1 Introduction

As one of the most successful and prevalent language models, topic modeling can learn the latent explainable representation of documents automatically. Traditional topic models often utilize directed probability graph to describe their generative processes. However, as the expressiveness and structure of generative processes grows, the deviation of parameters tends to be tough and complicated, which also hinders the model’s efficiency when it is trained on a large scale dataset [17]. Recently, many studies focus on utilizing neural networks [20, 28] to extract the topic information, and these neural topic models can easily scale to a larger amount of training data than classical probabilistic models like the latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) [4] and its extensions. But most of the current neural topic models are flat models, which means the extracted topics are at the same level. This is a significant limitation because in many domains, topics can be naturally organized into hierarchies, where the root of each hierarchy represents the most general topic, and the topics become more specific toward the leaf nodes. For instance, when we want to post a review of a laptop, we may first determine its overall topic/aspect using words such as “cost performance” and “quality”. Then, we select the “appearance”, “hardware”, and other sub-topics to write the review in detail.

In probabilistic topic models, a hierarchical topic structure has been proven as useful for many tasks, including text categorization, text summarization, and aspect extraction [3, 12, 18, 22], because such a model can provide much explainable information with desirable granularity. Furthermore, explicitly modeling the hierarchical patterns allows us to learn more interpretable topics and clearly show the main topics of a corpus in a hierarchical structure, rather than the traditional word cloud. An example of topic hierarchy is shown in Figure 1. Such a hierarchy can be used to sharpen a user’s understanding of the text content.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Topics inferred by our model from the 20NEWS dataset [20]. We present five most representative words for each topic and manually label these topics

Although several probabilistic topic models have been proposed to extract the hierarchical topic structure of a corpus [3, 12], the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method [25] they employed for inference is quite time-consuming and is impractical to train for a large-scale dataset. Recently, TSNTM [11] is developed to model the topic hierarchy based on the neural variational inference (NVI) framework with good scalability, but the topic hierarchy extracted by TSNTM is not reasonable enough because the DRNN it applied is unsuitable to discover hierarchical semantics.

In this paper, we also focus on grouping documents into reasonable hierarchies based on NVI. With the rapid development of neural networks, it is possible to employ multi-level latent variables and obtain a hierarchical model. But few methods explicitly model the dependency among different layers and get interpretable hierarchical latent variables, e.g., topics, which is largely due to the weak interpretability of neural networks. Latent variables inside the network can hardly be displayed explicitly, so modeling the hierarchy of them is very difficult. To address this issue, we propose a novel NVI based method called hierarchical neural topic model (HNTM)Footnote 1 for hierarchical topic modeling with a pyramid-shaped structure. The model can also extract a tree-shaped structure by adding two constraints.

To enhance the robustness of our HNTM, we also incorporate a manifold regularization term to the NVI framework. Generally, manifold learning assumes that the points connected to each other should be as close as possible after dimensionality reduction. As a result, we introduce Laplacian Eigenmap [1] as a regularization term to make the related documents as similar as possible in the topic distribution at the document level. To summarize, our main contributions are as follows:

  • We propose HNTM, a novel NVI based model for hierarchical topic modeling, which outperforms the existing models in several widely adopted metrics with much fewer computation costs.

  • We introduce the manifold regularization into the NVI framework with the aim of making nearby document pairs have similar latent topic representations, which reduces the impact of noisy words and enhances the robustness of HNTM.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we introduce related work about hierarchical topic models and neural topic models. In Section 3, we present our model, introduce the network structure, and describe the regularization terms. In Section 4, we present empirical results and compare HNTM with baseline methods. In Section 5, we conclude the paper with discussions and future directions.

2 Related work

After proposing the classical LDA model [4], Blei et al. [3] extended it to a hierarchical version called HLDA by introducing a nested Chinese restaurant process (nCRP). Given a certain depth, HLDA constructs a topic tree through Gibbs sampling. However, each document in HLDA is generated by the topics along a single path of the tree, so the ancestor topic and its offspring topic generate the document together, making the hierarchical relation unclear. To overcome the weakness of single path sampling, Kim et al. [12] proposed a recurrent CRP (rCRP), which enables a document to have a distribution over the entire topic tree with unbounded depth and width. Experiments indicated that rCRP achieved remarkable performance in hierarchical topic modeling. However, the aforementioned sampling based methods suffer from the limitation of data scalability.

