1 Introduction

Quantum mechanics is a framework for understanding micro-universe. At a low scale of distance, we find several counter-intuitive phenomena, and physicists developed a framework to understand this universe, which is, Quantum mechanics. This framework provides information on a particle’s state described by a wave function, labeled as \(\psi (x,t)\). The Schrödinger equation describes the time evolution of this wave function, which contains all available information about the state [1]:

$$\begin{aligned} i \hbar \frac{\partial \mathinner {|{\psi (t)}\rangle }}{\partial t} = {\widehat{H}}(t)\mathinner {|{\psi (t)}\rangle }, \end{aligned}$$

where i is the imaginary unit, \(\hbar =1.054 \times 10^{-34}\) J s, which is a Planck’s constant, \(\mathinner {|{\psi }\rangle }(t)\) is time-dependent state. Also, \({\widehat{H}}(t)\) is the Hamiltonian operator which, for general purposes, represents the energy of the system. This formulation requires particular analysis due the notation, and mathematical concepts. In addition, we consider that physical magnitudes are in the real domain, \({\mathbb {R}},\) but the magnitudes in Eq. (1) are given by complex numbers, \({\mathbb {C}};\) therefore, we should talk about new ways to define some physical concepts.

Quantum computing (QC) has a good formalization through mathematics and physics frameworks. QC is relevant in different fields, such as classical fields theory [2,3,4,5]), computational security with quantum algorithms [6], physics [7], chemistry [8], biology [9], and learning from data as image recognition [10], and neural networks [11]. There are more contributions on medical and genetics.

Today, we find a quantum word in different contexts and systems. Some of these system require more analysis. Therefore, we share details and classification of different systems. Topological Quantum computer implements a finite-dimensional internal state space with no natural tensor product structure and in which the evolution of the state is discrete, namely the local Hamiltonian (H) is zero, \({\widehat{H}}=0.\) This function has the same definition as in (1). It has good stability to create trapped quantum particles [12]. One-way quantum computer (or cluster state) prepares a cluster (entangled, graph) state performs single qubit measurements on it [13]. Quantum Turing machine computer implements an abstract machine to model the effects of a quantum computer. This is also called a universal quantum computer model which captures all of the power of quantum computation [14]. A quantum universal gate (QUG) model is a sequence of reversible transformation which are represented by gates, a.k.a. quantum gates [15]. The graphical depiction of quantum circuit elements is described using a variant of the Penrose graphical notation [16]. A quantum circuit is a representation of a quantum operation that is performed sequentially. Logic qubits are transported on wires (shown by horizontal lines), and quantum gates (represented by blocks) act on the qubits in a typical quantum circuit. The logical gate is a device that controls or processes data; e.g., the Hadamard H and NOT X gates. Adiabatic quantum computation. This model relies on the adiabatic theorem and is closely related to quantum annealing [17]. Quantum machine learning (QML) is the integration of quantum algorithms within machine learning concepts. QML usually refers to ML algorithms for the analysis of classical data executed on a quantum computer, quantum-enhanced machine learning [17, 18]. We further recently found other classification based on speedup [9]. Exponential speedup. This model requires a quantum computer to make a better-quality approximation computationally tractable. In general, this is thought for high dimension, or degree of freedom systems. Polynomial speedup. This kind models do not usually need more qubits than are already needed to do calculations. Heuristic speedups. This model has great potential to be explored when quantum computers are working. We expect that our understanding of the performance of these heuristics will improve since the speedup level has some unknown issues. Interfacing with classical algorithms. This kind of paradigm has limitations rely on the ability to share the quantum and the classical computer. Big data and quantum RAM. This model has limitations associated with the superposition concept, and with the large dataset.

All above models are one scheme to perceive the quantum computing area, but this is an area with more details, and we will probably have other similar sketch soon.

This area and its paradigms such as adiabatic quantum computer, and QML can improve areas such as cybersecurity and cryptography which impacts in our communication systems. In addition, quantum algorithms can improve the performance of supercomputing. QC is one of the most popular concepts in the last decade, and we expect significant results and revolutionary ideas in this century.

As was discussed, QC has different models which can harness the laws of quantum mechanics to process information. We conceive supercomputing as the process of doing complex and large calculations using supercomputers. These supercomputers can use parallel processing. We can perform computations based on some quantum mechanical concepts such as superposition, entanglement, teleportation, and Dirac notation, among others to show the possible power of QC over classical computation that can possibly reduce the load in supercomputers. Many theoretical works prove a quantum advantage. However, current quantum devices are not at the stage to reflect these improvements in practices. We aim to review such approaches in QC and discuss possible implementations briefly.

In this paper, we review the Grover's algorithm and quantum machine learning. Our work is motivated by the amplitude amplification associated with Grovers’ Algorithms. We exploit amplitude amplification to propose a method to simulate classical logical circuits into quantum circuits. We use the CNOT and Toffoli gates to construct ANDOR, and XOR gates. In this review, we showed that we could construct an oracle for Grover’s algorithm for provided classical circuit and calculate the initial input states such that the output of the classical circuit is one with high probability.

