1 Introduction

In unreliable asynchronous distributed systems with failures, getting a causal view of the system in all processes is a complex task. These systems are prone to perturbations such as process crashes, loss, duplicity or disordering of messages, or delays in processing and communication. The Causal Reliable Broadcast (CRB) abstraction [1] serves as a critical component for obtaining in each process a coherent causal view of the system, where all processes observe cause events that happened–before their corresponding effect events [2].

The CRB abstraction reliably disseminates messages in a group of processes and delivers them in causal order in every process of the group. CRB offers respectively the cBroadcast(m) and the cDeliver(m) events to broadcast and deliver in causal order a message m. If the cBroadcast of \(m'\) was caused by the cBroadcast of m, we say that m causally precedes \(m'\). Also, the causal order delivery ensures that \(m'\) is cDelivered after m in every process. However, if the cBroadcast of \(m'\) is concurrent with the cBroadcast of m, we say that m is concurrent with \(m'\). Then m and \(m'\) can be cDelivered in any order. We call CRB algorithm any algorithm that implements the CRB abstraction. CRB algorithms that implement the CRB abstraction differ in the degree of accuracy to which they capture the causal relation among cBroadcast messages.

We say that a CRB algorithm has maximal accuracy with respect to a given set of events if it entirely reflects the partial order defined by the causality relation among those events. That is, it reflects not only if events are causally related, but also if events are concurrent.

The maximal causal accuracy is valuable for applications that use the CRB abstraction such as geo-replicated data stores. In [3], update operations on replicas are implemented using an underlying CRB service for causally ordering the updates along with scalar timestamps to totally order concurrent updates. Some authors use an implementation of the CRB abstraction that makes visible to the application layer the maximal accuracy information in order to identify and totally order concurrent messages as it is proposed in [4].

The causal history of a message m contains all messages that causally precede m. CRB algorithms with maximal causal accuracy can piggyback in a message m the causal history of m with either an unbounded list of all messages that causally precede m or a bounded and compact representation of the causal history of m [1].

A compact representation of the causal history of a message can be obtained with logical clocks defined by Lamport [2]. A logical clock is a software artifact that assigns timestamps to process events. These timestamps capture the happened–before relation among events, implementing in that way a logical clock that is global to all processes. Vector clocks are logical clocks that timestamp events using vectors [5, 6]. In the CRB algorithm by Birman et al. [7], a global clock is implemented defining in every process a local vector clock that ticks just before a cBroadcast event happens. A message is cBroadcast piggybacking the process current local clock value as a timestamp.

The causal relation among cBroadcast events is captured with the maximal accuracy when these events are timestamped with logical vector clocks that have at least the size of the group [8]. These logical clocks with maximal accuracy are said to characterize causality [5, 6]. The drawback of piggybacking timestamps is the communication overhead that is not negligible for large groups. Indeed, CRB algorithms based on vector clocks that characterize causality are not scalable.

As far as we know, there are two families of techniques that could be used to improve the scalability of CRB algorithms based on vector clocks. The first one is the compression of causal information to be piggybacked in a message: incremental changes in vector timestamps [7, 9, 10], interval tree clocks [11], causal barriers [12] and resettable encoded vector clocks [13]. Regardless of the technique employed, causality characterization requires the challenge of managing either the linear growth of causal information within messages or within process storage. In this family, we also consider the clocks of constant size that are scalable with respect to the number of processes, such as plausible clocks [14] and the probabilistic vector clocks known as Bloom clocks [15, 16]. Bloom clocks exhibit the best performance among vector clocks of any size for determining causality. However, both types of clocks may predict false causal relations among messages.

The second family of techniques takes advantage of overlay network topologies: process groups connected with FIFO channels [17, 18] and flooding in FIFO overlay network topologies [19, 20]. Unfortunately, none of these overlay network topology techniques characterize causality.

As a result, we have decided to use plain vector clocks to track causality, because they provide maximal accuracy. This solution is good enough in some distributed domains such as in geo-replicated, domotic or cloud systems that might not need scalability.

We have identified that CRB algorithms based on vector clocks [7, 21, 22] only capture with the maximal causal accuracy the causal relation among cBroadcast events and their corresponding messages. In this paper we propose to extend the causal tracking to cDeliver events. The CRB algorithm by Birman et al. [7] is the best-known CRB algorithm with maximal accuracy that uses vector clocks to timestamp globally cBroadcast events but not cDeliver events. Consequently, we claim that with Birman’s CRB algorithm it is not possible to determine the happened–before relation among cBroadcast and cDeliver events using its timestamp system.

Note that we do not claim that Birman’s CRB needs to associate additional timestamps to cDeliver events in order to ensure causal delivery but for other significant purposes, external and complementary to the distributed application, such as testing and verification. For example, as it was pointed out by [23], the lack of global timestamping of cDeliver events in Birman’s CRB algorithm makes it very difficult to systematically test and verify the properties of the CRB abstraction.

Regarding with testing difficulties, the correctness of a run of a library that implements the Birman’s CRB algorithm cannot be tested dynamically if the test is done with an external passive monitor [24]. The reason is because the monitor cannot obtain consistent global states from the causal ordering of cBroadcast and cDeliver events timestamps due to the lack of global timestamping of cDeliver events.

Regarding to formal verification difficulties in Birman’s CRB libraries, the lack of cDeliver global timestamping can yield to implementations that differ in the interpretation of cDeliver events. This fact causes that the verification of CRB properties [10] in these libraries has to depend on the implementation rather than on the definition of the algorithm. For example, these libraries need to define in each process when a self-cDeliver or cDeliver of a message happens, and check locally the causal delivery.

To sum up, although there are techniques for scaling vector timestamp mechanisms, not all of them preserve the maximal causal accuracy. Moreover, CRB algorithms based on vector clocks only capture the causal ordering of cBroadcast events. Not capturing with the maximal accuracy cDeliver events makes it more difficult the verification of CRB algorithms and the implementation of external passive monitors for testing properties of runs of those algorithms. Finally, we want to emphasize that implementing the CRB abstraction with techniques based on clocks for timestamping cDeliver events and implementing an external passive monitor is not trivial, as we will show in this paper.

Contributions In this paper we propose and formally define a new Causal Timestamp System (CTS) based on vector clocks that timestamps not only cBroadcast but also cDeliver events of the CRB abstraction. CTS simplifies the formal verification and testing of the CRB implementations. We also propose a new passive monitor system for testing those CRB implementations based on CTS. In particular, the contributions of this paper are as follows:

  • We define a new CRB algorithm and its corresponding timestamp system called CTS that timestamps cBroadcast and cDeliver events.

  • We formally specify the CTS properties according to the timestamp framework of [14] and prove that the CTS respects the properties of a timestamp system and characterizes causality with respect to cBroadcast and cDeliver events. We also prove that CTS extends the maximal accuracy with cDeliver events.

  • We present and prove the correctness of a new passive Global State Monitoring (GSM) algorithm for monitoring distributed applications that use our CRB with CTS. A GSM algorithm is suitable for making global predicate evaluations required by applications such as detecting deadlocks and termination, or for testing and debugging. This new GSM monitors cBroadcast and cDeliver events, hence it can generate a finer grained evaluation of consistent global states and predicates than other passive monitors that use Birman’s CRB algorithm [24]. This is because our CRB algorithm timestamps cDeliver events.

  • We show a domotic application example that uses both our GSM and CRB with CTS, in order to show how they work and in order to compare them with a passive monitor that uses Birman’s CRB. Note that with the GSM algorithm and this example we show the usefulness of the CRB implemented with CTS due to its timestamping of cDelivers.


Section 2 reviews in detail the Birman’s algorithm that implements the CRB abstraction and describes the motivation of our work. Section 3 details the system model and presents some definitions. Section 4 describes formally the primitives and properties of the CRB abstraction. Section 5 introduces a new Causal timestamp system (CTS) for the implementation of the CRB abstraction with vector clocks. Section 6 introduces a novel Global State Monitoring (GSM) algorithm for applications that communicate through CRB implementations based on our CTS. Section 7 introduces an example of a distributed application implemented in two ways: (1) with our CRB with CTS and monitored by our GSM, and (2) with Birman’s CRB monitored by a global state monitor. Finally, this section compares the degree of event global resolution of both monitoring approaches. Section 8 reviews the related work. We conclude in Sect. 9.

2 Problem statement

This section reviews in detail the Birman’s algorithm [7] that implements the CRB abstraction using logical vector clocks that timestamp cBroadcast events. We also describe the problems caused for not timestamping cDeliver events.

CRB abstraction [1] is an important group communication tool for reliably delivering in causal order the same set of messages to all correct processes of a group. CRB abstraction is formally defined by the cBroadcast and cDeliver events and a set of properties [25]. cBroadcast(m) reliably sends a message m to all processes of the group including the sender, and cDeliver(m) delivers m in causal order to the process application layer. If the cBroadcast of \(m'\) could have been caused by the cBroadcast of m, we say cBroadcast of m potentially caused the cBroadcast of \(m'\) (\(m\ \smash {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{c}}\ m'\)). The CRB causal order delivery property says that if the cBroadcast of a message \(m'\) was caused by the cBroadcast of a message m, m must be delivered before \(m'\) in all correct processes:

$$\begin{aligned} m\ \mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{c}\ m' \Rightarrow \ cDeliver(m)\ \rightarrow \ cDeliver(m') \end{aligned}$$

Figure 1 shows an example of a run of a distributed application made of three processes that do not fail (correct processes) and that communicate using the CRB abstraction. Process \(p_0\) cBroadcasts \(m_0\) to all processes including itself in the event \(e_{00}\) and, according to the CRB validity property, self-cDelivers \(m_0\) in the event \(e_{01}\). Process \(p_1\) cDelivers \(m_0\) in the event \(e_{10}\) and then cBroadcasts \(m_1\) in the event \(e_{11}\). As \(m_0\) is a potential cause of \(m_1\), all processes including the sender, have to cDeliver \(m_0\) before \(m_1\), according to the causal delivery property (1). Due to the asynchrony of the system, \(p_2\) receives \(m_1\) before \(m_0\), delaying the cDeliver of \(m_1\) until the cDeliver of \(m_0\). In process \(p_1\), after the cDeliver of \(m_1\), the messages \(m_2\) and \(m_3\) can be cDelivered in any order as the cBroadcast event \(e_{03}\) of \(m_2\) and the cBroadcast event \(e_{22}\) of \(m_3\) are concurrent events. Note that all processes cDeliver the same set of messages (\(m_0\), \(m_1\), \(m_2\), \(m_3\)) according to the CRB agreement property, because there are not faulty processes.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Example of causal broadcast timestamping with Birman’s algorithm

Algorithms that implement the CRB abstraction need to determine the happened–before relation among cBroadcast events of the messages they send in order to cDeliver their corresponding messages in causal order. CRB Birman’s algorithm [7] is a well-known implementation of the CRB abstraction that offers the maximal accuracy with respect to cBroadcast events. It defines the causal delivery ordering for cBroadcast messages m and \(m'\) on a process p according to the following rule:

$$\begin{aligned} m\ \smash {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{c}}\ m' \Rightarrow \ cDeliver(m)\ \smash {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{p}}\ cDeliver(m') \end{aligned}$$

The relation \(\smash {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{p}}\) is a local relation on process p that captures the event program order on p as follows: two events a and b are related as (\(a\ \smash {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{p}}\ b\)) if they happen on p and a occurs before b.