Mimno et al. [22] used a directed acyclic graph (DAG) structure and proposed the hierarchical pachinko allocation model (hPAM). The model includes a root topic, in addition to several super-topics and sub-topics. The root topic and other topics are connected to lower-level topics by multinomial distributions. A document can be generated by every topic in the DAG. Liu et al. [18] proposed the hierarchical latent tree analysis (HLTA), which iteratively employed the Bridged-Islands algorithm to cluster words and topics. However, the model failed to deal with polysemous words, which is one of the major contributions of topic modeling over text.

With the popularity of neural networks, many researchers aimed at addressing the drawbacks of traditional topic models by NVI. Miao et al. [21] assumed that topic distributions in documents can be represented by hidden variables sampled from multiple Gaussian distributions, and they used the variational lower bound as the objective function of their proposed model named NVDM. Since NVDM did not explicitly model the word distributions, Miao et al. [20] extended it to several models including GSM which conforms to the assumption of topic models with multinomial distributions over both topics and words. Srivastava and Sutton [28] employed the Gaussian distribution to approximate the Dirichlet distribution, which further improved the variational auto-encoder and LDA accordingly. Based on the Wasserstein autoencoders framework, Nan et al. [24] proposed the WLDA, which applied a suitable kernel in minimizing the Maximum Mean Discrepancy to perform distribution mapping. Burkhardt et al. [5] used the Dirichlet distribution as a prior and meanwhile decoupled sparsity and smoothness. Wu et al. [29] utilized Negative-Binomial process and Gamma Negative-Binomial process to improve the sparsity of topic distributions. For short texts, Wu et al. [30] proposed a new topic distribution quantization approach in the auto-encoder framework to generate peakier distributions, as well as a negative sampling decoder to avoid generating repetitive topics. Unfortunately, these neural topic models can not model the topic hierarchy.

A few researches concentrated on modeling the hierarchical structure among latent variables based on NVI. Goyal et al. [9] combined nCRP with variational auto-encoder to enable infinite flexibility of the latent representation. Their approach was applied in video representation learning and the joint training limited the efficiency. Isonuma et al. [11] incorporated a doubly-recurrent neural network (DRNN) into NVI and proposed a tree-structured neural topic model (TSNTM). The model greatly improved the computational efficiency compared with hLDA. However, the adopted DRNN was only used to generate topic representations, rather than taking document representations as input. Such an issue makes TSNTM fail to extract a reasonable topic hierarchy. Moreover, the topic hierarchy constructed by DRNN needs to be updated frequently via a heuristic method. This motivates us to propose HNTM, which extracts a explainable topic hierarchy via a feedforward decoder automatically with much fewer computation costs. Notice that the recent work of Chen et al. [7] also employs NVI with a feedforward decoder to extract the topic hierarchy, but the proposed nTSNTM is quite different from our HNTM. First, nTSNTM was a non-parametric model that used a stick-breaking process as prior, while HNTM adopts Gaussian distribution as prior. Second, nTSNTM used a softmax function with low temperature to ensure a tree-shaped structure, but it did not consider the balance of the topic tree. For HNTM, two regularization terms and manifold learning are applied to guarantee a balanced topic tree. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study on tackling the issue of imbalance by introducing the manifold regularization into NVI based hierarchical topic modeling.

3 Hierarchical neural topic model

In this section, we first introduce the modeling of topic hierarchy based on the NVI framework and then describe the details of our HNTM.

3.1 Topic hierarchy

Previous hierarchical topic models mainly take a tree-shaped structure, but they have a difference in how to generate a document from the hierarchical topics. Figure 2 shows the tree structure of different models and topic distributions of a simulated document. Particularly, HLDA considers that a document is generated by topics of only one path, which violates the multi-topic assumption of topic models (i.e., a document may span several topics). Considering this issue, rCRP generates a document by all topics in the tree. We follow rCRP to develop a tree structure that a document is generated by all layers of the topic tree cooperatively.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Tree structures and topic distributions of a simulated document for our HNTM and other models. Each node represents a topic with its own word distribution except for the root node in HNTM. Red node means that the topic is activated in the current document and the size of nodes represents the proportion

