1 Introduction

Deep neural network (DNN) based technologies [1,2,3,4,5,6] have been used with promising results in a wide collection of research areas, such as speech processing [7,8,9], computer vision [10, 11] and natural language processing [12,13,14]. Its great ability in classification and regression has been explored not only in the research areas, but also in the real-life applications. For example, speech synthesis is a widely used technology in our real life and also catches a lot of researchers’ attention. There are two typical synthesis methods in literature. One is synthesis by unit selection [15,16,17] and the generated waveform is concatenated from selected segments in a large speech corpus. The other is parametric speech synthesis [18,19,20] which estimate the related speech parameters directly from contextual features through some statistical models. In this paper, DNN is adopted as the model to predict speech parameters and called DNN-based speech synthesis [21].

There are three main components in a DNN-based speech synthesis system: input contextual features, network architecture and vocoder. New research is often focused on one or more of these three main components.

In the input layer of the DNN-based speech synthesis system, the contextual features include the main phoneme identity feature and other auxiliary information, such as part of speech, positional and prosodic features. Most of these contextual features are binary features suitable to construct the decision trees in the hidden Markov model (HMM)-based speech synthesis system [19], however they may be insufficient to represent the DNN’s input. For the phoneme identity feature, the consequence is that the relationship between two similar phonemes might not be effectively conveyed if the phoneme identity feature is hardcoded as a binary-valued vector with a one-hot representation in the input to the neural networks. It is much more critical in natural language processing (NLP) where the dimension for one word is about tens of thousands. This problem has been alleviated with word embedding [22,23,24,25,26]. This model encodes a word as a real-valued low-dimensional vector based on the assumption that the semantic meanings of a word can be predicted from the external contexts with large-scale corpora. It also works for the phonemes with their pronunciation often influenced by the neighboring words and phonemes. In this paper we adopt a real-valued vector to parameterize the phoneme pronunciation. In addition to the phoneme identify feature, part of speech (POS) and pause information are also encoded as a real-valued vector from the bottleneck layer of a prediction network. After these two substitutions, all DNN inputs of DNN based speech synthesis will be real-valued vectors.

As for the network architecture, DNN here is used to construct a mapping function from the input contextual features to the output speech parameters. For example, Kang et al. used a deep belief network (DBN) to model a joint distribution of contextual and speech features in [27]. In [28], Ling et al. replaced the Gaussian mixture model (GMM) with DBN in HMM-based speech synthesis [19]. Nonetheless Zen et al. [19] proposed a deep neural network (DNN) based speech synthesis framework by mapping from the contextual features to the speech features directly and Fan et al. [29] further employed a recurrent neural network (RNN) with bi-directional long short term memory (BLSTM-RNN) [5, 6] units to model the direct mapping relationship. When compared with HMM-based speech synthesis, the DNNs are learned with little discriminative information in the output layer because the decision trees [20] used in HMM-based speech synthesis for categorizing different classes of the speech parameters have been removed from DNN-based speech synthesis. Leveraging upon recent successes in DNN-based automatic speech recognition (ASR) [7] and DNN-based automatic speech attribute transcription (ASAT) [30, 31], a key motivation in this study is to facilitate an incorporation of some categorical information in decision trees into training DNN-based speech synthesis systems. It is realized by an auxiliary categorization framework with an extra classification layer on top of the hidden layers of the regression DNNs. This classification layer is trained together with the affine-transform layer in multi-task learning (MTL) [32] which has already been used in speech synthesis in [33]. When compared with [33], this paper explored several secondary tasks in training the DNN to determine the tasks that are beneficial to improving speech quality and also applied the MTL in incorporating the vocoder.

In the vocoder, the final speech waveform is generated by the predicted speech parameters from the estimation models. In HMM-based and DNN-based speech synthesis with feed-forward network [19], the predicted speech parameters include the first and second derivatives which used in the maximum likelihood parameter generation (MLPG) algorithm [34]. While in [29], the MLPG algorithm can be removed in the BLSTM-RNN-based speech synthesis system. So in this paper we only predict the speech parameters directly. There are also other models recently proposed for vocoder. For example, Song et al. proposed an improved time-frequency trajectory excitation model in [35]. Fan et al. proposed a phase-embedded waveform representation in [36]. Hu et al. proposed to model the results of the frequency analysis in the complex domain directly in [37]. Here we propose to adopt our pitch scaled analysis (PSA) based vocoder [38] in BLSTM-RNN based speech synthesis and train an excitation model at the phonemic level. Because LF0 and the pitch scaled spectrum (PSS) [39] only exist in the voiced regions, two BLSTM-RNNs were trained in the proposed system. The first equipped with the multi-task learning in last paragraph is used to predict the line spectrum pair (LSP) [40] and the UV decision from the contextual features. The second is constructed to predict the log fundamental frequency (LF0), PSS and aperiodicity for the voiced phonemes with the input of the generated LSPs and contextual features. Speech is synthesized from the generated LSPs, LF0, PSS and aperiodicity parameters with the PSA-based vocoder.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 3, we introduce real-valued parameterization of the input contextual. In Section 4, the multi-task learning framework in DNN-based speech synthesis is described with four secondary classification tasks. In Section 5, we integrate the PSA-based vocoder into DNN-based speech synthesis with two BLSTM-RNNs. We describe our experiments in Section 6. Finally, we summarize our conclusions and propose some future work in Section 6.