Birman’s algorithm uses vector clocks of the size of the number of processes of the system [5, 6] to timestamp cBroadcast events. These timestamps are used to decide if a cBroadcast event occurs before another cBroadcast event. The mechanism of vector clocks assigns to an event a vector value called timestamp that respects the happened–before relation. As these vector clocks have one position for each process of the group, it is also possible to determine if two events are concurrent looking at their vector timestamps. Given two vector timestamps V and W in a system of P processes, the comparison of them is done according to the following rules:

$$\begin{aligned} V \le W&\iff \forall i \in \{0, \ldots , |P|-1\}:\ V[i] \le W[i]\ \\ V< W&\iff V \le W \wedge \exists j \in \{0, \ldots , |P|-1\}\ \text {such that}\ V[j] < W[j]\\ V\ ||\ W&\iff V \nless W \wedge W \nless V \end{aligned}$$

Birman’s CRB algorithm captures causality among cBroadcast events precisely. That is, given two messages m and \(m'\) and their corresponding timestamps VT(m) and \(VT(m')\) assigned by this CRB algorithm, it is true that:

$$\begin{aligned} m\ \smash {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{c}}\ m' \iff \ VT(m)\ <\ VT(m') \end{aligned}$$

Now, we describe in detail the Birman’s CRB algorithm in a system of a set P of processes. Each process \(p_i\) maintains a local clock \(V_i\) that is a vector of non-negative integers with one entry per process. \(V_i\) is updated according to the following rules:

  1. R0)


    $$\begin{aligned}&i = \text {process identifier} \\&\forall j \in \{ 0, \ldots , |P|-1 \}: V_i[j]= 0 \end{aligned}$$
  2. R1)

    Before the cBroadcast of a message m is generated at site i:

    $$\begin{aligned} V_i[i] = V_i[i]+ 1 \end{aligned}$$

    Then, m is cBroadcast piggybacking \(<i, VT(m)>\), where i is the identifier of the sender, and VT(m) is the timestamp of the cBroadcast event of m taking the value of \(V_i\).

    When a process \(p_i\) receives a message m with timestamp VT(m) from \(p_j\), the process \(p_i\) delays the cDeliver of m until the following conditions are both fulfilled:

    $$\begin{aligned} V_i[j] + 1&= VT(m) [j] \end{aligned}$$
    $$\begin{aligned} V_i[k]&\ge VT(m)[k], \forall k \ne j \end{aligned}$$
  3. R2)

    Before a process \(p_i\) cDelivers m with timestamp VT(m), \(p_i\) updates its vector clock as:

    $$\begin{aligned} \forall k \in \{ 0..|P|-1 \}: V_i[k] = max(V_i[k], VT(m)[k]) \end{aligned}$$

The vector timestamp VT(m) assigned to the cBroadcast of message m counts the number of messages cBroadcast by each process that causally precede m.

Figure 1 shows an example of the execution of Birman’s CRB algorithm. At the beginning of the execution, all processes initialize their local clocks according to rule R0. Then, process \(p_0\) cBroadcasts the message \(m_0\) in the event \(e_{00}\), updating its vector clock and timestamping \(m_0\) according to rule R1. Since the timestamp (1, 0, 0) of cBroadcast event \(e_{00}\) is less than the timestamp (1, 1, 0) of cBroadcast event \(e_{11}\) (3), it holds that \(cBroadcast(m_0)\) happened–before \(cBroadcast(m_1)\). Events \(e_{03}\) and \(e_{22}\) are concurrent because looking at their respective timestamps (2, 1, 0) and (1, 1, 1), \(e_{22}\) did not happen before \(e_{03}\) and vice versa. In \(p_2\), after receiving \(m_1\), the cDeliver event of \(m_1\) is delayed until \(m_0\) is cDelivered, according to conditions (4a) and (4b) of rule R1, because \(m_0\) happened–before \(m_1\). Finally, when a cDeliver event of a message happens in any process, its local clock is updated according to rule R2. For example, after cDeliver event \(e_{21}\) at process \(p_2\), the vector clock of \(p_2\) has the value (1, 1, 0).

As it has been described above, Birman’s CRB algorithm ensures the causal delivery of broadcast messages by means of a vector timestamp system that timestamps cBroadcast events. As the timestamping of Birman’s CRB algorithm only defines how to timestamp cBroadcast events and how to compare them to determine if they are causally related (3), it is not possible to detect if a cDeliver event happened-before any other event (be it cBroadcast or cDeliver). In other words, Birman’s CRB algorithm timestamping falls short in guaranteeing and identifying causal relationships among events of both cBroadcast and cDeliver types, such as \(cBroadcast \rightarrow cDeliver\), \(cDeliver\rightarrow cBroadcast\), and \(cDeliver \rightarrow cDeliver\). As a consequence, causality in Birman’s algorithm can only be established among cBroadcast events using timestamps.

Although Birman’s timestamping does not pose any problem for the correct causal delivery of broadcast messages, it makes difficult to design systems implemented with Birman’s CRB algorithm that need to reason about cDeliver events. For example, formal methods for verification and testing the correctness of Birman’s CRB implementations cannot use the cDeliver timestamps and then they need to adopt ad hoc implementation-dependent solutions, as we show below.

Problems with formal verification techniques. Formal verification techniques can be used to establish the correctness of Birman’s CRB libraries regarding to the formal properties of the CRB abstraction [10]. A Birman’s CRB library is causally consistent if it verifies the CRB properties for all its possible executions. Examples of the difficulty of formal verification of Birman’s CRB libraries can be seen in [26] and [27]. In both libraries, the causal delivery property needs to be verified locally in every process because of the lack of global cDeliver timestamping. In both cases they need to build local histories assigning ad hoc local timestamps to cDeliver events in each process p. In [27], the timestamp of cDeliver of m in p is the value of the local clock when this event happened in p, while in [26], the timestamp of cDeliver of m is the value of the timestamp of the cBroadcast of m.

Besides the causal delivery property problems identified in the previous paragraph, the validity property of CRB that says that a correct sender of a message m always self-cDelivers m is also hard to prove. Because the cDeliver events are not timestamped, in [27] the cBroadcast and its corresponding self-cDeliver events are considered as only one atomic event. In [26] a cBroadcast primitive is proposed to broadcast a message to all processes except the sender, and hence their cBroadcast primitive does not generate a self-cDeliver event. As a consequence, the agreement CRB property, which says that all correct processes cDeliver the same set of messages, is also implementation dependent, as its correctness depends on the correctness of the validity property.

As a result of the lack of timestamping of cDeliver events, the use of formally verified Birman’s CRB libraries requires to know how they interpret and implement the CRB properties. In contrast, our causal timestamp system CTS globally timestamps cBroadcast and cDeliver events, and thus the formal verification of CRB properties on libraries that implement our CRB algorithm with our CTS would not depend on particular interpretations.

Problems with testing techniques. Testing techniques applied to libraries implementing the Birman’s CRB algorithm check whether a given library execution is correct regarding the CRB properties. One technique is to determine if CRB properties applied to any global state of a run of the Birman’s CRB library are being satisfied. A way to construct global states is to use an external monitor process executing concurrently with the system that uses the library. The monitor receives notifications of cBroadcast events that happen in a run, obtaining a global causal sequence of these events in a run. There are not cDeliver events in the causal sequence observed by the monitor. Thus, the monitor can only check the property of causal order delivery of a message m indirectly if it observes the cBroadcast of another message \(m'\) that causally depends on m. Note that this cBroadcast of \(m'\) could never happen as it depends on the logic of the application.

To sum up, the lack in Birman’s CRB algorithm of detection of causality among cBroadcast and cDeliver events by means of timestamps makes not possible the global predicate evaluation of CRB properties using a passive monitor to obtain global states. Conversely, with our global state monitoring algorithm GSM, we can monitor runs of libraries that implement our CRB algorithm with our CTS. Our GSM can obtain a global causal sequence of both cBroadcast and cDeliver events to calculate global states and to evaluate global predicates, in addition to the evaluation of the properties of CRB abstraction.

As we show in this paper, the timestamping of cDeliver events, in addition to cBroadcast timestamping, improves the causal accuracy captured by the Birman’s CRB algorithm, providing a finer grained detection of causality very useful for applications such as GSM and verification libraries.

3 System model and definitions

We consider an asynchronous fail-silent distributed system composed by a finite set P of processes that do not share neither memory nor clock. We assume crash-stop processes that may fail by crashing. A process is said to be correct if it does not fail during all execution of the system, otherwise it is said to be faulty. Each pair of processes are connected via asynchronous reliable point-to-point links [25]. We do not consider any order of delivery in the channels. Processes communicate through these reliable channels exchanging a set of \(\mathrel {M}\) messages through a reliable broadcast communication service.