Based on the framework of NVI, we reconstruct the input document by multiple layers of latent variables. Layers are connected with dependency matrices D, where Dl means the dependency matrix between layers l and l + 1. To estimate Dl (i.e., the dependency strength between the super-topics at level l and the sub-topics at level l + 1), we introduce super-topic vectors pl and sub-topic vectors bl, as follows:

$$ D_{l,k} = softmax(p_{l}*b_{l,k}^{T}). $$

In the above, Dl,k, which represents the dependency vector of sub-topic k, approximates a discrete one-hot vector after using the softmax function. The super-topic vectors \(p_{l} \in \mathbb {R}^{K_{l}*H}\), and the sub-topic vectors \(b_{l} \in \mathbb {R}^{K_{l+1}*H}\), where H is the length of each topic vector, Kl and Kl+ 1 represent the numbers of topics at level l and level l + 1. To construct a pyramid-shaped topic tree, the topic number Kl is incremental from level 1 to level L.

3.2 Network structure

As in probabilistic topic models, we use the latent variables 𝜃d and zn to capture the topic proportion of document d and the topic assignment for the observed word wn, respectively. To learn the hierarchical structure, sub-topics are generated using multinomial distributions through dependency matrices D. The topic distribution of level L can be generated by:

$$ \theta_{d,L} \sim G(\mu_{0}, {\sigma^{2}_{0}}), $$

where \(G(\mu _{0}, {\sigma ^{2}_{0}})\) is composed of a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) 𝜃L = f(x) conditioned on an isotropic Gaussian \(x \sim N(\mu _{0}, {\sigma ^{2}_{0}})\), and L is the number of topic levels. Given 𝜃d,l which represents the topic distribution of document d at level l, the topic distribution at the upper level l − 1 can be inferred by:

$$ \theta_{d,l-1} = D_{l-1}\theta_{d,l} \qquad (l=2...L). $$

Then the generative process of each word is described as follows:

$$ z_{l,n} \sim Multi(\theta_{d,l}) \qquad (l=1...L), $$
$$ t \sim Multi(c_{d}), $$
$$ w_{n} \sim Multi(\beta_{t,z_{t,n}}), $$

where zl,n and wl,n represent the topic assignment and word assignment of token n in document d generated by level l. \(\beta _{t,z_{t,n}}\) is the word distribution of topic zt,n at level t. cd,l denotes the reconstruction weight of level l. Finally, the marginal likelihood of document d is:

$$ p(d|\mu_{0}, \sigma_{0}, {\beta}) = {\int}_{\theta_{d,1}}{p(\theta_{d,1}|\mu_{0}, {\sigma_{0}^{2}})\prod\limits_{n}\sum\limits_{l}c_{d,l}\sum\limits_{z_{l,n}}p(w_{n}|\beta_{l,z_{l,n}})p(z_{l,n}|\theta_{d,l})}d\theta_{d,1}, $$

where 𝜃l can be calculated by Equation (2).

Following [20], we construct an inference network q(𝜃|μ(d),σ(d)) to approximate the posterior p(𝜃|d), and employ the reparameterization trick [13] for parameter update. Figure 3 shows the network structure of our HNTM. To explicitly model the word distribution of each topic, topic-word matrices β are constructed as similar to dependency matrices D.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Network structure of an L-level HNTM

We introduce topic vectors \(t_{l} \in \mathbb {R}^{K_{l}*H}\) for each level and word vectors \(v \in \mathbb {R}^{V*H}\), and generate the topic distributions over words at level l by:

$$ \beta_{l,k} = softmax(v*{t_{l,k}}^{T}). $$

Given such word distributions and a sampled \(\hat {\theta _{l}}\), layer l reconstructs document d by:

$$ p(w_{n}|\beta_{l}, \hat{\theta_{l}}) = \sum\limits_{z_{n}}{[p(w_{n}|\beta_{l,z_{n}})p(z_{n}|\hat{\theta_{l}})]} = \hat{\theta_{l}}*\beta_{l}. $$

In fact, some documents may focus on general topics, which means topics from the high level are more often used, while some documents talk about more specific topics. Considering this, our model learns the weight c of topic levels from the original document, which will affect the reconstruction process. Finally, the variational lower-bound is defined as:

$$ L_{d} = \mathbb{E}_{q(\theta|d)}\left[ \sum\limits_{n}\log \left( \left[\sum\limits_{l}c_{l}p(w_{n}|\beta_{l},\theta_{l})\right)\right]\right] - D_{KL}\left[q(\theta|d)||p(\theta)\right]. $$

Level weight c can be obtained from a latent document embedding with a fully connected layer and softmax function. With the help of c, our model allocates the words of a document to different topic levels flexibly. Topics at higher levels learn more general words, while topics at lower levels learn more specific words.