2 Contextual Feature Parameterization

In conventional DNN-based speech synthesis systems, the phonemic feature is represented by a binary vector with a one-hot representation [19]. This is inefficient because the co-occurrence of phonemes is represented by a long vector with the neighboring phonemes. Vector space model (VSM) was proposed to parameterize the phonemic information as continuous values in [41, 42]. It is trained from the matrix of co-occurrence statistics and further decomposed by singular values. Our previous paper proposed to train phonemic embedded vectors (PEV) [43] in a neural network based language model (NNLM) and represent the phonemes together with word embedded vector (WEV). In this paper we enhance this representation by introducing the syllable embedded vector (SEV). The rest of this section includes two parts: one is how to train the embedded vector and the other is how to combine these embedded vectors to describe the phonemic features.

2.1 Joint Training with Embedded Vectors

There are a number of methods proposed to train the word embedded vector (WEV), such as Global C&W [44], continuous bag-of-words model (CBOW) [26] and Skip-Gram [26]. We will take CBOW in Fig. 1 as an example to describe the joint training structure.

Figure 1
figure 1

A block diagram of CBOW.

Given a sentence with N training words, S = {x 1, x 2,  ⋯ , x N }, an objective function of training CBOW is to maximize the average log probability in Eq. (1).

$$ L(S)=\frac{1}{N-2K}{\sum}_{i-K+1}^{N-K}\mathit{\log}P\left({x}_i\left|{x}_{i-K},\cdots, {x}_{i+K}\right.\right) $$

where K is the size of the sliding window for the neighboring words. The probability P(x i | x i − K ,  ⋯ , x i + K ) is a softmax function described in Eq. (2).

$$ P\left({x}_i|{x}_{i-K},\cdots, {x}_{i+K}\right)=\frac{\exp \left({X}_0^{\mathrm{T}}\cdot {X}_{\mathrm{i}}\right)}{\sum_{X_j\in W}\exp \left({\mathrm{X}}_0^{\mathrm{T}}\cdot {X}_j\right)} $$

where W is the word vocabulary, X i is the WEV of the target word x i, and X 0 is the average of all neighboring context words in Eq. (3).

$$ {X}_0=\frac{1}{2K}{\sum}_{\mathrm{j}=\mathrm{i}\hbox{-} K,\cdots, \mathrm{i}+K,\mathrm{j}\ne \mathrm{i}}{\mathrm{X}}_{\mathrm{j}}. $$

It is difficult to train the syllable embedded vector (SEV) or phonemic embedded vector (PEV) directly from the large corpus because the SEV or PEV takes a non-semantic meaning of a word. But it could be learned simultaneously with the WEV in a joint training structure described in [42, 45]. In this structure, the embedded vector for the context word x i is changed from X i to \( {X}_{\mathrm{i}}^{\mathrm{new}} \) in Eq. (4).

$$ {X}_{\mathrm{i}}^{\mathrm{new}}={X}_{\mathrm{i}}+\frac{1}{N_{\mathrm{i}}}{\sum}_{\mathrm{m}=1}^{N_{\mathrm{i}}}{P}_{\mathrm{m}} $$

where \( {X}_{\mathrm{i}}^{\mathrm{new}} \) is the composed embedded vector, Xi is the word embedded vector (WEV), P m is the phoneme embedded vector (PEV) or syllable embedded vector (SEV), N i is the number of syllable initials and finals or syllable for the ith word.

2.2 Combination of Embedded Vectors

The PEV and SEV are the byproducts of training the WEV and are generated in the word level. But in DNN-based speech synthesis systems, the synthesis unit is at the frame level. So the PEV, SEV and WEV should be converted into the frame level firstly. It is not easy to directly encode and a substitution is to encode these embedded vectors at the phonemic level and then to combine with positions’ parameters at the frame level.

