1 Introduction

Spatial Databases have taken a big interest in today’s society. A lot of applications are using spatial data to help our daily necessity, such as the GPS. The application of spatial data itself is accessible not only on desktop computers, but it is also very popular in mobile environments these days as mobile devices provide significant services in our everyday life [1, 24, 29, 38, 39, 44, 50]. According to StatisticBrain, about 81% of mobile users use their device for Maps and directions [53]. With the popularity of Spatial Databases, search engine providers, such as Google and Yahoo, have broadened their text searching capability to provide geographical information [6, 18]. The GlobalWebIndex showed that Google Maps is the most used app as it is used by 54% of the general smartphone users [54]. In the past, conventional search engines could only process simple user queries, such as finding a Point of Interest (POI) based on a certain keyword [25]. However the high demand in spatial data compels the search engines to have the capability of processing more than such simple queries. A lot of new queries on spatial objects affiliated with textual information, known as Spatial Keyword Queries [45], have been studied in recent years. A number of researches have been done in order to improve the geographical search engines. Yet there are still many challenges to combine and process both the textual information and the spatial data.

Nowadays, each spatial object contains one or more meaningful keywords as to represent the object’s entities [15, 18]. The keywords may contain country name, city name, address, references to landmark, or even type of road [6]. For example in Figure 1, the points denote spatial objects and each object is affiliated with one or more keywords. Through the existence of this kind of spatial keywords information, the Spatial Keyword Queries become varied. Some of the commonly used queries are the Top-k kNN Query, Boolean kNN Query, and Boolean Range Query [7]. All of these queries require the user to give a spatial location (normally the current user location) and textual data in the form of keywords as the input. While the output of these queries is spatial objects that are nearest to the user’s location and contain the keywords given. The principle parameter used to identify the nearest objects is based on the shortest path distance, which is basically computing the minimum distance between two location points. Although the existing shortest path-based solutions are useful, they are not always sufficient for our needs. In real life, we often want to plan our trip with the most efficient cost (e.g. time, distance) taken. We may need to stop by several locations in our trip before arriving to the designated destination and there are also times when we would like to avoid some spatial objects that can interfere our activities. Planning a trip is eminently more complex than a simple source-to-destination type of query. Unfortunately, the existing studies on trip planning query in Spatio-Textual area are not flexible enough to answer this kind of query. Furthermore, often at times researchers only consider users to give keywords just to find POIs. But in reality, this is not always the case. Some query keywords may have negative connotations, such as traffic jams, which means that not all user given keywords can be considered as POI.

Figure 1
figure 1

Illustration of a road network with spatial keyword objects

In this paper, we propose a new variant of spatial keywords query. Given a user with his/her location, this user wants to go to his/her destination while stopping by or avoiding several locations denoted by certain keywords. For instance a user wants to go to his workplace from his house, but before arriving to the workplace he wants to stop by a gas station to refill his car fuel, a bakery to get some breakfast, and also wish to avoid any highway along his trip (see Figure 1). In this query, the user specifies the source and destination locations and several other keywords. The keywords specified are gas station, bakery, and avoid highway. So we need to find the most optimum path for the user that satisfies his preferred keywords condition. Using the illustration in Figure 1, assume that sl is the user’s house (source location) and dl is his workplace (destination location). There are a number of spatial objects that contain the keyword of gas station and bakery, such as s2, s3, s5, s10, and s11, hence there are many possibilities of path combination to be established from sl to dl passing through at least one of each keyword. Looking at the road network, the path with the shortest distance is from sl to s2 to stop by a gas station, then s3 to stop by a bakery, and then dl. However this path passes through a highway. One of the keywords specified by the user to avoid is highway, which means that the path does not satisfy all the criteria given by the user. Therefore the best path that offers the least sum of distance and meets the criteria is from sl to s11 for bakery, then s10 to stop by the gas station, then finally the destination dl (obviously this path also avoids any highway). We call this kind of query as the Best Path Query (BP).

In Best Path Query, we are dealing with both spatial and textual data. Hence the user given query has two main parts: the spatial data part that consists of the source and destination locations that are given by the user, and the textual data part that consists of the keywords that the user would like to pass or avoid throughout his/her trip to the destination. Based on the user input, the query keyword itself can be classified into positive or negative situations. As in previous example, the user gave a negative keyword, which is to avoid highway. The positive keyword here is the POI that he wants to pass by, which are the gas station and bakery. The formal definition of Best Path Query is given as follow:

Definition 1

(Best Path Query) Given a source location sl, a destination location dl, and a set of keywords K = {k1, k2,..., kn}, where each ki for 1 ≤ in can be positive (denoted by k+) or negative (denoted by k), find the Best Path from sl to dl, denoted by BP(sl, dl, K), that passes through all k+ and avoid all k with optimum cost.

1.1 Challenges

The main challenge in this research is in the insufficiency of current solutions to trip planning in spatial keywords area, especially on Best Path Query. Existing studies do not take into consideration negative keywords. Having negative keywords actually increase the complexity of the problem as we have to make sure that we can avoid certain paths. There are definitely some cases where the result cannot be retrieved as we have to avoid all of the paths in between the source and destination locations.

The road networks are usually represented as a graph. The edges typically represent the road segments while the vertices represent the road intersections. So the path generation is always limited only to the edges to adjacent vertices. This increases the complexity of our query computation when we are working specifically in this environment. The complexity is also intensified with the types of query keywords given by the user. When the query keywords are negative, a lot of the paths will be blocked as we have to avoid them. We always have to make sure that we plan the route optimally despite these complexities.

Another challenge is that most of the route planning problems are regarded as a generalization of Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) problem [3, 4]. They are NP-hard problems. The solutions offered for these queries are in polynomial time approximation algorithms. Even so, the solutions offered generally involve no pre-processing. This causes more computation particularly since the computation requires the processing of both spatial and textual relevancy. So having an on-the-go solution does not always guarantee performance efficiency. There are also very limited indexing techniques in the Spatio-Textual area, especially on road networks. In this research we attempt to provide a solution to this problem by offering a novel index that incorporate both keywords and spatial road networks information based on G-Tree [51, 52] and IR2-Tree [15].

1.2 Contributions

Our main contributions in this paper are as follows:

  • We formally define Best Path problem on road networks and prove that this is an NP-hard problem.

  • We develop a novel indexing scheme, called IG-Tree, for planning Best Path queries in road networks.

  • We present three approximate algorithms with different trade-offs for searching Best Paths on road networks.

  • We also demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our algorithms through comprehensive experiments on real datasets.

1.3 Organisation

The rest of the paper is organised as follows. Section 2 presents the preliminaries and the query model for Best Path problem on road networks. Section 3 discusses the computational complexities of the Best Path problem on road networks. We introduce the IG-Tree in Section 4 and discuss our algorithms to solve the Best Path problem in Section 5. Section 6 presents the experimental evaluations of all the algorithms proposed. We discuss some related works in Section 7. Finally, Section 8 concludes the paper.

2 Preliminaries

This section presents the necessary background information, and the data and query model for Best Path problem on road networks.

2.1 Road network

We consider road network as an undirected weighted graph G = (V, E), where V is a set of vertices and E is a set of edges. Each edge (u, v) ∈ E connects two adjacent vertices u, vV and is associated with a non-negative weight w(u, v) > 0 that represents distance or travel time.

A path P(v1, vn) = {v1, v2,..., vn} is a sequenced vertices such that vi is adjacent to vi+ 1, i.e., (vi, vi+ 1) ∈ E, for 1 ≤ i < n. The cost of a path P, denoted by cost(P), is the sum of weights of the edges of P. Given vertices u and v, we use δ(u, v) to denote the shortest path from u to v while we use dist(u, v) to denote the cost of δ(u, v). Figure 2 shows an example of a road network. If given a source vertex v1 and destination vertex v4, then δ(v1, v4) = {v1, v2, v5, v4} is the shortest path between v1 and v4 and dist(v1, v4) = 6.