This paper contains the following sections: Context, Models, and Methods (Sect. 2) with a description of different quantum computing paradigms. We present few algorithms in the machine learning context with their performance. In particular, this section discusses Grover’s algorithm and its implementation. We share the implementation code with Qiskit [19], in python [20, 21]. We present related works in Grover's algorithm with brief introduction on variational quantum algorithm and kernel methods in Sect. 3. The experimental setup, proposed methods and algorithm is described in Sect. 4. We present results and discussion in Sect. 5, and future works and conclusions are drawn in Sect. 6.

2 Context and models

As mentioned in Sect. 1, there are different branches in QC. QC is an active research field, and we can expect regular changes. However, for the scope of this paper, we consider two paradigms: quantum machine learning and quantum search algorithms. Some relevant algorithms for QC, such as Deutsch, Bernstein–Vazirani, Simon, Grover, and Shor will be discussed in Sect. 2.2. The following subsection presents the quantum computing topics explored in this paper.

2.1 Quantum computing

Quantum computing is an application of quantum theory calculus to calculate the probabilities of the output of measurements on physical system [22]. Quantum algorithms implement transformations which are matrices, in terms of Linear Algebra, and those have their particular (Dirac) representation [23]. Each transformation requires an operator to create superposition, rotation (on state), or another change on the system. Operator act on states. Each of those states has the form \(\mathinner {|{\psi }\rangle } = \alpha \mathinner {|{0}\rangle }+\beta \mathinner {|{1}\rangle },\) which is the general state in the \(\{\mathinner {|{0}\rangle }, \mathinner {|{1}\rangle }\}\) basis, where \(\{\alpha , \beta \}\) are complex numbers, a.k.a. amplitudes [24]. In quantum circuit model, one operator, namely acting on states, has the form:

$$\begin{aligned} H= & {} \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \begin{pmatrix} 1&{}1\\ 1&{}-1 \end{pmatrix}, \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} H= & {} \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \Big ( \mathinner {|{0}\rangle }\mathinner {\langle {0}|} +\mathinner {|{0}\rangle }\mathinner {\langle {1}|} +\mathinner {|{1}\rangle }\mathinner {\langle {0}|} -\mathinner {|{1}\rangle }\mathinner {\langle {1}|} \Big ). \end{aligned}$$

Where \(\mathinner {|{1}\rangle }= (0~~1)^T,\) \(\mathinner {|{0}\rangle }= (1~~0)^T,\) and \(\mathinner {\langle {1}|}=\mathinner {|{1}\rangle }^\dagger ,\) \(\mathinner {\langle {0}|}=\mathinner {|{0}\rangle }^\dagger \) live in the dual space. The product \(\mathinner {|{k}\rangle }\mathinner {\langle {l}|}\) is an operator, \(k,l \in \{0,1\}\), and the \(\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\) is a normalization factor. Equation. (2) is the matrix representation of Hadamard gate and (3) is its Dirac (bracket) representation. H transforms single-qubit as \(\mathinner {|{\psi }\rangle }.\) Nonetheless, we can propose a generalization, it means if we apply H on each qubit in a system with N qubits, the system is now on superposition.

2.2 Quantum algorithms

Quantum algorithms can be of two types: those to run on quantum computers, or to run on classical computer with quantum concepts executed as subroutine in quantum device. Regardless the type, these algorithms should improve speedup or processing of information.

Table 1 shows four basic quantum algorithms, their mappings, and their functions.

Table 1 Some quantum algorithms, mapping and a brief function description

Where Deutsch function maps from one qubit to one qubit, Deutsch–Jozsa and Bernstein–Vazirano function means maps from n qubits to one qubits, and Simon maps n qubits to one n qubits. On the other hand, \(\cdot \) and \(\oplus \) are product modulo 2, and exclusive OR, respectively.

Table 2 presents ten classical algorithms that are proven to achieve speedup with quantum computing.

Table 2 This table was inspired by ref. [25]. The column headed “Algorithm” refers the classical learning method. The column headed “Speedup” lists how much faster (if any) the quantum variant is compared with the best known classical version. And the column headed “Generalization Performance” indicates whether this quality of the learning algorithm was studied in the relevant articles

Quantum algorithms are those algorithms that run on a quantum computer. These algorithms achieve performance or efficiency improvements over any classical counterparts. Quantum algorithms and their applications include cryptography, medicine, search and optimization, solving linear equations, and simulating quantum systems [26]. Shor’s algorithm was one of the first algorithms to deliver the application of quantum computers [27]. Given an integer \(N = a \times b\), where a and b are the prime numbers, Shor’s algorithm factorizes this problem in \(O(\log N)^3\) complexity. Most cryptography relies on the difficulty of integer factorization. Shor’s algorithm implies that these systems are not safe against large quantum computer attacks. Possible applications and mathematical explanations of Shor’s algorithm are beyond this paper’s scope. Please refer [27,28,29] for detailed explanations and discussion on possible applications. Harrowe et al. first proposed a quantum algorithm for linear system [30]. Deutsch and Jozsa algorithm make a single query to determine whether a function from \({\mathbb {Z}}_2^n\) to \({\mathbb {Z}}_2\) is balanced or constant [23]. For this problem, any classical algorithm requires at least two function queries. Numerous quantum machine learning algorithms and applications have been proposed in recent years. In [31,32,33,34] the authors describe some of those algorithms with data encoding techniques, measurements, and their applications.