Every process in the system is composed of a stack of asynchronous event-based service abstractions. From top to bottom: Application layer, Causal Reliable Broadcast abstraction layer, Reliable Broadcast abstraction layer and Reliable Point-to-point abstraction layer. Each service abstraction is modeled with a name and some properties, and it offers an API interface based on events it accepts (requests) and produces (indications), and it is implemented as a state machine, whose transitions are triggered by the reception of events.

Events of interest. Events generated in the layers are called internal events. Events generated outside of the abstraction stack are called external events (i.e., indication events of message delivery to the Point-to-point communication abstraction). Events are handled in mutual exclusion way in each stack. Internal events have priority over external events and events with the same priority are handled in FIFO order. In a distributed execution, we consider as events of interest the cBroadcast and cDeliver events defined by the Causal Reliable Broadcast abstraction. We will denote by H the set of all events cBroadcast and cDeliver happened in a distributed execution. Now we define the properties of the reliable broadcast abstraction that are used by the causal reliable broadcast abstraction to offer reliability.

Definition 1

(The Reliable Broadcast Abstraction) The reliable broadcast abstraction reliably sends and delivers a message \(m \in M\) to all processes \(\in P\), including the sender process. This abstraction defines the request event rBroadcast and the indication event rDeliver. A process invokes the event rBroadcast to request the reliably broadcast of a message by this abstraction, and the reliable broadcast abstraction triggers the event rDeliver to deliver a message to the upper layer of a process.

This abstraction has the following properties [10]:

  • RB1. Integrity: For any message m, every correct process rDelivers m at most once and only if m was previously rBroadcast by sender of m.

  • RB2. Validity: If a correct process p rBroadcasts a message m, then p eventually rDelivers m.

  • RB3. Agreement: If a correct process rDelivers a message m, all correct processes in the system must eventually rDeliver m.

4 The causal reliable broadcast abstraction

Since the reliable broadcast abstraction delivers messages in any order, it is not possible to determine with this abstraction if a message could be the cause of broadcasting other messages. However, the causal broadcast abstraction captures this potential causality among messages, delivering first the cause messages and then their effect messages.

The causal broadcast abstraction generates cBroadcast and cDeliver events. The event \(<p, cBroadcast\ |\ m>\) broadcasts a message \(m \in M\) from p to all processes \(\in P\). The event \(<p, cDeliver\ |\ q, m>\) delivers in Causal order a message m to process p from q. The causal order delivery requires to know if two messages are causally related to deliver them in such order. We now define the Causal order relation among messages. This relation uses the Lamport’s happened–before relation [2] particularized for capturing the potential causality among cBroadcast and cDeliver events \(\in H\).

Definition 2

(happened–before Relation (\(\rightarrow\))) Considering two events \(a,b \in H\), this relation is defined as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} a \rightarrow b \iff&\exists p \in P: a,b \hbox { are two events of } p \hbox { and } a \hbox { occurs before } b \\&\vee \exists p, q \in P: (a =<p, cBroadcast | m>) \wedge (b = <q, cDeliver | p, m>)\\&\vee \exists c \in H: a \rightarrow c \wedge c \rightarrow b \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

An event a is concurrent with b and it is represented as \(a\ ||\ b\) iff \(a \not \rightarrow b\) and \(b \not \rightarrow a\).

Definition 3

(Causal Order Relation \(\smash {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{c}}\))

Two messages \(m, m' \in M\), are related by \(\smash {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{c}}\), if the cBroadcast of \(m'\) may have been potentially caused by the cBroadcast of m. More formally, \(\forall a,b \in H\), \(\forall p,q \in P\):

$$\begin{aligned} m \smash {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{c}} m' \iff (a \rightarrow b) \wedge (a =<p, cBroadcast | m>) \wedge (b = <q, cBroadcast | m'>) \end{aligned}$$

Messages m and \(m'\) are concurrent, represented as \(m\ ||_c\ m'\), if \(not (m \smash {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{c}} m')\ \wedge not ( m' \smash {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{c}} m)\).

When \(m \smash {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{c}} m'\) we say that m is a causal predecessor of \(m'\) and \(m'\) is a causal successor of m. The causal history of m are made up of all predecessors of m.

The Causal Order delivery rule describes the delivery of messages in causal order.

Definition 4

(Causal Order Delivery Rule)

The Causal Order Delivery rule holds if for any pair of messages \(m, m'\ \in M\) cBroadcast by src and \(src'\) respectively and related by \(\smash {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{c}}\), the cDeliver of m happened–before the cDeliver of \(m'\) in all processes of the system. Formally, \(\forall p, src, src' \in P\):

$$\begin{aligned} m \smash {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{c}} m' \Rightarrow<p, cDeliver |\ src, m> \rightarrow <p, cDeliver | src', m'> \end{aligned}$$

The causal broadcast abstraction obeys the causal delivery rule but does not assure reliability guarantees. When the causal broadcast abstraction also respects the reliable broadcast abstraction guarantees (Def. 1), it is called causal reliable broadcast abstraction. This abstraction has the following properties:

  • CRB1-CBR3 are the properties of Integrity, Validity and Agreement described in the reliable broadcast abstraction (Def. 1).

  • CRB4. Causal delivery: messages are delivered by all processes according to causal delivery rule. (Def. 4).

In the next section, we define a causal timestamp system valid for both causal broadcast and causal reliable broadcast abstractions. For the sake of simplicity, and from now on, we define the causal timestamp system only for the causal reliable broadcast abstraction.

5 Timestamping system for causal broadcast

In distributed systems, time can be considered a logical abstraction [2]. A timestamp system has a logical clock that stamps every event of interest [14]. A timestamp represents the instant in logical time in which an event occurs from the point of view of some process in the system. The causal broadcast implementations based on vector clocks as shown in [21] and [7] define a timestamp framework for timestamping and reasoning about the happened–before relation of any pair of cBroadcast events \(\in H\); however they do not define how to compare any pair of events by their timestamps. For example, it is not defined if a cBroadcast event of m happened–before the cDeliver event of any other message \(m'\) using timestamps. We propose a Causal Timestamp System (CTS) for the causal broadcast abstraction (Def. 3 and Def. 4) that timestamps all events in H. As CTS characterizes causality [14], it lets us reason about the happened–before relation of any pair of events, no matter if they are cBroadcast or cDeliver events. We have modeled CTS according to timestamp systems defined by Torres-Rojas et al. [14] but we have also included the Causal Order delivery condition of messages.

In a CTS for a system with P processes, each process \(p_i\) keeps a local clock in the pair (\(seq_i\), \(V_i\)). The clock component \(seq_i\) counts the number of messages cBroadcast by \(p_i\), while the clock component \(V_i\) is a vector of P entries where \(V_i[j]\) counts the number of messages cBroadcast by \(p_j\) and cDelivered in \(p_i\).

CTS is defined as a tuple (H, S, CT.stamp, CDC, \(R_{S}\), \(R_{CT}\)), where:

  1. 1.

    H is the global history of causal broadcast (cBroadcast) and causal delivery (cDeliver) events of the system.

  2. 2.

    S is the set of timestamps. A timestamp is an identifier of the form \((i,seq_i, V_i)\), where i is a non negative integer that identifies the process \(p_i\), \(seq_i\) is the number of messages cBroadcast by \(p_i\) and \(V_i\) is a P-vector of the set \({\mathbb {N}}^{|P|}\) of integers, that represents the cDelivered messages in \(p_i\).

  3. 3.

    CT.stamp is a global identifier function that acts as a logical clock assigning to each event a timestamp of S. That is, \(CT.stamp: H \rightarrow S\). If a is a cBroadcast or cDeliver event produced in a process \(p_i\), the event has the timestamp \(CT.stamp(a) = CT_i.stamp(a)\). For any process \(p_i\), the function \(CT_i.stamp\) is defined using the following rules:

    1. RV0)


      $$\begin{aligned}&i = \text {process identifier} \\&seq_i = 0\\&\forall j \in \{0, \ldots , |P|-1\} : V_i[j] = 0 \end{aligned}$$
    2. RV1)

      Before the cBroadcast event a of message m is generated at site i:

      $$\begin{aligned} seq_i = seq_i + 1 \end{aligned}$$

      Message m is broadcast with a timestamp \(CT_i.stamp(a) = (i, seq_i, V_i)\).

    3. RV2)

      Before a message m with the timestamp \((j, seq_j, V_j)\), that fulfills the causal delivery condition CDC, is cDelivered at site i:

      $$\begin{aligned}&\forall k \in \{0, \ldots , |P|-1\} : V_i[k] = max (V_i[k], V_j[k])\\&V_i[j] = V_i[j] + 1 \end{aligned}$$

    In a timestamp \(CT.stamp(a) = (i, seq_a, V_a)\), the value \(V_a[k]\) counts the number of events of messages cDelivered in \(p_i\) from \(p_k\), up to the event a. Similarly, \(seq_a\) counts the number of cBroadcast events happened in \(p_i\) up to the event a.

  4. 4.

    CDC is the Causal Delivery Condition to deliver messages in causal order. A message m with timestamp \((j, seq_j, V_j)\) can be cDelivered in \(p_i\), if the both following conditions hold:

    $$\begin{aligned} seq_j&= V_i[j]+1 \end{aligned}$$
    $$\begin{aligned} V_j[k]&\le V_i[k],\ \forall k \ne j \end{aligned}$$

    That is, messages whose cBroadcast events happened–before the cBroadcast event of m either by the same sender (5a) or by different senders (5b) have to be cDelivered before m.

  5. 5.