Figure 2
figure 2

Example of a road network

2.2 Data model

A spatio-textual object o is an object with a spatial location from S = {s1, s2,..., sm} that contains a set of keywords from T = {t1, t2,..., tx}. We assume that spatio-textual objects are located at vertices in V. The weight of an edge (u, v) ∈ E is the travel time or road network distance of two spatially-adjacent objects o1 and o2 representing u and v, respectively. We use vertex v or spatio-textual object o interchangeably in this paper.

2.3 Query model

Given a road network G, the user queries consist of a source location sl, a destination location dl, and preferred set of keywords K = {k1, k2,..., kn}, where each ki, 1 ≤ in, can be positive (k+) or negative (k). A positive keyword k+ means that the keyword satisfies what the user wants, while a negative keyword k means that part of the keyword expresses negative connotation which the user wants to avoid. We assume KT. Having all these information, we want to find the Best Path BP(sl, dl, K) that establishes a shortest path from sl to dl, and that passes through all k+ and avoids all k keyword matching vertices in G.

Table 1 presents the list of mathematical notations used in this paper.

Table 1 List of notations used in the paper

3 Complexity analysis

The Best Path problem is different from the general Shortest Path problem. In Best Path problem, we want to find the path with objects of interest along our way to the destination. The objects of interest are determined by the keywords. The result of Best Path itself often is longer in distance than the Shortest Path, but there are also cases where it can have the same result as the Shortest Path. When the user does not specify any keywords at all in the query, then the Best Path is basically the Shortest Path since there are only source and destination locations provided. The Shortest Path problem is solvable in polynomial time. Therefore we can implement the commonly used algorithms for Shortest Path, such as Dijkstra algorithm, for this particular case.

Lemma 1

Givensl,dl,andK = {},BP(sl, dl, K) = δ(sl, dl).


Base Case: If |P| = 1 and K = {}, then P = {sl} and cost(P) = 0 = dist(sl, sl). Hence, δ(sl, sl) = BP(sl, sl, K).

Inductive hypothesis: Let u be the last vertex added to P, P = P ∪{u}. In this case our Inductive Hypothesis is

$$\text{for each } y \in P^{\prime} \text{, } cost(P^{\prime}(s_{l},y))=cost(\delta(s_{l}, y)) $$

Inductive step: Suppose that there is a shortest path Q from sl to u and

$$cost(Q)<cost(P^{\prime}(s_{l},u)) $$

Since Q is a shortest path, then cost(Q) = dist(sl, u).

Assume that the shortest path Q begins at P and then leaves P before arriving to the destination u. (y, z) is the first edge in Q that leaves P, and Qy is a shortest path from sl to y, so

$$cost(Q_{y})+w(y,z) \leq cost(Q) $$

Since according to the Inductive Hypothesis cost(P(sl, y)) is also the cost of δ(sl, y), then cost(P(sl, y)) ≤ cost(Qy). So it gives us

$$cost(P^{\prime}(s_{l}, y))+w(y,z)\leq cost(Q_{z}) $$

As y and z are adjacent vertices, then

$$cost(P^{\prime}(s_{l}, z))\leq cost(P^{\prime}(s_{l},y))+w(y,z) $$

Since u is part of Q, so

$$cost(P^{\prime}(s_{l},u))\leq cost(P^{\prime}(s_{l},z)) $$

Therefore shortest path Q does not exist, so cost(P(sl, u)) = δ(sl, u) = BP(sl, u, K). □

However, this is not the same when we have a keyword specified by the user. Depending on the positive or negative value, the path may or may not be retrieved. If the query contains only one positive keyword, doing the shortest path search from source to the nearest vertex that has matching keyword then doing another shortest path search from the nearest vertex with matching keyword to the destination is incorrect. As an example using the road network in Figure 1, assume that the source sl is v5, destination dl is v10, and then the preferred keyword given by the user is located at v1 and v3. If we choose the nearest keyword match vertex from v5, v3 is the nearest since dist(v5, v3) is 3, while dist(v5, v1) is 6. However if we calculate the total distance from v5 to v3 to v10, the total is 18. On the contrary, the total distance from v5 to v1 to v10 is 9, which is a lot shorter than having v3 as the chosen keyword match vertex. Hence, choosing the nearest vertex with matching keyword will cause local minimum problem.

Meanwhile if the query keyword does not exist in T, then BP(sl, dl, K) is also δ(sl, dl).

Lemma 2

Givensl,dl,andK = {k1},k1T.ThusBP(sl, dl, K) = δ(sl, dl).


If k1T, then K = {}; which is already proven in Lemma 1. □

If the user query contains a negative keyword, then the vertices that have this particular keyword need to be avoided/blocked. When we do the query processing to find the Best Path, these vertices can be pruned/disconnected from the graph as they are no longer considered as POI. This may also cause a deadend in the graph since a potential path can be ceased with the disappearance of a vertex. So when an edge of a vertex with negative keyword is a bridge, we will not be able to retrieve any Best Path. Lemma 3 and 4 prove the non-existence of Best Path for this particular case.

Lemma 3

If there exists a bridge (u, v) in G, andG consists of subgraph H and I that are connected by(u, v).GivenslHanddlI,then (u, v) ⊆ BP(sl, dl, K).


Assume that (u, v) is a bridge in G and BP(sl, dl, K) on G does not contain (u, v). Since BP(sl, dl, K) is a path that every vertex in it has to be connected with each other, and BP(sl, dl, K) ⊆ G ∖{(u, v)} which G ∖{(u, v)} is a disconnected graph, then it must be disconnected. □

Definition 2

A critical path cp(vi, vj), ij, is a path that consists of one or more graph bridges between vi and vj.

Lemma 4

Givensl,dl,K = {k},andBP(sl, dl, K) = cp(sl, dl).ThenBP(sl, dl, K) does not exist.


Suppose that there exists a bridge (u, v) in BP(sl, dl, K) and k∈ (u, v). Since we have to avoid negative keywords, then (u, v) has to be pruned from BP(sl, dl, K). Hence, the graph is now disconnected as proved in Lemma 3. □

Even though negative keywords can cause path blockage, it does not mean that we cannot retrieve any Best Path at all. The path blockage might cause us to re-route to another path even though it may cause a longer path.

Lemma 5

Givendl,sl,andK = {k},ifBP(sl, dl, K)≠cp(sl, dl),then there existsBP(sl, dl, K).


We can establish a path since the graph is still connected even though there is k. □

In the case where the user gave a set of positive keywords as the query input and there is no negative keyword at all, then the Best Path’s result will be similar to the state-of-the-art Trip Planning Route Queries (TPQ)’s result [27].

Lemma 6

Givendl,sl,and\(K=\{k_{1}^{+}, k_{2}^{+}, ..., k_{n}^{+}\}\),BP(sl, dl, K) = TPQ.


When all keywords are positive, then by definition, Best Path is the same as TPQ where we have to find the best trip/route from sl, passing through one point from each category and then ending the trip at dl. □

Looking at Lemma 6, it means that Best Path also can be considered as NP-hard problem. Thus in the following Lemma we try to reduce Best Path problem to Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP), to which TSP is a well-known NP-hard problem.

Lemma 7

BP(sl, dl, K) is NP-hard.