3.3 Generating a tree-shaped structure

By training the dependency matrices between different layers, we can learn the latent relations of topics. The topic relations constitute a DAG, where the directed edges in the graph point from the ancestor topics to the sub-topics. Every two adjacent layers are fully connected, which means a sub-topic may belong to several super-topics. To make the hierarchical affiliation obvious, we tend to organize topics to a tree structure. In this way, we can clearly know which sub-topics are included in a field.

A straightforward method is to constrain the dependency matrices so that the topic hierarchy can approximate a tree structure. We apply a negative L2 normalization to the dependency matrices D as follows:

$$ R_{V} = -\sum\limits_{l}^{L-1}{\sum\limits_{i,j}{{D_{l,i,j}}^{2}}}, $$

where Dl,i,j represents the probability that the i-th sub-topic at level l+ 1 belongs to the j-th super-topic at level l. The negative L2 normalization constrains the row vectors in each matrix to be discrete because the softmax function forces the vector sum up to 1, while traditional positive L2 normalization forces the row vectors to be smooth. With such a constraint, every topic under level 1 belongs to only one parent topic, while parent topics can own several child topics.

However, a major problem of only using the above constraint term to generate a tree-shaped structure is that the model may learn very few super-topics from the bottom topics at level L, because most sub-topics are gathered under one super-topic. To avoid this issue, we further introduce a regularization term to adjust the number of children for each parent topic as follows:

$$ R_{N} = \sum\limits_{l}^{L-1}{\sum\limits_{j}\left( {\sum\limits_{i}{D_{l,i,j}}}\right)^{2}} . $$

Note that \({\sum }_{i}{\sum }_{j}{D_{l,i,j}}=K_{l+1}\), so reducing RN can adjust the total amount of sub-topics for each super-topic. The above two terms work together to generate an effective and balanced topic tree.

3.4 Manifold regularization

Although HNTM with RV and RN can learn effective hierarchical relations between topics, they do not consider the impact of noisy words (i.e. non-topic words). In order to enhance the robustness of our model, we introduce Laplacian Eigenmap as a regularization term into our loss function with the aim of making the related texts as similar as possible in the topic distribution at the document level, and reducing the impact of noisy words. Laplacian Eigenmap is one of the famous methods in manifold learning for dimensionality reduction [1], which operates on a manifold, aiming to construct a representation for data sampled from a low dimensional manifold embedded in a higher dimensional space. Generally, manifold learning assumes that the learned representation should be smooth, which means that the points connected to each other should be as close as possible after dimensionality reduction. As an effective regularization term, manifold learning has been widely used in various algorithms, such as semi-supervised models [2, 10] and the Dirichlet Multinomial Mixture model [15].

Suppose that each document d in the corpus is regarded as a node in the graph, and for every two documents di,djB, the adjacency matrix between documents di and dj is defined as follows:

$$ W_{i,j} = \begin{cases} 1, & \text{if } d_{i} \in \boldsymbol{{\varDelta}}(d_{j}) \ \text{or} \ d_{j} \in \boldsymbol{{\varDelta}}(d_{i}); \\ 0, & \text{otherwise}. \end{cases} $$

In the above, B denotes a Batch in the neural network, and Δ(d) denotes the document set of the R nearest neighbors of document d. Particularly, we employ the cosine distance of bag of words to measure the similarity of two documents to obtain the R nearest neighbors. The manifold regularization term is defined by:

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} R_{M} = \sum\limits_{i,j=1}^{D} \sum\limits_{k=1}^{K} W_{i,j}|\theta_{i,k}-\theta_{j,k}|, \end{array} $$

where D is the number of documents in B, K is the number of topics, 𝜃i,k and 𝜃j,k are the k th items in the topic distributions of documents di and dj, respectively.