There are several ways to encode these embedded vectors into the phonemic level. This paper will adapt two ways: one is to calculate the mean of these vectors and the other is to concatenate them into one vector directly. In the first way described in Eq. (5), these three types of embedded vectors should be trained in the same dimension. In the second way described in Eq. (6), these three types of embedded vectors can be trained in the different dimension but should be in a low dimension to avoid the curse of dimensionality. Comparing experiments are conducted in Section 6 for evaluating these two combination methods.

$$ {X}_{\mathrm{P}\_\mathrm{new}}=\frac{1}{3}\left({X}_{\mathrm{P}}+{\mathrm{X}}_{\mathrm{S}}+{X}_{\mathrm{W}}\right) $$


$$ {X}_{\mathrm{P}\_\mathrm{new}}=\left[{X}_{\mathrm{P}},{X}_{\mathrm{S}},{X}_{\mathrm{W}}\right] $$

where X P_new is the encoded PEV, X P is the PEV, X S is the SEV, X W is the WEV.

3 Multi-Task Learning

3.1 Classical DNN-Based Speech Synthesis

A typical DNN based speech synthesis system shown in the left of Fig. 2 is constituted with a few hidden layers and an output layer. The hidden layers can be considered as a nonlinear feature extractor from the input contextual features. The output layer stacked on the top of the hidden layers is an affine-transform layer for generating speech parameters from the nonlinearly transformed features. To train the DNN, the hidden layers are constituted by the pre-trained RBMs [1] with the contrastive convergence (CD) criterion [46]. The input of the first input layer is normalized as a Gaussian with zero mean and unity variance so the pre-trained hidden layers are stacked as the first Gaussian-Bernoulli RBM and the rest Bernoulli-Bernoulli RBMs.

Figure 2
figure 2

DNN based speech synthesis. Left: restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM); right: long short term memory (LSTM) and bidirectional recurrent neural network (BRNN).

This topology is also used in RNN based speech synthesis. In addition the hidden layers will be stacked by at least one recurrent layer, for example bidirectional recurrent neural network with long short term memory (BLSTM-RNN) units shown in the right of Fig. 2.

3.2 Proposed Classification Layer

DNN-based parameter learning for speech synthesis is often cast as a regression problem and DNN is used to construct a mapping function directly from the contextual features to the speech parameters. Thus this regression function is usually learned with little discriminative information in the output layer. To alleviate this problem, decision trees is adopted in HMM-based speech synthesis to classify the input contextual features and learn parameters. Besides this, the function will also introduce an over-smoothing problem because the generated speech parameters in the output layer are only decided by the input contextual features. To overcome this problem, Zen et al. adopted the maximum likelihood parametric generation (MLPG) algorithm [34] to get additional speech parameters, including the first and second order derivatives.

The two issues listed above could also be addressed by adding another output layer for categorization which is learned together with the affine-transform layer. The error signal of the categorization tasks will be back-propagated to update the hidden-layer parameters. Thus, the hidden layers will be learned with discriminative attributes. Moreover, this additional classification layer will also help overcoming the over-smoothing problem in discriminative learning. The proposed framework for the DNN-based speech synthesis is demonstrated in Fig. 3. A detailed description about how to learn the additional classification layer is given in the followings.

Figure 3
figure 3

The framework of the output layers. Left: an affine-transform layer for generating speech parameters; right: a soft-max layer together with an affine-transform for classification.

For regression, the mean square error (MSE) in Eq. (7) is minimized to fine-tune the DNN parameters:

$$ {D}_{\mathrm{MSE}}\left(\hat{y},\mathrm{y}\right)=\frac{1}{T}{\sum}_{t=1}^T{\left(\hat{\mathrm{y}}\hbox{-} \mathrm{y}\right)}^2 $$

where T is the total number of frames, y is the target speech feature vector and \( \widehat{\mathrm{y}} \) is the predicted speech feature vector as follow:

$$ \widehat{y}=\tilde{g}\left({W}_{\mathrm{A}},{b}_{\mathrm{A}},h\right) $$

where \( \overset{\sim }{g} \) is a linear function, W A , b A are the weight matrix and bias vector for the affine-transform layer, h is the output of the hidden layers.

As for classification, a soft-max layer is trained with the cross entropy (CE) criterion [47] in Eq. (9) as follow:

$$ {D}_{CE}\left(\hat{\mathrm{s}},\mathrm{s}\right)={\sum}_{\mathrm{n}=1}^N{\sum}_{\mathrm{t}=1}^T\mathrm{s}\log \widehat{\mathrm{s}} $$

where N is the sentence number, T is the total number of frames, s is the target label for the categorization tasks, and \( \widehat{\mathrm{s}} \) is the generated label as follow:

$$ \widehat{s}=\frac{\exp \left(\tilde{g}\left({\mathrm{W}}_{\mathrm{S}},{\mathrm{b}}_{\mathrm{S}},\mathrm{h}\right)\right)}{\sum \exp \left(\tilde{g}\left({\mathrm{W}}_{\mathrm{S}},{\mathrm{b}}_{\mathrm{S}},\mathrm{h}\right)\right)} $$

A stochastic gradient descent (SGD) algorithm [48] is used in mini-batches to update the parameters in Eq. (11).

$$ \left(W,b\right)\leftarrow \left(W,b\right)+\uplambda \frac{\partial D}{\partial \left(W,b\right)} $$

where λ is the learning rate.