Assume a road network G of a set of spatio-textual objects with spatial locations S = {s1, s2,..., sm} and each object has a distinct keyword from the keyword set T. Moreover, the user queries consist of a source location sl, destination location dl, and preferred keywords K = {k1, k2,..., kn}. Again, assume that for K, we need to visit every vertex in G. Now, we reduce the Best Path Problem to TSP. Let Gprime = (Vprime, Eprime) as the instance of TSP, where V = V and E = (u, v) for any u, vV. Then for road network G, we complete the graph by connecting all vertices. The cost fuction between G and G is as follow:

$$cost(u,v)=\left\{\begin{array}{ll} 0,& \text{ if } edge(u,v) \in E\\ 1,& \text{ if } edge(u,v) \notin E \end{array}\right.$$

Suppose that Best Path BP(sl, dl, K) exists in G and has cost ≤ 0 in G, hence there exists a solution to TSP in G with cost ≤ 0. □

4 Data index

This section presents the IG-Tree, an indexing technique for planning Best Path Queries on Road Networks. Before presenting the IG-Tree, we first provide a brief background on G-Tree [51, 52] and IR2-Tree [15], which are the indexing techniques that inspired us to develop the IG-Tree for processing BP(sl, dl, K) queries efficiently.

4.1 G-Tree

One of the most efficient indexing techniques on Road Networks is the G-Tree [51, 52]. In G-Tree, the road network is partitioned recursively into sub-networks. The nodes in G-Tree correspond to a single sub-network and each node contains two or more road network vertices. The graph partition process is performed by using the multi-level partitioning algorithm [26], which guarantees that each subgraph will be of almost the same size. Figure 3 shows an example of graph partitioning of the road network given Figure 2. Here, the original graph is partitioned into two subgraphs, which are shown by G1 and G2. In the next level, G1 is partitioned again into two equal-sized subgraphs G3 and G4. Similarly, G2 is partitioned again into subgraphs G5 and G6.

Figure 3
figure 3

Graph partitioning on road network given in Figure 2

The vertices that connect two sub-networks together are marked as borders and they are stored in the G-Tree nodes. Figure 3 shows the example where vertex v1 is the border of G3 since it connects partition G3 with other partitions G4 and G5. The border in partition G4 consists of v8 and v7, the border in partition G5 consists of v2 and v3, and the border in partition G6 is v4. In the partition G1, the borders are v1 and v7 as both connects G1 with G2. While the borders in G2 are v2 and v3.

G-Tree does not store the distance of every vertex but stores the set of borders and the shortest path distance between borders that is kept in the distance matrix. For example for partition G3, the border is v1, so the distance matrix will contain the shortest path from v1 to all other vertices in the subgraph partition {v1, v10, v11}. The distance matrix itself is proven to be very efficient in terms of processing the k NN search on road networks [51, 52].

Though G-Tree is very efficient in indexing and processing nearest neighbor (NN), k nearest neighbor (k NN) and keyword-based k NN queries on road networks, it is not applicable for processing Best Path queries.

4.2 I R 2-Tree

There are a number of indexing techniques proposed for processing Spatial Keywords Queries, one of them is the IR2-Tree. The IR2-Tree is first introduced by Felipe et al. [15]. It is a hybrid indexing approach that combines the R-Tree [5] and information retrieval signature files. However, this indexing technique is only applicable for spatial data objects in Euclidean space.

The indexing in IR2-Tree is performed by attaching the inverted index to the R-Tree, i.e., every tree node in IR2-Tree holds the information for both spatial location and keywords. The leaf nodes contain the actual spatial data and keywords. For example, assume that an object o1 that contains keyword book is located in leaf node N1 with spatial location of [38,4] [93,9] (upper right and bottom left coordinate of the minimum bounding rectangle (MBR)), while an object o2 with keyword supermarket is located in leaf node N2 with spatial location of [8,15] [41,32]. Suppose that the inverted index for keyword book is 10 and the inverted index for keyword supermarket is 01. Thus the leaf node N1 contains the information of spatial location [38,4] [93,9] and keyword index 10, while leaf node N2 contains the information of spatial location [8,15] [41,32] and keyword index 01.

As the leaf node in IR2-Tree stores the spatial data and keyword index, the non-leaf node contains the combination of several objects. The spatial information is based on the MBR, while the inverted index of the keywords are calculated using logical OR [15]. For example, the leaf nodes N1 and N2 from the previous example have the same parent node N0. So in this case, N0 contains keyword information of 11 as this node consists of both keywords from N1 and N2.

4.3 Proposed data index: IG-Tree

As previously discussed, the IR2-Tree [15] is used for indexing Spatial Keywords Queries in Euclidean space, while the G-Tree [51, 52] is used for indexing Road Networks. As Best Path is a type of Spatial Keywords Query on Road Network, each one of these indexing techniques has its own benefit to Best Path Query. Thus, we adopt these two indexing techniques to develop a new indexing scheme that can improve the processing of Best Path query: IG-Tree, a hybrid between IR2-Tree and G-Tree.

Using the road network in Figure 2, we attempt to create the IG-Tree. So following the graph partition technique used in G-Tree, we partition the graph into smaller subgraphs. Figure 3 shows the graph partitioning of the example road network given in Figure 2. The graph is divided into equal-sized subgraphs using the multi-level partitioning algorithm [26] and each partition consists of two or more vertices. At the leaf level of the tree, the subgraph G3 consists of vertices v1, v10 and v11; subgraph G4 consists of vertices v7, v8 and v9; subgraph G5 consists of vertices v2, v3 and v5; and finally, subgraph G6 consists of vertices v4 and v6. Each partition makes up one node in the IG-Tree, as presented in Figure 4.

Figure 4
figure 4


After the graph partition, we mark the borders of each partition. Borders are the vertices in one partition that are connecting the road network to another partition. For example the border for partition G3 is v1 since v1 connects the subgraph to partition G4 and partition G5. So the borders of G4 are v7 and v8; the borders of G5 are v2, v3 and v5; while the border of G6 is v4. Based on these borders, we create the distance matrices. So the shortest path distances for every border in every node are pre-computed and stored in the matrices. Tables 234567, and 8 show the distance matrices for each node in IG-Tree.

Table 2 Distance Matrix for G0
Table 3 Distance Matrix for G1
Table 4 Distance Matrix for G2
Table 5 Distance Matrix for G3
Table 6 Distance Matrix for G4
Table 7 Distance Matrix for G5
Table 8 Distance Matrix for G6

Another aspect of the graph in Figure 3 is the keywords. Some vertices contain one or more keywords, thus we also need to index these keywords. The keywords can be turned into inverted list. So the first step is to sort all of the keywords in the graph. Then for each keyword, we assign a binary value based on its existence in each node. For instance vertex v2 contains only keyword book, thus the inverted list for v2 is 1000. For node v8, it contains both keyword book and supermarket, so its inverted list is 1001. The inverted index for all the vertices of the graph in Figure 3 is presented in Table 9.

Table 9 Keyword index

Based on the above inverted index list, we attach each inverted index to its corresponding vertices at the leaf nodes. For each parent node, its inverted index is calculated using logical OR of its child nodes. For instance \(G_{3}^{prime}\)s inverted index is the result of logical OR of the inverted index of v1, v10, v11. The result of 0000 or 0000 or 0010 is 0010, thus \(G_{3}^{prime}\)s inverted index is 0010. The same calculation is applied for every non-leaf nodes. The root node will normally have all 1s for the index.

Even though we have indexed all of the available keywords and assign them to each node in the tree, having these indexes are not adequate. The inverted index only identifies that a certain keyword exists on a node but do not exactly identify the location until we go to the leaf node. Therefore we propose a Keyword Distance Matrix for each node. This Keyword Distance Matrix contains the distance of the nearest keyword matching vertex from each border. By having this matrix, the keyword search computation is sped up as we do not need to compute the keyword distance in processing time. The Keyword Distance Matrices for the IG-Tree in Figure 4 are shown at Tables 101112131415 and 16.