3.5 Loss function

Considering all regularization terms discussed above, the loss function of the model is defined as:

$$ L = L_{d} + \lambda_{V}R_{V} + \lambda_{N}R_{N} + \lambda_{M}R_{M}, $$

where λV, λN, and λM are the weights of RV, RN, and RM with respect to Ld, respectively. By incorporating these three regularization terms, our proposed model can extract an effective hierarchical tree structure of latent topics. In the following, we denote HNTM with RV as HNTM-RV, HNTM with RV and RN as HNTM-RV + RN, HNTM with RM as HNTM-RM, HNTM with RV, RN and RM as HNTM-all. Since RN is used to alleviate the issue of only using RV as the constraint, we do not consider HNTM with RN alone and other model variants for simplicity.

3.6 Computational complexity

For the feedforward propagation in our HNTM, the computational complexity is:

$$ \mathcal{O}\left( nt\left( VH+(r-1)H^{2}+HK_{L}+\sum\limits_{l=1}^{L-1}K_{l}*K_{l+1}+\sum\limits_{l=1}^{L}{K_{l}}V \right)\right), $$

where n is the number of training samples, t is the number of epochs, V is the vocabulary size, r is the number of fully connected layers in the encoder, H is the hidden size, Kl is the number of topics at level l, and L is the depth of the topic hierarchy. Note that V is much larger than H, r, and Kl generally, so the computational complexity will be:

$$ \mathcal{O}\left( nt\left( V(H+\sum\limits_{l=1}^{L}{K_{l}}) \right)\right). $$

The computational complexity of back propagation in our HNTM is exactly the same. Though the complexity is similar to that of TSNTM [11], our HNTM does not need another heuristic process to update the topic hierarchy in the training process of TSNTM, which will influence the training speed greatly.

4 Empirical results

In this section, we first describe the datasets and the experimental settings. Then, we evaluate the effectiveness of our method on the topic interpretability, hierarchical properties, data scalability, and the quality of topic words.

4.1 Datasets

We conduct experiments on three widely used benchmark datasets: 20NEWS [21], Reuters [29], and Wikitext-103 [19]. For 20NEWS, we use the same version as Miao et al. [21] which consists of 18,845 news articles under 20 categories. The news articles are divided into 11,314 training documents and 7,531 testing documents. The Reuters dataset contains 7,769 training documents and 3,019 testing documents. The Wikitext-103 [19] dataset is extracted from Wikipedia. It contains 28,472 training documents and 60 testing documents. Furthermore, the Wikitext-103 dataset has 20,000 words in the vocabulary to preserve enough information. Following Wu et al. [29], the first two datasets both have vocabularies with 2,000 most frequent words after stemming and stop words filtering.

4.2 Experimental setup

For hierarchical topic models, we use rCRP [12], HLDA [3], TSNTM [11], and nTSNTM [7] as our baselines. The other two models, i.e., hPAM [22] and HLTA [18], are not adopted for the following reasons. First, hPAM assumes that the hierarchy contains a root topic, super-topics, and sub-topics. The fixed depth setting limits the model’s flexibility. Second, HLTA actually is more like a word clustering model, because it assumes that each word only belongs to one topic and fails to deal with polysemous words. For completeness, we also compare our model with several popular NVI-based flat topic models, including GSM [20], DVAE [5], NB-NTM & GNB-NTM [29].

For the aforementioned baseline models, the publicly available codes of rCRPFootnote 2, HLDAFootnote 3, TSNTMFootnote 4, nTSNTMFootnote 5, DVAEFootnote 6, NB-NTM & GNB-NTMFootnote 7 are directly used. As an extended model of NVDM, the baseline of GSM is implemented by us based on the code of NVDMFootnote 8. For NVI based models, the number of hidden variables at each layer is set to 256 and we use the single sample by following [20]. For other model parameters such as λV, λN, and λM, grid search is carried out on the training set to determine their optimal values and achieve the held-out performance. Training is stopped when the performance on the validation set is not improved for 10 consecutive iterations.

We observe that hierarchical baselines can get relatively good performance when given \(100\sim 150 \) topics for these three datasets. To generate a pyramid-shaped topic tree, we develop a three-level structure for HNTM with 10 level-1 topics, 30 level-2 topics, and 90 level-3 topics. The number of topics for GSM is set to 130 for fair comparison. In the training stage, we observe that KL-divergence quickly converges at the beginning, resulting the problem of component collapsing [5]. To avoid such a problem, we first give KL-divergence a small coefficient u, and increase the coefficient to 1 gradually by u = u + 0.003 ∗ epochs.