    Set of relations \(R_S = \{ <_S, \smash {\mathop {=}\limits ^{S}},\smash {\mathop {||}\limits ^{S}} \}\) over S. Let \(t_1 = (i,seq_i, V_i)\) and \(t_2 = (j,seq_j, V_j)\) be timestamps \(\in S\), we define the relations as follows:

    $$\begin{aligned} t_1<_S t_2 \iff&((i = j) \wedge ((seq_i< seq_j) \vee (V_i < V_j))) \end{aligned}$$
    $$\begin{aligned}&\vee ((i \ne j) \wedge (V_i[i] < V_j[i]) \wedge (V_i \le V_j)) \end{aligned}$$
    $$\begin{aligned} t_1\ \smash {\mathop {=}\limits ^{S}}\ t_2&\iff (i = j)\ \wedge \ (seq_i = seq_j) \wedge \ (V_i = V_j) \end{aligned}$$
    $$\begin{aligned} t_1\ \smash {\mathop {||}\limits ^{S}}\ t_2&\iff not\ ( t_1<_S t_2 )\ \wedge \ not\ (t_2 <_S t_1) \end{aligned}$$

    The pair \((S, <_S)\) is a strict partial ordered set.

    Being the comparison of two vectors V and W as follows:

    $$\begin{aligned} V = W&\iff \forall i \in \{0, \ldots , |P|-1\} : V[i] = W[i] \\ V \le W&\iff \forall i \in \{0, \ldots , |P|-1\} : V[i] \le W[i] \\ V< W&\iff V \le W \wedge \exists j \in \{0, \ldots , |P|-1\} \ \text {such that}\ V[j] < W[j] \\ V\ || \ W&\iff V \nless W \wedge W \nless V \end{aligned}$$
  6. 6.

    Set of relations \(R_{CT} = \{ \smash {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{CT}}\), \(\smash {\mathop {=}\limits ^{CT}},\smash {\mathop {||}\limits ^{CT}} \}\) over H. Let \(a, b \in H\) with timestamps CT.stamp(a) and CT.stamp(b) over S, the relations of \(R_{CT}\) are defined as follows:

    $$\begin{aligned} a\ \smash {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{CT}}\ b&\iff CT.stamp (a) <_S CT.stamp (b) \nonumber \\&\iff CTS\text { "believes" that }a\text { causally precedes }b. \end{aligned}$$
    $$\begin{aligned} a\ \smash {\mathop {=}\limits ^{CT}}\ b&\iff CT.stamp(a)\ \smash {\mathop {=}\limits ^{S}}\ CT.stamp(b) \nonumber \\&\iff CTS\text { "believes" that }a\text { and }b\text { are the same event.} \end{aligned}$$
    $$\begin{aligned} a\ \smash {\mathop {||}\limits ^{CT}}\ b&\iff CT.stamp(a)\ \smash {\mathop {||}\limits ^{S}}\ CT.stamp(b) \nonumber \\&\iff CTS\text { "believes" that }a\text { and }b\text { are concurrent.} \end{aligned}$$

    As the CT.stamp is a bijective function that preserves the relations from H to S, the relations on the set \(R_{CT}\) are isomorphic to their respective relations on the set \(R_S\).

Example of CTS timestamping

The example of Fig.  2 depicts a group of three processes communicating with a CRB that employs the CTS timestamp system defined above. In the example, we do not only show how CRB broadcasts messages and delivers them in causal order but also showcase how CTS captures the causal relationship between cBroadcast and cDeliver events. Let us observe this capturing in action in Fig.  2, analyzing the following type of events:

cBroadcast and self-cDeliver events. Consider the process \(p_0\) that cBroadcasts the message \(m_0\) in the event \(e_{00}\). The rule RV1 of CTS assigns to the event \(e_{00}\) the timestamp \(t_{00}\) with the value (0, 1, (0, 0, 0)), as \(m_0\) is the first message cBroadcast by \(p_0\) and \(p_0\) has not yet cDelivered any messages. The message \(m_0\) piggybacks the timestamp \(t_{00}\). When the message \(m_0\) is received by CRB in \(p_0\), \(m_0\) can be delivered in causal order according to the CDC of CTS, so the message \(m_0\) is self-cDelivered in \(p_0\) in the event \(e_{01}\). According to the rule RV2 of CTS, the timestamp of the event \(e_{01}\) is \(t_{01} = (0,1,(1,0,0))\). From the point of view of CTS, the timestamp \(t_{00}\) is earlier than the timestamp \(t_{01}\) because \(t_{00} <_S t_{01}\), as seen in (6a). As a result, from the point of view of CTS, the event \(e_{00}\) happened before the event \(e_{01}\), (\(e_{00} \smash {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{CT}} e_{01}\)) as seen in (9).

cBroadcast and cDeliver events. CTS captures the causal relation between the cBroadcast event \(e_{00}\) of the message \(m_0\) in \(p_0\) and the cDeliver event \(e_{10}\) of the message \(m_0\) in \(p_1\). The event \(e_{00}\) is timestamped as \(t_{00} = (0,1,(0,0,0))\) and \(e_{10}\) is timestamped as \(t_{10} = (1,0,(1,0,0))\). As these two events happened in different processes \(p_0\) and \(p_1\), CTS determines that the timestamp \(t_{00}\) is earlier than the timestamp \(t_{10}\). This is true because \(t_{00} <_S t_{10}\), according to (6b) of the relation \(<_S\). As a result, from the point of view of the CTS, the cBroadcast event \(e_{00}\) occurred before the cDeliver event \(e_{10}\), that is, \(e_{00}\smash {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{CT}} e_{10}\) as seen in (9).

cBroadcast events. The process \(p_0\) cBroadcasts the message \(m_0\) in the event \(e_{00}\). The message \(m_0\) piggybacks the timestamp \(t_{00} = (0,1,(0,0,0))\). In the event \(e_{11}\), \(p_1\) cBroadcasts \(m_1\). The message \(m_1\) piggybacks the timestamp \(t_{11} = (1,1,(1,0,0))\) of event \(e_{11}\). According to (6b), it is true that \(t_{00} <_S t_{11}\). So from the point of view of CTS in (9), the event \(e_{00}\) happened before the event \(e_{11}\), (\(e_{00} \smash {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{CT}} e_{11}\)). Hence, by the causal delivery rule (Def. 4) implemented by the CDC of CTS, \(m_0\) is cDelivered before \(m_1\) in every process. As it can be seen in \(p_2\), the cDelivery of \(m_1\) is delayed until the cDelivery of \(m_0\).

Concurrent events. With CTS it is also possible to determine if any pair of events are concurrent comparing their timestamps. For example, any process having access to the timestamps can determine the causal relation between the cDeliver event \(e_{01}\) in \(p_0\) and the cDeliver event \(e_{12}\) in \(p_1\). The timestamps of the events \(e_{01}\) and \(e_{12}\) are \(t_{01} = (0,1,(1,0,0))\) and \(t_{12} = (1,1,(1,1,0))\) respectively. From the point of view of CTS these timestamps are concurrent as seen in (8). So, from the point of view of CTS, \(e_{01}\) and \(e_{12}\) are concurrent events according to (11).

Finally, as we will prove in the theorem 1, the CTS characterizes causality, so CTS captures correctly and with the maximal accuracy the causal relationship between any pair of events, whether they are cBroadcast or cDeliver events.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Example of causal broadcast and causal deliver event timestamping with CTS. All timestamps can be compared to determine if they are causally related or if they are concurrent

Definition 5

(\(m\ \smash {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{CT}}\ m'\)) The cBroadcast of a message \(m'\) may have been potentially caused by the cBroadcast of another message m, denoted as \(m\ \mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{CT}\ m'\), if from the point of view of CTS the cBroadcast event a of m happened–before the cBroadcast event b of \(m'\). More formally:

\(\begin{aligned} m \smash {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{CT}} m' \iff&a\smash {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{CT}} b\\&\wedge (a =<p, cBroadcast | m>) \\&\wedge (b = <q, cBroadcast |\ m'>) \end{aligned}\)

From now on, we use CT(a) instead of CT.stamp(a) when no confusion arises.

Theorem 1

CTS characterizes causality [14]. That is, \(\forall a, b \in \ H\):

  1. 1.

    \(a = b \iff a \smash {\mathop {=}\limits ^{CT}} \ b\)

  2. 2.

    \(a \rightarrow b \iff a \ \smash {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{CT}} \ b\)

  3. 3.

    \(a \ || \ b \iff a \ \smash {\mathop {||}\limits ^{CT}} \ b\)

The first condition asserts that the CTS gives only one timestamp to each event, and all events have different timestamps. The second condition asserts that the CTS always detects the causal relation among events. The third condition asserts that when two events are concurrent, the CTS detects that these events are concurrent. In order to prove these properties, let \(CT(a) = (i, seq_a, V_a)\) and \(CT(b) = (j, seq_b, V_b)\) be the timestamps of events a and b that happened in \(p_i\) and \(p_j\), respectively.


(1). Suppose that \(a = b\) holds. We want to prove that CTS clock only ticks once for each cBroadcast or cDeliver event happened. According to clock rules RV1 and RV2, an event only has one timestamp assigned by the CTS in the course of a run. Hence \(a = b \Rightarrow CT(a)\ \smash {\mathop {=}\limits ^{S}}\ CT(b)\). By definition of \(a\ \smash {\mathop {=}\limits ^{CT}}\ b\), it follows \(a = b \Rightarrow \ a\ \smash {\mathop {=}\limits ^{CT}}\ b\).

Conversely, now suppose \(a\ \smash {\mathop {=}\limits ^{CT}}\ b\). We want to prove that CTS clock never assigns the same timestamp to different events in a run. As CTS clock is a strictly monotonic increasing function, it never assigns in rules RV1 and RV2 the same timestamp to events a and b if they are different. Therefore, it follows that \(a\ \smash {\mathop {=}\limits ^{CT}}\ b \Rightarrow a = b\). \(\square\)


(2). First, we want to prove that CTS always detects the causal relation among any pair of events. That is, if \(a \rightarrow b \Rightarrow a \ \smash {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{CT}} \ b\). We prove by induction on the number n of events that happened after a and happened–before b. That is: P(n) :  if \(e_0 \rightarrow e_1 \rightarrow \ldots \rightarrow e_n\), where \(a = e_0 \wedge \ b = e_n\), then \(a \ \smash {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{CT}}\ b\).

Base case. The statement holds for \(n = 1\), i.e., a and b are consecutive events. We consider two cases.

Case 1. The event a happened before b in the same process \(p_i\). We have the following sub-cases:

  1. a)

    a can be any type of event and b is a cBroadcast event. Then, by rule RV1, \(seq_a < seq_b\), so by (6a) \(CT(a) <_S CT(b)\).