Table 10 Keyword Distance Matrix for G0
Table 11 Keyword Distance Matrix for G1
Table 12 Keyword Distance Matrix for G2
Table 13 Keyword Distance Matrix for G3
Table 14 Keyword Distance Matrix for G4
Table 15 Keyword Distance Matrix for G5
Table 16 Keyword Distance Matrix for G6

Based on the above discussion, there are several important components to build an IG-Tree. For every non-leaf node in IG-Tree contains the partition name, the border of each partition, and the inverted index (using the logical OR of its child node). Each non-leaf node also contains two types of matrices, which are the Distance Matrix and Keyword Distance Matrix. For every leaf node, it contains the road network’s vertex and inverted list of the corresponding vertex. We also keep the geographic coordinate location of each vertex in the leaf node.

4.3.1 Space complexity of the IG-Tree


The height of IG-Tree is similar to G-Tree [51, 52] which is \(\mathcal {H}=\log _{f} \frac {|V|}{\tau }+ 1\), where f is the number of partition for each graph/subgraph, |V | is the number of vertices in the given (road network) graph G, and τ is the number of maximum vertices on leaf node’s subgraph.

Number of nodes

Like G-Tree, IG-Tree has only one node in level 0, which is the root. In an arbitrary level i of the tree, there are fi internal nodes as the number of partition for each graph (at level 0)/subgraph (at level > 0) is s. As τ is the maximum number of vertices on leaf node’s subgraph, there are \(\frac {|V|}{\tau }\) leaf nodes. As a result, the number of nodes in IG-Tree is \(\mathcal {O}\left (\frac {f}{f-1}\cdot \frac {|V|}{\tau }\right )=\mathcal {O}\left (\frac {|V|}{\tau }\right )\) which is again similar to that of G-Tree.

Number of inverted lists

A node in IG-Tree contains an inverted list representing the keywords covered in that node. As the number of nodes in an IG-Tree is \(\mathcal {O}\left (\frac {|V|}{\tau }\right )\), the number of inverted lists is \(\mathcal {O}\left (\frac {|V|}{\tau }+|V|\right )\). Thus, the space complexity of maintaining inverted lists in IG-Tree becomes \(\mathcal {O}\left (\frac {|V|}{\tau }\cdot |T|+|V|\cdot |T|\right )\), where |T| is the number of keywords covered in the whole road network G and |V |⋅|T| is the space complexity of the inverted lists for all vertices in V.

Number of borders

If we assume the road network to be modeled as a planar graph, the number of borders on average in a node of level i is \(\mathcal {O}\left (\log _{2}f\cdot \sqrt {\frac {|V|}{f^{i + 1}}}\right )\) as per the calculation conducted in [51, 52]. As there are fi nodes in a level i, the number of border nodes in an arbitrary level i is \(\mathcal {O}\left (\log _{2}f\cdot \sqrt {\frac {|V|}{f^{i-1}}}\right )\). If we sum this measure from level 1 to height of the tree \(\log _{f} \frac {|V|}{\tau }+ 1\), the total number of borders in an IG-Tree is \(\mathcal {O}\left (\frac {\log _{2}f}{\sqrt {\tau }}|V|\right )\), which is again similar to the G-Tree under the planar graph assumption.

Distance matrices

The total distance matrix size of all leaf nodes is \(\mathcal {O}(\sqrt \tau |V|\cdot \log _{2}f)\) and the total distance-matrix of non-leaf nodes is \(\mathcal {O}\left (|V|\cdot \log _{2}^{2}f\cdot \log _{f} \frac {|V|}{\tau }\right )\) as per the calculation conducted in [51, 52].

Keyword distance matrices

The average number of borders in a leaf node of IG-Tree is \(\mathcal {O}(\log _{2}f\cdot \sqrt \tau )\)[51, 52] and the total number of keywords in G is |T|. Thus the keyword distance matrix size in a leaf node is \(\mathcal {O}(\log _{2}f\cdot \sqrt \tau \cdot |T|)\). The total keyword distance matrix size of all leaf nodes becomes \(\mathcal {O}\left (\frac {|V|}{\tau }\cdot \log _{2}f\cdot \sqrt \tau \cdot |T|\right )\). Each internal node on level i generates \(\mathcal {O}\left (\log _{2}f\cdot \sqrt {\frac {|V|}{f^{i + 1}}}\right )\) borders on average [51, 52]. Therefore, the keyword distance matrix size of each node at level i is \(\mathcal {O}\left (\log _{2}f\cdot \sqrt {\frac {|V|}{f^{i + 1}}}\cdot |T|\right )\). In IG-Tree, there are fi nodes at level i, therefore keyword distance matrix size at level i is \(\mathcal {O}\left (f^{i}\cdot \log _{2}f\cdot \sqrt {\frac {|V|}{f^{i + 1}}}\cdot |T|\right )\)=\(\mathcal {O}\left (\log _{2}f\cdot \sqrt {|V|f^{i-1}}\cdot |T|\right )\). Thus the total keyword distance matrix size of non leaf nodes is \(\mathcal {O}({\sum }_{0\le i < \mathcal {H}}\log _{2}f\cdot \sqrt {|V|f^{i-1}}\cdot |T|)\).

4.3.2 Index reconstruction for tree node with negative query keywords

In the Best Path Query, the user is allowed to give keywords as input of the query and the query keywords can be positive and negative. The positive keywords denote the spatio-textual objects that the user wants to visit, while the negative keywords denote the spatio-textual objects that the user wants to avoid along his/her trip. Even though IG-Tree contains textual information of spatial objects, we still have to check the textual relevancy between the spatial object with the query keywords given by the user in order to consider an object to be visited or avoided. For the objects that contain positive keywords, the IG-Tree can compute the path well with the help of the Distance Matrices. For example if we want to compute the path from v5 to the nearest book, we can directly refer to the Keyword Distance Matrix in Table 15 to save up some time. But this is different when negative keywords exist. Even though IG-Tree is designed to improve path computation on finding the Best Path, it still has a weakness when there is a negative keyword found in the query given by the user. As previously mentioned in Section 3, a vertex that holds one or more negative query keywords must be pruned from the road network graph. This is due to the fact that this particular vertex holds a query that the user wants to avoid/block. Currently IG-Tree consists of Distance Matrices that store the shortest paths between borders. So when a vertex is pruned from the graph, the shortest path may also change. The existing index has to be modified considering a vertex is gone and the Distance Matrices are no longer storing accurate distances. The new Distance Matrices will replace the existing matrices during the query processing time of the query with the corresponding negative keywords. The modification however depends on the location of the vertex in the IG-Tree:

  • Case-C1. If vertex v that contains k is the border and no other border exists for a node that we must visit, then no path can be established. In this case, v is considered as a bridge. This situation is already proved through Lemmas 3 and 4 in Section 3.

  • Case-C2. If vertex v that contains k is the border and there is/are other border(s), then path reconstruction is needed. The path reconstruction will involve the whole tree node where v is located and also the borders on other nodes that are adjacent to v. For example if v3 in Figure 3 contains k, then the path reconstruction occurs on the whole G5 tree node and its adjacent borders. The adjacent borders in this case can be identified through parent nodes of G5, whether the parent nodes has v3 as one of their borders. G2 and G0 are indeed sharing v3 as their border, so the path reconstruction will involve these two tree nodes as well. As v3 is pruned from the graph, v3 is then omitted from the Distance Matrices of G5, G2 and G0. The border-to-border distances of these matrices are also affected because of the omission of v3, thus the entire matrices has to be recalculated because of the changes in the shortest path between these borders. The path reconstruction itself can be obtained using Dijkstra algorithm. Tables 1718 and 19 shows the Distance Matrices after path reconstruction.