Grover’s algorithm enables us to find an item x from an unstructured dataset of N item with \(O(\sqrt{N})\) operations [35,36,37]. With the algorithm shown in Fig. 1, the goal is to find w,  given an oracle \(U_f\) with \(f:\{0,1\}^n \rightarrow \{0,1\},\)

$$\begin{aligned} f(x)= {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 1&{} \text {if } x=w\\ 0&{}\text {else if,} \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} _0(x)= {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 0&{} \text {if } x=000...0\\ 1&{}\text {else,} \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

where the phase oracle is

$$\begin{aligned}U_f\mathinner {|{x}\rangle } = (-1)^{f(x)}\mathinner {|{x}\rangle }, \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} U_f: {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \mathinner {|{w}\rangle } \rightarrow -\mathinner {|{w}\rangle } &{}\\ \mathinner {|{x}\rangle } \rightarrow \mathinner {|{x}\rangle } &{} \forall x\ne w. \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} U_f = 1 - 2 \mathinner {|{w}\rangle }\mathinner {\langle {w}|}, \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} {U_f}_0: {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \mathinner {|{0}\rangle } \rightarrow \mathinner {|{0}\rangle }^{\otimes n} &{}\\ \mathinner {|{x}\rangle } \rightarrow -\mathinner {|{x}\rangle } &{} \forall x\ne 00...000. \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

With this algorithm we want to find the input \(x \in \{0,1\}^n\) such that \(f(x)=1.\) With \(f:\{0,1\}^n \rightarrow \{0,1\}\) as an unknown function, where we implemented \(U_f\) as an oracle. \(y=w\) with highest probability. \(T = H^{\otimes n} U_{f_0}H^{\otimes n},\) from (4), we obtain \(U_{f_0} = 2 \big (\mathinner {|{0}\rangle }\mathinner {\langle {0}|}\big )^{\otimes n} - I.\) This result is known as reflection operator and it will be used soon [38].

Fig. 1
figure 1

Quantum circuit for the general version of Grover algorithm

Two registers used in Grover’s algorithm, n qubits in the first register and one qubit in the second register, are the critical architectural structure to achieve this speedup complexity over the classical algorithm [39]. We start the circuit for Grover’s Algorithm by creating a superposition of \(2^n\) computational basis states in the top register (we show the general version of Grover’s algorithm Fig. 1). We initialized all the qubits in the first register to state \(\mathinner {|{0,......,0 }\rangle } \). After applying the n Hadamard gate, \(H^ {\otimes n}\), on the first, we have the state:

$$\begin{aligned} \mathinner {|{\psi }\rangle } = H^{\otimes n} \mathinner {|{0}\rangle } = \frac{1}{\sqrt{N}} \sum _{x\in \{0,1\}^n}^{N-1} \mathinner {|{x}\rangle } . \end{aligned}$$

Where \(N = 2^n\). Note that \(\mathinner {|{\psi }\rangle }\) is the superposition here. If we start the second register with a single qubit in state \( \mathinner {|{0}\rangle } \) or \(\mathinner {|{1}\rangle } \), after the Hadamard we achieve the respective Hadamard basis [40]. Let \(f:\{0,1\}^N \rightarrow \{0,1\}\) be a function defined as:

$$\begin{aligned} f(x) = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 1 &{} \text {if x is the searched element} \\ 0 &{} \text {Otherwise. } \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

We define \(U_f\) as an oracle often referred to as a black box, defined as,

$$\begin{aligned} U_f(\mathinner {|{i}\rangle } \mathinner {|{j}\rangle } ) = \mathinner {|{i}\rangle } \mathinner {|{j}\rangle } \otimes f(i) . \end{aligned}$$

When we apply \(U_f\) on the state \(\mathinner {|{\psi }\rangle }\), the state of the second register does not change (4), but the state of the first register changes, and we call this state \(\mathinner {|{\psi }\rangle }_1 \). We assume that the Hadamard basis in the second qubit is \(\mathinner {|{-}\rangle } \). Here, \(\mathinner {|{\psi }\rangle }\) and \(\mathinner {|{\psi }\rangle }_1 \) lives in \({\mathcal {H}}^N\). Equation. (7) defines the effect of an oracle on the achieved superposition.

$$\begin{aligned} \mathinner {|{\psi }\rangle }_1 \mathinner {|{-}\rangle } = U_f \mathinner {|{\psi }\rangle }\mathinner {|{-}\rangle } = \frac{1}{N}\sum _{i=0}^{N-1}(-1)^{f(i)} \mathinner {|{i}\rangle } \mathinner {|{-}\rangle } . \end{aligned}$$

Due to Quantum parallelism,, we can observe all the database elements simultaneously at the quantum level. If the position of the searched element is known, then it will be labeled as the negative value of i in equation (7). It is impossible to get this result at the classical level. Before we perform the measurement and collapse our superposition in the classical bits, we apply another set of Hadamard gates, unitary operator, and n Hadamard gates for \(O(\sqrt{N})\) times. From (4), let us define this unitary operator, \(U_{f_0}\) as

$$\begin{aligned} U_{f_0} = 2\mathinner {|{\psi }\rangle } \mathinner {\langle {\psi }|}- I. \end{aligned}$$