4.3 Quantitative results

Perplexity is a traditional metric used to evaluate the goodness-of-fit of a model. The perplexity of each model on a testing set \(\tilde {D}\) is calculated by:

$$ Perplexity(\tilde{D}) = exp\left( \frac{-1}{|\tilde{D}|}{\sum}_{d}\frac{1}{N_{d}}\log p(d)\right), $$

where \(\log p(d)\) is the log-likelihood on document d, and Nd is the number of words in d. For all neural topic models, the variational lower bound, which is proven as the upper bound of perplexity [23], is used to calculate the perplexity by following [21].

Several studies [6, 26] pointed that perplexity is not suitable for evaluating topic interpretability, and Lau et al. [14] showed that the normalized point-wise mutual information (NPMI), which evaluates the topic coherence, closely corresponds to the ranking of topic interpretability by human annotators. NPMI measures the relation between two words w1 and w2 as follows [14]:

$$ NPMI(w_{1},w_{2}) = \log \frac{P(w_{1},w_{2})}{P(w_{1})P(w_{2})}/(-\log P(w_{1},w_{2})). $$

The higher the value of NPMI, the more explainable the topic is. Note that topic coherence can not reveal the quality of all extracted topics, because high redundancy is not conflict with high coherence. Thus, we further adopt topic uniqueness (TU) by following [24] to evaluate the redundancy of topics. The TU for topic k is

$$ TU(k) = \frac{1}{M}\sum\limits^{M}_{m=1}\frac{1}{cnt(m,k)}, k = 1,...,K, $$

where cnt(m,k) is the total number of times the mth top word in topic k appears in the top M words across all topics, and K is the number of topics. The final TU is computed as \(TU = \frac {1}{K}{\sum }^{K}_{k=1}TU(k)\). Topics with both high TU and high NPMI are considered as well extracted. For NPMI and TU, we compute the average of three scores based on 5, 10, and 15 top words.

Table 1 shows the NPMI and TU of topics learned by each model respectively. All of our models except for HNTM-RV outperform the other four hierarchical baselines on NPMI, while achieve the second highest TU for each dataset. Without the help of RN, the constraint term RV might cause the issue of imbalance, which has been discussed in Section 3.3, and HNTM-RV performs worse on Reuters. With a similar Gaussian softmax framework, HNTM and its extensions perform better than GSM, which validates that hierarchical modeling can help extract more explainable topics with a low topic redundancy.

Table 1 NPMI and TU of different models, where the best results are bolded. For clarity, we present the ranking of each method on these two metrics in parenthesis

Though it has been shown that perplexity is not a good metric for qualitative evaluation of topics [26], this metric can still reveal the fitting ability. According to Table 2, our models achieve competitive perplexity in comparison with other models except for rCRP. Previous studies [11, 28] also reported that sampling-based models always achieve lower perplexity when compared with NVI-based models.

Table 2 Perplexity of different models, where the best results are bolded and the ranking of each method is presented in parenthesis for clarity

To evaluate the impact of manifold regularization on the proposed method, we present our models’ perplexity, NPMI and TU with different manifold regularization term coefficients (i.e., λM = 0, 0.3, 1, and 3) in Figures 4 and 5. For Reuters and 20NEWS, HNTM-RM with λM = 0.3 and λM = 1 achieve better NPMI and TU scores than HNTM to a certain extent while HNTM-RM with λM = 3 performs worse than HNTM. This suggests that the constraints of the characteristics of the data on the manifold can indeed improve the performance of HNTM, but too strong constraints will also make the model hard to converge. For Wikitext-103, the manifold regularization term has no obvious effect on the improvement of HNTM. This might be due to the sparse connections caused by the large scale of Wikitext-103.