  • Case-C3. If vertex v that contains k is in the leaf node (not the border), then distance has to be recalculated. The index recalculation for this case does not affect the whole tree, but only on the tree node where the vertex with negative keyword lies. Similar to the previous case, the path reconstruction can be obtained using Dijkstra algorithm. When v is in the leaf node, we can focus on its own subgraph partition as it does not affect the other partitions like in the previous case. For instance, assume that v10 in Figure 3 contains k. v10 is a leaf node as it does not connect any sub-networks. v10 is located in partition G3, thus only this partition will need to be reconstructed which is shown in Table 20.

Table 17 Reconstructed Distance Matrix for G5
Table 18 Reconstructed Distance Matrix for G2
Table 19 Reconstructed Distance Matrix for G0
Table 20 Reconstructed Distance Matrix for G3

5 Query processing

We propose three Best Path query processing algorithms that can be applied on IG-Tree, namely the Optimal Distance Approximation Search, Ancestry Priority Search, and the Euclidean-based Approximation. A baseline algorithm is also provided in this section. The baseline algorithm offers precise solution, while the other three proposed algorithms offer approximation solution with different trade-offs. In each subsection, we discuss on how each algorithm works and their trade-offs.

5.1 Baseline algorithm

In this section, we discuss on the baseline algorithm that can be used on IG-Tree to find the Best Path. This algorithm is able to compute the result of Best Path query accurately. The key/main idea is to find the permutation of all possible combinations of positive keywords and then compare them in order to find the one that has the most efficient cost (least distance).

As an example, assume that we want to find the best path from v1 to v4 while passing through cinema and book. In this case, sl = v1, dl = v4, and keywords = {cinema, book}. The first step here is to turn the preferred keywords into inverted index so that we can check its relevancy with the inverted index in IG-Tree. The preferred keywords are cinema and book, therefore the inverted list is 1100 (K = 1100). Then we have to find the partition that contains the source and destination in the IG-Tree, where v1 is located under the partition G3 and v4 is located under the partition G6. After the source and destination locations are found, then we can start finding the best path BP(v1, v4,1100) that visits the chosen keywords.

Scanning through every single vertex in the leaf node that holds inverted index of 1100. The inverted index of 1000 can be found at v2 and v8, while the inverted index of 0100 can be found at v6. Knowing the exact locations of the keywords, we can do cartesian product between each set of keywords. In this case, the cartesian product will be between {v2, v6} and {v8, v6}. Then based on the cartesian product, we have to get the permutation to help computing the path with the least distance. The permutations for this case consist of {v2, v6}, {v6, v2}, {v8, v6}, and {v6, v8}. Based on these permutations, we can find the shortest path from sl to each permutation, and then from the permutation to dl. In this case, we will have four possible paths: v1v2v6v4 = 10, v1v6v2v4 = 22, v1v8v6v4 = 16, v1v6v8v4 = 32. Algorithm 1 shows the pseudocode for shortest path search in IG-Tree. While calculating the shortest paths, we also need to keep track of the path with the least sum of distance. At the end, we will obtain the Best Path with the most accurate solution. For this example, the Best Path BP(v1, v4,1100) = v1v2v6v4 with the least total distance of 10.

figure a

This algorithm guarantees the accuracy of finding the Best Path on road networks. However since the Best Path query is an NP-Hard problem, this algorithm definitely runs in non-polynomial time especially on a large datasets. In our experiment, it can spend up to 17 hours merely to find the Best Path with 5 query keywords even in a very small datasets with only 100 vertices. This is certainly impossible to be applied for our daily use. The pseudo-code of the baseline algorithm is given in Algorithm 2.

figure b

5.2 Optimal distance approximation search

Because of the non-polynomial time complexity of the baseline algorithm, we propose an approximation algorithm to compromise the runtime. This algorithm is a lot faster than the baseline one but its result is not 100% accurate.

When multiple keywords are involved in the query, the complexity rises as we have to know all possible combinations of the keywords in order to get the most optimal solution (distance-wise). However when there is only one keyword involved in the query, the query can be retrieved in polynomial time. Thus in this approximation algorithm we utilize this situation in order to retrieve the multiple keywords query. The way this algorithm works is that for each query keyword given by the user, we find the best path between the source location to the query keyword and then to the destination. By getting the best path for each keyword, we can locate the best possible location of each keyword that will give the shortest distance of source-keyword-destination. Then after we have the best candidate of each keyword, we find the path from source location to its nearest candidate, then from the nearest candidate to its next nearest candidate. We keep doing this until all keywords are covered, then finishing the path to the destination location.

For example a user wants to find the best path from v10 to v7 while passing through a bookstore and a cinema. In this case, sl = v10, dl = v7, and K = {book, cinema}. In order to find the best path, we have to transform the query keywords given by the user into inverted list. Since the keywords are {book, cinema}, thus the inverted list is Kif = 1100.

In this algorithm, we have to firstly find the locations of sl and dl. Looking at the IG-Tree, sl is located within partition G3, while dl is located within partition G4 as shown in Figure 5. Now for each keyword kn in Kif, we have to find the best path from slkndl. Assume that the first keyword that we want to find its best path is book to which its inverted index is 1000. In the road network, there are actually several vertices that contain the keyword book. So we have to calculate the total shortest path distance for each keyword location and then finding the one that has the least amount of distance. A naive solution here is to find the shortest path between sl to kn and then add up the shortest path between dl to kn. Since our current keyword index is 1000, v8 and v2 have the same index. Hence we have to establish the shortest path δ(v10, v8) + δ(v8, v7) and also δ(v10, v2) + δ(v8, v2). The way the shortest path works is similar to the previous section. The best path distance for visiting v8 is dist(v10, v8) + dist(v8, v7) = 6 + 10 = 16, while the best path distance for visiting v2 is dist(v10, v2) + dist(v2, v7) = 5 + 9 = 14. Based on these calculations, v2 has the best path from v10 to v7 as depicted in Figures 6 and 7. Thus, we can store v2 to a candidate queue Qk as the candidate vertex to find the multiple keywords best path query. The same process also goes for keyword cinema. The inverted index of keyword cinema is 0100. There is only one vertex in the road network that contains 0100, which is v6. Therefore the best path is going to be based on δ(v10, v6) + δ(v8, v6). Hence, v6 can be stored to a candidate queue Qk as another candidate vertex for finding the multiple keywords best path query, specifically for keyword cinema.

Figure 5
figure 5

Finding location of v10 and v7

Figure 6
figure 6

Path from v10 to nearest node with keyword book

Figure 7
figure 7

Path from v10 to v7 passing through keyword book

As we have found the candidates for each keyword specified by the user, we can do best path search from sl to the candidates, then to dl. Qk consists of v2 and v6. So what we have to do is to find which vertex in the candidate queue Qk is the nearest from sl (v10). In this case, v2 is the nearest so we have to find the shortest path δ(v10, v2) = {v10, v1, v2} with total distance dist(v10, v2) = 5. Next, we have to find the nearest next candidate from v2, which is v6. Then we establish another shortest path δ(v2, v6) = {v2, v5, v4, v6} with total distance dist(v2, v6) = 7. Since there is no more candidate in the queue, then it means that we have found all the keywords specified by the user in our path. Thus we can establish the final path from the last candidate to the destination dl (δ(v6, v7) = {v6, v4, v5, v3, v7} with total distance dist(v6, v7) = 11). The result of the best path BP(v10, v7,{book, cinema}) = {v10, v1, v2, v5, v4, v6, v4, v5, v3, v7}.