The outputs of back-propagation [49] in Eq. (7) and (8) are added together with an error ratio in Eq. (12) as the input for back-propagating to the hidden layers.

$$ \mathrm{D}\left(\widehat{y},\mathrm{y},\widehat{s},\mathrm{s}\right)={\mathrm{D}}_{\mathrm{MSE}}\left(\widehat{y},\mathrm{y}\right)+\upalpha \times {\mathrm{D}}_{\mathrm{CE}}\left(\widehat{s},\mathrm{s}\right) $$

where α is an error ratio.

3.3 Categorization Tasks

Decision trees facilitate a sharable structure for every state in the HMM-based speech synthesis system. It splits the set of categorical information into several nodes by asking a number of questions, such as phonemes identity, left or right contextual information and voiced/unvoiced labels. These questions help the decision trees to split the space of the speech parameters into small groups in order to learn more accurate parameters. Due to differences between the HMM and DNN, it is very hard to directly incorporate all the related questions into DNN training. Here we only consider four types of questions for constructing the classification layer.

The first is the voiced/unvoiced label. Due to the different vibrating state of glottis, the speech frames’ spectra can be easily split into two groups: non-zero fundamental frequency with a harmonic structure and zero fundamental frequency with a noisy structure. This additional classification layer therefore enhances the hidden layers to describe the differences between voiced and unvoiced frames.

The second is the phone identity. In the HMM-based speech synthesis system, decision trees are constructed for every HMM state and the phone identity questions are asked in parallel with other contextual information. It means that the constructed decision trees are shared across all the phones. It is a cause of the over-smoothing problem existing in the HMM-based speech synthesis system. To alleviate this problem in DNN-based speech synthesis, we stack a phone identity classification layer on top of the hidden layers to re-enforce the phone identity’s discrimination in the hidden layers.

The third is the phonation position. Every phone phonates in different positions of the vocal tract. So the phones can also be categorized into small groups. According to the knowledge in phonetics, the syllable initials and finals in Mandarin can be split into 15 groups as listed in Table 1. This layer will group the phones and learn the groups in a discriminative manner.

Table 1 Mandarin initials and finals based on phonation position.

The fourth is the HMM state. In HMM-based speech synthesis, HMM states occupied by a number of speech frames represent a short-time stationary part of speech. So every speech frame can be categorized into a HMM state. This information can be obtained from the decision tree of the HMM-based speech synthesis system directly.

4 PSA-Based Vocoder in DNN-Based Speech Synthesis System

4.1 PSA-Based Vocoder

A pitch scaled analysis (PSA)-based vocoder [38] was used to model the residual signal as a pitch scaled spectrum (PSS) [39] and compensates the linear prediction (LP) spectrum by the detailed harmonic structure of the residual signal. It is realized by pitch scaled analysis [39] in the frequency domain.

In the analysis stage of PSA-based vocoder, the linear spectrum pairs (LSPs) [40] are first extracted for every speech frame. Then the inverse filter is constructed by LSPs to generate the residual signal. To reconstruct the residual signal in the frequency domain, PSS is defined by concatenating the peak points in the harmonic frequencies of the spectrum. An easy way to extract this envelope is by pitch-scaled analysis. Let s(k) , k = 1 ⋯ N be a residual frame of two-pitch periods length and the corresponding discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of two-pitch periods length is S(n) , n = 1 ⋯ N. The even line of S(n) , n = 1 ⋯ N in Eq. 14 which takes multiple fundamental frequencies can be indicated as PSS.

$$ N=2\times {f}_s\div {f}_0 $$
$$ {f}_k={f}_s\times k\div N={f}_s\times k\div \left(2\times {f}_s\div {f}_0\right)={f}_0\times k\div 2 $$

where f 0f s and f k are the fundamental frequency, the sampling frequency and the frequency of the kth sample.

In the synthesis stage of the PSA-based vocoder technique, the inverse discrete Fourier transform (IDFT) with zero-phase criterion is adopted to synthesize the one pitch-cycle excitation signal. Then the periodic excitation is concatenated from these one pitch-cycle excitation signals by the overlap add (OLA) method. After mixing with the aperiodic excitation, the excitation signal is passed through a LSP vocoder to generate the speech.