When we apply this operator on state \(\psi _1\) we have,

$$\begin{aligned} \mathinner {|{\psi }\rangle }= & {} \Big (2\mathinner {|{\psi }\rangle } \mathinner {\langle {\psi }|}- I\Big ) \mathinner {|{\psi }\rangle }_1 \nonumber \\= & {} \sqrt{\frac{2^n -1}{2^n}} \mathinner {|{w^{\dagger }}\rangle }+ \sqrt{\frac{1}{2^n}}\mathinner {|{w}\rangle }. \end{aligned}$$

Equation (9) is the state of the first register and the second register is still on state \(\mathinner {|{-}\rangle } \) by assumption. Notice, \(\mathinner {|{\psi }\rangle }\) is defined in terms of \(\{w,w^\dagger \}\) states, w represents the summation of all states that can be solution to search problem; and \(w^\dagger \) is the summation of all states which are no solutions. Coefficients are factor normalization constrained by the normalization condition, \(\sum _i |c_i |^2=1.\)

Thus, we can measure this state on both the register to evaluate the function f and get the probability of finding the x record. Below, we present the implementation of this algorithm. Assuming we have an output of 1 for the function f with high probability, we calculate the probability of all possible input qubits on both the register. It is guaranteed to achieve the mentioned output. Many research are benefited from effective implementation of Grover’s algorithm. We present such works in the following section.

3 Related works

This section discusses some works on Grover’s algorithm and Quantum Machine Learning. In 2018, Mandviwalla et al. tested the capabilities of then-available IBM quantum computers via four qubit implementation of Grover’s algorithm [41]. Their initial result showed then quantum computers could only solve small problems with a small amount of data accurately and that there is still some time before a quantum computer can surpass any classical computer. However, for the first time, in 2021, Zhang et al. presented benchmarking results for successful execution of five-qubits searching algorithm on IBM quantum processor [42]. The errors associated with the quantum devices and searching algorithms hinder the efficient implementation of these algorithms in NISQ devices. Zhang et al. proposed three strategies to improve the performance of quantum search algorithms: Hybrid classical-quantum search. Divide-and-conquer search. Quantum Search optimization via utilization of partial diffusion operator.

Currently, the efficient implementations of Grovers’ algorithm on NISQ devices are limited to a few qubits. But there are impressive theoretical contributions based on the Grovers’ search algorithm.

Schwabe and Westerbaan improved the complexity of solving multivariate quadratic \({\mathcal {M}}{\mathcal {Q}}\) over \({\mathbb {F}}_2\) from \({\mathcal {O}}(2^n)\) to \({\mathcal {O}}(2^\frac{n}{2})\) [43]. They evaluated the quadratic equations at a superposition implementing Grover’s “oracle” for all possible inputs. They claim even ninety-two logical qubits can break \({\mathcal {M}}{\mathcal {Q}}\) instances. Chakraborty and Maitra achieved an exponential speedup in checking the resiliency property of a Boolean function [44]. They analyze the Grover algorithm for quadratic improvement in query complexity. In the proposed strategy, quantum query complexity for resiliency analysis in terms of input variables requires polynomial measurements. Previously it was exponential in the worst case. The local search problem is often combined with Grover’s algorithm for global optimization of a problem (system). Grover’s algorithm promises a quadratic speedup for searching problems. Bulger combined the Grover algorithm with a local search technique to solve the problem that a local search technique can not solve alone [45]. The problem definition is mathematically dense, so we leave [45] as a reference for the interested reader. The amplitude amplification associated with Grovers’ algorithm has been applied in pattern recognition and quantum machine learning.

Tezuka et al. applied Grover search for image pattern matching [46]. They combined Amplitude Approximation Encoding (AAE), which uses a constant circuit-depth variational quantum circuit for data encoding into the quantum state [47] with the inversion-test operation that determines the projected quantum state. The projected state tries to match the targeted query set for pattern matching. The author claims the proposed framework benefits NISQ and FTQC devices. However, the author barely pays attention to the computational overhead in the AAE circuit. Grover Search had been implemented for learning in Quantum Neural Network. Du et al. reformulated the classification task as a searching problem [39]. They presented the application of Grover Search in Quantum Machine Learning (QML). We will briefly discuss QML in Sect. 3.1. The authors replaced the first oracle of Grovers’ algorithm with an authors-defined variational quantum circuit and multiple controlled qubits gates along Z-axis. They claim that the constructed circuit will reformulate the chosen classically hard classification task as a searching problem that can be executed with possible quantum advantage in NISQ devices [39]. Some applications of quantum machine learning can provide an advantage over classical counterparts. Support-vector machine (SVM) can reformulate and solve the classical problem for N features and M data in \({\mathcal {O}}(\log (\epsilon ^{-1}) poly(N,M))\) with \(\epsilon \) accuracy [48]. However, Rebentrost et al. proved that training and classification can be done with \({\mathcal {O}}(\log NM)\) run time complexity using quantum SVM [49].