  2. b)

    a can be any type of event and b is a cDeliver event of a message m from \(p_k\). Then, by rule RV2, \((V_a[k] < V_b[k])\ \wedge \ (V_a[r] \le V_b[r]),\ \forall r \ne k\), so by (6a) \(CT(a) <_S CT(b)\).

As in both cases a) and b) it is true that \(CT(a) <_S CT(b)\), then by (9) it is true that \(a \smash {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{CT}}\ b\).

Case 2. The events a and b happened in different processes \(i \ne j\). Let a be the cBroadcast event in \(p_i\) of a message m and b be the cDeliver of m in \(p_j\). Then, by rule RV2 and condition CDR, it is true \((V_a[i] < V_b[i])\ \wedge \ (V_a[k] \le V_b[k]),\ \forall k \ne i\). Therefore by (6b) \(CT(a) <_S CT(b)\), so by (9) it is true that \(a \smash {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{CT}}\ b\).

Inductive step. For any \(k \ge 1\), if P(k) holds, then \(P(k+1)\) also holds. \(P(k+1):\) if \(e_0 \rightarrow e_1 \rightarrow \ldots \rightarrow e_k \rightarrow e_{k+1}\), where \(a = e_0\) and \(b = e_{k+1}\), then \(a \ \smash {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{CT}} \ b\).

By the induction hypothesis, we assume that \(n = k\) holds for a given k, meaning P(k) is true: if \(e_0 \rightarrow e_1 \ldots \rightarrow e_k\) where \(a = e_0\), then \(a \ \smash {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{CT}}\ e_k\). It follows that events \(e_k\) and \(b = e_{k+1}\) are consecutive events. By the base case, \(e_k \ \smash {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{CT}}\ b\) so it is true by (9) that \(CT(e_k) <_S CT(b)\). By the induction hypothesis \(a\ \smash {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{CT}}\ e_k\), so it is true by (9) that \(CT(a) <_S CT(e_k)\). Then, as \(CT(a)<_S CT(e_k) <_S CT(b)\), it follows that \(CT(a) <_S CT(b)\) and by (9) it is true that \(a\ \smash {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{CT}}\ b\).

Since both the base case and the inductive step have been proved as true, it is true, for any events \(a,b \in H\), that if \(a \rightarrow b\) then \(a\ \smash {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{CT}}\ b\).

Second, we want to prove that if CTS “believes” that a and b are causally related, then a happened-before b. That is, if \(a\ \smash {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{CT}}\ b \Rightarrow a \rightarrow b\). We use a proof by contradiction. We have to prove two cases: (1) CTS “believes” that a and b are causally related but a and b are concurrent and (2) CTS “believes” that a and b are causally related but \(b \rightarrow a\).

Case 1. Assume for the sake of contradiction that CTS “believes” that a and b are causally related but a and b are concurrent. That is, \(a\ \smash {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{CT}}\ b \Rightarrow a\ ||\ b\). If a and b are concurrent, these events necessarily happened in different processes \(p_i\) and \(p_j\) respectively. In addition, the event a cannot be a cBroadcast event of a message m in \(p_i\) and b cannot be a cDeliver event of m in \(p_j\). Also there do not exist two events c and d, where c is the cBroadcast in \(p_i\) of a message m and d is the cDeliver of m in \(p_j\), such that \(a \rightarrow c\) and \(d \rightarrow b\). However, from the point of view of CTS a and b are causally related, so by (9) \(CT(a)<_S CT(b)\). In addition, as a and b happened in \(p_i\) and \(p_j\) respectively, by (6b), \(V_a[i] < V_b[i]\ \wedge \ V_a \le V_b\). So, the local clock of \(p_j\) had to cDelivered a message m from \(p_i\) according to rule RV2) of CTS in a event that happened before b or in the same event b. This fact contradicts the fact that a and b are concurrent. Thus, if CTS “believes” a and b are causally related it is not possible that a and b are concurrent events.

Case 2. Assume for the sake of contradiction that CTS “believes” that a and b are causally related but \(b \rightarrow a\). If from the point of view of CTS a and b are causally related, then \(CT(a) <_S CT(b)\) by (9). Every time an event happens, the CTS clock increments its value according to clock rules RV1 and RV2, so if a were to happen after b, this would imply that CT(a) could not be less that CT(b) by (6a) and (6b) contradicting the fact that \(CT(b) <_S CT(a)\). Thus, if CTS “believes” a and b are causally related it is not possible that \(b \rightarrow a\).

Since both cases have been proved by contradiction, it is true, for any events \(a,b \in H\), that if \(a\ \smash {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{CT}}\ b\) then \(a \rightarrow b\). \(\square\)


(3). Suppose that a||b. Def. 2 says that \(a || b \iff not\ (a \rightarrow b)\ \wedge \ not\ (b \rightarrow a)\). Considering the property (2) of theorem 1, it is true that

a||b \(\Rightarrow not\ (a \smash {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{CT}} b) \wedge \ not\ (b \smash {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{CT}} a)\). Thus, it follows by (11) that \(a\ ||\ b \Rightarrow a \smash {\mathop {||}\limits ^{CT}} b\).

Conversely, suppose \(a \smash {\mathop {||}\limits ^{CT}} b\). Considering the property (2) and the definition of concurrent events in the relation CT, it is true that

\(a \smash {\mathop {||}\limits ^{CT}} b \Rightarrow not\ (a \rightarrow b) \wedge not\ (b \rightarrow a)\). Hence \(a \smash {\mathop {||}\limits ^{CT}} b\Rightarrow a\ ||\ b\). \(\square\)

Theorem 2

\(m \smash {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{c}} m' \iff m \smash {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{CT}} m'\)


Let a and b be the cBroadcast events of messages m and \(m'\) respectively, where \(a \rightarrow b\). As CTS characterizes causality, it is true that \(a \rightarrow b \iff a \smash {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{CT}} b\). Therefore, by Def. 3 and Def. 5, \(m \smash {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{c}} m' \iff m \smash {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{CT}} m'\). \(\square\)

Theorem 3

CTS timestamps cDeliver events respect the causal order Delivery rule (Def. 4).


Let a and b be the cBroadcast events of messages m and \(m'\) respectively. By hypothesis, message m is cBroadcast before the cBroadcast of \(m'\). First, consider that m and \(m'\) are cBroadcast by the same sender p. According to condition (5a) of CTS, messages from the same sender are cDelivered in FIFO order. Therefore m is causally delivered in any process before \(m'\). Second, consider that m and \(m'\) were cBroadcast by p and q with timestamps \((p, seq_m, V_m)\) and \((q, seq_{m'}, V_{m'})\) respectively. Then, it is true that \(V_m[p] < V_{m'}[p]\). According to condition (5b) of CDC and theorem 2, in any process r, message \(m'\) cannot be cDelivered unless \(V_{m'}[p] \le V_r[p]\). Hence, m has already been cDelivered in process r. \(\square\)

The important property of CTS of capturing with the maximal accuracy the happened–before relation among cBroadcast and cDeliver events improves the quality of the passive monitoring of distributed applications. In the next section we define a passive monitor for the global predicate evaluation of distributed applications that use a CRB with CTS and illustrate the monitoring with an example.

6 Consistent global state monitoring algorithm for CTS

In this section we propose a consistent Global State Monitoring algorithm (GSM) for monitoring passively the CTS timestamp events in a distributed application, in order to construct consistent global states. The distributed application uses a causal reliable broadcast service that implements causal delivery with the Causal Timestamp System (CTS) described in Sect. 5. For short we refer to GSM for CTS as GSM.

This GSM algorithm is a variation of the algorithm from [24], where our monitor receives CTS-timestamps not only of cBroadcast events but also of cDeliver events. This increase in the number of correctly timestamped events will allow our monitor to detect more fine-grained global state transitions, and hence to get better global predicate evaluations. This monitor schema can be generalized as a stream processing system of cBroadcast and cDeliver events that can be causally ordered according to their timestamps and then analyzed either with an on-line monitor or off-line from a database [28].

GSM algorithm assumes the model described in Sect. 3, but with some failure model variations described in [24]. It assumes that during the monitoring executions, application processes \(\in P\) do not fail. It also assumes that the monitor is a correct process. Application processes communicate with the monitor using reliable point-to-point links. Application processes use the reliable broadcast communication layer and, on top of this layer, all processes use the causal broadcast service. In order to let application processes to access event timestamp information, GSM assumes that the causal broadcast service delivers each timestamp of every event (cBroadcast and cDeliver) to the application process as soon as they happen. With all of these assumptions, the monitoring algorithm can ensure that if an application process cBroadcast a message m, it will be cDelivered in any application process (reliable broadcast properties of Def. 1) and the notifications of the corresponding CTS timestamps of cBroadcast and cDeliver events will be sent reliably from the application processes to the monitor process.

These timestamp notifications must causally order by the monitor. For this purpose, the monitor uses a clock that is implemented by two vectors for counting the application cBroadcast event timestamps causally delivered by GSM and the application cDeliver event timestamps causally delivered by GSM respectively. The reason that the GSM uses two vectors instead of the one used by CTS is that the monitor algorithm needs to causally order timestamps of cBroadcast and cDeliver notifications, while the application processes only need to causally order timestamps of cBroadcast messages.

6.1 The global state monitoring algorithm

The global state monitoring algorithm has two parts: the distributed application A that runs P processes that communicate among them with the Causal Reliable Broadcast abstraction, and a passive Global State Monitor process GSM that communicates with each application process with a reliable point to point channel. Each application process sends messages to GSM containing CTS-timestamps of causal broadcast (cBroadcast) and causal deliver (cDeliver) events as soon as the events happen in the process, and GSM delivers them in causal order. The event \(<p, send\ |\ GSM, m_e>\) is used by the process p for sending a message \(m_e\) with the timestamp of an event e to GSM, while the event \(<GSM, deliver\ |\ m_e>\) is used by GSM to deliver a timestamp message \(m_e\).

