e \backslash {\upalpha }_e^{*} \) is not empty, the RMSEA may select a model in \(\mathcal{A}_e \backslash {\upalpha }_e^{*} \), as indicated by Part (2) of Theorem 3. Compared to the limiting behaviors of AIC and BIC, the RMSEA can select a model that simultaneously takes into account both model fit and model complexity.

Theorem 4

Let \({\hat{\alpha }}_N \) denote the model selection result based on the two-stage decision rule for the RMSEA. Then

  1. (1)

    If \(\mathcal{A}_c =\emptyset \), then the procedure selects nothing asymptotically;

  2. (2)

    If \(\mathcal{A}_c \ne \emptyset \) and \(\mathcal{D}^{*}\left( {\alpha _c } \right) /df\left( {\alpha _c } \right) <c\) for all \(\alpha _c \in \mathcal{A}_c \), then \(\mathop {\lim }\nolimits _{N\rightarrow \infty } {\mathbb {P}}\left( {{\hat{\alpha }}_N \in \mathcal{A}_c^{*} } \right) =1\).

Theorem 4 describe the asymptotic behavior of the RMSEA-2S. Part (1) is interesting because it shows that we can reject all of the models if no candidate is good enough. Part (2) shows that when all the models in \(\mathcal{A}_c \) have \(\mathcal{D}^{*}\left( {\alpha _c } \right) /df\left( {\alpha _c } \right) <c\), the two-stage rule is consistent for \(\mathcal{A}_c^{*} \). If some \(\alpha _c \) has \(\mathcal{D}^{*}\left( {\alpha _c } \right) /df\left( {\alpha _c } \right) =c\), it will not be consistently selected in the first stage. The model chosen by the RMSEA-2S is generally not the model with the smallest \(\mathcal{D}^{*}\left( \alpha \right) /df\left( \alpha \right) \), which can be used to explain why this rule can select a researcher-defined approximately true model, as shown in Preacher et al. (2013).

Remark 3

Preacher et al. (2013) also suggested a modified RMSEA-2S. Under this modified procedure, the models with \(LB_N \left( \alpha \right) \le c\) are collected in the first stage, where \(LB_N \left( \alpha \right) \) is the 95% lower limit for \(\mathcal{D}^{*}\left( \alpha \right) /df\left( \alpha \right) \). Since \(LB_N \left( \alpha \right) \) converges to \(RMSEA_N \left( \alpha \right) \) from below, this modified rule is also consistent for \(\mathcal{A}_c^{*} \).

4 Numerical Illustrations

In this section, the empirical behaviors of AIC, BIC, the RMSEA, and the RMSEA-2S under four different settings are illustrated. In Setting A, the MDF value of each candidate model is constructed to be different. In settings B and C, more than one candidate model attains the smallest MDF value; i.e., \(\mathcal{A}_d \) is not a singleton, but these models have different numbers of parameters, which implies that \(\mathcal{A}_d \backslash {\upalpha }_d^{*} \ne \emptyset \). The main difference between these two settings is that under Setting B, models in \(\mathcal{A}_d \) are all correct, but under Setting C, none of these models are correct. Setting D is the most complex: No candidate models are correct; \(\mathcal{A}_d \) and \(\mathcal{A}_e \) are different, and neither \(\mathcal{A}_d \backslash {\upalpha }_d^{*} \) and \(\mathcal{A}_e \backslash {\upalpha }_e^{*} \) are empty.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Model specification for model \(\alpha _4\).

Table 1 The details of model construction of \(\alpha _1 -\alpha _3\) and \(\alpha _5 -\alpha _7\) based on specification of \(\alpha _4\).

The data sets in this numerical illustration are based on the sample covariance matrix in a study by McDonald (McDonald, 2010; see also Feist, Bodner, Jacobs, Miles, & Tan, 1995). In McDonald’s work, the covariance matrix was fitted by the model specified in Figure 1. Seven candidate models are constructed to fit the simulated data under each setting. The model displayed in Figure 1 is also in the candidate set, which we call \(\alpha _4 \). Other models are constructed by deleting one or more parameters in \(\alpha _4 \) (\(\alpha _1 \), \(\alpha _2 \), and \(\alpha _3 )\) or by adding one or more parameters to \(\alpha _4 \) (\(\alpha _5 \), \(\alpha _6 \), and \(\alpha _7 )\). The detailed specifications of the other candidate models are given in Table 1. Note that the MDF and RMSEA values of these candidate models depend on which setting is considered. In each setting, the empirical probabilities of each candidate model selected by AIC, BIC, the RMSEA, and the RMSEA-2S are evaluated. Six levels of sample sizes are considered: 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, and 6400. Under each sample size condition, the empirical probabilities are calculated based on 500 successful replications. All of the data sets are generated according to the method of Fleishman (1978) with the specified covariance structure under the corresponding setting. To see the behavior of AIC, BIC, and RMSEA under non-normality, the skewness and (Pearson’s) kurtosis of each variable are set at 0 and 7, respectively.

Table 2 Model information and selection result of AIC, BIC, the RMSEA, and the RMSEA-2S in setting A.