Grovers’ search algorithm has been used in cryptography, optimization, searching and sorting, machine learning classification, and many others that we can not argue to be aware of. The above-presented applications are some applications of Grover’s application in different areas.

In the next section, we discuss the possible implementation of quantum computing from the Quantum machine learning perspective.

3.1 Potential applications in quantum machine learning

In this section, we briefly describe variational quantum algorithms and kernel methods. These are the potential models to implement quantum computing as a quantum classifier with application in Machine Learning.

3.1.1 Variational quantum algorithms

Variational Quantum Algorithms (VQA) address the circuit depth limit, and a limited number of qubits constrain in current (near-term) quantum devices by training the parameterized quantum circuit as a classifier. In practice, VQAs run the parameterized quantum circuit in the Quantum devices and parameter optimization on the classical optimizer. VQAs mitigate the noise of the quantum circuit because it keeps the depth of the quantum circuit shallow. VQA is considered the prime proposal to achieve the quantum advantage with near-term quantum devices [50]. Given any problem (we believe classification for our simplicity), the first step is to define the loss (or cost) function C. C encodes the solution to our problem. We then perform the quantum operation using ansatz to optimize the parameter \(\theta \). Define the optimization task as:

$$\begin{aligned} \theta ^* = \text {arg}\mathop {\text {min}}_{\theta }^{}C(\theta ). \end{aligned}$$

Equation (10) is trained in quantum-classical loop to obtain \(\theta ^*\) that is expected to approximate the real parameters. One thing to note here is that while we use the classical optimizer to train \(\theta \), the VQAs use quantum devices to estimate C. This behavior is often considered the trade-off of VQAs. Once we define the cost function and ansatz, we are ready to train the parameter \(\theta \) and solve the problem defined by Eq. (10). Using the information in the C and optimization technique like gradient descent, it is proved that we can guarantee the speedup and convergence of optimizer for many optimization problems such as Eq. (10).

The most prominent implementation of VQA, sometimes also called Quantum Neural Network (QNN) is to tackle the classification task [51]. Here we briefly discuss the implementation of VQAs in the Grover search algorithm for classification. Du and Tao reformulated the classification task as the search algorithm using VQAs. The Grover-search-based quantum learning scheme (GBLS) dramatically reduces the number of measurements, and it outperformed the classical classifier in the measure of query complexity [39, 52]. Following the optimization problem in Eq. (10), we can define the update rule for \(\theta \) as:

$$\begin{aligned} \theta ^{(t+1)} = \theta ^{(t)} - \frac{\eta }{B}\sum _{i=1}^B \nabla {\mathcal {L}}(\theta ^{(t)},B_i), \end{aligned}$$

where \(\eta \) is the learning rate, \(B_i\) is the \(i-th\) batch for batch gradient descent and B is the total number of batches. We can use varied B for optimization of different quantum classifiers. One can use only Grover-based searching for the training classifier and the prediction is done using optimized Variational Quantum Circuit (VQC). Recall from Grover 1996 article [36], the algorithm finds the record, a, from the dataset of size N by iteratively applying a predefined oracle

$$\begin{aligned} U_{O_f} = I - 2 \mathinner {|{a}\rangle } \mathinner {\langle {a}|} , \end{aligned}$$

and a diffusion operator defined on Eq. (8), and Eq. (5) as the input state. See Fig. 1 for the implementation of the circuit for the Grover algorithm. We can replace the predefined oracle\(U_p\) in Grovers’ Algorithm with VQC \(U_{L_1} = \prod _{l=1}^L U(\theta ^l)\), where L is the depth \(U_p\), \(\theta ^l\) are the parameters to be optimized at layer l of \(U_p\). More generally, the VQC consists of a data-encoding circuit S(x) and parameterized circuit \(W(\theta )\) applied to the computational basis state. The operation can be defined as \(\mathinner {|{\psi }\rangle }= W(\theta ) S(x)\mathinner {|{0}\rangle }^N\), where N is the number of qubits. A detailed implementation of VQC can be found on [53, 54]. the VQA with VQC is easy to implement in NISQ. However, the training and optimization of parameters can be troublesome. The next section briefly discusses the different strategy, kernel methods.

3.1.2 Kernels

The kernels method is an eminent tool in patterns analysis to identify nonlinear relationships in any given dataset [55]. The fundamental of kernel methods lies in data embedding into higher dimensional Hilbert space where they are easy to analyze. The kernel method uses kernel functions that estimate the similarity between data in higher dimensional space by calculating their inner product. We can switch between different kernel methods simply by switching between the kernel functions. In Quantum computing, this approach corresponds to changing the data encoding strategy.

Here we define a data encoding strategy. Let \(\phi :{\mathcal {X}} \rightarrow {\mathcal {F}}\) be a feature map for a input space \({\mathcal {X}}\) and \(k:{\mathcal {X}}\times {\mathcal {X}}\rightarrow {\mathbb {C}}\) be a real or complex values positive definite functions for two data points.