A detailed workflow of PSA-based vocoder is shown in Fig. 4. The input speech is encoded by LSPs, LF0, PSS and aperiodicity for every frame. Output speech is decoded by these coefficients.

Figure 4
figure 4

The workflow of a pitch scaled analysis (PSA)-based vocoder.

4.2 Integration into DNN-Based Speech Synthesis

The BLSTM-RNN based speech synthesis system predicts the speech parameters, unvoiced/voiced (UV) decision and LF0 directly from the input of contextual features [6]. The LF0 in the unvoiced regions is interpolated by the neighboring voiced regions. So the BLSTM-RNN is trained with the assumption that the unvoiced regions also take the continuous LF0 value. This assumption is in conflict with the input of the contextual features which takes unvoiced information, such as unvoiced phonemes. So this paper proposes to train two BLSTM-RNNs for the speech synthesis system and one of them is used to model the excitation at the phonemic level.

The framework of the proposed BLSTM-RNN based speech synthesis system is shown in Fig. 5. This system takes the contextual features as the input and generates the LSPs, LF0, PSS and aperiodicity where LSPs are generated by the first BLSTM-RNN and LF0, PSS and aperiodicity are generated by the second BLSTM-RNN. A detailed description is given below.

Figure 5
figure 5

The framework of BLSTM-RNN based speech synthesis with the phonemic excitation.

In the first BLSTM-RNN, the LSPs and UV decisions are predicted directly from the input contextual features. This is reasonable because the LSPs take the continuous value in the voiced and unvoiced regions and the UV decision can be made correctly based on the input phonemic information. After training the first BLSTM-RNN, the phonemes in the input can be classified into voiced or unvoiced. The phonemes with the voiced label are collected to train the second BLSTM-RNN at the phonemic level.

In the second BLSTM-RNN, the excitation parameters for the voiced phonemes are predicted which include the LF0, PSS and aperiodicity. They are all existed only in the voiced regions. The input for this network is a combination of the input contextual features and the generated LSPs. This is because the effectiveness of LSPs in predicting the LF0 has already been proved in our previous paper [50] and other researchers’ work [51].

It can be concluded that the first BLSTM-RNN is used to predict the spectral parameters with continuous value and the second BLSTM-RNN is an extension of the first BLSTM-RNN and predicts the excitation parameters only in the voiced regions. It is much more reasonable than only one BLSTM-RNN predicting the spectral and excitation parameters together at any one time.

5 Experiments and Discussion

In this section, we first describe the experimental configuration in Section 5.1. Then the proposed three techniques are evaluated in Sections 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4, respectively.

5.1 Experiment Setup

There are two female Mandarin corpora used in the following experiments. One is used in Section 5.2 and 5.4 for about fifteen hours. The other is used in Section 5.3 for about seven hours. This is because the experiments constructed in two separately time with two different corpora. The contextual features include phoneme identity feature, part of speech, pause types, tone flags and other positional information. The speech parameters used in these experiments are line spectral pair (LSP) [40] extracted from the STRAIGHT spectrum [52], log fundamental frequency (LF0), and pitch-scaled spectrum for the PSA-based vocoder. The KALDI toolkit [53] was used for DNN training. The topology of the DNN used in the following experiments contains four hidden layers with 3072 units at each hidden layer and the RNN contains two BLSTM-RNN layers with 512 units.

The quality of the synthesized speech was verified in two ways. The first was through two objective measures, namely the root mean square error (RMSE) between the generated and the original speech parameters and log spectral distance (LSD) [54] between the generated and the original waveforms. The other was a subjective measure in terms of the ABX preference scores [55] in naturalness. In the preference tests, subjects were asked to listen to two versions of synthesized speech and choose one which sounds much better than the other. The better one will get a preference score of “1” or no preference (N/P) score of “1”. The final scores were calculated by the mean value of the scores given by the 15 listeners who are working in some speech technology areas.

5.2 Parameterization of Contextual Features

5.2.1 Replacing Binary Features of Phonemes

There are about 60 pronunciation initials and finals in the Mandarin language. Directly using the one-hot representation for five phonemes in the contextual features will cause the curse of dimensionality with low efficiency. But the embedded vector can be easily controlled in a low dimension. In our experiment, there are two combination ways described in Section 2.2 for these three types of embedded vector: PEV, SEV and WEV. When training the PEV, the dimension is kept as 60 as the number of pronunciation initials and finals. To simplify the representation, the SEV and WEV are also trained in the dimension of 60. So in the meaning method described in Eq. (5), the dimension for the phonemic vector is about 60; in the concatenating method described in Eq. (6), the dimension for the phonemic vector is about 180. Comparing experiment was carried out for these two combination method in DNN-based speech synthesis systems. The objective measures for the comparing results are shown in Table 2. The concatenating method gets a low objective measure than the meaning method. So in the following experiments, the concatenating method is adopted.