In setting A, the population covariance matrix for simulating data is just the sample covariance matrix of McDonald (2010). The population MDF values, number of parameters, and RMSEA are presented in Table 2a. We can observe that \(\alpha _7 \) has the smallest MDF value, but \(\alpha _4 \) has the smallest RMSEA value. Hence, \(\mathcal{A}_d =\mathcal{A}_d^{*} =\left\{ {\alpha _7 } \right\} \), and \(\mathcal{A}_e =\mathcal{A}_e^{*} =\left\{ {\alpha _4 } \right\} \). Since all the population RMSEA values are larger than \(c=.05\), we have \(\mathcal{A}_c =\mathcal{A}_c^{*} =\emptyset \). Based on the derived theorems, both AIC and BIC are consistent for \(\alpha _7 ;\) the RMSEA is consistent for \(\alpha _4 \), and the RMSEA-2S selects nothing. The simulation results confirm the theoretical predictions (see Table 2b). Despite the fact that the difference between \(\alpha _4 \) and \(\alpha _7 \) is only slight in terms of both the population MDF and the RMSEA values, the considered model selection criteria could still differentiate them under the largest sample size. It is worth mentioning that both AIC and BIC prefer \(\alpha _4 \) under small and moderate sample sizes, which indicates that the small sample performance of these selection criteria may differ from their large sample behavior.

Table 3 Model information and selection result of AIC, BIC, the RMSEA, and the RMSEA-2S in setting B.

Under Setting B, the true covariance matrix is the model-implied covariance obtained by fitting \(\alpha _4 \) to the population covariance in Setting A. Hence, \(\alpha _4 \) is of course a correct model, and so are \(\alpha _5 \), \(\alpha _6 \), and \(\alpha _7 \), as shown in Table 3a. The corresponding optimal sets are \(\mathcal{A}_d =\mathcal{A}_e =\left\{ {\alpha _4 ,\alpha _5 ,\alpha _6 ,\alpha _7 } \right\} \), \(\mathcal{A}_d^{*} =\mathcal{A}_e^{*} =\left\{ {\alpha _4 } \right\} \), \(\mathcal{A}_c =\left\{ {\alpha _2 ,\alpha _4 ,\alpha _5 ,\alpha _6 ,\alpha _7 } \right\} \), and \(\mathcal{A}_c^{*} =\left\{ {\alpha _2 } \right\} \). According to our theorems, we expect that asymptotically, BIC selects \(\alpha _4 \); AIC and the RMSEA choose some model in \(\mathcal{A}_d \) (or \(\mathcal{A}_e \), since the two sets are the same), and the RMSEA-2S selects \(\alpha _2 \). The empirical results support our prediction (see Table 3b). BIC selects \(\alpha _4 \) with a near one probability under moderate and large sample sizes. AIC and the RMSEA choose \(\alpha _4 \) with relatively high probability but could still choose \(\alpha _5 \), \(\alpha _6 \), and \(\alpha _7 \), even when the sample size is quite large. Finally, the RMSEA-2S consistently chooses \(\alpha _2 \) under both moderate and large sample sizes.

Table 4 Model information and selection result of AIC, BIC, the RMSEA, and the RMSEA-2S in setting C.

Under Setting C, the data generation process is quite similar to that of Setting B, but the population covariance matrix is slightly perturbed. Several error covariances are now set as 0.1, including the covariances of \(E_1 \) and \(E_4 \), \(E_2 \) and \(E_5 \), and \(E_3 \) and \(E_6 \). The population MDF and RMSEA values are presented in Table 4a. None of the candidate models are correct, and the optimal sets are \(\mathcal{A}_d =\left\{ {\alpha _4 ,\alpha _5 ,\alpha _6 ,\alpha _7 } \right\} \), \(\mathcal{A}_e =\mathcal{A}_d^{*} =\mathcal{A}_e^{*} =\left\{ {\alpha _4 } \right\} \), \(\mathcal{A}_c =\left\{ {\alpha _2 ,\alpha _4 ,\alpha _5 ,\alpha _6 ,\alpha _7 } \right\} \), and \(\mathcal{A}_c^{*} =\left\{ {\alpha _2 } \right\} \). Our theorems posit that both BIC and the RMSEA will consistently select \(\alpha _4 ;\) AIC will only choose a model in \(\mathcal{A}_d \), and the RMSEA-2S will select \(\alpha _2 \). The numerical results support our predictions for all the criteria (see Table 4b).

Table 5 Model information and selection result of AIC, BIC, the RMSEA, and the RMSEA-2S in setting D.