Definition 1

(Modified from Def. 2 of [32]): Quantum Kernel is defined as the inner product between two data encoding feature vectors with \(x,x' \in {\mathcal {X}}\)

$$\begin{aligned} k(x,x') = \mid \langle \phi (x)' \mid \phi (x) \rangle \mid ^2 \end{aligned}$$

We define \(\langle . \mathinner {|{.}\rangle }\) as the inner product of two pure quantum states.

Quantum models are often considered linear models in feature space. We can estimate Eq. (13) using quantum computers that can calculate the inner product between two pure quantum states.

Let us define a Hermitian operator\({\mathcal {M}}\) acting on a vectors in Hilbert space \({\mathcal {H}}\). We can define \({\mathcal {M}}\) as

$$\begin{aligned} {\mathcal {M}} = \sum _i\alpha _i \mathinner {|{\mu _i}\rangle }\mathinner {\langle {\mu _i}|}, \end{aligned}$$

where \(\alpha _i\) are the eigenvalues of \({\mathcal {M}}\) [56]. \(\mathinner {|{~}\rangle } \mathinner {\langle {~}|}\) is the outer product and \(\mathinner {|{\mu _i}\rangle }\) is an orthonormal basis in \({\mathcal {H}}\). \({\mathcal {M}}\) is an observable or a Hamiltonian. \(\alpha _i\)s are the measurements associated with \(\mathinner {|{\mu _i}\rangle }\mathinner {\langle {\mu _i}|}\). Now we define quantum models as a function f of data input x:

$$\begin{aligned} f(x) = \mathinner {\langle {\phi (x)}|} {\mathcal {M}} \mathinner {|{\phi (x)}\rangle }. \end{aligned}$$

Notice that Eq. 15 is in the form \(\langle {~} \mathinner {|{~}\rangle }\) and can be calculated as an inner product which we have defined as kernel methods. Thus, any quantum models can be considered kernel methods, and those models are a.k.a. quantum neural networks; however, based on the definition 1 those are closely related to kernel methods. Reference. [31, 32, 55, 57] investigates in-depth on quantum kernels. The scope of this paper is not to construct a quantum classifier but to relate quantum classifiers as kernel methods. The mathematical definition of VQA is closely related to the kernel methods. In both approaches, we analyzed the data in higher-dimensional Hilbert space. Previously we discussed how VQAs could reformulate classification tasks as searching problems. Constructing an oracle is an essence of implementing Grover's algorithm for quantum machine learning.

Below, we present an elementary implementation for constructing an oracle using the universal gates, AND, XOR, and OR gates.

4 Algorithm implementation

4.1 Experimental setup

Below we present a method and experiment for the proposed work. We ran the experiment using the Qiskit library, IBM open-source software for working with quantum computers (refer [58] for details). Our experimental results are divided into two parts; a) Simulation Results. b) Quantum Computer Results. While simulator experiments are executed “qasm_simulator” and utilized up to eight qubits, due to the limited available qubits in real quantum computers, we restricted ourselves to two qubits experiment.

4.2 Methods

The proposed algorithm 1 requires users to initialize the number of qubits. With the number of the qubits fixed, users can define operations between these qubits as clauses in format qubit_number, Universal_gates, qubit_number. Based on individual clause, one of two or three qubits gates, (see Fig. 2b, a, c for gates visualization) is applied to circuit in sequence. The algorithm combines these gates to construct a circuit, U. U is applied as the first oracle to Grover’s algorithm. Exploiting the amplitude amplification, the final circuit will output probabilities of possible states in \({\mathcal {O}}(n+c)\) time complexity in term of number of qubits n and number of clauses c. The state with the highest probabilities guarantees to yield 1 on measurement for the provided clauses. One example for possible input sequence is provided in Table 3.

Table 3 An example of input to an algorithm: input Number of qubits and clauses

The table represents the circuit initialization with four qubits and three clauses. For these three clauses the algorithm first applies AND gate Fig. 2b to the state \(H^{\otimes 4}\mathinner {|{0}\rangle }\), followed by XOR gate Fig. 2a, and OR gate Fig. 2c in sequential order. We aim to predict the input sequence based on these clauses, so the final measurement is 1. As mentioned before, we limit ourselves to universal gates. Below we present the construction of these gates.

We implemented the XOR gate Fig. 2a using two CNOT gates with two circuit depth. The input qubits are control qubits, and the ancilla qubit is a target qubit. In our example of 1 XOR 2, (1, 2), are the control qubits. Using two CNOT gates, we forced our circuit to result 1 on measurement if only either control qubit is 1.

The AND gate Fig. 2b is implemented using a Toffoli gate with one circuit depth. Similar to XOR gate, the input qubits are the control qubits and ancilla qubit is a target qubit. If both control qubits are in \(\mathinner {|{1}\rangle }\) state, the output will be one, else zero.