Fig. 4
figure 4

NPMI and TU for HNTM-all with various manifold regularization coefficients

Fig. 5
figure 5

Perplexity for HNTM-all with various manifold regularization coefficients

4.4 Topical hierarchy analysis

In this part, we adopt topic specialization as an indicator of topical hierarchy [12]. An important feature of the tree structure is that the topics close to the root are more general, while the topics close to the leaves are more specific. Following [12], we calculate the cosine similarity of the word distribution between the corpus topic and all topics at each level of the topic tree, and measure the specialization score by 1 − similarity. The corpus topic is defined as the word distribution of the entire corpus. A higher score indicates that the topic has drifted farther away from the entire corpus, which implies that the topic has become more specialized. Figure 6 presents the average topic specialization scores for each model. Though the scores of HLDA rise sharply, the topics are too general at level 1 and level 2, especially for 20NEWS. This is because the words of a document are divided into very few topics, and the general words are concentrated at shallower levels. We observe that TSNTM achieves higher specialization scores at level 1 than deeper levels for all datasets, which means the topics at level 1 are more specific than their offspring topics and it indicates a bad topical hierarchy. nTSNTM obtains the highest specialization scores at every level for each dataset, indicating a poor progressive semantic structure. Our proposed model performs the best in topic specialization scores because it can learn general topics from the bottom topics flexibly.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Topic specialization of different models at each level. Since the results of all our models are quite similar, we here present the result of HNTM for simplicity

A problem of topic specialization score is that it can not reflect the relations between parent topics and their children. In addition, since NPMI can only measure the relation between words inside the topic, we thus compute the cross-level NPMI (CLNPMI) [7] to measure the relation of top words between two connected topics by calculating the average NPMI value of every two different words from an ancestor topic and its sub-topic. The CLNPMI is defined by:

$$ CLNPMI(W_{p},W_{c}) = \frac{1}{N^{2}}\sum\limits_{w_{i} \in W_{p}}{\sum\limits_{w_{j} \in W_{c}}[NPMI(w_{i},w_{j}) \frac{\mathbb{I}(w_{i}\neq w_{j})}{\mathbb{I}(w_{j}\in W_{p})+1}]}, $$

where Wp and Wc denote the top N words of a parent topic and one of its children. The words that appear in both topics will bring a penalty to the value of CLNPMI. We also compute the averaged overlap rate (OR) [7] to measure the repetitions between parent topics and their children. OR is defined as:

$$ OR(W_{p},W_{c}) = \frac{|W_{p}\cap W_{c}|}{N}. $$

As shown in Table 3, although HLDA achieves the lowest OR scores, the poor CLNPMI indicates that the relation between parents topics and their children are not very close. rCRP seriously suffered from the high topic redundancy, since it achieves high OR scores and high TU scores as aforementioned. HNTM with all regularization terms (i.e., HNTM-all) achieves the best CLNPMI in all datasets, with relative low OR scores. The improvement from HNTM-RV and HNTM-RV + RN validates that the manifold regularization term can help extract the topic relations. In detail, Figure 7 explores the impact of different weights of manifold regularization on these two measurements. To validate the effect of RN, we display the distributions over different numbers of children for all parent topics in Figure 8. The results indicate that our model with RN has more proper distributions over numbers of children. Considering the poor results of HNTM-RV presented in previous tables, the regularization term RN could indeed help avoid the problem of failing to extract high level topics.

Table 3 CLNPMI and OR of hierarchical topic models, in which, a higher CLNPMI and a lower OR indicate better performance
Fig. 7
figure 7

CLNPMI and OR for HNTM-all with various manifold regularization coefficients

Fig. 8
figure 8

Distributions over the amounts of children for HNTM-RV and HNTM-RV + RN

We also demonstrate the discretization of the row vectors in dependency matrices D. As shown in Figure 9, most of the maximum elements in the row vectors are larger than 0.95 with regularization term RV, which means these sub-topics largely belong to one super-topic. In other words, this term makes sure that the hierarchical topic structure extracted by our HNTM is a tree.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Distributions over the value of the maximum elements in matrices D for HNTM and HNTM-RV

4.5 Data scalability

To evaluate the efficiency of our method, we randomly sample several numbers of documents (1,000, 2,000, 4,000, 8,000, 16,000, and all) from the training set of Wikitext-103. Figure 10 shows the training time of all hierarchical topic models, in which, the experiments are conducted on an Intel Xeon Skylake 6146 CPU with 8 cores and an Nvidia Tesla P4 GPU. Sampling-based models are run on CPU, and NVI-based models are tested on GPU. HNTM shows an advantage in time cost when compared with all these baselines. Different from flat sampling-based topic models, HLDA and rCRP spend considerable computation time on path sampling, which is much more serious when dealing with a large-scaled dataset. Additionally, these two sampling-based models are serial, which means they can only utilize one core of the CPU. TSNTM and nTSNTM respectively apply a doubly-recurrent network and a stick-breaking prior, which largely slow down the speed of both models. HNTM can be trained around 1.8 times faster than nTSNTM, 3.6 times faster than TSNTM, 10.4 times faster than rCRP, and 74 times faster than HLDA with all 28,372 documents.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Training time of different models on various numbers of documents. Since the time costs of all our models are nearly the same, we here present the result of HNTM for simplicity