Table 2 The LSD, LF0’s RMSE and LSP’s RMSE for different combination ways for PEV, SEV and WEV in DNN-based speech synthesis system.

The difference between the binary and real-valued vector for phonemic features in DNN-based speech synthesis is compared in BLSTM-RNN based speech synthesis in Tables 3. The objective measures listed in Table 3 demonstrate that the real-valued vector is much more powerful than binary vector in describing the phonemic features.

Table 3 The LSD, LF0’s RMSE and LSP’s RMSE for comparison between binary vector and real-valued vector of phonemes in BLSTM-RNN based speech synthesis.

5.2.2 Comparing with Binary Features in DNN-Based Speech Synthesis Systems

Besides phonemic feature, POS tag and pause label were used usually as binary vector in the input of the DNN-based speech synthesis systems. This paper trained a prediction network and extracted the real vector from the bottleneck layer as the POS tag and pause label information. So the all DNN input is changed to the real-valued vector. The replacement was evaluated in BLSTM-RNN-based speech synthesis. The experimental results are listed in Tables 4 and 5.

Table 4 Comparing LSD, LF0’s RMSE and LSP’s RMSE for binary-valued and real-valued vectors in BLSTM-RNN based speech synthesis.
Table 5 Preference scores with a 0.005 confidence interval between the binary-valued and real-valued vectors in the BLSTM-RNN based speech synthesis systems.

The objective measures have been improved from the binary-valued to real-valued vector in BLSTM-RNN based speech synthesis listed in Table 4. The LSD has been reduced by about 1.25% from 3.517 to 3.473. The generated RMSEs of LF0 and LSP have been reduced by about 3.27% and 1.01%, respectively. These gains have also been confirmed in the listening test results in Table 5. Generated speech with the real-valued vector is much favored by about 35% (from 0.194 to 0.543) than the binary vector in the preference scores. These two sets of results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed parametrization method in DNN-based speech synthesis.

BLSTM-RNN based speech synthesis with binary-valued or real-valued vector is also compared with HMM-based speech synthesis (HMM-SSS) in subjective listening tests. The results listed in Table 6 show again the superiority of the proposed technique. Synthesized speech with the real-valued vector is much favored by about 42% than HMM-based speech synthesis (0.602 vs. 0.183) and the favored score is much larger than synthesized speech with the binary-valued vector.

Table 6 Preference scores with a 0.005 confidence interval between HMM-based and BLSTM-RNN based speech synthesis with binary-valued or real-valued vector.

5.3 Multi-Task Learning

We evaluate our proposed network architecture on two baseline systems, namely DNN-based speech synthesis (DNN-SYN) and BLSTM-RNN-based speech synthesis (BLSTM-RNN-SYN). They were trained with the same inputs to produce the desired outputs. The objective and subjective experimental results are shown in Tables 7 and 8, respectively.

Table 7 The RMSE and LSD measures for DNN-based speech synthesis (DNN-SYN) and BLSTM-RNN-based speech synthesis (BLSTM-RNN-SYN) systems.
Table 8 ABX pairwise preference scores with a 0.005 confidence interval for DNN-based speech synthesis (DNN-SYN) and BLSTM-RNN-based speech synthesis (BLSTM-RNN-SYN) systems.

In Table 7, the objective measures were improved from DNN-based to BLSTM-RNN-based speech synthesis, especially for the LF0’s RMSE which was reduced by about 4.8% (from 0.145 in the top row for DNN-SYN to 0.138 in the bottom row for BLSTM-RNN-SYN). In Table 8, the synthesized speech from BLSTM-RNN-SYN is also much preferred than from DNN-SYN.

5.3.1 Objective Measures

The error ratio α in the objective function in Eq. (12) is crucial for a proper incorporation of the classification layer part into DNN training. A series of preliminary experiments was carried out to decide which ratio is appropriate for different categorization tasks. In Fig. 6 we plot the LF0’s RMSE changes with different error ratios for the four different categorization tasks. It reveals that different error ratios could be used for various tasks. The error ratios were set to be 0.6, 0.4, 0.4 and 0.8 for classifying voiced/unvoiced attribute, phone identity, phonation position, and the HMM state, respectively. These values will be used for the remaining experiments for both DNN and BLSTM-RNN based speech synthesis (Table 9).

Figure 6
figure 6

LF0’s RMSE values as a function of error ratios for four different categorization tasks.

Table 9 A comparison of the RMSE, LSD, LSP and V/U (Voiced/Unvoiced) error for the method in [10] (UV-R-DNN) and our proposed method (UV-C-DNN) where R indicates “Regression” and C indicates “Classification”.