The OR gate Fig. 2c is implemented using a Toffoli and 2 CNOT gates with three circuit depth. For the selected gates, output is one if and only if one of the input gates has value 1.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Gates and their representation in a circuit

Apart from initialized qubits, n, for each clause we add one extra qubit. For our example with three clauses, we need three extra qubits, c, here \(c = 3\), resulting total of (\( n+c\)) qubits circuit. These additional requirements of ancilla qubits, and up to five qubits access from IBM, limit us to implement two/three qubits inputs with two clauses in a real quantum computer. The oracle, U, is constructed under these abstractions and mathematical definition described in the introduction section. A Hadamard operation, \(H^ {\otimes (n)} \mathinner {|{0}\rangle }\) is applied resulting state \(\mathinner {|{\Psi }\rangle }\). We perform \(U \mathinner {|{\Psi }\rangle }\) operation and apply a diffuser, \(U_S\), before the measurement. \(U_S\) is universal. Thus, any two oracles with the same number of input qubits can use the same diffuser. An example of a complete circuit with four qubits and three universal clauses, \(\mathinner {|{q_0}\rangle } \text {AND}\mathinner {|{q_3}\rangle } , \mathinner {|{q_1}\rangle } \text {XOR} \mathinner {|{q_2 }\rangle }\), and \(\mathinner {|{q_2}\rangle } \text {AND} \mathinner {|{q_3 }\rangle }\), is shown in Fig. 3. For a circuit of 4 qubits and three clauses, we can see that we need three additional qubits. These qubits are essential part of an algorithm. The first layer, \(l_1\), has Hadamard operations, followed by \(U U_S\) and measurement.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Quantum circuit for Grover algorithm with user-defined oracle on clauses \(\mathinner {|{q_0}\rangle } \text {AND}\mathinner {|{q_3}\rangle } , \mathinner {|{q_1}\rangle } \text {XOR} \mathinner {|{q_2 }\rangle }\), and \(\mathinner {|{q_2}\rangle } \text {AND} \mathinner {|{q_3 }\rangle }\). Note that we need seven qubits in total. For c clauses, three in this case, we require c additional qubits and one output qubit, resulting \((n+c+1)\) qubits quantum circuit. The circuit depth for an oracle is \((2\sum _{i=1}^c G_i)+1\), where \(G_i\) is individual gate depth. Refer to figures in Fig. 2 for actual circuit depth for each gate

figure a

Based on our algorithm and methods defined we compare and argue on the results from simulation and quantum computers in the next sections.

5 Results and discussion

As mentioned previously and shown in Fig. 3, we need c extra qubits to process c clauses, where c is the number of clauses. Thus for experimental purposes on real quantum computers, we are limited to implementing two qubits circuit with two clauses as an input under five qubits constraint from IBM. Under these settings, we executed our experiments. We experimented on “ibmq_bogota” and “ibmq_santiago” backend for quantum computers and on “aer_simulator” for simulation. On both quantum computer backend, our submitted job had a queue of approximately four hundred. So, each experiment took about half an hour to execute. We acknowledge that some institutions might provide better quantum computers and achieve better results. But for this research purpose, we limit ourselves to the IBM quantum laboratory.

Consider these set of clauses: 0 AND 1 1 XOR 2 in a 3 qubits circuit. Upon the input of 110 the circuit yields 1 analytically. Given such clauses, our oracle, U, is guaranteed to find these input sequence with a high probability, 0.776 in this case, (Fig. 4). To clarify, consider the first clause 0 AND 1. One can immediately conclude that it yields 1 if and only if both the inputs are 1. Combining this result with the second clause, 1 XOR 2, it is only possible to obtain 1 as an output if and only if the third qubit is 0. So, without looking at any result, one can confirm that the possible input to obtain 1 as output for given clauses is 110. Our algorithm obtains the same result. We provide a histogram Fig. 5 for four qubits circuits inputs with three clauses;0 AND 3 1 XOR 2 2 AND 3. We get 1011 input sequence with a probability of 0.453. One can verify that these inputs hold following previously explained clarification.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Histogram for clauses 0 AND 1,1 XOR 2 on 3 qubits circuit

Fig. 5
figure 5

Histogram for clauses 0 AND 3,1 XOR 2, 2 AND 3 on 4 qubits circuit. rest is the probabilities of the states that are not shown in histogram. \(states \in \{0,1\}^4\)

In two of the provided examples, we observe that the probability of the right input sequences decreases as we increase the number of qubits. However, this hypothesis does not always hold. Furthermore, as we increase the number of qubits, we will have different options for right input sequence. Tables 45 provide the result for five qubits with the clauses: 0 AND 1 1 XOR 4 2 OR 4 3 XOR 0 and eight qubits circuit with clauses: 0 AND 1 1 OR 2 2 XOR 3 3 XOR 4 4 OR 6 5 AND 7. One can look in the table and find various possible answers. We only highlight the one with the highest probability. The only constraint it respects is the sum of probabilities has to be 1. We do not have any limitations on the number of clauses. The only constrain on our algorithm is that the control qubit precedes universal gate followed by target qubit. The simulations results looks satisfying. However, the result is very different when we run such experiments in real quantum computers. Below we compare three results obtained on simulations and quantum computers.

  1. 1.

    An experiment for a clause 0 AND 1 and 1 XOR 0. Figure 6 illustrates a histogram with probabilities for a clause 1 on simulation and quantum computer. We can visualize that histograms (Fig. 6a, b) gives different results under the same operations. This is because the simulation has a higher degree of fault-tolerant and is prone to provide better results than the actual quantum computer. Error mitigation in quantum devices is an active area of research. Some of the work can be found on [59,60,61].