Let a and b be any pair of events \(\in H\) where a happened–before b, and \(m_a\) and \(m_b\) be the messages containing the CTS-timestamps of a and b respectively. The GSM process implements the following causal monitoring delivery rule:

\(\begin{aligned}&a \rightarrow b \Rightarrow \\&<GSM, Deliver\ |\ m_a>\ \rightarrow \ <GSM, Deliver\ |\ m_b > \end{aligned}\)

This rule is implemented in GSM using a local logical clock called Monitoring Clock (MC) and the following delivery conditions:

  • BDC is the cBroadcast Delivery Condition. GSM causally delivers a timestamp \(m_e\) of cBroadcast event e that happened in \(p_j\) when the MC clock time is greater than the timestamps of all cBroadcast and cDeliver events in \(p_j\) that happened–before e.

  • DDC is the cDeliver Delivery Condition. GSM causally delivers a timestamp \(m_e\) of cDeliver event e in \(p_j\) when the MC clock time is greater than all timestamps of events in \(p_j\) that happened–before e, and for each of these events that are cDeliver events, the MC clock time is also greater than their corresponding cBroadcast event timestamps, no matter the sender.

When a cBroadcast or cDeliver timestamp message \(m_e\) fulfills the condition BDC or DDC respectively, MC clock ticks just before GSM causally delivers \(m_e\).

The clock MC is implemented by two vectors: Broadcast Vector (BV) and Delivery Vector (DV). BV counts the application cBroadcast event timestamps causally delivered by GSM. DV counts the application cDeliver event timestamps causally delivered by GSM.

More formally, the monitor GSM is defined as a tuple (HSMCBDCDDC) where:

  1. 1.

    H is the global history of cBroadcast and cDeliver events of the application A.

  2. 2.

    S is the set of timestamps. A timestamp is an event identifier of the form \((j,seq_j, V_j)\), where j represents the process \(p_j\) where the event happened, \(seq_j\) is the number of messages cBroadcast by \(p_j\) and \(V_j\) is a P-vector of the set \({\mathbb {N}}^{|P|}\) of integers, that represents the cDelivered messages in \(p_j\).

  3. 3.

    MC is the Monitor Clock. The monitor GSM causally delivers a message \(m_e\) with the timestamp \((j, seq_j, V_j)\) of a cBroadcast or cDeliver event e that happened in \(p_j\). This causal delivery is expressed according to the following rules for updating MC:

    1. RM0)

      Initialization. \(\forall j \in \{0, \ldots , |P|-1\}\):

      \(BV[j] = 0\)

      \(DV[j] = 0\)

    2. RM1)

      Let \(m_e\) be a message received by GSM that is the timestamp of a cBroadcast event e in \(p_j\) that fulfills the BDC condition. Before \(m_e\) is Delivered by GSM:

      \(BV[j] = BV[j] + 1\)

    3. RM2)

      Let \(m_e\) be a message received by GSM that is the timestamp of a cDeliver event e in \(p_j\) that fulfills the DDC condition. Before \(m_e\) is Delivered by GSM:

      \(DV[j] = DV[j] + 1\)

  4. 4.

    BDC is the delivery condition for cBroadcast events. A message \(m_e\) with timestamp \((j, seq_j, V_j)\) of a cBroadcast event e in \(p_j\) can be causally delivered by GSM if the following conditions hold:

    1. BDC1)

      \(BV[j]+1 = seq_j\)

      (i.e., GSM knows all cBroadcast events in \(p_j\) that happened–before the event e)

    2. BDC2)

      \(DV[j] = \displaystyle \sum _{k} V_j[k]\)

      (i. e. GSM knows all cDeliver events in \(p_j\) that happened–before the event e)

  5. 5.

    DDC is the delivery condition for cDeliver events. A message \(m_e\) with the timestamp \((j, seq_j, V_j)\) of a cDeliver event e in \(p_j\) can be causally delivered by GSM if the following conditions hold:

    1. DDC1)

      \(BV[j] = seq_j\)

      (i.e., GSM knows all cBroadcast events in \(p_j\) up to the event e)

    2. DDC2)

      \(BV[k] \ge V_j[k],\ \forall k \ne j\)

      (i.e., GSM knows at least \(V_j[k]\) cBroadcast events from \(p_k\))

    3. DDC3)

      \(DV[j]+1 = \displaystyle \sum _{k} V_j[k]\)

      (i.e., GSM knows all cDeliver events that happened–before the event e in \(p_j\))

Fig. 3
figure 3

Example of the global state monitoring algorithm using CTS timestamps, where GSM is the monitor process and \(p_i\) are the application processes that communicate using the Causal Reliable Broadcast service with our CTS

Figure 3 shows how the algorithm delivers the event messages in the monitor process. It shows how the monitor delays the delivery of the message from \(p_0\) with timestamp [0, 1, (1, 1, 1)]. This message is a cDeliver event of a message cBroadcast by process \(p_2\) with timestamp [2, 1, (1, 1, 0)]. Hence the monitor must delay the deliver of the cDeliver event at least until it has delivered its corresponding cBroadcast event. Of course, it also must delay the delivery of cDeliver event until it has delivered all the other causal preceding events of this one such as the events with timestamps [0, 1, (0, 0, 0)], [2, 0, (1, 1, 0)], [1, 1, (0, 0, 0)], and [2, 0, (0, 1, 0)]

Now we will show that GSM algorithm satisfies the safety an liveness properties. First, we prove that the causal order delivery property is never violated (safety). Assume that GSM receives messages m and \(m'\) from \(p_j\) and \(p_k\) respectively. Assume that m has the timestamp \(t = (j, seq_e, V_e)\) corresponding to an event e in \(p_j\) and \(m'\) has the timestamp \(t' = (k, seq_{e'}, V_{e'})\) corresponding to an event \(e'\) in \(p_k\). Let e happened–before \(e' (e \rightarrow e')\). Next we will prove that as CTS characterizes causality (theorem 1), \(e \rightarrow e' \Leftrightarrow t <_S t'\) and thus GSM must deliver m before \(m'\).

Theorem 4

Safety property. The Monitoring Algorithm delivers messages in causal order. I. e. for any events \(e, e' \in H\), if \(e \rightarrow e'\) then GSM delivers m before \(m'\).


We give a proof by induction on the number n of events that happened after e and happened–before \(e'\). That is: P(n) :  if \(e_0 \rightarrow e_1 \rightarrow \ldots \rightarrow e_n\), where \(e = e_0 \wedge \ e' = e_n\) then GSM delivers m before \(m'\).

Base case. The statement holds for \(n = 1\), i.e., e and \(e'\) are consecutive events. We consider two cases.

Case 1. m and \(m'\) are both transmitted by the same process \(p_j\). We have the following sub-cases:

  1. a)

    e can be any type of event and \(e'\) is a cBroadcast event, both in \(p_j\). Then by rule RV1 of Sect. 5, \(seq_e < seq_{e'}\) and \(V_e \le V_{e'}\). Hence, under the BDC1 condition of Sect. 6, \(BV[j] +1 = seq_{e'}\) (GSM must have Delivered all the cBroadcasts from \(p_j\) previous to the cBroadcast of m) and, under the BDC2 condition of Sect. 6, \(DV [j] = \displaystyle \sum _{k}V_{e'}[k]\) (GSM must have Delivered all cDeliver events that happened–before \(m'\)). Then GSM must Deliver m before \(m'\).

  2. b)

    e can be any type of event and \(e'\) is a cDeliver event in \(p_j\). Then \(seq_e \le seq_{e'}\) and \(V_e < V_{e'}\). Hence, under the rule DDC1 in Sect. 6, \(BV [j] = seq_{e'}\) (GSM knows all cBroadcast events of j up to event \(e'\)) and, under the DDC3 condition in Sect. 6, \(DV [j] + 1 = \displaystyle \sum _{k}V_{e'}[k]\) (GSM knows all cDeliveries in \(p_j\) that happened–before \(e'\)), GSM must Deliver m before \(m'\).

Case 2. m and \(m'\) are transmitted by two distinct processes \(p_j\) and \(p_k\). Message m corresponds to the cBroadcast event e of a message x in \(p_j\) and \(m'\) corresponds to the cDeliver event \(e'\) of this message x in \(p_k\). Then, by rule RV2 of Sect. 5, \(seq_e = V_{e'}[j], V_e[j] < V_{e'}[j]\), and \(V_e[i] \le V_{e'}[i] \forall i \ne j\). Hence, under the condition DDC2 in Sect. 6, \(BV [j] \ge V_{e'}[j]\) (GSM knows at least \(V_{e'}[j]\) cBroadcast events from \(p_j\)), GSM must Deliver m before \(m'\).

Inductive step. Show that for any \(k \ge 1\), if P(k) holds, then \(P(k+1)\) also holds. That is: \(P(k+1):\) if \(e_0 \rightarrow e_1 \rightarrow \ldots \rightarrow e_k \rightarrow e_{k+1}\) then GSM Delivers m before \(m'\). Assume by the induction hypothesis that for a particular k, the single case \(n = k\) holds, meaning P(k) is true: if \(e_0 \rightarrow e_1 \ldots \rightarrow e_k\) then GSM Delivers m before \(m_k\). It follows that: Events \(e_k\) and \(e_{k+1}\) are consecutive events that can happen in the same process or in different processes. Then, it is true by the base case that GSM Delivers \(m_k\) before \(m_{k+1}\). Also, by the induction hypothesis GSM Delivers m before \(m_k\), then it follows that GSM Delivers m before \(m_{k+1}\). That is, the statement \(P(k+1)\) also holds true, establishing the inductive step. Since both the base case and the inductive step have been proved as true, by mathematical induction it follows for any events \(e, e' \in H\), if \(e \rightarrow e'\) then GSM Delivers m before \(m'\). \(\square\)

Now we prove that any message received by the monitor process will be eventually Delivered (liveness).

Theorem 5

Liveness property. The Monitoring algorithm never delays the Delivery of a message indefinitely.