In [30], the target voiced/unvoiced label is generated directly from the output of the regression layer. It is different from our proposed method that a classification layer is added only for the voiced/unvoiced label’s classification. The objective measures are shown in Table 10 for DNN-based speech synthesis systems. The Voiced/Unvoiced error is decreased by about 1.56% from the regression-based (UV-R-DNN) to classification-based (UV-C-DNN) method. When compared with Table 7, RMSE and LSD measures are also improved with the help of the classification layers, especially for RMSE of LF0 that was reduced by about 6%.

Table 10 LSD and RMSE measures for LF0 and LSP for DNN based speech synthesis for four classification tasks.

Again, three objective measures were compared with the additional classification layer for DNN and BLSTM-RNN based speech synthesis in Tables 10 and 11, respectively. It can be seen that these values vary little among themselves for the four different categorization tasks. Clearly the results with BLSTM-RNN in Table 11 are slightly better than those with DNN in Table 10, and they are all better than the baseline speech synthesis systems without the classification layers as shown in Table 7.

Table 11 LSD and RMSE measures for LF0 and LSP for BLSTM-RNN based speech synthesis with four classification tasks.

5.3.2 Subjective Preference Scores

Listening tests were also carried out to evaluate the proposed technique. Table 12 lists the preference scores for the voiced/unvoiced label used in DNN-based speech synthesis at a regression or a classification output layer. The score of 37.78% for the classification based method (UV-C-DNN) in the middle column of the bottom row in Table 12 is preferred to the score of at 8.89% in the regression based method (UV-R-DNN) in the left column.

Table 12 Preference scores with a 0.05 confidence interval for DNN based speech synthesis with regression (UV-R-DNN) or classification (UV-C-RNN) for voiced/unvoiced label.

Since the result differences between the four tasks in Tables 10 and 11 are very small, we only consider the voiced/unvoiced attribute in Table 13 with the best error ratio α set at 0.6. The preference scores are compared for DNN based speech synthesis with (UV-C-DNN and UV-C-RNN) and without (just plain DNN and BLSTM-RNN) the classification layer. The results again confirm that speech generated with the classification layer is much preferred to speech synthesis without the classification layer by about 24% (from 0.227 to 0.467) for DNN-based speech synthesis at the top row in Table 13, and by about 15% (from 0.187 to 0.34) for BLSTM-RNN based speech synthesis in the bottom row of Table 13.

Table 13 Preference scores at a 0.05 confidence interval for DNN and RNN based synthesis with and without classification.

From these results, it could be concluded that by adding the classification layer on top of the hidden layers to the regression DNNs we could strengthen the DNN’s modeling ability to generate better speech parameters from the contextual features. Among these four categorization tasks, there are no sharp differences between these tasks. But considering the convenience of extracting voiced/unvoiced attribute, the categorization task used in the multi-task learning structure in following experiments are voiced/unvoiced attribute.

5.4 PSA-Based Vocoder in DNN-Based Synthesis

To evaluate the proposed technique in the BLSTM-RNN based speech synthesis systems, a series of experiments was carried out. First, the proposed PSA-based vocoder was validated in DNN-based speech synthesis with one BLSTM-RNN and with two BLSTM-RNNs. Finally, the combination of PSA-based vocoder and two BLSTM-RNNs was further validated in speech synthesis.

5.4.1 PSA-Based Vocoder with one BLSTM-RNN

The baseline system constructed in this experiment is a DNN-based speech synthesis system with one BLSTM-RNN which was trained with a conventional LSP-based vocoder (Conv-LSP). There are two additional types of parameters in our proposed PSA-based vocoder (PSA-LSP) when compared with a traditional LSP-based vocoder. They are the pitch-scaled spectrum (PSS) and the aperiodic measure (AP) both of which exist only in the voiced region. So, firstly, these two features will be interpolated with a continuous value in the unvoiced region. After that, the interpolated features will concatenate with LSPs, UV decisions and LF0s for every frame to construct the output of BLSTM-RNN. The input of BLSTM-RNN is kept the same as the baseline system. Finally, two BLSTM-RNN-based speech synthesis systems are constructed with a different output layers and two versions of synthesized speech were generated. The compared results are shown in Tables 14 and 15.

Table 14 The LSD, LF0’s RMSE and LSPs’ RMSE for conventional LSP-vocoder (Conv-LSP) and PSA-based vocoder (PSA-LSP) in DNN-based speech synthesis.
Table 15 Preference scores with a 0.005 confidence interval between conventional LSP-vocoder (Conv-LSP) and PSA-based vocoder (PSA-LSP) in DNN-based speech synthesis.