In Setting D, the population covariance is based on that of Setting C: the values of the covariances of \(E_1 \) and \(E_4 \), \(E_2 \) and \(E_5 \), and \(E_3 \) and \(E_6 \) are still 0.1, but the covariance of both \(E_7 \) and \(E_9 \) is set as 0.0107445. Table 5a shows that \(\mathcal{A}_d =\left\{ {\alpha _5 ,\alpha _7 } \right\} ;\mathcal{A}_d^{*} =\left\{ {\alpha _5 } \right\} ; \quad \mathcal{A}_e =\left\{ {\alpha _4 ,\alpha _5 } \right\} ; \quad \mathcal{A}_e^{*} =\left\{ {\alpha _4 } \right\} ; \quad \mathcal{A}_c =\left\{ {\alpha _2 ,\alpha _4 ,\alpha _5 ,\alpha _6 ,\alpha _7 } \right\} \), and \(\mathcal{A}_c^{*} =\left\{ {\alpha _2 } \right\} \). Our theoretical results imply that AIC is consistent for \(\alpha _5 \) and \(\alpha _7 ;\) BIC consistently chooses \(\alpha _5 ;\) the RMSEA is consistent for \(\alpha _4 \) and \(\alpha _5 \), and the RMSEA-2S selects \(\alpha _2 \). Our predictions are mostly supported except for the performance of BIC (see Table 5b). BIC tends to select \(\alpha _4 \) when the sample sizes are between 200 and 1600. Even with the largest sample size, BIC still selects \(\alpha _4 \) with a probability of 0.54. We speculate that the sample size of 6400 is not sufficient for demonstrating the consistency of BIC for \(\alpha _5 \). Hence, an additional simulation with a sample size of 25600 is conducted. The result shows that the probability of selecting \(\alpha _5 \) by BIC is now 0.966. The consistency of BIC is still observed, although a super large sample size is required.

5 Discussion

In this study, the asymptotic behaviors of AIC, BIC, and RMSEA under nested and non-nested model selection are derived. An advantage of our results is that it does not depend on the distributional form of the data and the existence of a true model in the candidate set. Therefore, the derived results can be applied to most SEM applications. From the point of view of SEM users, one may ask which criterion should be used in practice. We believe that the answer depends on the purpose of model selection. If the researcher hopes to select a model with smallest population MDF value, AIC and BIC are better for this purpose. In particular, the derived theorem shows that BIC can consistently select the most parsimonious one from all of the models that attains the smallest MDF value given the assumption that the implied covariance matrices of these models are identical. On the other hand, when the researcher hopes to choose a model with the smallest population RMSEA, the RMSEA is better. The RMSEA-2S is mostly appropriate if researchers hope to find the most parsimonious one from a set of models with reasonable fit in terms of population RMSEA.

The consistency of BIC for choosing a quasi-true model (i.e., a model in \(\mathcal{A}_d^{*} )\) may be strange to people who have heard “BIC is not consistent if the true model is not in the candidate set, or the true model is nonparametric” (e.g., Vrieze, 2010). Actually, our results are not contrary to the existing results. One reason for this is that our definition of consistency is different. Theorem 2 shows that BIC is consistent for a quasi-true model as defined by the MDF value and number of parameters, but not the true model or the optimal model minimizing the sample-dependent loss. Another reason is that SEM is a pure parametric method. If we assume that the population covariance matrix is just an unknown but fixed quantity, it can always be perfectly explained by some models with \(P^{*}=P\left( {P+1} \right) /2\) parameters.

The established results can be applied to any discrepancy function that can be quadratically approximated. Hence, even when an estimation method other than ML is used, researchers still have AIC/BIC/RMSEA-type criteria that can consistently select a model in some optimal set. Note that the chosen discrepancy not only determines the estimates but also the corresponding optimal sets. In general, selection criteria based on discrepancy A cannot select an optimal model defined by discrepancy B unless some candidate model is correct.

The current study also presents numerical illustrations for demonstrating the finite sample and asymptotic behaviors of AIC, BIC, the RMSEA, and the RMSEA-2S. Because SEM users always work with imperfect models (MacCallum, 2003), we adopt an empirical covariance matrix from McDonald (2010) as the target population covariance to enhance the ecological validity of the demonstration. In general, the illustrations support our theoretical results, despite the fact that in some settings extremely large sample sizes are required to achieve the limiting behaviors, especially for the case of BIC. However, the numerical illustrations utilize “population covariance matrices” with “sampling errors.” The true model underlying the target covariance matrix is actually unknown. If someone believes that psychological data should be generated according to some well-defined true model, our approach may not be appropriate, and the simulation results should be cautiously interpreted. In future, it is worth exploring the empirical performances of these criteria under a well-controlled manipulation of underlying true models.

The main limitation of the current study is that our analysis relies on the asymptotic theory. Under finite sample sizes, however, the empirical performances of model selection criteria can be quite different from their limiting behaviors, as shown in our numerical illustrations. Vrieze (2012) also showed that BIC cannot select the true model under small parameter values even when the sample size is quite large. Another issue related to finite sample sizes is model selection uncertainty. Ignoring the fact that model selection uncertainty can lead to invalid inferences (Preacher & Merkle, 2012). Further comprehensive simulations are required to see the entire picture of the behaviors of these selection criteria. Another limitation is that we only consider model selection problems with complete data. Missing data are easily encountered in practice. Since sample size is not well defined in the presence of missing data, the asymptotic behaviors of the selection criteria could not be directly analyzed. Further research should study the issue of model selection with missing data in SEM. We believe that the criteria proposed by Ibrahim, Zhu, and Tang (2008) is a promising approach for such problems.