Based on our experiment, this algorithm runs faster than the baseline algorithm even though the approximation is not 100% accurate. However the approximation result is close to the baseline result even when the algorithm runs with a large dataset. The pseudo-code of this algorithm is given in Algorithm 3.

figure c

5.3 Ancestor priority approximation search

In this paper, we propose another approximation algorithm. This algorithm utilizes the common ancestor between the source and destination locations with the purpose of minimizing the tree traversal time. Sometimes when we are trying to find one or more keywords in the IG-Tree, we have to travel through most of the tree nodes even though the source and destination locations are on the same partition node. However in this algorithm, the idea is to traverse only on the branch of an ancestor node. This is basically to do early pruning through the common ancestor between source and destination locations in IG-Tree.

As an example, a user invokes a query with source location in vertex v10, destination location in vertex v7, and the preferred keyword is book. The query keyword inverted index in this case is 1000 for keyword book. Looking at the IG-Tree in Figure 8, the common ancestor between v10 and v7 is G1. Thus in this algorithm we are going to only focus on the branch under G1, especially if the user given keyword is available in this branch. As the query inverted index is 1000 and the inverted index attached in G1 is 1011, we can see that the query keyword exists in G1, so we can definitely focus on this node to find the best path from v10 to v7 while passing by a keyword book.

Figure 8
figure 8

G1 as the common ancestor of v10 and v7

The way the Ancestor Priority Search algorithm works is similar to the Optimal Distance Approximation algorithm once we know which branch we need to work on. Firstly we have to compute the best path of each keyword, then recording the candidate vertices into a queue Qk in order to find the final multiple keywords best path query. Continuing from the previous example, the focus now is only on the branch of G1. So we do not need to travel to other branches outside partition G1. In this case, we have to find the best path for each query keyword first. But since there is only one keyword, then we can find the Best Path directly. The way we find each keyword is through the inverted index attached in the IG-Tree and traverse down until we found which vertex has the keyword. We know that G1 has 1000 so we have to check its immediate children. G3 does not have 1000, while G4 has 1000, thus we need to traverse down the partition of G4 in order to find the keyword. The children of G4 are v8, v9, and v7. Only v8 has 1000, therefore we have to find the best path from sl to v8 and then to v7 as depicted in Figure 9. Similar to the previous algorithm, we have to find the shortest path δ(v10, v8) and δ(v8, v7) to help finding the best path. The shortest path δ(v10, v8) = {v10, v1, v8}, while the shortest path δ(v8, v7) = {v8, v1, v7}. As there is only one keyword, therefore the Best Path BP(v10, v7,{book}) = {v10, v1, v8, v1, v7}.

Figure 9
figure 9

Path from v10 to v7 passing through keyword book

The previous case however does not always happens because if the keyword does not exist in the current ancestor node, we have to go to its parent node and check whether the query keyword is available in the parent node. If it does not, then we have to keep going to the upper node until we can find the query keyword. Once the query keyword is found in the node, then we can continue the best path search. For example assume that a user wants to find the best path from v10 to v7 while passing through a cinema. The inverted index for cinema is 0100, while the common ancestor of v10 and v7 is G1. The partition G1 does not have cinema in it since its inverted index is 1011, thus we have to find out whether cinema is available in G1’s parent node. The parent node of G1 is G0 and its inverted index is 1111, which means that cinema exists in this partition. Therefore the best path search will cover the whole tree branches under G0.

The main advantage of this algorithm is in the early pruning. There is no need to explore the whole tree as we only need to focus on one branch through the common ancestor between the source and destination. However the disadvantage of this algorithm is that it has even lower accuracy compared to the Optimal Distance Approximation Search algorithm. Traversing under one branch does not guarantee the shortest path distance for best path since some keywords with closer distances might be located in other partitions. But this algorithm tries to compromise this with lesser tree traversal cost. The pseudo-code of this algorithm is given in Algorithm 4.

figure d

5.4 Euclidean-based approximation search

We propose another approximation algorithm in this paper. The idea behind this particular algorithm is to make use of the coordinate of each vertex and then find the best path through Euclidean distance before applying it into road network. This approximation algorithm is very fast compared to the previous algorithms since it is using Euclidean distance computation. However because of the usage of Euclidean distance on a road network data, the performance of this algorithm is quite low in terms of its accuracy.

The Euclidean-based Approximation has two main components, namely the Euclidean approximation (Algorithm 5 row 1-10) and the best road network path (Algorithm 5 row 11-20). In the Euclidean approximation part, we firstly need to find the Euclidean locations of both the source location sl and the destination location dl. Based on these two Euclidean locations, we calculate the best path in Euclidean distance for each keyword kn in Kif. The way we find the best path for each keyword kn is similar to the Optimal Distance Approximation algorithm, where we have to get the optimum shortest path of δ(sl, kn) + δ(kn, dl) in Euclidean distance and then store kn into a candidate queue Qk to help establishing the final best path. Once we have found the best path of each keyword kn, we move to the second part, which is the road network path.

figure e

In the road network path component of Euclidean-based Approximation algorithm, the best path search is done in a similar fashion as the previous algorithms where we have to find the nearest candidate Qk1 from sl then establish the shortest path δ(sl, Qk1) between sl and the candidate Qk1 in road network distance instead of the Euclidean distance. After the shortest path δ(sl, Qk1) is established, we need to find the next nearest candidate Qkn from the Qk1 and establish the shortest path δ(Qk1, Qkn). We repeat the same step until every single candidate in the queue Qk has been visited. Then we can find the shortest path δ(Qkn, dl) to end the trip.

The Euclidean distance is merely to help deciding which vertices to be visited based on the keywords chosen by the user. But at the end the best path’s result is in road network distance. The approximation in this algorithm is very low as it can over-approximate the result up to 300% based on our experiment. However the running time of this algorithm is a lot faster compare to the other algorithms.

6 Experiment

In this section, we compare the efficiency and accuracy of the four Best Path query processing algorithms from Section 5: Baseline Algorithm (BruteForce), Optimal Distance Approximation Search (OptDist), Ancestor Priority Approximation Search (AncestorPriority), and Euclidean-based Approximation Search (Euclidean).

6.1 Settings

6.1.1 Environment

We perform our experiments on 2.5 GHz Intel Core i7-4870 CPU and 12 GB RAM running 64-bit Ubuntu. All of the algorithms were written in single-threaded C++.

6.1.2 Datasets

We use real datasets from 9th DIMACS Implementation Challenge - Shortest Paths [20] and [55] for the road network datasets. We select four datasets: California, New York City, Colorado, and Florida. Table 21 provides the details of the size of the real-world road network datasets.

Table 21 Road Network Datasets

Meanwhile for the textual information we utilize keyword sets based on [55] and assign them into the vertices in the road network datasets. As the textual part needs to be able to detect whether the user gives one or more negative keywords, a number of negative sentiment analysis based words from [21, 22] are used in order to accommodate the negative keyword(s) in the user query.

6.1.3 Queries

In our experiments, we generate the keyword set K for the test queries with a random distribution from a keyword pool. The size of the keyword set in the test queries varies from 1 to 15 while the object densityFootnote 1 of these keyword set varies from 1% to 30% of the whole road network datasets. We also evaluate the impact of varying the distance between sl and dl pairs, which are varied from 2% to 64% of the maximum distance between two vertices in the space.

6.2 Index evaluation

This section evaluates the proposed IG-Tree index for planning Best Path queries on road networks in terms of index building time and space consumption, and index reconstruction time(s) for negative keywords in the tested queries. Figure 10 shows the index building times and space consumption of the proposed IG-Tree and the G-Tree indices for New York City dataset. We see that index building time of IG-Tree is comparable to that of G-Tree though IG-Tree combines IR2-Tree with G-Tree. The index size of IG-Tree is slightly larger than that of G-Tree as inverted lists and Keyword Distance Matrices are maintained in IG-Tree in addition to Distance Matrices.