The objective measures are shown in Table 14 for these two speech synthesis systems. The LSD measure has been improved a little by the PSA-based vocoder when compared with the conventional LSP-based vocoder. But the RMSEs of LF0 and LSP were slightly increased. One possible reason is that more parameters have to be predicted in the output layer. But the subjective preference listening test has confirmed the effectiveness of PSA-based vocoder in DNN-based speech synthesis and that generated speech is more favored by about 12% (from 0.23 to 0.35) than conventional LSP-based vocoder.

5.4.2 Comparison of one and two BLSTM-RNNs

Next, two DNN-based speech synthesis systems are constructed: one with one BLSTM-RNN and the other with two BLSTM-RNNs. The vocoder used in both cases is the conventional LSP-based vocoder. The input and output for these two systems is kept the same. The only difference is to predict the speech parameters in one or two BLSTM-RNN. Fig. 7 shows an example of pitch contours for the original sentence, generated by one and two BLSTM-RNNs. It can be found that the pitch contour generated by two BLSTM-RNNs is much closer to that of the original sentence than that with one BLSTM-RNN. For example, in regions 1 and 3 in Fig. 7 the same slope as the original sentence is kept and in region 2 the same details of the original sentence is preserved.

Figure 7
figure 7

The pitch contour for the original sentence, generated by one BLSTM-RNN and generated by two BLSTM-RNNs.

The difference of the pitch contour in Fig. 7 has been confirmed in the objective measures for generated speech in Table 16. The RMSE of generated LF0 has reduced by about 14.2% from one (at 0.183) to two BLSTM-RNNs (at 0.157) especially in DNN-based speech synthesis. This means that predicting the pitch contour in two steps at the phonemic level is more effective than in one step at the sentence level. Finally, the results of the subjective listening test described in Table 17 confirm again the superiority of the proposed structure with two BLSTM-RNNs.

Table 16 The LSD, RMSE for LF0 and RMSE for LSP for DNN based speech synthesis with one or two BLSTM-RNNs.
Table 17 Preference scores with 0.005 confidence interval for DNN-based speech synthesis with one or two BLSTM-RNNs.

5.4.3 Combination of PSA-Vocoder and two BLSTM-RNNs in DNN-Based Speech Synthesis

In the following we evaluate DNN-based speech synthesis by combining the PSA-vocoder and two BLSTM-RNNs. Synthesized speech is compared with that generated from HMM-based speech synthesis (HTS) and DNN-based based speech synthesis (DNN-SSS) both with the traditional LSP-based vocoder.

The results listed in Table 18 show that the objective measures have been improved when compared with HTS and DNN-SSS. For example, the LSD was reduced by about 9% and the LF0’s RMSE has reduced by about 8% compared with HTS. Meanwhile, the results also show that HTS takes a lower objective measure than DNN-SSS. One possible reason for this is that the speech parameters in DNN-SSS are predicted directly by a local region of the input space which is different from the decision tree used in HTS. The subjective listening tests in Table 19 also indicate that generated speech from TWO-BLSTM-RNNs is much more favored by about 27% (from 0.183 to 0.453 in the top row) than that from HTS and by about 31% (from 0.15 to 0.46) than that from DNN-SSS.

Table 18 The LSD, LF0’s RMSE and LSP’s RMSE for HMM-based, DNN-based with DNN-SSS and DNN-based speech synthesis with two BLSTM-RNNs and PSA-vocoder.
Table 19 Preference scores with a 0.005 confidence interval for HMM-based and DNN-based speech synthesis with two BLSTM-RNNs, and for DNN-based speech synthesis with DNN and with two BLSTM-RNNs and PSA-vocoder.

6 Conclusion and Future Work

This paper proposed three techniques to improve the quality of synthesized speech in DNN-based synthesis. The first one is to parameterize the contextual features as a real-valued vector at the input of DNN-based speech synthesis model. We propose to encode the phoneme identity features as a real-valued vector in training the word embedded vector and to extract the POS and pause from the bottleneck layer of a prediction network. The second is to add an auxiliary categorization framework through multi-task learning for training DNN-based speech synthesis systems. Four types of secondary tasks have been considered in constructing the output layer. The third is to improve vocoder based on pitch-scaled analysis (PSA) in DNN-based speech synthesis. Three corresponding sets of experiments have been conducted to evaluate the proposed techniques. The experimental results demonstrate the superiority of the three proposed techniques when compared with the baseline systems.

With newly emerging DNN modeling techniques DNN-based speech synthesis still has rooms to improve. For example, parameterization directly from the input text for the contextual features still has a long way to go. Even though Bi-directional recurrent neural network with long short term memory (BLSTM-RNN) units has been verified as a good architecture for speech synthesis, it is still not easy to apply it directly into real-time applications for the burden of computation. So our future work will focus on these two aspects to improve DNN-based speech synthesis.