4.6 Evaluation on the topic words

Figures 1112131415 show some representative military-related branches generated by hierarchical topic models on Wikitext-103. Top 5 words are shown for each topic, and red marked topics with italic words are irrelevant to military by manually checking. Topics are truncated from level 1 to level 3.

Fig. 11
figure 11

Topic branches extracted by hLDA on Wikitext-103

Fig. 12
figure 12

Topic branches extracted by rCRP on Wikitext-103

Fig. 13
figure 13

Topic branch extracted by TSNTM on Wikitext-103

Fig. 14
figure 14

Topic branch extracted by HNTM on Wikitext-103

Fig. 15
figure 15

Topic branch extracted by HNTM-RV + RN on Wikitext-103

The branches extracted by HLDA contain many irrelevant topics, while rCRP, TSNTM, and HNTM-RV + RN produce relatively clean branches. Furthermore, rCRP mixes topics of “military”, “royalty”, and “religion” into a large topic, while TSNTM and HNTM-RV + RN concentrate on “military”. Unfortunately, TSNTM also bring in some irrelevant topics. This result validates that the single path assumption of HLDA may be inappropriate for modeling the topic hierarchy. In addition, rCRP gets few level-3 topics in the branches, because the probability of producing deeper topics decreases exponentially. Compared to HLDA and rCRP, the hierarchical relation of topic branches obtained by HNTM-RV + RN is clearer and the performance is remarkable. The level-1 topic consists of general words about “military”, which contains four level-2 topics including “government”, “battle”, “death”, and “colony”, each of which can be further divided into several level-3 topics. We also present the results of HNTM to verify the impact of these two regularization terms. Without the constraint of the tree structure, the topic hierarchy of HNTM is more like a DAG. Though we connect the topics by max-probability, the affiliation is still not obvious, resulting some irrelevant topics. With RV and RN together, our model can extract an effective and explainable topic tree. Since manifold regularization has little influence on topic words, we do not present the results of our models with RM.

Although the hierarchical baselines can automatically adjust the number of topics, the effects are severely affected by multiple hyper-parameters, and the resulting hierarchy is not satisfactory. HNTM predetermines suitable numbers of nodes, and can adjust the granularity of each layer according to a held-out document set, so as to obtain an effective topic hierarchy.

5 Conclusion

In this paper, we have proposed a hierarchical neural topic model named HNTM. The network structure of HNTM explicitly models the dependency of latent variables at different layers, and combines them to reconstruct the input. We further introduce manifold regularization into the proposed method to improve its robustness on noisy words. Extensive experiments validate that our network structure can extract a reasonable topic hierarchy with high topic interpretability and low topic redundancy. Compared with the existing NVI based nTSNTM, our HNTM has better data scalability because it can be trained in parallel completely. Particularly, HNTM can be trained 1.8 times faster than nTSNTM on the Wikitext-103 dataset. This makes our method possible to deal with the ever-increasing scale of data on the Internet. The multiple explainable latent variables with optional granularity extracted by our HNTM can be also used in many downstream tasks, like information retrieval and text summarization. Furthermore, our model is not limit to text. A suitable dataset might be a collection of images, a collection of DNA sequences or other collections. Modeling hierarchical latent patterns with interpretability from these data is also meaningful.

However, HNTM still has some limitations. For instance, the numbers of topics at each layer must be preset. Though other models [3, 7, 11, 12] can adjust the numbers of topics dynamically, they still have to preset the hyper-parameters which control the numbers of topics. A method for deciding the appropriate numbers of topics is very important. In addition, this study only explores the Gaussian prior, while various priors have been proposed for neural topic modeling in recent years. It follows that adopting other priors deserves further research. With the rapid development of cloud storage e-commerce platforms [27], cloud computing [8, 31] and edge computing [16] services, we also plan to deploy our model efficiently by these platforms or services.