  2. 2.

    An experiment for a clause 0 XOR 1 and 1 AND 0. Figure 7 illustrates the histogram of state probabilities for the above clause. We see while simulation provides the resulting state as \(\mathinner {|{11}\rangle }\) with the highest probability of 0.267 followed by state \(\mathinner {|{01}\rangle }\) with a probability of 0.26, real quantum provides different results, state \(\mathinner {|{10}\rangle }\) with a probability of 0.281 followed by a state \(\mathinner {|{01}\rangle }\) with a probability of 0.256. If we follow the descriptions from Sect. 4.2 and replace Universal gates in clauses 2 by the quantum gates provided in Fig. 2, we can analytically verify that state \(\mathinner {|{11}\rangle }\) satisfy the clause. In practice, the results from quantum computers are probabilistic rather than deterministic. This means the same experiment is conducted multiple times, and the result is sampled from the generated probability distribution. Measurements in quantum devices are beyond the scope of this paper. Interested readers can refer to [56, 62].

  3. 3.

    An experiment for a clause 0 AND 1. Figure 8 illustrates the surprising result. Analytically, one can immediately verify that for a clause 0 AND 1, \(\mathinner {|{11}\rangle }\) is the valid input state. While Fig. 8a yields the targeted state with 1 probability, surprisingly, Fig. 8b shows that the probability of obtaining the targeted state \(\mathinner {|{11}\rangle }\) is approximately to \(36\%\) when the experiment is executed on actual quantum computers. This probability is lower than flipping a coin. Due to probabilistic approach for quantum measurement, the circuit was executed for 5000 shots. Unfortunately, current quantum computers are noisy/error-prone [63, 64] and significantly affects the results. There are numerous works for error-corrections and building fault-tolerant quantum devices. Decoherence Noise, Control Noise, Pulse Shape noise, Cross talk noise, and Leakage noise are few noises classes that accompany errors in quantum devices. Although quantum computers’ results tries to mimic the simulation results, these results vary due to various errors and noises.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Simulation and quantum computer results for 0 AND 1 and 1 XOR 0 clauses

Fig. 7
figure 7

Simulation and quantum computer results for 0 XOR 1 and 1 AND 0 clauses

Fig. 8
figure 8

Simulation and quantum computer results 0 AND 1 clause

Table 4 Probabilities values for five qubits
Table 5 Probabilities values for eight qubits

The difference in simulation and real quantum computers results brings the issue of noise and errors in current quantum devices. We briefly discussed that due to these various errors, listed in 3, the measurements/outcomes of quantum computers are probabilistic. The experiment provided in this paper are trivial and targeted at the audience with no/few prior quantum computing experience. Our algorithm can help the users to simulate any classical logical circuits built using universal gates into a quantum system. Provided with the parsed operations, (e.g., A AND B), our algorithms can provide the valid input results in \({\mathcal {O}}(\frac{n+c}{2})\) complexity in number of qubits n and clauses c. The results showed that Grover’s algorithm with a universal gates-defined oracle could obtain the input states that satisfy the circuit. The Grover’s Algorithm has shown promising results in secure secret-sharing in two qubits case [65], extracting key Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) plaintext-ciphertext pairs [66], constructing a gate for conditional phase-shift [67], cryptography [68] and many searching problems. There are quantum algorithms that solve many of the classical algorithms efficiently, but we lack the quantum computers to execute these algorithms. It is well known even a few qubits circuit is not fault-tolerant. We have shown it in the sections of our results too. We believe quantum computing exploits machine learning and cryptography, and there are different works to prove it. Refer [31,32,33, 68,69,70,71,72] for various works on quantum cryptography and quantum machine learning. Although the current limitations of quantum computers and qubits do not serve any real-world purpose, with the current advancement, we believe it will surpass classical computers in solving many classically hard problems efficiently in the future.

6 Conclusion

This paper discusses the basics of quantum computing, including Grover’s algorithm, and quantum machine learning. We focused on Grover’s algorithm and gave a presented an experiment to simulate classical logical circulate exploiting amplitude amplification. We consider that quantum computing and quantum machine learning can provide an advantage over some classically challenging problems by leveraging quantum computers’ efficiency, reducing the need for supercomputing power to execute such programs.

Furthermore, we describe two approaches for quantum machine learning, namely, variational quantum circuits and kernel-based quantum machine learning, as potential applications in supercomputing and other technologies. Quantum algorithms and their applicability in machine learning problems is an area that necessitates further research to identify equivalent solutions and improvements over classic machine learning computing. We encourage the reader to keep track of research in these areas as we believe there are significant opportunities for kernel-based approaches to succeed in the short-term future of quantum machine learning and supercomputing.

Our future work plans include testing our algorithm with actual data of the classical circuit. We will also parse the circuit and supply it to our algorithm, c.f. Sect. 5. We will work toward improving computational complexity with respect to the classical approach. We believe the classification problems in machine learning can be formulated as a searching problem that can be executed using Grover’s Algorithm. Finally, we will attempt to reformulate this problem as a kernel method that can be efficiently solved as a searching problem. We believe this future work can successfully exploit Grover’s algorithm advantages.