To prove liveness, we will suppose that there exists an event \(e_k\) (cBroadcast or cDeliver) of which GSM has notice after receiving a message m from \(p_k\) informing of \(e_k\), and that this message is never Delivered at GSM. Then we will show that we end up with a contradiction. Message m comes with the timestamp \((p_k, seq_k, V_k)\). \(\forall i \ne k, V_k[i]\) counts the number of cBroadcast events in \(p_i\) that causally precede \(e_k\), and \(seq_k\) counts the number of cBroadcast events in \(p_k\) that causally precede \(e_k\). Also, either \(e_k\) is cBroadcast event and \(V_k[k]\) counts the number of cDeliver events in \(p_k\) that causally precede \(e_k\), or \(e_k\) is a cDeliver event and \(V_k[k]-1\) counts the number of cDeliver events in \(p_k\) that causally precede \(e_k\). Finally, \(\forall j \ne k\), if \(e_j\) is the cBroadcast that corresponds with the \(V_k[j]\)-th and last cBroadcast from \(p_j\) that causally precedes event \(e_k\), and \(e_j\) has the timestamp \((p_j, seq_j, V_j)\), then \(V_j[j]\) counts the number of cDeliver events in \(p_j\) that causally precede \(e_k\). The number of events that causally precede \(e_k\) is thus bounded. In absence of failure, and after a finite time, messages of all these events will have arrived to GSM, and event \(e_k\) will be deliverable (see the causal delivery rules). Note that, by the delivery rules, a message of a cDeliver event \(e_r\) cannot be Delivered in GSM if its corresponding cBroadcast event message has not been Delivered in GSM and also that a cBroadcast event \(e_s\) of a process s cannot be Delivered in GSM if the Deliver events in s that causally precede \(e_s\) have not been delivered in GSM.

So, if \(e_k\) cannot be delivered, there exists an event \(e_i\), such that \(e_i \rightarrow e_k\), which is never Delivered. The same reasoning applied to \(e_k\) can again be applied to \(e_i\), and so on. As the number of events causally preceding \(e_k\) is finite, we end up with an event \(e_n\) which has no event causally preceding it. So \(e_n\) will be Delivered enabling the delivery of \(e_i\) and \(e_k\), which shows the contradiction. \(\square\)

7 Example: monitored domotic application using CTS

Fig. 4
figure 4

Domotic example of causal reliable broadcast with two monitoring systems: Monitor for Birman’s CRB and GSM for CTS. The state transition diagram in the bottom right shows the meaning of both the states and the transitions. The space-time diagram shows how the alarm system is activated with an activate cBroadcast and how an alarm rings with a movement cBroadcast. Also shows how notifications of all the events are sent and delivered to the monitor process

This section describes an example of a domotic application that allows comparing two passive monitoring systems, the GSM monitoring system as described in Sect. 6 and the Babaoǧlu monitoring for Birman’s CRB as described in [24].

The domotic application is made up of an alarm keypad to arm and disarm the surveillance system, sensors for detecting intrusions and actuators to ring alarms, and a passive monitor. This application is distributed, with processes controlling the keypad, sensors and actuators respectively. When we refer to the monitor for Birman’s CRB, it is assumed that processes communicate using the Birman’s CRB algorithm and its timestamping described in Sect. 2. When we refer to the GSM monitor, processes communicate using a CRB with CTS timestamping, as it is described in 5.

Each monitoring system receives notifications from processes of the domotic application. GSM monitor receives notifications of cBroadcast and cDeliver events. The monitor for Birman’s CRB receives only notifications of cBroadcast events. Based on these notifications, these monitors can compute consistent global states and evaluate predicates.

Figure 4 shows on its lower right side a state diagram that models the behavior of the alarm system. It shows the states and the meaningful transitions of the state machine implemented by the domotic application. Both, processes controlling sensors and actuators and the monitor processes implement this same state machine. However, they are not replicated state machines. Each application process transitions through a different sequence of states depending on the order of cDeliver of the received messages, which can be different due to concurrent events. On the other hand, the GSM monitor transitions when it receives notifications of cBroadcast and cDeliver events. However, the monitor for Birman’s CRB transitions when it receives cBroadcast events.

While the system is in the Deactivated initial state, the user can arm the alarm system through the keypad, what triggers the Activate transition to the Activated state. While the system is in the Activated state, the event of a sensor detecting movement triggers the Movement transition to the Alarm state, with the associated action of ringing the alarm. While the system is in the Alarm state, either (1) a timeout event stops the bell action and triggers the Timeout transition to the Activated state, or (2) the event of a user deactivating the alarm in the keypad stops the bell and triggers the Deactivate transition to the Deactivated state.

We assume that our domotic application is implemented using three processes that perform different actions: process \(p_1\) controls the keypad, process \(p_2\) controls the movement sensors, and process \(p_3\) rings the alarm. These processes cBroadcast notifications that, when cDelivered, cause the corresponding transitions in the receiving processes.

We also assume that each monitoring system is implemented by a monitor process having two layers: (1) a monitor’s communication layer that delivers in causal order the notification messages it receives informing of the corresponding events in \(p_1, p_2, p_3\), and (2) the monitor’s application layer that detects state transitions of the domotic application and evaluates predicates.

Figure 4 shows a space-time diagram of an execution scenario, with the domotic application processes \(p_1,p_2,p_3\), and the monitor processes. The diagram does not show the vector clocks neither in the domotic application nor in the monitors. The domotic application processes deliver their messages in causal order and the monitors deliver the application event notifications in causal order too.

At \(t_1\) the three processes are in the Deactivated state. The user arms the alarm in the keypad and so process \(p_1\) broadcasts m1 informing of the Activate transition. Upon delivery of m1 different actions occur in each process:

  • \(p_1\): it transitions locally to the Activated state.

  • \(p_2\): it transitions locally to the Activated state and turns on the movement sensors.

  • \(p_3\): it transitions locally to the Activated state.

At \(t_2\) the three processes are in the Activated state. Movement is detected by a sensor and thus process \(p_2\) cBroadcasts \(m_3\) informing of the Movement transition. Upon cDeliver of \(m_3\) different actions occur in each process:

  • \(p_1\): it transitions locally to the Alarm state. Although not shown in the figure, note that after \(t_2\), if \(p_1\) does not either self-cDeliver a message \(m_2\) informing of the Deactivate transition, or cDeliver a message m4 informing of the Timeout transition sent by \(p_3\), then it could detect that \(p_3\) is failing and no user is deactivating the alarm. In this case \(p_1\) could send, for example, an SMS message to the user cellphone.

  • \(p_2\): it transitions locally to the Alarm state.

  • \(p_3\): it transitions locally to the Alarm state, activating the ringing of the bell through a local actuator.

At \(t_3\) the three processes are in the Alarm state. The bell is still ringing, and a timeout event TO occurs at \(p_3\), which broadcasts m4 informing of the Timeout transition. Upon cDelivery of m4 different actions occur in each process:

  • \(p_1\): it transitions locally to the Activated state.

  • \(p_2\): it transitions locally to the Activated state.

  • \(p_3\): it stops the bell and transitions locally to the Activated state.

At \(t_4\) the three processes are in the Activated state. Movement is detected again by a sensor and thus process \(p_2\) cBroadcasts \(m_3\) informing of the Movement transition. With respect to the cDeliveries of message \(m_3\), we have already shown above what are their effects in the different processes. In particular, \(p_3\) starts ringing the bell. Approximately at \(t_4\), in parallel the user disarms the alarm in the keypad and so \(p_1\) cBroadcasts \(m_2\) informing of the Deactivate transition. Upon cDelivery of \(m_2\) different actions occur in each process:

  • \(p_1\): it transitions locally to the Deactivated state.

  • \(p_2\): it transitions locally to the Deactivated state and turns off the movement sensors.

  • \(p_3\): it transitions locally to the Deactivated state, it cancels the timer and before the timeout TO is triggered it stops the bell.

In the space-time diagram we see that the cDelivery order of these last two concurrent messages \(m_2\) and \(m_3\) is different depending on the process.

Note, although the effect of cDeliver of concurrent messages causes different sequences of transitions in the local state machines of different processes, all process state machines eventually converge to the same state. For example, in Fig. 4 we see that \(p_1\) does not transition to the Alarm state after cDelivering \(m_3\) because it cDelivers \(m_2\) before, and so it is in the Deactivated state when it cDelivers \(m_3\). But both, \(p_2\) and \(p_3\) cDeliver first \(m_3\), entering the Alarm state before they cDeliver \(m_2\). Eventually, the three processes reach the Deactivated state after they have cDelivered both messages.

7.1 States observed in the GSM using the CTS

The process labeled as Global States Monitor in the top of Fig. 4 shows the states observed by the GSM. The communication subsystem of the GSM causally cDelivers the notifications of the cBroadcasts and cDeliver events that happen in \(p_1, p_2\) and \(p_3\). For example, in Fig.  4 the notification of cBroadcast of \(m_1\) event in \(p_1\) and its corresponding cDeliver events in all processes \(p_1\), \(p_2\) and \(p_3\) are cDelivered in causal order in GSM. The same happens with all other messages.

The application part of the GSM computes the state transitions of the alarm system based on the notifications delivered. As a design decision (other valid design decisions are possible), GSM considers that a transition occurs when it has received notifications of a cBroadcast event of a given message and all of the cDeliver events of that message in \(p_1, p_2, p_3\). Global states are shown with labels and colors corresponding with the names of the states in the state machine. Note that the GSM receives more information about the functioning of the domotic application than the processes themselves because the GSM receives notifications about the cDeliver events occurring in all processes, while processes \(p_1,p_2,p_3\) only know about its own cDeliver events.

The sequence of transitions observed by the GSM is computed using the same state machine that is used by the rest of processes.

As we explained above, the three state machines of the application processes may transit through different sequences of states due to the order of concurrent cBroadcast and cDeliver events. Note that the state machine of GSM may also differ in the sequence of states it observes with respect to the sequences observed by the application processes. The GSM and application processes eventually converge to the same state.

In the example, GSM computes first the notifications of the cBroadcast and cDeliver events of message \(m_2\) sent by \(p_1\) at \(t_4\). Later it computes the notifications of the cBroadcast and cDeliver events of message \(m_3\) sent by \(p_2\). Thus the GSM observes the same state transitions that \(p_2\) and \(p_3\), which is different from the one observed at \(p_1\).