Figure 10
figure 10

IG-Tree vs. G-Tree: index building time and size

Finally, the times required to reconstruct the IG-Tree index for negative keywords in the Best Path queries are quite durable as we observe from Figure 11. The IG-Tree takes only ∼ 0.8 secs to reconstruct the index for up to 10 (negative) keywords. However, we observe only a few keywords in K including negative keywords in route planning queries, which is around 5-6 keywords, in our usual life. Therefore, we believe that the index reconstruction time IG-Tree for few negative keywords would be pretty durable in practical applications of Best Path queries.

Figure 11
figure 11

Index reconstruction times for varied number of negative keywords in K

6.3 Performance study

We evaluate our query processing algorithms on two metrics, specifically on the running time and approximation accuracy. The approximation accuracy shows the percentage of the result accuracy produced by each algorithm compared to the expected correct result obtained by running the baseline algorithm.

6.3.1 Effect of k +

The positive keywords (k+) given by the users take a very important role in Best Path Query. Each k+ must be visited at least once, therefore the more k+ to be visited, it is expected that the running time also increases for every algorithm. Figure 12 shows the query performance as the number of k+ increases. In these experiments, we specified the query keywords K to be all positive, without any negative keywords. The experiments show that the running times for the approximation algorithms (OptDist, AncestorPriority, Euclidean) run a lot better compared to the baseline algorithm. The baseline algorithm has the worst running time among all as the time increases exponentially. According to our experiments, the average running time for baseline algorithm for |K| = 1 is 0.48 ms but it increases up to 21507.41 ms when |K| = 5. Even though baseline algorithm offers a precise solution, the amount of time taken to get the result is not suitable for daily usage. Imagine when we want to plan a trip to a new country and it takes 17 hours for us to get the best path with |K| = 10. This is definitely impossible to be used in everyday life.

Figure 12
figure 12

Query performance with all positive query keywords

As we proposed three approximation algorithms, we also evaluate the approximation accuracy for each algorithm. Figure 13 shows the percentage of accuracy of each approximation algorithm compared to the baseline algorithm. When K is only 1, all the three approximation algorithms have high accuracy. However when K increases, the accuracy decreases. The OptDist has the best approximation compared to the other two algorithms. Even though its approximation is not 100% accurate, the percentage of accuracy is still above 75%. It is very different from the Euclidean-based algorithm to which its approximation is very poor compared to others as the accuracy is only 6.83% when K = 15. The trend for Euclidean approximation algorithm is definitely the worst as the inaccuracy keeps escalating drastically.

Figure 13
figure 13

Approximation accuracy for all positive query keywords

Based on this experiment, we can see that OptDist performs better than the other three algorithms in terms of the running time. It also performs better than the other two approximation algorithms in terms of the approximation accuracy. So we can conclude that OptDist is the best choice when we want to invoke Best Path Query with various numbers of K.

6.3.2 Effect of k

The k has a great impact to the Best Path Query. As previously discussed in Section 4, there are several cases on what would happen to the IG-Tree when we found a k. A lot of times when k is located on the border, the path cannot be retrieved at all. So the distribution of k is always kept to be lesser than k+ in this particular experiment to ensure that we can retrieve some results. For this experiment, we set the query keywords K to have both positive and negative keywords.

According to our experiment result in Figure 14, the Euclidean-based algorithm always has a faster running time compared to the other three algorithms. The OptDist and AncestorPriority are actually almost the same in terms of their running time even though the AncestorPriority still seems to be a bit faster than OptDist. Meanwhile the baseline algorithm has the worst running time as expected. Having a negative keyword k definitely affects the running time of some queries as there might be path reconstruction happening throughout the query processing. This also explains the difference between the time in Figures 12 and 14, where the running time in Figure 12 with all positive keywords does not require any path reconstruction so it is faster than the experiment result in Figure 14.

Figure 14
figure 14

Query performance with combination of positive and negative query keywords

Another metric that we test is the accuracy of the approximation algorithms. Figure 15 shows the result of the approximation accuracy of each algorithm towards the result of baseline algorithm. The trend in Figure 15 is almost similar to the trend in Figure 13, which might indicate that the path reconstructions happening in these queries because of k does not truly have impact towards the accuracy. We can also see that the accuracy percentage of OptDist and AncestorPriority are the same for this case and both have better accuracy than the Euclidean-based algorithm. The Euclidean approximation is still the worst among the other algorithms with very low accuracy even though the running time is a bit faster than the others.

Figure 15
figure 15

Approximation accuracy for datasets with negative keywords

6.3.3 Effect of keyword densities

In this experiment evaluation, we want to observe the query performance when we increase the keyword densities. Figure 16 shows the running time for query within the density of 0.01 to 0.30. The running time of the baseline algorithm increases drastically compared to the rest. Even in the lower density case, specifically on 0.01 density, the baseline algorithm takes about 17x more time than the OptDist algorithm. The Euclidean-based algorithm however performs in a constant manner even though the density increases. The OptDist and AncestorPriority on the other hand have similar running time.

Figure 16
figure 16

Query performance based on keyword density

We also run an experiment on the running time when K is varied from 1 to 15 while the density for each keyword is 0.05. Figure 17 shows the result of this specific experiment where it interestingly shows that the constant running time for Euclidean algorithm. The trend indicates that Euclidean-based algorithm has the most constant running time especially for denser datasets. This is totally different from the other three algorithms, which keep increasing with the increase in density. Even though Figures 12 and 14 run similar experiments, the results are different. In Figures 12 and 14, the keyword density is randomized and usually below 0.05.

Figure 17
figure 17

Query performance when K is varied (keyword density= 0.05)

We conducted another experiment to test the running time of query with all negative keywords while increasing the density of the keywords from 0.01 to 0.055. We only increase until 0.055 by the reason of having higher density of negative keywords will return no path/no result at all. Figure 18 shows the result of this particular experiment. Surprisingly, the running time of Euclidean algorithm drastically increases almost in the same trend as the baseline algorithm. Meanwhile, the OptDist and AncestorPriority are running in constant time manner when the keywords are all negative.

Figure 18
figure 18

Query performance based on keyword density with all negative keywords

6.3.4 Effect of positive and negative keywords ratio

Figure 19 shows the running time on the positive and negative keywords ratio. The ratio is based on 0.01 density. In this experiment, we limit the ratio of the keywords (positive:negative) into 1:0, 0:1, 1:1, 5:0, 0:5, and 5:1. We exclude the ratio with negative keywords higher than the positive keywords as there is no path retrived most of the time with this kind of query.

Figure 19
figure 19

Running time based on keyword ratio (positive:negative)

In Figure 19, we can see that the running time of OptDist algorithm increases if the number of query keywords increase (both positive and negative). The AncestorPriority has similar trend with OptDist with the increase of time towards the more keywords involved. The increase in trend also happens to the baseline algorithm but it increases exponentially as what we have expected from the previous experiments. Nevertheless, the increasing trend does not happen to the Euclidean algorithm as it is comparatively constant in running time even with more positive keywords added into the query.

6.3.5 Effect of distance between s l and d l

We also evaluate the effect of varying the distance between sl and dl pairs. The distance between sl and dl are varied from 2%, 4%, 8%, 16%, 32%, up to 64% of the maximum distance between two points in the road network datasets. We set |K| = 15 by default and contain both positive and negative keywords. Figure 20 shows the experimental results of the source–destination distance. We do not include the baseline in Figure 20 since the runtime for 2% in NY dataset already reaches above 10,000 ms, which made a huge difference with the other three algorithms.