7.2 Monitoring using Birman’s causal broadcast

In order to assess GSM algorithm that uses CTS, we are going to compare it now with the monitoring system proposed by Babaoǧlu et al. [24] that uses a CRB algorithm similar to Birman’s.

In this monitoring system the processes of the domotic application are implemented using the Birman’s CRB algorithm and its timestamps for CRB communication, instead of using CTS like in our GSM. This monitoring system now works as follows: every time an application process cBroadcasts a message m, it also sends the monitor for Birman’s CRB a notification message with the vector timestamp of the cBroadcast of m. In every instant, the monitor for Birman’s CRB can construct a consistent observation of the global state by causal ordering only cBroadcast timestamps and evaluate global predicates over this global state.

In the topmost of Fig.  4, labeled as monitor for Birman’s CRB, we show the sequence of notifications of the cBroadcast events that this monitor receives from the domotic application, the causal order delivery of those notifications and finally, the application state transitions that the monitor for Birman’s CRB process calculates.

7.3 Discussion

As we have seen above in previous Sect. 7.2 (monitoring using Birman’s Broadcast), the monitoring system that uses Birman’s CRB algorithm does not notify cDeliver events to the monitor. Thus, the monitor for Birman’s CRB cannot know about the existence of a cDeliver of a message m that happened on a process p until it receives a notification of a ulterior cBroadcast event of a message \(m'\) in p that depends causally of m. Furthermore, the monitor will never know the program ordering of cDeliver events in p occurred between two consecutive cBroadcast events in p. Therefore, the monitor for Birman’s CRB might not be able to reason, among other global state predicates, about the causal delivery predicate in every process.

On the other hand, our Global State Monitoring (GSM) that uses CTS has more information about the monitored system because it receives notifications of the cDeliver events, and not only of cBroadcast events. With these notifications, our GSM monitor makes more accurate global predicate evaluations over a run compared with the monitoring system with Birman’s CRB timestamp. For example, our GSM evaluates systematically global predicates such as the properties of the CRB abstraction. Hence, our GSM gives a more structured tool for solving the problem of the ad-hoc verification techniques described in Sect. 1.

Hence, when monitoring with Birman’s CRB algorithm, the number of global states of the system and the number of global predicates that the monitor can evaluate are both less than the number of states and predicates that our GSM can evaluate. Also, the evaluation of predicates over chained global states to detect bad patterns can be made more accurate with our GSM than with Birman’s CRB monitoring [23].

As an example, it can be seen in Fig.  4 that the GSM does not consider the alarm system is activated (transition to SAC state) until it has received the notifications of both the cBroadcast and all the cDeliver events of \(m_1\). To get the same global state information with the monitoring system using Birman’s CRB algorithm, the monitor would have to wait the reception of the cBroadcast notifications of messages that have \(m_1\) as their causal predecessor from each application processes to ensure that all of them have cDelivered \(m_1\).

Another example of use of our GSM that evaluates predicates online is the one that detects communication failures in the application, i.e., if it cDelivers the notification of cBroadcast of \(m_1\) but it does not cDeliver all the notifications of cDelivers of \(m_1\) in the application processes. The offline evaluation of predicates, also called postmortem analysis, is easier with our GSM, as it is explained in the next section.

7.4 Postmortem analysis of the domotic example

A postmortem analysis of events of an execution of the domotic application is useful among others for (1) the discovery of the possible causes of an unexpected incident detected by the application, (2) the discovery of common or unusual patterns of events in executions, and (3) detection of bugs in the implementation of the CRB abstraction used in the domotic application.

We show here that the use of our CTS simplifies the implementation of this kind of postmortem analysis process. The postmortem analysis is simpler than the global state monitoring because application processes can store locally the events with their timestamps, and the postmortem analysis process just needs to retrieve the whole set of events after the end of an execution. Previously to any analysis, the events must be causally sorted. To do this sorting, the postmortem analysis process just needs to apply the set of relations \(R_S\) of our CTS, defined in Sect. 5. With those CTS relations all cBroadcast and cDeliver events can be successfully causally ordered to get a consistent analysis. Then, the partial order can be extended to a causal total order by using the process unique identifiers of the events as in [2].

Note that with the timestamp system of the Birman’s CRB algorithm it is possible to make the kind of postmortem analysis explained above but using only cBroadcast events. In this case, the analysis will be of worse resolution due to a lower number of events processed.

8 Related work

In this paper we have formally defined a causal timestamp system (CTS) based on logical vector clocks to implement the Causal Reliable Broadcast (CRB) abstraction with the maximal accuracy among cBroadcast and cDeliver events. The formalization of our CTS follows the timestamp framework defined by Torres et al. [14].

CRB algorithm by Birman et al. [7] is certainly the most well-known and widest used algorithm of the vector clock CRB algorithms [21, 22, 25, 29] that captures with the maximal accuracy the causal relation among cBroadcast events. However, Birman’s CRB algorithm (and, as far as we know, all vector-based CRB algorithms) only timestamps globally cBroadcast but not cDeliver events. Therefore with Birman’s CRB algorithm tracking causality among cBroadcast and cDeliver events with timestamps is not possible.

As it was explained in Sect. 1 there are two techniques to address the scalability problems of vector clocks. The first one compresses the causal information to be transmitted in different ways. The compression proposals in [7, 9,10,11,12] are not scalable, because in a group of P processes, the complexity of message overhead is O(P), which it is not acceptable for a large value of P.

The proposal in [30] introduces Encoded Vector Clocks (EVCs) using prime numbers, where each event timestamp is represented by a single scalar number, characterizing causality regardless of the dynamic number of processes of the system. However, the drawback lies in the exponential storage growth and operational complexity required by EVCs. Conversely, in [13], Resettable Encoded Vector Clocks (REVCs) are built on EVCs to solve the problem of the exponential storage growth of EVCs. A REVC performs a clock reset operation whenever its value overflows a predefined number of bits. However, REVCs suffer from overheads in computation time and unbounded linear storage growth with respect of the number of messages. To address these challenges, REVCs can operate within an upper bound on storage requirements, which may entail sacrificing some degree of causal precision.

In this family, we also consider the clocks of a constant size M that are scalable with respect to the number of processes P, as \(M < P\). In plausible clocks [14] each process maintains a plausible vector clock of size M where each vector clock entry might track events generated by several processes, so plausible clocks do not characterize causality. Bloom clocks [15] based on the Bloom filter [31] are used to probabilistically assess causality among events in a system. In [16], a Bloom clock is proposed for a system with P processes. Each process \(p_i\) maintains a Bloom clock \(B_i\), which is a vector of M integers and k random hash functions. Each hash function maps to one of the m indices in \(B_i\). Every time an event occurs in \(p_i\), all k hash functions are applied to their corresponding positions in \(B_i\), and then these corresponding positions are incremented. Bloom clocks exhibit the best performance among vector clocks of any size for determining causality. However, the drawback of these clocks is that the probability of detecting events as causally related when they are not related is greater than zero. In [32], recommendations for setting the Bloom clock parameters M and k to improve the precision of causal detection are provided.

The second technique to address scalability is based on network overlay topologies and FIFO channels [17,18,19,20], but these solutions have the problem of not characterizing causality.

Recently [12] has proposed a causal broadcast system that timestamps cBroadcast events in a similar way as we do in our CST system, although they do not explicitly identify and study a formal timestamp system as we have done with CTS in this paper.

In [4] a CRB communication system is proposed where the timestamps of cBroadcast message events are made available to the application layer so that it can order those timestamps to implement replicated databases. Other applications, like passive monitoring systems, could find beneficial to obtain not only the timestamps of cBroadcast events but also the cDeliver timestamp information provided by our CTS system.

Related with the global predicate evaluation over global states of a distributed system, in [24] it was proposed a monitoring system for applications that use CRB algorithms based on vector clocks. In a run, an external monitor passively records cBroadcast event timestamps generated by the application. Like the Global State Monitoring algorithm, [33, 34] also record global snapshots assuming that the underlying system supports causal message cDelivery, although unicast, not multicast. In both of them the monitor process must broadcast a token to every process including itself each time it wants to record a new global snapshot. In [30], it is also shown how to determine global states of distributed systems that use EVCs. In [13], a practical use of REVC for dynamic race detection is shown, with significant performance improvements over traditional logical clock implementations in tracking event causality. In [35], a kind of monitor algorithm is used to demonstrate impossibility and possibility results. This algorithm demonstrates that it is possible to detect the causal relation of events of an execution of a distributed application, where processes communicate with broadcast or unicast assuming a synchronous and byzantine model.

9 Conclusion

The proposed Causal Timestamp System (CTS) based on vector clocks provides an efficient and effective solution for timestamping cBroadcast and cDeliver events in the Causal Reliable Broadcast (CRB) abstraction. CTS simplifies the formal verification and testing of CRB implementations, allowing for improved accuracy and causality characterization.

The formal specification of CTS and the verification of its properties that we have done follow a well known formal timestamp framework. Furthermore, the proofs establish that CTS extends the maximal accuracy to cDeliver events while maintaining a comparable cost in terms of piggybacked information to the Birman’s CRB algorithm.

We have developed a new passive Global State Monitoring (GSM) algorithm tailored to our CRB with CTS that enables a finer-grained assessment of consistent global states and predicates. This advancement is particularly beneficial for distributed applications requiring global predicate evaluations, such as deadlock and termination detection, testing, and debugging.

The domotic example we presented showcases the practical application and comparative analysis of the GSM and CRB with CTS, offering insights into their functionalities and advantages over a passive monitor utilizing the Birman’s CRB algorithm. The inclusion of CTS timestamping of cDeliver events further highlights the usefulness and potential of our CRB with CTS algorithm.

Overall, this paper presents a novel timestamp system CTS for implementing the CRB abstraction, demonstrates its properties and benefits, and shows a new passive monitoring algorithm GSM. These findings open up possibilities for improved formal verification, online and offline testing, and debugging techniques in distributed systems based on CRB algorithms that use vector clocks, with potential applications in various domains.