Figure 20
figure 20

Effect of varying distance between sl and dl

From the experimental result, we can see that the three algorithms are running in constant time even though the source-destination distance increases. Both OptDist and AncestorPriority have a similar trend, while Euclidean has better running time most of the time than the rest.

6.3.6 Summary

Based on our experimental study, each algorithm has its own strength. The baseline algorithm certainly offers accurate result, but it has the worst running time as it increases exponentially when the queries and dataset increases. The OptDist itself has the best approximation compared to the other two approximation algorithms (AncestorPriority and Euclidean). Its running time is definitely a lot better than the baseline algorithm but the AncestorPriority and Euclidean-based algorithms still beats it by a few microseconds, especially when all the keywords in the user query are positive.

The AncestorPriority often follows the trend of OptDist on both the runnning time and accuracy. In terms of running time, AncestorPriority is frequently faster by only a few microseconds compared to OptDist. On the other hand, the accuracy of AncestorPriority is slightly lower than OptDist because of the early pruning. Compared to the Euclidean, AncestorPriority still has better accuracy even though its speed is still slower than the Euclidean.

The Euclidean-based algorithm’s main strength is in its fast runtime. For a quick approximation, the Euclidean-based algorithm can be used but it has the lowest accuracy compared to the other algorithms. The Euclidean however does not perform well when the density of the negative keywords are high.

In general, OptDist offers the best solution in comparison with the other algorithms. Even though the Euclidean-based algorithm outperforms the running time of OptDist when the queries contain all positive keywords, OptDist still provide better approximation. OptDist is more stable in both its speed and approximation accuracy.

7 Related works

This section discusses the related works, specifically on Spatial Keyword and Route Planning Queries.

7.1 Spatial keywords queries

With the growth of geographical search engine, Spatial Keyword Queries becoming more crucial and popular among researchers. Most of the early works on Spatial Keyword Queries focus on queries like top-k nearest neighbor queries (Tk NN) [7,8,9, 11, 15, 35, 42]. In Tk NN queries, the goal is to rank objects, measured the keywords similarity (between the object’s keyword and query) and the distance from the specified query location, in order to retrieve k number of objects with the highest ranking. As discussed earlier, this type of query mainly accepts user’s spatial location and keywords as input, and produces spatial objects with matching keywords as the output.

A lot of other Spatial Keyword Queries variants are also based on Tk NN queries, in which the works on these variants try to improve the Tk NN queries to be able to process moving objects [40], continuous objects [17], reverse top-k query [16, 32], joint queries [23, 41], or interactive Tk NN queries [49]. Besides the works on Spatial Keyword Queries that focus on Tk NN queries, some variants of Spatial Keyword Queries have also been proposed, such as the collective Spatial Keyword querying [10, 31, 48], diversified Spatial Keyword search [47], region-based query [13], scalable continual top-k query [43], reverse spatial and textual k nearest neighbor query [34], spatio-textual data clustering [14], fuzzy keyword search [2], and m-closest keyword queries [46]. However, none of these queries can be classified as route planning queries.

As Spatial Keyword Queries become varied, a number of indexing techniques that are able to process both spatial and textual data have been proposed in the past years. A lot of the indexing technique on Euclidean space are utilizing the R-Tree in which they attach additional textual information into the R-Tree to be capable of computing textual data. Some of those R-Tree based indices are IR-Tree [28], b R*-Tree [45], and IR2-Tree [15]. The IR2-Tree itself have been discussed in Section 4 as it inspired us to develop the IG-Tree for planning Best Path queries.

Several indexing techniques for Spatial Keyword Queries on road networks have also been studied recently. These indexing techniques are a lot more complex compared to indices for Euclidean data spaces. One of the earlier work was proposed by Rocha-Junior et al. [35] where their basic indexing architecture consists of four components. The first component is spatial component which is using the network R-Tree. The second is adjacency component, which it uses adjacency B-Tree to traverse the network. The third component is mapping component, which it uses Map B-Tree to map the adjacency edges with MBR that encloses the edges. The last component is the spatio-textual component, which it stores the spatial and textual properties of the objects. Another work on road networks is also done by Luo et al. [33]. They introduced a new indexing technique that is very different from Rocha-Junior et al. [35]. The proposed index, which is the Node-Partition-Distance (NPD) index, keeps useful distances so that the exact distance and the query keyword coverage can be computed independently. Another recent work on spatial keywords index on road networks is also proposed by Li et al. [30]. They proposed SKQAI, a novel air index for spatial keyword query processing on road networks. The SKQAI indexing technique consists of three components: weighted Quad-Tree of road network, keyword Quad-Trees, and network distance bound array.

We see that researchers have proposed many different indexing techniques in order to process diverse spatial keyword queries efficiently through the past few years. But the indexing techniques proposed still treat the spatial data part and the textual part as two different entities. Current techniques often adopts hybrid indexing, in which they have separate indices for the spatial data and the textual data and then combines both indices, especially for road networks. Looking at the existing studies, we find that these indices are not applicable to route planning queries in Spatio-Textual data, e.g., Best Path queries.

7.2 Route planning queries

There are a number of similar route planning queries as Best Path. The most well known query is the Trip Planning Route Query (TPQ), which retrieves the best trip from two different locations that passes at least one point from each of the chosen categories [27]. Ever since the invention of TPQ, many new studies start to investigate the variation and application of TPQ in certain areas, such as Group TPQ (GTP) [19] for processing multiple users’ trip, and a recent study on TPQ with Location Privacy [37] in order to protect user’s location privacy. Another popular route planning query is Optimal Sequenced Route Queries (OSR), a spatial query that finds the minimum route distance from a source location and passing through a set of sequenced categories [36]. However, these queries do not consider any keywords processing. Best Path Query focus on Spatio-Textual field, which in this case it needs to process the textual part of the objects. Another difference is that all of these existing works do not take into consideration any negative keywords. Everything in the chosen categories in TPQ and OSR must be visited, while in Best Path there are some categories that we have to avoid which increases the complexity of the problem.

In Spatio-Textual area itself, there is one study on route planning to the best of our knowledge, which is the Keyword-aware Optimal Route Search (KOR) [12]. It is a query that finds an optimal route that covers a set of user given keywords with a specific budget constraints and objective score [12]. In conjunction to Best Path Query, KOR is different as the query requires budget constraint for processing. KOR also does not take into consideration negative keywords as what Best Path does.

Most of the route planning problems is regarded as a generalization of Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) problem [3, 4]. They are NP-hard problems. The solutions offered for these queries are polynomial time approximation algorithms. Even so, the solutions offered do not involve significant pre-processing. This causes more computation, particularly since the computation requires the processing of both spatial and textual relevancy. So having an on-the-go solution does not always guarantee performance efficiency, especially on Spatio-Textual field. Therefore in this research we attempt to provide a better solution to this problem by offering a pre-processing index that incorporate both Keywords and Spatial Road Networks.

8 Conclusion

In this paper, we introduce a new variant of Spatial Keywords Query, which is the Best Path Query. The Best Path Query is an NP-Hard problem as it can be reduced to the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP). Throughout our study, we develop an indexing technique called the IG-Tree that can process both spatial and textual information. This indexing technique can be used on various types of Spatial Keywords Query, especially on the Best Path Query. Three algorithms to solve the Best Path Query are also proposed in this paper, namely the Optimal Distance Approximation Search, Ancestor Priority Search, and the Euclidean-based Approximation solution. Each algorithm has its own strengths and weaknesses. The effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed algorithms are demonstrated through our extensive experiments. As a possible future work, we can further improve the IG-Tree to include keyword scoring function in order to increase the keyword search accuracy.